What do you think of Violet's gf, Amy?

What do you think of Violet's gf, Amy?

Attached: violet gf.png (1920x1080, 997K)

Ugly, like her.

cute ! CUTE!!!!

hi Yea Forums

These are some of the worst uniform designs I've ever seen.

What would Luculia say?

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She's a good girl, she's up for polygamy !!

I think lesbos need to burn at the stake.

Gilbert fuckers like you should be crossed

its funny because you yuri shitters are gonna cry when Violet rejects the lesbo and says "Your making me uncomfortable" and Amy keeps being a creepy lesbian.

>Huge head, tiny hands, broad shoulders
Why can't Kyoani fucking nail body proportions? That girl on the left looks so much better.

>ugly hair color with ugly mustard-y colored eyes
Why kyoani why....
Literally every background girl looks better.
Just make Leon a girl.

Why are our posts so similar?
Anyway, the colors are not an issue, imo. It's the bodies that are weird.

that brownie, drill hair, big forehead is crazy qt

>Kyo's final work before burning was a fucking yuribait
Can't make this shit up.
It's depressing that i actually liked that studio even 5 years ago.

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its literally the opposite of yuribait
>1 confirmed lesbo
>1 confirmed straight that tells the lesbo no

user-kun, you really should learn to not waste time replying to subhumans. If they want to vomit just let them.

Do we know for certain they won't change the source material though?

I do it in the faint hope that their last 2 brain cells can learn and realize how retarded they are

The problem is very obvious probably
The proportions didnt stick out for me because the ones in the bg kind of have the same problem, and her looking down kind of fucks with her head perspective. Also that uniform doesn't do them any favors.
The colors definitely bother me more than they should, though. Actually I think I just realized why- the rest of the Evergarden characters have relatively normal hair colors. Reds, browns, blacks, sometimes gray with Iris.
But this one's straight up purple.

Violet saying no is the change. In the novel Violet was still clueless. In the anime she knows the lesbo wants to rape her and thus refuses her advances.

yes because it already premiered in Germany, and if anything via broken english my friend described Violet as "hostility rejecting Amy 3 times"

in the LN Violet is still super autismo and doesnt understand the malicious intent behind Amys lesbo tendencies

And what makes you think you can do what their parents couldn't? Stop being so preconceived and just let them vomit.

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>Look im so lonely

>Violet memorizes names of stars so she can name them when she eventually meets up with her boyfriend and watch the stars
I think its obvious who is going to win the Violettobowl.

>new Leon Gaiden

Attached: whatthismean.jpg (636x498, 179K)

I just think /u/niggers should fuck off back to their containment board.

Call me when she lets go of Chadvillea and fuckboy Leon becomes the target of her obsession.

>imagine being a cancer who pairs heroine with a fucking background character with no story or personally literally god damn fucking old man whos not a love interest ;heroine sees him as father figure