Boku No Hero Academia

Chapter is finally out in English

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Other urls found in this thread:

I dont know what's worse, Fake joker not being dead or him looking so damn pathetic.

*Surpasses Kino*

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I said that there was 0% chance of Redestro living. I stand corrected. I'm really happy with this resolution

I like that even after becoming Absolute Liberation Boy, Tomura just wants his friends to eat some good fucking food for once.

>without the lightbulb
Looks like a regular scene, with Shigaraki being shrewd

>with the lightbulb
Looks like Shigaraki is a 40IQ caveman who just struggled to produce his first thought this month

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>Tomura just wants to eat some good fucking food for once.
Fix'd. Tomura doesn't have any "friends", he has allies he tolerates.

>or him looking so damn pathetic.
That is the best part
Especially with all the ReDestrofags going before "he is not pathetic" when we just had text spoilers
He looks even worse than Overhaul

How long is he gonna keep up the 12-13 pages per chapter thing?

He's my hero now

You think that if he "tolerates" them, he wants to help them make their wishes come true?

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You don't like the big two pagers?

Wow, mad props to Horoikoshi blitz kreiging Shigaraki's development. Literally threw away Shigaraki underdog status. Made Fake Joker look like the biggest chump of 2019. Made Shigaraki ridiculously OP. And won the respect of Gigachad in the span of 20 chapters.

10/10 Storytelling

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>he wants to help them make their wishes come true?
That's what he tells them so that they'll keep following him. You really think that a guy that hates everything and wants to destroy everything will actually make exceptions?

>You really think that a guy that hates everything and wants to destroy everything will actually make exceptions?
For people that are willing to stay with him, follow his commands and are just as downtrodden as him? Yes. And even if he's just telling them to keep on his side, if he's as smart as Hori makes him out to be he has to deliver on those promises.

That wouldn't be an issue if it were the only reason most of his chapters for a while are shorter than the norm. The VA are fun and all but I don't think Hori has the talent to entertain for a whole arc enough to warrant slower pacing.

Plus condisering what he did to Onahole, it's in his best interest to at least give Toga Deku as a gift. Doubt he'd survive that.

So what's next? Prison Break ?
Please don't be a training arc I swear

Wow yeah op thanks for posting the last page and not providing any links that was a big help thx

either another hero arc, or students going against the shiggy and co. (either one/both better then ANOTHER training arc)

Not OP but here incase you haven't found already

>Students vs shiggy this soon after the LoV arc
Editor-san won't allow it

Yeah at least he didn't go the way of Overhaul, hopefully Shiggy lets him live just to keep his new lackeys happy.

fair enough. So either hero arc or hori will have the students do something do other then training.....

Decide the new name for the League of Villains.

League of sugar babies

The Ruinous Powers

So after this chapter, how long before people pretend like they were on board with the LOV the entire time and didn't think that they sucked

But Deku needs to unlock a new quirk!

Hori fucking delivered. Why do we keep doubting him again?

You're going to get your Shiketsu Joint Training arc and you will like it

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Army of Free Villains

Well they just started year 2, right? Maybe an arc about that and introductions to some of the first years?

But it's 16 pages

6/10 chapter, art was great as always but could've given RD a better struggle
Otherwise the arc as a whole was enjoyable to read weekly but this is a good place to stop

>young man shining so brightly
>horizon so beautiful
>everyone bow down to him in an instant
Shigaraki turned into fucking Girno all of a sudden.

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>New first year classes
How many little brother/sister characters will get introduced then never brought up outside of festival cameo's?

>More irrelevant nobodies
90% of class A and B is forgettable, and you want more of that?

Cache of Crap-eaters

(and that's a good thing)

To be fair, that's actually pretty accurate since he's been food and sleep deprived for a month and just went into an ultra-instinct auto-pilot while fighting re-destro and has had his first opportunity to slow down and remember what he was talking about before all this gigantomachia/liberationarmy shit started

Is Shigaraki still hallucinating?

Curious died for this

Reminder Eijiro is one top 5 strongest fighters in Class 1-A. He has no limits to his potential. Same as Denki.

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timeskip into second year and new hero works
I hope

So... How will Eijiro and Denki die?

imagine the smell

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go back to tumblr

That's how you end a fucking arc. In that one chapter, dozens of new plotlines have been opened up for the future of the series. Based Hori, dabbing on shitposters.

guyss r/manga doesn't like the chapter again

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could you make that pic any smaller?

Twice is a lucky man

>Shiggy's look of pure childlike joy when he's disintegrating everything around him
>That fucking lightbulb of "Oh shit we need to eat"
I couldn't stop laughing for like 5 minutes

That's pretty much Hori's greatest talent; visual gags.

You're very sweet, Bakugou.

Twice is lucky men

We'll never get a chapter with Giga just going all out, will we.
I guess it's not important, but he's been hyped up forever and I still don't know that much more about him except that he grows bigger, has keen senses and takes naps.

it's beautiful isn't it? But seriously they've been starving for over a month.

i lost the original, so i keep that for memories.

Who cares about leddit

I'd say it's a tie between character design and working with thick black ink but he is good at visual humour

>tfw somehow a guy like Gran Torino was able to momentarily hold back Giga

I want to fellate Shigaraki!!

>grows bigger, has keen senses and takes naps.
Giga a cute

That solitary panel just seemed so out of character for Shiggy in the best way. For almost the entire manga he's either been in a state of either angsty edginess or zen-like calm. Then you get this one panel where for just a second he looks like a SoL character who just realized he forgot to bring his lunch to school.

I really think Shigaraki is going to become a lot more sociable and less autistic after this, he just had a therapeutic jam session and has finally let out every bit of angst that has festered inside him for years, now he is a new man ready to literally take over the world and fuck toga

Isn't it funny when the new chapter comes out and suddenly everyone turns into Gigguk with 'muh controversial opiniun'. It's always a laugh to turn around in a few years and see people praise the arc anyways.

Literally fucking who?

>tf I will never see a highschool SoL with the LoV.
why even live?

>implying he'd be enough of a cunt to cuck someone like twice

not that user but he's a anituber (so actually autistic)

Gigguk doesn't talk much about BNHA as far as I'm aware.

He started shilling SnK once it got "deep" by having Eren just talk about killing a lot of people. Violence is deep!

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>looks like a filipino mutt
>a bong
What a racial and cultural disaster.

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This scene animated is gonna be too kino. This arc is gonna be something.

So now Icyhot can fight the fire guy, and Re:Destro will be left to, uh, fuck, I dunno, Iida?

Next it's the movie.


>justified 'o my 7 quirks' in one chapter
how does hori do it

Well that was fucking retarded
>muh ideals are everything, freedom or death
>o shit this guy destroys really well, now THIS is freedom!
Hori's a hack

>starving for over a month
>still this powerful
>this is after they’ve been fighting Giga too
UA students have nothing on this type of training.

Power is sorta a simple thing, ain't it? "I follow the strongest side" and all that


Shiggy was more than that. You fail to see how liberated he is.

>How do I make the league of villains a threat now that I gave Deku SEVEN quirks?
>I know, I'll just introduce an extremely rich and powerful organization and hand it over to Shiggy because the leader suddenly does a 180
genius writing

>chapter ends with that the story is finally picking up speed
That’s how. He knows, so he rushed it.

Are they tho?
Does anyone have the timeline? I think you’re correct but I was arguing the other day with someone and I’m just not sure because of how Japanese schooling works

Hey, let's be fair, he also revealed that Toga's quirk is completely broken and made Shiggy become a DBZ villain

Deku can’t fight the LoV by himself anyways. What if they’re all in different locations too? This is why All Might needs team mates.

>1 IQ critical reading ability


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>Deku can’t fight the LoV by himself anyways.

That's why he has a CQC assassin and explosion man.

Probably multiple people will fight him since he’s a giant. Giants almost always fight multiple people. And since he’s intelligent, my money is on Momo.

Shiggy will decay himself if he continue using his quirk

>implying he won’t get a quirk or equipment to counteract that

Raisin bread.

>FOUR sticks

Nice spelling retard.

You can't possibly defend an author who suddenly introduces a completely new faction that is supposedly huge and influential yet we've never heard of it and in the same arc hands it all over to the main villain in a questionable manner. If you want to talk about asspulls, which people here love to talk about, then this whole arc and the way it boiled down is one giant one

He will get a quirk from AfO to keep this from happening

>Shiggy can already level cities
>basically AfO vs All Might tier destruction
>Peak AfO vs All Might was supposedly ten times worse
Does this mean Deku is going to get his 100% Full Cowl next arc and that way he can also unlock the rest of the quirks? Also Shiggy countered Redestro’s attacks with his quirk, so he could probably defend against multiple 100% OfA punches too right?

But it was named before, I don't remember exactly when, but I think it was two times?

Shit Arc
Shit manga
Shit pacing
Nothing that happened here will have any consequences or affect the world in any meaningful way and the next arc is just gonna be another school training arc where Deku pulls another quirk from his asshole

>chapter is out guys
>doesn't link chapter

Okay, they did a fuck ton of damage.
This better be shown in the news to the students or something. I know redestro has those camera, wonder if shiggy gonna release some footage of them fucking people up.
Hope he releases Toga as Uraraka and gets UA or her into a bunch of trouble. Make her look like the traitor possibly

Because shounen injuries always have laststing consequences that don't get solved by plot devices

Yes, Deku is still fucked up, Iida’s brother, Mirio, the list goes on very long in this manga.

hopefully a prison break arc and a training arc revealing the traitor simultaneously

>yet we've never heard of it
fucking retard lmao

Season 1 of the anime/manga has a scene where Giran talks about companies in villain business. Destro has been alluded to multiple times. Redestro was shown to be a sensitive bitch about Death the whole arc. Multiple characters got there suit upgrades from Denerat (bakugo uraraka). I believe overhaul even mentions them.

Oh boy! I can't wait for nothing to happen!
How do you retards cope with the fact that the story has literally not progressed since the beginning?

Well, luckily for Deku quirk evolutions or recontextualizations are a thing, and his best friends are a guy who is all about speed, and a girl who bends one of the fundamental forces of space-time.

No whip is gonna be the only one for a while. Hori has to Spider-Man a lil but before he moves on

>be shigaraki
>walk next to a building where all the pro heroes are having a meeting
>decay everything in a mile radius
>have your smoke-man portal you out
>walk next to hero academia
>decay everything
>portal out
This will never happen and Hori will eternally be retarded for making him that fucking powerful

Enjoying the attractive bodies.

Lmao weakest bait

Gikkuk basically backtracked on his controversial opinion on MHA because he remembered he's being funded on Patreon.






Lmao, tell me how the story has progressed, the only thing hori knows how to do is give powerups or take away powers

We're not gonna get a chapter of him going out for years because he's got nobody on his level as of now.

Think of it like this: He's the Gouketsu(from OPM) of BNHA. It'd take ALL of the top 10 pro heroes heroes together just to possibly beat him, and even then, it could possibly not happen.

Also, I knew that Gigantomachia was far more powerful than Kirishima, but the power discrepancy is astronomical. It's literally impossible for Kirishima to get strong enough to even HURT the fucker let alone even beat him. It's like the difference in power between Mumen Rider and Gouketsu. People who still think that Gigantomachia is falling to Kirishima need to get their heads checked at this point. Hori basically told us that SHiggy alone was able to beat one of the most powerful quirk users in the series, what does that say about Giganto's power that he likely could've STILL pimp slapped Redestro at full power?


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We need

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So, uh

What are the heroes supposed to do about this? Shiggy and pals just jumped a half dozen tiers on the threat scale over the course of one arc.

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He's probably dead as of BNHA.

>about speed
He’s about propulsion. He also has an engine in his leg that grows presumeably meaning something in the quirk world.

That’s not the point of bait mate.
Actually watch/read the series. The story moves.

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I'm just saying he befriended the right kids to be able to deal with Shiggy's League of Bullshit.

they'll never use their abilities in any meaningful way, don't worry. After this every thread will be
>why didn't X just do Y?
and the worst part is they all will have a point

Kirishima is gonna break his limits to protect Mina. And go from Ruby Crystals to Hard Diamonds/Steel.

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He’s with AfO now.

considering they're now in bed with an extremely powerful corporation which has political ties? This will all be covered up. It's going to be swept under the rug and passed off as a "devastating earthquake" and nothing more.

>OP quirk
>army of trained soldiers at his disposal
>fortune 500 company funding him
>guaranteed AfO
>one of his subordinates reawakened the ability to spam 1000s of clones
>another one unlocked quirk copying
I don't seven quirks is going to be enough to deal with this.


Because it will be forgotten in one chapter

I'm really interested to see how Hori will buff up Deku now that shiggy is op.

other countries exist you know

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I think the proper way to deal with Giga is Jirou, actually. Jirou and Present Mic, maybe. Since he has that whole fixation on recordings.

Kirishima honestly kind of seems like the person to die protecting somebody with his body, but Hori already showed that.


Shiggy will probably suffer the same conditions as Deku - using his quirk at full power will fuck up his arms and render him bed-ridden for a while.

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>he doesn’t remember how All Might took out AfO and his entire army with just one quirk

Shiggy isn’t a weak boy like Dekinai.

Shiggy should have been like this from the fucking START man.

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>take my army as you have defeated me
What the fuck
how are people okay with this

His right arm is totally fucked though. So is the left one, albeit for different reason.

You think Mirio won't get his quirk back?

>T. Someone who should read the manga

SnK is a gray war story about tackles antinatalism vs natalism, race guilt, propaganda, historical revisionism, healthy vs dangerous nationalism, moral and historical ambiguity, and how the sins of previous generations are used by outside parties for manipulation. Isayama has managed to evoke philosophical discussion in millions of fans over the ethics of procreation -- the very root of all human problems -- the brutal lengths one would go to achieve freedom for their people, and a dilemma regarding whether a race with an extreme potential for danger, but also good, should be allowed to exist in the world.

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This is a really stale copypasta. It wasn't funny the first time and it isn't funny now.


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Are those injuries on his finger the remnants of when Shiggy grabbed him with his mangled hand?

Why didn't they retreat then
it's fucking retarded

Lmao he was the biggest embarrassment last arc. All he's good for is being a human shield

Folks might be using it as a venue to discuss /pol/ tier philosophy on race, but there's far too many fantastical elements for me to really view it as insightful.

> S5 in 2021
not fair bros....

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The Villainous League of Meta Liberation Armies

I can assure you the rantings will drop so much you won't get a season

People have been saying this since S1

>S5 will have almost zero Deku

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the ratings may actually drop during season 5 itself considering how peculiar that season is going to be

Major complaint is that the MLA lost tons of things, LoV didn't lose shit. Geran lost some fingers and Shiggy lost part of a hand and broke his leg and Toga got mildly hurt, but she'll be fine because she's the token woman.

>Basically get nuked
>Your strongest attacks only resulted in you losing your fucking legs
>Just retreat
>Fight some other time

Even if they didn't start working for shig the liberation army is done, they can only win in making their new society if they are unstoppable and twice himself was giving them trouble after they restored his smile.

I started off this arc suspecting that SHiggy would gain control of all the assets Hori was flaunting, possibly be dequirking ReDestro and then holding a cure that doesn't exist over his head.

>his controversial opinion on MHA
What, that a lot of the fights have poor choreography? That's hardly a hot take, though it gets better post-Yakuza.

>These hands are gifts from OfA, to guide my destruction of Allmight
>But you aren't Allmight, and I don't need these hands.

He can even have twice making clones of him

They have exactly two bullets, and can't tell the serum and antidote apart. Without the doctor's help, the dequirking asset is useless.

He started. Look at his face.

>a completely new faction that is supposedly huge and influential yet we've never heard of it
The secret organization that's been biding its time underground? No fucking way user

>he doesn’t know about the spear
Deku has throw rock spikes before

Let me repeat
You won't get season 5

eppur si muove

We all knew Re:Destro existed to bolster Shiggy, guess no one called it being quite so literal.

His face has always been ridden in cracks though. The recent additions just feel like par for the course.

Is this shit finally over? Shigaraki is such a boring character.

Lmao you’re just proving you’re stupid
Figure it out yourself if you’re so concerned.

come un pendolo


Season 4 is going to be a huge sucess, the pleb is gonna love it and you know it

Lmao season 4 coming up, and it’s one of the most hyped arcs eat my ass

Now that we know Shiggy’s true quirk, it makes a lot of sense that he thought he could kill All Might back at USJ.

You can't be serious

You're gonna sit through another training arc for the hero side and you're gonna like it.

How else can they train? It seems like they’re already at the peak. Aizawa’s quirk is about the same when he got it in all likeliness.

Through teenage sex

>That fucking chuckle when Shiggy asked who started
fuck, that was pretty good

I wonder if he'll look back on all of this and think of redestro as one of his better assets given how much he helped him just now.


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Net volume will sell like shit because they won't be able to rely on the votes.
Screncap this

No way, it seemed like it would be typical beat down, but it showed that Shiggy could be AfO’s successor.

time to get akira up in this bitch

Nice argument dude, fucking lmao mha cucks are delusional

i mean japan isn't really hot on the villains sans toga and shiga so its definitely likely

You misunderstood, I'm not shitting on it or anything.
I was just talking about the fact that half of season 5 will basically be "My Villain Academia"

cute and canonpilled.

So how exactly is Deku supposed to match up against him now? Loli backpack is a major liability, shiggy can disintegrate projectiles at will and considering that AfO didn't need a healing quirk till AM, the remaining OfA quirks probably don't have any precise long range tricks.

I think is intentional that only curious died and toga is so fucked up in this arc
Were there any Female villains other than La Brava?
I think Hori have issue with female villains being beat up by the heroes

Great chapter, was fun to watch the discord shitpost crew getting btfo

Also I'm starting to kinda see the point some people make about how Kirishima should've been a girl

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He has seven new superpowers to discover kiddo

Man, that was completely half-assed. I still have hope though

Hori in general has problems with women, the only important ones all revolve around their feelings for men.

Can someone explain what the fuck is going on in this page and the next ?

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I assumed Shiggy would get the Liberation Army but I didnt think Redestro would submit especially after it seemed like he disapproved of Shiggys destructive plans.

>he was so amazed by Shiggy, he forgot Eri’s power to reverse cause and effect
Black whip is literally a precise long ranged trick. The guy even has shells on him like he’s a range guy. Still, this may not be enough.

is everyone forgetting that his finger flicks are basically wind based sniper bullets?

it's pretty clear to me. The suit was made of multiple pieces- he punches out of the suit and leaves the decaying parts on the ground and attempts to avoid touching the ground by riding the remaining bits, which he fails at.

based UN intervention from the heavens

Shiggy goes full madman and starts decaying everything. Redestro already got his foot caught, so he’s flying up with the suit then iron man taking it off since it’s affected by decay too.

More training, tap into more of the secret quirks, learn to control them and probably use them to compliment the super strength OfA normally has so by the time its final arc boss fight, he will have so much versatility that he becomes truly OP which is where the anti quirk bullets come into play, and after some grieving and character development, Deku awakens his true quirk all along, some friendship/love based super strength that is pretty much OfA but gets stronger the more people believe in him

Look at that ugly clusterfuck, yikes, someone teach Hori about paneling.

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gb to discord

Is that Mirio?

I had to express my gratitude some way might re do on digital later butI fucking love how unbeatable the evil side is looking now, we might be in for a Nomupocalypse, Nomus or not.

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>Gentle will make a comeback and help deflect Deku’s bullets
The endgame war is going to be kino.

why the fuck did he even put it on. it was there for all of 4 seconds and he already knew how shiggys quirk worked. just throwing money away.


MHAfags might wanna tone that sucking noise down a bit.

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It makes him go 150% stress, you just need to beat the guy before he can beat you. He didn’t know it can decay without touch anyways, nor that it has near infinite range. Of course, it didn’t work because Shiggy can somehow block a punch with his telekinetic tentacles.

>Twice is jobbing.
>Becomes a one man army
>Toga is jobbing.
>Becomes kirby.
>Shigaraki is jobbing.
>Nukes a whole fucking city, showing more destructive power than All Mighty and AFO combined.

I mean I get that people may think this is hype, but please shoot yourself if you unironically believe tgat this isn't garbage writting and development.

Holy fucking shit

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I'll admit this may rival HxH worst arc, yorknew which means it's the best of BNHA

nigga needs to read more manga

>sociological ramifications

our reddit friends have really low standards you see. don't be too hard on them

you nail on the head, also if it wasn't obvious Shiggy is has a disintegrating aura which is why even his own arm and face have disintegration marks/lines by the end of the chapter

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Do you HONESTLY expect Dekucknignogs to have good taste?

You mean de-feeted?

>giga dabbing

The Phantom Troupe

I honestly have no idea how Izuku will beat Shigaraki now... He doesn't even have All For One

Hi discord!

Kek, nice user

absolutely beautiful

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Dumb fuckin thot
What's the point of her existence?
Seeing her speak sends me into a murderous rage that makes me want to smash babies against the sidewalk.

Worst arc, if you liked it you might as well enjoy eating shit

Punch harder.

>You think that if he "tolerates" them, he wants to help them make their wishes come true?
He's gonna have problems with Toga, given that her wish is for Deku (and Ochaco, and a three way.)

Overhaul stays the most based villain of this series, even with all his flaws, and boy he has a fuckton of them.

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League of Legends

hi discord crew

5 more quirks to discover.

>fightfag garbage rivalling an actual thriller like Yorkshin

Thanks for the laugh.

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Well we already know he was Hardening and Explosion. So there’s only really 3 then.

sorry about your dead gay manga also go back to discord

Even if nobody cares, I love Tooru!

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Just watch, the last quirk Deku unlocks is some phoenix shit where he rises from the ashes when being decayed

Good chapter.

What song is Giga playing as they destroy UA?

*can't even reach half of the sales of a Hunter x Hunter volume for the same amount of days*


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fresh and friendly reminder that HxH's protags are canonically gay.

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>Bakugo gets to fuck THIS

i care! i'm glad you love tooru!

let me know when the next one is coming out

Villain Alliance.

>cherrypicked date from last year

>shitposters going full damage control after all shitposting attempts beforehand gets obliterated
>moving goalposts everywhere to see if any sticks
Good arc.
Good closure.
Good buttmad.

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Feels good being a HUNTERCHAD bull. MHAtards and Kimetsucucks are pathetic losers.

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go back to twitter, chibi

I feel like either the shitpost crew has suffered massive head trauma or something because they literally couldn't keep what manga they were falseflagging on behalf of straight- they were switching between HxH and SnK in the middle of posts

fucking madhouse

He can already do that with time reversal. If anything, it’ll be Nana’s quirk.


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That means pedophiles as well.

that last one is only true for betas with no imagination

Herocucks in a state of panic after being confronted with the reality of their dead manga.

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It's either him or Stain. If Stain does something good during prison break i will gladly stop thinking that Overhaul is the most based villain, but as of now it's Overhaul.

I believe Hori created this arc exclusively to make up for getting rid of Overhaul in the Yakuza one, making it all pointless in the end. This is him saying "look, I actually introduced another recurring enemy"

Same thing with Stain, Gentle and especially High End. They looked like they would show up again but nope.

If he continues using his quirk at that level. He can do a lot of damage destroying things one at a time; it's only when he sends out Decay Waves that involve whole city blocks that the strain starts to kill him.

when you're definitely not mad

>dead manga.
that's rich coming from a Huntard

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Girl kiri is literally tomo-chan

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Ochaco's one of Toga's loves. He causes trouble for Uravity, Toga's going to be unhappy.

Both of her.

There are no proof for that theory other than 2 black silhouette barely resembling kaminari and baku

>yet again big build up antagonist is getting brfo anticlimacticly because Hori is bored and wanna go draw Deku again
>Stress levels meant nothing
>Giant mechasuit Destro got from nowhere is for nothing
>I'll die but carry my ideals
>Here is my army btw, you can take it
>Giganto wake up early off schedule just to witness Decay-decay dude winning the battle
>not even killed Destro or damaged him greatly (apart from legs)
>Giganta explicitly said if Tokio ghoul wants him in league, shigaraki must defeat him
>fuck it, shigaraki somehow reminded him of successor because FUCK YOU IM TIRED OF WRITING THIS ARC BACK TO DEKU
Fuck Hori, he had half decent arc but he couldnt deliver. Never trusting this nagatoro ever again.

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>Conveniently ignore that she's been shown to also manipulate light and at the very least can flash-bang people on command
She's not the best in combat but she's a bit better than >My quirk is just kung-fu

How's that coping doing? Has your dead manga surpassed Kingdom yet?

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This, because of her I gained fetish for invisible girls

You sohuld consider the fact that the keywords here are
>I've read
You're lucky if your average shonenbabby's list of read/watched series goes beyond the three digits. Simply put, the kind of guy gushing over MHA, or any WSJ series for that matter, simply hasn't read or watched enough to understand how silly he's being.
This goes for discussions of virtually every single WSJ series, and anything serialised in shonen magazines in general. It's understandable, after all; you wouldn't expect your average Japanese kid to have read series that came out whe his grandparents were kids, right? Adult shonenbabs are no different.

I would imagine this is going to be as big as Kamino.

>there have been 5 separate instances where hxh went on hiatus for over a year
w e w

my dude this argument isn't going to be anything other than funny when HxH has been on hiatus this long
maybe switch to using snk and stick with it instead of changing what manga you're falseflagging with mid-sentence like you and your discord buds were in the sales thread

toga is so nice looking out for her girlfriend

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Now that all of the league is onboard with Shigaraki, Stain coming back would be mostly useless. Unless he literally joins the heroes, which would be rather interesting, he will probably end up dying againt the LoV, he probably hates them a lot, maybe he may end up killing a member such as Spinner or something.

Redestro must be feeling real proud of himself after preparing for this job, just to get his legs and dignity blown up his own ass by a malnourished lizard brain mode teenager who hasn't slept well in a month,


based hunterchad
mha fags on suicide watch

He’ll need a defensive quirk and Kaminari’s is perfect. Since Kaminari can’t do much by himself. The power of OfA? It comes from Bakugou’s explosions. He already stockpiles with a gauntlet, who is to say he couldn’t stockpile it elsewhere. That’s how OfA got so powerful, Bakugou’s explosions is perfect. How else could they stockpile so much energy from zero?

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The best part is that all the "development" in the arc is basically composed of flashbacks and mental brakes being removed on different characters.

Toga made use of her power in a way the audience wasn't prepared for.

Twice overcame a mental inhibition.

Shiggy overcame mental blocks, his quirk evolved, AND he almost killed himself. If you're not going to actually read the story, you might feel better not commenting.

Destruction derby

Its like watching a disk defrag but slower

I wonder why Shiggy's quirk is able to cause so much widespread destruction.
Not even the eugenic wunderkind has such a high damage output.

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It's 'surrender or die'?

i fucking called this shit months ago


>Nana has kids
>it subconsciously passed a bit of OfA
>Shiggy inherited that

gonna suck to be any civvie living around UA during the endgame, if Deku hits 100%+Bonus Quirks him vs Awakened Shiggy they'll sink part of the fucking island into the ocean

totally gassed out All Might and AFO knocked over an entire ward

It isn't wrong tho

I have no problem with them praising MHA even with their limited range of reading.
My problem here is the sociological ramification part of the post.
But I agree that statements like that would be gone if they just read anything else.

On the one hand this was pretty well telegraphed. But I was really hoping the Superpower Liberation Army would give us some recurring foes that weren't just Shigaraki's band of nihilists. That's what's so disappointing. These guys actually had an ideal to chase after, even if it would bring chaos to everything. The League of Villains has nothing they believe in other than wanting to destroy shit.

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So two mental brakes and one asspull.

Godlike writing.

I don't think Shiggy can disintegrate air, ergo Deku can absolutely fuck his shit up from range, especially with black whip

That mad world guy did mention that OFA made his own quirk stronger as well, so you might be onto something

You can really tell this Herospic is mindbroken. Nothing but an outburst of emotions and seething resulted from internalizing months of bullying I sales threads. Call me ehen your 200k seller becomes relevant, loser.

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It's not really, Redestro could have chose to only offers himself (with money and resource) to lov for shiggy promise of sparing his army

You know, when I come into a bnha thread there's a lot that crosses my mind. The legacy of the greatest shounen ever written. I mean consider that for a minute. This amazingly well written and extremely complex piece of literature has been going on for several years now and is still going. Not only that but it is still popular, still gaining new fans and keeping old ones happily around.

Bnha is not just a manga, its not just genre deconstructing, its not just one of the greatest stories ever told. It is proof that man can achieve greatness in all its meanings. The story we have been discussing, months on end, years on end, it is evidence of a true understanding of nuanced and complex themes. A culture within itself.

So when I come into a Bnha thread I feel like im not only here with my fellow Herochads. I am here with everyone else, experiencing the magic that is bnha. Even the poor and misguided who either haven't read it or consider it sub-par are here with us. Giving attention and time to a story that is older then most of us here today.

I see great discussion day after day. New points being brought up and old ones being held high for the board to see. It was through years of dedicated posting that these threads have gotten to this point. Intense and amazing discussion backed by some of the most quality memes found on the internet. And its all thanks to the Herochads who have kept it all going.

So when I go into Bnha thread a few things cross my mind, but the one thing that always reigns true is how great it is to be a Herochad, to be apart of a legacy decades old that continues to hold its own with strength, intelligence and grace. That's what it means to be a Herochad

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got any more theories?

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this but unironically

Man this discord trannies sure are coping hard

How? blackwip its not suited against shiggy even ofa is better since he can trow a rock at him at high speed

Real hunterfags are asleep for most of the year, occasionally getting assblasted awake to shitpost.

Rent free
CuckxCucks are literally riding the coattails of shonen threads because they have nothing coming up for a while LMAOOO

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You lack the creativity to come up with OC so you copy Hunterchads. Much like your mangaka. That alone shows that Herocucks have a low IQ and their opinions on anything are worthless.

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>Giganta explicitly said if Tokio ghoul wants him in league, shigaraki must defeat him
It helps your argument if you actually read he manga next time.

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Didn't seem like a sniping range type of ability and besides grappling onto things, it doesn't seem to have inherent damage causing properties. Also, bringing Eri into the fray at all is just asking for trouble when Shiggy has that much range on his power.

That he has to be reasonably close enough for them to be effective at all.

Since quirks tend to affect the user's behaviour, it's probably something that'd either let him read a quirk's incoming activity or mimic the quirks of others. The latter would basically lead to Shirou vs Gilgamesh OfA vs AfO version.

Just like your reddit tier taste in manga, you would use IQ as an argument wouldn't you?

Well I was thinking the air bullets for his main offense, but it might depend on what the hell the whips are made of. If they're matter then yeah they wouldn't be very useful. If they're energy then I doubt Shiggy can do anything to them

I don't really think the hxh shitposters are actual fans but for some reason picked it to falseflag under

proper hxh fans are like berserk fans and sink to a quiet state of depression and fatalism when Togashi's spine falls out for a year or another Idolmaster game comes out- then when their series come back they actually discuss it in their threads

why can't you faggots just get along

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>sociological ramifications
I mean he'd have a point if Re:Destro was leading a bunch of poorfags, you know, the issue that has actually been built up in BNHA. Shit quirks means you can't be a hero means you can't earn money means you can't reproduce means your family status gets lower and lower

But Re:Destro just has an army of quirk libertarians that I guess are supposed to correlate to ultra-nationalists in Japan. In any event they don't feel organic to the setting.

>yet again big build up antagonist is getting brfo anticlimacticly because Hori is bored and wanna go draw Deku again
Shiggy's power had been growing since the arc started

>Stress levels meant nothing
If you'd been reading his stress levels had been deteriorating throughout the last few chapters

Eh, I dont remember this shitty manga literally. Point still stands, you mean to tell me that creating big decay explosion pussied out Giganto so much he submitted?
Or something in shig's action reminded him of AFO? I mean, author is implying that this is the case but this is bullshit created only to wrap out this arc as quick as possible.

I would know, I'm one, I just wouldn't mention it in an unrelated thread. I think you're right,

There's a group pulling the strings to make put people up to serieswars, I've observed that behavior in One Piece, HxH(with BNHA Pepes out of all things) and here. Quite sure there's possibly more but those are the three I keep up with lately. I don't get how in every thread people bite the bait, unless they're samefagging until someone tries to also mob along with it.
Don't engage them, at all.

stop affecting the manga

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>Point still stands
No you're a dumbass

Shiggy won but his body got severily fucked during this arc, not only due to the overuse of his Quirk in the last part of it but also because ReDestro took part of his other hand and right now Shiggy only has one capable hand to activate his power, even if Shiggy got a power up and Decay can spread he still needs to activate it with his hands first and right now he only has one so while not only him but the rest of the League of Villains recover from the fight and they make plans with their new army there could be a couple of arcs focused on Deku and the rest.

no u


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This, we're SJChads, we shouldn't be fighting eachother

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the traitor in the school doesn't know he's the traitor
also its either midnight or the brick guy

I'm pretty sure they'll use the MLA´s resources to cover this up and start preparing and resting up for their next plan. I think they'll start thinking about the bullets and a new way to prepare the Nomus. Maybe even prison break, but I wouldn't count on it as the first joint operation,

Every Villain Is Lemons

I mean it makes sense. Shiggy just unleashed a giant nuke of destruction, that would give pause to even Gigantomachia. Then what does he see? Enemies bowing down to Shiggy.

Gigantomachia isn't a mindless Nomu you know? We know he's a tough teacher type, he still sees with his eyes and thinks about stuff. This is enough of a demonstration from a half dead Shigaraki to call the training off and submit to him. He's worthy. Ujiko simply thought that defeating Giga was the only way to make him acknowledge Shiggy but he's his own person.

>Destro lost his legs
>Overhaul lost his arms

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My League of Liberation

To think that it’s only going to get better from here on out. The Hero vs Villain War arc might be the best one in the last decade

But why?
Why put so much effort into pitting people against one another?

Giran lost ALL the fingers on his right hand, Twice got his arms broke, Dabi’s probably fucked himself up while flaming out
But the LoV were already basically at rock bottom

Its the falseflagging hunterfags who keeps invading other shonen threads.

Black Clover was the preferred falseflag series until it kinda became clear it couldn't be credibly argued as a competitor by any popularity/sales metric- and the ACTUAL BC fans got sick of their dedicated shitposter and having to basically hide their threads to have any peace so they ran them out
then the hxh shit started and for some reason now snk too- but the like 1-3 people doing this seem to have severe brain damage/short term memory issues and were mixing up what series they were shitposting with in the MIDDLE of their posts, it's fucking bizarre
you know they aren't true hxh fans because now they're shitting on KnY when fucking Togashi himself said he really likes KnY and included it in the series he reads in jump

If you've been here for a bit you already know.

>14 pages

I agree on that. However the image of AfO has nothing to do with it and Hori showed it anyway. From what we've seen AfO has nothing in common with Shiggy except people bowed to him. By that logic Destro is worthy as well.
You are right though and Hori wanted to show this but it was done pretty sloppy and rushed.

>Shit quirks means you can't be a hero means you can't earn money means you can't reproduce means your family status gets lower and lower

it's 15

Bring in the Admirals

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Wow this thread is Deja Vu. Didn't we already have this exact thread a few hours ago?

>like 1-3 people doing this seem to have severe brain damage/short term memory issues and were mixing up what series they were shitposting with in the MIDDLE of their posts
drunk shitposting is the worst. dont drink and shitpost, kids

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deku is the cutest!

Traitor arc

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God my hero academia really went to shit after AFO vs OFA

Deku and Iida will speed blitz everyone and kick them all in the back of the heads.

Meant for

Zoomer show

It went to shit after Overhaul arc, Pro Hero made it seems it was getting back up but joint training confirmed that it went to shit.

Eri arc soon

>said the hater nervously for the 10th time


stupid boomer

imagine thinking you can just stop and try to reboot your shitposting mid-thread because you got called out

A properly written arc would have us on the edge of our seats until the last panel, but this garbage was predicted by anons months ago.

Even with the MLA resources Shiggy and cia still have to recover from this battle, have in mind is not only this battle but the continuous days facing Giga, specially Shiggy needs a rest and ReDestro even if he's no longer the leader he just cut his two legs to avoid dying, i'm pretty sure he will welcome having some rest too.

again, you're not rebooting the shitposting successfully- it's just not happening. Try again next thread friendo

If they don't attack UA right away then what is the point?

the league of super villains


would make going back to student shit pretty great actually.

It makes sense too since they have no further use for a mole in the school anyway

>MLA numbers severely depleted
>Heaviest hitter is crippled for life
>Shiggy crippled
>Toga heavily injured
>Twice still has to deal with his 1000's of clones running around
user they have to lick their wounds first. Set up proper communication and resource sharing between Detnerat and Ujiko.

what? All they need is shigaraki and giganto to kill them all quite literally. Why waste time in something that will take them minutes?

I feel nothing for Shigaraki. This character and his motivation are not interesting at all. Plus, this thing Hori's been doing recently where all the characters are suddenly unlocking some hidden potential feels like a bunch of dumb asspulls. Giving Shigaraki the ability to vaporize a city and everyone in it just by touching the ground pushes the level of power going on in the series to an absurd level. All Might was the strongest fucking guy ever and his greatest ability was to punch hard enough to level a couple city blocks. Things are getting out of control in a bad way.

Gigantomachia respects strength, and from one of the other translations of pic related, the ability to make people fear you. And what did he just see? Shigaraki destroying a massive swath of a city with one attack, then scaring an army of zealots by SMIRKING at them.
That sounds a lot like A41 to me.

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>Plus, this thing Hori's been doing recently where all the characters are suddenly unlocking some hidden potential feels like a bunch of dumb asspulls
Just admit you don't read this manga

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Actually, she CAN carry equipment with her if it's small enough. We've seen that the moment food enters her mouth it disappears. Therefore, anything that fits completely inside her body will also be invisible and can be used once removed.

I would suggest ceasing prurient thoughts, but I realize that's an impossibility for some of you, so have at it.

>UA school war

>Deku opens the door to let someone in
>It's shiggy with his entire army behind him

Would be pretty badass

>two week break after that
Not so badass

There's a massive difference between "bust your ass every single day to make marginal improvements" and "decide to just stop limiting yourself and obliterate any threat in seconds"

>All Might was the strongest fucking guy ever and his greatest ability was to punch hard enough to level a couple city blocks
>strongest fucking guy ever

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>There's a massive difference between "bust your ass every single day to make marginal improvements"

So you don't read this manga.

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>UA and other hero highschools draft students to fight off the rapidly growing villain outbreak
UA and other hero highschools draft students to fight off the rapidly growing villain outbreak
>UA and other hero highschools draft students to fight off the rapidly growing villain outbreak
UA and other hero highschools draft students to fight off the rapidly growing villain outbreak

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It's like the blue or red blocks should be spelling out a message, but I can't see any.

checked and LIBERATED

He doesn't read the manga.
Just stop spoon-feeding the retard.

Are you seriously comparing "expend every last ounce of your energy to get pretty hard but still get fucked by some guy whose quirk is to rotate his his shoulders" and "make the decision to suddenly be able to delete everything for miles in every direction from you"?

Will we still get spoilers on thrusday nights? Last night was such a fever dream.

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Pure kino.

>No argument

That's what I thought

Mental illness.

If the mods would boot the people doing this off permanently, the boards would be much quieter and better. But they lack incentive and perhaps capacity.

Based kotaeribro

So when is Aizawa going to die? His existence counters Shiggy Diggy's nuke in the most boring way.

Why is everything Dragonball Z now with shockwaves and projectiles that destroy cities? What the actual fuck are any of the 1-A kids supposed to do against these heavy hitters?

Why is there a sense that the status quo will always remain? You'd think after so many evil organizations and cracks in the "perfect system" had started to appear that Deku and the class would start to waver or start thinking critically about society and whatnot.

Mutant Liberation Front.
Shigaraki shall now use the codename: Stryfe.

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>So when is Aizawa going to die? His existence counters Shiggy Diggy's nuke in the most boring way.
Just shoot him

>Shiggy gets somebody to teleport him to that patch of trees where Deku and Gentle fought, maybe a couple hundred yards from UA
>Touches the ground
>Every single person on the UA campus dies
Shark jumped.

>I'm a lazy fucker who'd rather play games than write and sometimes draw my manga

Eri's dad can't die

its the power level fags who hate this chapter, no wonder reddit can't stand it

How the fuck havent any heroes noticed this mass destruction yet?

Why do so many stupid people read this manga?

Redestro's getting mecha legs, right?

It is the first chapter that has really bored me. There is nothing remarkable in Shiggy and the development of the story is too illogical.
The only way for Shiggy to change is suffering the loss of the members of the alliance in a systematic way and feeling fear of death.

>His face has always been ridden in cracks though

To quote Giga from his first appearance this arc
>A King is one who commands respect

A display of both power and loyalty/respect was exactly what was necessary

The police have apparently shut down the spoiler train, probably for good. There is no more Mellow Yellow.

It all happened in a hour.
And h*roes actually suck.

All the heroes that would’ve are on the MLA payroll.

Slide and go is distracting them.

they said they were in a remote town in the mountains that was completely cut off. Of course when it cuts back to 1-A a week later there will be a news report about an earthquake happening and no one questions it


user fucking buildings are being pulverized you could hear from miles away in another settlement and have people on a high area livestreaming that shit. In no time would this stuff be on every single news media in Japan.

Before or after he loses all importance to the story?

Didn't he lose all importance already?

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Because they're fucking useless outside of Vigilante.

>You've defeated me utterly Shigaraki, the full might of Destro and the Liberation Army is behind you. Our combined forces could topple all of Japan, should you will it. What will be our first undertaking on this new horizon?
>>dude i'm really fucking hungry lmao

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We got spoilers then what's next? What day next week should we look forward to spoilers? On friday?

So is Stain important in the greater storyline? Or did he only exist to be yet another way for Hori to excruciatingly spell out that Deku is a true hero like All Might?

there had better be a compelling reason now that the League just doesn't make 1,000 Shiggy clones and airdrop them around the country to blitzkrieg entire cities

My hero has a charm to it, like if a character ever died hes going out naruto style with a sad song and every thing.

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shit writing

Stain is the whole cause of the forest arc with all the recruits that LoC has now. The LoV as we knew it for this arc with Toga, Dabi, Spinner, and Twice wouldn't be possible without Stain.

Unironically shit writing

Oh please user most protests aren't even making the news, the hong gooks ones are only available because they want you to know.

The reason that won't happen is that Hori doesn't realize how retarded the power jump he just wrote is, and will continue to treat these characters like mid-to-high-tier threats rather than world-ending killing machines.

i want shiggy to take a full 24h sleep session

are you fucking retarded? Did you miss how Stain's defeat was the impetus for every current member of the LoV to join up?

> speed blitz everyone and kick them all in the back of the heads


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Big deal. It's a contrivance to get some more characters in. It would have been just as easy to say "I thought it was dope how those Nomus rampaged through town and wanted to be part of it."

I want to protect this smile

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>there had better be a compelling reason now that the League just doesn't make 1,000 Shiggy clones and airdrop them around the country to blitzkrieg entire cities
Imagine being this retarded and not knowing how Twice's quirk works.

Does anyone want to get that phone? BECAUSE I FUCKING CALLED IT

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>Hori didn't kill my boy Re-Destro
>crippled his entire character instead
What's happening next? Is he getting his ass sewn to overhaul's mouth?


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>at first thought Gigantomachia was talking about ReDestro when he saw AfO's successor

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This is the problem with hax like Shiggy's decay it literally prevents fights.

No. We just got ourselves another heavy hitter for LoV's.


Coping with what, nimrod?

I don't get how he can look both so pathetically defeated and so chadly resistant at once.

"My feet started decaying so I ripped them off myself, if you're going to kill me then sure, fucking do it."

"But if not I guess we can serve you."

>You see, Shigaraki? Together they’ll make a whole villain!

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I want to FUCK Deku's father while calling him daddy.

Not if Deku gets a super regeneration quirk to counter it. I'm convinced that was his quirk which was stolen by The Doctor

On a completely unrelated note, I actually lived over in ching chong land a few years back. Massive explosion happened in a city whilst I was there, but the government has such a tight control on the media that it only got a 30 second report on the news that stated that "over 50 people had been injured". It's hard to explain just how fucking massive this explosion was too

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>What the actual fuck are any of the 1-A kids supposed to do against these heavy hitters?
join squads that seek to dismantle the organization of LoV. In other words, act like cops.

Fuck. I just realized Re-Destro is both The Hulk and Tony Stark rolled into one. He even had Hulkbuster armor

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i want to take naps with shiggy while cuddling him

Rehaul Overdestro would be quite a formidable villain desu

Twice and company.

Iron Stresshulk gets to live without a leg to stand on and embrace his true calling as a bottom bitch.

I didn´t like this arc, but holy hell, some of these kids were trying to kill each other, like for real.

Is the lizard’s real power to narrate like Deku?

Every clone can make clones
theoretically he should also to create infinites of everyone

>but holy hell, some of these kids were trying to kill each other, like for real.
Bakugo does that like twice per day during training
they are used to it

You’re talking about the guy who couldn’t even stop Overhaul

>tfw if this happens Bnha will finally be good again

The Brotherhood of Makuta

Who will be the inevitable Neji?

I'm not going to lie, I really don't like this arc. There's just something about the way it played out that really irks me.

I was unaware HxH's only arcs were Yorknew, Chimera Ant, and Succession.

>he doesn’t realize quirk cancelling bullets can be used with Mei’s suits and means that you have to fight Shiggy head on

Don't wannaaaa

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Gotta say anons, this was quite the fucking ride and I enjoyed it from beginning to end. If assistant-kun is not spouting BS, next arc might be even better

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I was just thinking this, give Iida machete-boots and Shigiraki won't survive long enough to get his hands out of his pocket.

Hell, fuck that, they have a hero called SNIPE, just give him a rifle.

Would his powers work on something like air pressure?

Eri is the perfect height

i hope we get to see cute dekus next arc

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>look guys, I'm a dekufag and you gotta know I loved this arc! Did I mention I was a dekufag?

Inject Overhaul with Trigger, he can now use his quirk without touching with his hands.

Overhaul does his Monster-Mash with Redestro.

Problem solved.

A-user! yes

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>Kill all the main characters that have been in the series since the beginning
>"finally we'll be back to the good part"
What the fuck are you trying to say

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wouldn't work. Shig would just stick his hand out and Decay the bullets like Neo from the Matrix.

Will Aizawa ever teach her about the birds and the bees?

Just name themselves after shiggy’s quirk, Decay would be kino as fuck


Go back to wherever you came from.
Why the fuck are the twitterfags out in full force defending this garbage today?

A) 1000 Shiggys, each thinking they're the original, each capable of total destruction: Imagine if they start fighting. Would Japan survive?

B) In line with that, Shiggy wants to destroy everything to the horizon. His followers, LoV and LA, do not, they want to make a new, better society. Why would Twice go along with something that would kill most of the population of Japan and send the country back to the Dark Ages? Seriously.

I think she will learn it at school

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because thats the board culture you fucking crybaby.

the same reason he's going to accept the MLA into their ranks. Because Shiggy tells him to fucking deal with it.

user, she will never go to school

The shark already jumped when Redestro was tearing off Shiggy's hand and didn't just crush him like a bug in 2 seconds and waited long enough for this unfit NEET to get distance from him to fucking have a convenient flashback.

Mirio will teach her all about it.

Each clone can make two copies. You would need 999 Twice clones to make 1000 Shiggy clones.

I happened to like the Shinketsu shinanigans and welcome more Meatboy, Airman, and Stacey.

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As T4 said, if he wasn't willing to go all out and risk dying in training, what would he do when it was the real thing?

So how strong is ReDestro? Is he Muscular+ tier at minimum?

can't wait

ReDestro would turn Muscular into a bloody pulp, he's closer to the USJ nomu

Yeah that's why soldiers in war games shoot at each other with live ammunition, right jackass?

who would be delusional enough to make this sort of fanart?

Does Aizawa even know about the birds and the bees? I can't see that guy being anything but a virgin. Especially since he hasn't made Joke a wife yet.

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You mean she isn't going to meet Kota? Oh no, then I think Thirteen will teach her about sex.

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So that means Shiggy's gotten REALLY fucking strong now. Hope one of Deku's 7 quirks stops decay or he's fucked.

Twice is neither an idiot or a slave. Despite what you apparently think. He's already seeing that making clones of himself is leading to the same problem as before; why would he do that with the infinitely more dangerous Shiggy? Just because your headcanon says he would?

Name ONE good reason why they should meet

She'll probably learn the same way everyone in their universe learned.

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>implying she won't learn after Mirio shows her what honeymoon couples do

No, that's why in hand to hand combat training they actually throw each other around and strike real blows.

I don't have to call you names. You've already shown the full extent of your intelligence and character for all to see.

To be friends. She needs to meet kids her age.

Hmmm was the light censor really nessecary?

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I like that ReDestro survived soely because I'm an /m/ fag and like his overall design so if the show ever gets some proper figures and merch there's a very small chance we may get ReDestro or mechadestro.

Mutual interests. Better question, why shouldn't they meet? Both are elementary school kids.

Your comparison is flawed. It would be more like Kendo practitioners sparring with real katanas. You're still a jackass.

Then let her meet a friendlier kid like Tsuyu's sister who's actually the same age as her.

That's an option too.

Eri is an unstable kid who needs good care and people who understand her. A kid like her could never relate to other children, specially when her quirk is so dangerous and she'd have to cut ties once her horn grows because she turns into a hazard. Wouldn't that make her even more miserable? To be keenly aware of how different she is?

Not gonna lie, I do like that idea too. I don't see why she can't meet both.

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Fuck this guy and his SHIT OPINIONS I'll break his goddamn thumbs after fapping to that last panel because invisible girls are my fetish

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Thank god for that censor bar, for a second there I thought I'd stop advertising on 4channel


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She still young, she doesn't need to meet them yet.

Kota is an autist and tsundere, hori described him as a misanthrope. Eri has had enough of assholes in her life that are hard to get to and have black eyes and mean eyes.
They just wouldn't click. Tsuyu's sister seems kind and nice, the sort of person Eri should be surrounded with.

As someone who thinks that clothed >>>> naked, I still don't entirely understand this fetish. For me it's all about the skindentation, and you just don't get that with invisible chicks

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Via images and text, prole

It's complicated and I'm not gonna try to explain it.
I don't even have a "clothed > naked" opinion.

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Eri is at the age where socialization with peers is pivotal. If she doesn't meet children soon, she'll be a girl who will never fit in. And we're talking normal children here, the fact she doesn't have friends her age, is unlikely to make them until way later when she stop being dangerous and her unique past makes her the perfect friendless weirdo who'd get bullied.

user, she lives in a school

And she's currently being homeschooled, she won't go to school with other children anytime soon.

.Plus she already knows how different she is.
>What, being hurt and kept underground isn't normal?

Don't project your personal experiences

are you saying I am wrong? Look at Deku's experience during middle school for being quirkless. All his classmates made fun of him. Eri would be weird as hell and the scars that cover her body would make it even harder for her to socialize properly because she wouldn't know how to explain it.
Eri was made to be kept locked and protected.

Him jobbing the rubble. Surprised to see no one talking about it. It wasn't even the giant nuke that got him directly, he reacted and jumped away in time... But somehow he got distracted and hit by random rubble and fell to the lava

Social interaction is key to healthy development user

He doesn't get it, and I doubt he gets how abused Eri was and how it will naturally affect her forever.

>Eri was made to be kept locked and protected.
She needs to have someone her age to interact with. Even if she doesn't go to a public school.

No she doesn't, she needs someone who'll understand her the same way kid geniuses prefer the company of grown ups. She's in a different cognitive level.

>An entire year's worth of shitposters getting btfo by pure kino

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You say the same thing each time this topic comes up. You could at least vary the wording.

This is Bleach levels of "Oh shit we're getting canceled" fast

It should be pointed out, this picture shows that while Tsuyu's feet are quite large for her frame, they're shaped normally. No frog feet.

This one is my favorite. The beginning reminded me of why I liked this series so much.


But am I wrong? Imagine if she meets a kid and they become friends, then they cannot interact when her horn grows because she's too dangerous to be around. Wouldn't that affect her even more? Not being able to interact with others because of something she can't help? Think about it logically

Yeah, I get it, no more delusion for me. I know someone with CPSTD and thinking about it, that person could never have socialized with kids of their age. But the difference it's that Eri is so young, she can heal with the right help and she seems very resilient overall.

Toru is rather... confusing, in that you have triggers like underwear and revealing clothes, but there's nothing actually being revealed.