Why, yes, I HAVE watched every single episode of Detective Conan.
Go ahead, ask me anything about the series you wanna know.
Why, yes, I HAVE watched every single episode of Detective Conan
Other urls found in this thread:
who is the main character?
describe the frame from episode 143 at 16:42
Jimmy Kudo.
Who is RUM?
Tell me the episode with Initial D reference
Ran is standing in the background with someone behind her; there's some dude in blue in foreground and a table.
based conan poster
What's your favorite Conan movie?
What is the best OP and ED?
I knew a girl in college that was obsessed with Detective Conan, I mean, she was into other anime but for some reason DC was her favorite. I feel like it's rare to find hardcore fans of the anime.
why watch conan when shinchan is better?
Not him, but its OP 8 and ED 49 for me.
Who's the boss?
how long did that take ya
When will it end?
Does he ever go potty in his pants like a little boy?
Was the Lupin crossover movie any good? I’ve never watched Detective Conan btw.
But Conan has a Shin-chan too.
Isn't that the racing mountainside witch episode where Sato screams?
What's the first episode to introduce masks, characters playing someone else?
If I were to start now how long would it take me?
How many episodes that you deem are not essential at all and how many episodes that are actually need to watch to understand the story?
just watch the entire thing aside from fillers
Conan from the future who spent his young adult life pursuing a dead end career as a detective. Wanting a second chance he went back in time and wanted to kill his past self and take his place
It sucks Aoyama did this because it made Conan a double failure.
has many romantic moments happen with girls that aren't ran
Watching all of Conan isn't that impressive. I caught up a few years back by just watching a few episodes a night. One of the few shows where the filler is actually pretty well written, though some of the closed-room cases get repetitive after awhile.
How much time has passed in universe?
Everyone is intimidated by the episode count so they just want the plot episodes, but that cuts a lot of enjoyment down.
>it's another Jr. Detectives Episode
I keep trying to catch up, really am - but fuck is it painful when there is no Kogoro
Do you feel like you wasted your time?
How do I get a Haibara gf
In manga Haibara's sister was killed but in anime in that case she was lived so how anime solved that mystery? Is she still alive in anime?
Why was early Conan so much better than the shit we have now?
I miss the old handsome Shinichi so much.
Why is Ran (and pretty much everyone around Conan) so dumb and hasn't realized that he is Shinichi?
Also wouldn't it be easier for Conan to just tell Ran the truth instead of putting on an act? Isn't it wearying? I'm surprised he hasn't developed a double personality disorder yet.
how many times has ran come so close to figuring out Conan identity? I remember it being almost every 100 episodes.
Either the first or the 3rd one.
Watch episode 128.
Less than a year, I think.
Didn't they have three or four Christmases by now?
I think you're dead on, actually.
No, but you sure have wasted yours making that post.
can you describe the show to someone whos never read anything about it?
maybe like 5 counting the serious stuff
>Why, yes, I HAVE
This made me think this wasn't a genuine thread. I still can't tell.
Conan is the bleach of mystery manga
1. arc starts
2. new character(s) show up
3. one of them is a b.o agent
4. turns out the agent is a double agent all along and not dangerous/evil.
5. repeat from 1.
Is whatsherface with the hair horn just the dumbest bitch ever?
OP may or may not be drifting in and out on questions but on this topic we pretty much know Ran has settled on him being Shinichi but is waiting for him to tell her because he must have a good reason. Whenever it gets obvious enough it does still make her mad but on an average day she'd prefer to just let it be. I think it's like 50/50 because she gets back into the groove of things enough to bathe with him but its obvious she still holds that thought somewhere. I think it's wishful thinking on her part about Conan being a real boy and not being a shrunken Shinichi because she likes Conan as himself separately than Shinichi. She plays the mom role a lot.
She isn't as dumb as the status quo makes her seem, she's just both holding out that it isn't him, and that if it is him he'll tell her when he thinks its safe. She does seem to fall for the tricks but she's even said after Desperate Revival there could have been a trick involved to make Conan and Shinichi appear at the same time.
Good thing there's only 5 arcs and there will at most be one more :^)
I miss cutesexy Jodie so much, god I love her so much.
It changes seasons based on current time but they don't repeat dates like Christmas. If anything it's just "around that time".
Has the new movie passed last year's box office?
How many deaths has it been and how many years have passed since the beginning?
>how many years have passed since the beginning?
This question always makes me laugh, but I am interested about a death count. I swear someone said at the end of a volume or something Aoyama or some fansubber had said something about the number.
Will it have an ending?
>He didn't read the manga
Why would anyone question this pleb OP?
What makes you think that, user?
This happened literally two times in 1000 chapters
I don't even know if he's answering the questions, I'm trying not to. Holy shit Conan in uniform.
It has a very shitposty style to it is all.
Never watched it, but I didn't realize there was a whole overarching plot, I always thought it was just episodic. Are there any plans for the plot to actually end at some point?
Do you think M24 will beat both M22 and M23?
It has a very high chance of beating the Kid movie. If they force Amuro in there somewhere it's fairly guaranteed. If Amuro and Akai interact a bunch? It might make so much that future movies couldn't topple it without even more Amuro and Akai fanservice. I just hope 25 is a really good anniversary movie and not more of what we've been getting.
Mark Wolff
It's not like it's hard to put Amuro into Akai movie of all things. I just hope for a lot of Sera
why do you hate yourself?
It's fun crimes with the kids.
Is there an episode or chapter where the culprit is actually black/african without memes?
>put Amuro in to have interaction with Akai
They're already interacted in M20, what could possibly top the ferris wheel fighting scene
Cel art does wonders.
Conan is a high school detective who was transformed into a child. He has to hide his identity.
Every episode basically goes like this.
Conan is going somewhere, a murder happens, there are at most a handful of suspects, usually around 3 but sometimes more sometimes less.
Conan collects clues and solves the crime, but he has to use his sleeping darts and a voice changer to pose as either Kogoro Mori (a detective) or Dr Agasa (a professor) so people don't become suspicious of him being a little kid that can solve crimes
Only way Amuro stays out of M24 is if Zero Tea Time will get an anime soon. No way he can stay out of spotlight for so long
Top 3 OBJECTIVELY best girls and boys
1. Yukiko
2. Sonoko
3. Ai
1. __Gin__
2. Conan
3. Heiji
I really wanted a Gin and Vodka arc but I think we're going from second in command to the leader. I'm sure Conan and Gin will have a thing at the end since Gin was always the primary symbol of the organization to him, but damn. Gin is cool, I want Conan to kick a soccer ball at him with his shoes on full power (the kind that can destroy a tree)
>Are there any plans for the plot to actually end at some point?
Yea, we're right near endgame. The pacing is just slow because Conan for the most part is episodic and the story is what gives it its quirks like a kid detective that's really a teenager and some of his allies.
Not bad. I want to fuck Yukiko while she cosplays.
Sonoko is wife-material but only because of her money
1. Haibara
2. Vermouth
3. Sonoko
1. Kogoro
2. Heiji
3. Takagi
I agree with the boys list. But the girls for me are
1. Miwako
2. Chianti
3. Kazuha
And 4 is Amuro
She is very smart, she solved many murders
We all know #1 best boy is Vodka
>I HAVE watched every single episode of Detective Conan
Or maybe something worse like making another movie that focus on him and by another movie i mean M25
Why not?
How do i get a boyfriend like akai?
Run one over in your car.
Because it's good...?
>It has a very shitposty style to it is all.
that way, the thread could take off since no one would respond if I just presented this normally
Who has Detective Conan slept with?
not that user, but no.
Miss Mystery
Conan is literally an incel
1. Kazuha
2. Haibara
3. Ayumi
1. Kogoro
2. Conan
3. Mitsuhiko
I watched a few hundred episodes of this anime and finally gave up after it was just the same variation over and over...
Moved onto good anime like Monster.
They're cute kids. I understand hating on Genta though.
They're all annoying little shits.
Conan is the kind of anime that you watch every once in a while, say once a week, but you don't watch all 900 episodes in a binge watching session.
>once a week
r-right, once a week
post the edit
Here's how to watch Conan properly so no one ever has to wonder again:
Watch every single canon episode. Not just the BO stuff. Start from episode 1 if you're new. There's just over 500 canon eps, so it's not impossible to watch it all if you pace yourself.
Then once you finally catch up, stop watching for a bit.
At the end of every seasonal anime period, if you watch seasonal anime, start back at where you left off from. Look at the episodes that have come out since, and ONLY watch the canon.
Trust me, you'll only be watching about 2-4 episodes tops every 3 months. Only watch the series weekly if you truly love DC.
I am going to watch every single filler episode and there is nothing you can do about it.
Good, the cel era ones are great.
Don't listen to this fag.
Watch the anime until they switch to digital style then switch to manga.
>Watch the anime until they switch to digital style
But the early digitals are good. It's when you hit the modern style you should switch.
Early digital wasn't as bad, but the manga is still better.
when does the show get good
That looks very authentic
>Go ahead, ask me anything about the series you wanna know.
Did they ever catch the shadow guy who was killing EVERYONE?
Did the storyline about his poison and the bad organization ever go somewhere?
Episode one
>Did they ever catch the shadow guy who was killing EVERYONE?
Read his manga
Do you not know he is friends with the creator of the drug? That happened very early on.
Didn't that get retconned to that Shiho's parents made the drug or something, and she only researched it a little more. I can't remember
is there more like this?
A lot of the Conan porn you can find outside of doujins are screencap edits and they usually don't look as good as that one. There's many of them.
The movies still call her the poisons designer girl no one really notes the difference between helping work on it and creating it from scratch. Everyone just calls her its creator.
>They solve the code by hearing something about "addition and subtraction" from Momiji (in a forceful manner, so she probably figured it out beforehand)
MY girl OUTPLAYING detective of the EAST and detecvite of the WEST for the SECOND time.
The only thing she needs to be playing with are her big breasts.
at this point her brain rival is only rumi, I would like to consider vermouth but she was cornered by akai and conan.
post/link 'em
Did she outplay Conan before?
yes and without being presence in the crime scene and to add more, in her first appearance
Does anyone like that song? It's really eh.
It's my favorite of the digital OPs. It's highly underrated.
I agree, it's a really good tune. It's up there in the modern OPs but including all digital ones I'm not sure if Basho Made would pass it or not. I've listened to both a bunch.
I missed the ED version of the favorite OP thread, I think this is in the top 3.
too hard to choose
one of the best OP detectiveconanworld.com
one of the best ED detectiveconanworld.com
Is that supposed to be ironic because monster slogs on as well, or?
Does the plot really move anywhere at all? Is there a reason it's as long as it is? I want to start it but don't want to watch 400 episodes of filler. What's a good jumping in point?
Just follow the list user. detectiveconaninternational.blogspot.com
This helps. Thank you
got more grids like this?
I'll have S3 finished sometime today.
where's s1?
Which version of Naka De?
wasn't that the only version?
The best movie is The Phantom of Baker Street right?
It's one of my favorites, it's hard to choose though. I know a lot of people don't like it because it's seen as the changing point between "heart" and "cash grab" because it isn't really a Conan story to go inside a video game. I think it's great and the ending always gets me.
How can I grow a mustache like Richard Moore's?
Thank you user
Marry a smokin' hot lawyer wife.
Is she dominant or submissive?
Is kid x shinichi still the most popular yaoi pairing
If time progressed in the amount needed to solve each mystery, how old would Conan be now?
...where have you been
Which episodes coincide with the manga?
I don't really follow the yaoi things so i'm curious
Almost all those detective boys episodes are so kino. What went wrong?
The one used in the OP
The original
Kamiki Aya's
>watching conan while high
Was it always this sexy, or is this episode special?
Was this always my kink?
Is this series basically the Simpsons of Japan? We're just going to have detective conan running until 2030 with no end in sight?
Conan has been a literal child for decades at this point.
Conan isn't even the longest running anime and it has a plot.
He's volcel, he could seduce Ran in Conan form if he wanted to, but he's morally opposed to /ss/ for some reason.
But it's Ran's ass that he really wants in his face.
Haibara approves of Ran's ass.
Everyone does.
I love gin
How can a manlet detective be this sexy?
This is the first time I've seen his blazer opened that way.
The whole pose seems rather suggestive, what with him exposing his thighs like that.
My favorite part is the expression on his face.
>tfw Conan will never sneer down at you while spreading his legs to show dominance
But I don't think it's quite in character for Conan/Shinichi to be honest.
>Is this series basically the Simpsons of Japan?
That's Shin-chan.
I used to do the same shit, but some episodes got me too paranoid. Especially the Japanese folklore ones out in the forest.
Not sazae chan?
How the fuck do you read subs while high.
Where is my Yukiko and Yusaku movie?
Watch every episode of Sazae-san
are the movies good?
That's more like Sesame Street, I think.
Are they all online?
Well Conan drawn by Gosho always has that boyish charm even when you know he's not a child in his mind.
More collabs when?
Post pairing you want at the end of the manga, i'll start:
akai and jodie
Vermouth and Shinichi
Heiji and Momiji
what's that episode where the tan detective and Conan solve a case together?
It happened around a mansion I think. There was a scene where they confronted the culprit together in a room by tricking them into revealing themselves. thx in advance.
>Good thing there's only 5 arcs
Wut. Then how can the anime have lasted 20 bazillion years?
*and before anyone says anything, yes I know he's talking about the manga. I just naturally assumed the anime was adapting manga material though.
holly shit, for once OP isn't a faggot
Tony Danza.
Get on it, Gosho.
Vermouth is attractive but where's the love for Carucio or whatever her name was in M20?
Don't remind me i cried when she died fuck
I came surprisingly close myself.
how long will it take for me to finish the series
8 months?
If all mentions of passage of time (time-skips, holidays, etc.) were taken into account, how much time SHOULD have passed since the start of the series?
it's not that hard as long as i'm watching simple shows. i understand quite a bit of the audio anyway, it just fills in the less common words.
Can someone (OP or someone else knowledgeable) give me a rundown of what we currently know about the black organization and the plot is currently headed? Or is there a wiki that has this info?
Kazuha > Haibara = Yukiko > Vermouth > Ran
I’m a big fan of Detective Conan. Watched a lot of it’s episodes back when i was in highschool and actually owned some of it volumes. The problem is I never watched or read the show in order, which means I only watched when its on TV and read any volume I can get ahold of. I tried to watch again from beginning but easily get bored because in the early parts it more likely to be the episodes I watched then I haven’t. And I’m not sure at what part where I stopped watching/reading if i wanted to continue.
My question is;
1) Based on the characters that I know of can you guess which season exactly is stopped watching?
>all the mains
>conan’s parents
>kaito kid
>heiji (the osaka guy and his girlfriend)
>that funny detective who’s fan of kogoro mouri
>The fbis (oldman and the edgy guy)
>conan’s teacher
>takagi and sato? (those two inspector who’s in love with each other)
2. How’s the quality of the series these days, is it still consistent, goes downhill or it gets better?
>plot is currently headed?
The rundown could be kind of lengthy but I can answer this, we're on the second in command for the Organization, Rum. Whoever they are (3 suspects, 2 guys 1 girl) they're interested in Shinichi and are very impatient. We're getting closer to the end. There is a wikia, you can go to the boss' page which spoils his identity.
>2. How’s the quality of the series these days, is it still consistent, goes downhill or it gets better?
Another second aspect answer (if you're really really wanting to get back into it, go to Detective Conan World and research the seasons lists/character appearances. I think the FBI guys were the latest characters but I dunno.
I dropped the rest of my response for , the quality of the cases feel pretty much the same, but the art style evolves over time and some find it worse. The anime style does get worse over time but I know some people actually like it better than the old style so just try it for yourself. The story is still pretty strong.
Gotta wonder if any important family stuff will be revealed for M24.
Is the next canon adaption going to be butchered?
But is she bigger than Yukiko?
That's impossible.
How many murders were actually suicides?
Breasts are truly the best. Therefore Yukiko is truly the best. I mean, she stuffs her son in there.
I hope she has a good end and cheers up.
Too bad he won't get her in the end.
I guess we'll have to sit through a growing out of it deal.
Would you date Kudo Shinichi?
So this is just like Kodomo no Jikan?
I don't see why not.
Does that have gruesome murders?
When you die
>he gets murdered and it's filler fodder instead
Besides him getting transformed into a child are there other elements of magic in the show?
uh, it's science, and he has a wristwatch stungun that shoots darts that disappear, super powered shoes, and a bowtie voice modulator
It's more fantasy science/gadgets/tricks, not magic
yes, the end of kir's arc, clash of red and black.
fujobait magician
Next chapter when?
A pill that makes you small
Another pill returns you to normal. Sometimes chinese alcohol does too. Also jap cold.
I would rather adopt Edogawa Conan.
He became fujobait later, he used to feel genuine.
Haibara OR Shiho?
You can't choose both
Why do i feel everything is fujobait nowadays
>85 IPs
uh, is this a new record?
so the key to sustainable conan thread is a shitposting OP
We had over 140 in one I made before.
haibara > shiho
Haibara. There is no reason for her to go back being Shiho.
Shiho has an actual chest.
Maybe I skipped some chapters of the manga, but why the girl who seems to be the rival for Kazuha sudsenly appear and treated as regular cast?
I only remember her introduction via her butler in murder at restaurant and then suddenly they met again in case at osaka or something (the murder by evil spirits)?
Any chapter I'm missing?