After all these years I still don't understand how the fuck King Crimson works...

After all these years I still don't understand how the fuck King Crimson works. I've read post after post that tries to explain its powers, no one post is the same and no one post accounts for many of the things that actually happen. Does it remove events within erased time? Then how they fick can people move? Does it eradicate cause and effect? Then shouldn't people just be injured anyway? Why can
Narancia stuff his face with chocolates but bullets disappear and reappear instead of hitting diavolo? Does it take event C and make it happen instantly after event A even though event B no longer happens? Then what does it fucking do besides erase memory? How does erasing memory help Diavolo if he can't affect people in erased time? How did he kill Narancia in erased time? How the FUCK does King Crimson work?

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It just works

it just works

It just works.

Unironically the only explanation that makes sense, Diavolo just take the time that has been "erased" and does whatever the fuck he wants.


>Does it take event C and make it happen instantly after event A even though event B no longer happens?

I kinda think so.

because you're stupid

it just works.

Diavolo's powers work in tandem with what Jojo has previously established as fate, with BtD.
Epitaph glimpses into the future. Those events and that future are then "fate".
KC activates and allows Diavolo to act however he wants, while fate plays out without him. When his ability is deactivated that time is erased, leaving only Diavolo aware of the skipped time. This is a symbolic extrapolation of Diavolo's desire to surpass and escape fate and consequences, claiming "only the results matter." This is why Abbaccio was such a threat to him: Moody Blues has a means of enforcing that Diavolo's past actions will catch up to him, no matter how much he had already "erased."

Memory erasure ensures that Diavolo is always one step ahead of anyone and able to hide or ambush whenever he sees fit.
>how was Narancia killed
Fuck man, it's Araki, ok.

That almost makes sense.

From the perspective of normal people, up to 10 seconds of time is suddenly skipped.

From his perspective, he is the only person who gets to exist and move in those lost seconds.

What don't you get?

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bullets disappearing and reappearing is the result kf arakis ADHD at work, it cant be explained

He is outside the time stream and is waiting to jump back in anywhere in the next 10 seconds. That makes more sense than the crap you are spewing.

For ten seconds, Diavolo becomes god and can re-write time as he sees fit without being bound to the rules of casualty. Of course, he still can only think at human speeds.

>spoiler alert
>sike, you looked at it
>mfw I'm dead

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Uhhh... What?!
How does that make more sense?

He doesn't leave time, he erases it while he's in it. They talk about it all the time.

What the FUCK are you talking about?

if he's the only person who gets to exist how did he kill Narancia

By killing him.


He was always going to kill him, that was fate, which means Narancia was going to always die.

No? The bullets never disappear and actually hit him, but because he can't interact with real objects in the time skip "world", the bullets go straight through him.
This is why Diavolo couldn't donut Bucciaratti during the 10 second time skip, he basically loses his physical form in that time, and can only attack Bruno once the time skip ends and he's right behind him.

At least that's what I understood, I don't know.

Aerosmith does rapid-fire right? Then how the fuck would erasing 0.5 seconds in the whole world prevent a continuous spray of bullets still firing at random intervals, like skip 5 seconds just in case you stupid moron. He should've still been hit by it.

Wtf are you on about? Losing his physical form? No no no. That shit doesn't make any sense.


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He knew when it would stop firing as soon as Metallica died which took 0.5 seconds

KC- Deletes cause, retains effect

GER- Deletes effect, retains cause

So he can stop time for 10 seconds?

Doesn't matter, the bullets don't come out all at once but in succession

When Mista shot Diavalo and GER reversed his ability back to 0....shouldn't the bullets have hit him? Where did they go?

No, you're thinking of Dio, who exists in the frozen moment between two seconds; not Diavolo who bulldozes 10 seconds out of existing.

Yes and the last one hit Risotto after 0.5 seconds

You are stupid if you can't understand it

Thanks for reminding me not to resume that shit ass manga.

Kill yourself hunterfag.

Araki's inconsistencies can make it a little confusing I guess but if you don't understand it by now you're probably retarded bro.

Okay I will explain how his stand works. He can dele-

And that's how King Crimson operates. You're welcome

Imagine you're standing on one side of an impossibly deep canyon

The other side is an alternate timeline (parallel universe if you prefer)

KC builds a bridge for Diavolo spanning that canyon and connecting to any point on the opposite cliff (any point of time for the alternate timeline)

Diavolo crosses the bridge in an instant and once at his destination, KC collpases the bridge

However, in collapsing the bridge; the gap between the two sides of the canyon vanishes

They slam together and combine into a single plateau that becomes the new 'reality'

By being picky about which particular canyon he wants to bridge and what part of the corresponding cliff-side he wants to connect to he can manipulate the 'destiny' of his 'reality' in the same way a dealer could give every player at a table four aces so long as they had enough decks to draw from and the chance to organize the combined deck as they wish

KC has ability to edit 10s to his advantage. KC will edit out the part where your bullets hit him. To your perspective it'll look like you fire the gun then you need to reload despite having a full mag. Yet at same time, there's the wall littered with bullet holes. To Diavalo he sees you fire the gun's entire magazine into his bullet riddled body. KC deletes the part where the bullets turn Diavalo into swish cheese. When KC deactivates his ability, time jumps 10s without anyone that's not KC noticing.

>>how was Narancia killed
>diavolo activates king crimson
>gets close to narancia
>grabs him
>throws him over the spikes VEY FAST
>reactivates it and hides
There you go


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it just works
> I've read post after post that tries to explain its powers
Why, its been adapted, its not relevant for any future understanding ofany future or previous part...

the erased memory is just a side effect of king crimson disposing of the time

Its impossible to understand something that is inconsistent

what the hell, I hope your baiting. During King Crimson's ability he is removed from the events taking place. He moves separately in his own timespace

Don't bother

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Why do huntards sneak their way into threads about superior IPs?

They really just keep on butting their empty fucking heads wherever they want and start drawing comparisons to their shitty bible of mediocrity. Even the most run of the mill, recycled, uninspired garbage is better than their 'you're just speedreading!! it's actually really good you're just trying to hate it!!!' shit splatter manga.

BC threads
BnHA threads
Chainsaw threads
One Piece threads
They even found a way to burrow into Shokugeki threads back when they were common
And now JoJo to top it off?
How can a manga somehow attract nothing but autistic fans?

>not wanting to flex your superiority
Wouldnt know the feeling shonenfag

how is rubber nen/gon XL better than ANY stand through all JoJo parts

You're not flexing superiority
You're the same as the MLP posters when they were plaguing every board on this site, just concentrated in Yea Forums

I sincerely wish there was a containment board for huntards the same way there is for pony posters

Actually, he witnessed epitaph and saw that he was already fated to kill narancia, so he just skipped time and let fate play out so narancia died and nobody saw it.


honestly it was hyped up by Yea Forums, reddit and twitter as something super complicated and metaphysical all these years but once I actually saw what KC actually did it was a major letdown

a stand that skips time


such a truly fucking mind bending and hard to grasp concept.

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>sees 10s into the future
>is able to change his destiny during those 10s
>can't affect others' destinies, only his
>this allows him to position himself in strategic ways, escape, confuse enemies and be always on the best situation posible.

Maybe we could understand if he had the ARROW

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