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I like the part where he gets Jotaro'd by a raindrop.

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>tfw you realise this was a confront between the two most useless stands in all of Part 7

>catch the rainbow
It rains every day in the south

Useless how?
I'd just move to seattle and stealth kill communists all day and get away with it. I'd be a fucking superhero, and on the days where it doesn't rain, I get to take a day off.
CTR is the best stand.

What happens if it suddenly stops raining while Blackmore has his body separated?

Most useless two are DISCO and Hey Ya

How did valentine not say the n word once? Completely broke the immersion of old america.

I'll give you hey ya but Disco has legit combat application.
He'd probably fall to the ground in one piece with the last raindrop.

Valentine's America already got rid of the black problem except for Pocoloco and his dad.

Attached: Valentine_Normal.png (489x751, 747K)

he was speaking japanese

If they seriously dub Valentine with a shitty southern accent I'm going to not be very happy with their decision. I might even burn Viz Media down.

And it was kino

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Man, early SBR looks so much better in black and white.

All SBR looks better in black and white (like Araki intended) than with some shitty digital coloring on top

I’ll never forgive Araki for how he treated Blackmore, especially considering he’s one of the better musical references of SBR

something something tried to fuck a 14 year old something

Lucy's k/d ratio is too high.
who else?

completely acceptable everywhere other than 21st century America, where sex between a white man and a woman is illegal.

Black literally found Jesus, user

Attached: D18.jpg (1783x1400, 986K)

>have one of the most important tasks in the story
>be one of the main villain’s most trusted and competent henchman
>only get about 30 pages before you’re killed

Its a really fucking cool 30 pages though

Same for Mike but he doesn't look as cool
Honestly it's kinda OoC for Valentine to not bring AU Blackmore and Mike to keep an eye on The World Diego

If the Blackmore Section was twice as long, he'd be better. As is he has some stellar moments, but his development and plot feels rushed to say the least.