Shingeki no kyojin

EHfags won't give me a reason why Eren the father. Guess it is just a crackship use to trigger whales. Don't refer to "hunterfag" he is a EHfag.

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Other urls found in this thread:

sex with MikABSa

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based and horsepilled

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Eren + Helen is hot and canon

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read the manga
have sex

Why is she looking at him like that?

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Reminder that Eren would do anything to secure Historias future, regardless of what you think about EH's likelyhood

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this is the most mentally ill image I've seen in these threads to date.

You sure about that?

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Really? That's it? Have you not seen the pregnancy comic?


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Hange is not even there and they are still irrelevant. They would never be Floch because they are commercial characters


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I wish Hanji had made it into the magazine cover

Enter GODren

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>Zeke cucked Hange out of her husbando

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H-Hans is in everyone's heart

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She's supposed to be beautiful but in an exotic way unlike Historia, whose beauty is more traditional. Isayama do draws her pretty sometimes but when he doesn't I think it's because he feels frustrated about her as a character, for the reasons we all agree on, so I believe he does has some sort of ill feelings towards her.

So Isayama is just gonna keep throwing every single possible hint of EH (that pile up to a hundred so far), but ending the story without confirming it?

for what?
fear? autism?

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All of her shortcomings as a character are entirely his doing

that's because dogkasa was never the one

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Her ending up with Eren was the worst outcome save for maybe cuckbaby

confirming relationships cause shitstorms

Yep, that must be frustrating as a writer considering what he was able to do with Eren's character development.

he's also grown a lot as an author since she was conceived and positioned in the story, so i can easily see being frustrated trying to wrangle older material into a newer, more deft, approach to the narrative's direction.

gotta keep those fujobucks coming in as long as possible man, bills don't pay themselves

Mikasa could never be saved but at least Eren putted her down humanely

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That's why confirmation always happen in the last chapter

That's of cowards tho

Isayama is filthy rich and the only fujo pandering he did recently was with fucking Zeke who barely has many presence in the Exhibition because fujos hate him

>pisses off EMfags by sinking their ship
>pisses off fujos by letting Zeke get away with everything
>gets worse death threats than when he defended Japanese occupation of Korea

But I thought vol29 did great with no manlet

there's no scenario where Zeke makes it to the end

Does that mean he’ll just wait until the final chapter to kill manlet?

Agreed, at least the TG: Re was fun because it was all of a sudden, Isayama spent too many chapters teasing thinking he looks like a genius of teasing when he just look like a coward

Manlet just got a cool scar over his eye, he's not dying.

He probably think he is being super clever.

That's pretty obvious from the very beggining.

This is a story of sorrow and happiness.
Here there was a happy man playing with his 5 children. He has grey hair, wears glasses and is proud of his hairy beard. He was a shifter once
One day, another man in wheelchair, in his 50s, approached the guy playing with his kids
>Wheelchairman: Y-you...don't think I forgot what you did. You beardy...
>Beardy: Captain...I know I did terrible things...but I've changed. I am a new man now.
The old man in the wheelchair coughed
>Man-in-wheelchair: is not fair
His wrinkles became even more noticeable. The poor old man had poor hair too. Can't believe this is the same man who used to have a beautiful raven hair
>Beardy: friend. If you need any know you are not alone. And well...I have my kids too. You could try be a fath-
>Beardy:... I didn't know that. Captain...
The beardy guy tried to hug Levi, but this one refused with a sudden move, falling from his wheelchair.
>Beardy: Levi!
The beardy guy helped him. The captain didn't say anything, and abandoned the zone in silence. Before going away, one of Zeke's kids said
>Kid: w-wow, you are really short!
And another day passed, another day about a father just enjoying life with his children

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Who the fuck would someone following the series skip purchasing an entire volume just because their husband wasn’t there?

Why did the fujos like Erwin so much?
I can't think of any part of his story that had even the slightest sexual undertone.

How can other, lesser girls, compete?

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Yeah and it got embarassing for a while. If it happened it should have been revealed BR revealing they are titans style 7 chapters ago not more than one fucking year. Isayama got too pretentious and that ate time from other plots like the Hizuru ones and I'm not even a Mikasafag but even if EM won't happen use the character better

Guys, what is going on with Annie's scream? Why can she control the titans like this?

Do you think she has royal blood?
If that's the case, maybe she will be important in the end after all, especially if Historia ends up getting killed

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they don't need any undertone, they can just latch onto the character designs and insert their own

When I read the manga I knew Ereri was going to be a thing for fujos but never got that impression from Eruri so I don't know.

They think he's daddy, whatever that means.

I wonder how much Isayama regrets not letting Annie escape and be eaten like Ymir

>Hisu convinced Eren to be selfish and stop caring about his friends

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Wasn't she supposed to be some sort of mascot character? It makes sense that a mascot would have the least complex character/development.

>Implying Annie won’t cuck Reiner out of death like Porco by allowing Gabi to eat her

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Yeah, yeah, that's cool and all but why don't we talk more about Gabi? I think she is strong, smart and funny! She commited a warcrime but for the right reasons and for laughs. She got up on enemy plimp and casually killed Sasha. She played the oldest trick in the book and feigned stroke to escape jail. I loved her rock in the sock weapon on that. She was ready to pitchfork island devil kid for knowing too much. And let's not forget Gabi shot the Shitren's head off with a gun weighing double her weight.

At this point i can't think of any propper ending to annie's character, it would have been better to kill her or get her out of the crystal in uprising but now even if she gets out by now i can't think what use would she be to the plot in it's current state, only thing i can think of would be she being in paths and talk with zeke or something but i think even that would be forced.

Because she is a worse version of Reiner only liked by pedos

I don't think Isayama give a fuck about the fujos anymore. He killed Erwin after all and also keep pushing the goblina.

The problem with killing her is that Isayama would need to explain where her titan went.

Can someone post the eyes comparison of all relevant characters that Isayama drew?

She's opening up to him, showing him her true self. And he admires it.
She also admires him for always knowing what his purpose is

This, with Zeke resurrection, the cover and Gabo being important (after Reiner was the mc for almost a year) is kind of obvious he stopped giving two fucks after he became rich. He is in full Kojima mode now

Also Zeke hugging Manlet in the latast cover.

What's his new endgame going to be after he accomplishes his current goal?

Yes, and that bring us back to

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Kruger's sister a cute!

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Plus EH

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Looks like manlet

she's been on the sidelines for so long that there's basically no way to insert her into current events without it being contrived. plus it seems like things are progressing into the endgame at such a rate that there's not going to be any time for any of the current dangling plot threads, let alone ones that old.

still want RA reunion though tbqh, their relationship in the flashbacks was compelling

His purpose is protecting his waifu and baby. Nothing else is important to him.

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Eren and Frieda still look similiar even after Yams attempted to prove that they are not related lol

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And Eren may not even hate Zeke.

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I believe in EH but he cares about AM too.

Number 10 is Hanji right? Or better yet, can you list the names for each number? Thanks

Gee, I wonder what young women would see in a sexually attractive older male with a successful career.

Maybe, but I don't think he's too fond of him either. It's clear that he's just using him although he may empathize with him.

Why is he threatening them with a teapot?

>Hanji has eyelashes

I wonder if he knew that his relationship with AM is never going to be the same after all the shit he pulled trough I doubt he plan to live much longer.

I miss Yumiru

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Historia's pussy is made of heroin.
She turned Eren from a whiny moralfag to a chad yandere in 4 years.

>Final chapter
>Eren achieves his goal
>Tells Mikasa to fuck off to Hizuru
>”See you later Eren”
I can’t wait

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We know Mehmet

1. Mikasa
2. Armin
3. Jean
4. Annie
5. Reiner
6. Bort
7. Connie
8. Sasha
9. Erwin
10. Hange
11. Manlet
12. Pixis (I think?)

thot titan's ability is for her milkshake to bring all the boys to the yard

I miss Sasha

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How would that become a dream of his that he saw as a 9 year old though?

we know, Niku

I don't want AM to be separared desu. I'm growing fond of their relationship.

It's really kind of sad that such a good developed character got this plot-line, it just that it would have been actually so much better with her active again, i'm just thinking how would it have been with her coming back to marley, maaan that would have been awesome.

eh, switching her for reiner or having both of them make it back would kinda gut a lot of the most compelling parts of the arc.


We know, Historia

No no, she getting off the crystal after reiner goes back, she gets out and catchs up with the current situation and is interrogated about everything she knows about marley, she would be the principal source of intel, then she has to decide who will she side up and we would get to know only the moment the attack happens.

>Implying Armin won't go with Mikasa
AM will be a thing

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We know, bullet........wait a minute?!

She's subconsciously reacting to those Yeager pheromones


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>Implying she won’t be forced to marry a nip prince

Looks like a heavy metal album cover

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>forcing an ackerman to do anything

>forcing a slave to do anything

>and we would get to know only the moment the attack happens.
yeah i bet the reader would be in a lot of suspense wondering if annie will agree to participate in an attack targeting the one person she was desperately trying to get back to

>tfw dislike Eren, Historia and Mikasa
Why is Isayama so bad at making his protagonists likeable

Gabo is great

Hell no, she is even more of a Mary Sue and her plot is boring as fuck

By not being fossilized jew-nosed psychopaths

you just have shit taste

>Why do the fujos like Erwin so much?
What the fuck is not to like.
Here IS A MAN.
Like, hot damn.

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Now Eren is the new Erwin.

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>arminfat at it again
Take EA out of Mikasa for fucks sake

lmao, Armin is the colossal

>Reminder that Mikasa let him die once

MCs must being cool and/or well written and developed.......not likeable

I like him as my husband not as a faggot

That's still my favorite cover.

>From a generic and unbearable ragetard to a charismatic and god-looking motherfucker.
Isayama did a good job with him


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I find Historia and Mikasa to be boring as shit but they're not really that important anyway

Obviously not. Historia's panel in 120 is all you need to know we're gonna adress whatever happened between Eren and her during the timeskip. The mystery of Eren's inner psychology and motivations cannot be solved while leaving what could potentially be the most important factor in his "change" unexplained either.


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Eren has hinted numerous times that he will "kill all his enemies".
Historia has openly stated that she would kill all the humans, and she is an enemy of humanity.
Meanwhile the world is currently developing weapons that will surpass the titans.

The only reasonable outcome I see here is that Eren destroys the world, it's the only way this can end.
This is a brutal story, there is no happy ending.

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Where does this meme even come from? Most of his interviews reek of self-depreciation and there's nothing even remotely close to "pretentious" in his writing either, unless you consider bad pacing pretentious.

No, user, Annie was never a prototype for Historia and she was never meant to have a role similar to hers, nor will she ever be as relevant.

foreshadowing sex?

Random Based.

Was he really that tired of readers saying Eren and Historia were related he had to go out of his way to make a blogpost about it?

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>Most of his interviews reek of self-depreciation.
That's the norm for japanese people. Is what is socially expected

Eren is the most hated man in the world

Hence anybody considered his allies or, magnitudes worse, his family, will be exterminated and hunted down to eternity after manga's end

So yes, we'll never get confirmation of EH not even us the readers.
Being forgotten is the truest way of freedom

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>growing fond of their relationship
>just when it started going sour and eventually imploded
Sounds a little sadistic.

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If you think transfering titan powers means sex, sure.


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Modesty is, not constantly emphasizing how not good enough you are.

Oh my bad, just realised you were talking about AM and not EMA. Was hoping they would do some traveling before Armin dies too, but I think all three are gonna go their separate ways if the author's words are any indication, sadly.

How? Armin and Mikasa have been nothing but supportive toward each other. Eren have nothing to do with it.

"just stand still and they wont suspect a thing"

Notice who Eren is sitting next to

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Wow, this really shows the weakness of Armin compared to Erwin.
His strategy is so much different, and very lacking in comparison. Also his extreme lack of command presence and leadership

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Armin is also a 15 year old orphan who suffers from self esteem issues.

>not liking old Eren

I know, I misread your post.

What the fuck did Isayama mean by that scene?

TeenEren was one of the most generic and annoying MC back in the first 2 arcs (and in the anime Wit removed all his interaction with other characters eccept AM and a bit reiner and jean , so he was even more annoying in the anime), thx god he started to develop during Clash and uprising!!

I think people are not noticing how many of these characters are depicted as being slightly evil just under the surface. Historia, Eren, Armin, even Erwin. Mikasa is the purest of them all. It could be that Eldians really are a bunch of devils. It could be the world is right to fear them.

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nevermind me
just posting the objective best girls in a single post

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>these characters are depicted as being slightly evil just under the surface
So like normal people then.

My theory: Isayama planned Armin to be the dictator and the monster but he shat his pants after the polls revealed he doesn't have many fans so he tried to make him as pure as possible, he doesn't know what to do to make Armin more popular (even in the last exhibition characters are kissing Armin's ass, Levi included)


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>he doesn't know what to do to make Armin more popular
And now he never will.
Armong is useless.

Yeah I meant mostly post FeT Eren

And Erwin was an orphan with an extremely guilt complex.
Armong a shit.

This is retarded. Armin was in 10th place in the first popularity poll and Isayama doesn't give a shit about popularity polls in the first place. Yeah people at first thought that Isayama planned to do something with Armin but then changed it to Eren but that was proven to be false.

It doesn't help Armin can't do wrong and if he does Isayama reminds us over and over everything is Eren and Bort's fault.

He was also twice Armin's age.

We've never seen anything from Erwin that wasn't absolute brilliance. Impressive leadership, grand strategy, brilliant foresight. He's almost a Mary-Sue character he's so perfect

Isayama is embarrassed to admit Armong is his favorite

That's better than THREE CUPS

If say... I was the president or prime minister or king, etc., and I was asked to decide between Armin and Erwin. My answer would be "Both." (Harem mechanics do not just apply to ships...)

Sasha cosplay

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His favourite Reiner ranked below Armin in latest popularity poll and he ses himself more in Eren now

Nobody cares about 3 cups exept you.


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>my headcanons are facts

Folks whose favorite characters ain't popular are more secure, psychologically-speaking. (At least we ain't following the herd.)

My headcanon is that Annie's father is the fat bald faceless old man that rapes lolis in doujins

How does Zeke plan on healing Eren?

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with his body


As a cadet? He became an orphan as a little kid. He knew he was responsible for his father's death as a kid.
Yet he joined the military on his own volition, rised to squad leader and later to Commander, made an Ackerman join and follow him, proved his father right, overthrew the goverment that killed him, retook wall Maria with a elephant size depression and died a hero.

You can say Garystugarystu, but Gary Stu's don't actually die.

Relax, user. Erwin's the top dog in the latest popularity pool. He even got ball-jointed doll merchandise which cost I think at least 1000$. And I bet GSC is getting a lot of preorders for his figma because of the horse it comes along with.

What does this have to do with what I said exactly?

Cute and canon

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>Asian ass

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>Annie resides in Paths ever since she surrounded herself in the crystal. That makes Eren next destination obvious, he is going to talk to Annie

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Family and national themes literally for almost 2 years now and people still deny EH.

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Why yes, I do think Gabi fans are generally pretty damn secure, psychologically-speaking. (two thumbs up).

Anyway, it has been extra work week for me. The extra stress makes me more prone to nitpick at other people which means I may be joining the ever popular "put down other anons' preferences to make myself feel better" game.

Anyway, I would not nominate neither Armin-haters nor Erwin haters for leadership roles. Too stupid to see pass personal preferences and properly recruit base on merit.


>Pedo likes Gabipedos
Makes sense

>muh family themes
Such ridiculous

>I may be joining the ever popular "put down other anons' preferences to make myself feel better" game
Are you going to spam pedo porn again?

Fujos are delusional.

Tripfag genocide when?

Genocide means wiping out other people, user. Do you mean "tripfag suicide" or "tripfag implosion" instead?

Holy shit you sound like Joseph

>time almost barely moves in the paths in relation to the real world
>she has been stuck in there for 4 years real time
Oh boy, this is going to suck

No, I mean when will one brave user finally discover where you faggots live and end your fucking lives.
Gas chambers are optional but preferred.

Before we proceed, who does this Joseph trip stan and which ship does he prefer?

Some nip fujos on twitter have been deleting their EH fanarts after this chapter.

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Fyi, brave typically is not synonymous with desperation nor obsession, user.

Grior was right after all.

What? Why?

Which anons do you hate? Werent you an Erwinfag aka number one?

kek what's the story behind it

When I stan a Shingeki, usually it is Moblit.

Am I the only non autistic Moblitfag?

t. hanpetos

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Kek nani?

LE fujos kek

You make it sound like a lot of Moblit fans frequent this area.

But why? Threats or thinking it could become a thing and that triggered them?

That's what the pussy of a beloved woman with a man does. Have sex and make a family, anons.

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>Armin is Historias body double

Truly the faggiest of men. And truly, truly stupid


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Those aren't hints retard. Can Historia and Eren be in the same room without your EHtism activating?

>Eren had drunk sex with Historia thinking she was Armong

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Good morning

I think bboa also complained about it

Good morning

>be fujo
>draw EH as a joke
>oh nonononono this can't be happening
>delete all their EH art


Source and reason: my ass

That's okay user, you don't have to like all characters!

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It's just that nobody can deny the possibility of EH anymore now that we know Eren was meeting Historia. Now it's a 50/50 chance of him either being the father or the pimp.

>muh family is somehow better than muh nakama

>or the pimp.
No chances.

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>G-Good thing he said that word, n-now i can discredit his opinion without responding to the truth that lies in his post

>or the pimp

Are you referring to the farmer or someone else?


Anyone understand what these fujos are saying?

Attached: kekkkk.jpg (418x677, 51K)

I want to FUCK him
I want to HAVE kids with him
I want to KISS him
I want to HUG him
I want to SLAP his ass
I want to FORCE him
I want to SUFFOCATE him between my boobs
I want to SIT on his face
I want to CLEAN his glasses
I want to SMELL his farts

Attached: 4Bf7_pqei-Q.jpg (1280x718, 170K)


Okay okay: based everything is for Armin I like Armin XD

Just copy and paste into Google Translate.

>Most of the last chapter and the entirety of the next is basically Eren telling Zeke to >have sex
based Abe

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Famous cosplayer cosplays as a skimpy Sasha and apparently nips are pissed about it.

Xaver/Pieck/Yelena/Porco/Reiner/Ymir/Grisha pls

>fatherhood and freedom themes
>lol Eren is a pimp

t. euthanasiaworks

More like telling him to safe the Eldians by keeping them alive

I can't imagine mental gymnastics are going on in your head to reach that conclusion. You might actually have autism.


Zeke has daddy issues and Grisha wasn't a terrible father.

He was barely a character.

Wait so you want me to agree with the second fujo quote?

Ah, never mind. I get it.

>Such ridiculous
The entire chapter 120 is about family.

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The next memories will include bad things of Grisha though

And that is?


And? Isayama said in the documental that Eren will surpass his father.

Of course it is better if you are not a nakamaautist

Will Pieck get killed by Mikasa and Armong?

We've already seen that?

And that has something to do with you being schizophrenic?

Feels good to be AMchad

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Probably. And Magath's probably already dead.

But didn't you just say it was true?

Family>>>Friends. That's reality once you have children you will understand.

Do you have any children user?

It would be cute if they got together, he has always treated her better than Eren

No shit? He will save Eldia.

Believe it or not, there was a time when my favorite was Ian.

We don't need fojus. Others have started to draw EH, too. I've seen a lot of art from new artists.

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Grisha's goals changed and the first goals didn't include things like endanger ALL eldians like Eren would do with the rumbling, not to mention Isayama was talking about the father thing there

Lol familyautist.

who is this character?
keep it to snk only pls

>Implying EHtism it isn't a real thing
>Implying most EHfags here don't become total retards when it comes to trying to prove EH

Not yet. But I have a big family and they are more important to me than anyone else.

I don't think Eren's grandpas would survive the rumbling

I'll be sad if they died like that. They had potential.

It means that Eren and Armin were in cahoots all along.
It's magath and Willy all over again.

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>implying you don't go to shitposts and avoid other posts because you rather insult rather than defend your theory with arguments

t. 40something housewife

>Comparing CREATURAmin with based Magath

You have to let it go user

>burgers wake up
>FUCK family themes
Like clockwork

I can't, Armin is so trash compared to Erwin

Grisha focused on restoring Eldian Empire to it's former glory. Eren focused on just saving his nation (not his ethnic group). Should've said Paradis instead of Eldia, yeah.

>No Erwin vs Zeke (talk)
>No Erwin vs Kiyomi
>No Erwin vs Yelena
>No Erwin vs Magath
Why even keep Armong alive

>burgers wake up
>muh family again

You're the one who brought up Erwin. We were talking about GODgath gtfo

And that is incompatible with having a family because?

Not really and you know it. You can talk about the family themes when burgers are sleeping

No biggie, I just them myself.

>burgers wake up
>muh Erwin again

Is burgers the new boogeyman? They change so fast now

Sex with Mikasa's luscious body.

Attached: sexwmika.jpg (1064x1594, 530K)

Muh Erwin is universal.

He was too good

? Grisha was still a good dad. He would've shown Eren the basement and let him make the choice if not for BRA bad timing.

God vs Devil
Good vs Evil
11/10 wits vs 3/10 wits
17 meter Kyojin vs 15 meter titanlet
Peace vs Tyranny
Empathy vs Ruthlessness
Pacific solutions vs Cold-blooded genocide
Hope vs Despair
Logic vs Irrationality

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We know. If he was alive he would've single handedly fixed everything and fucked all the eldian waifus.

What do you think he would do if Eren had refused?

It's not a boogeyman. If you've been here long enough you notice the sudden shift in topics and the anti family pro LGBT shit once the burgers are awake. Come here during euro hour it's a completely different experience.

I mean with Eren having a family

>Criticizing Erwin
We don't do that here

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This, I thought it was a meme at first. Someone said Europefags are less sensitive and don't get offended about family, the SJW mindset is way stronger in America

How can Annie fit back into the story with less than a year left?

Just because you are gay doesn't mean you need to hate families. Lots of gays adopt or use sperm donation

So you think burgers wake up at 6:30 in the morning during summer to shipost in /snk/? Is that really what you think that happened in here?

Based enemies of humanity.

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Eren is best husband.

>tfw got EHpilled
Too bad too busy now to draw more EH.

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I think it would've been pretty stupid if he didn't have other plan before he heard what Eren said in chapter 1 but he did seem pretty desperate when he injected Eren. Maybe we'll see it in next memories.

There is that one mentally ill dyke who spams about Historia being MC's prize. That person thinks motherhood is a punishment.

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h-historia...! marry me...!

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I know this sounds crazy, but you can browse Yea Forums at work, too.

Didn't say he can't have one. Doesn't have to be a central point of the story. In a middle of a war no less.

Congratulation for finally seeing the light.

I don't. He was Jesus of snk and when he died he became a god of snk world. Every dead eldian waifu is already fucked by him.

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Just visit the threads after 107. Tumblrdykes literally invaded this place condemning motherhood while hoping for Historia to be raped. It's also funny when Mrs Smith simultaneously triggered fujos and dykes by saying women are for breeding.

I don't think motherhood is a punishment, although it can be given the circumstances. I do get what that user is trying to say from a writing perspective for a fictional character.

>Burgers are working at 6:30


>Doesn't have to be a central point of the story.
This is literally the biggest secret in plot now. Which may be the key to understanding Eren’s thinking.

>the grand plot twist is that eren is a waifufag

>This is literally the biggest secret in plot now.
It might sound crazy to you, but most people don't care that much about Historia'a baby.
Only shippers are so autistically obssesed that they see it as the central plot of the story.

This but unironically.

eren... please be gentle...

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>I do get what that user is trying to say from a writing perspective for a fictional character.
But we still don't know what Historia's role really is. That user is just frustrated and creates this weird headcanon and attacks everyone who doesn't agree with that.

Not him but it’s certainly better than if Eren was just a nakamafag after hiding his PoV for so long.

>FUCK family themes
It seems like the burgers meme was real after all.

Stop daydreaming, Mikasa.

Yeah user, this manga is suddenly about families. Forget about war, nationalism, indoctrination, real world parallels, etc. That was just filler for muh wife and muh son.

t. waifufag

I thought it was not why but what is he trying to do.

>it’s certainly better

Based gabichika

Dumb speedreader. It was always filled with daddy issues and parent/child problems. Isayama’s literally spelled it out loud for you in 120.

Have children

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Are you the one saying this is the climax of the story?

Reread the manga from Uprising. Historia's main theme was to free herself from her family. It was always a big part of the story. The other themes you mentioned are still there. Inserting parenthood doesn't make a story bad.

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user as much as you try, this manga isn't about EH.
EH can happen and have narrative themes? Sure. Will it be the climax of the story or the main message Isayama is trying to give? No.
Just don't pretend that this whole manga was a setup for muh family because it never was, family themes was just another thing that Isayama explores but it was never the focus.

I didn't say this manga didn't have family themes?

He was always GOD

>Posts YH theme
In before i get called a YHfag

Nakamafags can use this too.

Attached: 4vZZo.png (905x1300, 598K)

But that "save Armin and Mikasa" is an old memory from when Grisha injected Eren it has nothing to do with the current events.


I remember a few months ago no one was saying that.

Yeah I don't think it will be the central point either

That's your theory, it also perfectly fits with the actual situation, especially the "you must finish your mission"

The pregnancy plot was a mistake.

Why do you guys hate family so much?

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Every girl should have gotten pregnant after the timeskip desu

Revealing it in 107 and doing nothing with it for 13 chapters(and more to come) was a mistake

Look at it realistically. Why would Eren need to save them? Mikasa is a superhuman and Armin can turn into a nuclear bomb.
It's not a theory the words Kruger said are the exact words Grisha said to Eren before he turned him.
I think it was a message to 10 year old Eren and a way to show us that memories can travel from the future to the past, which will be relevant at some point.

What's so great about them? Most families are dysfunctional anyway

But what about "you must finish your mission"?

But I agree that this does not fit the current plot. Perhaps this will play a role in the end.

It's not that hard to get user. What is Eren doing right now in the story that would save Armin, Mikasa and everyone else? What is the mission he has to finish? I don't want to spoonfeed you.

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We don't. Comeback in 12 hours for comfy family posting, bro.

Wow do you really think that Eren wants to destroy the world in order to save MA and everyone else?

Chadren will rape Gabi

>tfw you have a titan and the paths always watch you

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Isn't that the general consensus here? Also considering that everyone else includes Historia and the rest of Paradis.

It all depends on Grisha's reaction upon seeing Armin and Mikasa for the first time desu

>you must finish your mission
That was for Grisha.
Remember that part was changed when Grisha spoke to Eren before injecting him. He said you have to master this power. But the "save Armin and Mikasa" remained the same.

He didn't remember, shifters don't remember the moments before the injection.

Kruger did say those words in that time. Otherwise Grisha wouldn't question it.

How come they didn't poison Hange? She was the one who put Eren in prison

Eren's mommy privilege.

Maybe because the Yeagerist aren't acting for personal reasons. Eren deserved to be jailed so why would they kill Hange for jailing him?

There is no proof that Krugers words were meant for the current plot. Otherwise Eren would think about it. Instead Krugers message only appeared twice in the past. First when Grisha said it to Eren and in pic related.
In my opinion Eren has already saved them.

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Keith wasn't poisoned either apparently

She's Floch's Empress.

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Because she agreed to collaborate with them

Have sex.

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>Zeke tries to convince Eren that his father never loved him
>Eren ends up convincing Zeke that their father loved both of them

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omg he's so cute

Wait... just wait

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Aww look at her cute little dance.


The person who made this will literally kill himself. Also sorry for the low quality.

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And if we follow Grisha's memories in chronological order we're gonna reach the part where he massively fucks up with Eren just next chapter, not to mention Eren pimping out someone he cares about while spouting about freedom and being born into this world is still illogical and inconsistenct with his character. Your point?

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>All this good content when she hasn't even appeared in the anime
Gabichads keep on winning!

Based and canon

It's like Uprising or a portion of Marley (namely post-Fort Slava stuff with Reiner flashbacks) when people were starved for more plot development but felt like Isayama was stalling or dragging his feet. His pacing has always been an issue but the arcs who took the biggest hit because of it always ended up much more appreciated after reaching their climax and upon rereading. Pretty confident this last arc will be no exception, and the memories mosaic makes me think we're gonna get answers soon.

Is that the dress from the Hangeki YH event?

He regretted what he did with uprising yet continues to do the same now?

This is too damn cute.

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Levi gave Zeke his first boner. You can't deny it.

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To be fair Uprising was his first big gamble since it moved away from the titans completely and the readers expectedly complained about it. And yet now you see most readers either shitting or having mixed feelings on the anime version of the arc for not being faithful enough to the source material.
Marley was his other gamble with changing settings and main casts without warning, and he had no qualms about spending several months on just Reiner remembering his childhood but it's widely loved for the way it handled its climax.
I think we need to remember that a lot of people won't just read the chapters as they come out but either as volumes or as part of a marathon read of the entire work once it finishes. Our perception can be skewed because it only releases once a month which might naturally generate more frustration when plot points we want to know more about are put on the back-burner but Isayama rarely if ever withholds information without a purpose or a payoff.

I hope the manga soon confirms it one way or the other so we can go back to normal threads.

>Levi gave Zeke his first boner.

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No, it will only get worse

>normal threads
Delusional newfag.


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Isayama disagrees.

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This is so true. I remember being frustrated when reading uprising month-to-month. But when I reread the whole series after the basement reveal, uprising became my favorite arc.

>Zeke didn't get Abe's message

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Fuck you
This is trolling retarded fujo

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Isayama said he's a fujoshit

Calm down. ZL is just a fun crackship.

>Reiner and Zeke born on yaoi day
>They are Eren's rivals and the enemies to defeat
>Eren disagrees with Globalismin

Isayama is a EFujo

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Are you implying that Eren is against gays?

I just want them to be okay

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Yeah but to be fair manga readers always complain about any slightest changes and as far as I know anime onlys loved uprising.

Reiner still needs one final fight against Eren. He was supposed to be the new Helos.


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Reiner being Helos is a obvious red herring

>This is probably canon

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If anything Gabbers is the new Helos, she's the one who beheaded Eren

Imagine spending hours making a whole segment like this and to go through conception and planning, just to have it canonically BTFO'd later on. You spent hours on a lie.

First off, these threads were never normal. Second, no matter the outcome, they will get worse. Whether Eren is the father or not will simply determine how much worse they will get.

Fujos don't care about reality

If LE is anything to go by, it's just a joke.

its full of boiling oil

Gabi will get her pussy destroyed.

Because he is a male character that interacts with manlet, that's all they need

It's almost incredible how many straight up unapologetic shipfags are officially tied to the franchise: Suruga who did ACWNR is an LEfujo, WIT staff who's like 70% made up of EMfags, Chuugakkou author who seemed to have a hard on for EM vs EA, BA and YK, Spoof author who's an EMfag, whoever is behind the Chibi thing etc.

>the manga is a metaphor for how the smartest people (Zeke) rarely have kids, while the dumbest genetic failures (Fagren, Whorestoria) pop them out by the handfuls
Bravo, Isayama.

Mikasa deserves better than spending the rest of her life babying Armin and agreeing with everything he says and does.

>WIT staff who's like 70% made up of EMfags
The other 30% are ErwLfujos

>sasha fucked by Nikolo
>Historia fucked by farmer or Eren

>babying Armin
Bitch where? Besides, she loves him and out of her own will agrees with most of his opinions. Cry more.

Mikasa and Eren have passionate sex everyday.

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>i can think of would be she being in paths and talk with zeke or something but i think even that would be forced.
Don't fall for the EAfat's bullshit. We are more likely to see WHT-chan again than Annie where Eren and Zeke are.

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Mikasa doesn't know what sex is.

The official one was better

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Ok then.
Mikasa and Eren hold hands passionately[/spoiller] everyday.

Eren's not a cheater and a sister-fucker,


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I don't even like AM but it's hilarious how Mikasa's Eren autism destroyed her character to the point that some people genuinely believe she can't appreciate Armin or sympathize with his way of thinking on her own.

But that's EH thing

That's Historia's job, canonically.

>Hisu went from only character besides Eren and Mikasa to get a solo cover to being stuck in a rocking chair for all the final arc


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I think it's more that he decided to do everything interesting he had planned out for Armin with Eren instead

Mikasa will have Armin's babies.

Yelena is the only one who agrees with Armin on a deep level

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No wonder why Eren couldn't trust AM regarding Historia

Is this shooped? It looks off

Detective Jean soon

>Now it's a 50/50 chance of him either being the father or the pimp.
That has always been the case since chapter 108

what the fuck would she have done otherwise?
besides, we still don't know her POV

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Isayama should have added kitty filters.

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There is no way that she should be able to survive Ackerhax+thunderspear support unless Mikasa runs away because her Eren senses tingled.

It's still a theory. There's no reason he would change his mind like that out of the blue.

She won't. She'll get out of the crystal Armin will let her go because Bert's feelings made him gay for her and then she'll spend her remaining two years with daddy.

>Mikasa can't even have that because Historia stole that from her too
I feel bad for EMfags sometimes.

Is Hisu standing on a box?

Imagine thinking this when you see the word family, your brain is rotten beyond salvation.

To be fair, that chapter broke the little of what was left of our resident Ymirfags. Before that they had resigned themselves for a headcanon where Hisu lives the rest of her life without ever loving again or maybe she finds another girlfriend.


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I stopped reading after they effectively retook/repaired the walls and figured out what Titans were.

Is there any reason to continue?
It looks dumb.

So,Eren walks over to her, tells her to loose her virginity to a stranger and Historia just agrees instead of beating the shit out of him for even suggesting something like that?
Are you sure you are reading the same manga?

You're the one who made the distinction between the two words, fag.

No. Pretend it ended at the ocean scene.

If you got to that point and weren't invested then no.

What? He is the one calling that user a 40 year old housewife for daring to speak positively about starting a family you stupid faggot.
You unironically need to have sex, retarded lesbian.

If you're only interested in Humans vs Titans, then stop reading.

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Where the fuck did fujos even get the headcanon that Eren is sexually attracted to manlet? Even Armong makes more sense than that.

actually accurate meme here

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There was this scene early in S1 where Eren admired Levi and he did say he is jealous of his strength. It was just childish hero worship nothing romantic, but that's enough for fujos.

Bless them

To be fair, if you make a comedy spinoff that exaggerates everyone's traits it's impossible to show off Mikasa or Ymir's characters in a way that doesn't look like ship pandering for EM or YH.

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Fuck them all

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Cute and canon

Can't believe he's the only who's openly teased Eren about it. You'd think he at least would notice something if Eren started staring at the blonde midget too much during the timeskip. Or maybe Eren really just hung out more often with Historia when the others weren't there.

Will he job for the fifth time?

>tfw ZL has more pandering from Isayama than ErwL
Sorry Zeke you can't escape the manlet

>the only openly gay character gets off-screened
>and then her unrequited love interest turns out to be straight and gets pregnant

What did Isayama mean by this...?

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>Eren is in the p a t h s
>Ackerman bloodline is connected to paths
>Mikasa is a fucking yandere who wants to find Eren (if only to yell at him)
Is there a reason that some astral projection of Mikasa couldn't show up in the next chapter to interrupt Zeke and Eren's little chat?

And the pimp option has started losing more and more credibility from chapter 114 onwards. If it does turn out neither Yelena nor Zeke accounted for the pregnancy then its chances will pretty much be reduced to 0.

Jeanbo truly become one of the most insightful characters. Guess being book smart like Armin doesn't meant shit.

Needs to have someone to cheat on first, not your circle jerked delusions on Yea Forums.
It's mother-fucker, you stupid motherfucker. But I agree.

>Suruga who did ACWNR is an LEfujo
I thought that spinoff was all ErwL pandering.

it was literally their job to pander to all the ships in that chibi show

take pic related for example where they manage to tease 3 ships at once

Attached: chibi thing.jpg (2080x461, 301K)

he wants Mikasa to be freed up

fucking Franxx

Don't forget that Editor-kun was a Sashafag.
Based Isayama.

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Shouldn't someone have given them the talk in military school?

No, just forget about it. Don't bother with the last season that comes out next year either.

Exactly, Isayama is going full contrarian

As expected of Mikasafags.

I miss her.

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Agree. They butchered this beautiful man just of spite.

monki haha :DD

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>What did Isayama mean by this...?
Children are the future and lesbianism is just a phase.

Why are EMfags so fucked in the head? Why would you want Mikasa to be with Eren?

>Detective Jean
>Detective Memory
>Cucked from the cover
We didn't deserve it Hangebros

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We only know she had to get pregnant. The circumstances are still unkown.

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I think at some point Isayama just snapped and said fuck you to all ErwL/LE fujos.

>Mikasa's scarf is red
>looks like a line of blood
>her bloodline is what connects her to Eren

Attached: hounorispoof.png (245x188, 41K)

>Imagine believing this
This faggot explicitly changed SnK's original ending for pandering. And you would be delusional to think it won't end the same way. He'll piss some faggots off along the way, namely fujos, but that's unavoidable. Mangaka don't have any balls, and you people are going to have a grim reminder very soon.

monke :)

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It was an accident. It's pretty obvious now.
Both Nile and Rogue were wrong.

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MHfag in the Exhibition putting Moblits over Manletto

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Why is everyone at WIT so detached from reality?

I think you should monkill yourself lol

Why does it have to be an accident? Why can't they have simply decided to have a child because they love each other and believe in family values?

Based Jeanbo.

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You believe the same thing as him, just switching farmer with Eren

>Mangakas don't have any balls
They actually have a lot of balls when the manga is ending. I mean you have EM nit happening, EH or not, Armin fapping to Annie, Erwin loving Marie, manlet placing Petra in the middle of his thoughts... fujos always lose in the end

With love


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Exactly. They have zero chemistry and Eren has no interest in her whatsoever. By the same token, you EHfags and your laughable mental gymnastics and self serving headcanons are no better and just as fucked in the head.

That was before, he said he wants to hurt the reader and should I remind you Gabi is more relevant than manlet

>This faggot explicitly changed SnK's original ending for pandering.
You're not up to date. In his recent interview he said he wants to betray the fans. Dark ending is still an option.

>Mikasa's scarf is red
That's wrong

>he claims historia and eren have no chemistry
>we are the ones fucked in the head
Your delusions have transcended reality, congratulations user, maybe you can get disability bucks from this?

Pretty sure that Zeke was an accidental baby too. More pottery.

>bringing EH for no reasons
>comparing it to EM
At least Historia got along with Eren and Ymir and they actually had communication

Historia didn't tell them anything. They just talked about what they are seeing and think what happened

Because there is a very good anti-EH counterargument. Eren would never have a baby if he knew that he would not have a father. But he would also not pimp out Historia. The same is true for Historia. Therefore, accidental pregnancy meme is now the most logical option.

le monke fun time :DDD

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>I mean you have EM nit happening
Wait until the manga ends. I agree it shouldn't happen because making Eren have feelings for Mikasa all of a sudden is forced as fuck and unrealistic, but this is still a shounen manga. Hope for the best and expect the worst.


No. Just mix the version of Nile and Rogue. Eren is a father, but he used the Historia's pregnancy as a defense and his original plan was adjusted.

ACWNR does have some light ErwL pandering but fans found out that the author herself used to be an LE doujin artist who went by the name Ninjin. She had shut down her blog in 2013 around the time she started working on the spin-off and stopped participating in those doujin circles.

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There is the possibility that it was non-romantic fucking, in the vein of "We'll do this together because it's better than you having a baby with a total stranger, but neither of us are emotionally into it".

Or farmer is the father and he is just being used to safe Historia's life

I doubt it, it seems like Eren could have gone the Grisha route


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The baby wasn't needed thanks to the wine

>Some Ackerguards were bonded to the king, others (by chance) got bonded to his relatives or random peasants but were still too loyal and useful to kill
>The latter killed the former before executing their regicide attempt
>The king's "bonded" died semi-willingly, relieved that they wouldn't have to commit any more atrocities and the family as a whole would survive

>he claims historia and eren have no chemistry
Wow. EHfags can't read. Or rather, only "read" what they want to. Surprise surprise.

She has more chemistry with him than Mikasa as far as how they relate to one another (which isn't saying much as Mikasa's character is a blank sheet of fucking paper.) But your mental illness makes you see "romance" between them when their is patently none. And what's more, you've legit convinced yourself your headcanon is reality and won't shut the fuck up about it.


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>for daring to speak positively about starting a family
No he's just a waifufag pretending he's better than nakamafag

You just did a lot of projecting there considering that user didn't bring up EH even once. Or do you really believe only really think only EHfags think EM is trash tier?

Or they were overcome with teenage contrariness and just wanted to stick it to "the man".

Attached: ECGTt1dUEAEsXqg.png (356x360, 25K)

>mentalillnessfag at it again

>unrequited love interest

Attached: EB0f-czXoAAgc6w.jpg (750x418, 73K)

>be fujoshit
>pissed off at EM stealing the spotlight
>EMfags being insufferable
>make a bunch of EH fanart to piss them off
>huh, EH is actually getting a lot of focus now
>also Historia is pregnant...

But after trying it 50 times they came to like it

The possibility is there but I think Eren having a baby for a plan, which is different from planning to have a baby, won't bode well with Zeke considering he was one too.

funny monki haha :D

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It's always a possibility that she just did LE for money.

I maintain that most fujos are in it for the porn than for the character relationships.

You think they just let her figure out on their own that she was preg and that the father was some random from her childhood? Come on, man. She was obviously checked at some point and had present a partner and give some semblance of explanation for them to even do a background check on him. She lied too.

Good point.

Terrorists and lovers

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cute monki:)

Attached: R3q4eZyO_LA.jpg (1102x1116, 286K)

"Inference" isn't "projecting." I don't have any stake in this to "project." EHfags are the overwhelming majority in this shithole most vocal against Mankasa being shipped with Eren, so it's not a massive assumption to think that's the case: especially when the comment was unprovoked.

I still didn't see evidence of artists deleting their EH pics.

Literally isn't canon, but okay.

>he tinks mikasa isn't cute anymore

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comfy monki

Attached: comfy beast.jpg (600x394, 64K)

>manlet placing Petra

Are you new? EM was disliked here before EH memes started. You are obsessed

>we'll see the end
>we'll be the end


It's only in anime but I think Isayama said it was great idea.

That's a nip thing.

He doesn't know about red string of fate

It's still anime only though.

I'm sorry I used the wrong word, so let me rephrase it in a way that is hopefully more accurate: you just made up a whole fanfiction in your head about the user who made the post you replied to when no mention of EH was ever made and when EM has been historically made fun of in these threads years before the ship that seems to rustle your jimmies so much gained any of the traction it currently has.

>failing to grasp subtile development of Mikasa

Attached: 1560890632420.png (700x977, 1.23M)

>won't bode well with Zeke considering he was one too.
Zeke was born out of love. Grisha started using him for a plan after this moment.

Attached: Attack on Titan - c086 (v21) - p180 [Digital] [LuCaZ]{r2}.jpg (1200x1800, 735K)

>Forget about war, nationalism, indoctrination, real world parallels, etc.
How is that incompatible with family? Retard

Literally the first words he said to Zeke were "He will lead us to siegness" as if Zeke will play some part in his MEGA plan.

Because there's a fucking war happening and Eren will die in 4 years or even sooner. Not saying the accident theory isn't retarded either.

Because he still had a duty you faggot.

Not him but I recall that Isayama once said that parenthood was the main theme of the story or something like this. I'm not sure if I remember correctly

Fatherhood is the same as family values.

And? That doesn't change the fact that he had plan for Zeke instead of doing it himself.

Not on your life, faggot.
>you just made up a whole fanfiction
Nope. I'm sure my conclusion was accurate, as well as my conclusion you're an assblasted EHfag who hates being called out for being cancer.
>I'm not wearing muh Ereh scarf after getting BTFO'd 120 chapters later.

He learned from his mistake and the duty remained the same.

He learned but we're taking about Zeke's experience, you retard. Grisha turning Eren into a titan will be a win for Zeke. It's up to how he lived his life next if he wants to convince Zeke and from the shards we know that they will travel to Eren's memories too. If Eren did what Grisha did that is using a BABY for a plan, then Zeke will undeniably win the argument.

wow rude

Yes, you absolutely did. Unless you can prove that EM wasn't consistently made fun of here. Do you know how old the first part of pic related is, for example?

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>I'm not wearing muh Ereh scarf after getting BTFO'd 120 chapters later.
I stand by what I said.