
What happen to the last thread?

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Other urls found in this thread:ウニイクラ丼.jpg

I think it got nuked, no idea why though.

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The OP image was a bit cracky. Whenever that's the case, there's a risk of it being considered a troll thread.

This is now a Hayate thread. She's the best girl and doesn't like people talking bad about her children, especially Signum who isn't a jobber.

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What about Vita? She also has an unfortunate battle record.

So will we ever get something else in the main timeline or is it forever stuck on
081 and forces?

I watched season 1 and 2
What now? The movies show them as kids and in s3 they are adults so is anyone willing to give me a rundown?

Movies if you just want action.

Season 3 if you want to savor the characters.

Movies as in reflection and detonation or the movies that cover the show?

Both, the first two movies are better as complement material for the show as the story is too resumed but also cover stuff that was previously exclusive to supplemental material like CD dramas.

Reflection and Detonation use parts of the PSP games original story but changes it so much they're practically it's own thing. Still rushed, though. And most of the cast save for Nanoha and Fate are relegated to even smaller roles than they usually have. So no luck if you liked anyone from the Yagami family.

Holy fuck that's something I didn't hear in a while and i just went to check it's 15 years old. Are the kids nowadays even old enough to remember that?

Anyway i heard it all went to shit after the first few seasons or something? Got anything on that?

It had "edition" in the OP, which makes it a general and is grounds for deletion no mater what the thread is about.

Watch StrikerS next, Reflection/Detonation are for later as they were released far more recently and are not canon to most other Nanoha content. And no, the series never went bad, just a particularly potent and loud troll likes to shout his opinion that it did.

No at this point, we are more likely get a spin off about Kyoka's children that happen at around the same time as forces, then ever doing anything with forces again

Any chance to retcon FORCE.

It been over 6 years and Masaki Tsuzuki still had not wanted to retcon Forces in the main timeline.
The other chose is that he stop doing anything with the main timeline and just does the movie timeline from now on.
That if he does anything with the series at all or just end it with Detonation

He could also start doing Forces again, but that just seem unlucky at this point.

I don't know why I was thinking unlucky.

We're probably on the "only movie timeline from now on" path unfortunately.

Vivio will win Nanoha.

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God I wish I was Nanoha

No cucking the Fate-mama please.

Too late.

"I chose to be a woman."

Well Kyoka is 35 by the time of forces, so him having a few children would be understandable.

One of them should be name Nanoha so Masaki can just call it the same thing again

Always go release order. There are good reasons for it in Nanoha. It's not just about the chronological order of events. It's about the evolving tone of the series. Watching Detonation before Strike could really hurt the dramatic impact of certain events. You've already gotten past the biggest mistake that most newfags make by watching the first two seasons before their movies. Don't screw up the rest. I think it's better to look at the series in terms of phases that are either two cour or two movies each.

S1 & A's - Introduction
Strikers - Adult Military Era
1st & 2nd - Supplementary Fanservice
Vivid & Strike - The Next Generation
Ref & Det - PSP+Force Melting Pot Side Story (non-canon?)

Vivid started before any of the movies came out and follows up on StrikerS plus its Sound Stages. It seems silly to recommend reading it after watching the movies, I feel like those should go in tandem with Reflection and Detonation.

S1, A's, StrikerS, Sound Stages + Side manga (More important than anyone seems to give them credit for), Vivid (The manga is a requirement), Vivid Strike, and THEN the four movies is what I'd say, with Force either after Vivid or the movies. Battle of Aces and Gears of Destiny can be played at any point post-StrikerS but there isn't an exact science to them.

Reflection is kinda bad imo.
Is detonation much better?

Neither movie is the best but Detonation does help bring up some aspects of Reflection and completes the story. If you've already watched Reflection you should watch it anyways.

Why does your life suck so much that you refuse to stop acting so mentally ill?

Based devout Nanofate worshipper. This one is just for you.

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He the only one who can continue the bloodline, both Nanoha and Miyuki are not having kids, other then by adoption.

Nanoha isn't even going to marry at the rate she going, well at least not marry to a guy and Miyuki at this point in time is going to end up Forever Alone

Detonation was such a disappointment.

Crappy new villain out of nowhere only so he can take all the blame. Yuri and Iris did nothing but job. Most of the fights are with literally who androids.

Not to mention it's the same fucking story A's already did twice and the same fucking twist previous movie just did. It's like they have no idea what to do with this franchise.

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I fucking love Vivio

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The fans maybe a part of the reason because they don't want girls to be evil and to be, befriended by Nanoha. So they always have to bring in a male/new villain. Also because the fans get mad, when Masaki try something new beside loli magic girl befriending each other with explosion.

I am also someone who want Masaki to try and made a new Triangle Heart or continue Forces because I hate having a story left incomplete.

A few of the cyborgs were straight up evil.

Organization Clover must hunt your dream because they were not defeat at the end of Triangle Heart 3.
That maybe true but I don't think Masaki will do same and people get mad at StrikerS, too when it first came out

Nanoha is married to Fate in the main timeline, and it wouldn't surprise anyone when hey start having kids of their own.

How so? She never really completely lost to Nanoha during A's/2nd. At worst, she strategically withdrew, mainly because Nanoha's linker core had already been leeched by the book. I guess she did get beaten by Zest in StrikerS and also let some cyborgs get away, but she made up for it by destroying the Cradle's engine and proving that there was nothing she couldn't destroy.

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I have to READ to get into this shit?

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Can't even read a picture book?

S1 - > A's - > StrikerS is a fantastic experience on its own without reading anything. Personally I hate reading manga but I enjoy this series enough that I wound up having a great time reading the relevant ones.

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>and proving that there was nothing she couldn't destroy
Except Curren Huckebein and that's right after the campy woman impalled Hayate right in front of her. To be fair it was impressive Curren managed to stomp Vita at heat it should be her biggest moment of rage in the entire franchise.

How do we fix movieverse Signum? I'm tired of her being a decorative character.

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Signum is a loser and always has been.

Not true. Only moviefags think that way because the movies totally shafted her character. TV Signum is all flavors of awesome.

On an unrelated note. Detonation Signum was pushed to the background so hard that all she does was fire three generic flaming arrows repeatedly without saying anything. I remember when Sturmfalken used to be an epic once per season thing.

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She's a loser user. Accept it

Never. I shall not listen to the false words of philistines.

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Signum never wins, I think Yuno might have a higher kill count than her and he's a freaking rat.

That's slightly more encouraging, thank you.

Signum's cool but it's not a big surprise that her character is hard to handle, especially with the expectations of fans.

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>Signum never wins
To should watch the show before talking.

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I love their friendship.

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I love geah and I love Nana, and I want to delve into the Nanoha franchise but the character designs look uglier than Symphogear s1.

Killing an old man in cold blood?
So impressive

This series is old enough to have so much content in multiple mediums that it can seem intimidating, but it's not like you have to go through everything all at once. I hope you have a good time with it, user.

Hey, a win is a win, also said old man was stomping shit left and right moments before.

Zest is a badass, don't shit on him. Guy could've soloed Iris's Army.

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What's next for Signum? stealing candy from a baby?
Though lets be honest, she'd probably fuck that up as well.

>stealing candy from a baby?
Only if the candy will save Hayate's life and the baby has the power to destroy entire countries. Otherwise it's not worth her time.

The artstyle can take some getting used to but it grows on you. If you enjoyed Symphogear you'll have a good time with Nanoha and realize how much Symphogear took from it, give it a chance.

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Vivio doesn't get enough love.

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>Signum's mission to steal the Lost Logia candy that StrikerS Vivio took without permission

She defeated motherfucking Nanoha. I think that's more love than any character deserves.

>She treats said mission with the same straightforward seriousness she treats everything else
Would watch.

Gears had some of their best moments and Signum got to interact with Lynith too, letting on how much she respects Fate more than she usually would.

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Signum also got to trashtalk Precia Testarossa and praised Fate after defeating the evil mother by telling her that the girl she despised so much is growing into a wonderful person loved by everyone. Sad that didn't made to the movie it was one of Signum's most based moments in the franchise.

Also Signum > Precia is canon.

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You don't really have to. There are lots of Nanoha fans who are anime-only-fags. There are some parts of the main canon that you can't get any other way, but they're not extremely important. The biggest things you'll miss are some SoL events that happen between the end of Vivid and the beginning of Strike, but they barely matter at all. It's mostly just one new character being introduced. And that's all that happens with her. She's introduced near the end of the Vivid manga and then does nothing ever.

If you hate manga but really enjoy the series, there's still plenty of other extras to help you pretend to be an expert. Like 1st and 2nd had in-character commentary tracks that are canon and have been subbed. There are also cute BD extra videos. All of that can be found subbed as DDL links in this torrent description:

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Short but nice thread. Always good to praise my wife.

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>writing off vivid as not mattering when the anime provides a hilariously incomplete and unsatisfying experience
Completely disagree. I heavily disliked Vivid after having only watched the anime and without some explanations that come from later chapters, parts of Vivid Strike don't make sense either.

Yumina and Ix are the only parts of Strike that don't make sense without the manga and neither of them does anything important. The most confusing part would be the state of Vivio and Einhart's relationship which doesn't really get clarified until the final chapter of Vivid which didn't get published until a year after Strike aired. So you're not really supposed to know what's going on with that. Ix hadn't even woken up yet in the manga when Strike aired. Everyone first found out about that when she appeared in Strike's OP. You may consider such things important, but the writers apparently didn't.

I don't believe Vivio's body being in a different state than it was in StrikerS is fully elaborated on until later in Vivid. People got really confused over that in Strike.

Ixy has been around since StrikerS sound stage.

That user is referring to how Ix was awake again, when she was comatose from the end of SSX through most of Vivid.

People who hasn't read the manga doesn't have any idea who Sieglinde even is and why her rivalry with Einhart is supposed to be a big deal.

Obviously not important bro, she totally appeared for 5 seconds in the Vivid anime that's enough to get a full feel for her character and relationships that spawn off of events that happen later!

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But Sieg does nothing in Strike. She's a background character. The only time her relationship with Einhart comes up at all is when they're sparing in the last episode after the whole conflict has been resolved. Sieg's relationship with Victoria comes up far more often in Strike and that is covered by the Vivid anime. Strike's references to the manga are little more than easter eggs. I feel like the producers knew that they needed to make it under the assumption that not everyone had read the manga.

Reading the Vivid manga all the way through as it is now and then watching Strike is a better experience than when Strike originally aired, arguably benefiting newcomers if they go that path. You can write off as many aspects of Strike as you like to try to justify being lazy and not reading the manga, but it doesn't change that you're only hurting your own enjoyment if you do so.

I've seen anons in the past try to tell others that Vivid continued primarily focusing on tournaments the entire way through its run (proving that they themselves never touched it either) to justify not reading it, in the end it's all excuses.

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Sure, it would be ideal to read the Vivid manga first just like it'd be ideal to read all of the other manga. But for someone new to the series who is intimidated by its size and has already said that they don't want to read manga, it's not wrong to say that you can pick up on everything important through just anime. Vivid alone is a really long manga and that's just one of a bunch of official ones.

I'd say it would be better to ignore the Vivid side of things for a time than to rush through everything and get the middling experience you get from going anime-only for it. Besides, the best aspect of Vivid is Vivid Life, and that's a manga too.

You can get a lot of mileage out of going anime-only in this franchise without touching Vivid. You've got 3 seasons of the primary Nanoha cast, 2 remake movies and 2 original ones, and two video games if you're down to play those but not read a manga. I wouldn't expect a newcomer to blast through all of that swiftly, either. But I think as they got more into the franchise, they'd become more willing to dip their feet into reading Vivid. After all, no one wants to make a huge investment into something they're dropping into for the first time, but they very well might after experiencing so much of it.

To say nothing of how ideally one would experience Sound Stage X before Vivid, but that's asking even more.

Mariage(plural) birthing queen wants you to listen to SSX.

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She's another depressingly underused character from the whole Ancient Belka scene that I wish had gotten so much more focus. Her waking up over practically nothing was so underwhelming.

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I have to imagine she was going to be relevant in Force but it fell through when the manga did and plans had to be changed.

On retrospective, it is incredible how much tournament shitposting we got over the years considering we only got like half a tournament in vivid.

This may surprise you, but shitposters tend not to care about the truth of the source material if it makes for an easier shitpost.

Complaining about Vivid tournaments was just a metaphor for people disappointment in the series not having any stakes. It's understandable after all three of the first seasons eventually climaxed with a problem that needed to be resolved OR ELSE THE WHOLE WORLD WOULD BE DESTROYED. Vivio beating Nanoha in a tournament-like situation didn't help with that common complaint. Then Einhart becoming the U15 champion was nothing but an afterthought that had a lot more impact on the series. And at the same time, they completely brushed aside her inherited memories and had her give Vivio that heartbreaking pep talk about how she thought they should see other people. I'd say that it was weird how much focus Einhart got in the conclusion, but we all already knew that she was Vivid's real MC. It's too bad she's settled for a life of such mediocrity.

What a fucking bizarre way to take that exchange. They didn't brush aside her inherited memories at all either, that was a major source of conflict for her and Vivio helped her move past being so rooted in them which lead to Einhart opening up more and more and being able to smile, eventually turning around and backing up Vivio herself. She still has them written down and views them as important but that collection is now a blessing and not a curse. You sure you don't need to read the manga again or something?

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After meditating it for a while I finally understood and accepted the message Vivid Strike is trying to tell.

Vivid Strike itself contradicts its own message, the franchise as a whole is even worse about it with multiple abilities and aspects like magical capacity characters are born with. Fuuka didn't get better by training hard, she had an inherent ability to pick up techniques from getting hit by them and was born with good musculature.

It was never about talent vs hard work.
The message was to not be a dick.

That was the obvuis message. I'm talking about a more subtle one. Through Rinne, Miura, Sieglinde and others we are told something quite important specially in a competitive environment like theirs: It's fine to lose, dreams and goals are great but even if you fail at achieving those life still goes on.

Rinne failed at her goal, Miura didn't reached the dream she had before abandoning the U-15 and Sieg broke her promise to Einhart. Yet all of them smile at the end and are able to enjoy life.

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So the same thing Vivid already touched on but did better?

I dunno if I can say Vivid did it better but VS sure was harsher.

>Vivio curses her own existence as a clone of someone special
>Wants to live not as a monstrosity but as any normal girl would
>Nanoha puts her life on the line to pave a way for that miracle to come true
>Vivio's manga is about much more mundane things and her living that dream of being normal like anyone else, alongside other girls in special circumstances beyond their initial control that they are able to eventually put behind them to smile in the future without worries themselves

Wanting to throw Vivio right back into the fire of real life conflict would shit on everything Nanoha achieved at the end of StrikerS. The problem is that Vivid's lack of stakes was meant to contrast Force's high stakes, but only one manga out of the pair kept going.

You have to read into the subtext of it. The conversation was Vivio approaching Einhart about the topic of committing to a specific future. And Einhart responds by saying that she doesn't think they should commit and should instead try out as many different options as they can. She's obviously referring to the growing harem of girls swooning over her. The whole discussion was the opposite of validating and solidifying their relationship. After reading it, I went back and watched Strike again. You can really see the hidden pain behind Vivio's forced smiles whenever Einhart is around.

The world of Nanoha is simply too chaotic for peace to stick for long. So ViVids premise became implausible as a result. Vivio doesn't need to seek danger. Danger itself will find it's way to her, or at least should be.

Other than what happened in strikers, Mid doesn't look like that dangerous a place.
Most of the shit that happens in this franchise happens in other planets, far away from the suburbia Vivio lives in.

It's story time again. This is another good chapter in my humble opinion. Fans of Harry x Els may especially enjoy it.

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I like how ViVid straight up ignored the possible ramifications of certain groups realizing Vivio is the illegal clone of Saint Olive.

The magazine cover required more redrawing than any other page in this series. I actually wish I'd had more chances to showcase such talents.

It might be worth noting that the fictional show's title is まじかる リリィ (majikaru ririi). I didn't translate "yuri" as "lily" or anything stupid like that, but that's obviously the connection that Nekotoufu is implying. If you were observant while reading volume 2, you might have noticed that the magazine that Corona bought in chapter 5 was titled "CompLily" (see pages 49 and 50). And this magazine being titled "AnimeAce" is obviously a reference to "CompAce" which is where the chapters from this volume of Life were serialized.

Magical Lily OVA when?

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>Perfectly normal bookstore with paper made books in Mid Childa
Just kill me.

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I'm thankful that this series didn't have more awkward wordplay jokes like this since they never translate well. Also, uni-ikura sounds gross. I've only ever used salmon eggs as fishing bait and they didn't smell yummy.ウニイクラ丼.jpg

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Had to phrase this page's translation carefully and am quite pleased with how it turned out. You'll see why in a moment.

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I hate translating 番長 (banchou) at all. Wasn't entirely sure how best to handle Corona mentioning the concept of a ケンカップル (kenkappuru) either. A good example would be Ranma and Akane.

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Corona only hears what she wants to hear.

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Run Rio! Before it's too late!

I wish Corona had just kept imagining instead of rudely interrupting.

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Happy to see Corona still have some principles left in her.

What a horrible moral for this story. Don't listen to Harry's advice. You absolutely need to hide the fact that you like mahou shoujo.

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>interrupting yuri rape
Corona you are as big a disappointment as Vivio

Els only follows Magical Lily for the DBZ fight sequences and space opera drama. That's what I used to be like before I turned into a degenerate like Corona.

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It depends. If you're a cute high school girl you can like whatever you damn please.

This chapter comes with its own bonus short.

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Poor Rio. Taking care of your weirdo friend is a handful.

I wasn't sure if I could or should do anything to make it clearer that the last panel is Els getting triggered and freaking out over her memories of being a chuuni without actually telling Harry about them.

And since I already shared chapter 4 long ago, I've gone ahead and posted an updated version of it on Mangadex. It's a pretty good one so be sure to check it out if you don't already have it.

That's the end of this chapter, but let's do another NanoFate Extra for old times' sake...

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>(C92) [Senya Sabou (Alpha Alf Layla)] Otona Feito to Kodomo Nanoha 2 | Adult Fate and Kid Nanoha 2 (Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha) [English] [ron]

This is a futa H-doujin, now in English. Definitely wouldn't call myself an expert on futa doujins, but I think this might be a pretty high quality one? Really not my thing. This was just the most popular request when I asked. But at least this first page has a nice shot of hand-holding. Most of the rest will get you banned for posting it here, even if spoilered. So do be careful with it.

I don't want to host a direct download link for this, so if you'd like to download it in a batch, I'd recommend this popular GreaseMonkey script:

By the way, this isn't the only requested H-doujin that I'm doing. Will probably post another next thread.


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Chuuni Els should appear in the main continuity!

>Magical Lily Special Edition
Give me two, please.

Amazing work, Ron. I'm so glad we have you around again.

>Magical Lily OVA when?
This would be awesome and fit so well with the quirkiness of the other BluRay extras. Just use the Nanoha cast to play all the roles.

Oh shit, it's here!

It feels like Force backlash made them afraid of trying anything even slightly risky so it's A's remakes forever now.

I'm sad about this. Just watched Detonation and while it was fun it was also pretty selfish with character development. Nanoha, Fate and Amitie where the only ones doing stuff. I repent for bitching about FORCE. Now the Wolks are stuck being furniture forever.

>If you're a cute high school girl you can like whatever you damn please.
Right, and we're all little girls here so it's fine. I know that I'm a little girl at least and assume the rest of you are.

>Just use the Nanoha cast to play all the roles.
I think I already see Nove and Deed on the side of the magazine's cover.

Thanks Ron!

>I actually wish I'd had more chances to showcase such talents.
Don't say that, you'll regret it some day.

I don't feel like "boss" gives the right impression here, I would've been confused if not for your accompanying post. Even if it isn't exact and genericizes it, I see "delinquent" used more often. I think the TL note on the other term is good though, that got me to understand the concept fine.

She is doing our job for all of us, what a good girl.

Oh Els, you'll fall into the darkness soon enough. Let Corona guide you.

Only makes sense she was chuuni, really. Thanks for the other chapter as well, even if it was in the past. Learning the art of ecchi is hard work for those involved in such series, they simply have to keep at it!

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Two girls can't have a kid and until TSAB show us they have the tech for it. It the same as not having it

I doubt they would have to use TSAB technology, the average medical technology of any administrated world should be thousands of years ahead of something as simple as same sex reproduction.

Wonder about the legality of it. A rich couple cloned Erio from their dead son and the TSAB quickly got the drop in them, taking away the kid. All their money wasn't able to solve the issue.

That wasn't the TSAB.

What happened to his parents then? Fate or Lindy should've done something about it

The problem with that was either the cloning, the transference of memories, or doing the process without meeting the legal requirements. I don't think it was ever specified is human cloning as a whole was illegal.

mfw all of the Book of Darkness problem, all of it, could've been solved with just a little hacking like Iris did. Reflection) Detonation make the plot of A's to look like a colossal waste of time.

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Erio was insanely pissed that his parents let him just get kidnapped in the way that he did. He wouldn't have accepted them again. Only Fate's pure motherliness snapped him back into being tameable.

Holy fuck. It actually got translated

>"who cares about jobbing or being relevant? Let's get wasted!"

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Do you think Erio still harbors hare for his parents? Being the kind of show that Nanoha is, one would think that eventually he would be interested in seeing them again even if out of pure curiosity. Then again it's interesting to think there are stuff a Nanoha character cannot bare to forgive.

I'll be taking this, was an user who asked for it. Agree with the exh comment that if it's in a speech bubble it's jarring to have left in Japanese. Appreciate it either way, it's a favorite.

*harbors hatred

What's up with the official nanoha artist being foot fetishists?

I don't know. Also what the hell did Hayate put in Signum's drink?

Considering how goddamn mad and distrustful he was, it's entirely possible it's still a deepseated sore spot. I don't think he wants to see them again and awaken those bad memories.

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Sch a character development goldmine wasted just because he has a penis. For shame.

Tsuzuki wasn't afraid to have Touma in Force, the issue was that Erio/Caro's parts in StrikerS were always first on the chopping block for screentime. And then the StrikerS recruits got shafted in every piece of media ever since.

Oh nice, thanks!
o/u/r girl Corona never disappoints!

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I am not, I honestly get into this series through the Triangle Heart 3 OVA, I still don't know how that happen.

I said I would. It's the first H-doujin I've ever done and it's already twice as popular as my favorite non-H doujin out of all the ones I've scanlated. And that one has been up for 3.5 years:
I'm still proud of what a great job I did scanlating that one. You wouldn't believe how much time I spent developing and polishing that typesetting style to fit the art. And redrawing in that full-color crayon artstyle was unbelievably difficult. I may have put 20-30 hours into each of several pages. But it's easy to put the time in when I really loved the doujin itself.

>if it's in a speech bubble it's jarring to have left in Japanese
Yeah, I acknowledge that as the community standard, but I can't come up with anything to use for moaning that I feel good about which is actually one of the big reasons that I (and other scanlators I've spoken with) don't like doing H-doujins to begin with. Glad you were able to enjoy it anyways. I suspected that people would.

>Even if it isn't exact and genericizes it, I see "delinquent" used more often.
The problem with that here is that the term is referring to Harry being the leader of the group of girls, presumably other delinquents, who we always see with her. I suspect that the most proper translation might be "Leader" since the other girls almost always call her リーダー. So "Leader" may be the writing team's intended Midchildanese translation for 番長. But I'd already been using "Boss" for a while when I thought of that and didn't actually like "Leader" better anyways. If there was a clear best way to handle the term, everyone would already be using it. So I really shouldn't let it bother me as much as I do. I should just be happy that I finally came up with a solution to いただきます that doesn't drive me crazy every time I look at it and accept that I can't fix every common awkward translation.

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>I think I already see Nove and Deed on the side of the magazine's cover.
Totally. The question is, what are they doing there?
Cosplay idols?

The issue with that panel is simply that there's no context to go off of, so you can't instantly figure out what "boss" is referring to exactly. So a more generic term that would carry the same meaning despite lack of context in English would be "delinquent" even if it loses part of the intended leader thing. As funny as it would sound, "gang leader" would solve the issue too but I really doubt you want to use that.

>And since I already shared chapter 4 long ago, I've gone ahead and posted an updated version of it on Mangadex. It's a pretty good one so be sure to check it out if you don't already have it.
Oh, the Micaiah one. THE ONE. I used to think it's an outlier but these days after all the pee jokes it seems it's actually just embodying the degeneracy of this mango more openly than usual.

>Oh, the Micaiah one. THE ONE. I used to think it's an outlier
I remember people constantly reposting the raw pages of that while making it pretty clear that they'd like to see it translated. So rather than argue about how that chapter's art just made it seem more degenerate than others, I just gave everyone what they wanted. Dumped it on /u/ exactly one week before Strike started airing to get people hyped since I already had most of the NanoFate Extras ready to be deployed. Those pages have continued getting periodically reposted ever since so I assume a lot of people have already read it. If not, they're missing out.

>I honestly got into this series through the Triangle Heart 3 OVA
I got into it because an officer at my college's anime club (which weren't a bad or shameful resource in 2004) burned me a DVD with a sampling of the first two episodes of a bunch of shows from the current season to give me an example of what I should be paying attention to. Triad's releases of the first two episodes of S1 were on that DVD. You have a guy named Kevin to thank for putting me on this path.

Attached: Vivid_LIFE_vol3_050.png (1129x1600, 279K)

Do you ever check your e-mail anymore?

>It's the first H-doujin I've ever done and it's already twice as popular as my favorite non-H doujin out of all the ones I've scanlated
That's because people who favorite know literally nothing about the Nanoha series, and just favorite it because the jerk off to it. The actual characters in it make no difference.

>Those pages have continued getting periodically reposted ever since
I certainly did that myself once or twice.

Side note: once I read old Nanoha threads form the time the series started and so on, on asuki, including threads from when early Vivid and Force chapters were published.
People called Micaiah Signum Mk.II initially. Nekotoufu sure distanced her from that.
They also thought Miura had no chance.

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>That's because people who favorite know literally nothing about the Nanoha series, and just favorite it because the jerk off to it. The actual characters in it make no difference.
This was my assumption as well upon reading that. H doujins, especially fetish-based ones such as one like this, will get many more views from people who aren't in the fandom relevant to the series in question. Not to undercut your work here as I appreciate it myself as a degenerate, but I'd further say a non-H doujin being translated matters magnitudes more than an H one, due to the focus of the content being different. There are, obviously, exceptions to this.

>People called Micaiah Signum Mk.II
Oh, I remember that. Yeah, before we got to knew more of her she was just the new tall swordsman girl with a serious face. Then we found she's a dojo teacher, Nove's pal and is quite sociable.

Vivid made an interesting job subverting character archetypes. Michaiah is Signum but not really, Einhart is Fate but not really, Rio is Arisa but not really, etc...

Attached: [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Vivid - 09 [E3873FA8].mkv_snapshot_14.32_[2016.07.13_02.43.05]_sti (1262x1434, 2.18M)

There pretty of places for them to try and take character development. I mean the whole point of that end scene between little Nanoha and big Nanoha in Detonation was for some kind of foreshadowing of character growth for Nanoha, if we get a sequel to Detonation.


Can I post the image of Fste grinding herself down onto Raising Heart and Nanoha looking smug, or will I get banned? There's nothing other than asscheek exposure.

Only one way to find out

I mean it's already over on /u/. Not really a reason to.

does anyone know the name of this nanofate doujin in which nanoha and fate are unable to communicate with each other because theres an issue with ther devices, I really liked it but I cant find it

I am a fucking brainlet and have forgotten a lot of stuff about the franchise, so bare with me.

Do Nanoha and Fate speak each other's respective languages, or is it their devices/magic that translates for them? Was Fate being an alien language speaker ever addressed?

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How did the movie do?
Is there hope for the franchise?

There never seems to be an issue with their spoken languages and it's never addressed, but written languages are outright said to be different and Nanoha had to learn Midchildan and Fate Japanese.

I would also like to see this.

Reflection and Detonation did all right, not as amazing as Movie 2nd but not terrible. Merch sales still pulverize most other franchises and easily beat out the revenue from the movies themselves. Franchise is nowhere near as dead as people make it out to be.

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I wish that was played up more in doujin. Nanoha's wife/daughter are literal aliens. Surely something funny/cute could be written from that alone.

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>Do Nanoha and Fate speak each other's respective languages, or is it their devices/magic that translates for them? Was Fate being an alien language speaker ever addressed?
thats the whole plot of the doujin, it was really cute how they were trying to deal with said issue
its been years since the last time I read, that doujin and this other pic about nanoha and fate talking about having a sleepover are the 2 things I havent been able to find for a while

I see. I hope one day they find a script writer who knows how to do things without introducing tons of new characters all the time.

Tsuzuki ain't going anywhere, he's responsible for virtually everything Nanoha outside of slight input from other writers.

You can introduce new characters you just need to accept that doing so requires benching others or having them otherwise elsewhere to make space.

Write them having a domestic fight.

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Hopefully that's what the new cyclone doujin is about.

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>Nanoha gets the shit kicked out of her for the thousandth time.

Sign me up as long as there are no men this time around.

That little bit with Nanoha at the end of Detonation, is what give me hope that Tsuzuki already have something plan for the future of this series and it not ending with Detonation.

What, did you assume they'd be holding a huge 15th anniversary event only to say "lol detonation was it we outtie faggots"?

>not as amazing as Movie 2nd


Yep, one of the morals of the story was indeed "Bitches get stitches." Fuuka gave Rinne that whole lecture about how she needed to quit making everyone in the world her enemies.

It funny to think, that even now we don't know if Kyoka and Shinobu are marry in the series. All we know is that they are living in Germany for some unknown reason

They are hunting for Lost Logia for some unknown reason. I mean all the Belka's stuff speak in German so there maybe some kind of connect between Germany and Belka in the series

They did kind of already get their own season, but I, too, really wish they'd gotten more to do after that. After all, Vivio continued being meaningful in Strike so it's not like it's impossible to make happen.

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I remain hopeful that we might get back to Force again since it still hasn't technically been cancelled. I want to go back to main timeline Nanoha goddamnit.

The fact that Reflection and Detonation ripped off so many designs from Force doesn't leave me with a lot of faith in that happening. It would feel weird to go from these side story movies with this stuff to the source of it where the stuff is supposed to be new.

It wouldn't be the first time that an event has been exclusively to sell merchandise. I remember people being fairly certain that something new was going to get announced in December at Comiket since it seemed like their last decent opportunity to do so. This anniversary event really is their last chance before everyone quits paying attention so they'd better do something.

Lyrical Parties have always been their main announcement venue, people are dumb.

They didn't announce anything at the last one. Reflection got announced by a commercial that first appeared at the end of the first episode of VS. And VS got announced in some random press release. I think Vivid's anime was the same way, though maybe I'm misremembering and it was actually at Winter Comiket that year. I know it was around that time.

Don't get me wrong. I want to be hopeful. I'm just also worried. I'm glad that almost the entire cast is coming since I doubt they'd all show up just to shill merch for an inactive series. And it would be in really poor taste to celebrate the 15th anniversary when 2019 is going to be the first year ever without anything new coming out, even manga.

A me costume upgrades in Ref/Det didn't went too well, Zafira is okay but the Wolks Ladies look weird, they have so good aesthetics with their original battle gear.

>They didn't announce anything at the last one
Yes, because Detonation was already announced for obvious reasons. It would have been a bit silly to announce another major project mere months before your next big hitter is about to come out in theaters.

Vivid's anime is an oddball since that was a random A-1 Pictures shilljob for the manga and not a proper anime project by Seven Arcs. I concede VS though one could say that it doesn't carry the Nanoha name either.

Vivid TV was announced in august 2014. Dunno if there was an event.

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>was a random A-1 Pictures shilljob for the manga and not a proper anime project by Seven Arcs.
ended up looking much better tho

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There wasn't, Lyrical Party V was 2013 and where Reflection was announced, VI was 2018 and was a Detonation promotional event.

I love fucking Vivio!

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I don't disagree, Vivid Strike's artstyle was a downgrade. Only saying that it makes sense that it wouldn't get a Lyrical Party announcement event for that reason.

God I love her

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She really is wonderful.

Now if only they actually knew how to write her story.

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Delete this link

>Now if only they actually knew how to write her story.
Thankfully they did, and Vivid was a great read.

cease your posting

It was okay but could've been 10x better. Mid is a boring as fuck Earth clone and Belkan memories stuff was generic isekai tier. Vivid was saved by girls being 10/10.

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Rinne is so fucking delicious holy shit.

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For a series with as many characters as it does Nanoha sure has a hell of a track record with god tier character designs and generally high tier personalities attached. Vivid had in effect a whole new cast eventually and I came to love the majority of them.

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Seriously, the only good thing about Vivid is the cast.

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God tier indeed. Say what you will about the Vivids, but StrikerS took this shit to another level. Especially Fate.

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And yes I'm aware that this is from Forces but the designs are generally the same.

If anything Force iterated on the StrikerS designs to make them even more attractive. All three got a positive change to their hairstyles (even if in Nanoha's case it was more of just improving her transformed one).

I like to think of a hypothetical world where Miura and Vivio were merged, Vivio had Starlight Breaker kicks AND more importantly, her hairdo and face (keep hair color and boatlights tho). Imagine that.

Sadly, audience probably was not ready for Nanodaughteru wearing shorts and looking like a boy (would be fun if she looked like a boyura as a kid, but as the bombshell adult bimbio when transformed).

Attached: [Leopard-Raws] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Vivid - 09 RAW (MBS 1280x720 x264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_17.24 (1280x720, 185K)

Actually I liked StrikerS Hayate more. The shortish hair suited her.

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In my opinion the short hair suited her well when she was younger but the longer hair completes her mature and commanding look that she gains in Force. StrikerS Hayate throws me off a bit nowadays since she's kind of an inbetween. She wasn't as established in her position at the time in StrikerS though I suppose, so it makes sense.

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Her Force Hair is halfway between cute floof ball around head and long hair. Weird territory where it should go in one of those directions but not stay where it is. Or if that was the right length, it should be shaped different IMHO.

Poor Miura.

Anyone else here liked the Grendel family? I thought they were funny.

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I actually like her, but that look would suit Vivio.

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There was a bit of a problem with them that there were already the rather debatable feckbeins, so more of that immediately raised eyebrows.
But besides being goofy, the Grendels were definitely more relatable. I'm totally not saying this because we saw their nipples.

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I also liked her. Too bad the show ended with her still in disgrace.

>Lolo's smug face
She's so thirsty.

They had more inherent charm than the Huckebeins. I have a feeling they would've grown on me much more had Force continued.

I would always liked the idea that they inadvertently would throw a wrench in Vandein's master plan near the end giving the heroes a chance to turn things around.

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Yeah, I remember she had ololol face during that, but this is 100% notsubtle just fuck me already any time, leader

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For those wondering. The condition for Kurt(Leader)'s ability is that the stuff or people he teleports must be a)On the same dimension as him and b)be of his property (meaning he must be convinced of being the owner of said stuff). The implications of the scene are amusing.

Lolo is clearly his as much as he wants.
Quinn is a washboard

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Always wondered if Quinn was meant to be an Artoria lookalike.

Maybe borrowing face, but she wouldn't be in a schoolkid uniform all the time then. How old is she anyway, ffs?

Actually it seems that Nanoha wiki had the same idea as you.

>In Force (ch.31), it is revealed that Quinn was not among the original members of the Grendel family, but was taken in by Kurt Grendel at a later point. Because of this, Kurt allows her to assist Nanoha Takamachi and Cinque Nakajima in apprehending other Eclipse Drivers and to help other Eclipse infectees, unfazed by Quinn's apparent rejection of this idea.

WUT. Sucks that the last chapter is untranslated (though given the hiatus status, it would not make that much of a difference. Fucking hiatus).

What? That sounds cool as fuck. Goddamn it I would never see the unhappy alliance of the Grebdels and S6.

It's beyond frustrating that Force was building up to so much and it was at the turning point that it got canned.

Well myself I'm not sure if it would be anything grand in the end, but even if it was mediocre or so-so, unfinished and abandoned story is simply bad.

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I guess it's referring to this.

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In the Nanoha universe why would ANYBODY willingly sign up to be ground forces? It's gotta suck being untalented trash or just not good enough to be an aerial mage. Imagine the butthurt the ground forces probably have for the air division.

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>Imagine the butthurt the ground forces probably have for the air division.
That is literally part the reason for the Limiter system dude.

Wow. So the Limiter trash only exists because of bootyblasted ground forces command?
Imagine the shame associated with even being in the ground forces, kek.

Attached: IMG_20190816_014259.jpg (1440x2200, 134K)

Because they are untalented trash and not good enough to be an aerial mage.

It's probably more comfy, you can pick up a burger or some notjapanese thing to eat while you patrol. And you usually only take care of children lost in supermarkets.

Attached: [FFF] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha ViVid - 02 [416DD50A].mkv_snapshot_11.33_[2015.04.26_02.03.15].jpg (1280x720, 107K)

"Output limiters are also used by the Bureau personnel themselves to circumvent aggregate mage rank restrictions that ensure that no single unit can "amass" too many powerful mages in its ranks (similar how each unit has a limited materiel allowance). Limiters provide a convenient loophole around these regulations, and the Bureau generally turns a blind eye on it."

What the fuck. High command must be absolutely bootyblasted over this shit. What a load of dogshit. "Yeah you're too cool and powerful so we're putting this shit on you. Don't like it? Better get some general to agree to take it off."

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StrikerS made it REALLY obvious that the ground division was beyond assblasted at any group of mages that showed promise and tried to impose as many negative sanctions on them as they could, including the limiter requirements.

Imagine just how ASSBLASTED they must have been when this chad made herself known. Imagine how upsetting it must have been for some middle aged high command mage to be immediately outclassed by a small child with barely a year of experience with her device. And from an unadministered world to boot, where magic doesn't exist to the general public. That must have been the final straw.

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Look at that smug face. Nanoha knows.

Why does anyone in Air Division tolerate their faggotry?

>I like to think of a hypothetical world where Miura and Vivio were merged, Vivio had Starlight Breaker kicks AND more importantly, her hairdo and face (keep hair color and boatlights tho). Imagine that.
You mean something like this? I recolored the orange part of her jacket too since it was too close to her new hair color.

Attached: [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Vivid - 09 (1080p BD Hi10 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_17.15_[2019.08.16_12. (1920x1080, 913K)

What'sthere favorite sex position?

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>Fuse uncute girl with pink haired boy
>Result is a surprisingly cute girl

Ouuuh maaayyy.
Thanks for this.

Tribbing while h*nd-h*lding.

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Fate cries during sex.

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Fate is too sweet for this world.

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Who has the best pussy?

Subaru, dunno why. Something about her makes me think she's really tight.

Do boy-pussies count?

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I bet Nanoha's the best,

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I feel like such a faggot with these two. I find them insanely hot but anytime I try to get off to gangbang doujin with them, I am overcome with disgust and have to click away. I genuinely can't beat my dick to these two unless they're with each other alone.

Filename, user.

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>Fate cries during sex.

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I'm reading Vivid, this scene is great.

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The very next chapter has a followup on that that's even better.

Even for a monthly manga, I think Vivid's art is really good.

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What impresses me most about Vivid's art is the consistency and frequency at which the dude draws the insanely large cast. A number of manga artists try to take shortcuts on that but Takuya constantly had huge spreads and individual panels involving tons of the cast members.

There are aspects of his artstyle I don't like very much like how his anatomy can go out the window at times and not being huge on how he draws heads/faces but the group shots I can't help but heavily respect.

Okay, you've convinced me. Something will be announced. Something BIG.
Hooray! The franchise is saved!

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>I mean all the Belka's stuff speak in German
It sounds German to us, but I don't think it's supposed to be German in-universe. How would the language have gotten to Belka? Or how did the language get from Belka to Germany? I always assumed that they just used German so they didn't have to invent some fake alien language. Midchilda's writing system is definitely English which is really weird when no one speaks it.

It's for convenience of not having to come up with a new fake language, yes.

And also to keep with the obvious Ace Combat reference.

For a SoL manga ViVid had some pretty cool panels. Loved the fights on the tournament, Specially Victoria VS Chantez, Einhart VS Corona and Sieg VS Einhart.

Vivid's fight sequences are really good. I don't read action manga often because I have trouble following how most artists draw battles, but Vivid's are interesting and easy to follow.

Got another chapter ready.

Holy shit, this page. Apparently Victoria's family is a major financial supporter of Vivio's church. And she's paying with a stack of cash. Very shady. I could come up with a dozen conspiracies to build off of this that will all never happen.

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Time for more Chantez being a baka.

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I would more so say that in series, German came from Belka, but I am also the person who believe that Earth may of been a prison planet for non-magic user in the past.

They say the worst feeling in the world is being forgotten by someone who you could never forget.

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She would've never had this problem if she'd just pissed in the juice instead like a normal waitress.

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But don't worry because Nekotoufu hasn't forgotten how much he loves pissing humor. This time we're doing denial.

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Chantez either has a short memory or thought that she'd be safe from this kind of reaction happening again outside the ring.

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This shouldn't be a problem for Victoria given that it happened inside of a church that's run by the woman who she just quietly handed a huge wad of cash. I don't think Chantez has a family so they'll just hide the body and report her missing.

Attached: Vivid_LIFE_vol3_062.png (1129x1600, 355K)

>says this vilume doesn't have piss humor
>says this volume doesn't have nuns
Lying isn't nice

See? Carim is already shifting the blame away from Victoria. No surprise that the church's administration would be so corrupt since they're in bed with the dirty TSAB.

Attached: Vivid_LIFE_vol3_063.png (1129x1600, 347K)

Why doesn't she try unsummoning the clone?

I know, I know. I just never took note of such things and didn't do a thorough check before I said that.

Attached: Vivid_LIFE_vol3_064.png (1129x1600, 358K)

Yeah, Victoria. Come have dinner with us to get your mind off of this pointless affair regarding who murdered who. We wouldn't want such trivial matters to interfere with your next "delivery."

Attached: Vivid_LIFE_vol3_065.png (1129x1600, 294K)

Thus ends a rivalry started long ago. It may really be the resolution of that little arch since we never see the two of them together again.

And I love Victoria being motherly. There's plenty more of that coming.


Attached: Vivid_LIFE_vol3_066.png (1129x1600, 307K)

Another fast turnaround. Nice, thank you as always.

Unmarked large donations in stacks of cash to dodge the TSAB books? That IS shady.

Those last panels are extremely abusable.

That's way too clever of a plan for Chantez, I call bullshit.

...nevermind, completely in line.

That's an adorable resolution, Victoria is a good girl.

Attached: who.jpg (462x716, 96K)

>now Chantez
Victor is slowly building a harem

Is she planning to create the strongest offspring ever?

Someone understand that the TSAB can't be trusted, Earth need too find away to get Lost Logia, working in case the TSAB attack.

It may be the capeshit fag in me, but the TSAB feels very similar to SHIELD. Both are organizations claming to be the legal authority over something, headed by individuals who are repeatedly shown to have their own ulterior motives, who also make questionable decisions. I think the next step in the franchise's narrative should be exploring whether or not the TSAB is too corrupt or cronyist to continue to exist.

I mean one branch is already incredibly distrustful of another (Ground Forces vs Air Forces) and does everything in their power to break apart powerful mages from growing too comfortable with each other. You can only have a certain number of mages above a certain power limit per unit. And correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't leaks responsible for Project F cloning techniques finding their way into the wrong hands? For the sake of a greater narrative, I think the TSAB either needs to go, take on an antagonistic role, or undergo a major shift. But then again these are just my personal takes and I doubt a franchise like Nanoha could ever get that politically dark. Plus it's being written by a Nip and authority equals good.

Is vivid strike part of Vivid or is it an anime only spinoff? Where can I see more of the champ?

Attached: Annotation 2019-08-16 224455.jpg (852x1207, 229K)

It's a spin off that takes place one year after the events of Vivid

Vivid Strike is anime only, it takes place some time after the Vivid manga ends. If you want more Sieg and haven't read the Vivid manga, do that. She does appear in Vivid Strike but not too much.

Also, good taste.

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Off the top of my head, I recognize that as Carim's brother who I believe works in internal investigations. Can't remember his name without looking him up.

The Earth is constantly getting put in danger regardless of whether the TSAB itself attacks. First Jewel Seed dimensional quakes threatening to destroy the planet, then a corrupt ancient alien book, and then a crazy environmentalist hippie. Earth has a right to know about and do what it deems necessary to deal with such events. The TSAB should just go ahead and annex Earth as an administrated world. That's basically what happens in Tenchi Muyo. Then make up any drama to ensue.

One of the best places to get more Sieg is actually the remainder of this volume of Vivid Life. She's going to be the main character for most of the rest of it. Pretty much everything but the last two bonus chapters.

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God I love Vivio. I want to steal her from her mother and raise her as my own.

>Can't remember his name without looking him up.
I had to look on the wiki page for StrikerS to find out what his name was to make that shitpost edit, I always think of him as "that guy in the white suit with green hair that no one remembers".

>The Earth is constantly getting put in danger regardless of whether the TSAB itself attacks
Even in a Sound Stage for StrikerS an issue crops up on Earth at random. It's kind of a miracle Earth hasn't become administrated, I wonder if it's in part because Hayate's using her bureaucratic clout to push for her and Nanoha's wishes to keep it from happening or something.

>And the crowd goes wild!

Man this was the best part of vivid strike. The threads were going crazy, I actually cheered when I watched it.

Attached: [ron] Vivid Strike! - 08 [4E5B63F2].webm (640x360, 2.86M)

And people are still mad about it somehow.

Thanks, pearlthrower sensei!

Hah Chantez. I wouldn't have thought of that, brilliant.

Chantez looked so "who needed this extra" in the main manga/anime, right?

Attached: Coronas of joy.jpg (223x330, 24K)

She had one of the best designs.

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What a specific reference.

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I don't think Masaki Tsuzuki would have that kind of great planning to use Kyoka moving to Germany and Belka using German for some major foreshadowing for an important plot point for later in the series.

>not capping off the webm with this

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I remember Acous without looking him up. I had trouble remembering Mariel's name once, tho. And Regius.

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Mary's an important enough recurring staff member and Regius is a key part of StrikerS' plot. Verossa was of almost no consequence.

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I think the major reason why the TSAB have not try to administrated Earth, is because it uses Mass-Based Weapons and Earth will not give that up, unless it is force too.

Also it been bring up that most Earthling don't have magic and when the rare ones do show up, they are overpower.

The fact that most Earthling don't have magic, would force them to made Mass-Based Weapons so they can advance.

It was a bit silly, but I liked her cloning special technique. Too bad she was just a one of the characters to lose quickly.
What I meant is, most people likely went "gah why is there another girl", though likely less than with Els.

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You don't think the TSAB has forced countless other administrated worlds to stop using physical based weaponry? It has to be something they do virtually every day, I don't believe most governments would stop using guns and similar weapons because they were asked nicely. As for magic, consider that Nanoha (Not counting Hayate since she seemed to have a mage lineage) was born with a well-off Linker Core and it can be assumed that every human has one and could use magic if they were given the know-how and Device technology.

My theory on things is that all humans in the Nanoha universe were originally from Al-Hazard and the dimensional innocent that purged it from existence spread them out across various worlds, with Belka simply being one of the ones that retained more of Al-Hazard's legacy than the other worlds did.

>Mary's an important
One of the best scenes in StrikerS would not be complete without her.

Attached: ueeeee.jpg (853x480, 69K)

This scene from A's is memorable as fuck too.

Attached: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's - 03.DVD[H264][DGz][25CE016B].mkv_snapshot_23.05_[2019.08.17_01 (640x480, 61K)

I miss the devices
They were badasses

You could say in a way, Earth is the natural enemy to the TSAB who want to use magic for clean energy. The fact that most Earthling don't have the ability to use magic, made that basely a useless way to power things for Earth. So Earth had to turn to other places to run there power. Even if that meet energy sources that would lead to the making of Mass-Based Weapons.

You can say that the TSAB wouldn't try to force Earth to become an administrated World unless Earth does something too major but there a high chance that as Earth continue to made Mass-Based Weapons, the TSAB would get more and more afraid of them becoming a threat to the fact that they are the current superpower of the multiverse.

The fact is that if Earth found away to travel between dimension like them, they would become very hostile to Earth. As Earth's tech get better and better, in 100 year from now in the timeline Earth would most likely be look at as something that the TSAB would want to destroy.

This isn't even going into as the leadership of the TSAB change there a higher chance a very evil person would end of getting into control and try to just enslave everything. Basely a rerun of the event of Belka/Saint War happening when they try to force everything under there control.

You can even say that the TSAB is a Military run state and the Military have control over all government stuff.

The biggest reason that the TSAB is very deadly and bad for the Multverse is because they don't have a rival or another superpower to kept them in check somewhat. They have free control to do whatever they want.

>dimensional innocent
dimensional incident. Fuck. My mind.

Laevatein and Grad Risen were mute in DETONATION. What a shame.

>Grad Risen
You wanna try that one again?

This is you guessing that Earth will even survive for 100 more years in the series and that the TSAB doesn't have people on the inside of the Earth's government trying to point Earth toward self-destruct because they do think Earth is an enemy they need to destroy before it to late but making it look like Earth did it, itself. So people from the worlds under there control don't turn on them for there actions

>the multi-world superorganization with multiple spaceships with mass-annihilation blast weapons that make nukes look like a joke while having none of the drawbacks
>scared of earth
Ok buddy.

Poor Verossa, no one remembers him but me. He's a flirty guy who gets along really well with Hayate.

Arc-en-ciel is the most powerful ship's weapon they have at this point in the series and is capable of destroying everything within a 100 km radius of the target point and an Nuclear explosion kill everything around 30 miles from the weapon, not talking about other side effort that would have a bigger range of effort.

So a Nuclear Explosion kill everything in a 50 km range. So even for the TSAB, a Nuclear Explosion would still be a deadly weapon, to be worry about by them.

>*Graf Risen
Damnit, I don't even now what a Grad Risen is.

Nukes are capable of messy destruction that can create an area that's harmful to human life for a time, Arc-en-ciel is capable of complete annihilation in a larger area of effect, fired from orbit with no point of neutralization like how one can shoot down a nuclear missile (Difficult with Earth tech to take out a whole barrage of them, simple for mages).

To say nothing of barriers and the like.
>Form barriers around important Earth capitals and strongholds to isolate out a few important command figures, leaving them defenseless against a group of mages
>Easily take them out, without functional chain of command the average people will have no choice but to follow the TSAB and any armies will fall apart with no strategy

The biggest threat to Earth from the TSAB, isn't so must there magic user but the fact they can attack the planet from space, well Earth is yet to be able to attack things from space. It not like Earth's governments are not trying to be able to do that, so they can be more dangerous against other Countries.

I mean even Japan was hoping they could made a Space Elevator by 2050

A thought came to me. Multiple anons are upset that Midchilda resembles Earth too closely and doesn't display the level of tech/architecture one would expect despite it being available.

What if the TSAB is purposefully holding back development at a level deemed safe so that advancement doesn't go too far and wind up in tragedy? Al-Hazard was explicitly noted as being too advanced for its own good and fell to ruin as a result.

All the more reason they need to get a hold of Lost Logia and get them working.

The exact moment Vivid Strike became shit

This doesn't make any sense to me. I thought the Thunder Emperor was a rival of the other royalty. Why are they supporting the church devoted to worshiping a figure who they don't like? Is it all about keeping the masses distracted from who is really pulling the strings?

They really must be hiding the body to be burying her that quickly. They're just making it look like a normal burial with the coffin so it's less suspicious.

Victoria needs to start her own orphanage or something. She's already got a hobo and a nun.

But that's Vivio fucking up a retarded gorilla.

It was beautiful to see Vivio go Sankt Kaiser on edgy unlikable Not!Feito.

This was the biggest twist for me in Vivid Strike, the fact that Vivio won this match. Even when she was not the main character of the series.

Vivio is the main character of the nanohaverse.

Imagine if they actually went somewhere with the idea to have them pilot magical space ships like mecha.

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And she does nothing but play sports.

What did Corona mean by this?

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Kids are allowed to play. She has her entire life ahead of her.

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The problem is writers have no idea what to do with her.

Nice to see that Nanoha threads are becoming a bit more frequent now

They were clearly meant to be joke villains and considering I never liked that character archetype, they turned out a lot more likeable than expected. I also liked how one of their members literally looks like a delinquent Vivio

When I become very rich I will fund a Vivio anime where she stops playing sports.

it was a twist but in a part of the story where you don't want it beacause it was anticlimactic.

If they already did that, they should have Rinne go into some illegal powerup to get more powerful and become a bigger threat (and ideally go berserk as a result). The way they did it fucked up the story.


I mean, if anyone would, she would

Goddamn Quinn was a cutie. She tries so hard to be edgy and it ends up having the exact opposite effect.

I literally cheered when best girl Vivio won. Fucking no one can stop her.

Heh now I noticed how her eyes go from the multi-circle effect to a ueeeeeeh spiral here

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>one of their members literally looks like a delinquent Vivio
I guess she looks like Vivio of that one porn artist, but actually doesn't look bad.

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The art style can be surprisingly cute.

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Would be nice if it had really became an anime

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Being an anime would have solved so many issues with Force that it isn't funny. They really fucked up.

Hmm, I never noticed this before, but did Agito's outfit became more like Signum's? That's cute.

>Sound Stages/that one line from StrikerS heavily imply Agito was originally Signum's Unison Device to begin with
>Never touched on past that
I wonder if it would have eventually come up in Force or remained there as a super vague detail.

Shit if that is there I forgot completely. Hmmm.

Agito: Comrades... comrades, huh? I can't remember the details much but... someone who I was with... I don't know if I was with one person or many... I remember, but it's all fuzzy.
Zest: Is that so.
Lutecia: Was Agito's Lord amongst those people?
Agito: I don't know. But... when I think of that person, strangely, my heart feels warm. Well, that was a long time ago; they're probably not alive anymore. (Note: "strangely, my heart feels warm" are the same words Signum said during her unison with Agito in episode 26).
Lutecia: What kind of person were they, can you remember?
Agito: I was named as "Sword Spirit" so... probably a sword-wielder, right? Yeah, yeah, an incredibly great/cool sword-wielder who could wield fire perfectly too like, ehem... "Sword Flash (Brandish/Draw Sword)! Press onward to victory!" (白刃一閃、推して参る/Hakujin Issen, oshitemairu)
Lutecia: Mm.
Agito: Well, it's a dream. A dream. Even if I don’t find my lord; Caring for Sir and Lulu while accompanying you in your travels is my work now.

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Wouldn't solve the horrible isekai tier plot and MC.

Mariya/Maria is one of the hottest designs I've seen from a Nanoha character.

Force truly was a misunderstood manga.

Signum and Agito had a lot of cute and cool moments together in FORCE. And now Agito has ceased existing, that's fucking sad.

Attached: SignumAgito01.jpg (622x416, 98K)

Nowhere near as cute as Vivio


Attached: Mahou Shoujo Magical SEED GALAXY - 024.jpg (1040x1520, 183K)

Agito's story is a goddamn tearjerker

>Had a lord who she loved very but was separated from it long ago
>Spends so much time being tortured and experimented on that said memories of her beloved lord blur becoming a distant dream
>Gets rescued and forms bonds with a new lord who fill her once again with pride and purpose and whom she eventually gets to love as well
>Said lord is killed in front of her
>The killer shows her respect showing that she's an honorable knight who helped her lord meet a dignified end
>Begrudgingly cooperates with the knight to honor her fallen Lord
>Warm Heart moment
>Agito starts crying
>4 years later she finally has accepted her new lord and gets praise for her hard work, living a fulfilling life as an unison device
>Her current lord who she finally opened up to gets nearly killed right in front of her without being able to do anything

Being Agito is suffering. Somebody hug her.

Attached: SignumAgito.jpg (492x748, 157K)

I think somebody on /m/ started spreading a piece of information that the star on cheek meme in anime originally meant gay characters.
Why does Mariya feel the need to present that on Midchilda FFS

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I think she's too tsundere to Kurt's antics to be gay.

She was also tsun towards Quinn (and vice versa).

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Love their bickering comraderie. They seem more genuine than the Hucks.

I want them to finish FORCE just so they can get to the next thing

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I found amusing that a bunch of punk teenagers like the Grendel Gang knew about Hayate's exploits.

God I love Vivio

Incredible! Decantering from such a height!

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They made a movie about her terrorist days and she is the reason modern belka exists.
It would be weirder if they didn't.

The Takamachi family should go live to Space Chine once Nanoha starts her retirement.

They didn't seems to know who Signun is, though. But considering how the movies treat her I can't blame them.

Hey wait a minute, didn't Hayate take all of the responsibility for the Book of Darkness incident unto herself and try to hide the fact that the Knights were from it?

How was she okay with greenlighting the A's movie in-universe?

They can go to the next thing while ignoring Force ever existed.

The problem is that garbage did lasting damage and now they are afraid of trying anything new.

By shifting all the blame away from the book and making the snake bracelet the bad guy.
The Book of Darkness did nothing wrong.
Join the TSAB now!

It never crossed my mind that Signum could make a face like that.

Hayate probably slipped them something

Why is the nun so damn lewd?

They also treat Hayate with respect and reverence in ViviD when she visits the infinity Library.

She and most of the knights are huge stars, and Zafira is still just a dog.

Library I understand but I never expected the Grendels to be so cultured about public figures.

I would think it's less cultured about public figures and more "Here's the list of people to never, ever cross. #1 is Hayate."

>#1 is Hayate
>Not Nanoha
Dumb Grendels.

season 1 is great visually. people don't understand because i guess they haven't seen the op or don't appreciate anything about the extreme contrast coloring, wisdom and tactics or cinematography generally

Attached: magical-girl-lyrical-nanoha-dl.gif (500x375, 1023K)

That scene is still the most ridiculous thing.

S1 had some great still frames but it looks like shit in motion. Sasuga Shinbo.

because flying is hard dude. so many main charas can fly, but generally it's a rare skill.

partly that, although it is used to make ridiculous arrangements like having nano,fate,and hayate all in the same party. i think the main reason it exists for the three of them is to keep the aliens under control. i'm surprised they didn't actually take the book of darkness away from hayate, but maybe they thought she would sperg out and grey goo them.

because they get all the talented mages that the ground forces doesn't want

That's an interesting point that's never brought up. At the end of the day the TSAB doesn't trust anybody and Nanoha and Hayate are two extremely powerful aliens who might not be as loyal to Midchilda as they appear.

So far the earth is not even aware of the other planets and dimensions. They may be able to make big explosion, but it's still low technology generally. I think there is no point in the TSAB to bother with conquering and administrating a world that has no way of interacting with them at all, and which has very little good to offer if they do. Once first contact is made, Earth would quickly become a space-faring civilization.

Hayate doesn't have the Book of Darkness anymore, except in the movie continuity. It's just a storage device that happens to have been created in the image of it. Look it up.

True but Hayate fused her core with that of Reinforce Eins. It's part of why she's called a living Lost Logia.

Yes, but what exactly are they going to do about that?

So, what's next in the Nanoha franchise? Did they announce anything?

January 18th 2020.

That about right. Unless the author go into conspiracy theories stuff and say the MIB are real in the Nanoha's Universe

Technically they might be, Chrono and Co. have an office set up in Tokyo. It might be them, all along.

Right now that seem to be a movie timeline only thing, so far but that could change if they ever do something with Forces or after Forces.

>all humans in the Nanoha universe were originally from Al-Hazard
I like how this at least explains why they're all humans. The idea of the same species evolving on multiple planets all at the same general time is just ridiculous. I remember Star Trek TNG doing an episode explaining that everyone is humanoid because the species were all seeded by the same original aliens. But getting spread out and then reuniting without having time to evolve is much more reasonable.

Is Al Hazard Solnoids

w-what happens? Stage announcement?

Lyrical Party 7, for the 15th Anniversary.

Expect an announcement on that date.

They will announce that Yukarin is pregnant, with Nana's child.

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100km radius explosion set to destroy everything in the area would create a shockwave that would literally end all life on a continent and possibly cause mass extinction.

Tsar Bomba's fireball was 8km wide.

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>The biggest reason that the TSAB is very deadly and bad for the Multverse is because they don't have a rival

We don't know that. And looking at the numbers of their worlds they don't even control that many. Highest number for non administered world is 162 and administered 61. This is literally drop in an ocean.

There may be multiple organizations like that they just never appeared yet.

Attached: [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Detonation (720p BD x264 AACx2.0) [F2F3179D].mkv_snapshot_00.33.32 (1280x720, 1.52M)

You can't have an alien invasion without the dummy that thinks nuking the aliens is a good idea.

Destroying everything withing a 100 km radius of the target point by distorting the time-space of that region.

I don't think that it was made to create a shock wave but just delete everything in 100 km radius. It would kind of be against the TSAB whole trying if it had huge after effort for all life on a continent. There all about clean energy without major lasting pollution that leave a place unable for life to live or they would just be doing the same thing that left Belka in ruin

whole thing

Nukes literally never ever work in alien invasion movies.

It's set to be as safe as possible, magic can also be set to just destroy.

I think a nuke could be useful if you got it, inside the ship but I have no idea how someone would pull that off. Just firing the nuke at it, most likely would be really useless

Even if you did, they could easily teleport it outside or build a barrier around it.

why do you guys fantasize about making war with TSAB
we are supposed to trib with aliens in peace

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Most of us are talking about how big of a threat the TSAB is to Earth in the series and how helpless they are against it.

It why in the series Earth need to try and get Lost Logia's working for self-defense against the chance of the TSAB attacking them

>to give them reason to actually meddle into Earth's affairs
>would totally be safe to exploit lost logia without any magic knowledge/tradition/knowhow
not sure if trolling

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Works well enough when based O'Neil and Carter are on it

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They mostly used naquadah bombs later

We need how the TSAB would deal with other fictional powers like Ghosts/spiritual power, Chii/Ki, etc...

So far we have, combat magic, rituals, witchcraft, Cyborgs/robots, Zombie/Vampire Anti-Magic, Alchemy/Hacker Anti-Magic.

Required inside job and enemy being completely retarded.

StrikerS shown that the TSAB isn't exactly formed by geniuses.

Oh no! They're going to take our women!

Nanoha vs Goku, fund it.

Too strong. Raditz would anhilate the Nanohaverse alone.

A fight with Demon King Piccolo would be cool, though.

>our women will leave to their side for better everything

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I know that you guys are getting tired of thanking me, but here's another chapter anyways. I just like seeing people discussing and enjoying Life.

Els must have spent all her money on Magical Lily doujins after Corona introduced her to them.

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Victoria continues paying her peers to indulge her sexual fantasies.

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Els knows exactly what her real job is. Wish we'd gotten even one panel of whatever she's imagining.

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Our main character heroically enters.

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Sieg's skills as a maid haven't improved since chapter 2.

Attached: Vivid_LIFE_vol3_073.png (1129x1600, 342K)

On the other hand, Els is a natural.

Attached: Vivid_LIFE_vol3_074.png (1129x1600, 297K)

Oops, I missed a bubble. I'll have to live-stream myself committing seppuku to regain my honor.

And Sieg is super weak to booze. Victoria should take note.

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Wait, where's Edgar? Apparently Sieg killed him.

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>they don't have a rival

And this is the greatest fuckup of the franchise. Because of this they can't advance the plot at all since everything must be minor incidents that are pretty much the same shit as A's over and over again.

What this series needs is new big factions that oppose TSAB. Give them distinct magic too.

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And just to get another character into a maid outfit, here's chibi Mikaya.

Attached: Vivid_LIFE_vol3_077.png (1129x1600, 30K)

She breaks the fourth wall like this several times. Apparently she knows her world isn't real.


Attached: Vivid_LIFE_vol3_078.png (1129x1600, 102K)

Her harem keeps expanding.

Then I simply won't thank you, easy enough.

Just kidding. The pace you've been going at is great, you're spoiling us.

Els let her inner anime take over, never let that happen in public.

Sieg's more like the headbutt maid with that entrance. Bless her poor (in more ways than one) heart.

Her ability to ruin everything she touches is her pride and joy, it just so happens to only be useful in the ring.

Give her a hug, Victoria. She needs it.


Sieg breaks the physical walls in this manga, Mikaya breaks the meta ones. Simple.

Don't worry, we'll pretend hard! Thanks anyway, tho!
Those paper-thin walls always kill me. Also, those windows on a mansion/castle.
Japan sure can't into masonry.

I'm starting to think all those centuries of fighting knowledge are overwriting some vital functions in Sieg's brain.

Getting Sieg drunk is a double edged sword.

Micaiah for president

>What this series needs is new big factions that oppose TSAB. Give them distinct magic too
Threatening but not overpowered, otherwise it will just a series of curbstomps from each side until one runs out of upgrades.

She knows her actions in life have no impact in the main story so she's free to do as she pleases. That's the magic of omake

>Her ability to ruin everything she touches is her pride and joy, it just so happens to only be useful in the ring.
What she isn't clumsy and it's just a manifestation of the Jeremiah destructive reflexes?

One wonder what kind of lives her many ancestors lived.

Unironically likely.

Just your average uninteresting scholars.

Attached: ViVid54 20.jpg (1485x2117, 763K)

Every past Black Jeremiah is supposed to be an ultimate badass and inherit their accumulated badassitude to the next one.

Actually - this means that Einhart didn't know Wilfried was a woman herself and she only found out here?
There should have been an insert panel with Einhart going "Ueeeeeeh?" there for comical effect.

I need to find time for rereading the whole Vivid.

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God bless Fuji, shame he wasn't allowed to draw the main characters like that.

Somehow it feels like that while NanoFate are sacred, it would be very fine and tasteful to see full frontal & nipples of Hayate.

Attached: hayate_copy_01.jpg (400x568, 136K)

It's because of what she's done to everyone else. She deserves it.

No no no Hayate is nice and kind made for sex

Attached: hayate_dakimakura01.jpg (300x866, 43K)

I understand not showing nanofate nipples but the vivids should be fair game.

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>her actions in life have no impact in the main story
>magic of omake
I'm trolled, blasphemer. I like to believe that a lot of it could be canon. And it's so interesting how Tsuzuki has gone out of his way to imply the same.

>Her ability to ruin everything she touches is her pride and joy
I'd never thought about it that way. She is just one big screw-up in Life. Maybe wasting her time on stuff like this instead of training is part of the reason she loses to Victoria later. After all, we know that she's still doing the maid thing and lounging around at Victoria's mansion a long time later during Strike.

Kinda like trying to sleep with her after seeing the cockroach incident. She's ruining that for both of them too. And us. Sieg's ruining ability is breaking meta walls after all.

>I like to believe that a lot of it could be canon.
Piss isn't but all the lezzing is. Also Mikaiah's sef offending. I do pizza deliveries for both Takuya and Tsuzuki, so trust me.

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>I'm trolled, blasphemer. I like to believe that a lot of it could be canon. And it's so interesting how Tsuzuki has gone out of his way to imply the same.
I think he meant that the final pages are the omakes , pretty much the same as the Force Dimension thing, they're based on canon too but are even less serious than the rest of the manga.

>Piss isn't but all the lezzing is.
I'm not ready to write off the pissing as non-canon, but at least we agree on the most important part.

I also refuse to believe in the existence of chibi Rio. But Vita being able to kill it is a real thing.

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4th release this thread, isn't this? The chapters are short individually but that's still a lot.

I love Life's portrayal of Els as an otaku girl. It fits her so well.

Is that a motherfucking K-On reference?

Anyone who wasn't an MC got their nips shown. MCs are the sacred cow in the authors eyes.

Vivids in a bottle are cute.

I think it's time we get some real deal non-humanoid alien antagonists. Think about it, an alien federation could be introduced as the new major antagonists. Perhaps they could see magic as unnatural or too dangerous for anyone to have, or maybe they worship lost logia and start tarring TSAB worlds to get at them.

>We Halo 2 now

Not really

I want to fill those bottles with various fluids.

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I feel like at some point Fuji got told to stop putting nips on any of the characters, probably around the infinite library part.

Ignoring lolis where it's only fair (too bad there was no adult modo Sankt Kaiser and Hegemon Ingvalt nipples though), there was nothing from Victoria, Micaiah, Else, Chantez, Lutecia and Fabia - not going into later Lufen girls, Yumina, Nove's sisters, two-stroke chan or other later characters.

It's more like exception - Teana, Subaru, Nove in Carnage, Harry, Sieglinde in the Intermiddle bathhouse, and finally Wilfried.

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Almost looks like a nipple on Sieg, but could be just bad scan.
>imagine the color version

It was.

I forgot about that. Oops.

Er, I mean, almost looks like nipple here Still could be bad scan.

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Rereading the chapter, I just realized that Corona was the only vivid that did not get captured.
She really is the best fighter despite being the weakest. Victoria is awesome too.

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Also sucks that Fabia failed to strip Victoria.
Though her earlier shower scene also yielded nothing.

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I would love to see something like this actually happen in the canon. It would be heartwarming and nice for little Fate to see what kind of person she would grow up into.

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I think there are enough doujins to fill the niche.

Corona is a beast. It's a shame she didn't get to fight more often.

Attached: Nanoha ViVid 75-25.png (1404x2000, 753K)

It happens in vivid life.

I believe that was originally an anthology chapter so I'm not sure if I'd throw it in there with VL.

Attached: [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Vivid - 06 (1080p BD Hi10 FLAC).webm (1280x720, 2.21M)

At least all the fights she got were cool and memorable.

Attached: corona.webm (852x480, 2.82M)

Have any recommendations that aren't porn?

Why would you want that?

Maybe I want to read some heartwarming doujins about cute time travel shit?

Something warms up

Apparently this was enough to get the chapter tagged "NSFW" on Dynasty Reader.

All the pantyshots in Vivid are done so casually, like it's second nature for Fujima. Even mini-Ix had quite a few, from what I remember.

They are second nature to him, because he has reached enlightenment.

It's in the series' roots anyhow, the first season especially.

Attached: Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's - 01.DVD[H264.AAC][DGz][7A8A7769].mkv_snapshot_19.22_[2017.03.2 (640x480, 39K)

>Cyclone drawing Vita
Stay away from her you fucking bitch!

>Consumes all clothes and devices
>Hair accessories, glasses and a sanitary mask remain

It one threat for another. Earth try to get Lost Logia working, to defense from the TSAB becoming a threat or do nothing and hope the TSAB never become a enemy

What Earth need to do, is try to made or join a group of non-administered World for self-defense. It would also solve the problem of the TSAB not having anyone to rival them.

What if it's a doujin of Vita destroying Nanoha in A's?

Attached: Vita_Casual_17.jpg (640x960, 135K)

Einhart why haven't you made Vivio your girlfriend yet?

If I get a time machine, then my first priority is to go back and slap Tsuzuki across the face for even thinking about making Force a manga. Honestly how the fuck does someone think
>the StrikerS anime was a major success
>clearly the sequel should be a manga!

Could you imagine the shitposting that would have taken place if Cypha vs Signum was animated?

We would've had a legendary gif of Signum's defeat and it would be constantly posted in every Nanoha thread to bait the Signumfags. Well it would last until the episode of Signum winning the rematch at least.

Would that be any different from her animated losses from the movies?

considering how fucking assblasted people got about the page of signum """jobbing"""", i don't think it would have been all that different except this time it wouldn't have dragged on for years because of dumb faggots who never finished reading the manga

Vita is for headpats and handholding.

Bless her.

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I'd say yes. Signum jobbing in FORCE was treated as a shocking big deal with the fact given a special title page the following chapter and also a mention on Cypha's special poster. Signum's recovery and their rematch were also given special focus.

In the movies Signum was just another casualty of Formula Eltria fagottry, she jobbed twice in Reflection but no one gave it a mention nor it seemed to be of any relevance.

As other anons said I think the butthurt would've been greater but also shorter. The main problem with FORCE was the horrible pacing and it's penchant for bad cliffhangers. Waiting three weeks to know what happened to Signum isn't as bad as waiting a fucking year.

>In the movies Signum was just another casualty of Formula Eltria fagottry, she jobbed twice in Reflection but no one gave it a mention nor it seemed to be of any relevance.
To be honest as a Signumfag that’s even more enraging than the way Force dealt with it. Jobbing with a purpose to hype up the new enemy is far better than a meaningless loss that was even more humiliating than her Force defeat.

Agreed. That's why I'm remorseful for having bitched so much and for so long for her jobbing to Cypha. I really didn't realized how good Signum had it back then.

In what universe is Corona the weakest? She almost outpunched Ein despite the fact her magic is not even good for ring fights.

The main problem with Force was trying to turn Nanoha into generic LN haremshit with crappy male lead and magical girlfriend he finds.

You never know what you have until you lost it. Force was pretty great for Signum’s character overall, but now she’s been reduced to taking a backseat role along with the rest of the knights. Fuck.

That’s what I’m hoping. I’m mostly neutral towards FORCE, it’s not my favourite Nanoha entry but it’s not the worst either, but it absolutely needs to be finished already. It’s acting as a massive roadblock for the franchise and Tsuzuki not wanting to address it is annoying as fuck.

The best fight to see animated would in my opinion be Nanoha vs Thoma. Legit one of my favourite fights in the whole franchise and it would’ve been amazing in an anime form.