AiFure, Prichan, Shining Star, maybe eggpets
Other urls found in this thread:
This is the one with the correct image. Also the older one.
God just imaging the OP potential for this series has me all jittery I hope it’s not as underwhelming as the Aifure ones.
Ichigo is super athletic.
178 episodes across 42 days, that's 4-5 episodes per day, Wish me luck, girls.
Imagine triggering a catchphrase recital with all of them.
Odayaka janai
This announcement plus watching that live show with ainons earlier has revived my love for Aikatsu in a single day. I feel like I've been blueballed for the past year and a half and now I'm cumming endlessly.
I don't want my enjoyment to be crippled by rushing and that's definitely rushing.
うた:らき・あいね・みお from BEST FRIENDS!
うた:らき・あいね・みお from BEST FRIENDS!/わか・るか・せな
MONACA and onetrap confirmed returning for new songs.
"A portal to a place called /ai/... I wonder what it's about."
I hope they won't just bring back the original versions of the songs from OG and Stars and that the actual seiyuus will sing as well this time. I especially want to hear Miyu Tomita singing.
Choose your idol.
Fucking Samurai better include DLC Michelle
>OP is by Lucky, Aine and Mio
I'm guessing they'll form a trio so they can have concerts with Soleil and Luminas. Stars is kinda fucked though, who would they use? Yume, Rola and Koharu?
>Your Entrance
Wow that's lewd
Saw this tweet
Samurai pictures coming back for the CG? We back to top tier CG?
Don’t worry ainon I understand. People love to rush through the series here for some reason but I agree it lowers enjoyment. I watched OG over like a year and a half and think I got more out of it than if I had rushed through and that was when I was a NEET and had all the time for it.
>New songs
Great, I was a little worried this would be an excuse to reuse years worth of songs to avoid making any new ones,
>IOTW format
>0 chances of an actual plot
>no new songs for the idols i give a shit
>new version of Aidoru Katsudou! as the ED
It makes sense, but now I hope they also have a new version of Calendar Girl in there.
She’s dead isn’t she bros?
>うた:らき・あいね・みお from BEST FRIENDS!/わか・るか・せな
Shit, I guess I have the answer...
Isn't that timeslot dangerously close to the original power hour time?
They ARE the main trio in Stars after all.
Their unit name will be Yume&Koharu... with R
>Aifure now has three MCs
>OG has two
>Yume still alone
Why does she hate company?
Dreams aren't meant to be shared
I wish the Stars girls wouldn't wear the S4 uniform.
>They ARE the main trio in Stars after all.
I wish, but S2 pushed that retarded Yume/Rola/Mahiru clusterfuck.
The CG seen in the trailer was the toppest of tiers.
I never thought Aikatsu could ever step up its game like this. This is all perfect, it can't possibly go wrong.
I was she's 61 eps in a short amount of time of time a couple of years ago and I regret it.
I've been doing a slow rewatch of those episodes and I've gotten to ep 18, though I haven't watched any ep in a while now.
Knowing that I won't watch Aikatsu! while it airs until April makes me really depressed.
I know it pretty classist. Yume is always putting down the little guy Roller
Yume wa miru mono de wa naku miseru mono.
This is Nijino Yucke.
Still lamenting what a shit time 1:30/2:30 on Saturday afternoon is.
Hoping to see this while Rola watches from far away.
>My own clone! Now neither of us will be limited to one sex partner.
Karen and Hime sitting on ainons face!
I can't wait Hime and Karen communication!
Is there anyone who can take down Venus Ark - Final Form?
I want Karen to keep me on a leash like a pet. I want her to ignore me while I wait on her hand and foot. I'd do anything to please her, all in the vain hopes of her showing me the appreciation that I so desperately desire. After she's hot, sweaty, and tired from one of her performances, I want her to use my face as her own personal seat. I want to feel her sweaty and damp butthole pushed against my nose. I want to indulge in the naughty, musky scent while the skin of her anus clings to me. A scent that would be strong and pungent, but underneath the unmistakable aroma of ass, there would be the presence of pheromones and fresh laundry. A complicated and intoxicating smell. What I wouldn't give to struggle for air while her pale, plump cheeks squish against my face with the full weight of her body. The same cheeks that embarrass her; her ass bigger than her peers'. Often does she struggle to squeeze into tight dresses. Her skimpy stage costumes do little to hide it. Even ill-fitting clothes often can't conceal her outrageous ass. Of course, that's not to say her ass is nothing but fat. Those daily idle activities have given her backside a nice firmness underneath. Yet she knows full well that boys and men of all ages use her fat, teenage rump as masturbation material. Lucky boys and girls close to the stage get upskirts of her large bottom eating her underwear. How many of them do you think go home that night with a funny feeling in their pants? How many little boys has Karen sexually awoken?
These are very sadistic looking smiles. What are they planning?
What foods will she make this time?
I want to kiss her perfect butthole in a futile attempt to show my appreciation. I want to use the full width of my tongue to lick from her plump pussy, up through her crack, and over every inch of her anus, so that my taste buds come to know every intimate wrinkle. She would have no need to shower when I would so happily give her a tongue bath whenever and wherever. I want her to look at me like I'm trash while she grabs the back of my head and shoves it into her crotch. I want to feel her soft, warm thighs squeeze my face as she pisses right down my throat. If she's kind enough she'll let me lick and suckle all over her perfect slit to clean her of any remaining urine, and if I'm lucky, love juices. I want to dedicate my life to pleasing her in any way I can, even if she'll never love me. She shows such kindness and love to her friends and fellow idols, yet my existence hardly registers. I am nothing more than a toy, but some might consider that more worthwhile than being another one of her many friends.
>two (2) Yoko Hikasa idles
Two Mios one Mugi
Update these by adding Hime.
I hope Elza is in post-btfo form. I don't want bitchy Elza ruining another show, but humbled Elza was pretty cute.
Did you draw it yourself, Karen's dog ainon?
It’s definitely going to be their fault when war breaks out in part 2
At least Rola's pv video has the most views out of the Stars characters.
Yucky meet Yucke
"Lucky" is an understatement.
>Aifure will never acknowledge that Kaguya is dead
Oh well
The only way they would bring back bitch Elza and redo the whole Battered Wife Syndrome bullshit was if they were trying to make it shit.
>idle surrounded by predators
I have to go through all of the character videos to hear the girls try to recreate voices they haven't done in ages. Hopefully nobody sounds too off. None of them died or anything right?
Some people were concerned that Rola had died when a bunch of circumstantial evidence combined with good old fashion paranoia following the Kyoani fire, but it turned out she wasn't.
Holy shit, they really made a video for fucking everyone. Guess I have to go watch them all too and cry.
A few of them sound a little older.
>aifailure and aifure sucks ainons were right all along
It's time.
>PowaPowaPuririn and Shion are mentioned and shown in Otome's and Sakura's PVs
>Shion didn't get a PV
I’m sure they are asked to recreate them during sex role play. They’ve probably never sounded better.
Mizuki's ufufu was cute. I forgot how sexy she was.
God damn Shining Star took too long to come back, now I'm all excited about Aikatsu again.
Remember to punch aikatsu haters in the ribs
Aikatsu doesn't make me feel anything anymore.
Shouldn't Rola not wear any uniform at all? Didn't she went full rock and left for Britain?
I hate how Seira's PV reminded me how her speaking and singing voices are nothing alike. Aifure fixed this, why can't they just have unified voices for old characters too?
>thinking she stopped wearing the uniform that identifies her as Yume's lapdog even after leaving school
>Kaede's song is Take Me higher
>Not her Photokatsu song
I guess photokatsu representation in this is unlikely.
I can really hear the Karen influence in Aoi's voice.
>Shining Star
>Aikatsu On Parade
>Zero One
Find a flaw
She should wear this uniform.
Seira's VA sang Idol activities rock ver. at Aikatsu 5th fes and it was fantastic.
>generic trash looking uniform
So she dropped being an idol and went to a normal school.
I was lied to. Some anons said that Aikatsu Friends was a good place to start and that it wasn't required to watch the other seasons. Why is it ending?
Gookshit two guys keep shilling and floppare.
And stinkle
You can only handle losing for so long before you decide to stop trying.
Well you don't have to watch the other seasons unless you want to watch AiPare which will be a whole new continuity basically.
>Rola's PV
Is it just me or does she sound a lot softer than she did in Stars? I remember her voice having more of an edge.
While it's still technically set within the Friends universe, the upcoming series Aikatsu On Parade is a crossover with previous ones. Friends itself is fine to watch on its own.
Just now, I finish to watch all new aitube video. My favorite is Kirara's. Ainon, whats your favorite?
This is why I’ve always remained that everything should be watched in order. Every time I see someone skipping to Friends I’ve warned them.
>Mahiru's PV starts with karate chopping
All there is to her character.
Does this mean we'll finally get a PV for the Yume & Elza Happy Punch?
>aikatsu doing reference to yume nikki of all things
After Lucky get a memento from all the other Idols she's gonna an hero. That's neat.
>Kiseki Lucky
>The miracle didn't happen.
Mahiru is my favorite Stars girl, but that's mostly because of her relationship with Yozora, can't say I'm hopeful for her being that great in a crossover.
Gookshit has over 70 million views in China.
>Rei's PV is all about Elza
Now I'm confused is the new show in the Friends world or not?
Getting caught up on 100 plus episodes is tough for me due to how I watch shows. I convert them to watch the episodes on my PS3 with my brother. Aikatsu Friends had just started so that was easier for me to deal with at the time.
Uuh, was this really Hime's voice?
It's not as though Elza wasn't her character.
>Yuzu talking about her and Lily's Friends debut
Thank you based Aikatsu.
>Now I'm confused is the new show in the Friends world or not?
There is a new girl at Star Harmony called Lucky. While she's getting ready for a performance together with Aine and Mio, they find themselves in a room with portals to the universes from previous series and start visiting them:
>Akarigen gets no PVs
That's really cool, hopefully it's an actual thing in the series. And maybe we can meme a cross-dimensional Friends unit like Wakaba X Aria into existence.
らき sounds like LaKi, not lucky.
This is peak Aikatsu
She mentions Neo Venus Ark in her PV, so it's after the Final Tournament.
I am sad. Aikatus friends Wakaba generations, never ever.
I thought it was Loki.
>ripping off emo smile
Big yikes
Lucky may end up working with Wakaba since they're both in the Middle School.
At least she's been featured a lot and got herself a very nice arc unlike, say, the potatoes, Noelle and Aria. Plus she can still appear.
Just saw that, thank god.
Poor girl, she's getting robbed. Hopefully she gets some nice moments in On Parade.
What's next in this wonderful timeline we've gotten ourselves into? Pretty Series trying to one up Aikatsu with its own PaF TV series? A new season of Jewelpet? The possiblities are endless.
So was Friends cancelled or was it planned to end for a while now?
Acording to the PV, Lucky travels across dimensions using a bugged pass she got from her aikatsu dev onee-chan, so not a chance. The beginning of the PV is most likely b8.
Now she can never become friends with Kozue.
>Being this new
Enormous yikes
Lucky the sekai no hakaisha
That’s all me
Sounds like her to me
I would assume cancelled since the other set of Jewelling Dresses were presumably planned to be a thing saved for the second half of the season, which is now not happening. Much like how the Moon Dress shit was probably planned for Star S3, only to be unceremoniously shoved into the tail end of S2 when Bandai said, "you're not getting a season 3, lol."
On Parade is a new series, but based on Friends. So you can say it was half cancelled.
That’s why it’s Ra and not La. RaKi does sound like Lucky.
>Rewatched OG S1 for the 4th time about a year ago
>Told myself I would try to wait at east a few years before rewatching it again
>Want to rewatch it again now because of this
God dammit why do I have to love Aikatsu so much.
Cancelled is cancelled. You can't say it's only half.
Now sure I get what you mean. The stadium all the MCs are on at the end of the PV is the one in the Friends universe, so it's not like only Lucky can travel back to that universe. At the very least, she can bring other people with her when she crosses over to and from.
*Not sure I get
So will AiFure end with a kiss?
This isn't happening is it?
Even if it doesn't, it can still happen in On Parade.
OG and Starsfriends rn
Anything beyond what Noelle got was highly unlikely so we didn't lose much. Let's just hope the writers remember that she exists.
I'm still hoping the last episode shows her first day at Star Harmony.
Great, now I feel even sadder now.
>Mizuki in the final episode of On Parade
>"Guess it's time for Aikatsu to die, huh."
I just want a s1 remaster with this CG. All I want
Some updated Koikatsu cards it looks like.
They're already in the Mega folder if anyone still has the link to it.
The only thing stopping S1 from being literally perfect.
And people complain about atars dropping plot points but S1 gets away with it apparently
Perfection that we'll never see
The three doors attached to the main platform are obviously for the three series. What are all of the other doors for though? Do they have to jump to get to them or will stairs appear at some point? Maybe they're just there to represent potential future universes or just to fill out the composition.
Rin is a slut who will dance with anyone!
If you think plot is the only problem with Stars then you are sadly mistaken. Not that Stars plot isn't shit.
Even useless people.
Yeah maybe it’s so they always have a way to bring back the old idles if there is a future series
Even ainons?
OG is babies first /ai/ show and waifufags see it with pink colored glasses.
Buy a cheap notebook that can run at least 720p and use a HDMI cable to connect it with your TV, it's more convenient than endlessly converting episodes.
Madoka is in a side room seducing Ema while this happens.
Great music, great characters, great locations. Baka shitposter.
>nobody knows what Pretty All Friends is supposed to be or if it'll eventually materialize into a TV series or anything
>precure has no crossover series even though sentai has one and kamen rider has two
>Aikatsu of all things comes up with one out of nowhere with all the budget behind it and it isn't even their anniversary
Aikatsu won.
Ah no. sorry.
I used to do this but on my moms laptop when she wasn’t home. I always put them on a usb stick from my computer and didn’t put them on the laptop but the files appeared on the recent files and she saw them and got mad at me for downloading viruses. I’m not allowed to use her laptop at all anymore.
The universe gave Aikatsu writers a second chance at the fabled "Omoshiroi ja nai!" "Un!" interaction. Will they deliver?
>merger of Aikatsu thread and Pripara thread
>first /ai/ show
Remake S2 as a gaiden with Aoi as MC
Just a shitposter, don't give him (You)'s
Ainons... I love Aikatsu
I still want Stars S2 with Rola as MC.
>Aoi confronts Seira in the first episode
>Starlight Academy closes down
>Ichigo comes back and wonders what she missed
>nothing changes and Rola still keeps getting BTFO while Yume coasts along while memeing about fure and lalala
>50 epsiodes of Rola crying
I tried that before with my laptop but the picture came out weird on my tv. No clue why that happened.
Since the plot will be about Legend Premium Rare Dresses, I wonder who will get them. Just the MCs?
Me too dude. I didn't think the announcement was going to make me this happy.
Install gentoo.
Something wrong?
>everything i don't like is a shitposter
Sure, helicopter mom ainon.
Too bad same here.
These characters.
I don't wanna argue anymore.
Let's be honest. Aoi deserves a chance at the MC spot. She has so much potential as a character. Way more than Seira, Akari, Yume, Aine.
If I wanted to watch water, I'd just fill up the bathtub.
Dolores is unironically better than Aoi.
Will Lucky get to cut down a tree though?
So the crossover happens after Elza gets the sun dress but before Yume gets it for Stars timeline.
>she saw them and got mad at me for downloading viruses. I’m not allowed to use her laptop at all anymore.
Are you a literal little girl?
Right-click on the desktop > Display Settings > Display only on second monitor
You still may need to select the correct "Aspect Ratio" on your TV or it may cut-off parts of the screen.
For sure.
There's a scene in the preview where she sees Ichigo and Akari bring out the axes, so probably. Seems to happen right after she climbs a cliff after them too.
Nah, she names Neo Venus Ark in her personal character PV, so it's post-s2.
Not sure how they're going to handle Roller though.
No, the ship is the Neo Venus Ark so it's after Stars S2, just presumably before the epilogue since Yume and Koharu should have graduated by then.
Ichigo and Akari finally decided to kill the creepy ainon who's always been watching them.
>just presumably before the epilogue since Yume and Koharu should have graduated by then.
They were in 2nd grade still at the end of Stars
If this doesn't end up just being pure fanservice with no character development outside of Lucky, what would you like to see and with which characters? Can even involve characters from different universes.
>i cut myself, also boobs
>so brave please let me heal you with my dick
Rola winning something and not having the win overshadowed by cringe bullshit.
The epilogue timeskips a year to the end of their third year.
I don't like that they didn't show any Juri.
Lily goes to Sorbetto and undoes whatever happens at the end of aifure S2.
I'll be annoyed if (when) they still won't have drama episodes in the OGverse.
I'm expecting nothing but flashbacks by the idol of the week + her stage the first 20 episodes or so. Not getting my hopes high.
I'll try that out later then, thanks.
Ainon you we can't do that, there is already too much hotness out there as it is. Also Juri no pans.
Here is your climax of Aikatsu
Aine and Mio having very passionate episodes together. I will also settle for them accidentally entering the Precure universe.
Basically a compilation of old songs. Of course our new girl will get her story and so will Aine, Akari, Yume, and Ichigo. Too many characters for any real development.
Dude I'm so fucking hype right now. Stars S3 meme'd into existance, Yummers, Akari and Ichigo are back. Friends confirmed flop.
Final boss Hime has a chance to actually happen once again but this time in the multi-verse. But most importantly We'll get a MenKatsu episode, won't we? Nao, the headmasters, Johnny, M4 and Penne only episode. Imagine the fucking money.
So the Aikatsu System leads to the multi-verse and was the reason the crossover episode in Stars happened, right?
>Yummy doesn't have her faded Stars coloring
A Menkatsu episode sounds so fun. Photokatsu had the Danshikai drop everything to play a baseball game with Moroboshi. I want some dumb stuff like that.
Ako obsesses over Subaru in her PV but I wouldn't get my hopes up.
This is the unit.
Maining Yummers.
You'll lose every match, are you sure about that?
He'll be there too, right?
the progression of Tristar competition arc to the units forming and Star Anis arc and then Starlight Queen was so good.
Final Boss Moon Dress Rainbow Mode Hime can take them out.
My first time watching Aikatsu, I watched everything from the Tristar competition to the end of S1 in a day. So good, I couldn't stop watching. Several of my favorite episodes are there.
>Aine and Mio explain the Friends system to the Stars idles
>Yume notices how close they seem and Lucky confirms that Pure Palette are known as the most intimate Friends
>Rola is in the background making a slightly sad face
Moon Dress is only worth a laugh.
Hair-down Kii is easily the cutest aikatsu
But hair down Otome exists.
They lose all their power if you cut their humongous hair.
If Roller can come back from the UK somehow then the boys sure can too.
Does anyone know what causes the hair accessories to get fucked like this on some of the cards? It doesn't tell me I'm missing any mods, but some cards have the hair extension accessories in the completely wrong place.
The writers will end up having a stipulation where >boys cannot appear in the same episodes as Friends idles.
Gross ruins the love you
Ainon, /pc/ is suffering sparse population. Please help them.
If it can't survive even after Shinkai shilled Precure in his latest movie, then let it die.
Doesn't /pc/ almost always have more people than /ai/?
>The guys of Aikatsu try to enter the Friends Universe
>Get blocked because they're male and only yurifagging is allowed in the Friends Universe
It's still made by Stars/Friends team, right?
>Aikatsu Ranger's crossover episode with all the Stars/OGKatsu members
On Parade will show the events that lead up to Ako becoming gay for Kirara
Can Asahi trick the system if he crossdresses?
I'm skipping the new cure cock sucking episodes, maybe next month.
As someone who following arcade news. On parade definitely planned since beginning, all season 2 arcade updates reek they stall something big.
Sorry, any episode involving Stars content is contractually obligated to squander at least 70% of its potential.
It was slow this week for some reason.
The amount of shit they could do with this series is mind boggling.
She already lost though
Yeah, the only question is whether they might have originally planned Kagayaki no Jewel to be four cours instead of two before settling on doing On Parade or if things like the five extra jewels used as decorations in the DCD were always just that, decorations.
You should give up already. Even Kirara saw Ako craves cock all day every day
Ran vs Rei sword fight episode
The only place I'm going is /vp/ and that is only if my queen needs me there. Also /ai/ is there sometimes too.
The end goal of the current arc is about Lala though, you will miss an important part of her character.
Ako will enter the Friends universe and drink some water taken from the river, it contains bacteria that make you a lesbian.
You didn't even post the objective best /vp/ idle.
I don't like mahou shoujo, especially not precure.
Because the series was ending. If S3 was going to happen I still firmly believe Hime would have won that match against Yume and S3 would be about Yume beating Hime finally during the national Representative competition for the World Tournament. It is pure headcanon but Hime was tsuyoi da yo!
Then see Maito's sexy body and get cured. A cat for a cat, gotta keep the bloodline pure.
That would've been an even bigger clusterfuck than what we ended up getting as it would've meant that Hime would give up without a fight against Elza at the start of S2, then Yume would defeat Elza, then Hime would defeat Yume anyway (for the second time at that, making it feel like she didn't actually progress).
>Watching Pokemon for idles.
Just watch Pripara bro.
Same staff as Friends, just with MONACA and onetrap added to the list.
They barely had episodes for when Yuni joined, they were shared episodes if anything and those are already over.
Even better
>mirai mistakes elza for hibiki
>pulls out her dumb wand and tries to whack her
>elza watashi ga mamoru!
>rei pulls our her katana and cuts mirai stick in half
>i made a mistake
Is Aikatsu finished?
Feel like two cour, arcade news prone half assed to promoted jeweling dress. It feel like gimmick to stall something.
Because Moon Dress Hime was supposed to be the final boss, it was all a part of her plan to get Yume stronger to surpass her.
I wish I could be excited about On Parade, but I really expect nothing other than memes and characters reduced to simple, one-note versions of themselves. Yurika won't do anything but say "I'll suck your blood!", Aoi will repeat her 10 catchphrases, "Is this really Aikatsu?", "That really gets me going!", "OKE OKE OKEY" and just repeat that over 26 episodes that need to give screentime to 30+ characters.
it's just getting start. For all we know one of those doors connects to our world we've just yet to unlock it.
If it's anything like the post-series shorts from the 5th Festa then the series will be great. Continuations from where the individual series left off but keeping the tone of the series straight without resorting to nothing but gimmicks. I could easily see them giving 1-2 episodes to solely the OG and Stars casts so that it's not overly bloated.
>he doesn't want an episode entirely devoted to every idle saying their catchphrase one after the other
Idols in general are pretty malleable in terms of roles. Look at iM@S, they have tons of smaller spinoffs inside their main series. Aikatsu can have just as many spinoffs and movies that it wants because they make the idols do whatever.
Where I can find this template? I tried the other day but no success.
I'm hoping what they do is have one or two set up episodes then just have fun what if episodes. I would be worried if they're seems to be a more involved over arching plot
I wonder if the time will be evenly distributed or if the Friends universe will get most of the attention since Lucky is from it. I kinda doubt she's going to have her own friends and family show up but that would make for a somewhat lacking MC.
I'm a little worried about that too and I generally don't like crossovers much because of stuff like that, but I can't help but get excited to see all my favorite girls again. Besides, a lot of the best episodes are just the girls hanging out and having fun, which will probably be a lot of this series.
Seira invited Rola over for a personal guitar lesson in her room tonight. Isn't it rude to play instruments at night tho?
Stop being jaded and just enjoy the pure unadulterated fun that this series will bring.
Rola switched to flute during her time in UK though.
Hey, it will be better than AiFure at least.
This is just set up for Lucky's greater journey. At the end of On Parade a 4th door will open to a new universe created by Lucky with power from the other idles. Lucky will then leave the Friends universe and join her own world.
And what was wrong with AiFure?
I've already seen Pripara. Besides I've been watching Pokemon longer. Pripara needs more monsters
It's not highres, but here.
Find a flaw
Then Rola realized Seira can actually play guitar.
Rola can play the piano.
Seira wants this
Rola is the nerd who plays the keytar
Everything since it flopped and they need the OGKatsu and Stars casts to return to save it.
Finally Rola can empathize with someone else's forgotten sloppy seconds.
Don't worry, unlike Rola, Seira will be included in Ichigo and Akari's Neo New Soleil.
Post Akatsukin's reaction.
>The doujins write themselves
Is Mio going to lose her Aine have end up alone?
Elza hated Rola because they were one Seira removed from each other
I believe there's enough monsters in Pripara.
someone should really edit the Koharu countdown image to be Akatsukin
Reminder that Aine WILLINGLY let Wakaba borrow Mio.
Lucky literally got between them in the OP pic and there will be countless opportunities for other MCs and idles to catch Aine's attention, hers will be a mission across worlds to make sure she doesn't get cucked. Although some idles are probably too powerful for her to handle, like Sora or Yozora.
Guess whose birthday it is!
Elza hated Rola because Rola's daughter was from Pokémon while Elza's daughter was from Digimon. They were contractually obligated to hate each other.
Could be worse, Mio could be Aoi and get invited to a party having to see 2 girls from the same family who stole your main girl and your backup boy. Then see another girl take your main away for good.
They were desperate to reveal Rinka's secret.
On her dedbed, Aoi will place a curse on the Otoshiro family for all eternity.
>Raki is voiced by Wakaba's seiyuu
Nice retool.
happy birthday rice
>Hey cute girls!
>You wanna come back to our hotel for some fun?
>Mirai, Aine, and Wakaba look at each other, then say sure
>Mio freaks out
I've seen enough anime to know where this is going.
But Yume, The world is your stage
>wakaba is gonna be important
>she's not aria 2 they said
Her birthday is my birthday .
Happy birthday Yui!
Ainon... daijoubu?
Seira and Akari are the side girls, nothing can break apart Soleil.
No. if you show your underwear to me, i can become fine again.
>Wake up with zero memory
>first thing you see is Yume’s hips
Ichigo did it herself, twice.
Speaking of hips, sasuga Alicia
Only people serious about being with Ichigo wear their hair like Ichigo. See the pattern here?
Will furegirls appear?
The price go down 300y in 3 months. Maybe 4 months later I can snipe this
They appeared in the Stars finale, if they're going for the meme audience they've got a good chance.
That episode was so cute.
They'll be going to either 4Star or Neo Venus Ark as 1st years, they'll have an episode together Noelle during her Noellekatsu episode.
>Haruka Luka
The Sheep girl will be Venus Ark, the others will be 4Star
Her reaction to Yume in the end was nice.
Last thing ainon saw
The guide :
>Aionpa and Prichan thread
Punishment for spying on the idles private beach party. Worth it.
This should be the last thread that ever includes Aifure in the title. More ainons will be talking about Aipara anyway.
I really thought Sakuya was messing with Kaguya on this plan.
>aikatsu only peasant
Nope, it stays until the last episode airs like previous series.
Sauce pls
This art style is too cute
I can't believe the Aikatsu multiverse theory is canon
also, isn't this kinda dangrous? them hoping from dimension to dimension I mean, what if they break everything? or is that only a time travel problem?
But it’s boring
I miss Ozora Weather
Post old Aikatsu memes.
>also, isn't this kinda dangrous? them hoping from dimension to dimension I mean, what if they break everything? or is that only a time travel problem?
It's all AUs not related to the respectives series' timeline and not canon.
Maybe now they can actually die in the Aikatsu System
How is it not canon. It takes place after all series are over so I think it’s very much canon
Fuck off Shirakura.
I think so too.
Yume not having her sun dress clearly makes it not canon.
Fuck off retards Aoi is the best.
Miracle kiratts
Glad to see we are getting a full set of cameos and not a halfway one like last time
Don't forget that Rola was Winner in countdown system
Only at 7:23 every morning
Are you saying all the universes in this universes are alternate from the current universes?
as in the stars from this series is not the stars we know and neither is OG and Akarigen AND Aifure?
so then in which universe does this take place? does Laki exist in the Aifure that we have now or is this a different Aifure?
Sexy Kiratts
Raki exist in Aifure where everyone isn't as gay as in the main one.
Does any ainon know when will Aikatus 5th festival live stream start ?
>Laki exist in the Aifure that we have now or is this a different Aifure?
We will know if the show ever mention how PP saved Sorbetto form the wrath of the evil frost dragon by singing and dacing for him.
Dolores, Lola, Laura, Roller, Wheels, Lora, Rock and Roll(a), Cinnamon-roll
Maybe author of Ozora Weather is still alive.
The Aikatsu system is responsible for the tear in the universe that has united the different Aikatsu universes. Even though the universes are separate they all share one thing in common, Aikatsu.
Time to bet, how is going to name akatsikin the new mc?
laki? raki? lucky?
should be 9pm est
Looks like she got beaten to me
Thanks. I set alarm.
>precure has no crossover series
Precure gets a big crossover movie every single year, and there was a crossover arc in the previous series for the 15th anniversary.
It’s not shown if she has it or not unless it’s in the arcade preview which doesn’t matter to the anime. And if you’re talking about Elza she his holding Venus at the end of the preview not the Sun Wings.
Hey wait a second
Subbed PV is out
The crossover is getting smaller and smaller considering how many precure there are.
It was cancelled but they are pulling out a fanservice show with the goal to increase sales/viewership I imagine. To be completely honest it sort of seems like the franchise is ending soon but maybe this will spark some life.
First SkiiNet, now this.
Elza not having the sun dress makes it even less canon then.
Wish people would do things earlier. I'm not staying up till 3am my time for that.
>I will finally get to see best trio soleil again
Bros... I'm so happy right now I'm crying
I can't believe Sakurai hasn't cut Hikari yet, she was complete roster filler in the first instalment and only keeps coming back due to being in it.
>Getting rid of the best dresses
Well I guess they have to do something to level the playing field
> cutfags SEETHING that every idol is back
Lol I bet you think he won't finally add Nana in this one either.
Fuck you, ainon.
I agree, reading scripts performance should be skipped.
What would be the point of trying to get the new 4-star PR dresses if some characters already started with the ones they already have? It doesn't mean it's not canon.
>idle of zero
Posting the correct one.
>shit! the franchise is fucking dying. quick, let's make a crossover series for maximum nostalgia pandering
Just how desperate are they? Did aifure flop that hard?
No. I always thought the Sundress left her and went to Yume but I guess it’s not specifically said or shown. And it’s not like they can’t use different different coords when they have it. The Venus wings and the coord they go with are more iconic to Elza’s look than the Sundress is.
Yep, I'm thinking she's in.
Dibs on Mio.
Yeah, only desperate dying franchises would even consider crossover series.
>still on that meme
It's just cringe and sad at this point.
There isn't a single Sun Dress, the term itself is an invention of the anime. They're a bunch of upgraded Star Premium Rare dresses and every character had one in the arcade game. A few of those cameo'd in the epilogue.
>nostalgia pandering
Do little girls even watch the older series? Seems kind of dumb to bank on a 5 year old's nostalgia.
Look like the cynical shitposters are awake
Did you watch Stars all the way to the end? EVERYONE has a Sundress.
I will be late, because I need to watch Prichan then.
I always thought it changed form to fit the idle, but regardless it doesn’t make it more or less canon.
Watch this video:
It's not a single entity, pretty sure that Yume and Rola are wearing theirs at the same time in the final scene.
I actually thought we are getting OGkatsu reboot, but crossover works too.
He has a point, considering that AiFure clearly got retooled.
Sekina the strongest SubaYume shipper.
If we're taking the contents of these PVs as "stuff that happened before On Parade", then at least everything up to the penultimate episode of Stars already happened.
You didn't finish Stars, right?
Stream user here, yeah it seems like people really got burned out on the script reading, but I think some people like it so I'm not really sure what to do. I was thinking I could either skip scripts completely, or just post a 2nd time when script reading is over. Not sure which one people would prefer.
Not nearly as desperate as (You).
no aura
I want to go with Ichigo
>Ichigo is back
Kinokatsu is back on the menu
Well ignoring the sun dresses makes sense since they are pretty over the top coords. They in no way mean if it’s canon unless they specifically say they don’t have them and for all we know they could have them. So far there is no reason not to consider Aipare canon and it’s better that way.
aifure sucks
>Akatsukin didn't sub script reading
Imagine Rola performing with various idles from other universes who take turns in destroying her aura.
>is cliff-climbing Aikatsu?
I want to be murdered by these gothic dorks.
I’m literally on the last episode thanks for spoiling it you fucking bitches despite it having nothing to do if Aipare is canon or not.
>Aine: "Memo memo!"
I think the franchise is actually trying to pivot to older men for sales. Thats why we suddenly got wedding figs which is literally the most otaku bait thing you can sell.
You can skip whatever you like, it's still gonna start at 3am my time, which is still gonna be a hard pass from me.
She said the thing
>blood sucker
>blood sucker #2 but not as gay
>moon alien
>ghost moon alien
I wonder if we can take the snippets from the character previews as hints to what interactions we'll see. Aside from Yuzu wanting to make her Friends unit with Lily, there was also Yozora wanting to meet the muse of Spicy Ageha, Ran.
>using Sumire as an obedient maid
This is my fetish.
I feel as though I'm being propositioned inappropriately.
>2 season finale of 50 episodes each
>All the old characters are brought back one last time
It would be worth it.
New versions of all the Aikatsu System musics?
But where's even more frigid?
It gives the feeling of three rider villains about to transform.
Hey I recognize that random OC
>Alicia activates white album.jpg
They'll change into vampire Mizuki, pirate Elza and space suit Hibiki.
This dream
>needing to transform to be a soulless lesbian vampire
Can't wait for the meme Kii/Yuzu/Ema unit.
No sex appeal unit
>IT was a fucking disaster
>prichan got a new time slot
>aifure was a fucking disaster
>aipare got a new time slot
I want to say
If live stream master ainon skip it, you and I can go bed earlier.
More otter is always good
The fashion disaster unit(though I guess Hinaki fits more)
A movie or a couple of episodes would have been just fine for a crossover. The fact that they are axing the current series for this makes me think it's a desperate attempt of salvaging the franchise.
>Lesbian idols.
>Sexy lesbian idols
>Cute lesbian idols.
>Goth lesbian idols.
>Boys lesbian idols.
>Rich girls lesban idols
Did I miss a group of idols?
You think a 25 episode crossover gets approved in a week or something?
They clearly planned this right as AiFure S2 started.
Honey ______
Just Ako.
Hag lesbian idols and Fashion disaster lesbian idols.
>they know from the very beginning the show was going to fail
I like the way you think
I don’t want to skip script reading
> Pokemon SuMo is ratings cancer
> gets a new timeslot
Are all the children's shows going to be on Saturday and Sunday over there now?
>25% lesbian idol need to keep watching Stars
Minase Iori
I mean, they should. the weekend mornings is when children usually have more time to watch TV and stuff.
If any ainon translate scripts, I would like to watch all.
Friends was always a scheme to increase viewership. They specifically made it boring and a flop so that once they brought back OG and Stars more people would be excited after having to endure Friends.
Ah, the New Coke strategy. I see, I see.
My favorite mug cup.
>excited about stars again
Can't believe anyone would get excited about seeing stars again.
If this is truly the end then let's have fun and enjoy what we got knowing Aikatsu would end on a huge collab like this, on a good note. .
If it's just its characters without its plot baggage, it might actually not be shit.
>aifure ends with the girls getting blasted into space like trash in a gundam series
>aipare ignores this event making it even less canon
Can I fuck Otome?
You can't fuck a head.
The future of Aikatsu pretty much depends on the crossover.
Space Aikatsu was pointless, just like S2 at this point
Ichigo is your Valentine chocolate.
I can't believe aifure actually was memed into getting axed early.
On Parade reminds of the plot of Yokai Watch 4. It makes me want an Aikatsu game that was still Rhythm and Dress up but has light RPG elements and you could explore Starlight, DreAca, Four Star, Venus Ark and Star Harmony in a 3D space.
What characters? The show did such a poor job writing any of them, I don't even know what character they have.
I am Happy to see fool and cute fairy again! Who will
collaborate with Aria.
What the fuck is this?
Who the fuck is that new girl?
Do I have to get caught up on Aifure?
Sorry but Level-5-san is Tommy's bro.
Well not really ended early considering we are getting 2 seasons. Every Aikatsu season has been 2 full seasons for the most part, with the exception of Ichigo and Akari sharing season 2 and 3 together.
Not all of them were badly written.
New Aifure girl enters the changing room with a busted Aikatsu Pass, portals to other universes open up and shenanigans happen.
It's Raki, the new main character and Aikatsu's Decade.
And no, AiFure is skippable.
Please get caught up on AiFure before october.
None of them were badly written
I'll be asleep before it even begins.
>busted Aikatsu Pass
>We get more Ran
Could you ask for anything better?
Is the CG by samurai pictures? Someone on Twitter who's a CG director was re tweeting the news
Ran and her daughter
>thread is almost ded
>Aikatsu is alive
Please become strange vampire's friend.
The best part is I now know what folder to put art that mixes the idles together in
Yurika gets a second chance huh?
>thread barely lasts six hours
It's been a while since this happened
Sorry. I forgot the fact ainon are little girls.
>Yume was so powerful they had to canonically power nerf her
God help them if she pulled out the rainbows.
how long will they sit on it until the let Yume unleash the rainbow in part 2? How many idles will die when it happens?
This is what I'm most excited about. Those 3 together are the best thing from Aikatsu character wise. I can't wait for more soleil shenanigans
A lot of them were very poorly written. Unbelievable, not consistent, and acting like development never happened at all.
>Stops your Rainbow
Cosmos performing without the Aikatsu System when?
Some of us just have sensible sleep schedules and don't want to stay up till 3am to START watching something, let alone the time it'll be when it finishes.
Kirara acted consistent with battered wife syndrome!
Ichigo and Akari were only the best in Japan, they weren't anything near Yume's level by the end of Stars. Remember, the only reason Ichigo became Top Idol was because Mizuki fucking retired and disappeared for a year allowing Ichigo to climb to the top without competition.
Finally a conclusion to season 4.
Rei was consistently a cunt
I can't stop reading /ai/. Though I'm sleepy.
Ichigo's new model is...not good. Her OGkatsu S3 one didn't have the tiny wrists/tiny hands problem like this.
For comparison.
If they do a tourney in it and make Yummy do her bullshit rainbow cancer to win I'm going to be so mad
Can't beleive nobody pointed out this pair yet
Poor Madoka
The proportions of the limbs were likely altered to put OG idles in line with Stars' and Friends'.
Well Ichigo was gone for a long time too then and Mizuki didn’t stop getting better. When she returned and sang Precious for the first time it was absolutely stunning. Watching It resonated the same feelings as it did in the show which I can’t say for many other performances.
>thinking the writers even remember the rainbow was ever a thing
They forgot before S1 was finished.
Can't beat perfection
Fuck off ""Henry"", Aiflop is not flop.
Are we going to get a super performance like in the OVA? Please say yes, I really want a full idol performance.
Should've been the other way around.
Someone did and called Rin a slut it might have been in the previous thread
No one cares shounen retard. Power levels literally don't mean anything in Aikatsu
The proportions are bigger in OG but I don't think that's make the CG actually worse. I like the thicker line art in the new model too. I think the CG here is good overall and much better than aifure and stars. And if the choreography is actually good even better
Can't be Aiflop when you are now Aiflip. Floppers just got flipped
>making Ichigo skinnier
This is inexcusable Ichigo is a big girl
Well my bad, this thread went so fast I must have missed it.
>Star Anis and Aikatsu Stars got fired long ago
>wanting big boned models
That means our idols will actually be singing their songs.
The ED is going to have Ichigo's, Akari's and Yume's singers, though they are listed separately from Aine's, Mio's and Lucky's (who are noted as being from the Best Friends! group). I wonder how many songs will get new versions vs how many will remain exactly the same since it sounds like rehiring all the old singers individually might be a hassle.
why is this a problem?
Japanese vampire and her american clown girlfriend are in so I'm pretty content.
There is no harm in pointing it out again
Never said anything about the general CG quality, just the tiny wrists and hands. It has always bothered me in Stars and Friends.
But Ichigo doesn't look as expressive as she should be in the new performance either. Needs more sclera.
>aifure has its days counted
>/ai/ revived
What's wrong with Mirai's vagina?
I don’t think they are rehiring them. The ED is Idol Activities and they probably are just reusing their old recordings.
Doesn't have my cock in it
Yume never sang Idol Katsudou.
Episode with just Ichigo Kaede and Rola speaking entirely in English
I don't think Yume's singer ever had to record Idol Activities.
>ichigo is 18
>aine and mio are 37
>yume is 15
This is gonna be a little awkward.
Will we get another Akari/Juri sleepover episode again?
Then maybe there is hope for new stuff. Still Ichigo sounds really similar to before when singing it in the preview.
Why does Friends have to die just to have a crossover season? It was great.
Ichigo and Yume drinking Aine’s milk
Hey at least it ends on a better note than other seasons have.
>>aine and mio are 37
Are they going to travel in space at light speed so that 20 years have passed on Earth when they come back but they still look the same?
I hate it
Stars and OG characters look bad in Watanabe designs.
>My elegant dream harem is now real.
Today was a good day.
If they nail the finale like they nailed all of S2 so far, I'll be satisfied. And hopefully the characters can keep appearing and growing since the "main" universe in On Parade is still that of Friends.
Pretty all friends?
Yume's meme chest tumors were bigger than Aine's though.
lmao no it doesn't
One of these is not like the others
Akari's lips are kissing me.
All of these are not like the otter
That makes it hot tho
I just want Yume and Subaru to kiss
Huge dream milkers
Episode where Aine, Yume, Mizuki and Mirai are suddenly drawn with big boobs for several frames.
I just want Elza and Yume to kiss, while Hime gets aroused.
I hope so. I'm still sad about it ending though.
Has Sekina drawn any fanart of the two kissing yet? Or stealth fanart of the two kissing.
I'm happy Aine and Mio get to sing the OP with Lucky and that they'll likely be her main mentors.
Lucky will be like their gay daughter
I know she has drawn fanart of the two hugging, on a date, getting married, and before fucking. I'm just not sure about the kissing. That could be a confession fanart for all I know.
>before fucking
And waking up next to Yume in the morning too, forgot that.
Oh, found one.
Subaru was robbed and On Parade won't change that.
>Subaru was robbed
of his virginity
Wtf I wanna cum inside Yume now
It's ok. Ako is still 100% straight for him.
Sekina has stealth OTP fanart for this too.
God I wish I were Yume here
Butt love is alive and well.
I want to cum inside an under*ge idol.
>before fucking.
source please
Wait, Aikatsu Stars has canon het?
I actually teared up during the PV, fuck. I'm so happy to see them all back.
I will cream my pants in euphoria if they do that and post my boxers afterwards as proof. Nothing would get me harder.
I wonder if Aifure will get a fully standalone epilogue or if it will lead into On Parade, for instance by having Lucky cameo.
Hopefully the Lucky 7th anniversary series goes well.
No but I want to beleive
Most of her romantic/sexual self-insert POV fanart is actually stealth SubaYume fanart. I was specifically referring to this one that she posted recently (any time she calls Yume "Nijino" instead of "Yume"), but the attached ass likely counts as well.
>Lucky 7th
Goddamnit who else 2 digit IQ here?
In my pants!
Don't listen to Sheepfag propaganda, Ako was 1 episode away from asking at least one guy out.
It has one girl with terminal cocklust and several teases, but none really lead anywhere.
Yume a BAKA
All of this felt callous, like a writer's vendetta against another.
I haven't watched Aikatsu since episode 67~ about 2 and a half years ago
first 50 episodes were great though
Honestly I would have been fine with Aikatsu ending after the original show. Stars felt nothing like Aikatsu aside from being about an idol school, it even looked like a completely different show.
Never watched Friends so I don't know if they did any better with that.
You're past the worst part (Dreaca) It gets good again once those whores get less screentime
>it even looked like a completely different show.
Yeah that was the point
So what will replace Aikatsu if it goes away?
You can see from the OP pic that OG and Friends' designs mesh better together than Stars' do.
I have a very important question.
Will he be back?
Prikatsu All friends
Ohh, I thought it was just some random dude instead
I'm glad they went no where with it. If Subaru and Yume actually got together, Ako would get it upset and start acting stupid towards Yume and would just cause more unnecessary shitty drama
It’s Lucky Aikatsu lasted 7 years
Of course.
>Remembering normie Ichigo
Time flies by
I can imagine the crossover doing well just because it has the OG girls and that will bring in money from the older fans. We've already seen OG Aikatsu especially getting that treatment with really nice figures and stuff that are made for the older fans, so I feel as if including them means even more merchandise for them which means even more $$$.
At least thats how I'm seeing it. It could be too little too late though.
>it even looked like a completely different show.
No it didn't. Colour design, backgrounds and the general composite was the same. The only difference was the character designs and CG
That's because on OG Watanabe was the chief AD, and character designer in Friends. OG look weird and different but not that much. She can't draw AiStars for shit though
Ichigo costs too much, that is why she has to go.
Holy I still remember when I started watching Aikatsu S1 is unbeatable
But the idea since Ako's first focus episode was clearly that Subaru was a false lead for her and that she was meant to be with Kanata who actually gave a shit about her, which is how any potential drama coming from Yume and Subaru starting a relationship would've been solved. Once whatever they may have planned was dropped, the result was Ako never having a reason to move past Subaru despite Kanata's presence and the birth of the DP meme.
wasn't there a full version of this?
Does anyone still have it?
So I'm guessing there won't be new songs for the old girls with STAR ANIS out of the picture?
Remember, ALL the >boys belong to Ako
All series require tons of luck to reach 7 years. Not too much longer until the point where nostalgia pandering can carry a series forever.
>all of Soleil's and three-fourth of the S4's seiyuus are in Best Friends
>lol can't have the seiyuus sing for the old characters
Probably not.
Imagine how sweaty and musky Shion's butt gets after it's been squeezed into those spats all day.
She ships SubaYume too hard to draw true self insert art when it comes to Yume. It's just easier to draw one character instead of two.
*And pander along the way. Two birds in one stone.
>Aikatsu is longer than Jewelpet
Thanks, I appreciate it.
Wow, actually good figures. Did they change the sculptor? The face looks faithful to the designs, the paint job is good, as is the detail. Instant buy. The only other good Aikatsu figure is the Cosmos one.
More like they heard the complaints and decided to step it up
>It could be too little too late though.
This will sadly be the case. Parade will be a success but not big enough of a success at this point to warrant saving Aikatsu.
Just buy the figures, ainons. (You) will save Aikatsu.
I'll only watch the episodes with Yume in them, all the other idols can go to hell.
I wonder if we'll get a Parade game for Switch?
What complaints? JP twitter was crazy of the mediocre ones.
Aikatsu never did bad to the point that it would lead to the franchise dying though. And parade has a good time slot too where kids will actually be bothered.
What would Ichigo have become if she never became an idol?
Unlike Pripara where they dumped the arcade game on Switch when the arcade game changed to Prichan, an On Parade game would still basically be the same as the DCD and risk taking money away from it.
Dumb Yuckfag
Dead general
She'd have taken over the family business and be making bentos
Died with Jewelpet.
I feel like the must have been waiting for Parade to make any new games so they could market it under the name. They really seem like they’re trying give the series a hard push so I think it would be smart to release a title on the Switch. We’ll see in the coming months I guess.
We can hit 700 posts before archive! Keep posting in this alive general!
Do aikatsu music even made it into the newer taiko games?
>nobody cares about this weeks prichan
i want to make love with yume
The Switch one doesn’t have any sadly. It’s still being updated though so it’s not impossible. I’d buy it on the spot if it did.
I'm three weeks behind so I don't even know what it's about.
Just wait until gookshitters take over the thread spamming that garbage non stop again.