Jesus Christ...

Jesus Christ, what a disaster! Everything was so rushed and the computer graphics were terrible! Why do people like this?

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Likeable MC
Good dogfight scenes
Good worldbuilding
Good music

literally everything but what you described about the show was good to great.

Literally Kemurikusa but with planes

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>Likeable MC
True, but the other characters were underdeveloped
>Good dogfight scenes
>Good world-building
Could have been much better
>Good music

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Excellent sound design and dogfighting scenes
Good banter and other interactions between likeable characters
Didn't spend too much time explaining everything or spending 75% of an episodes on exposition
I know you fags would love for everything to have deep, thoughtful plot and shit, but Kotobuki was a fucking action anime who never inspired to be anything else and for me, the fast pacing was one of the main pros

they explained a lot of the relevant setting details through conversation and allowed you to infer the rest.
what would you prefer? a nice steaming pile of infodump at the start?

>Everything was so rushed
You're just a retard. Try growing a brain before watching anything again.

Okay that is true, but providing a little bit more information about what the holes were and how the politics and economics of the world worked would have been better. Maybe if the show was 24 episodes long instead of 12 they could have pulled this off without any problems.
I don't find the characters unlikable I just think that everyone in the Kotobuki Squadron except for Kylie, Reona and maybe Kate were just sorta there.

I loved everything about it.

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they have shit taste

Cgshitters eat up anything

I loved seeing the names in all capitals during the first part of the show. It went downhill once the NAMES changed.

I thought it was okay. The 3DCG didn't bother me, but the fact that it would periodically include 2D characters would always throw me off.

wholesome, comfy, and funny.
kemurikusa is dogshit, but people still like that trash.

It was fun to watch with Yea Forumserospace enthusiasts and it had good dogfight scenes. I knew going in it was advertisement for gachashit, I didn't have high expectations but my expectations were exceeded.

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You wouldn't know good worldbuilding from a D&D handbook, man. The rapid fire pacing was one of the best aspects of the show.

Is like crimson skies but in anime

Mizushima never lets you down.

The main character is cool, the dogfight scenes were downright amazing and made up most of the screen time. It might have worked better as a 24 episode show so the other characters could be fleshed out more, and the CG was bad but I got used to it eventually. Still, it's a good anime as it stands and I think it's quite underrated, mostly because the animation left a bad first impression and many people just dropped it after the first couple episodes.

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New season soon I hope.

This show got me into planes.

Don't forget the sound effects. Holy shit. This show sounds so amazing. I think it's going to be my go-to sound test from here on out.

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because you're trash and you deserve to die

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Because the other flying anime that season was way, way worse.