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Drugs make people happy. We can't have that.

Regulations like that in media happen when a group of idiots happen to get lots sympathy.

imagine how much Italy's economy would have plummeted after giorno became the boss of passione

well yeah, drugs are bad.

But Bruno had nothing to do with that stuff. He was in charge of all the protection money from casinos and such. The selling of drugs to kids was the final straw

Ok, Bruno, I'll give you 3 seconds, THEN you'll give me the arrow, ok...?
1... 2... 3

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Where is it said they do any of that? Could be entirely protection fees, vigilante work, smuggling cigarettes, cutting olive oil, faking dop certificates and laundering money etc

my headcanon is giorno is a lolbertarian
>taxes are theft so it's ok i'm a mafia boss

drugs bad



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>Giorno becomes boss of Passione and stops the drug trade
>Just gets fucking iced by some other gang shooting him days later
woah... so this is the power of a gangstar...

>protection fees
Here. There will always be someone who doesn't want to pay for "protection" and you better make a good example out of them if you don't want to lose everything. Then there are also those who you're "protecting" them from which might want to "protect" them too.

The drugs are probably made by a STAND user, so the drugs they sold were special, which in turn, made their users retarded I mean if there can be a STAND user that can turn people's souls into playing chips, then why not a STAND that can create, or at the very least manipulate chemicals? Time stopping was already extremely OP unless you had another Time Stopper STAND.

Giorno could unironically make some drugs with his stand

Based Mista assaulting anyone he can find.

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>protection fees
You mean extortion.
>vigilante work
You mean assassination.
>smuggling cigarettes
>cutting olive oil
>faking dop certificates
You mean fraud.
>laundering money
You mean large-scale robbery.
Gangs are scum, end of story, and that means Giorno is scum too.

Selling drugs to kids is bad, but what about adults who like to indulge in drugs? is /ourhero/ going to give infinite death to some guy for smoking weed?

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>GER anally rapes the other gangs before they can pull the trigger

Wow... so this is the power of drugs...

>smuggling cigarettes
>cutting olive oil
Smuggling cigarettes to bypass local taxes for resale and cutting means deluding with water to make more bottles to sell.

>all drugs are the same

He could, but he won't. Goddamn now I want a Golden Wind sequel now more than ever, GioGio's a powerful individual now. And he has Polnareff ghost buddy AND an army of STAND users to order around. Fucker could take over the world.

>Inb4 STANDs become a part of human society in the near future where over 90% of people and other living beings have STANDS

Speaking of that, why does Polnareff hang out with Giorno now? Did he at least tell the Speedwagon foundation and Jotaro about his condition and what happen to the arrow.


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How are you supposed to dilute oil with water when the two don't mix?


When was Bucciarati ever aware of Passione sistematically raping people for profit? The only one I know of that could do this shit was Cioccolata and Secco and even Boss was utterly disgusted by them.

Murder, extortion, robbery and stealing is considered fine by Bucciarati so long as its results eventually brings profit to the downtrodden of Italy. Evil people can be murdered, rich business owners extorted, greedy people robbed and stolen from, but drugs will only destroy lives, there is no way the poor can profit from them at all.

Bucciarati wanted to make the idealized version of a Mafia true: Not seeking profit, but protecting the family and the weak from the strong in illegal and often amoral ways. When the authorities fail, Passione forcefully rights it.

Thing is, Bucciarati was alright with the drugs ordeal at first, he was okay with just climbing the ranks for a while and eventually reaching a position of power to influence the Boss. What triggered him was that the Boss attacked his own daughter, an innocent bystander, just to keep his identity hidden. He attacked the weak only for his own personal profit, it goes against his ideals for the Mafia in the most repugnant way possible. That's when Bucciarati dead on decided that the Boss had to be struck down, drugs didn't even matter anymore.

And he fucking won. Giorno inherited his will and ruled Passione with the good Mafia ideals. Even after the part 6 resets, he's likely still doing so.

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>Yea Forums defends selling drugs to kids

You f/a/ggots are kissless virgins who dont even smoke crack anyways, so why do you even care that much?


Luring women into brothels or making them pay off debts by selling their bodies is essentially rape.


Yes but which chapter is it stated? I don't remember.

Giorno did it first.

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First or second episode had Giorno say he sees nothing wrong with adults choosing to drug themselves to death.

Bruno, I'm asking you to listen to me! Between the two of us, I am more chosen by fate to rule! Therefore the arrow, by all rights, should be mine!

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>good Mafia ideals
Nice oxymoron.

>good Mafia ideals
List every "good deed" the mafia has ever done in real life user.

It's a real scam

Not him, but he said "idealized version of a Mafia".
Of course irl mafia is bad. Here it's a fiction with idealistic and incorrupt people. It's like saying Luffy is a criminal because he is technically a pirate. They both are romanticized and unrealistic visions of grand criminals.
...is it bad that these objectively terrible persons have such a false and lighthearted popular legacy? Maybe.

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I can see this as pretty much the end game for JoJo, considering that stand users are supposed to be the next step of human evolution.

Welcome to Japan.

>cutting olive oil
Crime against humanity deserving the death penalty.

> Selling cut olive oil TO KIDS

Just listing stuff 3d mafias do
theres a big leap between cutting olive with rapeseed oil to selling heroin to teenagers which lets you be considtent in your morals

Why call it the Mafia then? Atleast One Piece built its entire world around this romanticized seafaring concept and makes a clear distinction between good and bad ''pirates'', also the setting not being Earth helps. Kinda like how Naruto isn't about proper ninjas but a fantastical magical depiction. JoJo does nothing to separate this or even has a clear idea of the structure and operation of this organization, they just come off as your typical criminal syndicate, and it is set in a real place where these things are still a big issue, despite being a fictional wacky variant, romanticizing it in this context is simply laughable. You won't be getting fiction about wacky romanticized ''good guy'' Somali pirates or Mexican cartels I can tell you that much.

If Jotaro knew he'd probably try to take down GioGio and his crime syndicate. Too many stand users, or at the very least try to make some manner of "truce". Giorno's the son of DIO and Jonathan afterall. One mom and two dads, Bizarre indeed.

You don't become the biggest most influantial gang that controls Italy's underworld with charity work and harmless crimes. It might not have been stated but it's safe to assume that Passione had a foot in every type of crime you can think of, if Giorno banned them just because he wants the gang to look good then he won't have money for it to operate efficiently, especially after reducing the income from drugs.

>good Mafia ideals
So this is the power of romanticization

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>source: my ass but dude trust me

Its called organized crime for a reason. You need to draw the line somewhere.

>You won't be getting fiction about wacky romanticized ''good guy'' Somali pirates or Mexican cartels
Not with that attitude.

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You genuinely believe Passione's, the biggest gang in Italy, crimes were limited to drugs, assassination and gambling?
And this may shock you but you need funds to operate a gang, funds from the crimes you commit.

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You don't know jackshit about the mafia in Italy. Read some news.

Corruption of the youth is worse than all of those and is the precursor of all sins.

Stop being realist about Jojo, this is not how it happens in Araki's writing. If he says the Speedwagon foundation is the richest, it's the richest, if the Passione gang is the cleanest and most civil gang, it is civil and refuses to do any harm.

If JoJo events were to happen in a fictional setting like suggested than I will give it a pass but since it happens in the real world and with an actual group of criminals that exist in real life then it should follow our world's rules and answer logical questions like how the hell the gang funds itself if it dosen't do major crimes because it's afraid from the way people look at it?
>if the Passione gang is the cleanest and most civil gang, it is civil and refuses to do any harm.
Then why the fuck is it a gang in the first place? Most of a criminals actions that benefit him comes from the misfortune he brings upon others

> this is not how it happens in Araki's writing.
So if he writes it shit on purpose then it's all good and void of criticism.
> If he says the Speedwagon foundation is the richest, it's the richest
Sure, that can be plausible.
> if the Passione gang is the cleanest and most civil gang, it is civil and refuses to do any harm.
But it isn't you dunce. It's not like Passione is Bruno's special group to counter the other gang or some shit, it is the whole thing, a syndicate with criminal activity at its core. Period. Extortion, assassination, drug trafficking etc. is all part of its operation. Stop defending Araki's contradicting hack writing and retarded characters. Especially when it's trying to take itself seriously.

I was originally on the side of the anons with the romanticized view on passione but this is a really convincing arguement. The manga is just a story anyway though so having passione as an evil organization was probably not arakis intention he just didn't think it through

Selling drugs to kids is perfectly fine
If it weren't for people willing to sell drugs to kids I wouldn't have been half as high as I was in high school

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>he just didn't think it through
That's basically JoJo's tagline anyway.

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t. dude who knows jack shit about mafia in italy

>drugs and gambling, the 2 most profitable things to do, do not bring in money

Why do they act like Giorno is Dio's kid when it was Johnathan's dick that did the deed?

*blocks your path*

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>do not bring in money
Never said that, I said that gang funds comes from multiple sources some of which Giorno will have to stop if he wants to keep the organization image clean.
Besides you're proving my point, if drugs, which is one of the financial pillars of the organization, were gone wouldn't that hurt the gang and hinder it from functioning efficiently?

I'm glad people know now that Part 5 was trash.

Read purplehaze feedback to seea stand that makes drugs for passione

Selling drugs to kids is fucked up. Diavolo was a monster and got what he deserved

>eternally cucked by the Chad Jonathan whenever he tries to fuck a girl
No wonder he hates the Joestars lmao what a bitch

so are trish and mista together?

More than you at least.

The boss was probably spending a shit load of it on assassin and other shit to keep his identity clear to be honest.

selling heroin to teenagers is probably the least bad thing on that list. you can't force someone to shoot up, and if they aren't buying it from you they're going to buy it from someone else. at least if you sell clean heroin you're not dooming them to bad batch death.

New mosaic when?

I don't remember but do normal people know about stands in part 7 and 8 ?

That's still a minuscule of the income from non-drug related gang activities since assassins are paid less than their peers and the ones that actively protected his identity were the elite squad and they probably weren't that active since Cioccolata made an example of anyone that got too close.

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They just didn't anything extra from the drug or gambling business.
But the elite squad definitely get paid very handsomely, active or not, remember diavolo made passione, it exists to serve him.

not if your expenses arent high

>signed, guy who knows less than me

rly nigga
Do you think anyone could get away with it without passione noticing?

>still not getting the fact that drugs contribute to rape, murder, extortion, robbery, theft, and blackmail

Did the fucking scene where Diavlo was shanked by junkies fly right over your head? It's not the drugs that's the problem, it's the culture it brings to the city

Criminals unironically think like this in real life desu, they do plenty of bad stuff but kill rapists and stuff

The drugs are also the problem but yes they have many other affects

Yeah, who hasn't heard the memes about child predators getting killed in prison constantly ?

Doesn't help that there are people that truly and unironically believe that theft should not be a crime and steal based on that idea. Then when they're in jail they think they're some vigilante hero when they stab a pedophile in his cell.

Generally no.
In part 7 Valentine's close aides all know about stands even if they don't have them, for obvious reasons
In part 8 stuff like Shakedown Road or Milagro Man are known urban legends, but they don't know that the effects are from stands

>They just didn't anything extra from the drug or gambling business.
Alright I'll bite and assume they didn't do anything outside of these two, even if the elite squad were paid handomely unless their pay was in the hundred millions liras range that's still an insignificant precentage of the entire gang profit which means most of it went towards the gang itself, a profit which Giorno cut off.

It was one of the biggest gangs of Italy that had operative in many parts of the country and it's control over the country from the shadows ran so deep that Polnareff couldn't even contact Jotaro, it's expenses were definitely high.

is it impossible to make a profit without the drugs? Of course not
literally all you have to do is cut off/relocate the drug team

Is smuggling, fraud and extortion suddenly not profitable?

Passione was selling drugs to kids and ruining their lives. That's where giorno and bruno had enough.

I think we're meant to believe a lot of the profits are spent on luxuries
Mostly due to Polpo being an absolute glutton, living a carefree life, and having 4 billion lyre stashed away.

Who cares about the jojo shit writing?

>Is smuggling, fraud and extortion suddenly not profitable?
They are and that's why I think Passione did it before and after Diavolo even though it wasn't stated.
My original point in was that it's impossible to run a gang, especially one at the size of Passione, without having a source of income and the biggest profits for a gang comes from activities that destroy people lives.

Passione only recently dealt drugs according to bruno, it was fully capable of cutting off polnareff from the world several years back.

Characters that would have been better final villains than Diavolo

>Punished Leaky Eye Luca
>Truck driver
>Pistol no 4
>The Fly
>The gangster from Giorno's backstory
>That one guy Abbacchio/Mista/Narancia beat up for no reason
>The female prison guard
>Solido Naso
>Reincarnated Janitor Mario
>Punished Polnareff
>Another Jojo
>Some random faggot from a gang members backstory
>Another one of DIO's sons

>Is smuggling, fraud and extortion suddenly not profitable?
>without having a source of income
you kick the guys who sold the drugs so far or give them another job
and then you still make more than enough to stay in power
passione existed less than 30 years and just polpo himself saved over 100 million

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Bruno never made any common people pay him or get into mafia shit. The rolling stone arc just showed it.

>you kick the guys who sold the drugs so far or give them another job
And those jobs are going to involve destroying people's lives like extortion, theft and assassination so the image of a noble gang can't be obtained.
>And then you still make more than enough to stay in power
Drugs were a primary source of income for Passione you can't replace it that easily
>Polpo himself saved over 100 million
He was the capo responsible over gambling and saved his money rather than spending it

Nope, it dealt drugs way back when Polnareff was investigating them. Bruno is a retard.

Do you seriously believe any gang that big is just barely scraping by in order to pay all their members?
I bet you also think corporations only use their profits on business expenses.

>extortion, theft and assassination so the image of a noble gang can't be obtained
yes it can, see the florist or the grandmothers coming to bucciarati for help because the police wont
>Drugs were a primary source of income for Passione
source: your ass
>you can't replace it that easily
You can and even if you couldnt, you dont need to
>He was the capo responsible over gambling
turns out it really is that profitable, 100 million lire of profit in 15 years of existence

>One guy helped an old lady so the entire gang are a bunch of saints
Did you miss the part where I mentioned extortion, theft and assassination? Helping old people dosen't bring money.
>Drugs were a primary source of income for Passione
>source: your ass
Gangs go to extreme lengths to protect it's drug money, besides la squadra still went against the boss even after the death of 2 of them so yeah I would assume it would be profitable
>You can and even if you couldnt, you dont need to
You're an idiot if you don't think gangsters care about losing money

the old florist came to hire them to kill somebody
which they didnt btw, because they arent just guns for hire
youre an idiot if you think giorno cares what his underlings care about

Maybe they do all those thing BECAUSE they are selling drugs to kids.

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For fucks sake, giorno isnt even completely killing the drug trade.
He just doesn't want scummy people in his gang who push drugs onto kids, or kill people over an insult.


ITT: coping potheads

>not listing Santana

yknow, drugs are bad

You know, when I come into a Jojo thread there's a lot that crosses my mind. The legacy of the greatest shounen ever written. I mean consider that for a minute. This amazingly well written and extremely complex piece of literature has been going on for several decades now and is still going. Not only that but it is still popular, still gaining new fans and keeping old ones happily around.

Jojo is not just a manga, its not just genre deconstructing, its not just one of the greatest stories ever told. It is proof that man can achieve greatness in all its meanings. The story we have been discussing, months on end, years on end, it is evidence of a true understanding of nuanced and complex themes. A culture within itself.

So when I come into a Jojo thread I feel like im not only here with my fellow Jobros. I am here with everyone else, experiencing the magic that is Jojo. Even the poor and misguided who either haven't read it or consider it sub-par are here with us. Giving attention and time to a story that is older then most of us here today.

I see great discussion day after day. New points being brought up and old ones being held high for the board to see. It was through years of dedicated posting that these threads have gotten to this point. Intense and amazing discussion backed by some of the most quality memes found on the internet. And its all thanks to the Jobros who have kept it all going.

So when I go into Jojo thread a few things cross my mind, but the one thing that always reigns true is how great it is to be a Jobro , to be apart of a legacy decades old that continues to hold its own with strength, intelligence and grace. That's what it means to be a Jobro

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Japs have a fucked up and draconian sense of morality about drugs.

araki romantized mafia anyways

>teaching kids let alone adults, not to do drugs is fucked up

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nice pasta.