This is a revolution of manga
(Deep learning used)

Attached: 3.jpg (1535x1170, 684K)

that's fucking cool

Does it work with alphabets?

Maybe it's possible

I'm probably part of a botnet now, but I don't care, it works very well with gradients.

lmao in what fucking universe, holy shit.

Someone make an ms paint typesetter and we're set.

The text detection makes too many errors. Checking for them takes as long as painting the text to begin with.
The replace-fill thing has been in PS and GIMP for ages.

>Does it work with alphabets?
Alphabet is far less complex. It would be easier. But hm... what's the point?
>Checking for them takes as long as painting
Cleaners on suicide watch

Okay I'm done downloading. What do I do now

>1 minute of revolution.
>10 seconds with content aware.

Attached: 1.jpg (1238x388, 276K)

Cleaning the text from bubbles is by far the fastest and easiest part.
There was a script or plugin for Photoshop that made placing the translated text more efficient; I would say that's a much more important tool than this.

I want a better tool to match bubbles.

Making something like that doesn't sound too complicated as much as it sounds time-consuming. The few problems that could pop up would be, for a photoshop script:

>1. What kind of format should translations follow?
>2. Bubbles still have to be selected manually
>3. How do I calculate the best possible shape relative to that bubble, avoiding hyphenations and odd line sizes?
>4. How do I know when a bubble is actually two?

#1 is easy. #2 could probably be solved through machine learning like . #3 sounds easy until you consider all the possible font sizes, shapes, kernings... with monospaced fonts being the easiest to work with. #4 could be done by sampling the bubbles at multiple line (left, right, top, bottom) and always taking the smaller lines, and it'd work as long as you know the center of a bubble (back to #2)

Somebody tell the repo maintainer not to put a fucking huge GIF in the readme, hyperlinks are a thing and so are embedded players.

>let machine automate shit
>leave computer run over night
>8 hours of work (divide by 6 if you want) done in sleep

With all these AI technologies popping left and right, can we also use deep learning for janitors and mods?

Attached: Dca4MYOX0AA02fN.jpg (1194x670, 72K)

well says they could use typing and grammar analysis to track users

I can't believe machine gonna do my job now.

Should have become translator instead.

Both look awful, just do it by hand.

Translators will be replaced first of us all.

lmao just use the clone stamp tool senpai

You wish

translation tools don't get context very well or cultural references they're better for more formal language like business papers.

jp/korean/cn/english translators will be the last to be gone. easier languages will eventually be gone though.

Translators have already been replaced, most of manga TL is done by google

Most shitty isekai seems to be at least. Luckily I don't read any of that.


i was talking more about translation as a job. not too knowledgeable about manga TL, but not surprised it's done by google. most readers are autistic enough to not notice the difference.

I don't wish this but it's the fact. For people, it's always speed over quality.

yeah definitely. for manga as long as it's readable you'll have retards reading it. and since the different groups are making money off this, they want the most pageviews so speed > quality.

This is why I like working on less popular stuff, nobody has ever complained about my release speed.

the less popular stuff is niche and doesn't attract the same cattle like readers, plus there's a low chance of it ever getting official translations either

Erasing is easy peasy

The worst part of typesetting is redrawing and getting the damn text to center

centring and kerning are a tedious nightmare