Go Toubun no Hanayome

Which quint is most well liked by the others?
Also which quints have closer relationships or better chemistry with each other?

p.s. 2fags and 3fags should try getting along. That's what Miku, Nino, and Yotsuba would want.

Attached: 23 please stop fighting 4 is best.png (1806x636, 1.19M)

Other urls found in this thread:


2&4 fags get along fine.

Ichicute a best. A BEST.

Attached: 1552404298689.jpg (680x384, 60K)

Too slow for first post ichicute spammer.

Also when is Ichika going to use that photo to help ship Fuutaro with Yotsuba?

Attached: yotsuba yo.png (810x939, 493K)


>On one hand, Yotsuba and Nino get along well. Yotsuba seems to be supporting Nino and Nino cares about her.
>On the other hand, Yotsuba is doing sneaky stuff from the shadows which Nino doesn't like. Also not sure how Nino would feel about Yots if she enters the bowl.
Certainly Miku would be BTFO, but Nino wouldn't fear the 4 just like she didn't with Ichika.
She did cry from F's the story about himself and Rena. And she does love Yotsuba as a sister. Not sure how sorry she would feel for 4.

Attached: Yotsuba no need to be upset.png (1056x665, 1.05M)

is the chap. late this week? Is it on break?

Fifth Quint ; Burgers and Tits wants to know

Attached: wilbon.jpg (576x324, 31K)

Mikufags and Miku are just fun to bully but they just won't accept that it's everyone who does it and not just one group.

No spoilers cuz gooks on vacation
Trans will be out in a few hours

Attached: nino smug lewd.png (632x652, 809K)

2&4 sort of get along with 1s too.
And 5's tend to keep to themselves or get along with 4's.

So basically it's 2s (and sometimes 1s) who fight 3s.

Attached: quint chads.jpg (1144x1176, 637K)

>fear the strong

Attached: 1565445910080.png (500x470, 231K)

As well as thinking people really fear someone like Miku.

So 3 is the problem and should be removed

Can't clap by yourself.

2s keep starting shit with 3s

I'd like it if we all could get along though.

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we'll just give her a new sengoku schlicking game

the other quintfrens are just jealous don't mind them

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You could remove 3 from the story and nothing would change. Or not, it would actually make it better since you would remove all the flipflopping, Nino would have to confront Yotsuba about her love instead of with a copycat like Miku.

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I am a bit jealous though.

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1 is probably the most well-liked by the others.
Aside from her brief lapse into psychopathy (which the others seem to have forgiven her for), Ichika has been the eldest sister to them post-Rena death. Generally supportive and pretty easy-going, plus she single-handedly paid their rent for awhile. As for the others, Nino is too abrasive, Miku is a neet, Zetsuba wasn't too long ago, and they probably all think of Itsuki as their cute little sister who tries too hard, but they also don't seem especially close to her.

>1 is probably the most well-liked by the others.
the smaller the fanbase the less threatening the quint

Anyone else don't like the direction Negi went with Miku?
>Miku then
>The cold silent type but has a warm caring side too.
>"The smartest quint" and very attentive of things. Extremely sharp ears. Listens, analyzes, and reacts accordingly.
>Sees through Fuutaro's bs and will call him out on it.
>Lived by Bushido FURINKAZAN code like a boss

>Miku now
>Dere dere doormat now. Always thinking about Fuutaro.
>Doesn't notice shit until it hits her. Gets BTFO the smallest shit like Nino being open about liking Fuutaro or the thought of having to compete with Ichika.
>Not the "Smartest quint". Basically loses to Ichika across the board: career, looks, sociability, popularity with boys and girls, etc etc
>Not living by bushido code. Now a plebeian baker.

Attached: ichika yay.png (1853x1440, 3.07M)


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This, look at how many mikufags were saying that they would be 100% okay with a Yotsuba end before chapter 86. Now the only ones still on Yotsuba's side are sometimes Ninofags.

>calling others irrelevant
your wagon is showing.

I'm a 3fag and I still like yotsuba. It's not like revealing her past somehow changed what she is now.

shhhh do not provoke them you don't to be responsible for their ropes

Actually most in the fandom are pretty supportive of 4 as winner assuming their own girl doesn't win. Even 3s.

I was fine with a Yotsu end before but now that she's that generic girl from the past trope I don't want to support that fantasy

remember when Ichika acted like a bitg sis and not some underhanded bitch? good old times

2-4 best pair and best endings

Attached: 4-2.jpg (667x501, 326K)

2 was ruined when she did a 180 within 2 chapters

teaser Miku a cute I hope we'll see some of it in the date chapters

Attached: bridesface.png (842x818, 620K)

Yeah, because Miku doing a 180 in the third chapter of the manga is better than Nino slowly acknowledging her feelings for Fuutarou from the school trip to chapter 60, yeah?
Nice headcanon.

Miku didn't hate him so calling it a 180 doesn't make any sense Ninobro.

Whether you like it or not, miku does have a role that involves her sisters, like being there for nino during 7gb.
Plus her fags fund the toubun industry, so that's something.

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>cold, distant and unwilling to have F as her tutor
>OMG you chased me saying some sengoku trivia I love you!

>2fags and 3fags should try getting along
No thanks. I don't want cancerous 2fags ship jumping to Miku after Nino is rejected.
Its not enough that Miku will win, non-Mikufags have to suffer.

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Miku is a nice girl too.
Was worried about and tried to help CHADsuba in flash back.

Attached: WINsuba alpha as fuck.png (1115x1600, 646K)

From a Meta Perspective and from a Story Perspective, who is most likely to win?
1 cant win because she was malevolent. That person never wins
2 and 3 have basically stagnated to the same role.
4 has every single loser flag trope in existence, but I dont know how negi can resolve her arc without her losing or getting a pity win, because normally Bitchsuba would be the cause of her losing if it happened in present day, but shes already moved past that.
5 hasnt enterred the bowl, but she has Fumino vibes all around her as the confidante, and is first girl.
1 has bowed out to become an actress. Potentially making a comeback/redemption arc.
2 is the one making F aware of the girls, and hes started paying attention to her
3 is ... I still dont know what she contributed that 1, 2, or 4 havent done first or better.
4 has been helping F enjoy his school life and make non quint friends. And he enjoys that, but she also hasnt put herself out there. And the meta loser flags still loom in the background.
5 doesnt seem to want to enter the bowl after seeing all the chaos, and shes been trying to wingman 4. She would be an even bigger Snek than 1 if she entered now imo.

>She would be an even bigger Snek than 1 if she entered now imo.
I don't get your reasoning here. Being a wingman doesn't mean you can't fall in love right?

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Have patience with Ninofags it's been a hard couple of moths for them, after her confession they though SE would be her arc but ended up being Miku's and then Nino said "get ready Fuu-kun" and "I'll settle everything" so they though Kyoto would be about her but it was Miku's again and now Nino's getting the daddy issues side plot while Miku's suggestion is driving the drama in the festival and she's getting a date and it's starting to look like this arc will also be Miku's
It's hard to be a 2fag

anyone could win and all of your storywise points are pointless and don't have anything to do with romantic feelings

Ichika has a soft spot for Miku and vice versa. Overall they probably like Ichika the most. Nino and Yotsuba seem to love Miku a lot too.

I feel bad for them. I hope 37 gets a reset soon so they can stop being so bitter

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>Mikufags celebrating
>Rejection arc

Attached: 29F739C5-9C69-4B7F-A24D-3CC0725B6051.jpg (185x180, 17K)

Tone down with the salt, it's making everything dry.

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I hope so too for Miku and her 97 chapters of irrelevance, my dear mikubro!

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Ichika wins because she is my favorite.

>Fuutarou thought Miku was angry at him cause he didn't give her something in return for the valentine's choco yet
>implying he wants to give her something in return

Attached: 1565795127034.png (2508x3031, 3.33M)

It's not exactly much, but Fuutarou showed response towards nino tactics in Chapter 93. The count is silly.

Attached: mikusip.png (475x681, 142K)

thanks ninobro I hope too that Miku gets more attention

He was scared about "Itsuki" wanting to end things with him on scrambled eggs, i wouldn't call being Itsukizoned much to be happy about

Why wouldn't he be scared? It was perfectly natural.

Sorry, i didnt clarify. She knows that all 4 of her sisters like him. If she entered now, its basically Nino's "I dont care about your feelings I'm going for it anyway" mentality to a bigger scale because Nino only knew about Miku's feelings at the time, not Ichika's. And she knows which approaches work and dont work based on how her sisters proceeded. And she has an In with Raiha and has been Fuutarou's confidante. She'd be unstoppable if she tried imo.

I disagree. At this point all sisters are aware it's a free for all as long as you don't break your sisterly relationship, that's what's what kyoto war was all about.
> And she knows which approaches work and dont work based on how her sisters proceeded.
I don't see how this is exclusive to itsuki, all the sisters are aware of their own methodology and tried varying it, just like nino in chapter 93.
> And she has an In with Raiha and has been Fuutarou's confidante.
Agreed. This is why itsuki is a strong contender, rivaled only by yotsuba (so far).
> She'd be unstoppable if she tried imo.
We'll see. As much as people dislike it, the first girl trope is very much a thing and alive. The thing that takes away from it is her being the bell kisser.

do you think repeating the same shit over and over again like a prayer makes it reality? you think sabotaging and hurting somebody as weak as miku and deceiving your love interest makes any girl a best?
makes her pretty shit in my book.

t. ninofag

>unironically liking Miku as your favorite quint

Attached: 1564924754257.png (760x839, 760K)

>>implying he wants to give her something in return
But he didn't kek

effort + cute= best

Dammit, I thought it was a new Miku doujin for a second.

Attached: 1544163614216.jpg (1280x1814, 219K)

1 treacherous bitch
2 superficial bitch
4 muh selfless girl from the past
5 muh first girl
3 is weak and a confidenceless flipflopper but at least she's cute and funny and her design is comfy af

they love each other equally.

They're all cute and funny. There's nothing about Miku that stands out

It's because miku's design is too generic.

I love you! Aruji-sama!

Attached: Kokkoro Miku.png (400x294, 77K)

Yeah whatever I know that I wouldn't care about reading this manga if Miku wasn't in it

>Which quint is most well liked by the others?
Ichika trained them to fear and worship her.

Attached: EBVqtdOUwAA3Ruq.png (2000x1301, 2.15M)

>body language"mirror"with FuutxNino
Your body do the same gesture of the person you like

Attached: mirror.jpg (1920x1920, 822K)

Well I guess Miku is the cutest if you call a child that's having her first puppy love cute. Considering that her sisters had to help with her date, it's like a mom letting their child go out on their own while they really watch from the sides.

Prime example of waifufag.

Do you make these yourself or do you pick them off from baidu or something.

I read it with her voice...
oh wait...

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ain't even my waifu just the best girl in a generic manga with generic characters

nino a shit


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Case in point.

There is a popular Chinese Ninofag here you know.

Yeah, that's the chink right?

We need more ponytail Nino.

We need more long hair ponytail. I don't mind her short one but I do like the long one better

Attached: 1564894931118.jpg (1500x1435, 607K)

Nino is worst girl



Oh. Well that's a tad disappointing.
I thought our resident chink made all of them himself from sheer autism. Well, at least he did present them nicely.

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Every person with at least two functional neurons should know that Yotsuba is the bride.
Ichika, Miku and Nino are nothing more that red herrings.
Itsuki it's just a mascot for the series, a total waste of ink.

If we're running with this analogy, Nino is the spoiled child that gets demands everything and Yotsuba is suicidal + starving for love because she's neglected.

God I wish I was Maruo so be able to fuck Rena and years later her daughter NIno...

But I love itsuki.

Attached: D2_Hjj5UgAA7KtR.jpg large.jpg (1650x1681, 276K)

It could easily be argued as well that Yotsuba is the red herring, as promised girls tend to be..

No way, Negi wouldn't give her so much development if he planned to throw her away.


that's the pose Miku gives when seeing old dudes!

Now Ichika would do anything, I mean ANYTHING to Fuutarou for him to acept her.

Yotsuba being the bride? I wish, but nothing proves it beyond doubt. What Negi did with her character can still be done with Itsuki, though I find it hard to do.

Bell Kisser confirmed

5. Natural and organic platonic relationship turned into love built on support, trust and goodwill.

Granted, but itsuki is not the bell kisser.

Why do you say that?


>Every person with at least two functional neurons should know that Yotsuba is the bride.
>Ichika, Miku and Nino are nothing more that red herrings.
You seem to be the one with problems here.

>No way, Negi wouldn't give her so much development if he planned to throw her away.
>4 chapter flashbacks
>And a few foreshadowing scenes


Attached: 5258A152-3118-4708-87B1-F8CF4844BE9A.jpg (888x1243, 282K)

So this is the power of bald, old men.

And the power of Money

Miku pleases old men for money!
What's the plot

Kill yourself for linking this. And hopefully tomorrow someone will turn the house of that doujinshi's author into kyoani 2.0

Attached: 1561913350255.jpg (278x349, 41K)

There's nothing wrong with Miku loving old men.
Stop selfinserting.

Seems like Miku needed money and the Old man would give her money
As long as she did lewds things with him and things escalated after that she loses to cock

>4 has every single loser flag trope in existence, but I dont know how negi can resolve her arc without her losing or getting a pity win, because normally Bitchsuba would be the cause of her losing if it happened in present day, but shes already moved past that.
Sounds like someone is awfully concerned.

This. And unlike takeda which is only heavily hinted, miku's love with old men is canon.

Attached: 1548057840986.png (1920x1080, 3.34M)

All the quints doujins suck. What did you expect?

Miku liking old men is canon, why are you so mad?

>Ichika trained them to fear and worship her.
She didn't train shit.
2 took her head on.
3 just a doormat
4 does sees her as an older sister, but 4 ain't exactly the brightest quint. Also 4 is much stronger than her and does not fear her.
5 Why would a mom fear her daughter?

This is like the third, or fourth doujin of Miku fucking old fat fucks, grow a spine already.
I don't know what you expected from a character that literally stated she wants old man cock in the first 2 chapers.

I can't wait for yotsuba's NTR doujins.

I just want at least one with her trapped in a tree

>getting coaxed into fucking the sports teams
So typical.

why does this manga not have any good doujins? they all look like garbage

There's also doujins where nino is the one banged by old fat men too (there's an older t/l one where it's in the same book as a miku vanilla). Not sure why they make nino+fatman that beyond having shit taste and not knowing the story, but don't get your panties in a bunch over banter.

1 = jav/director
2 = nigs/gaijins/dads/sisters/isanari
3 = old bald fat men of japanese samurai decent (with mustache)
4 = rope
5 = burgers

>Yotsuba and Eba running on a forest track as practice
>Yotsuba trips and ends up stuck on a tree
>Eba takes the chance to give her some special training

I want to see isanari fuck itsuki while she was staying at the uesugi household.

But only Itsuki has a Maruo one.

>it's in the same book as a miku vanilla
I never understood why would the author do that.

It's 2 different artists that have a similar style, it's a colab.
The one who did the Nino rape one is making another Nino solo one.

I want a 5-series doujin in which Fuuts fucks each of her sisters while Yotsuba watches from afar touching herself. The fifth one is an orgy and she is not invited.

Nino doesn't have much room for development since her entire character was about being Tsun for Fuutarou and having a bad relationship with Maruo. She already got over her Tsun for Fuutarou 37 chapters ago which is why she has stagnated and she will reconcile with Maruo after this arc meaning she's got very little left in store for her besides filler.

What would it take for nips to draw a wholesome yotsuba doujin.

Attached: 1543940175189.png (616x647, 298K)

Also the same one mostly does flavor of the month shit with rape/NTR/mindbreak scenarios, handle is "yan-yam"

What happened to the video of a girl dressed like Nino fucking herself with a curling iron?

She'll get wholesomly get fucked by the soccer chads before the ship her tired and limp body to to the baseball chads.

That would be way out of character.

unlucky, her character is really just about Fuutarou

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I mean cmon, there's a lot of kino fanarts. Surely there's some kino/wholesome doujin artists as well.

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If they all look the same then why is Nino flat compared to her sisters?

Fresh from Yotsubro.

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The ones where she gets NTR'D by her sisters or the ones where she's doing sports teams before Fuutaro finds out she's lolikano?

p.s. I won't partake in any of those. 4 is for consensual healing vanilla handholding missionary with Fuutaro only.

Author/artist is a Mikufag

you say that but i bet you'll jerk off to her being turned into a cumslut

Cute! But I still don't understand what it is representing. Why did Negi draw that?


Needs to draw something for the week.

Attached: cheetah.jpg (4000x2100, 715K)

To remind you that Yotsuba is a retard.

Maybe he found it funny.

>S3 anime + not dropping the ball on ch87-90 + ch90 "swingsuffer confession" with this playing in the background vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/5toubun-no-hanayome/images/6/63/OSTTrack28.ogg/revision/latest?cb=20190502065432 + maybe even MORE SUFFERING
>GTnH gets a larger female fanbase
Look at Raildex for example. Misaki suffers a ton and there's maybe a few vanillas for her? Majority are 3ways with Misaka or her just being a slut (although Misaki did start out as fapbait that Kamachi wrote a backstory for).

In comparison, Accelerator has a lot of wholesome and even non-H work. Not just with the loli, but even with the Worst who's older than him.

TL;DR pic

Attached: yotsuba there's no way that'd happen.jpg (1125x1627, 251K)


Attached: D-x1v9dU0AArPYh-768x661.jpg (768x661, 88K)

That poor thing.

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Dumb yotsuba cheeto

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For me, it’s ichika

All Quint threads are identical and boring. Post good fanart instead.

Attached: __nakano_miku_go_toubun_no_hanayome_drawn_by_samescher__ce1139f186738d011e2afb1fced6b021.png (1348x944, 1.03M)

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Yotsuba is cute. Cute!

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That what happen when Nino mom is not with her 3 baka childs

>the quints have a cheetah's iq
Doesn't surprise me.

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Nips thinks that Miku useless and her character is only muh >think about Fuutarou all her days

that's what they say about Nino tho

I love 3 but all quints are good girls and I love all of you faggots

All of us? Really?

Attached: 1cute surprised!.jpg (101x188, 10K)

That's the spirit.

Attached: 1538409357009.png (769x1156, 450K)

Nips are right

i-i love you too user

Attached: nino_blush.jpg (106x106, 5K)

You heard me, motherfucker. All of you.

Attached: EB71SwPUwAE4HM0.jpg (649x900, 101K)

Wow Yea Forumsnon that's really fucking gay.

But I guess it's still better than shitposting and hate.

Attached: yotsushock.png (161x277, 69K)

I love some of you guys

Attached: EAxKqo0UIAAF_d4.jpeg.jpg (800x800, 72K)

But all the important shit happened at night.

She took Fuutaro's handhold virginity.

Attached: Yotsuba won 6yrs ago.png (824x728, 724K)

i love you too user!!!!

also checked

Attached: yots an angel.png (647x611, 384K)

Who do you love the most


Attached: 20170509154427077.png (1920x1090, 1.63M)

>Your quint if it's not 4
>How would you feel if Negi resolved Yotsuba's story arc with F finding out 4=loli, F realizing 4 supported him this whole time, 4 confessing to F, 4 getting a healing arc with F, and 4 ultimately not winning the F bowl but they become besties?
Do you think Yots could be happy with that?

Attached: yots genki do your best.png (604x332, 248K)

As long as Fuutarou ends happy, then her objective is complete. What she feels is irrelevant.

>As long as Fuutarou ends happy
You shouldn't waste your time on this manga then.
Fuutaro happy end already guaranteed.

>What she feels is irrelevant.

Attached: 1548382341180.png (940x776, 1.25M)

All the others will be happy, but only one will be happy with Futarou.

>What she feels is irrelevant

Attached: 1549297148931.jpg (689x688, 107K)

Bullshit and incredibly cliche.

No. I want to see how much she despairs.

Yotsuba is the bride, it's pretty obvious. No point in even discussing it anymore.

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5toubun no hanayome is the official romanization.


Attached: 56758678.jpg (444x840, 83K)

This one looks good but it hasn't been scanned yet

>No point in even discussing it anymore
Yeah, you are wrong.


Attached: EBptyzpUwAEjzr_-orig.jpg (900x1200, 172K)

I smell a mikufag

>fuu marries other quint
>yotsuba attends wedding as bridesmaid
>leaves dinner party early
>everyone having fun as she's swinging in a dark park
>swings for the last time
Ends up in Rengoku no Karma

Attached: neppah d'taht yaw on s'ereht abustoy hhaaaaa.png (750x468, 286K)

Definitely a falsefag. Might be a 3fag. But just a shitposter at the end of the day.

Why is it that every time I check in on these threads 3fags are shitposting

>NA wakes up
>shitposting increases
>muh 3fag strawman
stupid burgers

in the last months the shitposting from 3fags has increased a lot. It's best to just don't follow the threads, you'll enjoy 5toubun a lot more.

Attached: 1546439643929.png (1085x679, 845K)

I want Yotsuba to make this face during sex.
What do?

Attached: 1563141870308.gif (521x324, 433K)

Show her your rope

Clearly you speed read this thread too.
It's already pretty tame today.

>a handful of very cancerous 3fags shitpost.
No here right now
>a handful of cancerous 2fag falsefagging as 3fags shitpost.
A few ITT
>a small handful of cancerous otherfags falsefagging as 2fags falsefagging as 3fags shitpost.
1-2 ITT
>some 3fags falsefag falsefag as 2fags shitpost
1 at most.

gofficial no romanization is the correct way to spell it.

>trying to damage control

Nice counter-argument.
I smell fear.

Don't reply to the obvious falseflagging shitposter.


you're that desperate for (you)s huh?

can you guys just chill for a thread?

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Ichika feels closest to Miku and Yotsuba.
Her onee-san thing is more intense around Yotsuba.
4 seems to be close to 135.
5 seems rather close to 24. Despite their fight. 5 was the one bathing with 2 in SE, watching movies together, and I suspect she has to keep good relations with the cook because she's Eatsuki.
3 seems close to 12. 23 are close despite their fights.
2 is tsundere with 13. Pretty close with 5 too.


>Seven Goodbyes
>there are only five sisters


Attached: 1563755407466.jpg (744x1052, 228K)


>5 sisters say goodbye
>Fuutarou says goodbye
Who's the 7th person?

>he doesn't know about Mustumi and Nanase



Rate the endings
>3 is the best, Yea Forums only hates it because they are contrarians who want a shit ending for shitposting purposes
>4 is alright but promised girl from childhood is overused and not wanting to make a move out of guilt to the others is also overused drama so her ending would be generic and bad despite being a good quint
>5 ending is mediocre and the most generic but she's still a decent character and isn't a bad match for Fuutarou so it isn't bad while not being satisfying either
>1 and 2 would both be shit endings, same people that say a Nino or Ichika ending would be good are the ones that cheer for shit characters like Iroha in Oregairu since they care more about shitposting and outrage than about quality
Fortunately 1 and 2 have no chance anyways so the ending won't be utter shit
Itsuki probably won't win as Negi hates first girl wins and even uses first girl trope as bait in Legend that Binds
Miku and Yotsuba are the main competitors although I'd give slight advantage to Miku as Yotsuba is tied heavily to generic tropes such as being the girl he met 5 years ago and has loved him ever since.

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>Yea Forums suddenly likes Ichika
What happened?

Yea Forums grew up


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I love Yotsuba so much.

I want to have sex with her and then get her to choke me to death while smelling her hair.

Attached: 68060461_p0.jpg (840x1200, 741K)

i c h i c u t e

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there are like a million other genki girls who are 100% just like her, what makes 4 special?

what makes Miku special when she's a copy paste of your tipycal shy girl?

One or two anons spamming 'Ichicute' doesn't mean everyone likes her.

>dodging the question instead of answering
just shows how insencere your feelings are

t. Mikushitter. Ichicute a best. A BEST.

Attached: 7515158411.png (496x496, 438K)

Why are you so scared of people liking Yotsuba?

I can't believe Ichika is fucking dead


Attached: Screenshot_20190806_023721.png (442x1264, 748K)

I'm gonna lick them!

I really don't like how the writer makes the bride so obvious from the start, the whole story's appeal is supposed to be based on figuring out what happened years ago prior to Ichika and Fuutarou's wedding but it's just so blatantly obvious that it kills the whole point of the narrative. With all the hype that this series is getting, I thought I'd get more enjoyment out of it but alas.

Attached: what.jpg (276x217, 21K)

>5 sisters with GBs
>Rena/Itsuki literally said goodbye to Fuutaro
>Fuutaro says goodbye to lolikano after falling into the river and losing the study charm Itsuki gave him.

Attached: ichka speed reader.png (410x471, 275K)


just curious about why 4fags think she's special


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5toubun Battle

Attached: Fight Fight Fight.gif (725x450, 180K)

>you're not feeding a mentally ill person who literally said "get her to choke me to death while smelling her hair."
Sure, just keep feeding him s

The wedding is fake, Fuutarou is filming it for his indie movie with Ichika.

So, it's Ichika's turn now, huh? Stop.

Attached: 1563912442993.png (855x652, 523K)

I don't mind giving some yous away and it's not like we don't have any obsessed 4fags here who could try to answer the same question

Is it safe to say this is going the way of Soma?

>promised girl from childhood is overused
you couldn't even name 6

Attached: 1559110829623.jpg (770x1295, 445K)

I'm a 3fag but that's just sad stop it

>Everyone pretends its a Yotsuba arc
>It's actually a Miku arc, but everyone pretends its an Itchika arc
>It's ACTUALLY Itsuki arc
Imagine the delusion level

How so? Explain

Ichicares for others

Nobody expects the Itsuki arc.





Enter IchiCHAD!!!!

Attached: 1539859811075.png (2123x621, 1.01M)

Based and ichikapilled

4s and 5s expect 5 arc coming sooner or later.

4/5 is end game.

Attached: itsuki yotsuba ignored.jpg (1280x1056, 157K)

Its actually a Nino arc in which she gets rejected after kissing Fuutarou and him realising she's not the kisser.

>>Everyone pretends its a Yotsuba arc
Technically, every arc is a yotsuba arc.
You can re-read 5TnH from 4's POV and it becomes a tragedy about a girl getting NTR'D by her sisters rather than romcom about studying.

Attached: 4 confessed to you 1st like 50 chapters ago Forgetaro.png (1426x2048, 680K)

I don't think Yotsuba can find happiness while stuck in that tree.

Attached: 1565812262672.png (1378x1301, 1.02M)

Step on me, Ichika-sama!

Fuutarou has to extract her from the tree, only then he'll be worthy.

Attached: 1534818679433.png (1074x604, 453K)


Attached: Ichiderp.jpg (722x480, 33K)

Well, Futarou doesn't care.

He's about to realize just how much he cares about her. I hope this date with Miku will make him remember the one he had with Yotsuba.

Attached: D9BCj-XU8AIjnjI.jpg (1537x2048, 287K)

Behold, 96 chapters of development!

Attached: file.png (931x609, 624K)

>the one he had with Yotsuba
Which date tho?

>4 took fuutaro to all the other quints favorite places on their date
>anywhere fuutaro goes with quints he'll have already gone with 4
Yots playing 4D chess.

Attached: fuutaro yots kyoto cover.jpg (1115x1600, 788K)

>this is what F sees in the morning everytime they're having an all night long session
Damn, what a lucky guy!!!

Attached: 004-crop_1564768125791.png (1349x839, 639K)

Look at her. She has already reached Enlightenment. She'll be fine.

Is it just me or this could be a foreshadowing that the manga could end before we know it, in like 15-20 chapters.

Attached: 96.png (579x622, 217K)

Not happening. He spent time alone with the quints several times he is not going to think of one of these moments just because and what he'll do with Miku is probably business related.

Too bad for her Miku learned to cook and will have a picnic with Fuu

silly yotsuba, the rope doesn't need to be that big!

No date chapter can ever top this.

Attached: 1546218852342.jpg (1674x2048, 1.89M)

>will have a picnic with Fuu
Thank God Maruo is a doctor.


Attached: 15443186785656.png (1295x765, 367K)

Nah, only exams and a shitload of drama left.

Is that her Stand?

At most it means no more school related arcs until graduation, entrance exams will probably be a side plot for another arc since at least 2 of the quints are not taking them

>at least 2 of the quints are not taking them
Maybe 3.

Attached: 1560525089564.png (541x527, 326K)

He colored Miku's hand the same as her sweater


Now that you mention it Miku's doing the bride hands again.

>do not color her hands on purpose
>people notice her gesture
master of foreshadowing

The promise is dead. She doesn't have enough quintellect for college.

What the fuck was he thinking?

Attached: EB5hV0gXoAIH5Qc.jpg (1378x1301, 232K)

2fag here, probably Yotsuba.


Negi likes his memes.

Nah. Meta says it will continue because this is 5T is turning into a cash cow. Negi, editor, and higherups in charge will want it to continue.

They wouldn't dump more money into season 2 anime if Negi was just going to finish it off.

>Yotsuba keeps giving up her smile to protect his
Damn it Negi...

Attached: yotsuba the savoir how do other quints compete.png (1350x2048, 3.72M)

You mean the itsuki hands?

Why doesn't Fuutarou marry all of them?

Cause he doesn't have the brain of a retarded 12yo kid.

Pretty hot coming from a slut.

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Why is Fuu-kun so unpopular in Yea Forums?

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There is no fucking way it ends before season 2. What would be the point in even airing the damn thing if people already know who the bride is?


God I wish

I look forward to Nino becoming popular with the animeonlies and getting even more Ninofags during season 2.


Attached: illegal.png (479x380, 182K)

I'm not looking forward to more people obsessing over my wife

Bacause Ichicute a best!

Attached: 1560189916798.png (337x326, 94K)

IN The

How do you find the strenght to post in these threads?

Attached: 1559980007987.jpg (577x403, 152K)


Attached: 5i5o9jc69ha31.png (442x636, 236K)

Like this

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but ironically

I'm looking forward for Ichibros getting filtered once again from plebian shipjumpers when anime finally reaches her snek stage.

Attached: 012-crop (1).png (799x737, 480K)

Awakened Yotsuba

Attached: 010.png (932x960, 793K)

Only Yotsuba، Ichika and Miku are pretty close for being 3 digits IQ.

The snek stage won't be covered in next 1cour season, unless they decided to make 3rd season (almost impossible)

>Mikulision kek is cute
Fuutarou always choose Nino not doubt about it and wait for the next chapter when Miku will realize it
Wait for ch100-104

How is the marriage law in Japan? Muslims are supposed to be allowed to have 4 wives in their religion. Are there no muslims in Japan?

Sup chink Ninofag.

This is best girl. Say something nice about her.

Attached: 1563751173734.png (1055x554, 798K)


She's a good girl to my wife and my second best.

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She's cute, just like her superior nee-san!

Attached: 007 (2).png (1356x1062, 1.01M)

If the quints were guys, Yotsuba would have the biggest penis. Miku definitely has the personality of a tiny 6 incher.

Attached: EB2Q2UhXUAAoorn-orig.jpg (724x1024, 130K)

She makes a good couple with Rope-kun

Ichicute ..

Attached: EBzFywSVAAANFFJ-orig.png (700x700, 450K)

Ichikafags who sympathize with Nino would be culled once they will witness Ichika betraying Nino's trust during Scrambled Eggs.

Manga=/= anime

Jokes on you, been a solid 12 fags since campfire arc here. Seeing your favorites competing against each other is quite fun too.

Attached: 018.png (820x1122, 756K)


Attached: 1564950339247.jpg (1924x2355, 456K)

How naive.


I am referring to vulnerable ones who have a high tendency to shipjump once their quint has done a seemingly malevolent act.

We all know that Ichika would do anything, Anything for Fuutarou as long as he stays with her.

Would be a tongue kiss?

Yotsuba is a very well written slut.

Attached: 1563328318708.png (1055x554, 890K)

Evens here.

2 has the best character design from a story stand point
4 has the best case for Fuutaro from a story stand point

But most normal guys would pick the hottest girl in the class, who can get good grades if she wanted, is also the most popular girl in class, the queen bee of her class, a mature older sister type who's hard working, has her shit & life in order, already able to pull in a wage that supports a family of 5 working part time while being a full time student, a hard working alcoholic go-getter who's most concerning trait is that she'll spoiling you to the point you become a NEET, and a budding actress over 2/4 if they had the choice.

On paper Ichika is the alpha chad best quint. She's out of F's league.

Nothing needs to be said.
If ch90 didn't do it nothing can.

Attached: yotsuba wins the bowl.jpg (2230x1600, 2.63M)

Except shes a liar.

Red herring.

On paper all the quints except Miku and Itsuki are out of F's league. 1, 2, and 4 are fantasy.

Yes and? Are you saying that one of them is flawless?

Itsuki is probably out of his league too. Only Miku is as big of a loser as Fuutarou is.


Attached: 1460967223202.jpg (766x348, 106K)

>Dumb brick who acts like a smart cookie
>Black hole
No. And Yotsuba as well. She only has her body.

That's not a flaw, it's a big red flag.

Itsuki is an outcast just like Fuutarou despite her beauty.

All the quints and Fuutaro are too.

Only difference is that 1 is always an alpha go-getter. She fights for what she works her ass off for what she wants and takes what she needs. If she's too alpha for you then Miku is your girl.

4 isn't out of F's league. F is the #3 ranked student in all of Japan only because he drank expired milk. Dude's going places.

Nino is popular and cute in school, but she's a lower-mid level student. Popular in school but peaks in school. She's got no guarantees of success in life unless she's willing to whore herself out to some rich old man.

What happens if you switch Fuutarou and Miyuki? Would the quints still fall for Prez?

Go back.

Why Ishigami what's wrong with Miku???

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>lower-mid level student
Are Bs low level in Japan? 'cause it seems like off-screen she really stepped her game up since when Itsuki made a D on her exam, apparently Nino made a B (I was actually surprised by this because she used to make the lowest average aside from Yotsuba)

>2 has the best character design from a story stand point
>4 has the best case for Fuutaro from a story stand point

those are not exams

I think that both Ichika and Nino have shown us that quints can do well when they really apply themselves. Ichika got the highest score even while spending a lot of time working (indicating that she probably could have done better if she spent her full time studying like Miku) and Nino has apparently improved considerably off-screen as well. I'm pretty sure the two of them hardly tried before Fuutarou came along given what we've seen so far.

Fellow Ninofags, how do I stop pretending to be a Mikufag and shitpost while doing so? I mean most of us do but I want to stop it since it is tearing these threads apart.

How the fuck do they place you they don't use some sort of test then?

they are exams


B is higher-mid, generally means 70% possibility to enter the university. D is lower-mid.

they're college prospect evaluations, they rank your chances of getting admitted to a particular college considering your current grades and stuff, it takes into account what college you intend to apply to, that's where Nino's comment about her having considered where to apply comes from, Itsuki probably checked her chances of getting into a college to good for her (I'm guessing the one their mom studied in) while Nino tried for a more realistic choice

I ship her with the tree and the red rope of fate that binds them.

>while Nino tried for a more realistic choice
Her goal is going to same the College with Fuutarou you know? Well its possible that Nino later says
>That was a joke! I'm not stupid to choose my future career because of love!

Those are exams to test the students' capability to enter to their preferred universities. It does not necessarily mean that Nino is academically superior than Itsuki because it is more likely that their preferred universities have different standards regarding admission of students.

Bell kisser got him thinking of "her" as special, with "her" being the one the quint was disguised as aka Itsuki

But they even say during the wedding that they kissed 5 years prior so unless Itsuki kisses him very soon she's not the one.

They'll kiss before graduation which is close enough

Does Nino really know where will Fuutarou study or it is just her wishful thinking that they will coincidentally enter the same college?

Evens > Odds

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Which begs the question: do we know where Fuuts wants to study? Academically he should be aspiring to a high tier school, but he's poor so there's no way he can afford one.

If it doesn't happen, she's 100% out.

Does Japan not have any sorts of scholarships or anything? With his grades he oughta be able to get a free ride somewhere, right?

>Are Bs low level in Japan?
>being this much of a retarded speed reader
Nino took a mock exam that gave her a B grade based on the school she's applying to. Nino applied to a literal community college tier school. Itsuki got a D because she was aiming for an upper level university. Fuutaro ranked 3rd in the national exam before and got an A despite applying to the best school.

You're even dumber than your quint.

>Nino applied to a literal community college tier school. Itsuki got a D because she was aiming for an upper level university.
Nice headcanon

Mock exams in Japan give you a letter grade as a tell for your odds of getting into your chosen school.

Fuu, Nino, and Itsuki can take the same exam.
Fuu getting 100. Nino and Itsuki both getting 70s.
Fuutaro applied for Toudai (#1) but his 100 gives him an A chance at getting in.
Nino applied to tokyo culinary school. Her 70 gives her a B chance at gettingi n.
Itsuki got the same 70pts. But she applied to Osaka U (top 5 uni in japan). That 70pt score is an equivalent to a D for that school.

Wait. When did any of them talk about what schools they're trying to get into?

They are overestimating Nino's academic ability and underestimating Itsuki's academic ability.

Do those also consider what degree are they applying to?
I think is rather hard to become a teacher in Japan

>I think is rather hard to become a teacher in Japan
Does that exclude English teachers?

If you mean ALT's they aren't really teachers.

When what are they?

Nino says this at least

Attached: 180424_644338_1115_1600.png (1115x1600, 629K)

Similar to a teacher's assistant, but for only one class.

Fuuts got into his "top school"

Attached: fuuts.png (1115x1600, 560K)

I-I love you too, user, but I mostly love my fellow Ninofags.

Everyday is a fucking party, user. Every. Single. Fucking. Day. There is no chill.

What quint do you think is most likely to win?
What quint do you most want to win?
What quint do you think is most likely to lose?
What quint do you most want to lose?

Attached: 1563506428208.jpg (2048x1444, 476K)

for me, it's

>actually spoon feeding those speed readers

I was actually hoping someone would spoonfeed me a direct school name in response

It's not even spoonfeeding because all it did was prove that he's correct in that it was never mentioned.

"my top school" only means his first choice of school, right? Not that it 'is' a top school.


How could I speedread what's not even in the manga?

>not Ichicute

4 more days until the Miku date

Attached: M5.png (574x1606, 1.82M)

Bros... kaguya already has their spoilers...

> Nino
> Yotsuba
> Hm Itsuki? But she can't lose if she isn't after the bowl. It looks like Ichika's already gave up, but Nino and Ichika have more chance to be the bell kisser so actually I don't know.
> Miku

Nah, we all know that she's Miku (Ichika)

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>Don't care as long as my favorite win

Yotsuba*. Itsuki isn't even in.

Attached: pbs_twimg_com_media_EBYIiR8UEAEK.jpg (1125x408, 100K)


How new are you to not know the usual schedule

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Bros........ Why can't be Nino as popular as Miku... I hate Miku ant can't stand it...

>doesn't care for Miku's feelings

There your reasons

Reminder character-wise Ichika is the most complex and interesting heroine by far among quints.

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Not the guy but that makes a lot of sense. Thanks user
But the name of the unis isn't explicitly said no?

Attached: 1543927043525.png (916x1084, 986K)

Don't worry, she will be once season 2 comes around. Miku just has the anime boost.

Is this his all Ninofags are? Obsessed and fuck pillows?

Watch as all the quints end up being the bride and all the "discussion" ends up being irrelevant.

>these autistic faggots doubting the based goddess Nino again
Nino is smarter than Lardski because the fatty spends all her time eating instead of studying. I'm sure that Nino and Fuutarou will study in the same school together because he loves Nino so much compared to the other quint whorelets; he is willing to sacrifice some academic achievement for his future wife. Lardski should really just be written off in the story because she provides nil to the story and is not even funny.

Attached: nino bake 2.jpg (2391x1618, 1.85M)

Negi already said this won't happen.

I knew Ninofags are the worst shitposters of the fanbase but this tales the cake

That may take the cake but Miku will bake the cake.

Yes and he has no reason to lie.

Ichika will become Fuu's bride
Nino will become Maruo's bride
Miku will become Takeda's bride
Yotsuba will become Maradona's bride
Itsuki will become Burger-kun's bride
The quintuplets are five equal brides all along.

Cope harder

>when she is one hormone session away from transitioning
No your twofaced cunt snake has a lower than 0% chance of winning the Fuutaroubowl.

Attached: nino is the best.jpg (752x1063, 109K)

Why are Ninofags so disgusting?

>spend months spamming that Ninofags are falseflagging as Mikufags
>no one believes you
>decide to falseflag as Ninofag instead thinking no one will believe posters who call you out

Seek medical help, ASAP!

Cope some more.

yes. hayasaka and prez/kaguya panels.

No him but you seem new to these threads. Ninofags falseflagging is older than you.

is this some sort of gay mikufag discord op?

Don't give them attention friend.

But I genuinely like Nino and want to show her blatant superiority to other quints? I've just started posting in July, and you can see that my posts don't get deleted when the posts done by Mikuj does. I also don't post as much as him and only do during possible spoiler threads.

Attached: nino cellphone.jpg (1043x1500, 297K)

There was a break so spoilers should be released earlier. And Kaguya got two spoiler pics already. Usually it's Saturday.

trying too hard, jeetbro

Oh no Bros... Mods were supposed to be Ninofags too.. What changed?

Attached: grrrrrrrrr.jpg (900x1200, 215K)

>OP asks 2/3fags not to fight
>even makes Yotsuba the target by saying she's best girl
>2/3fags still fight
Yotsuba really can't stop the shitposting.

Attached: yotsuba can not stop shit posters.png (1056x506, 880K)

They got sick and tired of Ninofags using dupes to spam reports

>Shitting on Ichika while using Nino pic as a barrier.
Nino already has a ton of haters so you don't have to work that hard to just add some.

Well whatever. At least you like Nino. Believe what you will.

Attached: nino mad 3.jpg (1485x2048, 272K)

Imagine trying to work so hard to make people dislike Nino for all of your work to effectively be undone once season 2 happens. That'll sting.

I just see 2fags shitposting

>undone once season 2 happens
2nd season will end with passing of exams.
At best with SE.
Not enough time to fully maximize Nino who's best moments are after SE.
Once season 3 rolls around 4 will shine.

More likely Miku's dominance will decline, but it's not guaranteed Nino will be #1 girl.

Attached: nino train daijoubu.png (595x1018, 1.53M)

Is it a coincidence that falseflagging goes into overdrive when it's afternoon in China?

Yotsuicide is just a plot device for the development of Nino and Fuutarou's romance; the slut represents the "past" that Fuutarou got over with while Nino represents his "future" because she is the bride and the quint who Fuutarou loves above all others. While Yotsuicide has her uses, expect her problems to be solved by Fuutarou and Nino within 5 chapters as a prelude to the final romance arc of Fuutarou and Nino.

Attached: nino smile.jpg (480x640, 43K)

>Nino who's best moments are after SE.
You do realize that 59 and 60 are the most popular chapters in the manga, right?

>Ninochinks are falseflagers
How surprising!

It's also afternoon in East Asia and the whole SEA region.

You have to be delusional to think that Miku will ever lose her spot as most popular quint.

It's not fair that Nino gets to have a massive popularity boost twice from the same events while Ichicute gets none. What the fuck, Negi?

Delusional and mentally ill

Bride's privilege.

Having fun arguing with that strawman over there?

That's why Nino is dead last? Amazing logic

>Let me fix it for you

Ichika will become JAV actress
Nino will become Fuutarou's bride
Miku will become a cheap prostitute with STD
Yotsuba will hang her self
Itsuki will become Maruo s bride

Attached: 1565577405240.jpg (1630x1569, 843K)

Stop living in the past, grandpa.

Lmao, Ninofag cope is real

All the quint dakis sold out at C96, but only Miku and Yots buttons also sold out. Nino's didn't.

these threads really are the lowest of the low

And this proves she's dead last, how? Last I checked there's more than 3 quints.

Was this logic applied when Nino merch sold out first at older events this year? Or will the excuse be low stock?

Who said anything about last?
Didn't know Fuutaro could have 3rd brides.

>Who said anything about last?
You might actually be retarded because it's LITERALLY two posts up in the chain. See

Nino never sold out first. Miku had won the previous comikets

>Nino never sold out first.
Actually, she did.

>this damage control
KEK As if I give a shit what that tard said.

Thanks for proving you're an idiot.

She didn't.
Just like how she didn't this year.
Deal with it.

You being retarded isn't damage control.
You replied to a comment that was telling someone to stop living in the past 'cause they said she's dead last but had no understanding of the conversation you jumped into because you're too fucking stupid to read.

Attached: 345cd6e636d12f2e66895eb841c2d56287356888.jpg (580x1032, 108K)

Ichika is peak Miku.

>Popularity wars
Remember when everyone but Mikufags claimed not to care about popularity? What happened?

Isn't that from just days ago?

I mean, if that’s they’re last argument, might as well finish the job and put them in the dirt right

Looks like a low quantity produce

>Remember when everyone but Mikufags claimed not to care about popularity?

>Ichika, Yotsuba and Itsuki versions are less expensive
What did they mean by this?

It's the only argument Mikufags ever had, not their last.

>some image on some nonsite
>2nd hand cumriddened goods
wew cucktier

Nino is the best and has the best relationship with each sister.

GG 3 and 4 are best girls.

Nino literally Ichika tier.

Attached: 34 most popular quints.jpg (1200x900, 235K)

Must be new then.

Irrelevant nonsite compared to OFFICIAL products

Ninofags on suicide watch

If you're going to samefag, at least use different words so it's not obvious.

Didn't Nino products sell fastest at the pop up shops earlier this year?


When the stock is 1/3 of Miku, that can happen, not always though!

>she didn't this year.
The event before the comikets she sold out first. Deal with it.

>irrelevant shops with zero stock
Wow, Nino is not popular #1 World amazing!

Attached: 1535312254766.png (531x456, 181K)

Now that's some hardcore coping if I've ever seen it. We don't know what the stock looked like at any of the events, you know?


I like how all the delusional 2fags ignore this post and just keep saying their waifu sold the most on some random site

Yes "comikets days"
>Irrelevant nonsite compared to OFFICIAL products
It's official comikets products.It's popular site when you can go.. >the same stock and Nino sold out first

Stay cope

----keep shilling your 2ndhandcum pillow for your 2nd rate waifu

For Miku OK but Yotsuba kek
>muh populary always comeback when there are not arguments

>hi mikuj

>Didn't Nino products sell fastest at the pop up shops earlier this year?
Yes where the pic?

Denial is cope

2fags have nothing. They just keep claiming shit and calling people samefags because they can't cope with facts

>more literalwho site "evidence"

Attached: pbs_twimg_com_media_DlcbXKSUwAAt.jpg (708x1000, 144K)


No such thing exists

>posts facts
>nonsite nonsite
>hornless hornless

Not him but still :

Whoops. But don't worry, they'll just move the goalpost.

More like enlightened and mentally clear fan of other quint whorelets.

Attached: nino angry.jpg (2160x3118, 784K)


>ichika sol out before Yotsuba
That just tells you they had no stock for anyone but Miku and maybe Yotsuba


Of course you were right. That didn't take long at all, did it?

>vs comiket

Why are Ninofags so desperate ?

Because they're afraid. So very afraid

Can't help it after almost 40 chapters of irrelevance

Attached: 1556097442436.jpg (1191x1587, 277K)

>5 Miku products
>3 Nino products

Not user you replied but i don't get it.

And none of the Miku ones sold

I'm just glad that Ninobros post with facts and evidence on their side. Good job, Ninobros.

no but you can tell they had the popularity in mind

Seems they misjudged.

Higher stock. You must be deluded if you think there aren't at least 3 Miku buyers for every Nino buyer

Until you can provide evidence of this, your statement means nothing and would be just as valid as me saying there's 4 ichika buyers for every Miku buyer.

2fags ITT so in denial

>Small time shills event by the anime studio only aimed at casuals with their 3dpd VAs shills. Yots is not even sold out because anime casuals don't know shit
>vs comiket the biggest event where it's a full effort from all sides with Negi himself is attending, watching, and retweeting. Yotsuba sells out because everyone is woke manga readers caught up with the story.
It's a joke to compare the two

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this damage control.. when you tells them >that Nino is popular.

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I'm using logic and known popularity, you are coping

I'm actually using logic unlike you and that's how I know that pulling numbers out of thin air is illogical.

the only evidence we have is that ninofags are okay with low quality products

Mikufags can't cope

Stay seething

It's literally the same stuff as the official merc at Comiket btw

Whoops. But don't worry, they'll just shift the goalposts again.

>the most popular quint

Attached: b21ce569.jpg (580x821, 77K)

it's a cheap copy and only 1/6th of the original price

I think you mean the most beautiful quint

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Ninofags being desperate as fuck

>among cucks, losers and black bulls

Which quint just cannot live anymore without BBC?

>Post logical and sound arguments backed up by evidence

>No evidence to back of their claims of low stock
>No evidence to back up 3 to 1 sales ratio
>Illogical posting
>Goalpost shifting
>Damage control

It's clear who is coming out on top here.

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The 2nd sister


>posts headcanon with zero evidence while falseflagging as a 'dumb' Mikufags to make hem all look bad

That's just your Mikulusion


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Nobody can take you seriously when you only shitpost and falseflagging, dumb Nincel

>literally posts pic of Nino

Is this the threads you guys want? 50~ shitposts by the same fag who can't stand a fictional character?

>mikufags out in full force, shitposting and falseflagging
Welp, time to leave the threads.

Mikufags are so retarded that they have to blame others for the stupid shit they say.

And now we have the coping party

You guys know that popularity won't change the bride's identity right?

Muh No true Scotsman

You don't even know what that means.

A few days ago we had a interesting situation when some fag had his car painted in fascist symbolism then went to the media to complain fascist sympathizers did it to his car.
2 days later it was found out he did the paint job himself.

Falseflagging is as popular as ever.

It will if Negi feels his dog isn't safe.

Anyone got a link to that new Miku NTR doujin?

>p-popularity doesn't matter
Oh noonono

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Nino Nakano.

These threads would be a lot more tolerable if Ninofags could take banter and if they stopped trying to shitpost every turn

God, she's so ugly

I think everyone can agree that 2 and 3 fags are the worst posters but 3 fags have been worse lately.

>Insecurity =muh popularity

>he says this after the massive months long falseflag pysop conducted by Ninofags

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It's literally just Mikufags being shitposters not some fucking op, you retard.

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In both body and soul. I have no idea what Negi was thinking making such a miss of a character, as they say, even God make mistakes

can 2fags just stop shitposting and falseflagging for once? it's just so obvious what is happening

Attached: 2with1.jpg (580x322, 42K)

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Way to out yourself as a newfag

Wrong answer, Mikujeet.

37 chapters or irrelevance destroyed them

No wonder Mikufags stay silent when Yea Forums constantly brungs up false accusations on them and even if they respond they just get shitposted to death

I can see it, most can see it, but you can't stop Ninofags spam unless they get banned

mikufags are just smarter and they know how pointless these threads have become

Cope harder


They fear the main girl, most popular girl and most screentime girl.
I would be scared too.

Yeah, I think most went back to readit.

>main girl and most screentime
You realize that's Nino, right?

>lose the dumb merchandise argument
>flip topic to BBC
>no one bites, deleted
>flip topic to fanbases

Muh table with dubious counting system

yep 2fags can't stop coping it's just sad at this point

Mikufag coping mechanisms are interesting to see.

She's also the most popular!

Ninofags are beyond deluded, it had become sad to humor them

Popularity is the only chance Miku has left.

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You're free to count them yourself, newfag.

All Mikeks can do is go "NUH UHHH" with no numbers of their own. It's pretty sad.

Pointless, when you'll just employ your mass shitposting to change public opinion even if it's true

I don't think I've seen anyone BTFO himself in a discussion this hard in a while.

If Ninofags have magical shitposting powers to change fact into fiction then why isn't Nino universally loved by everyone here?

Then see this

Nice hyperbole.

>implying mikufags can contribute to anything
They're freeloaders.

I'm with NINO GANG!

Who else is with me?