I've just dropped that shit. Boring stories and poor animation.
Cromartie High School
Good, now read the manga.
Do you want (You)s that badly?
no, I'm not a NPC to like everything because it has darker color palette, it's from before 2009 and is less known
ironically enough, that comment makes you look like an npc. it's not the animation or story people watch and love cromartie for.
cromartie is a well known anime, i'm not sure what you're talking about.
>not the animation or story
of course, it's because other brainlets say it's "cool" to sound cool
Cromartie isn't that good but it doesn't stop it from being essential viewing/reading.
I watched 10 eps and then dropped
just like Cromartie. But people like this shit anyway
>Cromartie isn't that good but it doesn't stop it from being essential viewing/reading.
Are you retarded?
Why is it good?
it's funny, dense faggot. you're probably a girl or were bullied at school if you don't understand it.
look, I know that hehe freddie, hehe gorilla and wololo delinquetts xDDD and OH MY GOD MECHAZAWA SOMETHING IS ODD ABOUT HIM
but there is no substance to this shitty 2 jokes """"comedy""""
have sex
Go back to watching family guy.
Clearly Japanese comedy isn't for you.
>you need to be delinquent to get a delinquent reference
jesus fucking christ you fucking retard
/r/ some cool Mechazawa HD wallpaper.
yea, I prefer funnier things but I do not forbid you watching it or anything
Haven't watched this show yet but it's near the top of my list, tell me more about why this is a unicorn dub > sub show
Dear mother...
Unironiclaly have sex. You sound like Elliot Rodger.
go back
Meant for
>looking for an animation in a comedy
fucking retard
>he doesn't like your otaku stuff
>tell him to have sex
clearly shoppenhauer or aristoteles' rules of discussion applied
there's no comedy and that's the problem
I'm telling you that you talk like Elliot Rodger. The fact that you immediately make the jump to me called you a virgin must mean you are one, and you just outed yourself.
So, have sex.
Oh wait, I did say Have Sex in my post.
You probably are a virgin though, since all your reaction images are moeshit.
>what is >implicitly
>what it means on Yea Forums
stop making excuses and discuss AD REM and not AD HOMINEM
watching shows about delinquents won't make you a tough guy, this is just an illusion and escapism nigger
Nobody gives a shit. Stop acting like a massive pussy and learn to fucking talk to people without being a bitch.
But that's not the point of Cromartie at all. It doesn't glorify delinquents, it's just a comedy anime that makes them look like retards if anything.
>Nobody gives a shit. Stop acting like a massive pussy and learn to fucking talk to people without being a bitch.
wrongful and irrelevant
>But that's not the point of Cromartie at all. It doesn't glorify delinquents, it's just a comedy anime that makes them look like retards if anything.
ironically, you are a retard, not sure if because of this anime, but it's not the point
>wrongful and irrelevant
You spouting "ad hominem" means nothing. It just showcases your antisocial tendencies.
>ironically, you are a retard, not sure if because of this anime, but it's not the point
Probably smarter than you. I'm just not a socially recluse moefag.
Go outside once in a while.
More proof that the pleb-filter system works!
>Probably smarter than you
nah, it just attracts some people who parrot other people and are too afraid of expressing their own opinion
Yea Forums, what happened?
how did it come to this?
why is Yea Forums almost behaving like Yea Forums?
and why do other boards as well?
why is the site I have good memories of dying so slowly?
because someone dislike your beloved anime?
or because people can't into arguments?
the latter, user.
for instance
>have sex
and more buzzwords after buzzwords.
it's like talking to somebody who instead of talking just shits his pants and throws up because of retardation.
I already filtered the asshurt faggots who come to this site wondering why so much anime exists while it's plain obvious.
Clearly I am since you either can't finish an image or can't save images to be transparent.
where does lelouche get such a fancy outfit? was it explained? did his memey ninja maid make it for him or something? I thought she wasn't let in on the secret until later?
People have been trying to get others mad on the internet since time immemorial. The language may be different, but the intent remains the same.
>posts nichijiou
>remains stupid
Dear Onii-sama...
there is a word for the comedy and its appreciable when you understand what it is, especially considering the noritsukkomi loses his bear costume. its a deconstruction of comedy! its genius
Oh, now it's a deconstruction all of a sudden!
That's how it is in America.
You still are required to read shit even if its bad.