Anime/manga takes place in a western fantasy setting

>anime/manga takes place in a western fantasy setting
>everyone uses japanese mannerisms

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"western" is a jewish mythology

>anime/manga takes place in a western setting
>people just walking around in their shoes
>no mother screaming at them to take off heir damn shoes or she'll make them wish they weren't born
why does that misconception persist

May as well complain about them speaking Japanese

Did you know in America, a kiss is just a greeting?

That's fine. It's seeing a bunch of peasants and nobles going "Itadakimasu!" that's offputting.

Nips have no creativity

>Must be Western
Oh man, I fucking hate Dungeon Meshi, like, what the fuck why aren’t the characters using bows like REAL Western / European Mythological Fantasy Adventurers do like what the fuck nigga that shit is like basic bitch fantasy shit Ryoko Kui is a BITCHPUSSY

Ah sokka sokka gomenasai user-kun. Please allow me to treat you to miso soup as an apology.

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>western fantasy setting
>uses a katana

there are plenty of curved swords like the sabre or scimatar

>western fantasy
>katanas are a secret lost art that only a few swordsmiths know how to make

I love Katie so much

I thought they just shot each other as a greeting

>''westerner character'' shows up
>instantly knows all of the japanese quirks and formalities

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>anime takes place in western fantasy setting
>everyone consumes miso soup like it isn't the most repulsive thing in the entire world

That's how we reply to someone that just walks up and kisses us for no reason.

what does miso taste like anyways?

Rotten beans, exactly like what it is.

naruhodo, truly the most beautiful, refined, and elegant culture

isn't that natto?

>anime/manga takes place in a western fantasy setting
>characters have access to modern clothes and accessories

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Both are, sóy sauce as well. It's all fucking rotten beans.

They really need to stop showing modern American cities as clean and safe, its going to get tourists killed.
We are the universes richest 3rd world country, cities should be dirty and filled with crime and minorities.

name 1 show which depicts clean american cities

>Western setting
>Uses Japanese honorifics in the translation
Just no

The whole hospital scene looked so japanese but I can't quite put my finger on it. It's not just the bathrobe.

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I don't mind that it's part of language.

is anything not made of soya beans?

Any that were made post 1999 and take place in America.

>western setting
>everyone is batshit crazy

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Kinda unrelated but how come we barely ever see anime/manga set during antiquity when there's so many set in [not] medieval europe.
I wanna see/read an adaptation of Gilgamesh's epic or Alexander the Great's journey. Or a fantasy story drawing inspiration from all that, there's so much to pick from.

Because people who aren't Hox don't care to translate anything that isn't big titty fanservice

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>Alexander the great
>Lost to a designated pajeet
Yeah I'd like to see/read that too

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Markets, I think. The sea peoples could probably make for a great murder adventure story.

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its not fucking fair...

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who were they?

Japan takes the the whole take your shoes off indoors thing to another level. Some places even require you to change into special indoor shoes or slippers before coming inside. Most shoes will also fuck up tatami mats. So in their view westerners are really relaxed about it comparatively.

I guess, but they often depict western people walking in their houses with shoes on, my mother would have killed me.

>anime set on eastern germany
>they bow like if they were back in Tokyo
This anime wasn't great to begin with, but they could at least have put some effort in not having european characters act like your average nip

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that's an american thing you don't wear shoes in the house in europe either

Another example that also bugged me was Little Witch Academia, where a finnish girl who lives in Englad bowed like a japanese person to a an english policeman

You're right in that it's all rotten beans but it's rotten beans some people like so it's called "fermented beans". I mean technically wine is rotten grapes.
Natto stinks so bad though.

surely a nod or a wave is more customary in england?

>I'm a mono cultural mono lingual Amerifat who doesn't even realize Western media is the progenitor and master of this practice because I have no perspective

>anime takes place in western fantasy setting
>dogeza is apparently a thing
>no chad templars to decapitate you for prostrating yourself before anything else other than God

Any Templars who did that must have been Mahometan heretics

the only time people wear shoes indoors is when they have like hard wood flooring and even then only sometimes. were did this meme come from

The bow I also find off putting.

it actually is

I thought that was France.

>"American" character
>speaks fluent Japanese and knows maybe 5 English words
>half-Japanese but has blonde hair and blue eyes
>father is Japanese


that seems to be a popular flavor in japan

>asian character looks typically white
>black character is just a white person with black skin
and somehow, black people are okay with this despite wanting more 'representation' anime

*in anime

When the more common alternative is the donut-lipped Mr Popo clone, you take what you can get. The only well-drawn black character I've seen in years is the Token from AoT
>INB4 "that's what they look like hyuk hyuk"

it's a popular flavor on Yea Forums too. Go figure.

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Alexander the Great is being done by Historie, although the author wisely chose to not do it from his perspective, but rather from that of Eumenes. At the pace it's going it'll probably be over a decade before it's complete. Ad Astra is another good one, about Scipio and Hannibal.

Haven't seen it yet, but I stand corrected.

The only good nigger is a loli nigger

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>western fantasy setting
>village or certain race is modeled after japan

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hard wood or flagstones

>western setting
>Brazilian character
>it's actually a human being instead of a monkey

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Why do they think Europe is stuck in its pre WW1 state but with modern technology? Explains why the Paris syndrome is a thing though.

Granted, the techniques used to forge katanas would have seemed ass-backward and unnecessarily complicated to western swordsmiths, so at least this is understandable. That's assuming that the katana doesn't end up being a super weapon that cuts through solid steel like it's paper by the end, anyway.

Because medieval Europe is so ingrained in people's minds that the author doesn't have to bother doing any research into it. If you were to draw a comic about ancient Sumeria, for instance, you'd at least have to research what the buildings and clothing looked like.

It is though but with added niggers.

Whoa, that looks neat

t. Asirpa

A scanlation group I know was supposed to work on a Kublai Khan manga with Hox. Wonder what happened to it

>Takes place in a western setting
>Characters are speaking English
>Characters make jokes that only work in Japanese

>gangster story set in Europe or the USA
>everyone acts exactly like yakuzas

>everyone dresses like a fashion model

The Japanese are probably offended when they don’t do it.

I'm pretty sure Japanese just don't care for classical setting. Just look at games for example, the original Fire Emblem actually had a Roman inspired setting, but the series exploded in popularity (in Japan) with FE3 that replaced it with generic fantasy and then they never looked back.

>western audience
>complains about japanese show being japanese

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>The whole hospital scene looked so japanese
That's because they modeled it after a Japanese hospital. I just searched "Japanese hospital" in google images and this was one of the first results. The beige panels with the buttons behind the beds are the exact same as in that scene

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Nothing hits the spot like a jelly donut!

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Some myths about the pre-hellenic collapse of all civilization from invaders along with a giant flood, iirc

Characters like this would look like fucking mutant freaks if they were real

localization in reverse you stupid faggot

>western setting
>castles, cattle, armor is all fantasy European
>everyone drinking beer and eating full boars
>kingdom is on massive continent
>pubs still serve bowls of random food with chopsticks eaten like Chirashi bowls
Sasuga, nihonistan

Kinda like the first two Resident Evil games, where stuff like exit signs and fire alarms were all clearly the Japanese models since I guess the art team forgot the rest of the world did them differently

>character is non Japanese in literally any setting but is important to the story
>at least one line stating they're at least a little Japanese
Even Metal Gear had to say Big Boss was 1/16th Japanese. Why do they do this so much? I feel like even the most jaded /pol/ frequenter wouldn't relate even a little bit more to a black character if they were "part white" or whatever. Who does it even appeal to? The most recognizable characters in Japan are an Italian, a robot, and a mouse. Does that teeny bit of rising sun blood really boost sales?

on the opposite end do you really care

It pulls me out. In the same way everything has to somehow relate back to Japan it just pulls me out. I don't like reminders I'm reading/watching/playing manufactured fiction, and it speaks to a lack of confidence in the writer to craft an interesting, unique property, without pandering or being intentionally less interesting to cut potential risk. It's not some grave sin, but it instantly makes me think less of the creator and property, and makes it harder to take the medium as art.

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I can understand this sentiment. It through me off in Jojo chapter five how Araki went out of his way to state that Giorno's mother was Japanese. Him being Dio's son is retarded enough but if he was going to go that way why not make his mother Italian so that he at least has a connection to where the story takes place? It just makes a tiny meaningless detail that throws the story off for no real reason when he could just gloss over it

actual ruthless Yakuza or anime style Yakuza? because the ruthlessness is universal just look at the Kosher nostra and al capone's gang

Where are you finding anime where the Asian characters look typically white? Even when the characters are supposed to be white they're often drawn Asian. The only white looking characters I can think of are like Pakunoda from HxH or Annie from AoT.

There are plenty of characters drawn white, I think Japanese people usually draw male characters that way. They probably avoid drawing cute girls that way because then they wouldn't be cute anymore, and idealism >>> realism in anime.

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The meme comes from the fact that it happens at all.
Everyone I know in my country have hard wood floors and no one have shoes on indoors.

their party just doesn't have a dedicated archer class, Chilhack uses a bow sometimes.

happens the same amount as it happens in europe

Not in my European country.

>The story is written by Japanese writers...

Big surprise. Aside from that, it's not that big of an immersion killer, because it's a positive thing in an ideal fantasy world. The Japanese are that much more civilized than the rest of society.

>american medieval setting
>doesnt take place in Mayan setting or Lakota indian setting

They just need to translate it as "Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen."
And if it doesn't fit in the bubble, MAKE it fit

>anime/manga takes place in a western fantasy setting
>no one looks white except the nameless male bandit-type characters

80s anime didn't have this problem. I wonder what changed.

German people don't bow!? Then what do they do when they meet for the first time? Shake hands?

They curtsy like civilized ladies

they salute