This fucking monkey is too caliente
Shingeki no Kyojin
Why is she so cute, bros?
Chadren will rape Gabi
I love Louise
>I just want everybody to be happy...
We know Louise pretending to be Mikasa
Based. Louise will save the world
t. nobody
>one chance at life
>be born as Reiner
Who was this guy?
dubs and Reiner's suffering ends
>Forced to never die when all you want is to die
This is the face of someone in love
She just is, Mikasa
>gets killed right in front of Reiner because he STILL hasn't suffered enough
This is a story of sorrow and happiness.
Here there was a happy man playing with his 5 children. He has grey hair, wears glassed and is proud of his hairy beard. He was a shifter once
One day, another man in wheelchair, in his 50s, approached the guy playing with his kids
>Wheelchairman: Y-you...don't think I forgot what you did. You beardy...
>Beardy: Captain...I know I did terrible things...but I've changed. I am a new man now.
The old man in the wheelchair coughed
>Man-in-wheelchair: is not fair
His wrinkles became even more noticeable. The poor old man had poor hair too. Can't believe this is the same man who used to have a beautiful raven hair
>Beardy: friend. If you need any know you are not alone. And well...I have my kids too. You could try be a fath-
>Beardy:... I didn't know that. Captain...
The beardy guy tried to hug Levi, but this one refused with a sudden move, falling from his wheelchair.
>Beardy: Levi!
The beardy guy helped him. The captain didn't say anything, and abandoned the zone in silence. Before going away, one of Zeke's kids said
>Kid: w-wow, you are really short!
And another day passed, another day when a father was just enjoying life with his children
>>gets killed right in front of Reiner because he STILL hasn't suffered enough
Yes. This pleases me
RH is the most aesthetically pleasing ship.
Haha, no.
t. Reiner's soldier personality
>"did I do that???"
That looks really nice
Oh where is my lover!
Where did they get pants for Zeke?
Right here, my queen:
>the most aesthetically pleasing ship.
That's unironically EH.
And I'm not even a shipperfaggot
The guy who was blushed at him gave him his pants
EH look like siblings
He's never gonna see her again, is he?
The dude who kept staring at his junk offered his
EH is a shoujo tier.
will Ereh ever see her again?
Why the jaegers are into BDSM (as the abused ones) so much ?
> a naked grisha tortured by marleyans.
>an half-naked zeke tortured by manlet and later chained in the paths.
> eren got kicked by manlet in the courtroom and chained in Rod Reiss's sexy dungeon.
Unironically, no. They will never see each other again.
She wasn't crying because he told her that they were out of cereal.
>terrorist version of shoujo tropes
How can he be fully naked and still so pure?!
HE on the other hand..
If Reiner joined Eren Marley would be taken over by now and Eldians would be free.
You're probably right, but the absence of cereal would be adding insult to injury.
Probably one of the jaegerist is fighting in underwear right now.
Mikasa is Eren's real brother not a cuck like Zeke.
>most aesthetically pleasing ship
That's this one.
>Hansi: Zeke sweetie, dinner is ready!
EM and AA looks like siblings. Same color always looks off. But dark and light hair is the perfect combination.
Not in a million years, but it does have great art.
EH look like siblings, because of their samface
>most aesthetically pleasing ship.
But you didn't post EAr
Is Zeke lying about having full control over Ymir? It seems weird he would put his plan on hold for years just to wait for Eren and then try to unbrainwash him. Why not just do his plan and then "save Eren"?
Armin saved shitren in ch119. Cope.