Mental illness issues could make death penalty impossible for Kyoto Animation arsonist
Mental illness issues could make death penalty impossible for Kyoto Animation arsonist
Burn him at the stake. Its only fair.
If someone like this gets out in the public after being cleared of his mental illness, would their be vigilante justice or would the citizens just do passive aggressive shit with no physical damage?
The poor guy just wanted justice.
Tell me his name user.
Sammu Haido
They'd probably have him change his identity and location
>muh mental illness
This kind of claim gets used so often these days when they attempt charge criminals
They sure as hell wouldn't be getting out after mass murder
Then let him rot in solitary confinement for the rest of his life.
That’s way worse than the death penalty anyway.
they could just have him locked up for Life.
Okay, but which penalty should be applied to Kyoani for stealing his intellectual property?
this. being locked up for 23 hours a day for the rest of your Life with almost no human contact will drive anyone insane.
> If Aoba is found t have been acting under a diminished mental capacity while carrying out the attack, there’s a chance he could be found not guilty,
Yeah no. There's no way he was operating under diminished mental capacity. He clearly knew what he was doing
He'll be locked up for life, dude. A mental asylum for the criminally insane is a jail, and it's probably worst than a typical jail.
This is such silly reasoning. Anyone committing a crime so heinous to warrant execution is crazy in some way. I'd say only if he was in no way aware of what he was doing should he be let off from being hanged.
Are anons done with the revenge fantasies and ready to join us in the civilised world? Best case he gets life in prison. Nothing as flashy as torture or execution like you would like because "muh revenge feels good", but it is justice.
>"I hope he gets burned alive!"
>"I hope he gets mob lynched!"
>"I hope he gets beaten to death in prison!"
I can taste the salty tears
Hiroyuki Nishimura
>spend your last few on so many drugs you don't even notice anymore
Could be worse.
>gets away with everything
It's not fair bros, we can't let him get away with it!
This. Prisoners should basically be in a forced hotel room stay with a small pet, television and wi-fi. Anything else is literally torture.
Wasting god knows how much in analysis of his mental health, then the court hearing and a mental asylum? Fuck that shit.
End his life now via execution quickly so this scum isn't walking. The yukuza breaking into jail and slowly torturing this lardass would bring me to climax.
He need to get epsteined
I could understand an insanity plea if he just walked in with the gasoline and lit the place up while screaming crazy shit but this guy was cold and calculating. He planned this weeks or even months in advance; he knew what day security would be absent and when it came down to enacting his plan nlocked all the fire exits off to increase his kill count. This guy deserves to hang.
He doesn't get away with anything. He spends his life in an asylum instead of a quick hanging. I'd almost prefer the latter.
>he knew what day security would be absent
Did he really know that? Isn't it just KyoAni literally fucking it up all by themselves when they decided to disable their own security system just so that a reporting team could enter the building more easily?
And use up public funds keeping this waste of oxygen alive for decades?
You do realizing that hanging him or any other style of execution is more expensive than say throwing him prison right? The appeals and lawyers would be ridiculous.
Thousand die everyday. Why should I care if he doesn't hurt those in my circle of influence?
Funny how are the normalfags celebrate death penalty for this guy while rejecting it to be allowed in western countries. Hypocrites, the lot of them.
The process behind death penalties cost a fuck ton of money to perform as well. It's not just putting a bullet in his head.
If he goes to prison for life does he get access to anime, manga and video games?
This guy killed countless number of people and destroyed an anime studio you little shit, he deserves the worst torture known to man. How many projects and unfinished work in Kyoani was thrown to wind because of waste of space?
Underrated post.
let each family of the victims set fire to him
literally free
Hope a crazy Bleach fan in Japan burns Shueisha down
I don't see anyone in this thread talk about capital punishment in Western nations.
Sure. He does. And we should bring death sentence back to western world for people like him here, at least don't be a hypocrite.
Jail? He should be given an award for his services.
>Death penality only for those that do some really fucked up shit
>If you do some really fucked up shit you are likely to get considered mentally ill and get away with it
This is not a proper system
No it doesn't, it's a movie trope
He'll be stuck in a high security ward with nothing to do besides take too much of a bunch of medicine, being bored out of his mind and growing less and less capable of emotion and thought. His days will consist of waking up, eating, taking pills, smoking throughout the day, eating again, taking more pills, and going to bed for 10 hours a day. It's not the most inhumane treatment imaginable, but it's a very shitty realistic form of suffering.
Just do an Epstein
Unless they're throwing him into the sun with a rocket there's no way an execution in a few year's time is more expensive than decades of his expenses in prison or a mental institution.
>the whole internet is one guy arguing with himself
Cause loads of damage and has to be eternally supported by tax money. Seriously, it should be reform or death, spending money on keeping a meat sack alive is more of a punishment for society for not being decisive. I don't actually care for the revenge angle of "justice".
His family isn't rich and lacks any fame or sway, so he's still getting locked up forever. If not, Japan needs to finally get off its ass and go vigilante for these blatant cases of justice system failure.
A lifetime cost of potatoes and water is still less than the beauracratic handling costs related to death penalties.
>"""death penalty"""
>get killed, maybe, in 30+ years after the sentence
they're not much different than your average murder sentence desu
Fuck off he's had previous for robbery, Give him the death penalty.
He's not going to get away with it. This is just clickbait nonsense. It's pundits speculating about the effect Aoba's unspecified mental illness might have on the verdict, it's entirely insubstantial.
Shut up, me.
For the death penalty, they have to keep them imprisoned for a certain number of years while the prisoner fights the conviction through appeals, etc. So that's a few years of that, plus an obscene amount of money spent on new trials and lawyer fees, etc. These people are basically cornered animals; rather than going meekly to their deaths they will fight for every loophole, every minuscule mistake, every chance they have. (As they should. That animal comment isn't a comment on them but rather an analogy for their actions). That often costs more than housing them for life.
This was obvious from day one.
Otaku are the lowest of the low. Yes, I'm talking about Yea Forums.
Why would anybody give a fuck you delusional dumbass? You must think that chinese cartoons is the main source of GDP for 11's. Nobody outside of Yea Forums even knows kyoanus burned down.
You're gonna taste the saltiness of my cock once I've finished tracing your IP. You're dead, kiddo.
Y-yeah no one knows about the biggest mass murder in Japan since WW2, the first arson since like 20 years, something that was in all major news stations. Neck yourself retard.
I would agree if it was a Disney studio or something, but this is the anime board and this guy torched one of the best (arguably) anime studios killing 30 + talented people. Either you shouldn't be on this board because you are clearly not invested in the medium, or you are a psycho.
I don't usually get very serious on here but please commit that. You are hands down the worst human being I ever come into contact on here.
>something that was in all major news stations
In major weeb news outlets you mean, nobody gives a fuck idiot, only you and a bunch of other sad fucks do.
Back to /pol/, edgelord.
Cringe, just a few of their moe anime are worthy.
I want pol and other low IQ individuals to leave. This case is a leap to the right direction, in 50 years every criminal will be treated as somwhat mentally ill and rehabilitation will be used instead of punishment all around the world.
Edgelords can get fucked
>You are hands down the worst human being I ever come into contact on here.
Sure is reddit up in this bitch.
Crossboarder scum get out.
No, its the optimal one. Mental illness should be treated instead of punishing people for it. It just happens to be that poverty, crime and MI go alongside each other.
This is the end game for a civilized country
>Either you shouldn't be on this board because you are clearly not invested in the medium, or you are a psycho.
Why would I care about who makes the chinese cartoons? So what if some japs died? Japs die every day from overwork drawing chinese cartoons, but you don't hear about it and don't give a fuck, which makes you a hypocritical piece of shit in its own right, but I digress. If some japs die, some other japs will fill in their shoes, because I couldn't give two single fucks who draws my chinese cartoons as long as I get them.
Fuck it, I'll start a GoFundMe for this fat fuck's execution.
Maybe he can share a rope with as he's been samefagging, ban evading and underage posting since the incident.
The hero that saved us from a shitty moe studio.
Of course he doesn't deserve to die, they should give him a pension instead.
Go back to pol edgelord, not everyone has the primitive and regressive view on life as you do
eventhough he asserts his mental illness, the prosecution can still be able to prove that he was aware of his actions. He's still gonna be hanged epic style
I doubt it, the people are gonna want blood
Yes I had lofty ideals too when I was 16, unfortunately criminals are criminals most of them are not mentally ill. That's just you wearing fogged up happy glasses looking at the world through a lense of innocence. When the woman you love gets raped, or robbed at gunpoint. You will realize crime is crime. Nobody who steals a Honda and joyrides looking for people to Rob is some poor soul who needs help. But you are still young. You will see eventually when you leave your hugbox.
The saddest part is nobody even has to try proving your point wrong. You prove it wrong by being here, crying about us weeb fucks, only because the Kyoani fire was such a major incident that it even reached you.
He killed more than 30 people, getting to live isn't fucking justice
The only people who use this excuse are themselves mentally ill and conscious enough to want to get away with it. Kill yourself schizo and don't take anyone with you while you're at it.
It shouldn't.
Sorry, I live in a civilized country where we have resources to treat people humanely
The article says it all. It's not like he already was found criminally insane. An expert will give his opinion on that subject during the trial. Anything before that is only a speculation. Is it possible that he will not only avoid being sentenced to death but even being found guilty and sentenced to anything at all? Yes, it is. In such a case he will be locked up in a mental asyllum, as many people have already pointed out, and considering the severity of his actions he will almost certainly never see the light of the day ever again. Holy shit, it is pretty difficult for common junkies who rough someone up while tripping to be released from a looney ward. This is a guy who wanted to and really did burn down a building full of people for some minor civil tort, no matter whether it really happened or was just imagined and self perceived. But the law professor pointed out exact reasons why it is extremelly implausible that he was mentally incapacitated at the time. I have few years of practical experience in this field and find it very improbable.
Careful, there are psychos out there that actually think this and anything less is "torture and enslavement".
>hurr kill and torture this scum
Didn't know Yea Forums was on the same level as facebook boomers. Literally who gives a shit, as long as he can no longer offend, does it really matter what happens to him? Why do people get off on mob justice?
>that it even reached you.
That's because I browse Yea Forums. If I didn't, I would've never heard about it.
what if a deranged kyoani fag went and killed him instead?
>Why do people get off on mob justice?
Found the robot.
People here are 14 or from Saudi Arabia.
Then don't care? Are you an autist or what?
>h-hey guys I don't care
>p-people die everywhere, why should I care
>g-guys where is my (you)
An arsonist lighting people on fire and setting a building on fire is big news, no matter who he does it to. It's relevant to this board because it's an anime studio, and a renowned one at that.
Why are you basedboys this retarded? It's because of people like you that this happened in the first place, if we had a society that put him down like a rabid dog once he robbed the store years ago we wouldn't be having this conversation. Better yet, what the fuck are you even doing here if you don't care? Faggots like you deserve nothing more than a quick death and once I become the new fuhrer, I will make sure you get it.
This is japan, not america where everyone and their mother suing out trivial things every time.
See Yea Forums has been filled with crossboarding tards for a while now, some are so new they dont even know about filters
And they stole his novel.
I sentence him to a lifetime of (paid) janitor duty at the new KyoAni office.
Or worse, 2ch's Yea Forums!
You can be sure that a dude sentenced to death will try all his options before giving up. Unless he is trying to make a point or something.
>There's a fire daily until his death
You two reek of California Jew. Fuck off to your safe space, people here have every right to be angry and want revenge, that's how the mind off s o y works.
I doubt it.
Make it the park they are apparently building at the old office
Well, mob justice has the visceral enjoyment as you see someone get what they deserve.
Sure you may kill someone innocent but as long as the filthy criminals get an eye for an eye, that doesn't matter.
Guillotine Gorilla.
californian jew here
fuck off, dont lump me in with them.
I could see another deranged Otaku giving him the Lee Harvey Oswald treatment outside his court hearing or whatever.
What country user is this Pinnacle of society?
you have to be 18 to post on Yea Forums.
Telling others to fuck off instead of countering their points is in fact building a safe space for your view points.
Really gets the old almonds activating.
>with nothing to do besides take too much of a bunch of medicine, being bored out of his mind and growing less and less capable of emotion and thought. His days will consist of waking up, eating, taking pills, smoking throughout the day, eating again, taking more pills, and going to bed for 10 hours a day
Why does this feel familiar?
Oh, I'm gonna lump you all in the oven.
>gets overrun by niggers and has all women raped
aw thats right hit me with that oven-talk, senpai
>Hur dur just put him in an asylum where the people have to pay to keep him fed, sedated and guarded for decades
Yeah nah fuck off, snap his neck and be done with it
Do you think that user cares? Apparently he lives in a crime free Utopia. I wish I was 16 again as well
>trivial things
We are talking about death penalty. I also love to throw jabs at americans but they aren't the only one who fears the death penalty
Go back.
>you have to be 18 to post on Yea Forums
this is what "adults" post on Yea Forums everyday user.
We've been having the same discussion every time you plebbitor faggots show up in here with your high brow above it all attitude, there is no point left to argue. We want to rage and vent in one of the only places we can do it anonymously, you want to be a pseudo intellectual who thinks he's morally superior. You have the little robot website for gay shit like that. Fuck off.
And I wish I was a bootlicker who had blind faith in the government to not fuck up convictions
>found the robot
Maybe, I'm a bit of a sperg, but I always find it silly that people cry for blood, despite the fact they have no real emotional connection to the crime or it's victims. It's just getting worked up over nothing.
Like when people post news stories on social media of some horrible crime that happened halfway across the world. The culprit was already in custody and the story is old news, but you'll always get a bunch of normies talking about how they want to find and murder this pedo/rapist/animal abuser and how the punishment is not severe enough. And I just think why do you care so much?
Well, no I don't just think I'm morally superior. I am actually superior.
Yea Forums - Clickb/a/it garbage. He's going to die on the gallows within the next 15 years.
Light yourself on fire, faggot.
Can we set up a GoFundMe for this hero? He will need some financial help after he completes his rehabilitation. He must be going through a lot of bs that no one should have to go through. Especially when he was also a victim of Kyoani's predatory business practices.
eat shit cuck
who fucking cares
Sad. Heroes should have martyrs deaths. They already stole his novel, will they steal this from him too? Fuck anus of the kyo.
>We want to rage and vent in one of the only places we can do it
Sorry sweetie Yea Forums is for discussing anime and manga. Not your safespace hugbox to vent over your inability to get laid.
I would say have sex but that's clearly not happening.
Just fap or something.
Be honest, when did you find Yea Forums was it after 2014?
Even if you somehow pulled it off, there's probably laws to stop convicted criminals from profiting off their own crimes.
First they steal your novel, then their steal your freedom, then they steal your life.
The government has nothing to do with criminals and how they act. Crime is crime. We already give criminals free food healthcare and a place to live. I don't care about prison reform because prison should be a bad place. Now if you want to talk about reforming the courts so that less innocent individuals are convicted and more guilty ones are punished that's fine. But you were saying no less than 5 posts ago that most criminals are mentally ill and deserve help. Sorry they do not.
Based and redpilled.
Golly gee, I've been caught. It was yesterday, I'm from 2channel and I don't appreciate you gaijins talking shit about my countrymen getting burned alive. Better watch the skies.
if Kyoani had never stolen his novel, none of this would have happened
>Better watch the skies.
Will a third nuke fall?
You need some help user. Have you even had a wife before? It's alot dude. Sex takes the back burner. If you want a hot wife that's worth keeping alot of work needs to be done in today's day and age.
Based. /ourboy/ Aoba-san is safe.
>Yes I had lofty ideals too when I was 16
But now that you're 17, your armchair philosophy is a lot more valuable than the body of scientific research that demonstrates that prison systems like Norway's that seek to rehabilitate and reintegrate criminals instead of punishing them result in vastly lower recidivism rates. Monkeys let anger dictate their decision-making process, don't be like a monkey.
japan also wants him tortured it's not just the west
You are kinda forgetting the obvious fact that the overwhelming majority of inmates shall be released one day. What do you think happens when they do go free. If you throw kinda bad man into a bad prison. He will just learn everything he lacked up to that point and become even more bad. By the way the reformative function of the sentence is real and practice says it indeed does work. It depends on the individual and his will to change, obviously.
2channel is japanese reddit.
Extremely based
You must empathise with the other side though. Seeing a baddy get rehab instead of being skinned alive leaves me flustered and bothered, like being blueballed real bad.
And 4channel is western reddit. Your point?
Nobody cares.
Have sex
Sorry dude, I don't empathize with people who enjoy skinning others alive.
Regardless of whether he is mentally ill or not, he shouldn't be given the death penalty. What he did was wrong, but killing or torturing him won't solve anything.
You would if the ones being skinned burned your family alive.
Poor guy
Hiroya Oku
Can you say that exact same shit to the family members of his victims?
I hate you Canadians so much.
Stop being a cuck and open your mind you heartless bastard. What if he was literally Hitler or Stain?
It'll solve the problem of my dick throbbing for retributive justice.
Shinji Aoba.
Based, fuck criminal loving liberals.
so wait the guy burned it down because he thought they were plagiarizing or what? i mean maybe he's a schizo or something if they really didn't rip him off then the attack seems unmotivated
Yes. I can categorically tell them that executing him will not bring their dead family members back.
Even if they burn him alive.
I haven’t seen any proof that they actually stole his novel. Until I do he’s just a schizoid otaku.
>His days will consist of waking up, eating, taking pills, smoking throughout the day, eating again, taking more pills, and going to bed for 10 hours a day.
H-haha, yeah, what a horrible life...
Shit was all over mainstream news outlets for a week after it happened. You’re out of touch my guy.
This is why the West will fall, the white man is too cucked and too much of a pussy to even express anger when he or the innocent around him have been wronged, he probably doesn't even feel it either because he's wired to have liberal and comfortable unoffensive viewpoints.
Sarin cultist and loli killer were most likely mental too, did not prevent them from hanging.
Imagine smoking when vaping exists.
Yeah, let's kill him, but those dead animals will not revive
loli killer said the rat man made him do it lol, he also was caught while trying to take pics of a cunny at a park, retarded as fuck
>I can categorically tell them that executing him will not bring their dead family members back. Even if they burn him alive
Yes and? You think they're just gonna agree with your bullshit and let that fat fuck go unpunished because "muh mental illness"? Thank God the vast majority of Japanese people aren't like you.
No, I would not. I'm not a monkey.
I would, but I could consider leaving the monkey comparison out.
>Stop being a cuck and open your mind you heartless bastard.
If you want me to change my mind, try using factual arguments. Emotions are a retarded way to make decisions and in this case, we're making a pretty fucking important decision.
>What if he was literally Hitler or Stain?
Doesn't make any difference.
You are still blurring the point the point is that when a crime is committed there are many more victims and if a person makes the decision to ruin other peoples lives with trauma and suffering. Then they get a free reform pass it seems cheap. The family never gets anything but the criminal gets a slap on the wrist and gets to say I'm sorry I was a bad guy please forgive me. No sorry you raped my mother and killed my family I don't really want you reformed.
Sure you could innernet tuff ghai.
t. Cuckservative.
The facts are that criminals are criminals violent criminals can not be reformed. You expect the system to fix things? When these people leave jail and go right back to the communities that put them in jail. The family's that use drugs and the lack of employment that occurs when a person is a felon. These factors are much more important than reform
I don't give a shit about their emotions. You just asked me whether I could tell them or not.
I'm not their mom who has to cater to their tantrums.
If I was paid to, hell yeah I could. It's just a job who gives a shit.
He should become an animator, a fate worse than death
collegues would be slightly stressed tho
Ah, so you're a cuck, I get it now. Here's to you getting anally raped by a pack of melanated Shinjis then thanking them for it and saying it was your privilege. Fingers crossed.
Idk why liberals love rapists and murderers and drug addicts so much. It's really weird. Why are those the kind of people to care about?
I don't give a fuck about what you want and neither should society. Adult humans are a resource, killing them is a waste of resources. No sane society is going to let your entitled ass throw away our collective resources for petty reasons.
Looks like this dude.
They statistically have bigger dicks.
Wow you’re so cool senpai. You make my heart go doki-doki.
Lord Allah please protect this man from those who think they have the right of steal his live
These retards should learn from Best Korea and forced labour.
What was his LN even about and why they rejected script?
>Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.
>The facts are that criminals are criminals
Well, that is a fact.
>violent criminals can not be reformed
That is not a fact.
>You expect the system to fix things?
If America can have a system that breaks things, Japan can have a system that fixes things if they want.
Masaka! He cannot get away with this!
Doesn't mean shit if random people want him to die. He is gonna be like few years in mental hospital and get out after that.
Same as Cuckservatives who love to advocate war and everything. Many liberals do support the Death Penalty and such.
Only because newfags can't into self moderation.
Why is it so difficult for retards to understand the difference between self-defense and pointless revenge? I'd kill any number of people just to avoid getting raped, but doing it afterwards is not going to unrape me.
haha based, moralfags btfo
>kills 35 people
>is a panty stealing pervert
>robs a store like a nig
>we can still save him, he deserves life like all of us
After I'm done gutting Shinji you're next, faggot.
There is no such thing as pointless revenge. Every act of revenge setups eye-for-an-eye example on criminals and acts as self-defence against the crime of the future.
No shit, it actually does.
Base Arsonists: 1
Kyoanus: -35
What was his diagnosis?
Every act of revenge sets up a counter-revenge.
I want to blame social media for this way of thinking. But there's a part of me that knows this is just tribal bickering where people just do this for emotional gratification.
Then clearly we just need to torture one criminal so badly that no one will think of criming again.
Because all criminals are thinking logically and will plan for their crimes' repercussions.
That's not entirely true. Even if you have a mental illness the onus is on the defence to prove the offender did not know right from wrong at that point in time. He can still get the death penalty if Aoba has a mental illness cause all the prosecution would need to do is prove Aoba knew what he was doing was wrong at the time of the attack.
To prove my point. A guy in my country is about to spend life in prison for raping and killing a woman despite having low-functioning autism.
Im not a kyoani fan, but a lot of people was.
Not only people will lose a lot, if not ALL THE BEST ANIMES, at least according to them, but also, some of japans best talent and greatest directors.
Now, lets be fair and leave the superficial 'MUH ANIMES' stuff away. still, over 35 people died that day. And an entire studio got destroyed, the livelihoods of hundreds of innocent people are no more, families are mourning like theres no tomorrow, and all that pain was caused by a demented fuck whos getting away with his shit because he was deemed 'criminally insane'? I call BULLSHIT!.
you might believe you are a cool dude cuz you hate x or y studio, but if you are ok with a literal serial killer being let out with just a slap on the wrist, then theres only one thing i can say to you: YOU HAVE NO PLACE HERE OR ANYWHERE!
I'm afraid it's... terminal.
hope your family gets skinned alive while you are watching
>do nothing wrong
>get away with it
i don't see the problem here. he started a trash fire; who kills someone over burning garbage?
Daily reminder this whole incident could be avoided by putting down the mentally ill.
Honestly, mentally ill people are just criminals in hibernation. Why take the risk? You wouldn't leave a time bomb under your bed.
I'll burn him myself
You're talking about more than 2/3 of the population of the US.
Based. But also mean.
Not even in places with really lax punishments do mentally ill killers go free. They're put in an institution and kept there for life.
On the other hand
>“It would be strange to say he was even slightly incapable of understanding his actions, and I believe there is ample justification to pursue the death penalty.”
This is getting interesting
Torturing him won't bring back the 35 people so what's the point?
>planned the arson few days before
Yeah right, a clear case of mental issues.
It will bring down crime to 0% though.
The point is that angry people will be appeased and future KyoAni studio arsonists will think twice.
>people shouldn't be punished for their actions
>pedro lopez
>Despite being believed to be one of the most prolific serial killers of the 20th century, he was released in 1998. Current whereabouts unknown.
You never know until you try, right? Ever watch Fullmetal Alchemist?
There were news here about this guy who cleaned a certain cultural memorabilia after a bunch of german tourists sprayed graffiti on it. He did it in his free time and for no remuneration at all. It turned into kinda big media shitstorm because it was a really important historic structure. Everyone was lauding him for what a bro he was. After a week or so, he had an interview in newspaper. There he confessed that he was a fucking double murderer who killed his exwife and her partner and spent like 15 years or so in prison. I shit you not. He confessed because people would find out eventually, considering the media interest over this case. Among other things he talked about his time in prison and how it helped him to change himself. It proves that even violent criminals can be reformed if they have the will to do so.
Donarudo Zurampu
how much of a normalfag do you have to be to care about people, on the other side of the planet, you've never and will never meet dying?
South America is a grim fuckin fairy tale.
So humans need reform but now they are resources to be used? There are billions of humans more than any other animal in the planet. 100 thousand plus individuals is a drop in the bucket user. You are right the prisoners are resources. But poorly trained people who lack discipline. Why are you defending criminals and then proceeding to say they are only of value as a resource?
We're talking developed countries here.
Aw dude he is a good boy he deserves reform and our tax money to send him to school and therapy.
I fail to see why can't they kill an assassinator just because they're crazy.
Is this common sense nowdays?
The alternatives are to let him out to kill again or lock him up and waste taxpayer money on him
Nah we aren't because we let people like Pedro into our countries everyday and say they deserve to live here tax free for seven years getting benefits.of hard working people taxes.
>plans to commit arson and kills 35 people as a result
>gets away with being locked inside of a sanitarium or prison for the rest of his life with some severe burns
basado, now let's just hope he doesn't get lynched in custody.
This sounds like such an EU thing.
> this whole incident could be avoided
By not disabling the security system for momentary convenience?
Less than you apparently, since you ask this in every thread.
Are you implying that even ISIL scums could jump in front of an entire battalion of NATO soldiers, plead insanity, and be spared?
Yea Forums isnt based and redp-
I mean the canadian pm let those isis fighters move into the country
get fucked sissy western progressive cuckolds
>Are anons done with the revenge fantasies and ready to join us in the civilised world?
No, not yet.
In fact, he should be praised for his effectiveness in bringing down an anime studio that was stupid enough to disable its security system on such short notice.
They're treating mentally ill people like children, you know with diminished responsibility. I honestly think we should remove the juvenile system too and treat everyone as adults.
That's a fair point. I don't know how to enforce that though.
I suppose executing the person who disabled the security system will sent a good message. Do not fucking disable security systems or you'll get shot.
The death penalty is retarded anyway. That's why all civilized countries have banned it.
>get fucked
Safest country in the world, it would be absurd to expect them to anticipate something like this
You do know that immigrants do not have to pay taxes for seven years. So they come to America work under the table for seven years and then run away back to Mexico or wherever else they get free healthcare welfare and tax breaks and then they run away. If that is racist then I guess I am racist
>Free markets don't penalise cost-cutt-
Statists btfo again
Yes, they banned death penalty and imported undocumented niggers. Now when they destroy their countries they can't deport or kill them.
Japan is more civilized than your shithole
This. Kyoanusfags are only salty because their studio won't produce anything anytime soon. Serve them right.
>quoting LotR for a criminal that burned people to death because he was deluded
>putting this scum in the same boat as a Smeagol, a creature that was twisted by the power of a literal lesser god
This is the brain on commiefornians, jesus fucking christ.
The Big One can't come soon enough.
Do you think he'll get to game with aoba soon?
Christ I just realised they're gonna use "muh fire" for years as an excuse for why their studio can't produce good shows.
Goddamn it Shinji. Fuck you.
Why do people here care so much?
hang yourself?
All according to keikaku
i'm a nig and i don't steal i spent most of my time studying philosophy don't put me on shinji's level
We all like to add oil into the burning anger of the KyoAni-fags.
I wonder who was -really- behind that decision.
Fucking doormat.
>why do people who like anime care about the worst tragedy in the history of the industry?
I have no idea user.
Are you asking me if that's what you should do? Because the answer's yes, subhuman.
I'm glad people are exploiting America. That shithole deserves it.
Fuck off with the justice meme, will torturing or killing him bring the dead people back to life? Do you think it'll stop other insane motheruckers from doing fucked up shit? Just salty psychopathic kyoani fags mentally masturbating their anger out into something that won't do anything. Willing to bet that they're the same people who called the people who were joking about the arson psychopaths.
t. butthurt 3rdie
Hurting him won't help the victims one bit, anyway. I know you guys are angry but vengeance is a poor substitute for restitution. Instead, look at these kittens, they will make you a bit happier.
Everyone is a resource, prisoner or otherwise. You go to work, you pay taxes, you contribute towards the economic growth which powers our high standards of living. If you aren't employed at the moment, then it's in everyone's best interests to figure out what we can do to help you find a job. This applies to Shinji Aoba as well.
Community service is an amazing punishment, because it's not really anything anyone ever wants to do voluntarily so it functions as a deterrent, but it's not inhumane torture so most people who are sentenced to community service feel like it's a reasonably fair punishment which means they won't hold a grudge against society, it actually helps people reintegrate into society by making them more familiar with going to work, all the while it generates value to society instead of just costing resources like prisons and death sentences.
But he’s right.
Otaku are subhuman vermin
>muh justice
>muh revenge
El Psy kongroo
haha yeah man why should people be punished for ending lives and ruining families haha
After all, the arsonist was just an otaku who burned a studio full with otaku who made stuff for otaku, so nothing really valuable was lost.
I think they would try to find a way around it to give him death regardless. Like when they executed the otaku murderer guy that was on death row it was in retaliation to the truck attack that had just happened in Akihabara.
>hurting him won't help the victims
it will put their souls to rest.
imagine someone turning on kettle of hot water and poring it over your body now times that by 34 of the people you are close to and know in your life also getting the same done to them with you.
I'm laughing at their coping. I'm glad the industry is free from kyoani's trash.
Based and Cutepilled
How many dark skinned "people" are in Yea Forums right nowadays?
So it's civil war, then.
I'd consider this if the souls came down and told us this is what they wanted.
As it stands, killing this retard will not erase their pain.
Are you talking about Okinawan Japanese?
Exactly. It was just otaku dealing with otaku. It was just 35 dead otaku and a few more otaku who were hurt. Not real valuable honest hardworking nipponjins. Now that would have been a tragedy.
Yea Forums has a south american problem, especially Yea Forums
if we turned flags on, this thread would be at least half spics
>I'd consider this if the souls came down and told us this is what they wanted.
it's most likely what the families want at the very least it was not just the deceased who have been effected.
you say this now but if someone did this to you or someone close to you, we would be hearing a different tune.
imagine raising a child putting all your love into them, supporting them when they achieve their dream to work for their dream job and then some sicko comes and burns your child to ashes making everything you did to give your child a good life mean nothing now.
I'm against torture (except of the innocent: on utlitarian gounds - its quite fun and entertaining)
I am in favor of murdering the guilty.
death is mercy.
Does Shinji Aoba MC Plot armor? Surely we are living in his anime world where he's the hero & kyoani is an evil organisation taking credit for his masterpiece light novel?
there are a LOT of kyoanus faggots on Yea Forums, and for them this is truly a tragedy. for everyone else that isn't a mental manlet, this is about as bad as if someone burned down the studio that does MLP.
I hope so
What if he's from a third-world country? How would you track him down?
I'd torture her to let her feel the pain of Aoba.
I live less than 1000 kilometers from japan
>isn't a mental manlet, this is about as bad as if someone burned down the studio that does MLP.
Is general tragedy the correct term?
>stanning aboa
stop baiting
>man high scores in his country on an anime studio
>why do people care
Why are people so dense?
no, because nothing of value was lost.
Could an user in Japan get imprisoned for a little while so we can rape this fat fuck into oblivion?
Leave Aoba to me
he has already been to prison and didn't learn anything
He will be kept alive until the Olympics are over at the very least
What about "incident"?
Japan hangs you. Rope is reusable. So are the gallows. Far cheaper than food, medicine, etc. for 50 years.
He's either gonna be found guilty and placed in death row and wait to be hanged, or he's gonna spend the rest of his life in a lunatic asylum. He's not going to be free to go.
so obviously to your galaxy brain it makes more sense - not to cut bureaucratic waste, but to keep him alive.
there is no obligation to keep the violinist alive, so by the same logic, there should be no moral obligation on "society" to provide criminals with food, water, or even air.
we have a moral choice then, to provide a quick, merciful death, or allow the man to slowly starve or die of thirst.
no gonna lie, but this beefcake is in better shape than me
I do both depending on my mood, but you gotta admit that vaping looks gay, especially compared to smoking.
So at least we're being honest about fulfilling lust for vengeance and not some higher moral calling about putting "souls to rest".
I appreciate that.
> society provides you with water and fucking air
They are natural things that are going to be provided unlesss society interrupts on purpose which is beyond just not following obligations.
burning garbage in open fire is illegal in Japan.
That's mostly an argument for streamlining the process.
it' not just one or the other it's both.
okay if he doesn't deserve to die can we just torture him for the rest of his life then?
Whatever fate befalls him that makes KyoAni-fags the most angry is the most optimal thing.
But it was a closed building.
Definitely. I prefer the looks and smell of cigarettes despite the health benefits of vaping.
How streamlined do we want this method? Like 1 day trials slim or mob justice ultra-slim?
Because honestly, fuck courts in general. I wish my cops just shot me in the face instead of giving me a ticket to show up to a hearing.
to quote starship troopers:
"Anyone who clings to the historically untrue and thoroughly immoral doctrine that violence never settles anything I would advise to conjure up the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and the Duke of Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler could referee and the jury might well be the Dodo, the Great Auk, and the Passenger Pigeon. Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst. Breeds that forget this basic truth have always paid for it with their lives and their freedoms."
Well, based Shinji burned a staircase inside an enclosed building, so he's innocent.
Just call it euthanasia instead of death penalty it and it suddenly sounds so much more civilized, almost like you're doing him a favor.
2 months after sentencing should be sufficient. If not, let the judge issue a stay.
>health benefits of vaping
Both are shit for you, it's just that vaping has been less thoroughly studied.
Sure, violence is a great problem-solver. Too bad nobody violent enough was there at the studio to stop Shinji at the time, because it's way too late now.
Sure, make your case to a jury that torturing him for the rest of his life will gave you satisfaction.
That is a good point I admit we could end up with vaping mega cancers in the future.
I didn't mean to imply vaping has benefits. Just that in my own experience, vaping was less harmful in the short term.
2 months sounds fair. The public is too cucked to allow such a thing sadly.
"Responsibility to Proctect"
>kills 35 people because they "stole" his catch phrase
>mental illness
No shit, still deserve the rope though.
It's my considered opinion that allowing anyone 10 years of borrowed time is far crueler.
If you're sentenced to die, then die.
sounds better than giving him hugs and kisses and a warm glass of milk for the rest of his life he needs to pay some way for his actions.
be it death or if not death torture or both. we can't let mental illness be an excuse as the is boarderline has the mind of a psycho and or a serial killer as he clearly intended to kill everyone in the building leaving no survivors.
>Too bad nobody violent enough was there
Geez, I thought every Japanese person had the heart of a samurai warrior.
>he needs to pay some way for his actions
>be it death or if not death torture or both
Would you ever get a job where your employer paid you by torturing himself or committing suicide?
At this rate, Thanos might as well do the snap and then, "sorry, I'm mentally ill".
what he did is not a job and he was nobodies boss at kyoto animation it still stands he needs to pay.
the dude blocked exits because his plan was to take everyone in the building down to ashes, he wanted to leave no stone unburnt no corpse not scorched. the dude is a psychopath and no reforming programming is going to fix him or making him safe to be around or justify him being not made to pay.
I definitely understand where you're coming from. The psychological stress of being on death row for years or even decades has to fall under torture.
The deterrence argument is something that makes sense me logically, and I do think it acts as a mild deterrent at least. There is the chance that someone innocent will get executed though, so I can't support it.
wasn't he a hikki? doesn't seem like much of a change for him
if he gets off lightly i hope some yakuza chokes him out in his cell before he gets to see the light of day again
If they present evidence of premeditation the diminished mental capacity argument could be slapped down, right?
leave him in a cell without electricity, without air conditioning or ventilation, and he'd choke to death pretty quick:
why should society pay for his upkeep?
>everybody is a valuable snowflake
lets be clear, im completely ok with the idea that i could be executed for a crime i did not commit.
it could happen to anyone.
fudged statistics
>he needs to pay.
Sure, he needs to pay. Why the fuck are you assuming that the victims would rather receive that payment as a kinky torture porn service instead of receiving it in money?
>What was his diagnosis?
He's a KyoAni hater. All KyoAni haters are mentally ill and potential mass murderers.
He is going to suicide through harrassment from the nip society.
So it's still a death penalty to me.
I will never get the fascination with this fucker. It was never justifiable in any way or form nor does it even have an intriguing motive. Whatever happens to him doesn't make a difference. The best way to damn someone is eternal imprisonment without the release of death. And that does not exist here.
Can this retarded myth of mental illness letting you get off die already. It only applies when you are so mentally damaged you aren't able to understand right from wrong premeditation automatically precludes you from that classification because it shows higher level thinking and understanding what you are doing isn't allowed.
No matter how delusional he is he knew what he was doing was wrong or else why would he have fled the scene?
Not in Japan I don't even think you get an appeal hearing.
The Japanese courts are infamous for their quickness and cruelty there are none of the protections we have here defending you from a trumped up court case its basically just a kangaroo court.
Sounds very based. Can we get some of that in here?
>In 50 years they'll just give mass murderers a ton of drugs for a few years and let them loose
What could possibly go wrong?
Did we ever figure out what exactly KyoAni stole from him, or what was in his novel?
That’s a crime of passion though. This guy preemptively planned to burn a lot of complete strangers alive.
But what if I, a perfectly sane man, just decide to shoot up a school for the fun of it? Am I still mentally ill, even if there is no way to diagnose me of it?
Free will does exist, you know.
I’m sure they’re seeking damages but it doesn’t sound like they guy has any money.
>Free will does exist, you know.
It's a spook.
Well, find him a job and then he can have money.
Why are these threads allowed.
Jannies clean this shit up.
Lol that’s not how it works. At that point it’s referred to as restitutions. They’ll seize all your assets and then once you declare bankruptcy and any money in your bank account.
Thing is there’s no way the guy can pay for all those funeral expenses alone even after that so it’ll basically just fuck over his parole. He’d basically be working for nothing his whole life.
Sorry, to add he obviously won’t work for free so the families basically have to eat all the direct and I direct costs on top of being miserable of course.
Why don’t you want to waste this guy again?
>a perfectly sane man
Not according to your browser history, user.
>people think someone will kill Aoba if he's walking free
reminder Junko Furuta's murderers and the Kobe killer are walking free today
>Sorry, to add he obviously won’t work for free so the families basically have to eat all the direct and I direct costs on top of being miserable of course.
What? Of course he won't work for free, he will work for money, get paid, and use the money to progressively pay off his debts.
First off insanity plea doesn’t work as often as you think.
Now if you are clearly of unsound mind and do a dangerous act in a state of stress or passion it’s different.
If you meticulously plan violence and murder against people like this and carry it out you’re clearly not insane. Awful yes but clearly stable enough to carry the plan out.
Just because people do something awful doesn’t make them crazy like we comfortably think. It makes them evil.
He’ll be I debt his whole life and has 0 chance of parole. He will simply refuse to work.
He might work if he gets to keep 50% of his earnings to buy shit for himself in the prison.
I doubt he'll get a system like that though.
If it was true that KyoAni stole his intellectual right, I think there are 2 course of action here:
1) Compensate him monetarily for the damages done to him. 100% of revenue generated by the intellectual copyright should be paid to him, plus 50% of damages. If KyoAni does not have the necessary funds to do so, the relief funds from donations (Sentai, Animate Japan, government subsidies, etc) should be given to him
2) He should be fully exonerated for the 35 deaths and he should be released right away following a clean bill of heath
I was thinking that, too, but I doubt it works that way over there. And honestly given the sheer amount of debt he has I doubt they would let it be such a portion like that.
Restitution is out in place more to make sure you pay for the things you stole in a theft or something. I have no idea how it would apply to the murder of over 30 people.
he'll be epsteined
>implying we have no control over our own actions and our consciousness is just spectating
>implying dualism
>implying we should never feel guilt or regret
>implying we're morally equivalent to animals or robots
>implying anything outside of our mind is 100% not an illusion
Ok retard
The train catch phrase story was disproven, trainfag is still posting on twitter.
Kyoani director even confirmed they received this guy's novel idea for their contest thing. The guy was pissed off at Kyoani allegedly stealing the idea.
He burned them down because he knew it would never happen.
Now that's what I call edgy.
This. Premeditation immediately kicks out the insanity plea unless the judge and lawyer is extremely incompetent.
Reminder that KyoAni stole from a mentally ill person. Have they no shame.
It'll never be enough but it's best way to get use out of him while keeping him away from other people.
None of this is an argument against free will being a spook.
Yeah I totally get you, but it doesn’t quite work like that. You can’t literally turn the guy into a slave.
In my mind they guy has 0 chance of rehab, parole, or anything else. The best use of him at this case would be capital punishment to give some semblance of justice to the families and enforce a hard stance on such atrocities, especially considering shit like this is incredibly uncommon there.
you must have missed the Yea Forums raids the whole week after it happened
Execution is technically more humane than slavery so I think capital punishment is the likely outcome.
At least family will get satisfaction so that's something.
99% conviction rate
He was mentally capable of committing mass murder, there is no legal grounds for this defense.
Well make avery murderer a mental ill, so they could automatically avoid death penalty.
Yagami Righto.
white pig litigation does not apply to nipland
if you're rich enough it works.
>It only applies when you are so mentally damaged you aren't able to understand right from wrong
Not even. It applies when you are demonstrably incapable of perceiving reality as it exists. Psychopathy and being void of functional empathy isn't a basis for an insanity defence, you're still capable of reliably understanding your environment and the consequences of your actions.
Psychosis, or whatever condition, that causes visual or auditory hallucinations does. If you think a many eyed horror with fanged vaginas for hands is running at you screeching for the blood of the innocent, and you strike it with a bludgeon, your having actually just caved in some salaryman's skull doesn't make it a murder charge, because you're too crazy to realize you were bludgeoning another human being.
I read the short story and fail to see how you think that justifies your belief that it would be ok to be murdered for something you didn't do. In fact the story seems to point to the opposite.
Yeah, fuck pro-life hippies and their love-thy-enemy mindset
why am I reminded of this
Not really.
This is why capital punishment for mass murder should always be the norm and mental illnesses not allowed to be used as a defensive tactic to prevent the suspect from being executed for high crimes.
>He is mentally sane, which behooves him the death penalty. But that also means his claim about plagiarism is true
>He is mentally ill, which denies him the death penalty. But that also means his claim about plagiarism is untrue
I can't remember.
How many times have you wished you could kill the guy who cut you off in traffic or took the last donut at work or is holding up the checkout line so they can pay for a month's worth of groceries with coins or an expired coupon (and OF FUCKING COURSE they'll have at least 10 items that require a price check)?
Evidently Aoba-kun doesn't have that program that stops most of us from acting on those impulses, or his version is obsolete. He ain't right, is what I'm sayin'.
He went insane from having his work stolen.
Never actually. I think I'm broken in a good way.