Yea Forums is dead

>New Yotsuba Chapter Dump
>2 Days Old
>Still hasn't hit the archives, bump limit, or even 125 posters
I can't believe Yea Forums is fucking dead

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I can't believe night Yea Forums is a thing again, and I sure as fuck don't dislike it, now that it's slow i can come, post something and check back in 30 minutes like it was always supposed to be
Now maybe i can come back insted of dropping every 6 months

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the manga has taken a hit both artistically and in plot for quite some years it is a shell of its former shell with no end in site


Good, maybe the kids will leave due to the decline and it can be built up again from scratch

>A Dr. Stone thread died for this

It's a pretty boring and shit manga desu.


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Yea Forums is a shonen board now.

And nothing of value was lost...

yotsuba is shonen though

Good, the early internet(>д<)culture and worship of crap like azumanga or yotsuba went on for far longer than it should, and if there's anything good to come out from the modern zoomer shit is that it finally succeeded in killing the cult mentality over it. The fact that I won't be banned for posting this seals it, like mods used to years whenever somebody went against that bullshit kawaii desu retarded schoolgirl series.

Fuck off.


Dilate and lament over the death of your series in the other thread.


If Yea Forums is dead then how am I posting right now? Checkmate atheists

And you just noticed NOW?
After all these years?

Wow this guy really wants everything to turn into lowest common denominator shit.

Shut up retard. Current Yotsuba is the best and mos refined it's ever been.

When will Fuuka fuck Mr. Koiwai?

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I was asleep.

Oh the no fun allowed to series doesnt have fun threads?
Wat a surprise.

you've been in a coma for 10 years wake up

Everything you love is fucking dead.


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>Yea Forums is dead
I wish

Let's see if true :3c

My brother from an african-american mother

Meta thread? Meta thread.
I for one am glad to see how Yea Forums is changing as of late. I know this pisses quite some people off who've wasted years on this board, but the fact that these people stayed here for so long speaks for the board itself and its content. It's a shame that people from other boards have been denied access here due to some outdated gatekeeper mindset, so it's refreshing to observe the subtle but effective changes happening within the last year or so. Accessibility for more 4channers is a good thing, we are all alike in the end. Infighting just for the sake of infighting has been retarded, and it's ample time it stops for good.
Everyone not content with that can fuck off to Reddit for all I care, what remains is the true Yea Forums core, which is all that matters.

I give this bait a 5/10, better than usual.

Yea Forums is too busy wanking it over their shitty generic shounen garbage

If you look at Yea Forums nowadays, you know it isn't bait.

There's fewer people as unsufferable on Yea Forums as the one that think you need to post ten reaction images to every fucking chapter dump or else it means you didn't like it.

Kill yourself OP

Thia deserves a reddit gold

Upvoted :)

don't take his last bit of hope you asshole

This but mostly unironicly

What shonen is this thread about?

Monogatari is a shounen in disguise

Faith restored. For now.

Only a minor setback, you'll see.


Yea Forums should be a red board, change my mind

What did he even say?
Deleting comments just makes mods look asshurt.

Yeah we should just allow hentai so the board gets flooded with it and nobody ever discusses anything of substance ever again, that's a great idea.
There's a reason those boards are outside of Yea Forums and it isn't censorship.

Rangeban all of America

The problem is that it releases irregularly. People know when to come for spoilers for their favorite series,that’s why the threads move so fast.