Yea Forums sings - Catch You Catch Me

Hey Yea Forums why don't we sing Catch You Catch Me together? I'm organizing an Yea Forums sings Card Captor Sakura and I hope you'll join in. Even you, Sakura nail poster

There are other projects and I hope you'll join them too.

There is another project too. While it's not a part of Yea Forumsss 3, Drumfag is mixing for an Yea Forums sings of gate of steiner (Steins;Gate 0 ED3) for Steins;Gate's 10th aniversary, all the info for that is this

Feel free to post your recordings/questions in the thread.

Attached: 1543961829886.jpg (350x355, 32K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Complete track list:

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I would but I already have at least 3 songs on the back burner

Oh that's fine. There isn't really a deadline for anything for now

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What is this about and how do I join? I love that song.

>What is this about and how do I join? I love that song.
All the details are in the OP

1. Record yourself singing the song (use headphones so that the recording will have just your vocals on it)
2. send it to whoever is mixing it, preferably as a .wav or .flac file
3. that's it

If you want tips on how you can achieve the best sound quality using the gear you have, you can ask in one of these threads, or if you don't care, you don't have to.

Thanks user, hope I make it before time limit.

Tomorrow is k/a/raoke day. Throw some requests. Ear rape maximum edition.

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LMAO you are fucking slowpoke
this was made long ago

Ika Musume OP please
I've been secretly training to sing it

There isn't a time limit for me right now but maybe there could be a "soft" deadline at the end of September. I'm just waiting till I have a minimum of 20 submissions. (I have 5 right now). The same can't be said for the other mixers. You will have to ask them.
Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought that wasn't the full version?

Attached: 1525188666795.gif (500x281, 332K)

It was shit.

Anons, I have to confess. I have been sytematically bumping these treads by asking about the deadline.

Wasn't Catch You Catch Me already done?
Let's do Platinum or Honey instead.

Are you also the same user that's been bumping the Yea Forums draws threads?

2005 called, they want their initialisms back.

I am a horrible person, aren't I?

But the ED is so much better.

I appreciate your efforts user. It's very nice. Have you even submitted for anything?


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Nantokanare when?

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>But Platinum is so much better.


Attached: taiko oppai edition.gif (360x303, 3.92M)

I submitted my recording for 99 earlier this week, can't wait to see the final product



I will answer with a Eurobeat song title if you don't mind.

Good thing Yea Forums already made both

Best opinion ITT.

anyone wanna get on discord and sing along.
kinda nervous ngl


phone then?

Be a hero and post a recording in the thread.

I exclusively sing when there's no one around, I'm too much of a pussy
I had to wait weeks before I could record for an Yea Forums sings until I was alone in the house

I don't have anyone home for like a month. I just need someone's feedback.

y-you first

Just post here. I bet that zoomer voice chat has some shitty compression that ruins the quality, making the sample very different from an actual recording.


I might do it when everybody at home is gone
Gonna take a while


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Bamping for this.

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Attached: shoe.webm (640x480, 645K)

Not sure if that is an escalator or an elevator.


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Shit, tried to sing this HEAVY and now my throat hurts.

>this thread is still alive
Thank you bumpfriends.
I hope your project is going well, I also noticed bumpfriends in your threads too.

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Fuck forgot to remove trip but thanks

>still have at least 2 more songs i want to do
I'm going to die

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I just wonder how many have ignored Chaos;Head and gone straight to the other Science Adventure games. It is a nice game and the soundtrack is pure bliss.

Wish it had an anime

Sleep tight, Aniki.

It does doesn't it?