ITT: Anime series in which suit better in English Dub

I'll start off.

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There is no dub that is better in English. This is just a fact of life.


>what is Space Dandy

Literally no reason to ever watch the Japanese dub unless you want to watch the inferior product

Attached: Black_Lagoon.jpg (600x824, 122K)

Ignoring that you're an illiterate spic, here

Attached: Wolf's_Rain.jpg (367x490, 92K)

>dubfag tries to form a sentence

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Nerima Daikon Brothers

In Japanese all the songs keep the same lyrics over the entire course of the show, but in the English dub the song lyrics change from episode to episode to more suit that episode's content. Great change and one that places it above the original Japanese version.

>I only know one language but I can ascertain with suprahuman sophistication the quality of other languages without knowing their culture, orthography or nuance
I want kentucky anons like you to leave

>I only know one language
Speak for yourself dubfag.

desu I feel like even dubs that capture the MCs perfectly always make all the other characters sound weird, Cowboy Bebop and Space Dandy are good examples for me

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Crispin Freeman and JYB are good but I don't know if they're THAT good

>illiterate retard prefers dubs
ah yes

i'd say golden boy but the mc can be really fukin grating sometimes

Baka and Test has a good dub.


Helsing Ultimate
Space Dandy
Panty and Stocking
Cowboy Bebop

>Panty and Stocking
oh god no

>even watching dubs
You have to go back.

the only problem i have with the dub is that every single release i find makes the dub sound like it was recorded on a tin can.

why are Ingles VA's are so shitty. Literally any dub outside the US are better

i like the dub too, but sugita mane. das it.

Hellsing Ultimate, Bebop, Berserk, Space Dandy, Ghost Stories, there's a few that really stand out. Problem with most dubs is that it's always the same group of people doing them. And since they're all friends, nobody really pushes for the dub to be good. So they more often than not sound really stilted and awkward. Exceptions exist, but don't disprove the rule.


jews have no souls