Canonically racist characters.

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user from fourchan

The hacker?

Jesus, who let Raimi write the dub script for Stardust Crusaders?


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For a racist his best friend sure is a bit dark

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Yea Forums was unironically anti-racist and flamed stormfags any time they outed themselves
r/donald election tourist polniggers are the racist ones

it became based

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>telling lies on the internet
For what purpose faggot?


Probably that new black one on Netflix. Imagine being so puzzled that there is no black people in Japanese cartoons on an island in the far east that is virtually 99.999% homogenized that you make a cartoon yourself to combat this injustice,

no you nigger, it was passive racism and indifference at most
poltards and /new/faggots were hated for being bronies who had to bring their shit everywhere, but nobody was anti-racist
the most egregious shift for /pol/ was going from neocons and libertarians to trumpittors
but hating niggers is older than /pol/, has been here since the heydays of Yea Forums

kill yourself faggot

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That's based on a Western comic retard.


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No, but it was all innocent shitposting before, meant to provoke.
Now everyone's serious about it, and you basically have to be on one side or the other.

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/pol/turds are probably the worst thing that has happened to this site.

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/u/tards are terrible too, but /pol/fags don't even radicalise anyone from Yea Forums, they bring in newfags from elsewhere and then post offtopic political threads on other boards. /pol/ itself is the lowest quality board with little to no moderation, you could post anything offtopic there and it would stay for HOURS, might even reach bump limit

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>admitting to browsing /pol/

go back there, election tourist

I've lurked it for one month in 2015

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Yea Forums is racist, just not larper tier racist. No one likes people taking shitposting too seriously.

t. newfriend

>being unironically afraid of a board on Yea Forums

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Have I ever told you about the breath of all things, Luffy? Throughout my travels I've discovered everything has it's own soul, my blade has a soul, my ship has a soul, devil fruits can have a soul of their own too.
Everything has a soul. Everything except the fishmen and minks, those filthy beings belong in chains, worthless creatures don't even deserve being the skin in my shoes. Remember this lesson luffy, everything has a breath!

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No one likes niggers either

How does he keep getting away with it?

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>No one posted him yet
His excuse for his sentiment towards the uchiha was "my favourite slave was one"

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el CACAroto

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This, there were always some vocal racists who thought they were in good company but it didn't get real bad until gamergate and then trump when /pol/ got really popular suddenly and its newfags leaked onto other boards. Now you have newfag racists and the few oldfag racists who now think it's always been like this and they're the ones in the right. Typical rationalization strategy.

Should be Winnie the Pooh and the hammer and sickle.