Boku no Hero Academia

Why did Hori make him attractive?

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Other urls found in this thread:

why would he not
>niggerstream watermark

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So fujoshi could rub their twat to being impregnated by him.

I like daddy knuckles more.

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What do you find attractive specifically?

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I thought fujos hate him.

tumblrite fujos hate him (ree muh aboose)
the other ones don't

How canon are the novels?

I think it's a love-hate relationship.

Would they create the cutesy babies?

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They are glorified fanfiction, and have zero bearing on the characters or story whatsoever

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gimme spoilers or im gonna stab you

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He looks like Karl Urban.


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Hero Wash's lewd hoses!

literal fanfiction

It seems like we're getting another databook...

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Tumblr fujos despise him, its the twitter and jap ones are falling all over him, especially cause they ship him with Hawks
I do too

I don't know what the point of those databooks is.

Let's kill that auld might supacunt.

based femanon

Good taste

Well, the first one only covered shit from the first 70 chapters or so, it was going to happen one day.

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A man of culture

Databooks are for the fans that want more info about everything around the show (lore, characters, environment, etc) Kimetsu has one too.

Fags get out, Endeavour is exclusively for Rei


It was there that the prototype designs of certain characters were revealed, we may get more in the next volume.

do those get translated?

First one to suck my dick gets spoilers

i volunteer

Based and wholesomepilled.

Did you father rape your mother, user? That's not ok!

I like him with Rei too but she might prefer divorce desu

they're great

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I'm not gay but I'd let Hawks fuck me in the ass if I'm honest

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Back when FA were working on the series, they were trying to translate the character pages alongside the regular volume omake. Didn't really work out, so only a handful of pages from Ultra Archive were translated, mostly by one man teams.


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well that sucks

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>I'm not gay
that means you are a woman then

It’s Friday morning, where are this damn spoilers

It's only gay if you hold hands while kissu

>It’s Friday morning
back to your anthill, chink

the leakers got arrested. it seems like we will never get spoilers ever again

villain cummies in hero tummies!

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>gay clown

Attached: i seriously hope you fake heroes dont do this.png (500x375, 124K)

Wait fujos like Endeavor? I guess I hate him now

will the baby be a villain or a hero?

But aren't they blessed by Hori?

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Truth be told, you're not missing much. Having said that, the databook has been licensed in France and Italy, so it's not hard to find.

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My wife Chino.

will the Shiggy/Re-Destro fight finally be done this week?

Its already over, redestro dies

no powerlevel increase go home


Spoilers!! I need spoilers!!!!!!!!

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Endeavor is for brown bunny

My wife Chino is so cute

Eri's cunny

>gay clow
It's slightly more repulsive than regular clowns!

Attached: gay clow.jpg (1276x715, 119K)

Fujo doesn't mean female otaku. Yumejoshi that like otome are the ones that self-insert like that, although they might overlap with fujos sometimes since they are both subsets of female otaku and yumejoshi might homoship on the side too like some fujos self-insert but that isn't what a fujo is by definition.

Why would fujos hate him apart from those 'healthy ship' obsessed ones? Fujos ship male/male only; they would either not care or they'd just happily ship him with Hawks or some other guy.

I hate him because I don't like child and domestic abusers and especially ones with dumb ass reasons for being abusers rather than just because they're evil.

Pitch a neet girlfriend for Shiggy. What’s her quirk?

she can turn off his quirk like eraserhead so he can touch her


Sam Raimi will be in charge of the live action adaptation of MHA

It will take place in Germany 1944, It's a prequel about the greatest hero before All Might even existed

Patpat quirk: her patpats gives you an incredibly satisfaction and peace.

indestructible skin: her skin cannot be destroyed

now shiggy can slap her ass or choke her during sex with the full hand

digits cumfirm

Do you think the first spiderman movies are hori's favorite?


Kill yourself

Remember that one slime boy from ReDestro's commercial?
Shiggy needs a slime girl.

If only, i want to think there is some sort of nod but the times doesn't add up to made it plausible

in the sense of jump wants to sell them so they tell hori to say something vaguely nice about them they're blessed

Spoilets: Hori shits up another arc with an underwhelming finale.

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a true hero

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projection much

>Aren't those spoiler for HxH? Poor YN arc, you were too good for this world.

shiggy doesn't need a neet gf
he needs my strap


But can’t Shiggy control it better now? Besides he can just wear mittens durning sex

I hate you
Because you are probably right.

>Shiggy’s new girlfriend is just as unkept, bratty, and lazy as he is
>They’re on the couch playing Mario cart
>Shiggy loses
>”You’re fucking garbage, Tomoru”
>Shiggy decays her gameboy

Oh, I just noticed that AFO called quirks superpowers.

well he is very old
he probably grew up around now, so it's likely he was raised on marvel capeshit movies

5 minutes bros

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say that one more fucking time i dare you i fucking dare you

She would need a quirk that could counteract his decay tantrums
But all of those already exist in other characters.
Aizawa, Eri and Momo
I can't see one of them becoming his girlfriend.

So this is how DBZ fans felt

probably, Spiderman 2 is still my favorite cape-shit movie out there, it wouldn't be surprising


You can start shipping ShiggiEri to turn miriofag into a burning fireball

The last time people made those jokes with Bakugo he sperged out and shitposted all threads for a weak. I would rather not. He is calmed down now

Just think about how you make his heart attack closer with every post you make

Damn nigger you're obsessed

>The last time people made those jokes with Bakugo he sperged out and shitposted all threads for a weak.
Thats pretty week, especially for him.


I just noticed my typo you smug bastard.

Ah, yes, I'm obsessively make a miriofag joke once every month or so.

talk about rent free

And if he burns down JUMP offices we are to blame

Someone's easily triggered

The fact you even want to shitpost just to make him mad shows you're completely obsessed

>dude thread personality lmao
actually kill yourself

Attached: absolutely aizawa.png (259x336, 60K)

He's too fat to get to Japan. They wouldn't allow him to board the plane.

Have you never seen him pul the "obsessed" card? It might as well be his calling sign.

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Sleep Bubble. Can create an invincible protective bubble around the two of them but it causes them to cuddle up and go to sleep inside for the duration. Subjects wake up rested and slightly invincible after the bubble deflates over several hours.

Her quirk is that whatever she touches can’t be touched by anyone else. They phase right through it. She can undo this at any time
>”Give me back my Switch!”
>”Then take it, Tomoru”
>Shiggy autistically yelling as his hands ghost through his game

I was away for a while and missed his new symptoms.

Setsuna can both separate decayed body parts away from the whole and regenerate them, can't she?

Kill yourself nigger, I bet you'll falseflag as miriofag now.

Best father after Endeavor

i can be shiggy's neet gf

I bet you are Miriofag trying to expose others as Miriofag to disguise himself

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Post pics

That faggot lives rent free in your head. Stop it, get some help.

Basically I think he wants to get away from the Miriofag personality because the threads have turned against him once so whenever anyone even brings it up he spams shit about obsessed and how everyone should get over it already

It could also be the hater. He did say he wanted everyone to stop hating Miriofag so this could be all his doing. Just remember it is always the same guy

Yeah, he seems to be on his sperging episode again. Poor guy.

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That's just the cover of the first one. Post a source for your claims, dumb phoneposter

I just know tripfag is holding these spoilers hostage on purpose

Wait did she just let you eat her eggs?

Mirio is just a protector and friend for Eri and will remain such for as long as he lives. Now, tell us how this makes you feel.

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i'll draw kinoko lewds for spoilers

The more you lewd kinoko the slower the spoilers become

bad boy destroys, little girl cures

Hey, user, what's your favorite ship? Is it Koutaeri?

Attached: koutaeri.jpg (1024x1024, 113K)

well then what the fuck am i supposed to do for spoilers

Post more kotaeri

Explanation about what Boba Tea is

He's the best character, It wouldn't surprise me if Hori killed him off like the fucking dumbo he is.

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spoilers in 5 minutes

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Spread bags of spores into the wind

frog degenerates should be killed on sight

Wedded frog bliss!!!

Could you stop poking the resident autistic nest of wasps?
if you are talking to Miriofag then he can't help himself because he is actually retarded
if you are talking to the hatefag then he actually loves derailing threads and how shit they are when its all about Mirio and Eri

Why was a trip necessary for this post? To associate the contents with being subhuman?

Just so you know you can instantly ignore the post and not read it
I like that. I wish more of the cancerous people here would use a trip

Cute and canon, post more

What if I don't care and I just like wasps?

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Endeavor is a weird character. He's like if one of the Class C students worked really hard and finally made it, but realize they can't ever be Class A. Endeavor is really nothing compared to the current gen, how he even manages to hold Rank 2 is a mystery. Oh right, he's number one now.

Everyday until canon

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Shitposting aside, nothing. There's effectively nothing you can do to get spoilers earlier, and shitting up the thread won't change that.

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>Endeavor is really nothing compared to the current gen

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>There's effectively nothing you can do to get spoilers earlier
Sleep, work out, do something productive which usually "wastes" a lot of time

he holds it with pure chad power

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Reminder that ENDEAVOR SUCKS and if you got an Endeavor toy it just means you were too poor for anything else

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Koutaeri is the wasp killer spray

Bakugo is a kid and basically at the beginning and he would beat endeavor in every category.

How many children will kouta and Eri have?

Fuck you, I'm gonna be a villain now

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Shut up and slurp your goddamn soba, Shouto

whatever you say bakufujo

You seem like pretty fun wasp yourself. I'd poke you.

If you believe current Bakugo would beat Endeavor you might just be an obsessive Bakugo fan or an anime-only

Blame Hori not me
He is the biggest bakufujo

ten million babies

>Ahhhh what's that smell...
>The sweet spoilers...they sing to me...
>It's enough to make user sick...
>Fake spoilers all over the shop...
>You'll see one of them...sooner or later...

It really is a shame that Deku wasn't canonically paired to Tsuyu. It could have been the one to break shounen tropes. Plus, they're both green themed. But instead we got generic heroine Ochako.

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Goddamn Megasatan is an Endeavorfag

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Cute. How do you think they'll meet?

based megasatan

is the gun devil just going to be this guy?

Sausga miriofag liking crackships

How would that break shonen tropes?

Hey user, let me give you a high FIVE.

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I guess by not having the love interest be an Orihime or a Hinata.

>giving high five
Pick one.

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Froppy seems like an Hinata. He is autistic and didn't have friends
See if Froppy actually were the main girl she wouldn't stand out as a heroine or be anything special

Nah, it's gonna be the other dude.

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that picture is terrifying

Can't believe Hori made Spinner into a quality good boy™..

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Pretty much this, having a heroine that stands out more like Tsuyu, considering she's in a world about heroes and those with other non-human looks. And not looking generic like Ochako.

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Someone saved my edit. How sweet!

Why did you have to do that ?

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All Might would never slander Endeavor like this

Froppy definitely would have stand out a lot more. Plus there's that tongue.

Can't wait for these two to meet and fall in love

It's my favorite edit.
This one is a close second.

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>Froppy definitely would have stand out a lot more.
How? When I first saw BnHA I thought she was the heroine and I didn't loose my mind that such a generic girl could be the heroine.

It's what Overhaul sees in his nightmares.

>Think of your favourite power from any other anime
>you end up isekai'd into bnha world with it as your quirk
how does it go?

They're little kids, I just want them to play games

It actually inspired me to make the Eri one. I'm glad someone enjoys it that much.


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I reject this

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What would overhaul think of Kota?
Childhood friends falling in love is too pure not to want it

How do you go from being All Might's sidekick to a creep like this

but they're not childhood friends

>tfw she's out of a job now that Nighteye is gone

They will be

Not that well, but I'm really OP when someone stands between a door and a wall and can be easily replaced if killed by a fatter version of myself.

>imagine breaker from touma
fucking imagine

Attached: touMAN.jpg (225x350, 35K)

Hori didn't even have them meet.

you get fired from being all might's sidekick by being a creep like that

We’re not getting spoilers are we.

That is just worse aizawa.

Because there's something greater for them in store and it will be beautiful. Trust me on this.

it would be interesting, to say the least

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What's really impressive is that no one else has got spoilers either.

Whats the point of Spinner anyway?

>tfw she runs tickle hell for centipeder now

is that a nomu

>Killer queen
it just works

Probably not anything meaningful except for Deku having a special moment seeing his fans/rescued children come together. This series won't last long enough for them to even become old enough to have those kinds of feelings.


Basically Endeavor except powered by energy from Willpower.

If you don't like koutaeri you're probably

>you dont even know how his powers work

Kota and Eri will definitely have a child together and name it deku or izuku.

At this point I’m wondering if we’re going to get the chapter tomorrow or not

you don't know how aizawa works.

Isn’t shipping kids pedo?

Cope. Kids can have all sorts of feeling for each other, including love. All they have to do is meet and I can confirm it will be love at first sight.

Sure if we get a sequel series or a really far-off epilogue panorama, Digimon 02 style

Wow KotaErifags are now worse than Miriofag ever was.

The who leaks stuff got caught. We for sure we will have to wait for Viz shit on Sunday. Jamini and Niggerstream won't risk their dealer this week.

Some sort of parallel/contrast to Shiggy, I guess.

isn't that deku already?

Can't unsee. Also where the fuck is out bnha live action trailer? It's been 9 months since the announcement and seeing this guy made me think about a Vigs live action.

Attached: Bob.jpg (2280x1080, 563K)

it's the same person

Not if both are underage, about the same age and the lewdest thing they do is hold hands.
I'm glad you see it.
don't cry miriofag

I know it isn't.

>look into eyes
>superhuman abilities nullified
its not that hard

touma's ability is more like pure bad luck to the enemy

Megabased Raimi strikes again.

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there is no room for love in shiggy's vision for we live in a society

It's not like you can only have one character contrast another. Besides, the way they interact with him is different.


Aizawa doesnt have to look into your eyes, just look at you in general.

Best intro and best part of the intro

t. Miriofag

toga makes everything worse

There are multiple characters who are parallels and contrasts to other characters, particularly Deku. Deku's childhood is contrasted and likened in different ways to Bakugo's, Shoto's, Shigaraki's, and even Kota's.


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Because we need more thick sexy DILFs

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Can’t believe China took all of Hong Kong just we can’t have our east earth etchings early. RIP Ching Kong leaker

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>tfw no froGF
why even live?

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Lol more like no gf to begin with. Do you know where you are?

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Post the best MHA art you have, and publicly apologize to the thread if the first thing you thought of was the picture of Shoto grabbing Endeavor's balls

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Hero Wash's lewd hoses!

you have to go back

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i'm sorry thread

Politely fuck off.

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Its paired with baku so the color theme is respected being both green, orange and black

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I'm sorry, thread

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>___ ____ __ ____, ________?

Attached: CUM ONE MIL TIMES INSIDE.png (1280x720, 567K)

It is okay miriofag, someday you'll get over your crackship and this content won't bother you so much.

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It’s so small miriosan.

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>I should kill myself, right?
Last one. Save it, it is very cute.

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The news going around is that leakers have been getting arrested. One reason is the large profit they make from people visiting their sites. It has happened before.
Typhoon Krosa also hit Japan and may have delayed store shipments.


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spoilers.....oh my god....please i..i NEED THEM

>dont worry eri-chan, its because only the head is peeking from your chest, the rest is glitched inside you

Kota is a lucky guy

IBM from Ajin.

That's King Crimson, you numpty.

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>tfw I realized mirio only have to move his pelvis forward and activate/deactivate his quirk in order to have sex
>insert penis
>activate/deactivate quirk
>penis out tiny vagana

Okay seriously where the fuck the spoilers at?

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>implying the average jojofag has the IQ to understand their own verses abilities.

he can also thrust at your tummy and cum directly inside your womb

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perfect, he can cum inside eri and she would still be virgin :D

Can tamaki manifest one?

exactly, they can have sex before marriage and still break her hymen on the wedding night

no, he can't

Literally 1 person. Hide, ignore, report.

Attached: miriofag outed as a samefag after 100 posts get deleted.png (1588x3647, 1.27M)

just ignore him guys, he'll get tired.

Yeah! No crime, no jail! Sadly he lost his quirk before he could do that.

I think so, but he couldn't get pregnant by humans.


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Post koutaeri in the meantime

One Piece Leaker got arrested, every other leaker is laying low now


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She's 6 you sicko

once told me

I still don't know what he meant by this. It will haunt me every time I think if it.


you mean, she's ALREADY six

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The cuteness... is too much for me...

God I wish that were me.

Blame the guy that mentioned it

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why would you want to be drawn that badly though

It really is the best

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what bnha character have the biggest dick? who have the smallet?

>the nipples

>Still no spoilers

biggest dick = shigaraki
smallest dick = mineta

Mirio has the smallest, definitely

Mineta or Deku

The Future looks good.

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the principal

Can I request a picture of Kota and Eri with their baby deku?

ALL MIGHT and all might

deku has the biggest
the smallest is probably bakugou, or maybe the noumus with their steroid wangs

just. fucking. imagine

and I am not even a dekufag, its just because it makes sense if you think logically *hits pipe*

absolute degeneracy

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Disgusting mutants

Sato obviously has the biggest dick

No bakugo should be above average. He is gifted
The joke with deku should be that if hard Deku is slightly bigger.

oh god giga's dick... tempting

Isn't that guy gay though

Let's see your drawing.

bakugou has the smallest dick in 1A
even mineta packs more than him

Attached: Bakudick.png (308x366, 50K)

It is literally one mentally ill guy

no, the joke is that he is gifted in everything but... his SINEP

Let's not go THAT far

deku is something like 11 inches, 13 with OfA activated

How well endowed will Kota be when he grows up?

Wash has the largest dick

You should be more concerned about how much liquid comes out

but going that far is what makes it funny
he's the best at everything
but he's hung like a church mouse

wash has no penis
just a groinal socket to which he can attach different devices

>A1 class
bakugo has a small and feminine penis
deku has an average penis for a japanese
mineta's is slightly smaller than deku, but bigger than bakugo's
the animal lover fag has the biggest
the rest is average

Wash has a large hose dick

He'd perform so well

kouda's dick is tiny
deku's is the biggest, with shouji's being a close second

criminal that it didn't get more episodes

Actually shouldn't bakugo have a huge dick but come instantly? That is sort of extrapolating their personalities to their dicks.

Mirio has a 2 inch dick.

nah, he's angry all the time despite being handsome, strong, intelligent, having a good family and having friends
the only possible reason left is that his penis is microscopic

Are you ready for loli backpack?

Attached: DtFwcHOV4AAHxBX.jpg (569x665, 80K)

Deku has a mighty 12 incher (13 if he's using OfA) and Mineta and Bakugou have the smallest.

>Are you ready for loli backpack?
That and seeing her smile at Deku

I'm ready for loli suffering


now that's a bot

2hu hijack is not to be underestimated.

Pick one and only one

Attached: Pizza.jpg (900x900, 133K)

cute kitty boy

Post cute wholesome pictures of Eri

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Hawks because I bet he is fast at delivery

Hawks is the correct answer

Nah, you all are forgetting that Bakugou is confident enough in his penis that he just lets it hang lose in front of all the other guys at the hot spring. That's some big dick energy right there.

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I like you, you're the only good Erifag

>Deku being haunted by a cute ghost!

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Mt Lady

based Kiriminabro

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Why did Mineta want to see what his 6/10 at max classmates look like beyond the wall? He already saw Mt Lady who was 10/10 anyways.

>big dick energy
go back

Mirio does the same and we all know his dick is microscopic tho

Looks like a peepee

Boku no spoilers.

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Why is Kaminari so attracted to Ojiro's tail?

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Tails are super cute

The dialogue bubble says other thing you know

>this picture again
We've been over this a hundred times already. He's talking to and clearly looking at Mineta.

but he's looking at mineta

That is basically a husband you retard kek

Tbh the delayed leaks can be blamed on some poor schmuck getting arrested (probably) and typhoon Krosa fucking up distribution yesterday

No, Tsuyu is a disgusting mutant.

Judging the Jiros reaction it probably wasn't

Jiro blushes over anything

it's because BnHA is shit and not worth leaking

Except when Kouda carried her in his arms

by having a direct and blunt love interest would be pretty out of the ordinary

What the fuck is a Kouda

No, Deku is chatting with mineta while looking at Bakugo. Kirishima is the one who is looking at mineta.

Poor Kouda.

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Is this post, dare I say, based?

and except when kouda complimented her

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He is using romaji instead of the correct and canon Japanese spelling or the correct and canon English spelling because manga fandoms have evolved in a way that doesn't account for manga authors who write their own desired translations out for their characters' names. Thread OPs even autistically use "boku no" like they don't know what it means by now for a manga that literally puts the title in plain English on the original Japanese logo. These people have no idea how to handle it.

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t. got told to go back after making a "my hero academia" thread

Class A only.
Biggest dicks.
Pretty big

One Piece hasn't been leaked ether


>Jirou was blushing before
>Kouda speaks to her and she stops blushing
Oof. When is Kouda gonna just snap and use his quirk to make Jirou fuck him?


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I'll apologize for nothing.

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Deku just for gap moe sake

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Yes I’m hori’s dentist, can confirm

Imagine breaker wouldn't do shit against quirks tho?

Deku is literally perfect

Mina had the biggest dick.

Any good doujins from comiket?

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Only when he is bleeding and roughed up.

No also when he’s clean and cute

does this mean the hue scans will be delayed too?

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All of Tsuyu's family has frog quirks, so their child would be some poor green haired frog monstrosity, or a quirkless freak.

gap moe is brilliant

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the la brava one

Yes, very.

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Why is the frog sad?

>actually believing fujo delusions

Endeavor is the strongest, jeanist, aizawa etc are far beyond him. And even Hawk lack his power
Right now
All might >>>>> endeavor >>>>>> the others

>underestimating best jeanist
read vigilantes

what happens in it

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> Mineta: what i'm after is beyond the wall
> Deku: What are you talking about? Baku's dick is right here
Kaminari is looking at mineta

She stood up for what she believed a hero should be and regretted it

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she's a retarded lawfag

Shindo is the biggest, Monoma is the smallest

Eri the psycho onee-san and kota the addict

And they make the best couple

Read the anime

It's the third best? i can get he is strong, but endovear and hawk are better, and endovear far better, he was the not only the one who still tried to compete with All mighty but even becoming the second best.

I'm suprised his abiliity to communicate with animals doesn't work on humans either, since we are technically still animals.

Daily reminder that BNHA fags are pathetic,pimpled, fat, short, depressed bullying victims who wish somebody gave them superpowers to take down their bullies

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masturbation and vanilla sex

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I don't watch mangas.


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I love Smash's Deku

you're a bully

I mean, he barely ever speaks.
And when he does, he seems to speak really awkwardly and doesn't use any commands.
Maybe he can control people and is just super careful not to.

butt shelf

Although this is a painful wait, having the text spoilers come long before the image leaks sucks all the life out of the chapters.

I miss the days in the JT arc where a dude would post and translate new pages in order.

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Kek gayshima kek

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is that thing on her back the most stupid thing hori has ever designed?

We still usually get that with the brazil scans. But those normally are out in like 5-6 hours.

best jeanist can beat just about anyone with enough prep, because he's capable of controlling the fibres in cables used in the construction of suspension bridges

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with gentle?

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a few of his colour schemes come to mind as worse, but no shape is worse

if there are no spoilers unless the dj of this month will arrive

Kek shigayraki kek

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Is La Brava's height a mutation connected to her quirk?

That would be Kacchan.

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Tsuyu counseled Deku, Kirishima, and the others NOT to go to Kamino following Momo's signal device, pointing out that breaking the law was what villains did. She was stunned when she found out later they had, and terrified that standing up for what she knew to be right and the harshness of her words might have cost her her new friends (Tsuyu, we found out in an omake, only made one friend, snake headed Mongoose, during middle sschool; mainly because they were both outcasts). She's crying tears of sadness and relief and joy as they all crowd around her assuring her that no, they ARE still all friends and will continue to support one another.

haha nice pun fag
now stop posting

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Would have been cuter if la brava was older tbqh

I can't believe Tsuyu raped Deku while she dressed like Griffith

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That's cute, I like her.

Wow Kota and Eri's child sure is cute

>not liking a solid age gap
look at this pleb

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We've never seen her parents. They all may be short.

Some qt redhead 9/10 otaku girl saw me drawing Re Destro on the bus, she wasn't discreet at all staring at the drawing and then at my face but I never looked at her. She was probably thinking that I was drawing a self-insert character and comparing our noses. But then she out of nowhere leaned her head against my shoulder for a good 10 minutes and I couldn't say a word, I just tried to think she fell asleep on the spot but it was obvious she was awake since she followed me after I tried to give her a little more space. After those 10 minutes her stop came, she calmly readied her backpack, stood up smiling and left the bus. And now I'm heart broken.

But Re Destro almost got me laid today. So I better fucking hope he survives this arc. I'll keep drawing him on the bus if that attracts qties.

Kacchan isn't gay, he just goes with whatever his boyfriend wants to do

Four years is cute.
10 years is excessive.


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She's 21. Gentle's 32. They're both legal.

Me on the right

Some qt redhead 9/10 otaku girl saw me drawing Bakugo on the bus, she wasn't discreet at all staring at the drawing and then at my face but I never looked at her. She was probably thinking that I was drawing a self-insert character and comparing our noses. But then she out of nowhere leaned her head against my shoulder for a good 10 minutes and I couldn't say a word, I just tried to think she fell asleep on the spot but it was obvious she was awake since she followed me after I tried to give her a little more space. After those 10 minutes her stop came, she calmly readied her backpack, stood up smiling and left the bus. And now I'm heart broken.

But Bakugo almost got me laid today. So I better fucking hope he survives this arc. I'll keep drawing him on the bus if that attracts qties.

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I cant see how he can beat all mighty with steel cable who is superman, or endeavor who can just melt them, may be he can beat hawk

like I said
>just about anyone
not all might
he might be able to beat endeavour, since those things are rather heat resistant, plus he has his ability to control clothes with that too

they both are desu

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Best Jeanist could beat literally anyone if he advances his quirk enough to control muscle fibers.

How powerful is Toga?
Is her potential limitless like Deku or Eijiro?

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>Kaminari please I need to sit next to Bakugo.

It really depends on how quickly can Best Jeanist pull off a lethal move. I think it's like Sero vs Shoto. One thing is wrapping the enemy with your net, but Endeavor can probably retaliate with a supernova faster than Best Jeanist can KO him.

Hawks too doesn't care about being immobilized and his psychic feathers are the fastest and most versatile attack we've seen in the manga

I was joking, because Kouda is irrelevant.



toga is basically the strongest character in the manga cause she gets to marry the cutest boy

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You're just a jealous Shiggyfag

Kek, great find user.

user is that you?

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Dear lord, that nose is a more dangerous weapon than Stains pointy chin.

Wait, isn't that one of Gigantomachia's quirks? Is the bald guy Gigantomachia?

What the hell, yes that's me, you guessed right. I'll show it later, it isn't finished. But I might just get depressed if he actually dies in the spoilers

Be strong

I wish one punch man pumped out content this fast. Its one of 4 anime I like, and all we get is like one chapter every 30 days and the web comic every 3 months

Toga can imitate anyone she has blood from, for as long as the blood lasts. She can also use their quirks, if she knows how to trigger them AND if they don't require accumulated power. She can't use OfA or Eri's Rewind quirk. And if Endeavor actually is storing in his body all the heat he generates and has accumulated, then she wouldn't be able to use that. She could use his heat as it's generated, but not the 'let it ALL out' blast of a Prominence Burn.

I don't think Twice is a boy any longer...

twice can't be the cutest boy because he's the ugliest man

Does anyone else think Endeavor was just being a bitch talking about the insurmountable gap between All Might and him?
Or is this a One Piece timeskip situation where old fights aren't as impressive as later ones but the old characters are supposed to be stronger? (Marineford.. Whitebeard being the strongest pirate...)
After the High-End fight I can see Endeavor tanking at least 5 OFA punches and fighting back, and I really don't imagine All Might being able to face-tank his fire blasts. If Endeavor turned evil, it'd have been at least low-mid diff for All Might, which doesn't make Enji look bad at all.

Any spoiler?

i think we're shit out of luck


>derive DNA sample from dead historical figures
>produce blood cells from them
>Toga can now be Abraham Lincoln and king Tut
>makes a killing doing birthday parties

Quirks are used.

spoilers in...

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Can anyone post that comic of Eri watching the lion king?

Muhammad(pbuh) married Aisha when she was that age, so it's alright.

Hey, not the girl you were talking about but you two should definitely try to talk a bit more, she clearly liked the drawing to "steal" it from you.

Spoiler providers gotta have some issues, generally none out. One Piece also just got 3 lines.

>miriofags are goat fuckers

>Ujiko gives Toga AFO's blood
>Can't use his stored quirks, obviously
>[spoilers]She can still steal and give quirks as long as she can mantain her transformation[/spoilers]

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She was 9 and they didn’t consummate.

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No, she was six and they conssumated when she was nine. He waited 3 years and that is so fucked up not even muslims like to think about it

>He waited 3 years and that is so fucked up not even muslims like to think about it
Yeah, imagine being blue balled for 3 years

Kaguya chapter is out on baidu so we might get scans soon

no, giganto doesn't have spike power

Ibara: "May the flames of Hell absolve you of your sins, user."

stop giving us hope

That is why you don't marry literal children you sicko

Depends on who you believe. It’s never mentioned in the Quran and most Muslims don’t really pay attention to the hadiths. Some say 9, 6, some say 13. Which in those days was normal.
Not Muslim or defending this I’m just sayin

No really, we should get ours in mere moments. Like, five minutes tops.

No all might in his prime was probably more fearsome of the one we saw in the manga and may be the reason of endeavor's frustration, he wanted to surpass him in his prime where he had no time limit, not surpassing him because all might is sick

it really depend from the age of the two
10 age gap
20 10 you are a pedo
40 30 its ok

What did JP mean by this?

Your voice is so feminine
How long have you been imbibing onions products?

She was never mentioned in the quran either, not by name. So if you believe in Aisha, you believe in the hadiths where she herself narrated she was six. Muslims are desperate to show their prophet as a good man but he was a terrible pedo.

I think la brava and gentle are creepy because I think they met when she was 15, so still a child.

Kaguya is not jump you dumbass nigger

Some scanners just got arrested

Updated news?

I cant tell if this is a crack at Jordan Peterson or you actually are unaware that it's an audio fake.

Why are you still living?

Or if you do, don't wait

imagine being so retarded that you can't understand what a tripcode is for
neck yourself

This one is pretty good.

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Deku. Never forget.

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who the fuck is jordan peterson and what is his relevance to this japanese comic book

I understand your point while is creepy it can be less creepy if both of them had romance with other ppl who were their age before falling for each other

A man who tells young men to clean their rooms, which for some reason makes him a nazi. I can only assume he's being brought up as a shitpost/derail attempt, which should be ignored.