Your favorite sword wielding waifu?

Your favorite sword wielding waifu?

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inb4 saber

Jeanne d’Arc

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Wing has swords for feathers

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my waifu, what are you talking about

you only have one waifu

This. Just say "girl" or "cutie" like the rest of us sane people, OP.

wielding girl didn't sound as good.

Unquestionably. Also waifu doesn't mean anime girl.

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La (boi)Pucelle.

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Posting the definitive sword girl.

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my nigga

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Ofcourse Saber

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jedi loli elf

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is this worth watching? I just want to watch something with a lot of action without pretending to be deep and philosophical

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can kyuubei be considered a waifu knowing that version of her has a dick? shinpachi even said it felt like a big one

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My waifu uses a gun
How could I have a favorite from a sample of zero.


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Purple is my way of life.

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Waifu does not mean anime girl.
But I get what you meant so I'm going for Meisai Tsuruga.

>Favourite waifu
I like sword-bakas though. It's a shame OP is a newfag

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man of culture

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My one and only waifu

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I can't choose

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Wasn't Kyubei just a female raised as a male?

jubei chan is love

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>favorite waifu


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Anthy. She literally has the sword in her.
Oscar is great, but she is too manly for being a waifu material, IMO.

Yes, but it pretends to be deep. Thankfully it's just shallow gorefest.

>favorite waifu

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"sword wielding girl" sounds perfectly valid to me.

Neglected by the shows creators but I love her regardless.

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>Your favorite ... waifu?
Please, consider fucking off.

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Waifu does not mean anime girl
Please off yourself OP

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