I am 5 volumes in at the giant mother mammoth capture arc and this has to be the most unique shounen I have read from Jump. It's been amazing so far. Does it does downhill from here? Is the last arc as rushed as the last 5 chapters of Bleach? It's feels truly underrated.
A lot of parts of arcs like going to other continents is rushed and the ending was rushed as well but it at least went out with a bang in its final arc.
The ride hasn't even begun.
Last arc of the manga is somewhat rushed but it's still very satisfying to read.
Shit gets wild a lot more later.Good shit.
Oh man a Toriko thread, haven't seen one for ages. How do you guys feel about the final arc in general? And has the anime aged well? Does it need a remake?
The last part was rushed but it is got so bonkers it is fine.
>at the giant mother mammoth capture arc
okay. I know nothing else about this manga but now I'm interested
what am I in for?
Does it have any fanservice? So far I only see 1 female character.
Fuck it, man. One of my favourite Jump manga, before the manga dropped the ball starting from the Monkey King arc and then got rushed to the guillotine.
Toriko is a series about if Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star popped into Jojo with his friends and picked up Stands, then traveled to the Monster Hunter universe to go hunt giant monsters and bring back their meat to cook into delicious feasts.
The series is all about food, hunting rare foodstuffs, cooking it, and eating it. It's an absolute blast and I enjoyed practically every chapter. The mammoth in question there is so large its insides are a literal maze, and the ingredient acquired from it is "jewel meat", a part of the mammoth's meat that shines like a jewel, makes your skin sparkly, and tastes absolutely delicious.
Don't watch the anime. It's a neutered and sanitized godawful mess that's better off scrubbed from history, and ends halfway through the manga regardless. Read it, you won't regret it.
>aged well
With the censoring it was shit from the start.
You mean non-fag fanservice? A few bits here and there.
Only part of Toriko Im still upset with is when that one fish in the after life wanted to be killed and eaten. What the hell.
The anime was irredeemable shit from the start.
The final arc was hype, and did admirable job resolving everything in the limited amount of chaprers the author was left.
What, you mean Another? From what I got from that Another itself was a Food Spirit and Food Spirits that inhabit food desire to be eaten and enjoyed, appreciated for their existences. Another likely sensed that the others would need it and that Komatsu could prepare it properly, and so it allowed itself to be caught by the man who had the most appreciation for food there.
>go hunt giant monsters and bring back their meat to cook into delicious feasts.
okay, I'm in
Still fucked up and weirdest part of the series to me.
I would not recommend reading while you're hungry, but otherwise have fun.
The anime is shit but its great to watch while eating or when I'm trying to find my appetite. Shit always gets me hungry watching them.
too bad it got fuckin axed.... it was actually the GOAT series the manga
it was basically entering a saga equivalent to when goku entered ssj for the first time
but i mean i wont spoil it for you, it was rushed because the series probs could only support only a bit more chapters
It’s the only WSJ manga to end on a high note. It got axed though unlike the others.
Easily the best wsj title of this decade. Shame that Shima had to rush it.
>another user discovers the magical journey of Toriko
Welcome, brother.
>Does it need a remake?
Desperately. Get UFOtable to do it, their OVA was great. Madhouse would be nice, too.
I just want to see the fights well animated, there's so many good ones, like Horse King and Monkey King, and Starjun vs Toriko which was butchered beyond belief in Toei's shitshow adaption.
They also get stronger the more delicious they find the foods they eat.
>Does it does downhill from here?
nope, it goes better and better until the part they decided to rush it due to being axed. if only they didnt rush over the other kings
Man I need to watch this, I still can't imagine UFOtable animating something like Toriko.
toriko always had incredible worldbuilding
How much did ufotable adapt?
Last arc is rushed a little, but still good and full of fun. And it actually has epilogue. 2 even.
But god, what a ride it was from "air" till the end.
>Giant shit = world building
Man the scale was always insane.
The last arc was a rushed mess ( I blame wsj), but ending is pretty satisfying. I bet it would be better if the author got more time.
There's a point a little ways into the Eight Kings and Acacia Full Course hunt saga where the mangaka clearly got pressured to accelerate the pace of the story and bring about a premature conclusion, but it's still insanely entertaining until the end despite that. The final few fights and reveals are so fucking over the top insane that you can't get bored
Yeah, the focus on the monkey king is as long as the focus on the other kings all together.
That's exactly what I was referring to. A real shame we couldn't see the lads grow stronger king by king and mythical food by mythical food like they did for the first couple hundred chapters. It seems like everything was planned well in advance since all those foods did end up having detailed abilities associated with them, but they were all crammed into like 4 chapters and everyone but Toriko and Midora were shoved aside. Real shame, imagine what a 600 chapter Toriko would have looked like
There are no simp faggot fanservice but you will see best girl soon enough
>Melk will never sharpen your knife
What is peak Toriko pre-Gourmet World ?
No, it has a very interconnected world and many locations are really built on and explored letting us get a strong sense for the culture of places and how they all fit into the story as a whole.
>this has to be the most unique shounen I have read from Jump.
Yeah, Toriko is so unique. Nothing like anything from Jump
>HxH invented giant animals
Toriko is based, fuck Jump for rushing this shit and fuck Toei for that anime.
>HxH invented fishing
Jesus you huntercucks are dumb
>Actually finished with a final bang
>Worst thing you can say is that the ending was a bit rushed
>Will never be finished
>Best thing you can hope is an indefinite hiatu and an announcement that Togashi quits
Keep readong, the powerups are amazing and no, its ending is rushed and open but its a ok ending to a awesome ride. It coudl be better but its not bad at least.
Toriko vs Tommyrod is peak Toriko.
How many series do you know actually go into detail of its made up religion for its made up people?
Either Toriko vs Starjun or 4 Kings against Four Beast.
So, hows copying Gourmet World by Dark Continent coming along?
Truth. The anime was shit, but every time I watched it I got incredibly hungry.
Togashit can't even come halfway close to Shima when it comes to world building.
Based dubs of truth.
Next major arc is better honestly.
But sadly after that it does go downhill for a bit, but peaks back up when the gang actually go to Gourmet World.
Yeah, I absolutely loved the Bambina arc. Too bad the pacing went absolutely bonkers right after.
I'm pretty sure toriko came up with most of the newer shits hxh had first. (Gourmet world. Long hair.)
Toriko is kino and one of my favorite shounen
Underground Casino arc?
What about it? That happened before going to the Gourmet world.
>Those dubs
Huntards BTFO.
FUCK YOU!!!!!!
They would need space suits after all the ridiculous shit that happened in the finale?
Obviously it was Toriko at the Gourmet Festival. I’m sure no one remembers the arc because what happens after was so insane. Also when he revealed his Red boy.
Blue boy was the broest of bros.