Anyone read this?

Anyone read this?

Attached: 91Qlgd4n1aL.jpg (1500x2137, 532K)

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Surprisingly low amount of dramatic complications for Kodama Naoko's story.

I am now.

Kodama's second best work.


yes, as usual it was fucking nothing like most yuri works are

When will you learn how the site works?

Wasn't this a one-shot?

why are hetniggers so insufferable

nah it was a few chapters

Why are spics incapable of learning?

>I did something gay to rebel against my parents

Yeah, sounds like Liberal CRINGE bullshit

>imagine being this new and sufferable and not knowing yuri has it's own board with a general for stuff like this.

Have you never stole your Dad's car to do brojobs to see who is a faggot with you friend? Mine was so pissed lmao

No, I stole dad's car at night to go get laid by a girl though. Stop being a worthless cuck.

there i did it for you! was that so hard op!? now stop being a pleb trying to raid Yea Forums and go use your own board designed for these types of discussions: boards.Yea

Attached: 22334.png (244x111, 18K)

This doesn't sound like rebelion so much as wanting to avoid the frustration of getting asked when you are going to get married
Reminds me of the movie I now pronounce you chuck and larry.

Keep your disgusting shit off Yea Forums

You would think the porn ads on /u/ would have lesbians in them instead of straight porn

>Anyone read this?
>3 chapter
sure, in a few minutes

the ads on Yea Forums also have straight shit on them stop being such a cry baby some communities on Yea Forums don't even have their own boards. what i would do to kill for a board about tomboys, now stop being so much of ungrateful snivelling shits .

What a faggot, Everyone can get laid by a girl.
Brojobs are testing you friendship and about true men compassion, that's pure manly activity, not for basedboy millennials.

No user, you obviously have never dated or known women. Most (not all) like or do things out of spite to go against what they have been taught. For the sake of rebellion.
For example, I can't tell you how many women I've talked to like a particular sports team because their parents liked the opposing rival and growing up they were expected to like them too. But since they were expected to like them they ended up liking the arch rival. Low IQ shit like that. Men do it to, but it's women who do shit like that 90% of the time. Also works that way for political parties too

I didn't know you can't post onions here

Naoko-sensei did pretty good on this one, probably had to hold herself back from adding the usual drama but it worked out nicely.
>talking about something Yea Forums-related is not allowed because the characters are gay
Crossboarding anti-yurifag cancer like you need to be eradicated.

Is she?
I thought this yuri-hating landwhale just tried to clean Yea Forums of everything that didn't have sexy guys.