More suffering in 4 hours
Symphogear XV
This will be the week someone protects her right?
I love it when every episode leaves you hungry for more. Few shows can do that these days.
Is it weird that I love the show but the build up to each new episode always fills me with dread?
She will dismantle the entire Kazanari organization after Fudo slays Elsa.
Given Symphogear's balls to the wall reputation coupled with the last season, its probably warranted.
This is why I don't mind DMJii being benched these past few episodes. The further they are away from Papabasa, the more likely they'll survive.
Well I wouldn't worry about that regardless but It's gonna be a real pain train before we get to the happy ending.
Are we actually expecting a happy ending?
Why wouldn't we? The series was never afraid to make it hurt but it's never been especially grim dark either.
Miku's suffering.
Anyone who doesn't is borderline delusional.
FPBP even in Area 11
Maria looks so happy here
Piccies doko da
This whole show, even with all of it's flaws is somehow the most enjoyable anime I've watched in a long time. Symphogear is a very special anime that will unlikely be replicated for a long time.
>walking grandma back to her old folks' home
Do they have dates together inside Hibiki's mind?
Of course. She lives there rent free, after all.
What would a date with Saint Germain even be like?
She needs to save her sword.
very painful
2 hours
why are all of you talking about suffering while counting down to the time the new radio episode gets uploaded?
second best day of the week.
I don't know why they don't push the Tsubasa x Chris angle more often, considering that Tsubasa's nature is sword and Chris' nature is shield.
>Chris' nature is shield
Yatsu needs to protect his Daughtmoto.
A better mom than Maria.
Because that's hard.
Ready yourself for yet another Maria's EP.
I love Maria so I hope so
If you're going to use that filename, it needs Topdad just visible off screen.
We need at least 7 more Maria episodes.
I won't mind
I actually can't wait until she's relevant and useful
Official bad parent power rankings.
Fudo>Nastasha>Maria>Top Dad>Yatsuhiro
She better not just blabber on about apples for the next couple of episodes while not saving Tsubasa.
It's not. Chris is a gun. There's not really a "shield" on the team.
Does Shirabe's big-ass buzz saws count as a shield?
>Chris is a gundam
Fixed that for you.
You're getting Apple, Serena, and Tsubasa... for the rest of the season.
I swear to fuck, Maria. You have one goddamn job and you're losing it to a dead girl.
Miku's gonna hatch from that cocoon as Kanade.
>that 2nd song on Bikki's single
This is asmr-tier. I want Bikki to whisper into my ear.
I want Aoi to scream in my ear every night.
Miku would seriously die if Hibiki whispers that song to her.
Maria can't compete with a dead exgirlfriend
Not unless she starts getting her shit together.
Chris isnt nearly autistic enough to be a gundam.
I will post this every thread until they dock.
Kanade can only hug her in her dreams but Maria can hug her for real in the meatspace!
Can she though?
Would you a genki dog Hibiki or an edgy cat Hibiki?
Miss Tomosato, how bold.
Those are disco moves you child
Everyone post the best/dumbest Symphogear song lyrics.
And Fudo, and Nastaja. And maybe Chris parents.
The entirety of Okitegami
Fudo deserves his own cell, way in the back where he can just rot and not have cookies.
She needs to seduce a man no matter how sleezy he is, so long as he can knock her up tonight. Hibiki might end up with a little brother or sister with Aio's luck
Man imagine if in like the last episode, as shits going fucking nuts, Fujitaka suddenly nuts up and plants a big kiss on Tomosato before doing something awesome
like dying
Boomer party
Honestly I could kinda see that he jumps out of cover presumably to do something cool and immediately gets mowed down
Soon. Hold me.
Someone... Someone bring me my precious piccies!
Give me a P!
Maria won't do anything, I've already lost hope desu.
It's gonna be Hibishit saving the sword
Side characters party?
Seems Hibiki is lost like usual.
Can't be a real party without beef stroganoff.
But he is a lolicon, so if he will kiss anyone it will be Elfnein.
Don't lose hope user!
it's time
Will you please protect me, Maria. Im really very sad.
Why does this terrify me? It's adorable but I don't trust it. Something bad is coming.
Say hello to the last episode where DMJii are relevant.
>Why does this terrify me?
Because she's looking at Fudo
>Miku still in bed
>vamp choking elf9
Good episode already.
If Maria isn't the one who restored her smile them I'll be mad
>Milaarc is pissed
>Miku is fine
Piccies confirm the egg was fucking nothing.
How can a sword be so cute?
Aww shit. Jii's gonna die, isn't she?
Damn who brought back such cute inncoent smile on the Sword face?
Mind controlled Fudo gimmick or thinking about Kanade?
Fool! That Miku image is from the obligatory first half flashback.
>Vanessa escapes
That pic is a flashback right before the cocoon appearead, while Chris and Maria were fighting with Vanessa.
This dess. You just know.
Cute tsubasa frighten me
So Miku is either still asleep or her soul was transferred into egg thingie along with bracelet and she's just thinking about her and Hibiki date time.
The marks around her eyes concern me. They don't seem like just regular blushing. She looks tired.
Hibiki time
What is she pointing at
No, she is in the pic after that, the only absent in the meeting is Hibiki...
Who the hell is this?
That's clearly Chris's gun.
>gold lasers
She's going to finger Chris
Time to stay in a hospital bed for some episodes
Cut off at the tangled thread?
Yes she is
So Milaarc pushed Elfnein so much that Carol protective personality had to take over?
In retrospect, words that should not have been exchanged.
I entrust you to a fist that is kinder to you than anyone else.
Look who is the one missing here
New keywords:
>power of god
>Millaarc's eye magic
>curse of Balal
>Tiki's gear
JobBiki will be in the hospital with her vegetable wife for the rest of the season.
Oh no Elf9 is missing! Wonder what happened to her
I always get surprised when they show the lower bridge and remind us that people actual work there.
>Tomosato goes Rambo and tries to rescue Elf9
and a chin ching nip nong to you, yong lady
>>Millaarc's eye magic
Someone please translate this
Hibiki jobbed and his dying in a hospital bed
How many times will we see her this ep?
Hibiki and Miku?
I think that will be the first scene where we see how the arm relic reacts to transform Miku into GodMiku.
even if she does, their base of operations got exposed for everyone to see
oh, I didn't know the pics were chronologically ordered. but good
What did she see?
Fudo's calling?
This vampire is seriously pissing me off. Remember when >we thought the shitty alchemists would go away after episode 6? Good times.
We won.
Damn it feels good to be a Kyarorubro.
Miku will absorb Hibiki in the cocoon.
I want Carol back too but let’s not preemptively celebrate just yet
Hibiki went rogue?
>Google translate
>When someone speaks of the things I swore to kill
>I shall pluck my strings from beyond the zeros and ones to refute them.
>The memories that I threw away as unnecessary and useless echo here.
Remember when people liked the show instead of bitching about everything to look intellectual and objective?
You can't like the show AND bitch about everything. Because complaining means saying you don't like what you're watching and why.
It's one or the other. But people will pretend you can have both and it's because they care
But that's just like plebbittors who bitch about fanservice and lolis "because they care about anime".
You don't like Sympho. You want Sympho to be what YOU like.
>people repeatedly bully Elf9 in these threads
>vamp does it too
>people now hate her because she bullies Elf9
She's gonna have a nice long chat about love with the Custodian.
You're stupid. Go to bed
I can't believe Elf9 is going to kill Miku.
You've been waiting to post this for hours.
Wow. That was the dumbest thing I ever read.
Elf9 bullying only makes me love the vamp more.
>>people repeatedly bully Elf9 in these threads
That was before her episode, i care about her now.
prolly had it on draft folder too :O
I fucking told you all egg hatch will be this episodes cliffhanger
No. Stop bitching and pretending you like Sympho
It's dumb to claim you like something that you complain a lot about.
It's contradictory. It doesn't make sense. Fuck off you fakers
It's just the same few Vamp haters, nobody actually gives a fuck about Elf9
Her performance was very cute. I hope they'll show her in karaoke again after they win
If you lurked longer than one summer you'd be able to come up with more convincing shitposts.
Holy mother of cancer. You "objective critics" are trying hard to show how retarded you are
>Implying the Vampfags aren't the actual trolls.
You're just asking to get "We got too cocky"'d after she fails to come back tomorrow.
I want Elf9 to get angry and say something mean to vampchan before dropping an army of dolls on her.
Guess we're finally get some sweet animal abuse. Is she up against Hibiki? Or Elfnein awoke Carol?
I’m convinced you’re a falseflagger. Fuck off.
Said the retard who claims to not hate a show but will bitch about how everything sucks
Calling me a shitposter doesn't make you right
>Carol swore to kill miracles
>she played a harp
>her song has the lyric "With my music enshrined in 0s and 1s"
>Elfnein is where she stored unnecessary and useless memories of her childhood
God Miku take Hibiki into the egg and is raping her.
That would explain a lot actually, but it’s probably just someone who is trying really hard to shitpost.
as opposed to going on a thread knowing exactly how the thread goes, and still post your holier than though Ima numbawan fan comments, shoving your opinions down our throats?
>we got to cocky"
Fuck off with that Yea Forums meme
Actually liking the show and realizing what "liking" and "enjoyment" means is falseflagging? How?
Oh yeah, because this is Yea Forums central and liking something SOMEHOW means shitting on it.
Something I'll never understand
the vampire is doing a good thing this time around
Hibiki's death
This is what happens when you talk to phoneposters.
It's cool so long as we get a glimpse at Miku's final form.
I like how you need to resort to insults and boogeymaning and never justify your shit, objectivetards
No, top dad.
At least he had a heart attack and died after trying to pull the "please argue with me" card.
It's happening 「tomorrow」.
When will you try to justify your side?
No. I actually like the show. And I fail to see how complaining about most of it (which means you don't enjoy most of it) means you enjoy most of the show
You either enjoy or don't. How is this hard to understand?
Maybe Candlejack got h
>but it’s probably just someone who is trying really hard to shitpost.
That’s actually why I’m convinced it’s a falseflagger and a samefagger.
>make factually incorrect statements eg. “NOTHING HAPPENED REEEEEEE”
>make autistic posts badly defending the show
>successfully shit up threads as a result
>post your holier than though Ima numbawan fan comments, shoving your opinions down our throats?
That's what the objectivetards bitching do, though
Don't associate me with the utter cancer that is "nothing happened"tards.
>Tsubasa turns into Moebasa for seemingly no reason
>Hibiki goes postal
>God Miku gets shafted again
>We get Carol instead
I have mixed feelings about this.
Such is the state of the current Yea Forums, every thread is full of Yea Forumsermin picking sides to shitpost both for and against and calling everyone names so they can shitpost more.
Tsubasa is clearly being manipulated. She's gonna put on the good girl face to throw her idiot friends off the trail that something is wrong.
Why do you people still trust the previews?
That's a pretty long-standing tradition.
I can't wait for carol new henshin, but what relic is currently available for her?
Remember, piccies never show the truly important stuff
>>We get Carol instead
You get more Elf9 bullying.
Hibiki is fighting someone so there is the possibility that it will open in the second half of the episode.
She's still a master of the elements, she may not use a relic.
They're all we have to go on and even if they don't mean what they look like they're still indicative of SOMETHING. Tsubasa's smile is especially worrying.
This is how they get you. Lure you into a false sense of security, and then strike.
Reminder that episode 7 is where things inevitably start to disappoint.
>more Elf9 bullying.
This triggers Carol.
If you don't like the show and are a fake fan trying to be objective the ANN and MAL way (bitching because hating stuff and enjoying very little is objective, better taste and standards and all that bullshit)
She looks like she cried a lot.
This is your heroine for the next episode.
Thread police are always the worst shitposters
That's wishful thinking all it probably triggers is a stirring in Elf9's loins.
Those silhouettes don't look like Bikki and Miku at all. It's gotta be either lolimaria and loliserena or more likely Elfnein and Carol. Short hair, short dresses, short stature.
Yep. Fuck them and telling everyone you must be dissapointed, the show sucks and all that shit
I hope so, user. I hope it's that simple. I hope it's just her crying her guts out. And that kills me to say.
i want to bully Elf9 to the extreme
Not okay.
I want to have sex with Cagliostro!
>some faggot pulls a holier than thou act out of nowhere exactly when the thread gets a spike of activity due to the next episode preview coming out
>it immediately has the opposite effect and causes shitposters to start attacking random posts
This falseflagging attempt couldn't be any more obvious. I wonder how long they'll keep trying to force it.
EPISODE 07 "Sever the Tangled Threads"
>If that which was sworn to be slain is put to words,
>erase them by plucking the strings from beyond zeros and ones.
>Discarded as unnecessary and unworthy, echoes of memories once lost linger here.
>Reflect upon those words that should never have been exchanged.
>Everything is entrusted to you, to your fist, more gentle than any other.
Cagliostro's voice turns me on.
>Tsubasa cried, Shirabe did a desperate face and Hibiki isn't at the meeting.
I think that something bad will happen to Hibiki.
Carol finally waking up after all the Elf9 bullying the last couple of episodes.
I don't imagine them wrapping up Tsubasa's issues in one episode. They COULD have Fudo make her do something now and then somehow someone snaps her out of it at the cost of them losing Biki but that seems like it would be a little anti climactic
>Millaarc chokes Elf9 unconscious
>goes to leave the room
>senses extreme killing intent
>Everything is entrusted to you, to your fist
I don't think they can afford to drag Basa's issues any longer. We only have a couple episodes left.
I want Hibiki to enthrust her fist into me.
It feels so obvious that I can't help but expect it to not happen, and at most give us another scene like AI ghost Ver again.
Even after the next one we still have 5. That said I would rather they finish it up sooner rather than later because I really don't like the idea of her spending the final so separated from everyone.
This is why I prefer Symphogear to not get more popular
Not gay at all, she is 100% female!
It's obvious that Hibiki will try to save Miku but will job and will be bad wounded.
Confess your symphosins, Yea Forums
Too late. The normalfags are noticing.
Given how Fudo has control of Millaarc's mindfuckery and everything he said while using it, I'm expecting him to still force a betrayal at some point.
That said I can't even begin to guess what made her so happy despite her current state of mind. Maybe it's a flashback?
Biki tries to save Miku
Fudo does a thing and Tsubasa cock blocks.
Everyone's all what the shit and the mind control is dealt with...somehow.
Everyone agrees to ganbare.
It's a fakeout. Tsubasa will get some small comfort before shit completely hits the fan in part B
Wouldn't all tsubasa issues go away if Maria just womaned up and hugged Tsubasa from behind closely pushing her big breasts strongly into sword back, making her feel secure?
It's not fucking hard to think off.
Then the sword would cry her things off, destroy vampire geass, and have happy after crying blushing face like we saw.
>coming from a phoneposter filename
Go back.
exactly what I meant. I'd rather they deal with Basa's issues now and concentrate on the other pressing matters.
I love Maria, she's been my favorite geah since G
I've been posting some variation of "Ver will return" before every episode since GX 1.
Yeah that's what I'm expecting too. Basically just completing elf9's character arc, rather than bringing back Carol as a mainstay of the cast.
>Elf9 will never have your rape baby.
I started to like Vamp even more.
I thought G was far better than S1
I'm ryona fag and I want to see all the girls getting beaten up so I can fap more.
>episode discussion threads
Those always happen in their forums for every show, taking their average score doesn't mean shit especially because only people who care about MAL and like shows (no matter how unpopular) would autistically post in their MAL forums.
That feels like an out of context bait image more than anything.
I say that my favorite geahs are Tsubasa > Hibiki > Maria, but it's actually Tsubasa > Maria > Hibiki.
The vampiric seal is the real wild card. Once it's in place we have no idea how strong it's control actual is when the victim has to fight it. A stronger support network would definitely have made it a lot harder for her to get so bad though.
How does this make you feel?
I'd be cool if Chris got a boyfriend
I like GX much more than G
>I'd be cool if Chris got a boyfriend
Nah, only good thing she is for is a fling with a college professor ending with him dumping her when she will become pregnant.
>Tiki's gear is actually just a mechanism to help activate the bracelet that nobody understands how to use
Webdev-kun is still at it with his flavor texts.
>Easy vocalization practice. ~The voice comes from the belly.~
>I can't believe there's still demand for me being bashful.
>Cool scissors de arimasu.
>Look over there!
I love the bashful blade
I do.
But I think bullying Elfnein is hot.
Yeah, me.
GX is unironically my favourite season.
I miss him
I only listen to Chris songs and i think that Uta Zukin is the best one.
GX is good
GX has one of my favorite parts in the series.
Ask as many times as you want. The answer will always be I love GX.
>Fudo says the key word to control Tsubasa and makes her attack her friends
>Someone catches the password and says it again making her attack Fudo
>It goes back and forth like this for a while before the geass just breaks
>i think that Uta Zukin is the best one
Based and zenbupilled, but you should give the other girls a chance, they have a lot of great songs too.
There is nothing bad about Hibiki sucking Miku's dick.
I jerked it to a fic where all the geahs were fat and gluttonous
I've rewatched S1&G many times but I haven't rewatched GX even once
>these piccies
Shirabe has the best lyrics to her songs, prove me wrong
Miku exists.
Carol exists.
Hero Story is a thing.
I'm a hetfag.
I can't believe that Hibiki is fucking dead
I've read a Doctor Who novel like that.
I know I saw it in some cartoon but can't remember which
Shield the sword!
I had a dream where Symphogear and FGO had a crossover and they released the geahs as servants
Now I am sad I'll never be able to roll for them in a slightly less shit gacha
Carbagge cut in half.
Probably not too uncommon.
Seriously though, who the fuck are these two? It's Hibiki and Miku, right?
What were the classes for each Geah?
Top dad and Carol.
Right is clearly Hibiki so I guess left is Miku although it doesn't seem like her.
Would be based but we're not watching a battle shounen
Beleive in Maria!
Hibiki with little Saint Germain.
The Custodian Goddess is sending such images into poor Miku mind to get her on her revenge side.
not the same user but here are my ideas
>Hibiki (Ruler)
>Tsubasa (Saber)
>Chris (Archer)
>Maria (Caster)
>Shirabe (Rider)
>Kirika (Assassin)
>Berserk Hibiki (Berserker)
>Fine (Avenger)
>Dr Ver (Mooncancer)
>Carol (Alter Ego)
The face of when something is cut in half and it isn't a cabbage.
I believe in Maria's ability to make a bad situation objectively worse!
>Serena gets Maria
Poor gal
Better erase that Ogawa and Stefan
It’s Stefan’s sister and Kanade who gets
Hibiki - Berserker
Tsubasa - Saber
Chris - Archer
Kirika - Assasin
Shirabe - Rider
Maria - Lancer (Gungnir) and Assasin (Airgetlam)
Kanada - Lancer
Miku - Avenger
Hibiki God - Foreigner
Hibiki Gold - Ruler
Miku gets Hibiki with her Zerker form.
Kanade gets Tsubasa.
Sonia gets Chris.
Serena gets Maria.
Tsujikata gets Elfnein (with alter Carol dark side)
Tomosato gets Shirabe and Kirika.
Genjuro gets Fine.
Anime-janai gets Dr. Ver.
>Everything is entrusted to you, to your fist, more gentle than any other.
>Referring what Miku said to Hibiki right before she made herself Noise's bait in S1
>Genjuro gets Fine.
Nah, Ryouko gets Fine before getting her soul sucked and Fine getting a real body out of the deal.
The keyword explains that it can harness the power of the stars and planets.
The reason Pirate Fine fought the alchemists over it is because it makes activating complete relics trivial.
Hibiki Lancer
Tsubasa Saber
Chris Archer
Shirabe Rider
Kirika Assassin
Maria Caster
>Chris (Archer)
Nice try but everyone knows archers rarely ever use ranged weapons, shes probably caster with the staff or some kind of assassin.
>Hibiki Lancer
Are you retarded?
yep it's real shit time for them
Hibiki (Berserker)
Tsubasa (Saber)
Chris (Assassin)
Maria (Rider)
Kirika (Lancer)
Shirabe (Archer)
The keyword for the Stained Glance pretty much just confirms the obvious and what's already been explained before, it just goes a little bit more specific.
>it's a reproduction of an ability from the vampires of legend
>doesn't work on people who are trained and have a strong will unless you catch them with their hearts or their feelings laid bare
>causes mental abrasion
>eats away a persons self-confidence and discernment
>makes the person relatively more dependent, making them passive of following orders in a way similar to subliminal suggestion or hypnosis
>Nice try but everyone knows archers rarely ever use ranged weapons
Most FGO archers use ranged weapons.
ACK is that you
And that's why FGO is shit.
She looks so happy there.
So assuming one's will power and self esteem isn't in the shitter it should be able to just be fought off? we're boned.
It takes just one moment of weakness for her to put the seal on you. Once it's done you're pretty much fucked. The way the keywords put it, it's as if a seal was stamped in Tsubasa's heart. Unless they find a way to erase that seal it will continue to fuck her shit up.
The way it sounds to me is it's a slow erosion based on your mental state, which it makes worse. But if they can restore the person's confidence and will they should be able to over power it? Like if it was just an immediate mind break it would be more, immediate.
So there is the risk that Tsubasa will kill herself.
> stamped in Tsubasa's heart
So they'll stop and then jump start her heart back to life to remove the seal?
I'm just going off the keywords here, but the its put there, she only needed Tsubasa to lose control of her emotions so she could put the seal inside her. After that, the seal's effect will play out as described. Whether she can counter it with her willpower or not is unclear.
Her hear in the metaphorical sense I assume, not her literal fleshy heart.
the way it's put there*
A lot of what's gonna happen to the mind flaw is gonna have to gonna have to happen really fast. It needs to kick in for real, have her do whatever thing Fudo is shooting for, put her at odds with her buddies, have them ACTUALLY FIGURE OUT she's been mind flayed which I think is gonna be a pretty big deal, find a way to over power it and then turn her back to normal. Which all seems like a pretty tall order for one or two episodes, especially with other happenings.
I'm betting on SSJ being used to erase the seal somehow.
Did that sword smile?
I'm worried, the shitshow isn't over yet?
Gungnir is a spear
Also drills
Yeah but will it erase the seal or will it erase the seal and take Ame no Habakiri with it? Though I guess Tsubasa getting a gear replacement would explain why her CD is far out. If she upgrades to Kusangi no Tsurugi. Her second song is even called "For you who are the Wind" and Kusanagi controls wind.
The Keyword for Kohinata Miku confirms a bit of speculation. Millaarc was really going to kill Miku because she was a witness, but Fudou sent the orders at the last minute to kidnap her along with Elfnein because he'd learned about Miku's divine potential from the SONG inspection.
All I'm seeing is that Maria could have taken advantage of the seal to get some nice sword in gauntletknifewhip action but haven't because she's a pussy.
Eh, that sounds pretty boring desu.
Doujin when?
Why is the Symphogear community really sleeping on this?
According to Airgetlahm's keyword, the US started the Iraq war by saying the relics in Iraq's possession were WMDs. kek
Relics are basically WMDs so...
A complete relic, sure. They only found the Igalima, Shul Shagana and Airgetlahm fragments in Iraq. The only fragment that could maybe be called a WMD is Ichaival.
Never. Enjoy your DMJii x fat bald old man doujins.
Hibiki - Berserker
Chris - Archer (Ichaival), Caster (Nehushtan)
Tsubasa - Saber
Maria - Lancer (Gungnir), Assassin (Airgetlam)
Shirabe - Rider
Kirika - Assassin
Miku - Ruler
I finally found the full version of the oyoyo mashup
god damn you
now it's stuck in my head
not bad
What the fuck are you smoking
uhh no???????
What's the stupidest theory you've had for what would happen in a future Geah episode?
>I thought the AXZ final arc would take place in Egypt based on how Hanasaku Yuuki sounded at first when it was released, Hibiki befriending Tutankhamun in 3.5, and Illuminati = Pyramids
Episode 7s:
>Fate Just Keep Firing: ZENBU ZENBU ZENBU ZENBU. Kino episode.
>When You Stop Being You: Relic cancer goes into overdrive, Hibiki counter-zesshous DMJii, Fine's soul is revealed. An important setup episode with an awesome beginning.
>Carry on the Shining Light, and Stay True to Yourself: Beach episode, Maria beats Garie, Topdad appears. Yikes!
>ARCANA No.00: Setup for leylines, fool's gold to upgrade the gears, Cag & Prelati vs DMJii above the underwater thing, Adam asks Sanjeruman to kill a comrade for energy. Kinda lame episode.
Nah ep7s are fine.
does kirika understand that you're supposed to not just wear a bra in polite company
Bikki and her termonuclear cancer man that episode was sick
>Episodes 7 get progressively worse with each season
Oh no
The beach episode was aggressively terrible while AXZ's was just boring.
S1 > G > GX < AXZ applies in almost everything.
Going by that pattern S1 > G > GX < AXZ < XV. So far it seems the perfect symmetry is being fulfilled.
Some sins cannot be forgiven.
no u
Orgy with the alchemists!
Ressou Gungnir soon
Bed scene never.
>Elf9 really did just leave that info on the server for all to see
Sasuga Elfnein-chan.
Huge reaction a week ago when an user first pointed it out. Now we all know.
They might have just deduced it from the records of the Frontier incident like Elf9 did.
>\things\don't click\song secrets\people with divine potential
>Black gungnir's cloak with gatcha money budget
They wouldn't have left her unobserved in that case. They could have lost 1/2 of the divine power containers to a random Noise if things had gone differently.
I've watched the entire show and never once read the song lyrics and I skip the concerts to when the plot comes back.
Are you that autistic user who doesn't like music?
Implying Fudo doesn't have a backdoor into the sub.
Axz had a good ep 7.
That's exactly what that keyword imply, yes.
I'm not a fan of the J idol music the concerts use and why read the lyrics when I can watch the show with all of my attention instead.
She's wearing an actual top over it, it's just her bra straps are showing because Kirika is naturally drawn to lewd outifts.
Is this rape?
Hibiki will job and will be crippled in the next episode.
her "top" is like a two foot sheet that barely covers her boobs and tummy, leaving her back completely exposed
You don't really like Symphogear, do you?
>I'm not a fan of the J idol music the concerts use
Sure, but the concerts also have some of the best animation in the show, AND you get to see a smile on Tsubasa's face. That's not worth three minutes of your time?
>why read the lyrics when I can watch the show with all of my attention instead.
The battle song lyrics give you really good insight into the characters, and they tend to synchronize well with the action. Battle singing is something Symphogear does uniquely well, but you're not getting the full effect if you don't know what they're singing. You're also missing half the character development. Even if you have to rewind to catch them, it's worth reading the song lyrics.
And then in episode after that, Maria will save the day!
My post isn't about shipping and I'm not claiming every post I'm complaining about is made by a single person (!Akemi or whatever it is), so no
I'm also not claiming to be the victim of a mod conspiracy either
>Hibiki will job and will be crippled in the next episode.
by Miku niku!
Too bad Hibiki will lose her sunshine for good this season
Post discarded. Fuck off back to twitter
Carol will come back and steal Miku from Hibiki
I think Genjuro and Chris would make a cute couple and want more interactions between them despite knowing it wont be a thing.
Yikers, buddy!
The story and action is enough for me without the song part of the show.
>Hibiki destroy the cocoon to save Miku.
>Miku came out from it with a nice smile in the face.
>Hibiki start to run towards her for the happiness.
>Suddenly Miku shot a laser with her bare hand that pierce Hibiki in the stomach.
>Hibiki falls down with Jam everywhere.
>"objective" critics making shitty "nothing happens" posts and bitching about "episode 7s" and I dunno which conspiracies to shit on the show are Twitter yikeposting normaltards
Knew you fags were fake fans. Kill yourselves
Thanks for making it easy to dismiss your posts
You're missing out, but suit yourself.
not him but as someone who hates singing in everything and i cant stand musical points in movies the songs in symphogear really give it a new dimension
from the character development to the details about their lives or emotional states that are under the surface deepens the show and my love for it grew with every new song and after a while i went through every song to see if i missed something and i had more oh fuck moments than well i dont remember the last time i was interested in something as much
I don't think so, Hibiki has the god killer and Miku is a god so obviously they're going to have a drawn out tearjerker battle rather than just yuribeam Hibiki to death
>doesn't work on people who are trained and have a strong will unless you catch them with their hearts or their feelings laid bare
>causes mental abrasion
>eats away a persons self-confidence and discernment
>makes the person relatively more dependent, making them passive of following orders in a way similar to subliminal suggestion or hypnosis
Oh no, now that one retard that keeps whining that Tsubasa shouldn't act this way in season 5 and won't fucking accept it's the fault of the Seal is going to kill himself.
you know i was replying to some retard who was complaining about how things always go bad after episode 7 right
Elf9 deserves bullying for being a Windowsfag.
>than just yuribeam Hibiki to death
I didn't say that Hibiki would die.
She would die the little death.
i love how you can hear Aoi smile while she sings as Hibiki you can legit imagine the character in the show smiling with her stupid dork adorable face
Maria is fat.
Not fat enough.
That Maria looks kind of well-rounded
It's rude to call pregnant women fat
I legitimately feel like all of the gears are their respective seiyuu's best roles ever. There's so much more effort put into voice acting gears compared to any other anime.
love and passion produces the best work for a reason
they are probably my favorite VAs now because of how amazing the show and they are not only as the voices for characters but as people, the whole thing is too wholesome
>all of the gears are their respective seiyuu's best roles ever
>who is Madoka
How do we get smug Maria back?
Smugbasa and smug Maria fight grandaddy together when Maria wins her over
Fate is so much better than Tsubasa, though. And I say that as a Swordfag.
I feel the same way for the most part but Aoi Yuuki has voiced so many great characters that I have trouble choosing my favourite.
I wish Kaori Shimizu was in Symphogear. She would be a cool villain.
Symphogear is a huge pile of turd and I only watched it because I like Nana and Tsubasa looked like Chihaya.
Dess has a great voice and her VA did some characters i love but i always go back to rating the girls based on my favorite show
Seriously, what happened to the threads about this show? Its nothing but shitposting 24/7 now
it's not actually 24/7, it happens at a suspiciously similar time of day every day, almost like it was only a few people or something
>almost like it was only a few people or something
Definitely is.
>found in Iraq
What fucking retard decided that the arm relic they found in the middle east was actually the silver arm of some irish king
Give her a swordpussy
There is still less shitposting than all the other Yea Forums threads.
They didn't, they just named it after the silver arm because it was a silver arm.
Maybe try actually watching the episode next time.
Madoka is a good anime, but Aoi as Madoka doesn't even compare to Aoi as Bikki.
I thought that was just Vanessa bullshitting Maria to distract her, not anything with evidence backing it.
>but Aoi as Madoka doesn't even compare to Aoi as Bikki.
Because Madoka is 100x times better.
Unironically this. Despite being in the title, Madoka is easily the most boring meguca - the story is about Homura, not about her.
The usual assumption in fiction is that everything a character says is true unless confirmed false
This is a general in all but name..
Mariaposters. Don't even deny it.
What sort of face do you think she makes when she sings Kimi Dake Ni?
We're 6 weeks into the season now. Only shitposters are hanging out in the threads.
Just because you consider it to be a general, it doesn't mean you have to shitpost in every thread you little turd.
The new keyword says they named it because of the resemblance, they actually couldn't identify it
This but unironically.
>inb4 Mariafags claiming samefagging
Keywords confirmed Vanessa discovered that info when she invaded the Los Alamos Base. Also, it says FIS just chose Airgetlahm as a name because they didn't have a clue what the relic was and they needed a name for convenience. They didn't really believe it was Airgetlahm.
this, not saying Madoka is bad or boring but Hibiki and her enthusiasm and charisma just sold me on episode 1 and she managed to become more badass with every season and watching her grow up over 7 years was a great experience
she really is the definition of a "sunny" personality even if its mostly on the outside because shes broken
The same face Hibiki makes when she comes inside Miku.
I didnt listen to it yet because it will be in the show and i want it to be special in context
Bad writing
Just because I read the thread doesn't mean I post in it. Or are you only getting defensive because I called out Mariafags?
Try reading you spastic. The relic was recovered far from Ireland. Why on earth would they assume they're the same, when the show and supplementary materials make clear that the true identity is cloudy
Keyword have been throwing doubt on its origins since G
>it will be in the show
I'm not 100% certain on that. It's the first time Hibiki's B-side doesn't sound like a battle song. It would awesome if it happened though, the song is very emotional.
>Why on earth would they assume they're the same
They didn't
You're too obvious. If you really want to be effective, you have to be more subtle.
thats why im 100% sure it will be in the show, the Bikki Miku drama thing has to go somewhere because its the final season and whenever that hits i wanna get hit by it full force
murica invaded iraq because that was where Fine lived and they want more relics
Maria's geah was found in the same place where the legend of a silver hand is and its a silver hand so even if we cant be sure lets call it that until we find another one
Aoi says she holds the roles that she is struggled the most with closest to her heart. Madoka, Hibiki and Tanya are among those.
I didn't care much for the anime overall, but it's one of my favorite Aoi roles too.
seriously though what is the context for moebasa
wait what show? is it the evil nazi officer becoming the evil loli or something?
We don't know yet user and it hurts.
Its the salaryman isekaing or something into a evil loli. Probably nazi but not sure about that.
The performance she did while fully dressed up as Tanya is great.
>it's a forced smile
Mikugear in 24 hours.
Why has no season of Symphogarbage ever scored higher than a 7?
thanks bros ill check it out, its been on my list for a while
i dont know if she was crying before that or not but the blush makes her too adorable and its a trap it has to be she wont get to be happy for long
Where's the budget?
I can't believe Carol is back!
Fuck Hibiki.
We all know you would it's fine sunshine
I bet this episode Tsubasa will assure everyone she's totally fine.
And then next week she stabs Maria seemingly out of the blue
I can't believe Miku is dead
CyberVer soon
Imagine being the one who has to bring her up to speed on current affairs.
>Oh, they're dead too? And they died saving you?
>Wait, him too? Really?
>You say you've taken the whole organization down except those Guinea pigs?
Carol wasn't a member of the illuminati, she just received support from them to build the chateau. You really think Carol would be anybody's subordinate?
or if she gets elf9's memories to be a good girl now and tells them to fuck off because Bikki and the girls are nice and tells elf9 she did good
its funny how a random mook in hxh has a higher iq than all the "geniuses" in symphogear
She was definitely Illuminati adjacent.
show dont tell
Since when is Symphogear known for geniuses?
>now he's importing shouenenshit thread images to shitpost
just give up dude
Good luck then, user. I hope you can survive the impact. I doubt you can, though, especially if you're a HibiMikufag.
Is that a novel disguising as a manga?
thanks man and i dont think i will be able to survive it even if i know shit has to go down
just remembering the scene where they finally make up in s1 will be hard
fuck me
I love Maria.
Welcome to the current Yea Forums (also known as /va/), where there's a dedicated shitposting group for about every series that's at least mildly popular.
Based hunterchad making the yurifags seethe with facts and logic
Honestly, who doesn't? Even people who bully her just want her to become a sweeter tomato
Because that didn't exist in the days of IRC shitposting gangs.
These days we have IRC for dummies so that issue got much worse.
She needs to go full lesbo for Tsubasa.
I don't think they ever said anything to suggest that. In fact Elf9 describes them in AXZ1 as an organization that assisted Carol in building the chateau, which makes it sound like Carol was an outsider receiving assistance, not a member.
Is this seriously HxH? Has that faggot finally given up on drawing altogether? This is a fucking joke.
Since the cape represented a shield from her insecurity, it's totally possible since she's afraid to help Tsubasa
Hibiki gets the godhand to avoid instagibbing Miku, and Maria gets to be useful and cool again
Carol won't come back.
Almost everything she uses is Illuminati tech. I doubt they hand that stuff out to angsty little girls with a dissection fetish unless there are certain agreements in place. She's a licensed contractor at the very least.
Maria uses the cape to shield her from the insecurities and Tsubasa and then Tsubasa when she manages to reach her
They were using Carol. The data the chateau got from dissecting the world is what allowed them to harness the power of the philosopher's stone, and they also planned to use the ley lines Carol unlocked. Basically they had Carol do the dirty work and leave everything in its place so Adam could get the power of the Gods.
>Since the cape represented a shield from her insecurity, it's totally possible since she's afraid to help Tsubasa
That's not how it works. The cape represented her hiding her good intentions (her true self) under a cloak of evil (her smug persona) because she believed that evil was necessary to save the world.
The hints just keep pilling up though. You might as well accept it at this point before Kaneko proves you wrong.
Or they go into Tsubasa's head and Maria has Black Gungnir because Brainwashedbasa sees her as an enemy.
>Emergency call
>Fudo orders Tsubasa to slash everyone on the bridge
>Miku's God-Mirror blasts everyone into the deepest recesses of their mind
i guess it's possible but i feel like it's more likely elf9 will do a mind dive into herself a la last season
Shut it. I'll keep saying it until I actually see her. And when I do, I'll curse Kaneko for all eternity and hate XV more than GX.
>Emergency Call
>Tsubasa is blushing because Fudou says he'll breed her as a reward
I'll concede I was wrong.
That even works thematically with her losing every gear-v-gear fight she was in. Her good intentions were someone else's, the smug persona cracked in every episode of G, she couldn't commit to evil on her own initiative, and even the americans she wrecked got the psychological victory
She couldn't get it up. It's no wonder Tsubasa still pines for Kanade
No way, that call is coming in when Hibiki and Kyarou are still missing so something is weird.
Maria was raised to obey mamu and to do whatever mamu wants and if mamu wants to save the world and if thats a good thing then its a good thing
even if Maria had to fight her self in every scene to do anything
Put your hands up for DJ Chris!
Breed her with revived Kanade*
Hibiki is missing so she'll still be unstabbed to fist Tsubasa later.
>Topdad x Tomosato
>Honestly, who doesn't?
Maria is Tsubasa's best friend, apparently they even chose clothes for each other (Maria has a blue jacket, Tsubasa has a pink scarf with silver pin)
i noticed the pink scarf but i didnt see Maria having a blue jacket? got any pics?
thread is dess
They also chose each other's AXZ clothes, based on 3.5. But Maria's gayest part is her ribbons that are the color of both their eyes
>not ignoring shounentards
We can't chase them off the board anymore, but the least we can do is not give them (You)'s.
>maria forces tsubasa to wear matching outfits
Maria is creepy! CREEPY!
Is that Ogawa on the right?
So Fudo played himself.