Who is the Galko of this season?

Who is the Galko of this season?

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What makes a girl like Galko???

Drinking a lot of milk.

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goddamn i miss galko

Hibiki obviously

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Hibiki is fat.

Your whore mother.

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She's not as sugoi kawaii as Galko.

its not fair for galko to have so much BODY and not leave any left for me

But Galko was a one time wonder that won't happen again.

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he said innocent

Who is the Otako of this season?

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As if she saves her armpits.

haha wouldn't it be funny if someone posted her with unshaven armpits haha

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sure would

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She might not be but by god does she makes me hard.


>Who is the Galko of this season?

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Yes, and later she gushes about a British (as in not black) actor with a cleft chin. Galko likes handsome men no matter their color


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And you're an ugly, deformed animal, but you don't see me posting about it in every thread.

No one can replace Galko

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She has better muscles though.

T. fatso

Salty bags of coins.

>S2 never ever
Fuck this shit

We just gotta buy enough Blu-ray’s and manga volumes r-right

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Why is tippy purple?

Post pits.

She is better.

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Where're the pubes?

Why am I so attracted to this girl?

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Is she hiding a sea urchin in her swimsuit?

Men of Culture.

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daddy problems

The joke about misinterpreting rubbers as a hair tie was one of the only times I've ever laughed out loud in an anime.
All three of those girls are great.

>bleached slut

I dunno. Are there any girls of this season that fuck black men?

Sorry bud I'm more of a Galkobro as I've taken the gyarupill and thiccpill, just wasn't gonna pass up the chance to post some armpussies

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I want to titfuck Galko. Season two when?

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Soon, I hope.

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When will they reveal that he's a fag, like all guys who get too obsessed with the /fit/ lifestyle.

If someone has a bush like that, there is no way they are going to bother shaving their legs.

Shame the guy who makes this fanart is so autistic he deleted his pixiv account 3 different times...Without the boorus, his art would have been gone forever.

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>Tfw umayahara deleted everything because people put his doujin online

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Did any good Galko stuff release this comiket?