Why do so many people cater to animeonlies?

What I mean by this is how now we can't even have discussions freely without being paranoid that an animeonly might read it and we're the assholes that ruined it for them. I understand being upset at people who deliberately go out of their way to spoil something, ie, naming yourself "Jotaro dies in Part 6" in TF2, but the fact that so many people get so pissy if you DARE discuss without using spoilers up your ass is insane. Not only with Jojo, but other anime/manga as well. It's been out for years, we've been able to discuss freely before, but now that there's an anime you have to refrain from saying the smallest thing because oh no, you might spoil an animeonly. Fucking read the manga or don't enter a discussion of something you're not fully done with, and when/if you do don't blame others for talking about something that's been out for years.

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this is an opinion i agree with. People cater to animeonlies because they are faggots.
One of the last things i like about Yea Forums is how most people handle spoilers. If ya dont wanna get spoiled don't go in the thread/read the manga.

I got banned for a day for posting a fake spoiler in a MANGA thread full of untagged spoilers because some animeonly bitch was asking for spoilers and my ban reason was due to posting spoilers.


Just don't care. You aren't an asshole, they are the retards for coming to a discussion thread about an anime that they don't know about.

Based as fuck
I don't fucking care if you don't have the attention span to read Attack on Titan because "it's haaaaard" or "the art sucks," in my opinion if you gave that much of a damn about spoilers you'd read it anyway.

OP here, and yes, by "other manga" I was thinking of SnK specifically. It was specially worse before S2 and 3 of the anime, during those years the manga was seriously getting so good, but you barely could talk about it because the huge majority of the fandom fucking refused to read the manga, and worse yet, they still barged in what little threads there were. Why do that and then bitch about it?

The thing is that "animeonlies defenders" are way worse than animeonlies themselves. They're the ones that start spamming the shit out of you for "how dare you not spoil tag that!?" and get so offended on their behalf that it pretty much kills any discussion because now that's the focus.

>caring about bans in the age of VPNs

Just called them a fag and spoil everrything

nah youre a cunt

glad you get banned

what sort of fucking loser reads most of this shit anyway
youd have to have down syndrome to consume the shitty lit media created for adolescents past, well, the age of adolescence


you're alright op
you're alright

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The only thing that annoys me is posting spoilers in OPs, not so much in Yea Forums (or Yea Forums) since it gets flooded when a big moment happens, so I know that I just shouldn't go here, but ie. when a vidya gets released in my region with a delay, I shouldn't have to ditch the entire board if a single thread is all that vidya gets

>be me
>giant jojo fan
>as well as a tails doll fan
>got a jojo photoshop on tablet
>did pic related
>mfw I'm a prime king

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Are you sure we are on the same site? Barely anyone does that here. I think you might be thinking of reddit.

maybe stop browsing reddit then you faggot

How is this even a thing you have to bring up. BTFOing secondaries is standard posting.

You are still an anime fag if you started reading Jojo thanks to the anime adaptation.

Jojo has been for a long time now, and yall faggots got interested into it after watching the shitty adaptation.

Please die of cancer.

Tell me a VPN that Hiro did not ban.

What if you started getting interested in Jojo after the anime adaptation started, but you read the manga before watching the show

i'm of the opinion there should be "manga only" and "anime only" threads, that way everyone is happy

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Nigga that's literally what the spoiler tag is for. It's either that or put spoiler in the title, else you're an asshole.

This, but don't expect dickheads like OP to go along with that notion. That's how how I got Shingeki no Kyojin spoiled the fuck out for me even though I was in a thread specifically for the anime.

mangafags posting spoilers encouraged me to stay away from the threads of an anime I'm watching until I've caught up with the all the episodes and also the source material. I think being an animeonly should be actively discouraged and ridiculed for their own good.

I agree with this point, especially with how Johnny dies in a flashback in part 8, and because the kid Gyro was trying to save later died of a cold

>using VPNs