Any translations already?
Konosuba LN volume 16
Aqua wins, that's it
CG is on it, be patient.
He's probably prioritizing the new Dust spinoff LN with the loli though.
That would legitmately come out of nowhere since Megumin is the only serious contender.
>Konosuba cover with male in front
She's not even on the cover.
But get a lot illustrations +it's was her vol focus too
Megumi was afraid like hell that Kazuma got alone after his aqua
We're already on endgame.
Feels bad man.
is megumin only winning because she's the most popular?
Well, if it had to be one of the main cast. I think she's the best choice.
>Kazuma can't get it on with Aqua due to her uselessness
>He's creeped out by Darkness
>He gets along with Chris/Eris but she's a goddess so there you have a barrier
>Yunyun is too aspie to understand affection
>Wiz is a lich
Mememin is a qt crazed chuuni but she's still the sanest when the situation calls for it. On top of that, she came on strongly to a virgin like Kazuma and there you have it.
She was fated to win the Kazuma bowl since a long time ago.
There needs to be plot main story content too for more explosions in Megumin.
>Mememin is a qt crazed chuuni but she's still the sanest when the situation calls for it.
Pretty much this.
So the chuuni demon girl wins by default?
She had to have had some competition. It's boring if the other girls are just disqualified. Did Yunyun or Eris at least put up a fight?
It's the opposite
Yunyun was mostly kept out of the narrative and there were some hints with Eris but nothing that went too far.
Competition was mostly dealt by Lalatina. Who acted like a slut and then chickened out when plot demanded. She did steal Kazuma's first kiss though.
Rather than winning by default. I think what I explained on the other post explains why Megumin is the one to win in the end. She did start by making a move on Kazuma before the others and that gave her a huge advantage. The miracle is that the ship is still sailing considering how much of a scumbag Kazuma has been by ditching the party on several occasions.
>no Aqua on the cover
>not even in small chibi form
Kazuma and Aqua's chemistry is still usually the funniest thing, though there's a lot going on now and it doesn't need to be the focus.
The best friends/sibling dynamic they have together is great and refreshing, I still don't understand how people want to destroy that for pure self insert purposes
>She had to have had some competition
I'd say attempted rape by Lalatina counts.
Iris says "wats up, kazzi? Does onii-sa a wana grind with me all night?"
Honestly Iris literally interfering in Kazuma's chosen relationship with Megumin should permanently piss him off at her for good when he finds out.
It's basically the same shit as in WN - Aqua ran away, Kazuma got to keep skill points when leveled down.
He asked vanir and wiz for help - they carry him through Molten Core and help him get infinite skills in exchange for him buying shit ton of high quality mana crystals wiz bought back in the day.
Demon general lady from previous volume gets almost raped by Axis cultists, she tells kazuma that the demon kings barrier need at least 20 hits of explosion to be destroyed so kazuma gives megumin the mana crystals he bought.
There is also some Kazumin, they try to have sex but Kazuma realizes that it's kinda weird when there is no one to stop them (aka Aqua is missing) so he chickens out but Megumin mouthrapes him. Meanwhile, Darkness is locked in the closet getting cucked.
Basically this - Kazuma want's to sex megumin when aqua is at house so he can cuck her, but she went missing! How can they now have sex, in the house where they all live, when one of the cuckolds is not present?!
I want to read more h-scene analyses like this. Is there a tag for that?
It's Eris that's behind stopping them from going through with the sex, though. Behind the scenes.
Megumin hooking up with Kazuma was forced though.
Before they hooked up, Kazuma wanted to spend the rest of his life with Iris in the castle.
Then 2 weeks after being forced out of the castle, Kazuma suddenly hooks up with Megumin was just bad writing.
Let me guess, you ship Kazuma with Darkness?
Honestly the guy can't write romance well anyway, and the way he used it is in completely self-contained scenes that can be shunted away into a corner, rather than actually having it be "on" at all times.
I recall when Kazuma had to go away, taking a carriage with some of the others, while Megumin stayed behind for some reason, can't remember the exact LN volume. They didn't even have a private goodbye or anything. The first kiss being stolen isn't lamented at all, etc
Romance is like a convenient filler for him.
>Kazuma realizes that it's kinda weird when there is no one to stop them (aka Aqua is missing) so he chickens out
>Basically this
He don't want sex with Megumi
>aqua is his big excuse to rejecte Megumi
only girls read these
Megumin still rapde his mouth, checkmate aquafags.
No its becauss she is cute and loves kazuma for his flaws
>Megumin mouthrapes him
No kiss this vol
>Meanwhile, Darkness is locked in the closet getting cucked
since the beginning Megumi knows that Darkness was locked in the closet
big boys read konosuba
What is the campfire conversation, what is the bedroom incident, what is the 120 point explosion, what is the bedroom talks after explosion demon. Your argument has no merit user.
Reminder that Kazuma will eventually return to Earth with Aqua.
"I'll never forget our fun adventures together, Kazuma! Maybe we'll meet again some day."
Aqua win subtly kazumabowl.He is literally tsun about her and he cry like baby when he was thinks that he can't never see her again.
>It's open end
with Aqua who realizes her own feelings and kazama harem
Weren't they trying to establish Eris as Kazuma's waifu? Why all the Megumin shipping?
Still bad writing because that was Kazuma's first lifetime declaration involving a girl and Kazuma still didn't see Megumin that way.
You know Kazuma still doesn't hang out with Megumin, right?
He goes drinking with Aqua everyday and he became the Succubus Shop's best customer even while "dating" Megumin before and after the confession.
Kazuma and Megumin haven't gone out on a real date unless you want to stretch those explosions in the mornings.
Come back, when Kazuma invites Megumin to a personal lunch or dinner...
Anyway the most important that Aqua was always her to stop him.
But now that Aqua is not here (his big excuse) to stop him so why Kazuma not doing anything with Megumi?
This pic is not Megumi victory but opposite
Where the FUCK is Meguicha 5?!
Guys I just noticed
Megumin - cute nickname form of Megumin
Konosuba - God's Blessing on this Wonderful World!
Megumi - Blessing
Megumin was the literal endgame from the start!
We won, megubros.
Aquafags eternally BTFO
>No translation
>no summary
>2 weeks
>"Megumifags get btfo this vol that why no a little summary about this vol16"
Nips comments about this new Vol:
_--->"Kazuma indirectly reject Megumi"
Seething aquafag
>seething ESL
the state of this thread
Don't worry, its the calm before the storm. They're uncertain now but they'll be back to normal again when the translation is out and they can twist things to fit themselves.