Make or request Yea Forumsrt
Other urls found in this thread:
Requesting Altair wearing a cute yellow raincoat.
Requesting Uruka Takemoto diving into the pool like in the right pic.
Requesting Perona receiving headpats.
/r/'ing GOOSH GOOSH (
bonus points for vaginal
Requestin Anzu planting her huge ass on Rebecca's face
Shorts or no shorts is up to you
/r/'ing Saikawa with Kanna's butt like so
requesting the hyena way (
it being futa on femboy/male
Requesting hexafusion
Requesting fusions of (Rias and Akeno from Highschool DXD), (Mirajane from Fairy Tail and Esdeath from Akame ga Kill),(Musubi, Tsukiumi, Matsu, and Kazehana from Sekirei), (Shion and Chloe from Slime). If you want you could fuse any two or more of them.
Rias and Akeno done
Esdeath and Mirajane done
Requesting Constanze dressed as either Gaige(BL2) or Moze(BL3)
Requesting Wo-class as a stylish swashbuckler or pirate.
It would be cool if her rod is actually a concealed sword or if one of the flying monsters is resting on one of her shoulder like a parrot.
Requesting Pitou getting cupped under the chin in the palm of a hand having face held up like a cat while looking delighted.
not him, but here is... the price of smiles. I might finish it.
Requesting Olivia Armstrong taking a dump in an outhouse please.
Requesting Elena Goldsmith, the Playboy Bunny, from Variable Geo. Following specifics:
- Teenage
- Bare legs
- High heels
- No side strings, brass knuckles, and badge.
- Nothing between her breasts.
- Standing and full frontal.
- Main color doesn't have to be red.
Requesting the Gourmet Girl trio marveling at a super-sized mint ice cream sundae.
Requesting Revy and Yukio robbing a bank together while Yukio says “You’re right, this is thrilling!”
Requesting a busty Buu saga Chichi wearing a slutty version of Futaba's outfit ( short shorts, high heels, a midriff, big earrings and a cleavage)
Looks great! I love how you draw her body. Thanks
requesting a tiny Motoko being seductive
Requesting Asuka Tenjoin in a dark purple catsuit, and either of the masks like the reference images while she frantically looks for the golden eggwich.
Requesting Yuko needing a haircut and getting one from her mother since they are poor but she cuts it short by mistake. They are from Machikado Mazoku.
Requesting Kenshiro doing his Hyakuretsu Ken (Hundred Crack Fist towards the viewer) with Kaguya standing behind him. Using the technique Yasogami Kugeki. (with the fists of hers taking up the left and right side of the image). And both eminating the same blue aura. Thank you
Requesting Starlia Reese from Ragna Crimson sunbathing on a beach in a swimshorts-bikini top combo, her "hands" folded and inert on top of a cooler next to her towel.
Requesting Rapeman getting a visit from Rapewoman. She doesn’t exist so design her how you want as long as it’s form-fitting and she has a mask.
here's a WIP
jesus user, its coming out really nice
looks really good so far, I love it when art seems almost soft like that
Requesting Akari Akaza,Yulia "Yusha" Chardiet and Momo Minamoto dressed as the 3 musketeers.
Is she nake dor is that a bodysuit?
Requesting Jahy sama selling bottles of her breastmilk while being embarrassed about it.
I love cunny
Requesting chiya being bullied and teased or using a bathroom toilet
gonna be a bodysuit
Requesting Sakura and Saki dressed as silent hill nurse
dont know anything about stylish, but here you go anyway
Requesting Rue and Ahiru (Princess Tutu) at the beach, one spreading sunscreen on the others back.
Ahiru's face flushed in embarassment and half buried in her arms, while Rue has a slighty mischievous smirk on her face.
(Couldn't find a good reference so I tried to pose it with a program, you don't have to take the reference literally though)
Please stop!
Requesting a robotifyed version of Nate and Bear from Yo Kai Watch.
Nice work
Requesting Junko from Raildex with short hair.
Requesting Eren Yeager(me) kissing Gabi Braun
Requesting Ren, Homi, and Yua from Miru Tights wearing black close toed high heeled shoes and duct tape sealing their mouths, please. Bonus points if they're hand and ankle cuffed, but that's optional.
Requesting Hime dressed up like an Egyptian pharaoh.
In case someone doesn't mind drawing lewds then Requesting Hime looking all smug as she gives a footjob, her foot containing strands of semen.
Or Hime panting as she massages her own small breasts in a vain attempt to make them bigger.
Requesting Frolaytia Capistrano in a ballroom dress taking a Derringer pistol out from a leg holster
Ayase from Guilty Crown like this but in a much more elegant outfit including close toed high heels, please.
Akira and Yukari doing the pose on the left with those bracelets on as well
Requesting Yoshikawa Yuuko from Hibike! Euphonium cuddling with a stuffed lamb (as in a plush/stuffed toy, not a real one), in pajamas or lingerie.
Requesting Baja exploring the ocean. Or riding a graboid. Nothing morbid or NSFW.
Requesting Mirabell Bell in Marine Dress Blues
Requesting Casshern (from Casshern: Sins) taking a night-ride on a motorcycle of a similiar colour-palette, kinda like pic related.
Bonus if his blue-glowing eyes leave a trail as he leans into the curve.
Requesting Ravel Phoenix nervously trying on a nice but conservative dress in a mirror going 'Is this still too much?'
Scheherazade wearing a racing jumpsuit please. Keep it in-line with her design and shit, like gold stuff decorating her suit?
Requesting oppai loli Jahy-sama
Satania wearing a Mobile Trace Suit, a slightly devilish one.
Juu Juuzawa dressed as a king on a chair/throne and Ame Ochibana dressed like a female knight beside him
Requesting the other GobSla characters done in a similar sci-fi style please
Requesting Tomoe being depressed
requesting Madoka kicking a dude in the balls
cool idea
Anchoring for Colorfriend
Draw Mitsuba
Requesting the image on right side, but with Chiaki (Digimon Frontier) on the left side.
Requesting a drawfriend's take on if Ann Electel (top-left) cross-fused with her name ElecMan.EXE (top middle). When a NetOp like Princess Pride (middle-left) or Tesla Magnets (bottom-left) cross-fuses with their respective NetNavi (Pride has KnightMan.EXE in the center, while Tesla has MagnetMan.EXE in the lower-center), they take on physical aspects of their Navi and also gain abilities related to their Navi's special abilities. I'd love to see a Cross-Fused Ann with ElecMan to see the sexy woman get a new look while still being... well, sexy!
Requesting Chiyo from Ane Naru Mono making the "Leave it to your big sister!" pose from Gochiusa.
Requesting Francis Drake on her tiptoes trying to reach a bottle of liquor on the top shelf
I finally have some limited access to the internet again, so I can post pics again.
Melty and Filo from Shield hero dancing on a stage in sexy tuxedoes. Complete with top hats, fishnet stockings, canes, and high heel boots. The tuxedos should look like the one Hatsune Miku wears in her Project Diva games. Have Naofumi sitting in the front row enjoying the view.
Requesting Kalua crying in a pose similar to the right and emanating a murderous aura, and a skeleton with its mouth open showing its vampire fangs floating behind her in the same pose. If colored heres an idea for the Aura:
Requesting Ryu Soma dressed as a knight, holding his helmet under his arm and gazing into the distance with a content smile on his face; similiarly to two of the provided reference images.
Nice trace
Requesting Anchovy from Girls und Panzer introducing Lio from Promare to Pepperoni (top right) and Carpaccio (bottom right) as her little brother. Alternatively, you could draw just the two of them as brother and sister, maybe wearing each others' outfits.
I want a Bart Simpson (var sinson) edit of science guy
Requesting Walkure looking like KISS with their tongues hanging out and makind the same hand gesture like Gene Simmons. Not necessarily in the same poses. Showing them like they are rocking out would be a huge plus with everything above. Additionally Freyia would need new make up variation. I leave that to the imagination of the maker.
Requesting Yuuki Konno sitting up in her hospital with a blood bag hooked to her arm and looking in better health than left images, but not as healthy as right. With the sole exception being her breasts are now D cup with her looking at her hands going "I'm...healthy?"
Then in a second panel she's cupping her new bosom with a stoic yet blushing face.
Optionally with off panel doctors voicing their disbelief at her being cured and how the blood transfusion worked so well
Goos shit! not OR
Requesting Kohaku wearing an outfit like the one on the right of this pic. Just the top half is okay too.
very very nice :-0
Requesting Nibutani (with a ponytail) and Natsumi Tokugawa/fake Mori Summer fawning over/worshipping Dekomori similar to the bottom two girls in the upper right image, with them all wearing sling bikini outfits.
A few details I'd prefer to see would be if Nibutani and Natsumi's outfits were modeled more after Mori Summer's outfit, and if only Dekomori had thighhighs and a veil.
Also make sure Dekomori doesn't look too loli, more like the bottom image (still petite/young-looking though.)
Requesting Maki from Fire force with a plush gorilla cyclops toy.
Requesting Medusa from Soul Eater doing some suggestive stretching in a tank top and tight fitting yoga pants with her looking at the viewer with a knowing expression.
Requesting Stella Bremer in a corset
Top of the morning!
Would like to request Kurumi Erika wearing Helena Blavatsky's outfit
Excellent, just excellent
I want to draw some BIG tits
Suggest a girl/loli or two
Emma with nice big honkers
Requesting Kanna with oppais that dwarf Lucoa's pair.
melty using hers as a teacup holder.
Kuro with a massive pair bonus points if they're obviously implants.
I'm on it delivery soon
Requesting Yoshii from Texhnolyze sitting alone at the counter of a dark but classy bar and holding a glass of whiskey, with an expression similiar to the one on the right.
Looking rough and exhausted from doing his dirty-work, his hat lying to his side and his coat hanging in the background, with hints of blood on it only barely concealed, his enjoyment of his drink seemingly undisturbed from the work he had just finished, and any customer or bartender observing the unsettling scenario feeling better off not asking.
If thats too much scenery I'm fine with the bar being empty, the coat with hints of blood on it is the only detail I'd consider important.
This, but as Johnny Test
Requesting Stocking eating Gigantamax Alcreamie
Pretty cool boat.
Pitz spying on famous artists throughout history. Or in a Dr. Strange costume. Or fighting magical girls from Spec-Ops Asuka. Or as a delinquent annoying a dango family from Clannad. Or juggling the world's biggest tomatoes. Or building a gunpla. Or doing the Obari sword pose with a fly swatter. Or running for president. Or running from Senko.
I don't have any real ideas.
damn nice work there
everything looks super soft and squeezable
on it~
wew good lord, very naisu.
Lovely! Looking forward to it!
Requesting Kiyoko, wearing the outfit on the right, experiencing a wardrobe malfunction while playing volley with Mira
Yes, that was me.
I chickened out by adding that part, and I really shouldn't have.
Requesting Puck drawn very muscularly while lifting
Hope I met expectations, have a good week
Requesting fusion of Mt. Lady and Brandish
It's okay, what breasts size should it be anyway? The one from the original ref or from the swimsuit one?
Not the user who requested, but this is really good.
I wish someone would request something more... Normal?
I like her design a lot but all I see when it come to requests is some faggot tryi g to force his fetish.
What is a mobile trace suit?
I know that feeling, I have to scroll a long way to find a non-lewd request
There's a lot of """normal""" requests around here too, like "character in suchandsuch-outfit"
Sure thing.
How though?
I though I was working on this one.
Did I forget?
>"Ugh why is everything such fetish-y waifutrash"
>mfw nobody ever takes my normal requests
From the original reference, please.
How about eating a big cheeseburger?
Not OR but nice work!
That's pretty damn good
Requesting Astarotte Ygvar wearing one of these semen demon outfits.
Requesting Nene Romanova from Bubblegum Crisis in skimpy lingerie poledancing in a strip club
Requesting ponytail Kajou and ponytail Saki awkwardly examining/staring at each other
Why would she ever be depressed when she has huge tits and her own loli lover? Shit's not fair, bros...
Still damn nice picture
Draw her fish butt
lets see what i get
big tits that will never be suckled
Requesting Hotaru Shidare as a MILF/Christmas Cake
What the fuuuuuck dude
Requesting Asuka Tanaka in a tuxedo making a cool pose
I know it's a copypasta but I'll feed you anyway
I don't even need to imagine, I have fun doing this
Oh its the tight outfits the gundam pilots in G Gundam wear when theyre piloting.
Wow that's amazing
Ara-ara Senko-san
Requesting Issei marrying Koneko (high school dxd) foregoing the other girls
I still don't understand what snapped in that user
Alita from Battle Angel Alita (movie ver) in love with a 'Terry's Chocolate Orange', the real-life fusion of two of her favorite foods
It's just pasta he probably took from /ic/ or something.
requesting art of lewd teacher or OL Tamamo or Tamamo wearing just a loose blouse/undershirt
nice doodle, doodle
Requesting Stocking and Hotaru in edible lingerie
Requesting Astolfo and female Fujimaru posing together in lingerie similarly to Medb and Scathach, possibly with one of them trying to hide their embarrassment/arousal from the other, or one of them frustrated at the lack of either.
Or you could do something similar to one of the panels from this comic (a continuation of the Medb/Scathach image):
Requesting Sakura Toriumi relaxing in a bikini while fishing.
Atalanta dressed as a biker chick or a motorcyclist
or Atalanta wearing some super plain clothes (like shorts, white tank top) and taking a catnap on a sunlit-patch of hardwood flooring in a house
Fine then,
Draw her in a sports bra and lifting weights.
I'd like to request Ritsuka and Mashu slowdancing to some Bing Crosby
Requesting Sakura dressed in a Princess Tutu costume, with Tomoyo next to her, holding her camera and dressed up as Princess Kraehe to match her.
Preferred both with their normal hairstyles, but with Sakura having that white hair-dress and crown, and Tomoyo having that long feather-like ahoge that Kraehe does.
Maybe give Kero-chan a really crude duck-beak as a reference to Ahiru's duck form if you want to go the extra mile, though you don't have to draw him aswell if you don't want to
requesting Tsuyu Asui sitting on a bench drinking a bottle of water like the picture in the reference
Requesting Ryuko from Kill la Kill in a situation similar to the bottom left.
Requesting either one of the girls on the left dressed up as Bulma is on the right. As for what pose, preferably something cute and/or cool, like switching mags on the UZI while sticking her tongue out at the viewer.
Requesting Airi serving three plates, with one plate being on her chest because her hands are full.
Himawari weirded out or disgusted
or tired from a long hard session of sex with her boyfriend/husband
Glad you liked the doodle.
I love how she looks! I do think she looks very stylish like this so don't worry. Thanks a lot for drawing my request, wonderful work!
Yunyun wearing some magical-knight armor, with frills and a cute skirt
Requesting the "smoking Adam Jensen" image but with Ichise from Texhnolyze.
Requesting Akeno as a Zekrom themed mecha musume
i'm basically finished w this apart from the hand which is refusing to co-operate ^^;
ill do it another time my tablet just died and im tired of fighting the hand lul
ara ara~
requesting luvia and sakura flexing on a seething rin with their busts
Good fucking lord, that's some good foxness. Thanks for that user, thats a thick tofu.
That gif is creepy
I am impressed.
very nice mofu-ness
looks like a very familiar style but I can't place it
>that hand censorship
that said damn, I do like that you're keeping old styles alive but I gotta say that facial anatomy really reminds me of those old "learn to draw manga" books which is baffling to me since that drawing is so good on a technical level. Not sure if its on purpose
not OR btw
i am very inspired by old styles but i nevr really saw my style in tht way so its not purposeful but hey i c where ur coming frm !!!
Good shit!
Requesting Misaki Tokura removing her sarong, revealing her white bikini bottom
Nicely done, Satan++
absolutely perfect, thanks dude
Requesting Velvet Crowe dressed as Suzuha Amane, or the other way around
Good fox
This angle is kind of hard hope it looks alright ugh
Dope! not OR
Pretty sugoi
Requesting anything related to Kyo Kara Ore Wa, seems like there's not much art for the series.
That's a very good angle! Thank you, drawman! I'll try to color it later!
Requesting Madoka dressed as Lysithea
draw mechamusume Jeanne d'Arc, Tamamo-no-mae, or Mash Kyrielight, like this
Could I get a picture like this with Shamsiel?
And can I get a bunnygirl Shamsiel?
I'd really like to see Shamsiel as a maid, too, and holding a bottle of booze with her breasts
Fubuki sucking on and enjoying a refreshing popsicle please
Requesting double oppai loli paizuri, or a double loli buttjob
Is there a character sheet, or other refs?
Ooo, nicely done. blog?
Requesting Rei Ayanami dressed as Bayonetta fighting Angels.
Requesting Mako as a magical girl.
Requesting Ishida Shouya and Nishimiya Shouko from Koe no Katachi telling people to STAY HYDRATED in sign language.
cassetesex made it in one of the previous threads, I just colored it
no idea what a magical knight's armor is supposed to be like, so take this for now
They looked much better in the manga, honestly. Like the rest of that anime.
@konaloid on twitter
I like this Yunyun
No character sheet, here are a few more angles and a size comparison
I don't doubt it
Requesting flat chested Mamako with her top falling loose in a lewd way.
Holy shit, she's out for revenge for whoever pushed her into the water
>flat chested Mamako
Ok but, WHHYY, tho?
Requesting Shamiko and Momo replacing pic related. Leave the dialogues untouched, gonna play with that later.
What does it say?
Btw these are Momo (pink) and Shamiko (brown). Shamiko should replace the twintails and Momo that purple girl.
Dunno, and user translated it some time ago saying it say "We are friends now" and "We are lovers" correcting her.
I wish I could come up with better loli request that wasn't just the generic lewd pose or does lewd act.
I just go for "wears specific outfit". Speaking of, requesting Shinobu wearing an 80s-style tracksuit.
Requesting fusion of Sadi(e) and Sayuri/Hyacinth.
Don't worry user, whether it's lewd or not, it'll still have the same chances of being done
Requesting Mizore in a cute dress
Requesting Tejina-senpai and Saki-chan in a wrestling match.
Requesting a wet Grey Wolf drying herself like a dog
Requesting Tejina as a stage magician themed Frame Arms Girl.
Requesting the right picture except it being Sayo and her love of french fries.
Requesting Cirno Crip-walking
>catbox down
is this because of the funding issues they mentioned some months back?
I made a demonloli
Any fun ideas involving Jahy? doesnt have to be lewd but lewd is also fine
Getting her braid cut off or just with short hair in general.
Not sure if this belongs here but i draw a small Kill la Kill comic
You have the dumbest fetish aside from the dizzy eyes guy.
There's worse
It’s allowed, and thats pretty good
it does fit her with that long hair
OK, and thx
Because the idea of a milf like her becoming dfc amuses me.
Just the thought saddens my soul
I'm sorry that it makes you feel sad.
Well, think of it this way: With the excess weight off her chest, her attack speed would increase enough to do four-hit multi-target attacks!
she raped him afterwards
Requesting Kitahara from Dasei 67% dressed and acting like a Yanki, aka a schoolgirl delinquent.
Doing stuff like playing a prank on someone or just looking threatening.
Requesting Aru walking to school but forgetting to wear her skirt and pantyhose.
Requesting Seaport Hime trying to contain her urges to eat a hamburger/slice of pizza/cake that her admiral left on his desk.
first time making a lineart, somehow it looked different than what i expected
OR, thank you so much! She looks great! You got a blog?
OR, before i passout, thought id ask what made you pick to dress her as Moze over gaige? Goodnight, thanks again!
OR thank you
>jump the popular character bandwagon and post art on twitter
>go to sleep as I hear my phone go nuts with alerts
>believing my art is blowing up I go to bed
>wake up to find it barely got the likes and reteweets my usual art gets
>follower count remain stagnant, in fact it's slowly diminishing
>go to the boorus and find my art there after being ignored most of the time
>it's mistagged so no one can find it unless they search my name or the other tags associated with the character
It's all so tiring.
No one gets popular on twitter solely with twitter. People get their shit posted on pixiv, booru, reddit, or whatever the fuck else places. If you gotta do twitter, you gotta have the following too: Easy to find by using it's shitty search engine, the right popular character (Marnie from Pokemon, Mamako, Hibiki Sakura, Machikado Mazoku girls), and you have to actually have art that will grip people. Sorry but you can't cheat your way by drawing a popular character.
>mistagged artwork
Then fix it? Talk to the mods?
assuming you mean the drawfriends booru, the fact that it got tagged at all puts you ahead of like 90% of people
Sounds cute.
I'll do it, might take a while because I have something special in mind, please be patient.
If someone else fulfills your request in the meantime please can you keep requesting it on future drawthreads with a disclaimer (something like "My Seaport Hime request has already fulfilled, but there is another drawfag who is also working on it") so I can delver it to you, thank you.
i just liked moze's costume design more than gaige
I drewed Takagi.
Loli jahy eating a large burger or steak
Big jahy in a police outfit and telling someone they're under arrest
Requesting the milf foxy lady on the left dressed as a rogue, please.
Nice, what request is up next?
Eyy tommy, nice seeing ya
Likewise, user.
OR: Funny. Thanks. Looks like she could be called One Kick Woman too.
doing something different feels nice
Requesting Esdeath from Akame ga Kill dressed as KDA Ahri with ice fox ears and tails
Requesting Beatrix Bremer wearing a bane outfit and bane mask like the picture.(The bane outfit with him not wearing a coat and a black t-shirt on the plane scene in the dark knight.) Thanks!
Did some sketches
Imagine being an artist who's affiliated with Yea Forums, the site that's now mostly known as the center point for white nationalists to organize and celebrate mass murders. It must be sad knowing that you'll never be able to progress with your talent because everyone will only see you as a racist kook. If I were an artist like that, I'd delete anything that I posted here and stay as far away from this dump as possible. You don't need this place. and it's totally not worth the time and effort. Just turn back now while you still can.
Nicely done
Requesting Medusa Gorgon from Soul Eater dressed up as a tastefully revealing jester/harlequin with a hat like the one the guy in white and the anime looking harlequin has with an angry and confused look over how she ended up in that getup.
Riamu wearing Shimakaze's (KanColle) outfit
Nicely Done!
Nice butt!
Oh those are great.
Fuck off, Policefag.
Can someone draw Lala-ru feeling “breast envy” towards Abelia please? Lala-ru wears a sukumizu while Abelia wears a black bikini.
You use this as a reference:
Draw Cinnamon in her swimsuit, with some skindentation or a smaller bikini top size
Also requesting her in a tight and rather stuffy jumpsuit
Requesting Zero princess carrying Killer Queen.
Oh hey I also requested Lala-Ru but I kinda just dropped it, maybe I'll try requesting it again
Who's who in there? Are there any more refs? Would you mind if I simply overlay and trace em over the pose reference?
Requesting Jahy in your typical tiger striped Oni costume.
If you want you can give her a big wooden club and some Oni teeth.
Requesting Ayako from Mousou Telepathy to show off her pussy and butthole
Requesting Stocking as ronin cutting through a group of enemies or just relaxing after the carnage.
Magnificent Taiga
As the OR of the Shinobu request, I'm really happy with how this turned out. Thanks a bunch!
on it, any specific pose or anything youd like?
bruh, just do my request already
Draw your favorite animu girl with pretty nails like this.
Requesting Cirno with pretty nails
That's absolutely amazing. Wet and see-through stuff like that is my favorite, so thank you very much.
Sorry again about the confusion earlier.
What if my favorite animu girl is a lesbian?
Even prettier nails
Is the victim smiling or crying? A little hard to tell.
What does that have to do with their nail? As long as its not over the top its all good.
Requesting Asuka Tenjouin (or Alexis Rhodes) laying on her bed going through some cards
How does sexuality relate to nails?
literally just read the WN if this is what you want, this exact this happens to her
on it
POV of rui's bulge
Didn't see this coming. Cute Tejina!
Cute Akeno
Can I get a busty Gabu?
Requesting Diavolo and baby Trish shopping at the supermarket.
Trish sees a cute bee plushie but Diavolo refuses to buy it and baby Trish begins to cry:
>"Wanna beeeeeee!"
Sure thing.
Requesting Rui crossdressing
No but the abdomen and breasts should be the key thing, and maybe some ass.
bikini malfunction
Therese wearing
Requesting Nene doing lewd things underwater
Eru wearing a cute dress or a "tribal"-like appearance based on the bottom middle scene
Can you faggots draw anything other than waifus
Where do you think you are
Yes, but it typically gets ignored. Also nice quads and dubs.
Can you draw?
Yes, mainly 40k stuff though so not really relevant to Yea Forums (although I do try and emulate the anime aesthetic with those also)
Non WWD drawthread.
But you're still on Yea Forums. People want to request and draw cute anime girls. I get how you feel but you shouldn't expect anything less.
/r/ symphogear trio doing the devil trigger dance
/req/ cory with sunglasses
In a roundabout way, I've arrived back to where I was when I stopped five or so years ago.
How am I doing? Give it to me straight, drawfags
>In portrait
>rotates it
What the hell
you're not going to get any kind of meaningful feedback for a single unfinished sketch
try filling up a few pages with varied poses and compositions
Here you go.
Good lord.
too bad she doesn't have oppai or in her adult form
Why do you have to vulture everything
Holy shit. Do you got a blog?
I think that's ether core? Same cheek highlights at least
That's really good, wow.
You got that right.
Still polishing my manga skills.
I should've noticed that distinct blush.
Do my request next you little shit :3
What request you big shit?
Isn't that the guy who did good loli art for the Island threads a while ago? Bless that man
absolutely bueno
Requesting Kizuna escaping from the dopefish.
Yea, that's me.
I'm still mad the anime was a rushed job, the VN was so good.
Sara still best girl.
Got a link to that on hand?
Thank you for doing what you did. Even if the adaptation wasn't what it should have been, you helped make things enjoyable with your great art and great taste
Yea, it was quite enjoyable to draw while the show was airing.
Even if the anime was so good, the VN is simply the best, I would recommend it.
Also, I was trying to do the same with Cop Craft this season, but the quality of that one kinda killed the will for me to keep drawing Tilly.
This one right here Thanks again for the Sun & Moon delivery over on the Yea Forums thread
That's a bit unfortunate, though completely understandable. Glad to see you on Yea Forums again and I hope to see more of your art soon
No, though it is on his pixiv if I remember correctly.
Just hearing that my art is in the realm of getting meaningful feedback makes me happy already.
>How am I doing? Give it to me straight,
Looks like you're starting out, just draw more.
Learn the the fundamentals, gesture, anatomy, proportion, etc.
Here is a resource for you to sketch poses from. (Although from life is preferable)
Honestly generic practice is the thing you really need, just draw alot and you will get an eye for it.
If you ever have the time can you do my request please?
I told you before, I like Miku trance but I'm not very fond of her design, so I have to pass on that.
Thanks, I'll definitely use that. My copy of Bridgman comes in tomorrow as well.
>first random pose
Well alright then.
Holy shit this is lewd as all hell.
OR here, apologies for not responding earlier.
I was away for a while. But awesome manga styling and really neat screen tones.
Also good choice on giving Jahy a bikini version of the outfit. Really shows off those nice curves.
Thank you so much! This is golden.
Requesting Mariko Nakamura like this
Not a problem.
Buy me a drink next time.
I request petite) Nena Trinity (her proportions and body being canonical like in the included image)
whistling and trying to look innocent as she walks away from a burning church. If artist wants, they can have screams coming from the church where some user was trying to marry their waifu.
is there an Yea Forums drawthread irc or disc*rd?
Holy shit, my dick. Thanks user
Who do i have to pay to get my dick sucked like ethercore?
When he posts people that died rise from their grave to compliment him
How is that a vulture its just a fucking comment, relax man
As an artist he's good.
As a person he's gullible and believes whatever he's told, which is a major flaw
have you tried drawing nice things?
I'm not gay.
And not sure where did you get that from, when I'm not doing art I'm known for being a giant troll.
Speaking of buying things, do you still do commissions? If so where do I contact?
I only do some if what I'm asked to do is of interest, otherwise I would rather come here and pick random stuff that I like.
ice fairy number
Kokkoro as a maid, a cute one in a French- or Victorian-style, or a sexy one with fishnets and high-heels.
Time to sleep.
Get me some more lolis for tomorrow, mmkay?
this isnt your blog
Come over to the other thread please to draw my loli wife.
Who and where?
WWD. The loli one that I hope captures your attention.
goodnight, cat.
This doesn't seem quite right.
>waifu isn't a loli
I guess there's no chance for me
Do the ones posted already in the thread first, mmkay?
Look up the terms marked like 'this' so you can get a better idea of what you need to do.
Rather than drawing the skeleton, try and draw the 'gesture' and 'forms', look for the 'line of action'
Also try timed practices. 10 minutes then 5 minutes then 1 minute. It helps your gesture, and if you can draw fast you can draw more. (For this kind of practice that is, for a proper piece you should take your time drawing so you don'd have to make corrections later ha ha)
There is more advice I would like to give you but you should probably take it step by step.
I see. It's true, I did spend all the time between that post and this one on a second image from Quickposes.
>line of action
What would this be in that image? In the explanation of line of action I found, the example was pretty clear, but there I'm not so sure. Is it a backwards S shape or a backwards C shape? or have I misunderstood the concept entirely?
Ignore line of action, it's a fictitious meme technique for autists. Just go straight to constructive anatomy and posing in perspective. Gesture is also 60% meme unless you already understand form and balance.
No but seriously explain the Ethercore circlejerk to me
Everytime he posts in this thread theres 30 posts dedicated to him, there's better artists that only get half that
and even more surprising is that no matter how dead the thread is suddenly everyone makes sure to check for ethercores delivery and then fucks off the moment he leaves
was there such a thing?
Loli lewds. It works for anyone who draws them.
Don't give me the bullshit explain it to me
There's plenty of loli artists and Ethercore doesn't even do loli proportions anywhere near correctly
It has to do with networking doesn't it?
Don't kid yourself. got plenty of (You)'s and whenever IM@Sdrawfriend shows up from his hole and draws lolis, he gets lots of (You)'s too. You can criticize Ether's art, and he may deserve some, but you can't deny that he draws enticing images for lolicons to fawn over. Not just that, he's very responsive which is why he gets people vulturing him.
>Ignore line of action, it's a fictitious meme technique for autists.
Not incorrect necessarily, but it's useful for building gesture off of, which is useful for building forms from.
I'm more an animator than an illustrator so gesture is probably more relevant to me because I need to understand the flow of the movement.
Don't underestimate the power of loli
Speaking of shishigajs, does he have a pixiv or something? I know that his deliveries over on Yea Forums are all saved on the vidyabooru but I dunno if Yea Forums does the same
>Speaking of shishigajs, does he have a pixiv or something? I know that his deliveries over on Yea Forums are all saved on the vidyabooru but I dunno if Yea Forums does the same
We can't have it in our OP because mods will be mad at us. And he doesn't a pixiv or any blog from what I can find. He just hangs around in the drawthreads. If he accepted comms I'd have commission him a long time ago.
This might not be the sort of thing to help me at the moment, but it is fun. I have half a mind to do this with the Range Murata artbook I have or hitting random on Sankaku.
I will try my best to refrain from crowding this thread with my sketches, at least over the course of tomorrow
Thanks for that, though it seems the anons in charge of the tags don't do their job too well
No one tags, sadly.
Doesn't help that registration is closed
Fuck, dude, I haven't posted a delivery in dr/a/wthreads in months, but just the thought that someone (anyone!) could even assume that you're one of the drawfags here (or even worse—me!) grosses me out. I don't lurk enough to know who Ethercore is but, believe me, I can understand the gist of what I assume your frustration is as a fellow drawfag who has a tighter grip on the fundamentals but receives a fraction of the praise that other currently lesser-skilled artists receive. Still, I can't help but think there's a better way of going about winning the favor of those who you want to acknowledge your efforts.
It's not a coincidence that popular artstyles are popular. Every other artist is riding Sakimichan's dick. The one's who aren't are sucking Ilya Kuvshinov's. So study what you see getting traction, and if you have no shame, as your outbursts here would suggest, jump on the bandwagon and ride it all the way to the bank. Instead of wasting your energy crying about it.
Requesting a 4koma comic about the escalating bullying/rivalry between Oboro and Asagi throughout their school years (Kindergarten to High School)
Jeez let me tell you what, drawing mamers this powerful is well outside my comfort zone.
Don't worry, I shall gambarimasu through it.
You can do it!
Requesting a sweaty Rin riding a bicycle!
Thanks for being interested in drawing my request. Good luck with the drawing!
No problem, but once again please be patient, what I have in mind will take some time, I don't want to spoil the surprise but I promise it will be worth it.
Requesting Shinobu Omiya in a tuxedo, a magician's outfit, or a detective's outfit
Requesting wholesome chubby milf kuroko wearing a bikini like this
Not OR, but that's breddy gud. The q-tip made me chuckle.
hope u like ^^
not the OR but this is great
really nice work with that facial expression
thanku satan dubz ^^
Requesting Haruhi Suzumiya wearing Josuke’s Clothes doing his crossarm pose!
Requesting anything of Seras Victoria
Draw her simplistically, or detailed I dont care.
Girl need more art her
Page 10.
Requesting WIP-tan wipping the thread into shape with her cat-o-ten-tails.
OR here, wow this is great! I do like your style too, Riamu looks awesome like this. Thanks a lot
Requesting a 3 panel comic. In the first one all of the astra crew would look horrified and scared shitless. Second one would show Kanata in his normal space suit sitting in the captains chair facing others, smiling widely and looking like dr. Weir (eyes only and bloody face) saying ''What's wrong guys? where we're going we won't need eyes to see''. and a blurred plate with astra's name. Third panel would show that very plate with the ships name scratched out and ''Event Horizon'' written below in jagged letters.
Requesting Cirno judging you
Requesting Miss Curious smugly feeling up a very embarassed Mina
Requesting Inosuke from Demon Slayer vs Cocytus from Overlord
Ban cirno, too much RNG!
idk who the girl is, so i just drew her being awkward i guess
also i made an oopsie in the chin, turns out india ink doesn't dry as fast as i thought
ps are we paper fags accepted here or not?
Requesting Iowa using her own boobs as a pillow
Traditional fags are always welcome here!
Also nice job, very cute, not OR.
Incoming Nerf!
Here, it came out so ugly i literally gagged.
made oopsies everywherere
really fucking rushed
please report this
i enjoy drawing because i enjoy using isographs and shit
original request?
it was the girl as a magician or smth
Original Requester, im not guy who made the request, but i still think you did a good job
Again, nicely done
Requesting Riko embarrassed as she takes lewd selfies to send to Kanna.
already happened
Requesting Oppai Cirno
OR here nice job thanks a bunch
Requesting Rosemon X using Lotusmon like a chair/horse similar to the lower images, the latter blushing intensely and loudly huffing in arousal
Requesting Wiz as Frankenstein's monster, awkwardly toggling her neck bolts.
You're good, no need to put yourself down like that
No seriously please don't, it comes off as a humblebrag if you keep doing it
alright you fuckers, request some horrible, horrible violence
Forced handholding
Devillady Chariot surrounded by piles of dismembered Demons, holding a spinal cord in her left hand and a jaw in her right
Got bored and lazy.
Akkun violently ripping off one of Yoshiko's arms and shoving it down her throat
Requesting extreme sports Cirno
Requesting Tatsumaki accidentally flying into a glass window like a bird. Probably on the side of a skyscraper or similar and telling the people on the other side of the glass to not say a word with her face still against the glass.
Wow this is super adorable! Thanks for the maid bikini Kokkoro, she really looks good as a maid.
Requesting Cirno paps
Literally the 5th lewd work of this character ever. I'll take it, thanks my guy
Requesting Umihara Kawase wearing
Or loli Kawase (top left in my ref) wearing a bunnysuit
Requesting the drawfag who started on this to post the full image
Requesting Saya Takagi using her twintails as a TV antenna.
Fucking A+
Requesting Tejina doing this magic trick!
This kind of magic is dense shit that only magicians from Las Vegas like David Copperfield can do!
Drew Boros.
Also, Choze.
cute request
not sure if BB or a pretty solid style imitation
great stuff either way though
Requesting this same drawing
Good stuff Smurf. That said, are you gonna draw every OPM monster at this point?
BB would have more memes in it/the face would be sillier
OR here. That's an absolutely adorable Perona! Thank you so much!
former(?) drawfriend
also goes by baalbuddy on twitter
you have a point there, though the similarities are striking
>That said, are you gonna draw every OPM monster at this point?
It just depends of me feeling like it really. it's not like I'm interested in drawing every single one of them. It's good exercice too since they have very diversified designs.
Requesting Satsuki in Miku's scenario.
Taking requests for huge-titty little girls.
art sample
Lewd or non lewd? If lewd, a standing paizuri would be nice. If non lewd, then her reaching for something from a tall shelf and unable to due to her breast would be cute.
That's a smol grill.
>little girls
Read nigger, read.
The eyebrow girl
Seconding, never enough Mitsudomoe lewds
>huge titty
Great taste though user
post art sample also details if legit
How about Sailor Moon's oppai-loli Momohara Momoko doing something elegant that goes with her traditional chinese theme?
Give her some honkers
Requesting Drillhair loli/Beatrice/Beako from Re:Zero with big anime tiddies.
Are bait prompts that hurry and kill the thread better or worse than the typical slow death full of bumps?
Do it.
>Tfw fall for bait prompts
Am I retarded, give it to me straight user.
Neither. They just are.
But I do agree that signups should generally come with a sample to proof authenticity.
I'd say it's better since it gives anons hope and doesn't drag things out, though that might just be me
They never will, if you ask for a sample you’ll just be called entitled
uh first time taking a request here lets go
Nice milf!
/r/ Tomoko Kuroki molested
You can do just hands, her brother or whatever you can come up with
Really nice. Good dynamic lines.
real nice work user
Really freaking Nice! OP here! Do you have a blog?
Nicely Done!
eyy thanks lads
I have a newgrounds?
I havent posted in a little tho..
I dont like fairy tail, but I must admit it has a lot of cute characters
Very spicy design
Good shit my man!
i'm the original requester, just came back to this thread
i must thank you for this user, i am very happy
Not the person you replied to
Noice loli dragon tiddies
But she's not a dragon? unless something happened in the WNs because the latest i know was of the tower arc.
retarded tripfag feels the need to post again
My bad. I only watched the anime when it aired, So i don’t remember much and thought she was a dragon. All i remember is that shes like like super old, unless im wrong about that too then aw well.
Not that user, but she's something like a spirit that got trolled by her creator with a contract to wait for an unspecified third party to give them all the knowledge of the library she was guarding. It turns out that the third party could have been anyone she choose.
really nice
Seconding oppai Kaos
Almost time
What will be next OP?
I’ve already selected it
care to link it?
Pointlessly thirding this request
Requesting Genjuro Kazanari (Symphogear) and Francis York Morgan (Deadly Premonition) discussing movies, parodying "Half in the Bag" from RedLetterMedia. If you want to include one more character for Rich Evans, it could be Jay (The Critic).
It could also be a "The Nerd Crew" or a "Best of the Worst" parody.
Fuggin great. OR here, thanks for big best girl tiddy.