She makes my balls explode

She makes my balls explode
Every chapter

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Truly worst girl.

weird, I thought that kofags didnt have balls

download_20190816_005926 is best girl!

>relaxed armpits
What did they mean by this?

The armpits don't have to worry about getting fucked like exposed armpits, so they can relax.

Redpill me on crocs. I've never worn one and I don't understand why it's so bad.
Is it due to the exploitation of 3rd world slave labour?

Whatever fucking happened to the ex gf? KO is written but someone with adhd

She's a stepping stone for best girl chizuru

they receive all of the hate because they're abysmally ugly and anyone who says they're comfortable is lying. They're rubber sandals and they chaff like a motherfucker

Attached: JC_Chizuru.png (714x462, 228K)

Nothing, if she isn't on screen she doesn't exist.

>guy gets dumped and buys a whore
Is this good?

You should see a doctor, user. Combustible testicles isn't normal.

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>makes my balls explode

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>Paying an actress wannabe for pretend dating.
You tell me.

now I want to see her armpits

Where's the current girlfriend? I miss her.

You're having a hard time posting, aren't you?

Well duh, because that's what prostitutes do for a living.

I do read the manga, and I thought I would laugh at you for how hard of a time you seem to be having right now in terms of quoting people. Enjoy the bump.

This #

No, both the MC and girls are unlikable shits

I guess it was supposed to be relaxed shoulders, and the translators just wanted to horse around a bit.
Or maybe she's just not sweating that much when she's relaxed, but that kind of sounds a bit disgusting.
Also she still looks like her make up is top notch, so she can't be that relaxed.

Ruka? No idea. She hasn't appeared for the last few chapters.

Half the characters in this series haven't been relevant for over 50 chapters. It's a fucking mess.

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>Shorts description isn't "comfy, and easy to wear"

When it’s not relaxed she’s getting them cummed in by cocks.

Ruka deserves more chapters.

Try wearing socks or not having pussy ass baby skin, nigger
Extremely convenient, durable footwear for conditions where you have to put them on and off again all the time. I guess if you're a mutt barbarian who wears shoes indoors you wouldn't understand but they're great general purpose shoes for doing stuff around your back yard or if you're not going very far.

It's just a meme. They were cool to hate because they got insanely popular insanely fast among older and less fashion conscious segments of the population. Basically the sort of thing JCs love to hate.


>anime girl armpit sweat
you gay?

More than 2 million copies!

Ruka > Chizuru == Sumi > Mami


5 chapters was too much for me.

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Change Chorizo for Mami and it's perfect.

I like the fact that sick, dying old people are key parts of the story.

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