5Toubun no Hanayome

My wife Eatsuki is so cute...

Attached: eatsuki cake.jpg (1000x1415, 279K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Fuu-kuns wife Nino is cuter

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>doesn't retweet everything
>retweets twitter.com/5Hanayome_anime/status/1160717998342062080
>included is pbs.twimg.com/media/EBuy29rX4AIvzsD.jpg
>all posters and pillows sold out
>Yotsuba sold the most because her button also sold out
Welp I guess this settles the Nino vs Miku fight from the last thread.

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Itsuki pillows were the first item to sell out first tho.

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I just finished watching the anime and was wondering if someone could explain why it's so obvious that Miku is the bride?

so if I go there and buy the whole stock of 5's merch it will mean that she's the most popular?

A thousand internet points to the user tha can find high quality pictures of these

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Why did you faggots have to go along and ruin a light hearted harem like this with that disgusting provocative slop. Fuckin virgins

Ichika a best
Nino a second best
Yotsuba a third best
Meeku a shit!!!

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Leave Zetsuba and despairchads to me, I'll show them the true way of hope!!

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>Yotsubakek posting on /d2g/

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Why no new chapter?



>yfw your falseflag shitposts hit two quints at the same time
>meanwhile your True Quint waifu remains comfy and safe
Feels so good man

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>being such a huge coward
your waifu must be proud

Ichika for being a famous actress, followed by Nino, because she has the best English among quints.

I do it so my quintfu won't get shitposted on these 24/7 cancer threadsAnd most of the time I succeed fufufu

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>ninofags delete their own BBC post after getting some yous

she would be so proud of your work

They are pathetic

it's been pretty much 30mins since he made that post kek

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Based! inbefore
> muh falseflag

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She can't help but steal yotsuba's bowl right under her nose.

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Confess your sins, Toubunfriends.
>You get accused as a falseflagger; he's right! But he guesses the your true quintfu wrong kek

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It hurts to cut her ahoges. I don't enjoy doing it.

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Is there going to be a new chapter this week, or is the break still going?

>Itsuki and Nino holding arms
>Yotsuba and Itsuki sharing a drink
>Ichika wrapping her arm around Yotsuba
>Meanwhile Miku just pretends to be included in the group

I'm going to teach you a secret to avoid all the shitpost coming from Mikufags and Ninofags.
Close the thread.
Bye losers

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I want to see Yotsuba's panties

Mikufags already do that since they're smart, Ninofags are the ones shitposting.

Sure thing sweety.

Just ignore reality like you ignore the manga

Next week

All of these arguments about merch sales when we should be discussing why derpy Yotsuba got stuck in a tree--and where Ichika and Nino are.

no no no this can't be happening

>and where Ichika and Nino are
Having sex with me

>I just finished watching the anime
good now read the manga it's could explain why it's so obvious that Miku is not the bride?

>>Meanwhile Miku just pretends to be included in the group
Mikufags are Blind?Her head is resting on Ichika's shoulder.They are forever connected.

It's funny that Miku is always needed
"support" from her sisters
>Her character needs to be against her sisters because alone she is unless character

which quint likes onions?


Itsuki likes soimilk

wtf is this? i posted onions not onions

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Its strange Istuki is cosplaying as nino, Bet those clothes got stretched though.

Hello newfag

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Will Ninofags cease attacking Miku every few minutes for no reason other than to make themselves feel better? Please

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Cute butt.

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Stupid sexy Yotsuba

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>Ninofag artist quit drawing Nino to focus on the real contenders
Absolutely hilarious

yotsubest ass

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They are fucking shipjumpers

They can't help themselves , they are driven mad by her irrelevance

>97 chapters

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nino a shit

They aren't important.


>being friendzoned is a good thing
The state of Ninodelusion

>97 chapters

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>I reject reality and substitute it with mine!

Yotsuba stuck in tree in a public park doujin when?

Isn't that a prerogative of mikufags?

But it's canon?

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Fuutarou discovering Miku with Love and him always taking her feelings into consideration is the current reality. Not your delusion

All quint threads are identical and boring. Post good fanart instead.

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Fuutarou discovered Yotsuba too with love.

Don't drop a fact bomb on them, they'll start to falseflag now

Different thing entirely, also the manga didn't present it as a important deal

It's sad that's the only thing Mikufags have going for them

>everything that's not related to Miku isn't important.

He also loves to hang out with Miku and she always helps him, try harder

Nice headcanons.

Different user but that's kinda true, she gets the most development and important scenes the others feel like addons

What are you even arguing about.

>she always helps him
That's Yotsuba. Miku is like a statue, she stays there and doesn't do anything besides being cute.

I accept your defeat.

>she gets the most development and important scenes the others feel like addons
How to spot a speedreading waifufag 101

You earned it, arguing against made up things is too difficult for me.

Dude. Why do you even try.

You mean the Yotsuba that left him freezing out of a lake in winter? The same Yotsuba that always fucks up his trips?

How you ignore Miku helping Fuutarou with Ichika a few chapters ago

Defeat accepted. Take it like a man next time

> Itsuki sold out first
> Next was Nino and Miku.
> 3rd was Yotsuba.
> Keep spamming "our girl" sold first
Jesus fucking Christ, 4fags are shit and delusional like 2/3fags now.

> spamming x chapters meme
Stop. 4/5fags. You guys make yourself more and more like 2/3fags shitposters.

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>If Miku character doesn't exist it's would be the same
Negi uses Miku only because some empty panels
>aka fanservice panels
But her character is unless for this story

>How you ignore Miku helping Fuutarou with Ichika a few chapters ago
She helps only her selfish ugly ass.
Ichika drama was not her priority!!

Way to out yourself as a speedreader. The whole point of the Rena stunt was because she wanted him to move on. Having her get involved again would make the whole thing pointless, but you're probably one of those that took even Nino's "drugging" of Fuutarou seriously without realizing that it's just a plot point the same way Yotsuba not helping him was a plot device necessary for him to look miserable enough to make Nino feel pity and thus progressing the story.
>Miku helping Fuutarou.
That's one of the only two times she ever helped Fuutarou. The first being when she talked with Nino and then this. Very minimal things compared to what the other sisters have done.

that's called selective thinking, you can apply that on any of the quints as this manga is not character driven

Remove Yotsuba and you don't have the current Fuutarou. Miku is just that much of a secondary character.

remove Miku and you wouldn't have the current Fuutarou as well

*tips fedora*

Reminder Fuutarou is a massive gold digger and will only marry the most loaded quint.

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Not true in the slightest. Remove Miku and nothing would change since her role of being an orbiter chasing her love interest is already filled by Nino.

if you remove Miku Fuutarou would just give up on trying to tutor them as nobody would have accepted him, she set the whole thing in motion

Lolno. The first to show him support and actively help him by trying to convince her sisters was Yotsuba.

the only reason why Nino even fall for Fuutarou is because Miku accepted him as the tutor and then they had that fight that led to Nino leaving the house and then falling for Fuutarou

>defending drugging people
>defending leaving people to die from hypothermia

She's called eat suki because suki means like and she likes to eat.

Yotsuba trust literally anyone her word doesn't have any weight at all as she's a doormat that can't say no. The sisters know that she can't say no so Miku's dicision to accept him had way more impact on the other quints

By that same logic the only reason why Miku falls in love is because Yotsuba accepted him first. Your reasoning is completely retarded and doesn't disprove my point.

Hahahahaha. You should stop jamming your headcanons into the story and reread it, paying attention to the lolikano backstory and the first 30 chapters.
You're trying to twist Yotsuba personality of being genki into something she isn't.

where is that the same logic? remove Miku and Fuutarou gives up early on, remove Miku and Nino doesn't fall for Fuutarou

she couldn't even say no to that retarded basketball team drama and 2 of her sisters had to do that for her kek

i gonna rape Raiha as interest of her father's loan

>How you ignore Miku helping Fuutarou with Ichika a few chapters ago
Don't try to reason with them. DO.NOT. If you haven't noticed, no matter what Miku does, she is always treated as she is Satan. There was a fag I argued about 7GB. Ichika and Miku are trying to get the girls together, solve their issues. Miku is tasked to bring Nino back, while F, Ichika, and Itsuki are there to handle Yots and the track team. The fag kept arguing with me that Miku only cared because of F, when she was talking with Ichika about the plan, without F being in sight. But no, whatever she does, they try to shoehorn F as the reason. Let them be. Have your sight only on the cute fanarts. It's healthier that way.

>remove Miku and Fuutarou gives up early on
Nope, he has Yotsuba's support. Since Miku accepted him in chapter 3 and fell for him she didn't do anything to help him beside habing catfights with Nino, which led to her running away. With your logic it's actually thanks to Itsuki and Yotsuba doing their thing (slap and Rena thing) that Fuutarou was able to convince Nino to join.

Reread chapter 13.

>he has Yotsuba's support
nobody cares what Yotsuba thinks

>Since Miku accepted him in chapter 3
set literally other 3 quints in motion and made them think instead of rejecting him immediatly

> With your logic it's actually thanks to Itsuki and Yotsuba doing their thing
Miku was pressuring Nino to apologize which made Nino look even worse until Itski slapped her

>INB4 NYEEEH it doesn't count

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>let's ignore everything that doesn't fit my narrative and give weight to the things *I* think are important!
I accept your defeat.

Oh shit, you remind me i can actually use my 5toubun folder instead of my EternalEnvy ones, thanks user

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Kek, I knew
Would happen again

>miku was helpful by being the first to gt out of the way

Maruo wins, quints BTFO

Why are you coping so hard?

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Is saying "cope" the only thing you have left? Pretty sad.

just thought about it what did Nino accomplish again? She was resposible for every annoying drama chapter what else? First the fight with Miku and Itski and then she made Ichika go bitchmode


Careful with the salt, user. It's bad for your heart.

Trips of truth

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Does anyone have the ex link of the latest miku doujin? I think someone posted it yesterday.

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>the girls that sold out first were because they had the least stock to begin with because they're less popular

This is gonna be a short presentation if he's gone a post all panels of Fuutarou talking to Miku.

>tfw scans never ever because it was given as a bonus only at the event.

Are we finally getting a doujin with good art?

Fuck no, can't believe it Mikufags actually being this delusional. Yotsuba would still accept him on the first day. Ichika's first drama still gonna happen and she would accept him too as per canon. Eventually with Ichika and Yotsuba keep persuading Itsuki, 5 would end up accepting F too. Also it was actually 1 who told F to go after 5. 7gb still gonna happen but this time Ichika taking Miku's role for persuading Nino. 1 arguably would have easier time than 3 since 2 likely to listen 1 over 3.

There you go, everyone would still accept F even without 3 being there.

so he got about $235 every day that he's been tutoring, so how is he still poor af?

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I think there are two Nino doujins that are event bonuses only.
Why are Japs such kikes? Why is porn I want limited edition shit?

Ask and ye shall receive fellow mikubro.

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Kek, based!!

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Bankrupt restaurant/diner/shop/whatever it was isn't cheap. You'd normally pay off that debt for a few decades.

Miku and old man dick is a pair made in heaven. Hopefully we'll get some NinoxMaruo soon

Dem thighs


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>share love
hack author confirmed

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Negi confirmed there won't be an harem end thankfully.


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I need it

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Just finished reading it, did Ichika give up on the harem bowl or what?
She didnt seem that interested during the pool chapter

bitch is out

nino a shit


Too much yoghurt, Fuu-kun...

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*spits out tooth, then some blood*
*wipes blood away from lip*
*wipes sweat away from brow with shoulder*
*deep breaths*
*points boxing glove toward you*
It ain't over 'til it's over. Put 'em up.


it's over, lowlife

They'll learn how to make creampies together.

Fine butt.
This one won't disappoint.

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yotsu is as delusional as her fans

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She's starting to look like Kashima

Full scans where?

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Im looking at the yotsuba chapters near water and i cant find this panel. Which chapter is it from?

Ch 86.

Chapter 86 I think

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>Miku does the bride hands again
oh nonononono

It was added in the volume release.


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Vol10 release

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If you're willing to drop the costs to go to japan, line up in their humid summer sun to get into comiket, line up again for the 5TnH booth while disregarding others, and then drop 6figs to to empty out their 2500+ stock of their $120 pillows.

Then they'd probably tell you it's limit 5 per person.

>That Yotsubass

p.s. Leave Miku to me

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>> Itsuki sold out first
>> Next was Nino and Miku.
>> 3rd was Yotsuba.
> 3rd

Paying debts likely to do with their family business or more likely his dead mom.

>showing shoulders
Not sure if it's Ichika in disguise or Miku just more slutty now.

Typo. But I'm very annoyed by 4fags because of spamming their bullshit.

So which quint is most likely to have lesbian incest sex with her sister?

I say Nino.

Attached: nino smug lewd.png (632x652, 809K)

Ichika. Her giving the toothbrush to Yotsuba was something else.

Miku has never been not slutty
t. old men

Am I a shipjumper if I didnt like any of the girls until I reread the manga from Yotsuba's perspective? Until then, I thought 2 and 3 were boring orbiters and 4 and 5 were mascots and 1 was a snek.

You're just a subhuman with shit taste for not liking all the quints


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Negi wants time with his comiket material.

Also a good week to break since more 11 otakus will be at comiket and not complaining about no chapter like us.

But he still draws Nino. I'm not sure what you mean.

You sound upset.
4 did sell out the most items though.

Attached: miku u mad.jpg (511x521, 136K)

>97 chapters

But Raiha is a bigger gold digger than him.

Ichicute! Wink wink

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The Nakano sisters are nothing more than a bunch a sluts that steals eachothers crushes.

I wanna have a sixsome with the quints

My girl lurkin while the other quints blow their loads too early.

428 has so much shit left to resolve, is the true first girl, has the "find what you want" flag, and has the purest truest love. Negi be teasing it out so it isn't glaringly obvious

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> image show all of them were outsold
> still say '4 did sell out the most items though.'
I really hate 2/3fags because of their bullshit but thanks for people like you guys make me hate 4fags more than 2/3fags now.
Damn, I never think 4 past chapters have very bad effect to make 4bros like this. They became shit after fucking 4 chapters.

Negi is a fucking Idiot!!
Instead of wasting ink drawing irrelevant characters (i.e. Miku, Yotsuba and Itsuki) he should be making more panels of NIno.

stop it, Ichibro

your post remembered me of all the Onoderafags before she lost

MIku is just there to appeal kissless virgins and mentally retardes people. All of them should get in line and become practice targets for guys that plans to do school shootings so they can achieve higher scores.

Yeah so much for those retards who thought her character arc was over and she'd "effortlessly moved on from the past". Looking at you Itsuki

>fear the strong

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This level of retardation is beyond salvation. Yotsuba would have helped Fuutarou to convince the Nakano to study with Him. Everything would be nearly the same story and even more interesting. Ichika would've disguised as NIno instead of the doormat.

>Looking at you Itsuki
Itsuki is a big dummy.

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Everyone who was ever remotely in doubt about Chitoge winning was impossibly retarded.

Also Nisekoi is shit.

This is totally different and Yotsuba is about 100 times more complex and interesting than Onodera. Hell, imoutodera was like the only semi-interesting girl

>fear the strong

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Thats nice, Incest = wincest....


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Why is Ichika so much more attractive than her sisters?

People keep talking about Yotsuba and the rope but what about Miku? She holed herself in the room for almost 2 days just because Ichika dressed up as her.
Imagine what will happen when Fuutarou marries another girl. I don't know if reality will set in until the wedding actually happens but once it does... I worry for Miku's well-being.

People think Nino is end game when she doesn't even know Fuu was lying to her about the cousin thing yet.

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Hanakana made Ichika sexy. It was a brilliant casting decision.

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Fat pig.

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Remember that after the kiss Fuutarou became more honest and open towards Nino.

>People keep talking about Yotsuba and the rope
I don't consider shitposters """people"""

>She holed herself in the room for almost 2 days just because Ichika dressed up as her.
Not because of depression. She's just meek.
The weak should fear the strong.

Attached: ichika yay.png (1853x1440, 3.07M)

Pfft. If a couple of faggots sperging out was enough to make you hate them, they were never your "bros" anyways.

This user gets it.

They're really pushing the fuckdoll look, huh?

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>quintfags are bad i don't like them anymore!
you sound like a whiny bitch who can't stop taking the bait and cries about it

Any doubt Nino sells feet pics on kik?

Negi absolutely knows his audience

Cursed image

What's that bottom slot on the stove? What kind of weird nip shit is that?

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Miku's whole appeal is that she's the "Baby's first waifu" of the quints.

She's a beta nerd and the weakest of the quints, but also the most open canvas of them as well. Fuutaro couldn't tell Ichika to drop acting even if she was his GF, Nino wouldn't betray her sisters for Fuutaro, Fuutaro can't make Yotsuba's abs and athleticism disppear, or keep Itsuki from stuffing her face.

But Miku is different. She's meek, has little personality/style of her own, and her appeal/case for Fuutaro is that she's very very willing and open to mold herself to what she thinks Fuutaro wants be it a good student of bread baker. This is before Fuutaro actually asks for anything.

A beta waifu for beta otakus' "Baby's first waifu".

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so the bell kisser is the bride and won't be revealed until the very end?

Negi left traces to imply Ichika is the bell kisser. Rather if they're red herrings or not we'll find out but she's the most likely candidate by far.

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>see this
what do

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Go-toubun no Hanayome - 01 [720p]-0019.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

Miku is like the Easy mode of a game.

Miku is velcro shoe straps

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Turn around and leave.

Miku is a sippy cup

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Go-toubun no Hanayome - 01 [720p]-0006.jpg (1280x720, 79K)

When will Maruo give Nino the dick already?

>THIS is Negi's attempt at making an imouto ugly enough to not get shipped

>fear the strong

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I think it's between Ichika and Yotsuba. I don't see Nino or Miku as the kisser though.


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Anyone with at least two functional neurons in their brains should know that Ichika is the bell kisser and that Nino will be the one marrying Fuu and the one that will suck all of his cum out of his cock on their wedding night.
WHile Miku sleeps with the older guests, Itsuki eats the leftovers, Ichika watches Nino and Fuu doing it behind the rooms courtains and Yotsuba hanging herself while some homeless waiting her death so they can fuck her body.

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In chapter 14 when Nino is contemplating an ear piercing, why is Fuutarou so against having it done to him when he already has an ear pierced.

dunno man, whenever I think that a girl is shit I don't pay any attention to her and rather focus on the girl I like.

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he's ashamed

I don't buy the 4 is kisser and I'm a 4.
Solely on the meta that Negi doesn't plan to end the series soon and it would be a hack move to make 4 the answer to loli+rena+kisser+bride. Much better to split loli+rena+kisser between 1/4/5.

2/3 are on different story themes so they are not about mystery/destiny working from the shadows but about a more realistic love where you directly take steps to build a relationship with your partner.

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The bell kisser is obviously Itsuki. She will be in the bowl and has been bordering it for too long to the point it's like wtf is Negi doing. But if it's revealed she is the bell kisser with an acceptable backstory (not unlike Yots reveal) then voila.


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He's against having it done because his hole closed up, but she might notice it if she looks at his ear.

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Someone speedread 92 and 93

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cute victory

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I need it right now.

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interesting how Nino is always drawn younger and Miku is drawn older.

Sell me on Miku, Yea Forums, why would she be better than any of her sisters?

its here

Attached: 00.jpg (1280x1807, 400K)

Why hasn't Nino raped Fuu-kun and have him take responsibility yet?

Attached: nino no ecchi.png (646x608, 100K)


>Miku's whole appeal is that she's the "Baby's first waifu" of the quints.
those aren't popular character's as they are in basically every female heavy cast story but Miku's popular so your post sounds like cope

>when the old man cock hits just right

Attached: D2ce5t_VAAAsG8R.jpeg.jpg (1193x1200, 757K)

I rather see bad end and then Negi write unlimited swing works alternate route.

Attached: unlimited swing workss.jpg (1024x576, 58K)


>those aren't popular character's
Onodera was more popular than Chitoge.
Didn't stop Chitoge from winning tho.

>that subtle smug post-sex Miku showed to Nino

Attached: 1455678885133.jpg (421x536, 193K)

cuter, funnier, more realistic romance approach, best design, best voice, isn't annoying, works on improvement, no retareded and overused trope shenanigans

doesn't work?

You got a laugh out of me, good job.

chitoge was more popular, always

The author of this confirmed that he'll make a continuation with Nino for the winter comiket.

I usually post the snek one only, but here you go.

Attached: ichika yotsuba hug.jpg (768x1024, 71K)

Why does that look like that ganguro girl with the pussy geek artist manga? Colored in as a a normal looking girl.

Fuck. It was perfect like this, why the need to shoehorn Nino where she doesn't belong?

>nino getting cucked now
>winter comiket ????

wholesome and cute

I love this pairing.

Attached: 1565538777948.jpg (1200x1600, 202K)

But why?

>nino getting cucked
it'll be the usual 2-3 compete for his dick thing

Not this shit again, just make it a nino only or miku only.

1's lies became boring, cheap drama maker
2 sensitive tsundere. Memorable confession, good dere, but if you take that confession away, she really is just a tsundere, when aggressive Marika.
4 carries way too many baggages to my liking, too much of a martyr for close to 100 chapters.
5 became a joke

check MAL, the normie place, Chitoge has double the fans Onodera has. Characters like you described just aren't popular, they are liked because they don't do anyting wrong but they are not the favorites

What do you mean, it works fine.

Attached: D-3vv3gU8AE2Z-s.jpg orig.jpg (2048x1559, 232K)

>Muh more popular
Onodera win the first poll, Marika the second one and the third...

Attached: Wd823EQ_d.jpg (580x841, 85K)

Attached: kokomade.jpg (1920x1080, 161K)

Oh user..

Attached: 1538409879905.png (574x608, 360K)

Evens > Odds

Attached: 1558322551044.jpg (3840x2160, 2.63M)

I still have this edit.
Thank god it aged badly

Attached: fucking rip.png (502x962, 307K)

Nino is good but 14 is the superior pairing.

Attached: 1565539049113.jpg (714x857, 117K)

>the end poll after Chitoge's won

Yotsuba can be paired with anyone

Except Fuutaro

Attached: there's no way that'd happen yotsuba go toubun.png (1162x1608, 1.31M)

Begone despair.

Attached: 1564231818994.png (800x1200, 1.63M)

Stop comparing with Nisekoi

thats a good thing I want Quint yuri action now
Fuutaro can fuck off


>mikufags btfo

That's just women's nature.

Because Miku is made for NTR

>the end poll after Chitoge's won
>Marika 2nd
yeah stop lying now

I didnt read thread. Just one question: who is the bride?





What would be the right translation for this one?


When am I supposed to like Yotsuba? Her date didn’t make me think she was kino? Her flashback didn’t make me feel sorry for her or care for her. Am I supposed to like her because she was nice to him from the start?

>end poll after Chitoge's won
Those results are from March 2016, Nisekoi didn't end until August 2016 i believe

You don't. People have different tastes, if you don't like her you don't have to force yourself to.

Attached: 90 11 v2.png (213x384, 56K)

Selfless characters just aren't your thing, her only interesting aspect was that she was incredibly selfish and seeked individuality at one time.


Big love


Suffer and hope are two sides of the same coin.
What makes Yotsuba best is that she suffers thought everything without a single tear.
3 was in shambles because 1 dressed up as her, 1 in tears when she couldn't stop 2, and 2 for all her bully is a big cry baby. Yotsuba takes it like a champ and just keeps swinging.

The more 4 despairs the higher her odds of winning. Her acting like a maiden, playing the lolikano/confession card early, or getting a healing arc will just doom her to being Fuutaro's """bro""".
Only through maximum suffering will 4 be guaranteed to win the bowl.

Attached: yotsuba win swing.jpg (1080x773, 203K)

Hey, convenient. It's out right after I finished a thing that I had to do. Now to kill myself on redrawing for all of that transparent text, who wants to translate? Real?

You can stop shitposting, mikufag. It's okay to like or not like any character, if after all of that you don't like her you obviously never will and you should focus on another quint

>not realizing Chitoge wasn't going to win from the start as first girl, past girl, and promised girl
Low IQ

>Miku is most likely to confess while masturbating like an idiot
Wow how did this doujinshi author get her personality to match so well.

Ever the pessimist are you.

Attached: 73 6.png (337x409, 98K)

>Only through maximum suffering will 4 be guaranteed to win the bowl.
Stop, you're embarassing me

Attached: mu.jpg (100x100, 5K)

>girl should win because she's too selfless
a girl that can find a good balance between being selfish and selfless should win

Attached: __nakano_yotsuba_go_toubun_no_hanayome_drawn_by_toshishikisai__2dd356eebd2abf1f8869992171b8d7ff.jpg (723x1023, 303K)

>Seven Goodbyes
>there are only five sisters

I’m not the mikufag you are looking for. You are confusing me for someone else.

A 'goodbye' doesn't have to be between two people, especially in Japanese media.

Rena and mutsumi. That's 7.

Attached: 1535122026827.png (1250x1213, 2.95M)

25 just as good

>My wife Eatsuki is so fat...

Attached: eatsuki nino meat bun monster.png (1280x1707, 1.65M)

What's great about Miku is that she's slutty enough to do all of this. Her sisters wouldn't. Miku absolutely will put her all into draining your balls. Who else could even compete?

Miku would just lay there like a dead fish while she fantasizes about Oda Nobunaga.

this. The best in bed are Ichika and Yotsuba.

That's exactly what Yotsuba does. She goes against the things she says.

>>the end poll after Chitoge's won
Nope it's was before

Ichika is glass cannon. All tease, but breaks down easily.

> Implying yotsuba won't womanhandle you as she fucks you.


Attached: 1563029651625.jpg (592x513, 129K)

You say that like it's a bad thing. It would be bliss.

I can't be a bride then.

I really don't like how the writer makes the bride so obvious from the start, the whole story's appeal is supposed to be based on figuring out what happened years ago prior to Miku and Fuutarou's wedding but it's just so blatantly obvious that it kills the whole point of the narrative. With all the hype that this series is getting, I thought I'd get more enjoyment out of it but alas.

Attached: =).png (104x110, 38K)

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over the rain.

Attached: 1550593787212.png (1115x1600, 724K)

Yotsuba has a high sex drive. Constantly wet when around Fuutarou.

I really don't like how the writer makes the bride so obvious from the start, the whole story's appeal is supposed to be based on figuring out what happened years ago prior to -YourLeastFavoriteQuint- and Fuutarou's wedding but it's just so blatantly obvious that it kills the whole point of the narrative. With all the hype that this series is getting, I thought I'd get more enjoyment out of it but alas.

Attached: 1560262105933.jpg (2228x1600, 2.11M)

Cope Meecooshit.

Attached: 1563038031418.png (984x782, 580K)

I want to lick the drool from Yotsubas mouth.

Attached: 1533818678431.png (1426x1202, 2.48M)

"scary" Nino is so fucking hot

Attached: 76280112_p0_master1200.jpg (751x1101, 499K)

Ruining a good mood is what Nino does best. Thankfully she's out.

How are they gonna animate this without the color immediately giving it away?


i-in the butt..?

Attached: 1549843002562.png (387x347, 109K)

Just like the rest. They don't give a shit. Although at least they played a bit with the lights during Itsuki impersonating Ichika. But there Inori was shit as Ichika.

>Thankfully she's out.
Yeah, 2-3 are out.

In the butt!

Attached: 91FF7786-AE92-47E3-91AA-9FA8F89B88E9.jpg (1447x2047, 203K)

1 is definitely the best. She's got that lewd sexy look and feel to her. Also able to role play as well.
2/4 is runner ups. Both will have that appeal of sharp contrast from their cutesy normalselves. Major difference is 2 is better for SM play. 4 is better for lewd missionary with interlocking handholding with leglock creampie for procreation and multi-hour rompfests.

Actually, 4 is the type that gets bashful for first time. Maybe afterwards, but you've got to be pretty weak, not /fit/, and insecure to be afraid of letting your girl manhandle you a few rounds when you do most of the manhandling most of the time.

Attached: yots blush.jpg (551x520, 63K)

>missionary with interlocking handholding with leglock creampie for procreation
I don't think a spoiler is enough for that level of lewdness

Attached: 1564526458788.png (1057x1011, 1.75M)

This break feels like eternity.

Attached: yotsuballoon.png (434x475, 74K)

what the fuck

Attached: 1548771772702.png (269x324, 53K)

I wish it was longer.

Attached: 1533574632036.png (554x418, 254K)

Attached: Uhh.png (349x515, 109K)

Miku fatty

Attached: dfe21a23720e0cf379e3cf230446f21fbf09aa00.jpg (580x580, 60K)

>takeda's crest

Attached: file.png (122x119, 31K)

1 - She would do anything, I mean anything that Fuutarou ask her to do (anal, copro, disguise as her sisters, etc).
2 - She would give good sex, shy at first, but try new things (anal, bj, S&M)
3 - death fish, very boring sex (Fuutarou masturbating himself would be more exciting) also she could give you STD and Crabs lices.
4 - mostly missionary and doggy style. Since Fuutarou has low stamina, she'll ask him to foreplay and give her oral before the actual sex.
5 - You have to beg her for sex, mostly missionary and with some clothes on, she'll tell Fuutarou to hurry up and clean herself after.

Yots is lewd and a natural born slut.

Attached: yotsuba lewd slut wtf I hate yotsuba now.png (1115x726, 771K)

>no kiddie kuma panties
So why is Itsuki dressed as Yotsuba?

Attached: boom.jpg (657x663, 121K)

>missionary with interlocking handholding with leglock creampie for procreation

Attached: 1565815218979.png (761x762, 1.15M)

BASED Ichicute!

I'm with NINO GANG!



this is miku's new boyfriend, say something nice to him.

Attached: file.png (262x289, 84K)

Cute. Seems to be her type.

Attached: 1561864387605.jpg (709x1050, 577K)

what happened to you, fuutarou?

Yeah, they were both poorly written. Anyone who got heavily invested into them is/was an idiot.

all the quints are gonna lose and futaro's gonna marry their mom

>ninofags are mostly niggas
now I get the BBC meme

She wouldn't make such a face for Fuutarou.

Attached: file.png (174x194, 47K)

>123 result in NTR
>5 is still disinterested
Yotsuba ending confirmed

Attached: 1565802248068.png (254x313, 314K)

Attached: 76272204_p0.jpg (1534x2165, 1.62M)

She's already cheating him with this guy

Attached: 1565884647872.jpg (855x955, 138K)

Tough competition.

what a lewd girl

Attached: file.png (150x174, 36K)


Canon unlike Reminder that Negi likes suffering tho. He does the art for that suicide manga.

>Yotsuba ending confirmed

Attached: there's no way that'd happen yotsuba go toubun.png (1148x1600, 1.3M)

Miku is such a slut!

Miku is not that selective, because she's a whore

Attached: 1564774511439.png (500x281, 208K)

Looks experienced and good in bed.

what's going on with her knee here?
it looks like she has 3 legs

Any ending besides 4 would unironically be NTR.
1235 can all easily overcome their crush, meanwhile for Yotsuba if she decides to enter the bowl and lose she would be at the starting point, seeing Fuutarou marry one of her sisters, support him from the sideline and though it out.

Attached: EB08avXUIAEjzt-.jpg (900x1200, 96K)

Confirmed Nino. What a whore


That's her futa cock.

Could have waited until they graduated from hs to have children

>Could have waited until they graduated from hs to have children
Would you be able to say no?

Attached: 1554818812755.png (852x1477, 1.71M)

Attached: =⁄.png (97x121, 41K)

Same artist

Attached: 72743394_p0_master1200.jpg (729x1200, 663K)

>graduated from hs
user...Yotsuba with the white ribbons has already graduated.

Attached: 1550965782963.jpg (610x901, 109K)

Attached: ....png (294x371, 114K)

Great sketch art, whoever that guy is is pretty similar to the original author

Attached: 76271544_p0.jpg (1244x1563, 423K)

user, wake up.

Attached: mikusip.png (475x681, 142K)

Attached: ninosip.png (378x558, 224K)

cute and canon

The quality of the manga has really gone downhill.
We all know the events leading up to Miku's confession and wedding could have been planned better.
Negi should just cancel the chapter this weekend and announce a 1 month hiatus for improving the rest of the storyline.

Attached: D_1B_EPU8AES--s.jpg (1024x642, 76K)

Attached: miku everyone mad.jpg (900x521, 144K)

I like open end more
Also Bokuben threads are miles better, but it's a low bar really

Attached: Tokitou Miku.jpg (563x1200, 258K)

good job, have a (you)

Attached: NQGp9So.png (720x807, 272K)

God I wish I was Fuu

I want to be Nino___ so bad.

Attached: 1565481923220.jpg (1019x1440, 557K)

She's covering her lack of one hand nicely.

Why do all of the doujins write Miku as if she's just some lustful slut?

Attached: 75958218_p0_master1200.jpg (851x1200, 601K)

Attached: desxfknqwxg21.jpg (420x339, 61K)


Nino has 4 letters in her name.

-6+4 = 2

2 is Nino user

Attached: xsitvt2qwxg21.png (420x314, 165K)

what debt does fuu's family have? why does he need the money?

Attached: 1556809727367.jpg (1000x1407, 149K)

Blow a wet raspberry on her cunny flaps

Miku canonically likes old fat bald samurai men with mustaches.

Lots of otaku are pervs who like Miku that happen to be a combination of old, fat, bald, men, mustached, and Japanese which nearly guarantees partial samurai decent.

>-6+4 = 2
Nino fags having yotsubrainlets tier IQ confirmed!!!

Attached: 1551651657623.jpg (1024x766, 95K)

your math is just as good as Nino's


Attached: D0ZE9b5UwAcqyMq.jpg large.jpg (702x1024, 75K)

it was probably a yotsufag trying to falseflag kek

I mean, even if she likes them that doesn't mean she'd just spread her legs for the first one that comes along though.

was this some twitter preview or is that actually a new gotoubun doujin that's not on sadpanda yet.

-6 + 4 = -2
Nino death confirmed.

Attached: 1565128697559.jpg (1254x1771, 1.5M)


Otakus are pervs who make and consume the hentai they will project their perviness onto Miku.

Attached: 1564360514938.jpg (3661x4842, 3.32M)

Attached: 1558301736922.jpg (575x706, 101K)


Attached: 1560418922245.jpg (720x824, 94K)

Attached: 1562852216446.jpg (612x868, 521K)


Leave nino to me

Attached: Uesugi Isanari.png (696x864, 756K)

is the author trying to manipulate my thoughts on these 2? it's been mentioned like 3 times already that they look good together/like a couple wtf

Attached: mikuandfuu.png (1585x739, 1.05M)



Attached: file.png (304x283, 127K)


Attached: file.png (680x620, 579K)

Same with Yotsuba.
Except every time it happens Fuutaro makes an insensitive comment that sends Yotsuba into depression mode.

Cute future couple.

Attached: 156547274764.png (1058x709, 609K)

On ch2 Yotsuba also said they'd get along quite well

I was very busy today, I guess I can only blame OP

Attached: 1562829273901.png (170x237, 73K)

Cute Fatty.

Attached: Cuties.png (390x282, 121K)

Attached: D4tvK0sWAAAKIu5.jpeg.jpg (360x440, 46K)


>stops making any Toubun figures because the panties would be visible
>has no problem with Miku's ass being visible in her figure
>makes her say she likes old men
Is Negi autistic or does he hate Miku?

Attached: YotsuSip.png (1426x2048, 1.53M)

Here's a super rare

Attached: 1562829282899.png (92x318, 39K)

>has no problem with Miku's ass being visible in her figure

she's in her pantyhose like the illustration from an early chapter and you can remove her from the desk.

Thanks Fattybro! Saved.

I also have a secret rare postcard. Don't spread it too much.

Attached: 1562773888293.png (306x394, 196K)

He wanted the Miku one for himself

Secret secret rare bros.

Attached: you-though-rena-was-itsuki-but-is-was-me-yotsuba.png (500x608, 117K)

>Rena is Yotsuba
Your picture reeks of reddit.

Will Rena ever come back?

Attached: 15611206123518.jpg (2852x2048, 2.32M)

Yotsuba is a slut

If Negi wanted to end up his manga with
>"The Legend That Binds" arc
>With Fuutarou hard choice between Nino and Ichika
It's easy to understand who is the bride.. aka Nino

So I bet the last fight is between 1 and 2

why are you so mad?


>why are you so mad?
He's just telling the truth. Yotsuba's the type of girl to ditch her sisters to fight cosplaythots and police to get herself a NTRshota that she'll take to an empty temple at night to take his handhold virginity raw.

Natural born slut.

Attached: Yotsuba won 6yrs ago.png (824x728, 724K)

Leeks fucking when!?

Attached: 1538239742459.png (540x529, 170K)


this manga becomes so painfully predictable that I feel stupid for still following it

following generic shit will happen:

>Fuutarou will switch over to learning by doing instead of reading his books about romance
>first one is Miku
>go on an actual date with her
>have a really good time and end the chapter maybe even with a kiss
>next chapter he'll reject her
>proceed to do the same shit with Ichika and Nino
>reject them as well
>it comes down to 4v5
>4 confesses everything
>5 confesses her love and that she's the bell kisser
>4 gets rejected and 5 wins because muh first girl
have fun

I can't see Fuuts dating the quints just for fun. Nice headcanon.

Yotsuba killed her.

not for fun but to confirm his own feelings

>nino doujin

You're a fucking retard for thinking he needs to date them to confirm his own feelings. He doesn't need to do that because spending time with them already does it for him.

Don't be hard on him, he's probably a retard who also read domekano

No. Itsuki probably cannot fit in these clothes anymore.

>what is fanservice
he won't reject them until he had some private moments with them, it's just too obvious where this manga is heading.123 will lose first then 4 will confess and 5 will win. It's a shit way but that's how Japanese authors are nothing but a bunch of pussies who can only write by a formula

>Miku getting rejected first
Negi has to promise his editors he'll write Miku dates if he ever asks for a break. There's no way they'd allow her to be rejected without being in the final 2.

Negi can't even put their panties on screen and now you're shouting your dumbass fanservice in here. 5 winning is the most delusional take you're spouting right now because with how the current chapters are presented, 5 isn't even in the bowl nor interested in entering it. At least wait for the Itsuki arc/chapters to be released before posting your delusions in here. I bet you're also one of the idiots that think Itsuki was lolikano. It's 2019 already and you're still falling for the red herring, fucking embarrassing.

>5 confesses her love and that she's the bell kisser
and with that your predictions goes to the trash

Attached: nope.png (616x466, 125K)

>dated once in kyoto
>dated once again as adolecents
>date one more time after graduation
3rd times a charm.

Attached: fuutaro yots kyoto cover.jpg (1115x1600, 788K)

>5 confesses her love and that she's the bell kisser
Nice asspull, retard.

I understand that you don't want to accept the predictable future but you should better start to assume the worst ending now before you hurt yourselves

Miku liking old men means she doesn't like Fuutaro
Checkmate, Mikufags

I'm glad everyone's accepted that 5 is the bride.

>people thinking Nino will end up with Maruo and not this absolute Chad

Attached: 1562698524444.jpg (529x579, 22K)

Today I will remind them.

Attached: confessions.png (1482x522, 466K)

I'd hate that outcome too but something like this will happen, either she confesses or he does

I think that 2 and 3 are not the bride.

Sorry, it's not happening.

I think that 1,2,4 and 5 are not the bride.

4's whole backstory is just there so when she gets rejected the story doesn't look as generic as it actually is

read the beach chapte again it's the worst chapter by far since it ruins everything that's been build until this point with how spoilery it is

>Nino doujin gets 5 stars
>Yotsuba doujin gets half a star

Attached: Dxfi15zUwAE7VRK.jpg (1536x1633, 240K)

Attached: 1558671454601.jpg (860x7004, 742K)

>read the filler chapter again
Hah no.

4's backstory wasn't even planned in the oneshot which is why he had to change Yotsuba and Fuutarou's first meeting in the first chapter.

Gee, wonder why.

>oh look the girl from the past lost this manga is so special
that's what the author hopes the audience will think

Attached: ichisip_0.png (508x206, 75K)

>we missed out on lewd Yotsuba that flashes her panties to strangers for a generic childhood meeting backstory
What a waste. Oneshot Yotsuba was great and probably could have become my favourite.

Attached: 1565214681725.png (1070x1535, 2.07M)

the chapter where Fuuts is at the beach with his classmates? If you're talking about the pool chapter then it doesn't prove anything about their feelings towards each other. 5's interactions with him is comparable to that one Kyoto chapter.

I'll leave nino to you.

Leave Yotsuba to me!

Attached: Fuutaro smile.png (1295x765, 367K)

Nino blumpkin!?

You better go for Ichika F. Hopeman himself has taken care of Zetsuba and despairchads already.

2 pages, not even a doujin. Yotsuba is great, people lazily trawling Pixiv for uploads are not great.

Which quints will get their hymens torn by Fuutarou?

What's the minimum page limit you'd consider before it's called a doujin?

Yotsuba best girl

Attached: minori.jpg (320x180, 22K)

Yotsuba belongs to the soccer team!

Why are Ichifags as toxic as her?

Attached: 1565146655243.png (324x368, 171K)

Last for Nino a shit

I can't say for sure, but I don't think it makes any sense to call every drawing with words a doujin, and I definitely don't believe they should all be uploaded to ex.

Last for I'm black and Nino is my future baby mama