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Other urls found in this thread:


>no weights so I just keep upping my squat reps
when does this become a bad idea? I'm only at 40 now but there has to be a point where this isn't benefiting anymore right.

They showed several alternatives to free-weights in the anime; pick one.
Grab something weighty and curl that fucker.

Yes. Once you can do more than 15 reps in a single set you are no longer gaining strength/muscle.

grab the biggest container of water you can hold and do goblin squats

I don't have anything bar shaped, does squatting with a weighted backpack work?

Just grab a backpack and add something heavy in it, then build up from there.

I don't quite get the time about taking protein.
According to several sources it's arround 30 minutes after training, but my protein box says additionally after every meal.
Also what exactly does count as training in that regard? Does a short workout, consisting of squads, pushups and sit ups count?

Didn't they say within 30 minutes of a workout?

I honestly need a second opinion on this, since the translation isn't really best.

Just take it whenever you need protein. All these rules of taking it within 30 minute or after meal is just making it more complex than it needs to be. As long as you meet your daily protein requirement then you're good.

there are a variety of studies all showing slightly different things, but pointing to a general state called the "Metabolic window" where protein consumed after a workout is vastly prioritized for muscle growth over energy storage. Some studies show that the gap closes fast and you should try to consume protein before 30 minutes after your workout, while others indicate it lasts up to 24 hours. I believe it is related to exercise boosting your testosterone levels, and that lasts for a while so I usually just try to get a good meal in within a couple hours because I that's about how long my personal testosterone "high" lasts.

As for the length of the workout, that is something you'll have to kind of feel out yourself. See how much exercise it takes to get a mood boost/change, then time how long it lasts so you know your window.

You can also look into it yourself, it isn't an exact science so it might not work for you, hell it might not work at all and it could just be some placebo effect. At the end of the day your main goal should be enjoying your workout, because time and consistency is how you guarantee results, so do what keeps you doing it, and forcing yourself to consume protein at specific times can easily suck the joy out of working out.

Are you even allowed FREE weights outside of America?

>squat for months with no visible improvement to calves
>stationary bike for 1 hour per day for a week and already have nicer calves

>squatting for calves
user, I..

Attached: rambo.jpg (632x627, 71K)

Not correct, unfortunately.
The body can only use so much protein in a given time span, so you should spread out your daily intake instead of eating it all in one go.

probably, but you'll want to make sure the balance is just right so you don't fuck up your posture

how do i get nicer calves then?

get some cows, wait until mommy and daddy cow love each other very much, then raise the calves

based and farmerpilled
calf raises

Child trafficking laws aren't a worry for cattle, just buy the calves directly and be a loving parental figure

You will hear a lot of bro science here. Head over to fit for thorough advice.

If you train for size and have no weights at hand, try to keep the number of repetitions per set, but reduce the speed per repetition to a annoyingly slow tempo.

youre missing out on range of movement if you dont start as early as possible

at that point you are just doing dangerous cardio
up the weight and lower the reps

>Head over to fit for thorough advice.

Attached: fit.jpg (157x255, 19K)

it really dosent matter nearly enough to make any difference just take it whenever

there is like nobody that has a big squat that doesn't have proportional or large calfs
squat heavy. remember that you have to live it

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Are you retarded?

Maybe they also train their calves?
Big calves help squat, but squat don build big calves.

cope more calflet

This is not much
Also not profitable. Add weight

Forgot to mention that, but it's common sense anyway since you're not gonna consume 120g of protein in one go instead of spreading it 40g per meal.


>go to Yea Forums Dumbbell thread
>all /fit/ q&a
Waifus unite all, I suppose.

Attached: smug going at incredibly hihg speed.webm (960x540, 484K)

find a good calisthenics program.
I use youtube.com/watch?v=YdnqNGcmhqA&list=PLSCcAGyv98idCgz9PBk0txRAHaKVWp1Ng and it gave me ridiculous results for not using any weight.

If you do too many squats you'll get repetitive strain injuries while not getting any stronger or bigger. Getting tired does not make you stronger. Lifting heavier weights does.

Also, on a lot of studies on building muscle: a lot of those only really come into play when you are getting close to your maximum potential. And that takes years, even decades. Just stick to the basics for the first 2, 3 years: eat a lot (not just protein but also carbs for energy. It doesn't matter how much protein you eat if you don't have the energy to lift shit in the gym), keep lifting heavier and heavier weights and get some sleep. Also: don't be a dumbass and lift weights you're not sure you can handle. Being injured means you can't work out and you will lose muscle. Better to have slow steady gains than go all out, get injured and lose what muscle you built.

Don't you mean Macchio-fu?

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-08-09-13h23m10s084.png (1280x720, 877K)

You tried pistol squats?

Fuck yeah!

Attached: Ayaka vs Zina.webm (640x360, 927K)

whey-fu is the proper term

Attached: BLOAT.png (1280x720, 989K)

I am correct in the assumption, when I do Calorie counting, I shouldn't as much focus just on the carbohydrate but on the sugar quota?

Me on the left without visible ribs.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_01.56_[2019.08.15_05.11.07].jpg (1280x720, 540K)

just eat less

Sugars are carbs. Obviously you should be counting your sugar (so you can minimise it), but if you're counting calories for weight control, you need to count it from all sources

Is this achievable natty?

He's not entirely off the mark. At reps that high you're building endurance not strength

>Sugars are carbs.
Don't know about other countries, but where I live the sugar quota is always separated stated of the total carbs.
Is it better to eat food that has more carbs but a total lower sugar quota than lower carbs but more sugar?
>but if you're counting calories for weight control,
I am doing first of all protein counting, but I guess there is no point if it has too much calories and sugar.

There will be retards on every board. You're not proving anything

If your country really does have such a weird labelling system, just keep in mind that 1g sugar = 1g carb and add it to your calculation.

30 years old, 182cm, 72kg.

Is it too late to become /fit/ and look like I lift?

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It's like:
>per 100 gram
>40 carbs
>3,5 gram sugar (of those 40)

>30 years old, 182cm, 72kg.
>Is it too late to become /fit/ and look like I lift?
35 years old, 182cm,122kg.
At least I have a mass to turn into muscles if I would want right?

just take it on the day, it really won't make a difference unless you're competing

If you're fine with having an op to fix all your loose skin first I guess. I wouldn't even get ripped before that considering they'd just be cutting into your muscles anyway.

I'm 2 meters and went from 140kg to 90 years ago back when I was a teenager, removed every mirror in my house because I can't stand to look at myself anymore.

>Is it better to eat food that has more carbs but a total lower sugar quota than lower carbs but more sugar?
Carbs as a whole are largely empty calories, you generally want to avoid carbs as your MAIN source of calories in a day, which should be focusing on fat and protein (fat has high calorie density but also has a lot of essential nutrients, but avoid transfats like margarine, palm oil and interesterified fats like fried food). As for what carbs you should be taking; whole grain wheat unprocessed, milk, honey, lentils, carrots and the like - foods with their own beneficial nutrients.

Oh, that's normal. Yeah if you're not after a dramatic change in diet, mostly try to limit your intake of sugar.

ya bro, 30 isn't even that old

is Starting Strength a good beginner routine?

if you start now. vlad a. is still killing the squat it at 42 and a knee replacement

If you want to be mistaken for a black woman at night, then yes

>30 years old, 182cm, 72kg.
are you LITERALLY me?

I'm from Europe, so no.

that and stronglifts. Don't run either for longer than 6 months unless the wait keeps going up.

I love Skelebro, I know they use a lot of jokes about him being weak and feeble, but when he is at the gym they are all super supportive and helpful to him and I really value that.

>I'm from Europe
me too

Are there any Kengan Ashura references? subtle or otherwise.

This has really bad subtitles. Who does them, Crunchy or Funi? Whoever it is they have really low standards.

The ending is too funny.

Yes, characters are indirectly referenced or make even a cameo appearance.

>too late
Not even close.

What's the weight threshold beyond which point you run the risk of having excess skin?

Depends on your height, body shape, age, overall skin health, sex, hormones, diet, etc. You have to be REALLY fat to get some and even then you can hide most of it through bulking, and the rest through easy surgery

Avoid added sugars

This is what peak female performance looks like.

Attached: 1.jpg (383x797, 61K)

Not my issue but I have a m8 who is pushing 300lbs and I'm worried about him. He has a soda addiction.

Try the Pollack sub group.

Yeah even if he drops down to a healthy weight he'll probably have bitch tits, and excess skin is fairly likely after losing those

Yeah, there are plenty of them.

>179cm 71kg skinnyfat
Give it to me straight, /fit/-senpai, can I make it

Just did some detective work translating. The subs for this show are injecting a progressive agenda.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.44_[2019.08.17_05.30.44].jpg (1600x900, 394K)

Eat and lift. You're going to be fine.

i have a friend thats over 400 for sure who is addicted to coke a cola. he hets headaches id he doesn't drink it and only it. its pretty sad

Eat less carbs.

I hit 1pl8 bench 5reps4sets 3 weeks ago, i'm adding weight every week
We're all gonna make it

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Do you look like you lift?


>meme routine made by a fatty that looks like he's never lifted in his entire life
Just do PPL, Rippletits is a joke

What about greyskull?

I started back in february, I was on a 1500 cals diet and low weight high reps routine to get some strength on my nonexistant muscles.
I started focusing on gaining muscle like 2 months ago so I can see some muscle if I flex and my biceps look decent

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>168cm 265 pounds
>have big cycling legs but due to walking alot
>big belly
Semi fit is the way to go, don't give up any of your food.

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>over 100lbs overweight

>what is bulk
Skinnyfag please

Attached: 1563250918147.jpg (1280x720, 229K)

Bodybuilding is for fucking losers!


Keep wasting your time, retards.

They're looking at user's ____

Friendly reminder to do your hip thrusts

Attached: hipthrustcult.png (960x879, 608K)

I should start doing them, I'm getting stuck at the lockout when deadlifting.


47 years old, 166cm, 78kg.

Is it too late to become /fit/ and look like I lift?

Why is she such a fucktoy in the anime? In the manga she’s not doing much for me.

No. But your metabolism is slower at this point so you shouldn't expect to see results as fast as younger guys.

You don't get to see the delicious brown in the manga

>be 5'8 130lbs
>took me almost 3 months to get to 1pl8
>let a couple of my friends try out my home gym (both 5'10 230lbs+)
>completely untrained, they start out at 1pl8 for reps

Shoulda taken the fatpill

the surgery is easy, but the recovery really isn't. you'll pretty much be in permanent pain for atleast 3 weeks, and depending on how much loose skin you have, you'll have to get several OPs spread over a rather long time.

and if you have large enough man tits they just chop them off, and paste your nipples back on.

>no muscle at all
>started on a cut

That doesn't make sense. Are you a girl?

I wasn't focused on gaining muscle at the start, just losing weight

no, this is

Attached: natalia-trukhina.jpg (1080x949, 246K)

>this is your brain on /fit/


BUSTED! Buusteed! Rich is exaggerating again!
It's not like you do 15 reps and you get gains and if you do 16 no gains. It's just less effective the more reps you do because you will always need to use lighter weights.

Attached: busted.jpg (626x429, 31K)

Episode 8 Trailer

Looks like they're skipping from Ch.23 to Ch. 30.
Then again to Chapters 48-49.

Attached: Machio Listens to his own show.webm (960x540, 375K)

it's christmas, new year stuff, so understandable, and skipping another idol appearance for better pacing. hopefully it's just rearranging the order and not total skip.

>sounan desu ka crossover

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Sounan desu ka - 01 [1080p]_00-01-40.433_01.jpg (1920x1080, 177K)

Makes sense. Even the manga has them in 6 different seasons so far without any time progress, having the anime do the same would be confusing. I was looking forward to a dating episode, though. Maybe that'll be ep. 9.

Attached: Chibi Cow Sensei 4.webm (412x516, 63K)

I hope I meet nice people to give me tips for my skeleton body.

Will this anime feature an homage to Rich Piana

Reply to this post with a cute dumbbell and your gains today will be tripled.

is this a cute dumbbell?

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Post this again on Tuesday.

I tried drinking chco milk for the gomad thing.
It's really bad drinking so much milk, I feel like throwing up after 1/3 of a gallon.

I don't need muscles when I have an ar-15

/k/ please...

Amerishot cope.


I usually do jump ropes / jumping jacks instead of running for cardio and my calves are pretty strong now.

Mind you should do it for 20+ min if you are doing cardio

You can't even lift an AR15 fatty

>dangerous cardio
t.fat powershitter


>Not lifting to be strong enough to hold an AR-15 in each arm

because it's squats, not because it's cardio

Calf raises. Remember to pause at the bottom.
Yoke/Front Loaded Carry/Farmer's walks. Many strongmen has bullshit good calves without training them.

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>Bodybuilding is the only thing you can do in a gym

But thats training them, you surely meant isolation

>like whay you see, big boy? ~

nigga you fat not fit start lifting and you can drop to a healthy weight by winter.

I bet you believe bodybuilders are fat too because they weigh a lot.
Only my belly is fat.

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Youre fat you delusional powershitter

Cope and eat more skeleton

Will the Chads make fun of me when I start going to the gym and do baby weights?

Chad wants you to succeed and might even take you under his wing if you're lucky. The only people who will snigger at you at the gym are people who just reached 1pl8 bench and think they are fitness gods for some reason

Actual chads will help you with advice. Only faggots will laugh at you.

If they do, they're not chads.

To Chads, you're their bro.

Attached: Please be patient, I have Machismo.webm (960x540, 119K)

dog bles americhan

Attached: native american dancing.gif (500x379, 450K)

>not lifting to hold 2 AR-15s in both hands one in your mouth and one with your feet.
lmao never gonna make it

True chads will cheer you on like Macchio would do. Brads are the ones you need to be wary of.

Those chads started from the same point where you're at right now and can relate to you. Those who would make fun of you are not chads but insecure cunts.

I wish I was the one who got dubs, but no you're a fat mong. Even a bodybuilder who was throw log and lift smooth round stone competition big would weigh like 210 pounds. You pushing past 250 are just a fatty fatty fat fat. It's fine though you could lose weight.

t. former child fatty


t. broscientist

if you want actual advice the only useful place for that on /fit/ is the sticky
every other thread is broscience, coping fatties and roiders, ketards, perma-fasting psychos, and /r9k/-lite garbage

Attached: Please be patient, I have machismo.png (960x540, 769K)

anabolic window is 99% broscience, don't worry about it as long as you're getting your daily macros

Attached: 1565833366235.jpg (770x720, 107K)

It benefits you in the shape of your butt, so keep doing it and then open a yt channel for us.

Yes, doing primarily full body free weight workouts is the best way to quickly build a strength foundation and get your nervous system used to moving heavy weight. There's a good reason that pretty much every full-body "beginner" program is heavily based on SS. After a few months of SS you should move on to another program.

>suggesting a beginner to train a muscle group only once a week
That's some silly bullshit, user

Greyskull is just a slightly modified SS with a cool-sounding name.

What is a good advanced planking exercise to move on to once I can do the basic plank well enough?

post body

It is still a fucking mystery to me how this can be made by the same guy who did Kengan Ashura.

incline planks, one-arm planks, or planks with weight on your back

Because you're a fool for thinking Kengan Asura was some strict FIGHT ME shounen jump p.o.s., not a slice of life written by a hobbyist.

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Based Macchio-san

Mirin those gains bro


Attached: Karlaaa.jpg (1536x2048, 380K)

my friend how will you take back america with such poor fitness

Attached: myfriends.jpg (550x407, 37K)

I don’t get it. How can repetitive strain be a thing when there are people like soldiers who push their bodies to do things unthought of the human body. Like don’t be farmers have to do a lot of heavy work and through that they’ve get ripped? Why are they fine and have a functional body, but you need heavier weights because reps aren’t enough?

Feeling fit buddy?

Are you trying to suggest that soldiers and farmers don't experience painful strain? Are you retarded?

Maybe after a lifetime, not some weak ass shit like upping your squat reps for a year.

thats kinda hot

>Kinniku Shoujo Tai
10/10 reference

Attached: 1555509769671.jpg (1920x1080, 287K)

No. Note the upper arms at the shoulders. Any bodybuilder that has "cannonballs" like that is on gear.

/k/ here. He's not one of us. We understand how important good fitness is to healthy and successful operating.

How much weight is this?

40 kgs + 20 kgs bar.

>I'm X years old, is it too late?
The best time to get into shape was 10 years ago. The second best time is now.

Today you're saying "I wish I got in shape 10 years ago".
What do you want to say 10 years from now? Do you want to repeat "I wish I was in shape 10 years ago"? Or do you want to say "I sure am glad I got in shape 10 years ago!"?

>30 yo 183 cm, 75kg
I'm skinny fat bros. I've been lifting irregularly and still kinda look well in upper body but I'm not sure how I can lose fat in love handles and belly. It is as if fat in my whole body is accumulated in my belly only. I look quite fit otherwise. Should I cut or bulk first?
Or liposuction is the way to go? Goddamn.


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Fuck I can't go over this 1pl8 threshold nowadays. 8 reps in one set and I can do no more. I end up dropping to 17.5

Just IF until you are at a good weight.

i don't get it

We're all gonna make it, brah.

You should do better than Shadow Mistress Yuko.

>30sec plank
>15x squat
>30min break
>5x dumbbell rep with 500g weight
>10x straight punches

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Machikado Mazoku - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.59_[2019.08.17_16.25.26].jpg (1920x1080, 104K)

>Yea Forums on fitness
Yeah, no.

Attached: d69.jpg (480x360, 28K)

>on Yea Forums

Attached: Yikes!.png (120x120, 11K)

>got tricked into watching an idol arc
>it's kino
There's no getting off this wild ride, is there?

I can't get the OP out of my fucking head.

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>Not lifting enough to carry M61 Vulcans in each hand while carrying the President's Daughter on your back and all the loot you've taken from dirty Euros

Get this book sempai

Followed it when I was in my early 40s, it fucking works

Attached: New Rules.jpg (260x321, 25K)

>Fat turns into muscle

Probably not since they've likely been doing sports from childhood

>Big and strong
Manual labor gives you a good grip and semistrong back, but nothing else. Most Farmers are potbellied with a strong grip and nothing else

Hibiki is cutest when she eats, but she'll graciously never get overweight because she works out so much! She's the best!

Murakami is the cutest dumbbell.

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My friends have been jelly of my calves. I do breakdance so ground footwork has given the me calves of a god. But dancing is cardio so you're going to lose your gains.

>too late
Are you going by pro sports rules?
30-40 is peak adult time, go get fit and enjoy it.

Bought some 5 kg dumbbells yesterday, going to start lifting for ayaka

>did a whole section on """Kipping""", a BS crossfit pseudovariation of pullups instead of actual pullups

Do they ever address this part again in the manga?

Attached: bag.png (2560x1080, 481K)

>browsing Yea Forums in your 30's
>>>"early 40's"
>>>>>>past tense
y'know, im not even upset. this is scientifically fascinating.

They play it up at least 5 more times, not including all the references to her strength and jokes made in most chapters/4komas.

So, yes. We don't know why. It's implied to be associated with her massive bulking, it's assumed by fans to be thanks to Dad.

Attached: 11.png (960x1361, 1.33M)

on 2nd thought, i guess i shouldn't age shame on a glorified forum.
i just cant imagine anyone past age 28 wanting to browsing a site like this.

Yo guys how safe is creatine?


so its only for gags, then
i guess its my fault for expecting anything remotely interesting narrative-wise in a slice-of-life.

He's kind of got a point. 15 squats in one set is pointless. Just increase the weight a little and go for less reps for each set. Keep doing this until you level off or are comfortable where you are at.

user I....

>how safe is something that is normally in your body and is 100% required to stay alive

>this is scientifically fascinating.
At 32, I was browsing 4 chan back in 2005 (and earlier with other internet sites like ytmnd, SA etc.) when I was already graduating high school, this is how the internet is defined by me now:
trolling with 1% genuine humor
clickbait articles
You never leave.
I'd rather get my """legal""" info from genuinely helpful idiots on Yea Forums than from increasingly idiotic Google.

You're...not old enough to understand.

Attached: Worry.png (450x400, 139K)

Yeah, no. Superhuman strength is for the humor. She's not Kengan FemJesus or something.

Attached: concern.png (561x292, 183K)

How bizarre

Hiroyuki Nishimura is 42 years old.




Hiro should be at least 10 to 20 years older than most of Yea Forums and he ran 2channel and now Yea Forums...

Now Hiro is apparently in exile in France doing youtube livestreams from his apartment.

It could be worst. Imagine not being able to return to your homeland and being forced to live in France

Attached: ECG2Lv-XoAAhCWG.jpg (1024x576, 125K)

If anything, Yea Forums is more Web 1.0 than even Reddit.

I don't know if that guy is attempting to age shame but is there any pride in bragging on posting on sites like 9 Gag or Funny Junk instead?

Some of you Anons are alright...
Don’t go to France tomorrow

Whoa whoa whoa, we all knew crap like Ebaumsworld, 9gag and whatever were NOT the sites to visit when you wanted actual webservice. Gross, we had irc to pool knowledge of what sites had what we wanted, and it was never funny junk, whoa.

Attached: Kids don't remember what browsing the internet was like.webm (720x480, 1.91M)

this video with sound is amazing. too bad youtube muted it. you can still view it on internet archive.

w-why is he exiled

yeah, i actually had to remove the sound to even post it

Attached: 1.webm (1280x720, 487K)

is this the goal body thread?

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This is how Hiro browses online. Compare Hiro posting online versus how you post online.

Rumors. It apparently has to do with 2channel legal troubles

It isn't fair you posted him because his ancestors have been practicing eugenics since the Cavemen Era for thousands of years.

I'm sure if I could tell my cavemen ancestor to start lifting instead of hunting for food with spears, my DNA would be so so much better.

Been browsing this site for over 13 years now. Daily.

I'm just glad Yakusha is opening her eyes next episode. More Kengan Ashura reference is always nice!

She'll open them twice, too.

Attached: 01.png (960x1361, 934K)

They'll probably leave out the fact is says "MAY" on the Hiking chapter, then, since it's winter uniform in the anime right now.

Hibiki: those pants have got to REALLY hurt, c'mon, be nice to yourself.

Attached: 01.png (960x1361, 1.72M)

I regret not lifting like maybe 15 years earlier.

I thought about weightlifting in my highschool years but my parents back then, told me, weightlifting would hinder my maximum height potential as I started experiencing puberty and kinda scared me from weightlifting. I don't know if they were just superstitious but I didn't have money back then to buy weights myself or purchase a gym membership.

My highschool wasn't exactly rich as well and the weight room was mainly reserved for the football players. See, my highschool was the type to not even allow students to use the lockers because they were really old and it was too expensive to replace all the rusty locks with newer ones.

I'm not a doctor but I wonder just what age can someone start weightlifting without worrying about any harmful side effects?

You guys had experienced growing pains before right, like how your bones start growing bigger and longer as you start losing the body you had in middle school to grow up to a teenage body as you enter highschool. I'm just wondering, would weighlifting impact your growing pain stage of your life during highschool in a negative way?

No, I fell for this meme too.
All the sports team kids got tall too.

At about 25 your muscles no longer divide instead they hypertrophy (gain in size). Guys gain the most muscle before this and as long you are doing it safely there shouldn't be any risk

>you shredded yet

Im currently at 163 down from 177. my body scan I got 2 months ago tells me that once I get down to 153-154 I'll be at 12% body fat. so I'm at like 18% right now. going to keep jogging 5 days a week while watching anime. and doing my normal lifting routine like I always do

this is going to be the year I get out of built fat. wish me luck bros

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Did insurance cover your body scan? Or did you someone convince your doctor to order a scan for you?

I heard for most people, they get their body measurements from some Japanese body scale that zaps electricity through your hands or feet and then print out the results.

one of my dads friends is a personal trainer, so he has one of those INBODY scanners. he let me do one for like 20 bucks, it was worth it since it told me my fat mass and my muscle mass as well as my Basil resting metabolic rate, which is the exact amount of calories I would spend per day if I did nothing. I'm a 5-7 manlet which is why I would be like 153 at 12 percent body fat

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Well, since to me like you already won the genetic lottery so there's nowhere to go but up from here. I'm 167cm and no matter how tan I get, how much facial hair I grow or how much muscle I build no one will ever take me seriously.

Lol okay Kenshi.

>don't get definition
>get definition
Hmm... hmm hmm hmm big think.

I visit this place once a week or something to see if anything funny is happening/has happened. I saw this thread and posted in since ages

What the fuck do I do? I'm a manlet with a skinny fat body with mostly fat in the gut area and skinny arms and legs. I look like an underfed Russian conscript from WW2. I have no idea where to start. What even is a good body type for manlets? I don't want to go full shredded mode because that shit looks retarded on a short and small body.

Not this guy but I would like to ask the same question. My wrists look as if my hands are going to fall off at the slightest force but I have a fat tummy. I'm also a manlet.

Average height for adult male olympic gymnasts is around 5’4 to 5’7.


For some reason, Olympic Male Gymnasts are all pretty short yet they look good and /fit/.

Maybe you should aim for Male Olympic Gymnast Body.

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To be honest character is much more important than looks. Not boasting, I have good looks and get many matches in tinder for example but due to the fact that I'm fucking autist and idiotic personality I end up failing. I also saw many manlets succesfully getting a woman thanks to being smart/funny etc. They didn't have a nice face go with too.
Fuck this shit.

Is it just a meme or can you somehow increase the size of your fingers and toes by going to the gym and then imitating those finger or toe pushups you see in like Classic Chinese Martial Art Movies? Or is it just genetics? I seen images of free climber's hands and feet and the fingers and toes of free climbers look so fat and thick.

For example, these are the hands of Alex Honnold, a free climber. They look swollen but if you google more images of Alex Honnold's fingers, his fingers really do look really fat and thick.

I'm just wondering, if such big thick fingers is actually bad for finger health in the long run. To be honest, these free climber's hands remind me of a ballerina's feet which also isn't very pretty to look at but I'm just curious because it feels like all these free climbers have very big fingers just by sheer coincidence or does years of climbing just force your fingers to grow bigger.

Or is it because the photographer in charge of photographing all these free climbers' hands purposely created the illusion of bigger fingers from climbing?

Would like to see a MRI scan of free climbers' hands in comparison to a normal person's hands someday.

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>I also saw many manlets succesfully getting a woman thanks to being smart/funny etc. They didn't have a nice face go with too
I've also seen this and I've determined that it's all about how confident you are in yourself and how well you can defend yourself against attacks targeting your appearance without sperging out.

For people like us with no looks, no height and no game / social skills it's pretty much over.

Skinny fat syndrome.
But if you work your forearms, biceps and triceps then your arms will look aesthetically nice. Having small wrists have at least this advantage.
Also build your character.

Theyd probably be strengthening their flexor and extensor muscles in theor fore that are linked to the fingers

I gave up trying to be healthy a long time ago, and only recently thought about getting healthy again, specifically because I read some of this manga.
Should I try to go for it again? I've never been able to really motivate myself to do anything or stick to goals. I dont even know why im asking here of all places, but maybe trying one more time wouldn't hurt

I think it all depends on what you're trying to achieve by doing it. Do you want to improve your image of yourself? Do you want to live a long life? Do you want to be able to help other people by being able to lift heavy stuff?

As long as you keep your objectives clear and build a routine it shouldn't be too hard to maintain yourself motivated.

Humans are programmed to have goals and suffer/make effort one way or another. If you give up you can't find purpose in life and this makes feel like dying. So it is important to have goals. Making efforts is hard but necessary.
So have some goals and put some effort.

First ask yourself. Was it easier for you to make it through PE class back in school when everyone was forced to do the same physical activity as demanded by the teacher? If so, maybe psychologically, you found it easier to make it through exercise with company around you instead of exercising solo.

You should try swimming and once you feel confident enough, do team swimming. I think one of the biggest amateur team swimming in America is United States Masters Swimming.


Its a mixture of everything it can give me honestly, healthy lifestyle, better image, ect.
But every time I try it, I usually break on the first wave of urges. Not wanting to get up for a run, constant bad shit with eating (Soda fucks me up on a spiritual level).
And even when I DO get through, which is rare, it never feels like its enough, like theres no point, or I just feel dumb for trying

youre just fat
cut at 1400-1800 and do stronglifts 5x5 with some accessory like like pullups and curls thrown in there

when starting fat you can cut and add lean mass the same time
I lost 15 kg over 3 months eating at 1500 with 80gr+ protons, still made quick progress
After that I held my weight at 85kg and reached 2pl8 bench within 9 months of starting
bulking as a natty is a meme, when starting out its downright useless and does more harm than good

IF youre not auschwitz skellington tier that is

I want to fuck sensei

>or I just feel dumb for trying
You should be feeling the exact opposite. The fact that you're TRYING is commendable in itself. In my case I want to live a long life. Since I've worked in the health area, I've known crippled 80 years old who can't do shit for themselves and are just waiting to die on a bed as well as completely healthy 80 year olds who can live on their own and lead a functional lifestyle. This is the kind of person I want to be in 50 years. My entire family has heart problems so cardio is my main focus.

Lifting weights and playing basketball are the ultimate combo.
Fuck we missed our chances.

Don't be like me. I, myself, am trying to be healthy now since this year, my years of couch potato lifestyle have finally caught up to me and my doctor suggested I go see a physical therapist because being weak, fat, and unhealthy, caused me to injure myself, like I fucked up my left shoulder (I think my doctor said it was called shoulder impingement).

And this body pain made me remember how I used to feel young and invincible as a kid and wonder how did things get so bad. So yeah, being healthy and strong means less risk of injuries that cause body pain that makes life even more shitty. My shoulder impingement was caused by a total accident but I feel like if I had stronger arm muscles, I would have saved my left shoulder in time before it got injured.

>Just IF
What does this mean?

Recommended diet regime for skinny fats?

Try to remember how it felt like you could fly when you ran as a kid.

Dropping all that weight should make you feel like you could run and climb anything just like a kid again. Remember the Monkey Bars in the Playground. How many years has it been since you could complete a Monkey Bar.

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Am I not supposed to be reading this as leet speak for "one plate"?

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Okay, fuck it, this is the one that pushed me over. Im going for a run in the morning

>Is it just a meme or can you somehow increase the size of your fingers and toes
Any kind of hard manual work will do that because shit swells from the increased blood flow and eventual callusing among other things. Lengthening, probably not.

Waddle your lardass over to /fit/ and get to work

5'6" here. I live with a battle dwarf body. Beard, large back and shoulders, with a gut. Works for me.

skinnyfat is more about appearance than actual body composition
definitely no need to cut unless youre actually fat
eating around maintenance with increased proteins should be enough when starting out
once you look leaner just eat at slight surplus and continue lifting

remember that its easier to eat less kcals than to burn them with cardio
drink only water/tea/coffee without sugar, eat a garlic yoghurt with cucumbers for lunch and some lean meat for dinner and youll start dropping fat

>garlic yoghurt with cucumbers
Do I have to have the garlic? Greek? Or is there some other variety with better macros?

Google search local running tracks.
Highschools and even colleges may open their running tracks to the public after school or during the day. Some parks may even include a running track for the cities with town councils smart enough to include one when designing a local park for the public.

Why? It's because running on rubber is much better for your knees than running on concrete sidewalks.

I don't know where you live but every school in America with a football field will combine the football field with a running track to save money. It's not limited to football fields, I seen running tracks combined with tennis courts or soccer fields as well, even a baseball field once. It just depends on the area.

Basically google search "running track near me" or "athletic track near me" and check out what comes up and which running track is the closest to you.

not needed, I just like garlic
macros dont matter if youre fatass in his first months of losing weight, eat whatever yoghurt tastes best
the easiest way to lose weight is by eating tasty and healthy shit thats the opposite of calorie dense

I used to prepare chicken breasts in the oven every other day, then shred and toss with hot sauce etc
or mix a can of tuna with 2 spoons of cream cheese and spread that on bread etc

I miss netscape. That loading animation is goat.

If you actually go to /fit/ read the sticky and then get out of there.

>Why? It's because running on rubber is much better for your knees than running on concrete sidewalks.
This, holy shit don't burn yourself out on concrete. Of course the best option is natural terrain, grass probably being the cushiest you can get easily.


Just keep doing it, it's impossible for an exercise not to be beneficial. /fit/ are way too obsessed with muh gainz, persistence is much more important.

The "golden time" for taking protein is quasi broscience. The 30 minute window is especially so. There is some benefit to getting extra protein right after a workout, but the window in latest studies has been shown to be as long as 2 hours, and the benefit isn't that dramatic. I drink my protein shake right after just because I'm generally quite hungry by the time I'm done, and it tastes better when I'm worn out from exercise.

Most people at the gym, if they're the sorts to be sociable, tend to be cool about it. Everybody starts somewhere, and most serious gym goers know that.

You get bonus progress mires, too. I used to be fat, and at least once a week someone at the gym who's a regular but may have been gone for a bit/goes at shifting times will compliment me on how much trimmer I am and how good I'm looking. I'm still not where I want to be just yet, but it is motivating as hell to get random compliments like that.

Tons. Akemi is the sister of a somewhat important recurring character from Kengan, and one of the teachers is the mother of Kengan's Best Girl. One of the strongest fighters in Kengan trains at Ayaka's boxing gym, as well. Not to mention cameos all over the place, some of which are in-person, directly interacting with the cast.

I'm not sure if Dumbells is a prequel of Kengan.

Didn't that Chair Muscle Guy get killed in Kengan in an early Death Match so the Highschool Principal had to get a new fighter?

Are there time continuity errors in Dumb Bells?

I'm fairly certain it sandwiches Kengan, timeline-wise. The best we can go on is that, at some point during Dumbells, Kure-sensei mentions she has some sort of big "family trip" she's going on a following week. That's probably the week of the Kengan tournament, since the family trip is most likely the stakeout of Kazuo's house, and/or being called in to fight the would-be usurpers during the tournament.

Be fat and hike alot

>tfw forever cutting
I can't get mass, I am just a skeleton

Yeah, I meant isolation.

They also meet Adam in USA and he stays in Japan after Kengan tournament.

>you'll never be strong enough to breed Karla
why even lift?

My headcanon is that ozu did successful recovery, this page as my proof.

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Most useful thread on Yea Forums in decades? Yep

You're supposed to do 5.
Never more than 10, 10+ would be acceptable if you're on chemo or something and you're not supposed to put stress on your body.
>it's impossible for an exercise not to be beneficial
t. crossfit expert with multiple spinal fractures at age 23

I'm 31 years old 179cm 64.5kg. I'm aiming for around 68 to 70kg, but if you guys are skinnyfat at that BMI, I don't know what to aim for anymore.

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I'm a skinnyfat piece of shit; 27 years old, 179 cm, ~73 kg (sorta jellybean-shaped like E.T. with long freaky limbs and a potbelly):
I've been to the gym for about 8 weeks now, just doing cardio, light lifting, and stretches to get my body up to speed.

Is 5x5 a good system for me to start with when I'm ready to begin with heavy weights?

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Since when does a 3 sets of 12 reps of body weight squats fracture your spine? If anything you're way less likely to injure yourself when you're doing only body weight exercise, not to mention he said no more beneficial as in, I'm guessing, no more muscle gain. It's still a fucking exercise.

You'd probably condition faster by change low intensity cardio into a HIIT routine

Damn I rememeber similar threads when AniTore EX was airing,


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Do less cardio and more heavy weights.
We skinny fags lack muscle. Put on more muscle and our fats won't look bad anymore.

LOL no-fap doesn't make your dick not work


You still don't want to over do things -- sciencealert.com/1-000-squat-challenge-sends-teens-to-intensive-care-with-potentially-fatal-syndrome

The things you put on barbells are called weight plates.

Like, riding a spinbike or a elliptical machine and doing 30-seconds with high resistance + high intensity, then dropping back to low-intensity and repeating several times?
I've been doing that during every workout. Didn't know that's what it was called.

I fully plan to:
I tried starting 5x5 before, but couldn't squat properly (below-parallel) so I decided to spend 6 weeks focusing on flexibility and cardio with less weights. I'm just asking, is there something better than 5x5, or is it a decent enough starter regime?

>he doesn't even know what crossfit is
Why do you think your uneducated opinion matters?
Explain how this is "good because it's an exercise" to me.

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also this one doesn't have a cringy autist commentating over it.
There are tons more like these but they're really hard to find now that there are millions of "crossfit cringe" compilations that aren't even about crossfit.

>just goes to show that you should never try to push yourself too hard in exercise – even if one of your besties or a YouTube entrepreneur like Cassey Ho specifically (and irresponsibly) challenges you to.

"This is NOT EASY. Please be careful. I want you to push yourself but not to the point where you hurt yourself.

why can't journos into consistent writing?

"This is NOT EASY. Please be careful. I want you to push yourself but not to the point where you hurt yourself. Have funnnnn!!!! MUAHAHAHA!" Ho explains in the comments below her own video challenge.

/fit/ is nothing but refugees from r9k now. It's dog shit. do not go to /fit/ for lifting advice
>t. old fag fitizen

How did ancient people get strong enough to be drafted into war and forced on long marches with spear and armor when the availability of protein isn't as easy as today's society?

It makes me really feel I disappointed my unknown ancestor in some way. It just really feels like ancient people are super strong in my mind.

I heard the bread ancient people baked was also very tough and hard yet nobody back then had problems eating such tough bread. Could their jaws have been stronger than today's jaws?

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if anyone itt is interested i can share on some pdf sharing website if you link it. not mega because mega is botnet just pick a file

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there's optimal protein intake for gains but you will make gains below that. med diet including a ton of high calorie foods and a lot of fish, especially the greek diets. so i dont think they were that deficient in protein.

I know what memefit is. Basically what I meant is just eat healthy and exercise moderately but regularly, you don't have to care about gainz/bulking/cutting or whatever meme /fit/ obsesses over, but after reading my post again, I can understand how "keep doing it" might be misunderstood, I meant he didn't have to keep increasing the intensity because of muh gainz, just continuing at the level he considered easy that it's not beneficial anymore should be enough.

Bros, Yesterday I went to the gym and it was closed.

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that's retarded. you're suggesting just stop improving. he'll get bored doing the same 20 squats at hte same weight three times a week. the fun of lifting is getting stronger.
buy a home gym or at least an ez-curl bar and about 50kg of plates. be a curl bro on closed gym days

So where does one get anabolic steroids to make you shredded?

in europe - eastern european "pharmacies". in burgerfatland shady as fuck east-asian online pharmacies. dont recomend it though. you can get more than shreded enough for normies to mire and for you to be able to do all the physical activies your heart desires at maximum without destroying your body

>ez curl bar
only good for skullcrushers and reverse curls

almost like my fucking post said "be a curl bro". Ez-curls are great for pullovers, regular curls, and you can even row with one in a pinch. post body or shut the fuck up

not for regular curls, the hand position kills your gains

And were are we supposed to go? There's imageboards for 30-40's?

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jesus christ you dyel fag. the only hand position that an "kill your gains" is hand-on-top-of-hand since it results in like a 5% decrease in bicep activation. why do you newbie fags try this shit instagram.com/p/BDoL2JWrGGL/?hl=en

here you go newbie.
>1.) Barbell, EZ bar and dumbbell curls seem best, but cables can be useful at times especially for drop sets and variations.
Feel free to talk shit about how mike doesn't know his shit despite having a PhD in the field and having experience training olympic athletes you two bit cuck

Ignore the zoomer fags. They're literally the cucks who go to the prom with their mom. Imagine posting on this dilapidated old ass board as a kid instead of being on snapchat or tik tok with your actual peers. 100% chance their only friend is the old lady who they helped by mowing her lawn. Nothing more pathetic than being on 4channel.org as an under 27 year old

Goddamn you are actually right. This place is not for kids tbqh.
They should fuck off to tiktok or whatever popular nowadays.

How do I get godly poos? Sometimes my poo is just stuck I side my ass and won’t come out, even hard ones.

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You'd be fine starting at 50.
Time to get swole!

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Don't eat anything with added sugar. It's just meaningless energy.
Only exception is if you're doing something really demanding like cycling and you consume some to keep you going.

Do you collect them or something?

I'd recommend something tasty and high in protein. That way you'd be motivated to eat it.

Any advice regarding cooking?
I'm happy to set aside time to go to the gym. But food prep, optimising protein intake and calorie counting is such a pain in the ass.

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Eat fruit and veggies, christ.

Don't bother. Just never buy anything with added sugar and exercise a lot.
For bonus points go for whole-grains when buying carbohydrates.

I heard bodybuilders really like canned tuna but too much tuna can be bad for you.

>Don't bother. Just never buy anything with added sugar and exercise a lot. For bonus points go for whole-grains when buying carbohydrates.
Sounds good to me. When I spend an hour making dinner, 20 minutes doing dishes, and 5 minutes actually eating what I've made cooking to me feels basically like Sisyphean torture.
I've been making a big batch of curry every Sunday with 1kg of turkey mince and bringing it to work with white rice. This has been an acceptable compromise, but to drop the carbs I might forego the white rice, in lieu of brown or egg noodles or something.

Mercury poisoning?
I think you'd have to eat a lot of tuna for that to happen. But yeah good idea too.

Thanks guys.
I don't like being skinnyfat, but I can stomach being builtfat.

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When calculating your macros, namely protein, should you be considering protein quality?

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I do big, family-sized meals on weekends then divvy them up to eat for dinner when I get home from work during the week.
I highly recommend a slow cooker, they're great for low-effort cooking.

Don't drop rice for noodles. Switch to brown rice.

It's a nip band, Otsuki Kenji who did the SZS OPs is the lead singer. They did the Ushio & Tora remake OPs.

For vegetarian and vegan diets, yes.
Generally though, so long as you eat protein from a number of sources you don't even have to think about it.

thanks mate

he is alive

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Do people here still drink fruit juice like orange juice in the morning?

It's a habit I had since highschool but I wonder if I should give up fruit juices. I don't drink soda by the way but mornings without orange juice would take some getting used too.

Just reduce the amount. It isn't terrible, but it's a lot of sugar without the usual fibre in an actual orange.

I've seen chicken suggested as a good food by /fit/ (and I think the show did it too). Thing is, pretty much all chicken, at least here, is chock full of hormones and meds that they get fed to grow fast, I know a dude who got manboobs from eating too much chicken.

definitely cut down. unless you're squeezing it straight from the fruit, it's really not great for you, and even when you do you miss a whole bunch of nutrients you could get by just peeling and eating the damn thing.

Or replace it with actual orange.

Are you serious?

google the word "fibre".
Just eat veggies.

What the fuck

I'm not looking to get huge, but I got a belly despite the fact that you can see my ribs.
What effect would running suicide sprints have?

I eat oats and drink them in my shakes too, also has lots of fibres. Is it different from fruits? I also eat daily bananas and drink just water.

LMAo. 181 66KG here.

t. Akane

Thats cute young one

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So how many times have you faggots gone to the gym this week?
>6 times

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zina makes my dick so fucking hard
her voice too

i do a 4 day split. forcing myself to have rest days and not lift heavy everyday is harder than getting to the gym

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It's that enkou voice.

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I started in june, I was a skeleton who never worked out before and I've been going twice a week.
Maybe I'll add another day soon.

I still think Hibiki has a higher chance of doing enkou than her tbdesu

>natty is a meme

Go away /fraud/

I just bought a 1kg drum of protein powder and a shaker; the instructions say to add 2 scoops to 250mL of water.

Do you just add oats to the mix to make it more proteiny/fibrous?

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I remember the best I ever felt in my life was when I was doing the Stronglifts program for a while. Then something happened to me which caused me to develop chronic health problems. I haven't exercised properly in years because I just kind of don't see the point in trying to stay alive anymore.

almost had me

use as much liquid as you see fit, make it 400ml if its too thick etc it doesnt matter
if you cant stand water, use milk

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should i lose weight and exercise or exercise first then lose weight? cant do both :(

funny brad pitt looks like the guys on poster

>use as much liquid as you see fit, make it 400ml if its too thick etc it doesnt matter
>if you cant stand water, use milk
Thanks. I was actually a little worried about the taste and was tempted to use milk (it says it's chocolate flavored but it can't be that nice), although using strictly water would make life easier.
But in terms of supplementing it, do I just chuck in a quarter-cup of oats or something?

I did both
I ate 1.4k-1.5k and progressed every single workout for the first 6 months

how fat

yes, 6 weeks of that and I've lost 3 inches around my waste, am way more flexible, and have started showing muscle definition everywhere.

I'm 30 and 183cm, but I weight fucking 143 kg. You can be damn sure it's never too late. I got on keto, lost 5 kg already, want to start the gym next month too and do whatever I can, going with a group of a few friends.

1.85m, was 85.3 kg this morning, want to reach 78 kg or so
problem is not that its physically impossible but i just feel so unmotivated to exercise when im not eating much. I cant keep up after the first few days of exercising while also eating less.


Is it me or is Hibiki looking bigger and bulkier as the chapter progress?

you dont need to lose weight
eat maintenance with 80gr protons minimum daily and keep lifting

Newbie here. This anime a god sent to keep me motivated. I've been doing calisthenics for about a month now. Thinking about making it one more month and switching to gym.

Fucking 80 grams of protons are so hard to get on the plate, primary forces are too strong.

I know i dont really need to lose weight, but my story is that i was 95.5 at the beginning of this summer, did keto and 18-6 fasting and got to 85. But i still have massive pointy man titties and a little bit of belly left. Stopped dieting(because i felt awful and miserable 24/7) and decided to start working out with an app last week and i have been doing the home exercise plan from there. And now here i am. Basically my number one priority is getting rid of my mantits and im wondering if i should have continued dieting or keep exercising and maybe try going to the gym

Guess I might as well try it.
Got any tips for squeezing in more veg, it seems horribly hard to get the 2 and 5 everyday.

Gym is where you get shit done

Technically 0 since I don't physically go a gym because I'm a poorfag.
I instead use the gear I have at home.
Counting that

I started doing body weight exercises last week. I took yesterday off as I was getting pretty sore.

Throw a bunch in a pan while you cook sausage and they will soak up some of the grease and taste pretty good.
Stay away from lettuce because it is disgusting. Go for spinach and cabbage instead.
Also try to prepare them differently. I used to hate carrots, but then I stopped cutting them in slices and started shaving them off and grating them using my cheese grater and they became one of my favorites. I have no idea why it worked but it did.

Not really. Just get some steroids

If I wanted to start doing sets and reps should I do sets with heavier weight/reps with lighter weights or reps with lighter weights/reps with higher weights?
Which should I do first?
How should I organize my sets?

Until you become more advanced (read: years), you probably don't want to mess around with different weights in your sets too much. (Except for warming up of course). Just start with 3-5 sets, 5-8 reps. Pick a number and be consistent about it. Start with a moderately low weight and try to push up by 5 pounds every time you work out.

If you haven't before start light and make sure you have good form. And don't beat your body up too much to start. You can probably find some info on started sets online, also could ask some people at the gym

Has this shit reached meme status yet? I want Nendos of Hibiki and Machio

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If the diet is the part you're struggling with, I found that it helps when I do a food budget. I'm cheap as fuck and realized that junk food, pop, and take out were taking a huge part of my income, and just stopped buying any of that. Once you stop buying the extraneous stuff, you can start budgeting for healthier foods and look up recipes so you don't get bored of the healthy food.

keep up the good work bro

"Six pack abs are made in the kitchen, not in the gym."
What activity you do makes zero difference on your "definition." Your bodyfat % is what matters. How many Calories you ingest needs to be less than the Calories that you burn.

In your comparison, powerlifting heavy weights can actually burn more Calories than Cardio. And resting basal metabolism (how much your body burns when not exercising) is always greater when you have more muscle mass than when you have less muscle mass.

If it were like that then just being skinny would mean showing definition, but it's obviously not like that.
There's something I'm missing there.

No clear timeline exists between the series.
Kengan seems to last around 5-6 months from beginning to end (myabe less???). Not including the 4koma extras that clearly include all kinds of seasonal fun given the years and years Kengan ran.
Danberu has definitely placed itself from around the very end of a winter uniform (Ch. 1, Hibiki makes the decision to get fit for summer), through the summer, into fall, back into winter uniform, Christmas/New Year's (Chapters 23-26), back into spring definitively May (Chapter 48), again into summer with the Muscle Island excursion, back into fall, again into Winter and Christmas (Kyoto school trip and Christmas party Ch. 78)......but the girls are all still 2nd years. They'll probably progress into 3rd years when Sandrovich feels like it (there's already been "what to do after high school goals that should affect the series progression), but he might also not and use the confusion as a joke and say "don't think about it."

Also, there's reference to Gaolang being in great shape, injured (probably due to Kengan) and back in great shape again, competing. Ozu being alive COULD place the series before Kengan tournament, however the fact that Haruo is definitely a part of the Japanese Pro Wrestling group with Seki definitely places it after Kengan tournament.

Anyways, just do your best.

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That's interesting. I figured he was dead given this page.

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>Series actually got funnier these last episodes.


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I used to drink tons of carton or whatever fruit juices, but Orange Juice especially gives me terrible heartburn now, so i don't drink much.

Also, the sugar content in store-bought juices (even when it says "100% REAL" or "Not-from-concentrate!") is huge and not generally worth it for the surprisingly small vitamin content.
Although, juice is still better for you than any alcohol or soda, so there's at least that.

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>person appears in flesh
>makes a conclusion he's dead
user, I ..

It's not a point of consistency. She's always meant to look attractive, just fat when it plays a point in the panel it's commented on. Don't worry about it.

By the same token, Machio is getting absurdly huge in his flexplosions now.

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Being skinny will show definition.
If you want a lot to show off when defined, lift heavy things and put them back down to gain mass.

We can't see his legs, I assumed he was a ghost. He was appearing at the Masura Shrine during the New Year's shrine visists, and ghosts are canon in the series.

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I'm on a PHUL (Power/Hypertrophy Upper/Lower) split, so that's 4 days a week. Plus I typically have a day of rehab exercises for an old back injury where I also throw in some light accessory work. So typically 5 days a week. I'm considering trying out PHAT because I currently have the extra time, but Layne Norton's sample version makes my head spin a bit.

It never worked for me, I was really skinny in the past and there wasn't shit there. Maybe I'm fucked up somehow.

So I didn't actually know what enkou was, so I looked it up. Apparently it's straight up sugar daddy/super baby relationships? Hibiki's family has good money, so I doubt she'd do it. Zina would because she's in a foreign country and probably needs the cash.

Jason's only going to be at the very end of the season, isn't he? Based on the correlation of manga chapters to anime episodes, it seems like the Harnold Classic will be one of the last things that happens (Chapter 36, the anime does roughly 3 chapters an episode, so that would make it the final segment of episode 12, which seems like an appropriate place to end the season finale), and he doesn't show up until the end of that.

what chapter is this from?

>Just keep doing it
I meant you should do sets of 12 reps with active rest in between. Obviously doing a large consecutive number of reps is a bad idea in various ways, this is not cardio. I worded it in a retarded way though though.

In an exercise context, you get more tired the more reps you do so you end up doing the exercise in a shoddy form which lead to injury. If you overexert the muscle, it's not training, it's damage at this point.

To gain mass, you'll need to eat in surplus. Makes sure that muscle is muscle, though, by physically exercising to the limit of resources.

I was always surprised he was in the OP to begin with, since really his only appearance before Ch. 36 is just before Harnnold goes to Japan for, like, 1 page. It's only in Ch. 37 that he appears with a personality and stays as a regular. But, given next episode (8) is skipping ahead to be Chs. 30, 48 & 49, maybe that will change.
Also also, Machio is shown to be a shrine priest in the ED, so we'll have to see the girls' shrine visit this season, too. (but that would have been episode 9 anyway).

Ch. 74, towards the end of the Kyoto school trip.
The raws are up to Ch. 79, Rakuen translations is simple 10 chapters behind. WHICH IS MORE THAN 5 MONTHS BEHIND

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The season is confirmed to be only 12 episodes, right? Not 15 or something like that?

I'm guessing they'll start the Harnold plotline the episode before, have the chapter where they get to America open the next episode, then do the Harnold in segment 2, and then close it out with the epilogue to that Harnold and give Jason a little it of time.

Yeah, 12 episodes. It's hard to say how they'll end the season, I figured the same as you.

This almost guarantees a season 2, now, though.

From what I can tell, this show seems to be getting a lot of positive attention. So yeah, a second season seems inevitable. With the current amount of content in the manga, they would have to wait a little while before making a season 3, though.

>This almost guarantees a season 2, now, though
Sells are good enough?

4, though I'm going tonight as well. Once I stop being a faggot and get back to BJJ it will be around 6.

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Lifting doesn't just strenghen muscles but tendons and ligaments too. So yes lifting, especially back exercises and grip work will strenghen and thus thicken the tendons in your fingers.
Won't lenghen the bones in your hand tho.

Heavy lifting in certain exercises can increase bone density, as well. When I first started, I had a body composition test done. A few months later, which consisted of a lot of squatting, a follow up scan showed my bones had gotten a good bit more dense. That's why resistance training is suggested for people at risk for bone density issues, like the elderly. That, and the fact that stronger muscular systems help support a skeleton that may have been weakened with time.

where to find the raws?

It's a top 5 (or maybe 3???) for current running works on Urasunday publishing, so there's no way they'll stop the series there. And yes, very good manga sales there.

But the anime? Holy MACKEREL is it popular there. Viewership numbers are outrageously high, satisfaction ratings place it between #1-#3 every week, the week the OP/ED cd released made it the #1 sold cd in Japan for that week, the volume sales skyrocketed after episode 1, the VA's (especially Ai Fairouz) is having remarkable success with marketing, the OP/ED real-life parody that was presented alongside the series has millions of views and is popular for reasons they don't know why, AND they haven't even begun pre-sales for the Blu-Rays yet.
>sells are good enough
They'll make a season 2.

But, like says, Season 3 isn't quite ready, yet. At minimum they'd need 108 chapters, but they're only at 79. However, a "season 3" would be almost two years away, so that'd easily give them the time, not to mention pulling from the crossover chapters and 4komas if they'd like (or the possibility of more original material for the anime, given Sandrovich is involved).

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I've been here since I was 16, in 2004.

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*flexes a cep*
How’s this for a start?

This song came up on my playlist.
I instantly made this song webm within 10 seconds of me listening to it. I had to. It worked out perfectly.


Click it. It needs you.

Attached: I AM THE ONE AND ONLY (no saound).webm (960x540, 1.35M)

Keep at it, bro!

Attached: C'mon More Energy.webm (960x540, 243K)

Is doing cardio everday alongside stronglifts 5x5 every other day good for an overweight person?

If you can do it that would be good. Just make sure you do lifting before cardio. Remember that as you build muscle, your base metabolic rate goes up, and you'll start losing more weight while eating the same amount.

It will help with losing weight even more.

Yeah, who would do such a thing.

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You realize that if you've been posting here since the beginning and weren't an underageban you'd be 34 years old. This is why 30year old boomer meme exists. (I've tried to leave, many times, but you always come back)

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She looks dumber wearing a belt for a 1pl8 single rep deadlift than she does in a kendo men.

What's a good cheap home gym?

be careful
I tore my right quad due to stronglifts and boxing twice a week (LISS and HIIT), I didnt have any soreness but I needed some more rest nonetheless
Past 1pl8 I wouldnt squat every single workout again
also remember to throw in accessories with SL, most importantly lat pulldowns and some bicep/shoulder work

read rule 1 of Yea Forums fgt

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Get a power cage, a bench with a leg accessory, and a set of free weights.

A Pull-up bar

Are dumbbells and calisthenic exercises enough to at least get some definition?

Plenty. I'd also recommend a dip station and a pull up bar (You can also get these in one piece of equipment) if you want to go full bodyweight home gym.

>some fapbait exercise advice anime gave us better Kengan fanservice than the official fucking anime did

Daddy cow not needed, nowadays most cows are arteficially impregnated
>t. frow up on a farm

Yes, you can tone your body very well with just them. Just don't expect to become big.

fuck off, this is natty territory

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Does the type of shoe you wear matter in the gym or only when it concerns running, like running on a treadmill?

When I was looking for shoes, I noticed next to the running shoe category, there was a weightlifting/squatting shoe category. Any of you guys even tried these weightlifting shoes?

>loose skin
In fear of that, I better don't start exercising. I'm 183 cm and 104 kg. Should loose at least 20-25.

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Not exactly true, but if you aren't pushing yourself for a dozen rep set then the gains will be shit. Of course there is a difference between power and endurance training.

> Would desperately do anything to be fit
> Have had muscular dystrophy as a kid
> Can walk and do normal every day things but that's about it
> Doctors tell me to be grateful for that

It's not fair, anons...

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You don't know me.

There just non believers user. You are part of a group of people who I know that can still make gains as long as they put enough efforton it. If all else fails then just fap to get yourself some killer triceps.

Good Job! :3

I did a few squats and now I cannot stand up or move my legs. Just kill me Yea Forums.

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Remember lads
One onion a day keeps the doctor away!

It's sign that you're making progress, keep at it!

If only I started lifting in highschool, I could just have my mom drive me home after gym, while I collapse in the back seat.

That's the sensation of weakness leaving your body. Embrace it.

But also don't rely on it. Some people actually get discouraged when they no longer feel the soreness, thinking they're doing something wrong. Your body just adapts and you don't get the soreness as much after a little while of consistent training.

Soreness is good. Loss of range of motion is when you see a doctor. A hot shower or bath will generally clear that up for a while. Be careful of tomorrow morning, that's when it really gets you.

Wait till you get DOMS

Yeah, I should seriously invest some pair dumbbells or something.

Also it's important to learn the difference between soreness and pain. Soreness is more of a dull, muscle-level sensation. Pain is sharp, and is more likely to hit the joints or tendons. Soreness is good, pain is bad.

Pistol squats, yo.

I tore my ACL doing this when I went to max deadlift. My muscles were keeping up just fine but be careful of ligament injuries.

>OP/ED real-life parody
Link please, can't find it.

She weights 130lbs and she's lifting her body weight. Belt is allowable.

When is it necessary to buy a belt?

I seen people wear sleeves on their knees as well.

Is there a weight threshold before those belts and sleeves become necessary?

>Doga Kobo
>Season 2
Not gonna happen

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Why you wouldn't wear protection?
It's a macho bullshit if i ever saw one.

>the VA's (especially Ai Fairouz) is having remarkable success with marketing,
She's on point with it.

Ganbare user ayaka is gonna be proud.

It's there so you reduce the chance of injuring yourself. If you think you could injure yourself, get a belt. That's about all there is too it.

The desire to have been strengthened, to have grown, to have felt alive, to have grasped at the crown of life, that is what unites all.

>That one rich character who turns a realistic problem unrelateable by trivializing it with money/power
I honestly hate that trope and yeah it's technically her sister but my point still stays.

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He's talking about these


Masturbating after a workout feels really good.

Fuck off and kill you- oh wait.

Are you white?
Please say no

raw milk

Same here user, and here I am now getting fit after decades of physical suffering.

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I want to rest on ayaka's abs after my workout

>Was on an two days event
>Ate too much unhealthy shit
Oh boy, do I have workout to do to get rid off all that stuff.
At least I inherently developed a distaste for Cola.

Machio would tell you not to give up

I can't live without it.

Stop drinking Cola long enough and henceforth it will only taste like that disgusting sugar water it is.

This is a lie perpetuated by elitists. it always tastes great regardless of how long you abstain.

>tfw this anime motivated me to get back into lifting and distance walking
7 mile morning walk and an hour lifting, feels great.

>Stop drinking Cola for a year
>Drink again
>Still taste just as good as before
Definetely a lie but I have to say some candies and cakes start to taste too sweet

ThisI rarely drink coke, maybe once every few months, and it tastes amazing every time

desu soda is actually hard to drink after not having it for a long time the fizz and sugar is just too strong

Do cardio.

>tfw 150cm and now 95lbs by just not eating junk food and walking more

Woo go me, am I doing good?

Only if you are a little girl. London?[/spoiler[

Try sparkling water, plain, if possible. It could serve as a substitute for your regular soda except it won't contain any calories.

There's different kinds of carbonated water these days, though. Make sure you buy the right one.

For example, you don't want to drink Club Soda all day because it has too much salt in the ingredients.

We are drinking fake Coke though. None of us can legally taste the original recipe for Coke because of current laws.

If you are going to treat Coke as a treat like once a month, wouldn't buying Mexican coke make more sense as a treat although it is much more pricey than regular coke sold in an aluminum can.

It's funny though because we complain about soda but nobody ever realizes sports drinks can be as bad as soda. Sports drinks like Gatorade can actually be more harmful than soda when it concerns teeth.

If you guys want to stay hydrated, I suggest Pedialyte over Gatorade even though Pedialyte was never intended to be a sports drinks but for adults and children suffering from diarrhea.

Fucking this. I've been drinking solely water with the occasional soda/juice for 6 years now, even if it's months in between, a coke or sprite never stops tasting good.

Unironically yes.


I lost 15 lbs was wondering if I was doing good tbdesu

After tasting Japanese soda, I feel we get ripped off in America.

It's a good and a bad thing I don't live in Japan, because I would be trying different soda flavors every season in Japan.

I envy small people sometimes because you guys likely deal with gravity much much better than tall people.

that shit is way too fucking sweet for me and its hard to drink more than a glass

But 150cm is definitely too small imo, I’d prefer to be like 162cm ish

After 15 km jogging there is no heavenly sweeter nectar than simple tap water.

Normal water is elder god tier.

Have you tried wielding an axe?

One time I tried picking up a woodcutting axe i couldn’t

I actually heard, cutting wood is a good exercise.

Oh no I could never desu

What problem? The only issue her is Hibiki going to an expensive gym on a regular persons budget and honestly until the show brought it up I wasn't even giving it any thought to start with.

I wonder if this coverage extends to the teachers though?

Silver Gym looks more fancy than real life gyms. The most expensive real life gyms honestly look like a joke compared to this anime's Silver Gym.

If you check yelp images, I'm not really impressed. The Top Football Team Gyms look much better in comparison.

The only difference between luxury gyms and regular gyms is they offer to do your laundry for you while you change clothes or shower.

I even have to pay 50 Cent every time I want to shower at my gym. Fucking ripoff.

sheiiit. why are they slacking so much, even jannies are being busier and they work for free!

Oy vey, it's only one dollah, why are you being so stingy over measly 5 buck shower fee goy? You antisemitic?

t. retard larping overweight faget

From Danberu's sister show.
Achievable natty?

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I am lazy and abhor physical activity.

Fruit juice yeah. A beer, yes. Coca Cola? Nah. The fizziness is annoying and the sweetness is comical.

Cosmo's physique is. Adam's roiding.


Well, whatever you want to do. If that's what you want to do, if you think you can beat me in 1-2-3?

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>220 bench
>200 OHP

Yeah in real life, its the sports athletes that get spoiled when it comes to personal gyms. Majority of Olympic athletes on the other hand use regular gyms just like us regular folk.

However, some universities who use alumni to brag or get donations, try to contract with a former student who wants to win Olympic gold, and they get access to the "athlete only" gym on campus. Yes, in universities in America who are big on football or basketball, there is usually 2 gyms on campus: one for regular students and regular staff, and the other is for athletes only. The athletes only gym will usually have much better equipment and much more "luxury".

fucking lolde

fuck bench, ohp is king

I completely agree. This shithole would stink less had it just be for the upper echelon of wised ager wizards and losers. No one under 21 should even be near here.

Cool man. You should try one more day every other week to build up. Nice muscle!

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I'm proud of all you fuckers actually exercising. I know it can get complicated, but heres what's important. You doing something. Sure theres always probably a better way to do what you're doing, but 90% of the time it's fine. Getting up and moving is 90% of the work anyway, and as long as you're not hurting yourself you're doing a great job. We're all gonna make it brehs

This had me dying

Based and motivationpilled

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(3 times a week * 50 Cent ) * about 50 weeks that I go to every year