KAIBA: "Yuugi, unless you let me win this children's card game match, I'm going to off myself!"

>KAIBA: "Yuugi, unless you let me win this children's card game match, I'm going to off myself!"
>YAMI: "Well, if that means so much to you..."
How did Kaiba ever recover from this farce?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>How did Kaiba ever recover from this farce
By playing cardgames aimed for children

He flew off to America to open a theme park for orphans

Please don't bully Kaiba, he has autism

Is there a more legendary autism than Kaiba's?

Historical Revisionism. Kaiba just chose to get a better view from the castle. It was Yugi who was being a bitch and choosing not to attack.

there is nothing wrong with being absorbed in children's games or cartoons though, kaiba is a chad

He wouldn't have had to do that if Yugi played by the rules

>MUH arrow of shoot my polymerization zombie mammoth into your monster and then make it decay

Nope. He came back 20 years later only to show even more autism on the big screens.

because his brother's life was on the line


>Despite being millionaire, I still go to regular high school, instead of employing a home teacher!
>I'm going to convert a company that makes guns to one that makes a duel discs!
>I'm going to waste a million in order to build a plane that looks like my Blue-Eyes-White-Dragon!
>Shareholders don't think I'm capable CEO... I'LL SHOW THEM! By arranging most expensive card game tournament and by building a car game school on a distant island!
Imagine being a major shareholder in Kaiba Corp.

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This. Atem was making up rules as he goes and the duel disk somehow believed his bullshit because he has destiny hax on his side.
Kaiba was 100% justified in his actions.

It'd be jolly good fun to watch what the lunatic does next.

You're just silly, user. All of those are high IQ tactical moves and I'm only being half-sarcastic.

>Despite being millionaire, I still go to regular high school, instead of employing a home teacher!
He doesn't even need to go to school. He's already super genius as a kid. This is obviously an attempt to look normal to the populous.

>I'm going to convert a company that makes guns to one that makes a duel discs!
Unironically the best option anyone has ever done ever. Kaiba has sold more world-saving/world destroying products in his short time as president than his adopted Father ever sold on guns.
As a businessman Kaiba was better than his father, as a war profiteer he was a better businessman than his father.
The guy who profits off dueling in a series about dueling is the smartest motherfucker in the series.

>I'm going to waste a million in order to build a plane that looks like my Blue-Eyes-White-Dragon!
He has "Fuck you" money. So much so that he can buy out an entire city. BUY OUT AN ENTIRE CITY.

>Shareholders don't think I'm capable CEO... I'LL SHOW THEM! By arranging most expensive card game tournament and by building a card game school on a distant island!
And he did show them. He showed them real good. That Card game school was the YGO version of Military Camps and his creation of DA encouraged other people to build theirs.

kaiba literally built a machine to temporarily kill himself so he could duel his dead rival. there is literally no other character that comes close to his level of autism.

People say I remind them of this character quite a bit. Is that a good or bad thing? How easy is this series to watch?

how can you claim to be human if you've never watched yugioh?

it's bad, all card game anime are bad (except maybe Card Captor Sakura), just watch Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged, saves you time and provides you with quality entertainment


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Remember when Little Kuriboh proposed to his partner through a youtube video?

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>I'm going to convert a company that makes guns to one that makes a duel discs!
The most popular game in the world, basically replace most professional sport, become the key industry of world. Tell me how can those gun even compare to?

You mean the same corp that is in literal control of a whole city? Whoever invested in those shares back when the game was still obscure must be filthy rich by now

really? you want your proposal to be unique, but there's a limit where it becomes too autistic

Are Kaiba corp even have share holder? Wasn't the big 5 shareholder got killed in a video game.

It was cringeworthy as hell, they broke up anyway because the girl literally refused to have sex with him (kek)

Yami never actually lost.

He "lost" against Kaiba. Actually, Yugi took back control over his body and gave up. Not Yami's loss.

He "lost" against Raphael. Not canon.

He "lost" against Yugi. Actually, he wanted this to happen, meaning he won.

>>I'm going to waste a million in order to build a plane that looks like my Blue-Eyes-White-Dragon!

Try "billion" just for the research and development to make even a prototype of that thing. Although yes the actual unit cost is probably closer to a million.


Huh? I unironically thought Littlekuriboh is homosexual. Not even memeing.

Has there ever been a rival as good as Kaiba?
His autism was so strong that it single-handedly turned an obscure SoL manga into one of the best selling multi-media franchises in history.

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The answer is that it's complicated. I would still put my money on Char Aznable, but Kaiba is way better than Sasuke and Vegeta for sure.

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There was that whole having his little brother hostage thing

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>All of those are high IQ tactical moves an
>buys half of a kind company shares
>threatens unemployment of the staffs
>money rolls in

Remember when Yami did the most evilest thing in the world?

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>when you're such a GOAT rival that they make a sequel movie solely about your rivalry

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Some of the old Abridged episodes don't hold up as well as they use to, but last season was hilarious. It helps when the source material is even more ridiculous than usual. I finished the Waking the Dragon arc not too long ago. Good God, there's so much in there that doesn't make sense.

Both Chazz and Jack surpassed Kaiba in many ways. They might not be absurd like him but they are better characters.

>tfw Kaiba's dream was basically fulfilled and everyone in the future resolves conflicts with childrens cardgames, even criminals stopped using weapons

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>not absurd

Jack also sat on a throne in a fucking shanty town since he always thought he was King.

>tetris execution

which part was that?

what? it was a different woman than the obese feminist he is married to now?

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During the revenge/death game arc from the original manga, Kaiba's first salty runback. Tristan almost died.

>Then 5D happens

I think what makes Kaiba so great as a rival is basically that he's never a jobber. His winrate is actually quite good and he defeats his own fair share of credible threats and looks awesome while doing it. Another thing is that he drives the plot in significant ways, he's never just "there" for no reason like Vegeta is.

Kaiba is extremely consistent and has a clear philosophy and ideology. Chazz is a subversion of Kaiba and Jack tries too fucking hard to be Kaiba but cooler and then sex cults fucked the show up.

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Find a flaw on Kaiba's ace monster.

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I will post this any time I have an excuse.

The beauty of Kaiba's ideology is that while it clashes with Yugis sometimes, it doesn't ALWAYS and it's only sometimes presented as "wrong" in specific situations, while there are other situations where he is clearly a visionary in the positive sense, who wants good things for the world and makes them a reality.


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Kaiba is a way better than Jack, but Chazz and Kaiba are almost equal imo.

It's a fucking vanilla with way too much support.

Kaiba's autism never ceases to amaze me.


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I think I rewatched this scene like 30 times

The thing is, it fucking worked
You can imagine the faith you'd have in this guy after such bullshit
No wonder GX happened

she was pure...she didn't deserve it...

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How come Kaiba wasn't allowed to declare an attack after using Monster Reborn but Yugi was allowed to fuse a monster with a magic card and multiply his Kuriboh by a hundred?

When a fantasy world is made they always add some kind of magic elements or one race is just really good at one thing
You need to suspend your disbelief when the question comes along "why don't they use the magic to actually influence society"
Think why they never used Jutsu to rebuild the Leaf village in Naruto
Or why dwarves are never the most powerful race despite being really good at making weapons

Well Kaiba is the guy who abuses magic to literally change the course of history

>The Chazz in Haman's outfit
I hate you for doing this to my dick.

>tfw kaiba has the same VA as brock

Manjoume-SAN DA

I find it eternally amusing that his patchwork deck is one of the relatively viable ones in the show.

>It's a GOD

For some reason, this made me think of Aqua from Konosuba

>Jaden didn't just win once, all of his cards won separately.

>Just casually kills that pilot
What a legend.

what the fucking fuck kaiba

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It's better than that. The ending implies that he casually kills HIMSELF to duel the pharaoh once last time. If it weren't for Takagashi tweeting this epilogue image, there's nothing to suggest that his "visit the afterlife" machine was able to pull him back from the other side.

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Why they change it into Utopia?

How about when he lost to Joey offscreen


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but after that, Joey didnt run red eyes

This is my wife (male). Say something nice about him.

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Joey didn't duel again in the manga. Kaz confirmed he won the duel tho.

He dueled Bakura and lost in one turn

>Yuma never managed to defeat him

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They never duel in Zexal II. Zexal II Yuma was better than Kaito.

Is Zexal any good?
It's the only one I totally skipped

He convinced himself he outsmarted Yugi.

so they just were gay together for all eternity on the other side?

Its' pretty good but the first episodes are bad. Watch the first 3 and jump to episode 10

>if there is intelligent life out there...
can someone please make a webm of this? i'm too retarded but this shit is fucking gold

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asspulls are shit, but this is good shit

When you have too much money.

only the 2nd season is worth it

please, may you explain what is happening here, kind user? i have only watched the anime until the pharaoh stuff but the Kaiba posting always brings me to Yugi threads so i'm curious

nothing, it's literally the end of the battle city arc when jounouchi gets the duel he was promised

I'm glad they didn't fuck Kaiba up by giving him a romantic interest.

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He also has his Red Eyes afterward in the anime. Granted, all those duels after Battle City were filler, but it operates on the belief that Joey wins back his Red Eyes from Yugi.

Pegasus is a very lucky guy that Kaiba is his business partner.

I'm almost done watching the original Yu-Gi-Oh. Which spin-off should I move on to next?


>tfw the Uncut Yu-Gi-Oh dub will never be completed

They kinda fucked Jack for the opposite reasons, funnily enough

Also technically Kaiba's waifu is Kisara.

but when people talk rivals from GX the first one that comes to mind is zane and his fucking edgy autism

GX gets a lot of hate but I actually like it. Though I used to watch the German dub as a kid, which IMHO isn't as obnoxious as the Japanese original.

fuck Kaiba

soon user
very soon




his love interest is the blue eyes white dragon user

What a sad thing how the manjoume san da joke was utterly destroyed in the dub

Still sends chills down my spine.

He convinced himself that he outsmarted Yugi. Kaiba just discards any bit of information that doesn't align with how he chooses to see things.

GX is one of those animes where the dub is magnitudes better than the sub. I actually love what they did to characters like Amber Mammoth and even how meta the jokes were.

The dub was trash

The rules for Duel Monsters weren't clearly defined until Battle City, which is part of why Duelist Kingdom is the worst arc and Battle City is one of the best.

>don't hold up as well as they use to

>Think why they never used Jutsu to rebuild the Leaf village in Naruto
They actually did though. The one guy who knew how to use wood jutsu was being put through the wringer to make materials for new homes.
>Or why dwarves are never the most powerful race despite being really good at making weapons
Being the best at making them doesn't mean you're the best at using them. Dwarves are all manlets that are usually outdone in either numbers or martial prowess. Besides, they have tend to have mountain/cave autism and would rather spend their time digging for treasure and building underground fortresses than trying to conquer the above-ground world.

I like to think he never did.
everything past this point was Kaiba autistically attempting to repair his shattered ego

Even battle city had a whole bunch of crazy bullshit and weird anime only rules

But they were still more concrete than Duelist Kingdom. It was just the right amount of bullshit. Structured bullshit. Style.

Duelist Kingdom was way too loose.

This. The dub makes especially season 1 and 2. They are so ridiculous and the dub takes it even less serious. They turned the fat guys father into a hot sauce addict.

What anime-only rules? Give an example

>not appreciating serious faced farce

Peak shit taste. The sub was way better. Only good thing about the burger dub was the monarch users in season 2.

Wait, this dude dueled the Pharaoh in the afterlife? Fucking kek. Did he lose?

>is the only one with a consistency engine
Compared to fucking Judai and his magic draw power and stun.Literally every deck is preferable to Judai's aside from maybe Cronos'.

That's because they the fandom loves the stereotypical edgy rivals.

Yu-Gi-Oh dubs are great to watch ironically, otherwise and if you want a somewhat serious experience you stick to subs.

That's just another reason why Kaito is a good rival. Unlike a certain shiny rich boy.

It's good, just has a slow start. If you haven't skipped any others then that means you watched arc v, which was even slower and far more inconsistent. Vrains also took a lot of stuff from zexal too

Just watch them in order. GX comes next. Personally I'd say watch it subbed. It doesn't really matter with the first 100 episodes but after that they really bring down the tension of season 3 and don't do season 4 at all

Just posting the best rival, the best girl and the best couple

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S1 and S2 are fine. But I honestly wouldn't reccomend S3 of the dub. Don't get me wrong S3, is funny, but it's not good because of the tone S3 carries.

4Kids never did season 4. They skipped straight to 5D's after season 3.

>best rival
>best girl
I'm sorry, but I don't see Kaiba nor Mai. Were they in Zexal or something?


How did they get away with THAT?

>good in any way

Yeah, S1 and S2 dub and S3 sub to conserve one-tiddy goth gf intact

>Man I cant believe Takahashi didnt time travel to the future to accurately copy the game mechanics of the real life game based on his manga he never expected to make physical
If you knew anything about early DM he planned it to be a mix of MtG and DND, where you had to bullshit and outsmart your way through problems.

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In a shounen where most female characters are shit, she actually stands on her own and actually tries not to be Tea

>thinking win rate is directly related to quality of character writing

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Unfortunately, most of the ygo fandom is still stuck on this stigma.

It's why ppl literally think Asuka is the best ygo girl because she had the most wins, despite her character doesn't really have anything going for her.

>Yubel (more or less)
All better than Mai

>Better duelist and waifus
>Wanting to fuck a futa

Asuka won like ONE serious duel. Aki won more duels.

Literally every one of those is a jobber. Mai is the only good duelist girl

Mai only beat nameless jobbers off screen. Aki beat actual duelists.

just as a reminder of the things kaiba has done
>bought out a weapons company to turn it into a toy manufacturer
>built a murder themepark to have his salty runback with yugi, staffing it with former US marines, an actual serial killer, and an insane scientist
>tortured an old man
>infiltrated a multibillion dollar corporation and stopped bullets with trading cards to save his brother
>bought out a city to host a card game tournament
>turned his dad's weapons testing island into an arena for his card game
>blew up said island when he lost
>created virtual reality
>blew up some pilots to show off his virtual reality
>set up 2 world tournaments to have his salty runback with yugi
>built a machine to go to the afterlife, defying mortality itself, to have his salty runback
>created a satellite and capsule to send into space. filled it with a 6 year old's created cards as well as a several thousand year old duel spirit to teach aliens how to play card games
>created a school to teach kids how to play card games
>his god was used to designate all the top students, who have 5 star dining and sleep in a mansion
>yugi's god was used to designate the worst of the worst, and they lived in a shack on a cliff and ate almost nothing but rice and canned vienna sausages
>ignored when two of the richest guys in the world tried to buy out said school
>let a dropout who ditched the school come back and duel them, using only monsters with under 1000 atk

>funded another world tournament, invited world leaders and a serial killer as well as pros to lay the smack down on students
>when the avatar of the god of despair and sorrow manifested, he was the ONLY ONE, possibly on the planet, other than judai and johan, to not be overwhelmed by despair
>fully bought out domino city, kitted out the cops with duel discs, and made trading cards the currency of his city and its sister city
>in an alternate dimension, he bought out a city and turned it into a city run by card games, with augmented reality devices everywhere and used by everyone, even non-duelists
>in yet another alternate dimension, he helped fund the creation of hardlight constructs and gave life to duel monsters spirits

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I don't get why this is so funny? Teaching aliens how to duel in their universe is like teaching them Earth's epitome of culture. It makes sense.

Alot of these are just headcanon. Others are just memes.

which are headcanon, aside from maybe the fact that he created hardlight in arc-V?

To be fair it was so Kaiba could play against Pegasus and get his brother back. This was one of the times when Kaiba's autism was justifiable.

Probably, but it's a cliffhanger ending. The last thing we see is him reaching the Pharaoh.
It's also left unclear if he can even get back from there- Mokuba said it was dangerous and untested, and he leaves Mokuba in charge of the company and refuses to promise to come back. He probably effectively killed himself for this rematch.

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His "development" was so stupid. Probably the most stupid across all the franchise.

They simply shocked his gay away, it's just that beneath the gay there was this ultra edge.

Bdsm Zane was the weirdest phase shift I've ever seen.

At the end of the day, the fangirls won.

It didn't serve much purpose either since Cyrus never got his rematch with him.

>If you were a real fan
No. I own Kazuki Takahashi's art book and I've never once participated in an IRL tournament. Duelist Kingdom is the weakest arc in the whole manga. I don't NEED the present day rules to be all worked out before hand, I just don't like how DK handled Duel Monsters.

Actually, the Mammoth Graveyard thing isn't even a terrible example of this for me, I actually think the arc only starts to get good around that duel. But anyway, Duel Monsters wasn't concrete in Yugi's first TWO duels with Kaiba and you don't see me saying anything about those arcs. Death-T was actually amazing.

Battle City handles the bullshit way better.

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>The way the falling cards are "animated"

She got shafted so badly in the show. And worst of all, she didn't do anything wrong herself.

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Bitch Crow...Go fucking die like you were supposed to.

But, to be honest, it wasn't entirely his fault.

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Kaiba is the driving force in yugioh

He lost clean to Yugi. Even if he was hoping Yugi would win, he had to give his all for the scenario to properly happen.

>The rules for Duel Monsters weren't clearly defined until Battle City, which is part of why Duelist Kingdom is the worst arc and Battle City is one of the best.
Tell that to this faggot who thinks that forcing your opponent to yield with threat of suicide isn't acceptable in a game where """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""rules for Duel Monsters weren't clearly defined""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Every time someone posts this, I just imagine him crawling around picking them all up again after the duel.
Did he bother? Or did he just buy more afterwards?

It isn't acceptable though. Kaiba vs Yugi is one of the better duels in that arc, and I'm the user you just posted at.

Is 5Ds worth it for this semen demon? I liked using her in Duel Links but never watched the show.

Kaiba's voice in the English dub makes me lul, so over the top

First arc treats her pretty well. She becomes less relevant in the second half of the series once her angst has been sorted out. Sorry if that constitutes a spoiler. She's still good though.

Kaiba is the creator of the cards? What about that pegassus guy?

Industrial Illusions prints Duel Monsters cards. KaibaCorporation makes hardware to enhance the game.

What this user said .

Don't get upset if you started to like her but saw that she gets put aside all of a sudden after S2. There are reasons for that, but I don't won't to spoil you much more.

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Rules didn't say he can't and he did it.
COPE faggot

How? canonically she loses every single major duel she's apart of. Joey, Yugi and Marik.

Man, if aliens invaded the Earth in the yugioh universe they'd be completely fucked.

It was morally unacceptable and lacked integrity you slithering mong, even Kaiba wasn't satisfied with the end result and only stooped so low because he wanted to save his little brother.


Yeah it's funny you say this because that's literally what Seto tried to do prior to being bitch slapped by Anzu. You're the one who needs to cope. Seto Kaiba has already ascended past this shameful display to even greater heights.

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>He "lost" against Raphael. Not canon
No one gives a shit about the manga.

hold my beer

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Why do you idiots keep saying this?
You do realize that the anime didn't follow TCG/OCG rules right?
And certainly not in fucking Duelist Kingdom which came out in fucking 1998.

He lost against Jonouchi and Yugi. Former was obvious even before DSoD because Red-Eyes was summoned during Jonouchi's duel with Bakura using a deck he manifested from his spirit/will/mind.

It wouldn't have been in there if he hadn't beaten Yugi because Jonouchi is the one who wanted Yugi to keep Red-Eyes.


Raphael is honestly horrible. Every time I see a retard say he was the only one to legitimately beat the Pharaoh I cringe.

>He lost against Kaiba.
Even Kaiba wasn't content with the bullshit on the castle.

4 New summoning method, and Konami still didnt make Fusion with spell as material

Jonouchi summons it in Millennium World. It's not the real card, but he wouldn't have done that if he didn't have it.

Plus he has it in DSoD. He beat him.

t. 4kids kiddie
Nobody liked that piece of shit filler even back then.

Are you stupid?
It was monster-of-the-week show and it was better before this card game nonsense.

I hate how wasted the concept of Yami Yugi being evil was in Waking the Dragon. He's only evil for 5 minutes in his duel with Raphael and it happens for no good real reason either. Absolutely nothing was at stake.

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Didn't read.

weren't the cards in GX aliens?

Fucking shit taste.
Only H(aka the OG) is good the rest are deviantart-tier abominations.

He probably won.

He had grown. Even Jonouchi had defeated the Pharaoh. Yugi too.

just read manga, where he going full The Specter on people

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You know I feel like the 4kids dub did a better job of that scene. That might be the nostalgia talking, though.

Now that I think about it, Kaiba does actually have weapons.
He probably has an army of mechanical dragons that could fight aliens, and while he's at it, he can still go through the motions of playing the card game during the fights.

>Some random yahoos show up and easily steal the God Cards
>Muh card that turns you evil
Give me a fucking break, what a shitty fucking arc.
The only good thing about it is Yami and Kaiba teaming up vs Dartz(who like a pussy had 20000 Life Points for some reason)

It's not about Kaiba winning, it's how he won. Sacrificing your game winning Egyptian God card to summon your Blue Eyes White dragon waifu for BM is peak YGO.

>Kaiba buys Domino city
>Becomes a dystopian nightmare in the future where you even go to jail if you lose a card game, and get fucking branded

I have to wonder if Kaiba found the secret to immortality just to make this happen because he was still butthurt over Atem beating his ass.

What could be done about it really

This or watch season 0(preferrably do both though)

Will there ever be another character in Yugioh as based as Kaiba?

Nope, he got picked up by one of those hardcore feminist types who get with weak men to dominate them. You could literally watch his attitudes shift after they started dating.

Have you carved the arc of victory today, Yea Forums?

He has a wife what are you on about?

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More like game-of-the-week, but there was definitely a SoL aspect to it


>but there was definitely a SoL aspect to it
Not really. It was more school life(a very tiny little bit) rather than SoL.
Season 0 anime made it more SoL-ish with the inclusion of Miho but that wasn't really the case with the manga.

user, that's not a dystopian nightmare. That is the shit duelists being separated from the good ones. If you're a good duelist as a Common, you can make it to the Tops.
You just gotta drive good and duel better.

>That chapter where Jonouchi and Honda run down on those dudes in the arcade.
>Even Yugi wants to come, despite being told it's okay not to, making Jonouchi and Honda respect him more because he's down as fuck.

>Kaiba fighting aliens in his Blue-Eyes White Dragon mech controlled by playing card games
I can see it happening

Meant for

F is the best one.

You mean Pegasus and whoever?

You know...I remember thinking 5Ds was pretty cool early on whatwith Yusei escaping from Ushio-ripoff and all those underground tunnels and shit.
I liked how initially it was a more down-to-earth version of Yugioh with what it seemed Yusei and Jack having a rivalry/feud with each-other due to Jack being an asshole and betraying him.

Even their first on-screen duel was pretty cool before "muh akaki ryuu"
Fuck that bullshit, it literally ruined every potential the series had.

We didn't need Aki, the shitty twins, Crow, that whole Signers/Dark Signers bullshit etc.
I wish it would be about Yusei's and Jack's rivalry...potentially with Kiryu showing up later in a somewhat different role.

How cool would it have been if we got something like the cops reducing the freedom of card games by heavily regulating the game based o classes(i.e poorfags get shit cards while the elites get all the strong cards) and Yusei and Jack eventually reconciling their difference and fight against authority?

Honestly, a better question is how Kaiba recovered from Death-T.

>Hires a literal child murderer to assault Yugi and his friends.

>Fast Forward to Battle City
>Sees Anzu kidnapped.

"Even at my worst I would never use a hostage in a duel."

>How cool would it have been if the supernatural elements of Yu-Gi-Oh! were completely drained out of Yu-Gi-Oh!

It wouldn't have been cool. Not to mention we already got the class discrimination bullshit. But 5Ds handled it better than you suggested because the "poor people get shitty cards" part was a bi-product of the class discrimination instead of what it was based around entirely.

Imagine thinking card games on motorcycles is more down to earth than either of its predecessors.

Yes it would have been. Better than the generic shit we got.

Down to Earth was a poor choice of words.
What I meant was more gritty...and I suppose more Cyberpunk/Dystopian.

I liked the idea of Yusei being an underdog poorfag with talent/potential early on. I liked the whole street feel to it with Jack having betrayed Yusei in the past. I liked how there was this whole underground world patrolled by the police etc.
It was unique for a series like Yugioh and something new.

I hated when Yusei turned out to be the son of a famous scientist...as if he wasn't Mary Sue enough by that point ffs.

The closest thing that gave me a feeling close to those early 5Ds episodes was the Wild West arc with Kiryu which is why I liked it quite a lot but it still wasn't quite the same.

5DS was such wasted potential from the start.
But I guess they would have had it harder to sell cards if they actually made a cool creative show.

it's actually ushio.

well, in his twisted mind, he belive kidnapping to force lose is worse than death if you lose

Obviously not the Ushio from the original manga.
Maybe it's a descendant of his.

nope. It's the same one.

>Just googled this bullshit and apparently the director of the anime said so or smth
Yeah no that is fucking bullshit.
Ushio in his original incarnation is at the least 17-18 years old. GX takes place 10 years later and 5Ds probably takes place at least 40-50 years after GX at the least.

The director can suck my dick.

there is no established timeline about when 5D's happens, just that the plot happens...I think 15 years after a backstory event. Ushio also canonically exists in the time of GX.

I think at one point ushio also references that he used to be a bully as a teenager.

So really, it could be:
2X05 - DM
2X15 - GX
2X16 - zero reverse
2X31 - 5D's

Some parts of his brain might not have made it through Atem's penalty intact.

Blue Eyes White Dragon a cute. A Cute!

>the only anime deck to win a world championships until trickstar
there really is no flaw.

Autistic take. 4kids dub is more appropriate for the tutorial duel in the first episode but the other two are better for the climactic duel between rivals at the end of Death T. What I mean is, the things they say and the music doesn't fit as well in the 2nd series but would be great for the 1st series Kaiba duel.

>All that rah rah rah for something so blah blah blah
Why did I laugh?

My problem with Yugioh GX is he could play these exact same cards but as long as he didn't throw them and growl every time he spoke, it would be no problem.

>She got shafted so badly in the show
I don't know, I think Yusei would be pretty good at it.

ArcV would have been so much better if the interdimensional war was actually a full-on interdimensional war like Romance of the Three Kingdoms and the entire plot is just set around Yuya trying to defend the Pendulum Dimension until he has enough and decides to spite everyone by fusing everything together and stopping the wars by making it that nobody has any more land.

>How did Kaiba ever recover from this farce?
By being the greatest autist the world has ever seen.

There's also the ungodly amount that he sunk into an actual dimensional matter transporter at the end of the DSoD movie just to play a card game with Pharaoh Atem during his reign.

You better fucking delete this


Jazz is way more likeable than Kaiba.
A shame they kept his duelling skills so inconsistent.

best men can be

Post the updated version

*Waits for Yugi in middle of road*

Attached: 1499683436922.png (1332x720, 1.91M)

>when Yugi put the Millennium Puzzle together and Atem doesn't come back you can actually see Kaiba's heart breaking in half

I love theses monthly Yugioh threads. The posts get more and more retarded every single time without fail

He's not wrong
>I am the pinnacle of the school, and a role model for Judai
>Oh no I lost some duels and I am edgy now, respecting your opponents is for losers
>I defeated Jobber and Sho, now I'm bored goodbye
>Oh wait never mind I have heart disease
>Now I'm a cripple

What was the message "don't get seduced by the power of the dark side of the dueling force?" I mean, Fubuki and all of Season 4 are already about that anyway.

Stupid GXfag. I beat you think the dub is better than the original.

Reminder that she is best girl

Attached: Rebecca.Hopkins.full.2232108.jpg (400x450, 91K)


Today I will remind them.

Attached: Kaiba will NEVER be surpassed.png (1313x413, 75K)

Attached: Apex Kaiba 2.png (1400x456, 159K)

Attached: Apex Kaiba 3.png (1292x674, 137K)

There is no way DM took place at any time later than the mid to late 90s.

No retard but that stupid ass statement has already been posted in this dumbass thread

Yeah, Mammoth graveyard is way worse than
>i stole your deck and snuck my card into it and activate a card specifically to summon that card from your deck, this doesnt count as rule breaking or getting disqualified
>the jam/slifer infinite loop
>the dark spirit of Dark Sanctuary you cant see enters your monster but then you can use collected power to swap it over to your other monster
>i placed a bomb in your monster when you tributed it without even activating a card, but tributing it again removes the bomb for no reason
The list goes on.
If yugi fusing a monster with his opponents monster to weaken it is your breaking point for “bullshit” in this series then i dont think this is the right series for you. DM was a great yugioh series and had just as much bullshit as battle city did, just because the rules became more concrete doesnt absolve it of quackery.

>If yugi fusing a monster with his opponents monster to weaken it is your breaking point
Wasn't the infamous catapult turtle way worse, anyway than mammoth?

I started cardgames on motorcycles recently and damn, it has to be the best yugioh part I've seen so far.

The first good duel was the tag labyrinth duel.

I finished it for the first time recently. The first 64 episodes are pure kino. Too bad about after that. Fucking sex cults ruin everything.

>Jack learns to be an actual person and finds his true love thanks to a woman
>Women are just a distraction.jpg
>Kaiba autism.jpg right above me
>I’m gonna kill all the Barians!
>But Shark you are the Barians!
>Then Shark was the Barians!
>Proceeds to kill all of Yuma’s friends
But of course, when a character gets a great redemption story arc it’s too much for you guys to handle. Get the fuck outta here

>ignore Revulva
>ignore THE CHAZZZ
>ignore ...
okay who the fuck is rival in Arc V? Anyone who watch Arc V?

>How did Kaiba ever recover from this farce?
What would he ever need to recover from?

Autism is going to save all of us!

Attached: greta.jpg (436x599, 62K)

>Great redemption story arc

Why did the dub change Atem's reign from 1000 BC to 3000 BC, super random...

Attached: Pharaoh Atem.png (275x74, 3K)

Catapult turtle would have dealt lethal damage with its legal effect anyways, he had won no matter what rules he was using

>implying Kaiba's reality warping autism isn't the BEST character redemption arc
Fuck outta here with that implication.

Attached: __kaiba_seto_yuu_gi_ou_and_yuu_gi_ou_duel_monsters_drawn_by_kagami_takahiro__sample-e2a0267b13a47eba (850x620, 222K)

>No single image in the franchise will ever top this
I wish I could believe there's any chance that he won

Attached: kaiba.jpg (1280x720, 137K)

And he told nobody.

I didn't even notice that. But to be fair pic related was a pretty god tier distraction.

Attached: zorc.png (400x250, 99K)

Only incels are home-schooled.

>redemption story
Are you talking about fucking Kaiser? Because that isn't what happened.
>became a sado masochist edgelord who enjoy torturing his opponents just because he lost some duels
>replaced his cyber dragon deck with cards that are way worse.
>tortured and abandoned his little brother
>his stupid duels fucked up his heart so he wanted to kill himself via duel
>tranny trashed him using her worst deck
>came back as a pathetic cripple

I like to think he either won or realized that Yugi himself without the Pharaoh is just as much of a worthy rival and friend. According to Takahashi he survived and teamed up with Yugi to make a completely new game.

>According to Takahashi he survived and teamed up with Yugi to make a completely new game.
We see that here
But he seems cursed to never be able to defeat Atem in a duel

GX is a clusterfuck and no matter how many apologists insist that Season 3 "fixed" it, it doesn't change the fact that Judai went from an annoying gary stu to a boring gary stu and is the worst character in a story where the universe literally revolves around him. Chronos and Manjoume alone save it from being completely unwatchable.

I still like to believe Jounouchi defeated him off panel in the epilogue to Battle City. Also nice trips.

Attached: Jounouchi is fucking BASED.png (1165x705, 276K)

Literally me.

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>tfw you realize Judai actually lost to Cronos but he is the main character so the rules don't matter

Attached: 1512350237308.jpg (250x244, 8K)

I don't even mind a story being Main Character: The Show starring Main Character and his friends/jobbing sidekicks, but if it's gonna do that then the main character better fucking be the most interesting or entertaining motherfucker on screen at all times. Joseph Joestar is a good example of this done right. Judai should be a textbook example of it done wrong.

Attached: jojo tricked you.jpg (453x423, 122K)

Which duel?

The first one in the first episode. I think he lost the rematch in season 4 too.

>it's the original German text

Attached: tumblr_nl25scKBLn1uocugso1_500.png (500x375, 158K)

GX came at a bizarre transitional period in the game's history so it has the unique issue of cards changing their effects in the middle of the show (Like Future Fusion)

>goes from the mirage of nightmare/emergency provisions combo to +4 and recover some lp
>to going -4 just to get Neos on the field
My headcanon is that Judai became a worse duelist as time went on.

Would be similar to being a shareholder in any of Elon Musk's companies, I assume.

He did, Neo-spacians are an objective downgrade from E-Heroes

Still not as bad as Kaiser going from Cyber to Cyberdarks.

How did Tony ever recover?

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His love interest is BEWDsara though.

Kaiba has a lot of similarities to Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne now that I think about it. Kaibaman show when?

Attached: tumblr_obe6w1uT7C1s55l0bo1_540.jpg (505x780, 65K)

why is she so perfect?

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I wan fug doll

Attached: myboy.png (1911x1377, 2.61M)

holy fuck those chimp ears

What does that tell us about Kaiba?

he isn't actually reading it, he just wants people to think he is

If by "he" you mean Takahashi, sure.

It tells us everything about him. I wish I was joking.

Attached: IMG_0960.jpg (581x663, 52K)

>O'Brien and Manjoume would've won against Judai if they didn't threw away the duel

Attached: Ojamanjoume.png (640x480, 391K)

I don't remember Yuugi ever getting Takumi'd.

Kaiba said he'd fire God for doing a shitty job at making reality in DSoD. I don't know what that means because I'm a pleb that can't operate on his level, but make of that what you will.

Attached: 20th anni exhibit.jpg (1280x461, 167K)

>Imagine being a major shareholder in Kaiba Corp.
It's like being from the USA and having Trump as your president

Takahashi's art is god tier and only got better over the years.

Attached: Duel_Art_40.jpg (681x1000, 132K)

>gary stu
He lost more duels than Yugi.

Yeah but literally all of it paid off because Kaiba literally rules the world after DM. By being a rival to a king he became a king himself.

Kaiba is operating at an entirely different level from us plebs.

If anything he's a volcel but on a spiritual level has made love with his albino dragon waifu many times.

Attached: __blue_eyes_white_dragon_kaiba_seto_and_kisara_yuu_gi_ou_and_yuu_gi_ou_duel_monsters__3ea031dec87a0d (708x910, 233K)


Attached: KYOJIN! MUTEKI! SAIKYOU!.png (923x715, 1005K)

Based Kaiba adding to the short list of GX episodes that are watchable.

Me on the left using fairies

Me on the center bottom left. I'm the short hairy dude looking into the camera.

What's Kaiba's best non Blue-Eyes monster in terms of aesthetics?

XYZ Dragon



Characters like Kaiba set unnaturally high standards for autistic people across the world.

how does this work? I thought it was just a card game

>play duelist of the roses
>meh gonna do the bad side first where kaiba is the leader since I want to fight yugi
>kaiba is an absolute chad who treats you like a brother
>play yugi side
>yugi is a giant asshole

>>duelist of the roses
Based on War of the Roses... wtf? Why does that exist?

How racist stereotype is Bandit Keith?

Attached: bandit_keith_render_by_carlos_by_carlos123321-d99lz0j.png (970x823, 693K)

He had a fucking Negate Attack, he would have won, Takahashi is an hack

If Yu-Gi-Oh! were made today, Keith would be wearing a MAGA hat.


None. Americans are no race.

Not racist at all. I love it when the Japanese make over the top American characters. Even when they're the most negative stereotypes possible it's all in good fun.

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Attached: america.png (534x400, 256K)

How can Anzu and Kisara even compete?

I'm pretty sure this was all holograms.

Even disregarding Kaibaman, that was a pretty good episode for Judais character.

But user he's genki therefore annoying therefore I am allowed to spew buzzwords freely to justify my hate

As much as Kaiba reading Nietzsche was very likely just a "dude this is what smart people do right?" gimmick by an inexperienced author, it ends up being incredibly fitting. He might actually be the closest thing to an Ubermensch I've ever seen in anime. Most such "ubermensch" characters are called that simply because they are loners who eschew conventional morality (but their own is rarely elaborated on). But Kaiba is actually quite close to the real meaning of it. He literally embraces a god-less universe (or so he believes) and overcomes nihilism by creating his own value-system and ideology, which is surprisingly deep for a children's card game show. Most importantly, Kaiba is shown to be genuinely life-affirming, and actually wants the best for humanity, "best" here meaning literally the best as in the strongest humanity - once again in contrast to a humanity that is "best" only in terms of comfort and pleasure (which would be the last man, the opposite of the ubermensch).

Of course, Nietzsche's "eternal recurrence" is also sort of present in them being literal reincarnations.

Attached: kaiba doing kaiba things.jpg (634x476, 73K)

I love how Yugioh threads are of the few that not devolve into waifu faggotery even when they still get adressed on the thread itself.

Attached: Duel_Art_p74.png (700x1027, 1.2M)

Xyz SHOKAN! Arawarero, Shainingu Nanbazu Kibo Hopu ZA Raitonigu

Attached: NumberS39UtopiatheLightning-LCKC-EN-ScR-1E.png (479x697, 788K)

Despite his flaws I loved this guy.

Anzu is the one true Queen of Games. Only a Queen may be with a King user.

Attached: Queen of Games.png (1020x1575, 1.11M)

Favorite Kaiba quotes?

>There's no such thing as impossible, stop making excuses

Attached: hold.png (461x543, 194K)

Not a quote but I like the bit where he and Mokuba drive off the lot with a sports car.

God that artbook is pure kino.

Attached: Duel_Art_11.jpg (695x1000, 210K)

"I have transcended common sense." - Seto Kaiba.

all of them, especially everything he says in DSoD

The Bogdanoffs are failed Seto Kaiba clones made in a globalist attempt to recreate Kaiba's reality warping autism.

Attached: 1548118665958.jpg (200x200, 9K)

>he summoned?
>activate the face down

i will never unsee kalen

I love his art

Attached: 40b6d06854fdedd2e6a0a087d2f1f266.jpg (4059x4488, 2.02M)

"Hope" went to become an archetype in the Japanese version of the game later on. They expected that to happen, which is why they couldn't name the card "Hope" or they would run into conflicts with other cards' names, so they went with "Utopia".

Attached: 1533428143928.jpg (1920x1080, 219K)

Rebecca was lowkey cool addition to the cast, despite being a filler character.

Yami is prideful as fuck in the Japanese version

We have the superior American anyway.

Attached: Pegasus.J..Crawford.full.1679354.jpg (1060x1534, 319K)

>or they would run into conflicts with other cards' names, so they went with "Utopia"
How would they run into conflict with other cards?

Anime Pegasus owes his life to 4kids, IIRC. He was assumed dead at the end of Duelist Kingdom, but was officially alive in the Pyramid of Light movie, which only happened because of 4kids pushing for one. Not that I mind. Peagasus' a fun character. But I don't recall him ever apologizing to Yugi for what he did. He's just kinda their friend now.

Kamui, Hope of Gusto
Hope for Escape

Take note that the hieroglyphs are accurate on that sheet.

Attached: 765675.png (608x329, 12K)

Pegasus was confirm to be alive in Walking with the Dragons arc in 2003. Pyramid of Light movie was from 2004.

I realized that while Yami Yugi can draw whatever card he wants by manipulating fate with willpower, Kaiba actually has a lot of similar moments where he draws whatever card he wants because he decided to be awesome.
So perhaps he has a similar ability and it's just never explicitly called out.

Huh. I thought PoL happened earlier. My mistake.

The power of autism transcends common sense.

Me in pink on the right

didn't atem make him the new pharoah

>I thought PoL happened earlier
Chronologically, retarded tripfag.

can someone post tht image of Kaiba insulting a little girl over a cardgame

Keith is the most accurate american asshole ever and hes awesome.

I like how Keith is basically an evil Joey, and its even reflected in his evil version of gambling cards.

Who would win? Evil Marik with all the god-cards or Dartz?

Attached: Marik VS Dartz.png (1279x480, 668K)

Dartz would win because of his bullshit LP. Also, Marik was fucking stupid.

>Here's your date for the night user

Attached: IMG_20190815_174553.jpg (1536x2048, 581K)


>Dark Magician
I think I'll pass

Pegasus survived in the anime canon but died in the manga. It's the same for the original JP cut of DM's anime.

I never thought I'd say this, but even Yea Forums is less emasculated than this board.

Attached: 1531364318252.png (551x491, 261K)

Shit, wrong thread.

>I never thought I'd say this, but even Yea Forums is less emasculated than this board.
Go back to

>cunt glasses
>nose piercing
no thanks

based kaiba

>Stands her own and tries not to be Tea

But she lost to Tea

on no no no

Attached: SwordsmanofLandstar-JP-Anime-DM-NC.png (619x465, 226K)

What was up with Bakura's monster that kept getting stronger along the final arc until it was Egyptian God-tire? Was there ever an official card on him?

he probably makes his brother pick then

Fuck off 5dsfag

The monsters name is Diabound and has an official card for it (Diabound Kernel) but it doesnt quite behave like the actual monster that Bakura has in Egyptian times.

did any autistic sub ever "uncensored" the dub?

i mean puting the censored parts back into the dub or just sinc the dub to the japanese footage?

It’s not a power, it’s just how games work in the Yugioh world

or some shit like that

There were episodes about those shareholders and they tried to kill him for his fucking autism. Unfortunately for them, Kaiba's autism is far greater than anything they could have ever imagined.

I like how you missed out on the entirety of his redemption character arc on purpose.
>Saved Fubuki from Darkness
>Saved everyone else from the spirit dimension
>Went back to his main deck in the first place
>Participated in taking down the Supreme King’s army
>Saved his brother from being killed
>Was the reason Judai got out of his depression
>His final duel was his best duel which he could’ve won and redeemed himself entirely
>Gave his deck to Sho and will later compete in a pro duelist league with him
If you’re gonna be brain dead about this, at least try to act like you’re not shitposting like a speedwatcher.

He is right tho

If it was illegal, then why did the duel disks allow it? Checkmate.

Yeah being a retarded dumbass is right about him but that wasn’t his initial argument

>people think this is real
Cmon it was a hologram.
>but it showed the pilot
Yeah Kaiba likes to put 150% into his work. He probably programmed individual pores of sweat too.

I have this 9/10 cousin that never left her emogirl phase and she recently married this overweight, neckbeard autist whose obsessed with yugioh (hes a total bro I just dont see how he managed to hook my cousin)

theres hope for you faggots if you care about 3D

I know, but we're talking about the YGO anime here.

Why was this allowed?

Attached: literally cheating.webm (832x468, 1.53M)

He wishes

Beating jobbers isn’t serious in the slightest but Asuka still has the most wins because she’s the best girl

>loses to magic jammer


All he needs is love, and I'll be there for him.

Attached: Kaiba_00356906.png (1920x2836, 1.25M)

The Egyptian God Cards will always be peak YGO to me, even if I no longer watch the series or collect the cards. Slifer was the OG.

Attached: bd319ce9e542deac6b1c14897c59a4ef.jpg (788x1181, 755K)

>it's not a monster
>it's a god

The polar gods were better

>polar gods
More like Bipolar Gods FUCKIN' NAILED IT

How can a design be so based?

Attached: images (79).jpg (350x351, 28K)

Already got posted

Attached: The power of Dino DNA.png (704x1920, 1.48M)

How could she be best girl if she didn't play soccer? youtu.be/eezr5jn2_2w?t=48

The aliens, you mean

I wish the Egyptian Gods received retrains in the near future.

I wish blue-eyes shining dragon got a retrain even if it's just the shining nova ability it gets the movie (tribute it to destroy any card ignoring protection)

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Kaiba bros, Blue Eyes...

Attached: Favorite cards.jpg (910x986, 240K)

>Sub Bakura is Ash
>Dub Bakura is Giovanni

Joey and Mai seem out of place

Attached: Poke-Yugioh.jpg (850x1065, 269K)

>Two mouths

Attached: 1908158252.jpg (828x1087, 232K)

>If threatening suicide for the win was illegal, then why did the duel disks allow it?


GX is weird and the dub is weirder

>be a shareholder

>CEO is a teenager who does insane things

>somehow it all makes more money then you've ever seen

Everybody complains about Yugi cheating but even in the second anime series, his opponents usually cheat way way worse.

>It was a mixture
>Lost like a chump to Yubel's worst deck
>After he's lost everything and relies on Sho to take care of him, he shows him kindness

I don't even like GX and I paid more attention than you. Most of the "good" things he did were incidental on his quest to find strong opponents. By the way, you're getting really heated over a toy show, cool it with the insults you've been steamed all thread.

This. My chosen hero of Neospace and reincarnation of the supreme king who several girls are madly in love with and who's the best student despite never putting in effort and getting super special eye powers is NOT a Gary Stu okay?

>tfw such a bad duelist with such a shit deck the author genuinely couldn't think of a way for him to beat Yugi so he had it offscreen.

Ah I see you too have browsed HxH threads.

This. He developed a never before hinted at conflict for that episode and then got over it in that same episode. It was great.

I would love to see a scenario where he couldn't get his heavy hitters because his opponent is a beatdown scrub who's strategy was "Create a deck that makes it impossible for my opponent to summon high damage monsters thanks to my bottomless trap holes, black holes and raigekis"

A major hole in Kaiba's deck is it was 2 monster summons back than was a risky deal, if the guy had a trap hole, you lost three monsters for the price of one trap hole and he may clear the board of counterspells as well.

Honestly, Kaiba is a bad duelist by real Yugioh standards.

Marik played around too much. Besides, the mirror knights reflecting everything shuts him down pretty hard.

Kaiba is great because he stays true to himself. It's too often the asshole rival has to learn a lesson and become like the MC. Kaiba improves, but does it his own way. One of the many reasons he's the single best rival character in anime history.

Attached: The power of Kaiba's ego.jpg (960x516, 117K)

>amplifying Kaiba's ego
is such a thing even possible

It was explained in the prequel manga but no one read it

Attached: Transcend Game.jpg (700x1024, 132K)

>this dumb egg shit is what duel links is
>mfw i'm the dumb egg

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Because she’s not a useless slut

You’re retarded but it’s a damn shame that you can’t even take simple insults on the internet. I mean who goes to such lengths to discredit a useful character this much because they’re butthurt over good writing

Immediately discarded. When I argue on Yea Forums, I consider ad-hom insults buzzwords wojaks and twitter memes to be automatic concessions.

Attached: 5b397b13ab20a4236eac73095976cc780b6f3931_hq.jpg (512x288, 16K)

You sound mad, bro. Who the fuck cares about post S1 Zane?

>Fedora image
It's not about being pretentious, it just shows that the other person isn't willing to debate in good faith and therefore it's a waste of time. I just consider it a victory and don't reply anymore. Which I'll do right now.

I hope it encourages better posting habits in at least one person, it's a stupid goal but it's my goal.

Imagine sticking to the shitty dub names after all this time


>>[500 page essay on why you're wrong], you stupid faggot
>ad hominem you lose lmao
'"critical" "thinking"' classes were a mistake

Kaiser is an awful name

Hell Kaiser is a great name. Sounds a lot better than shit like Jack Atlas and Crow Hogan

GX fans are insane.

5dsfags are dumbasses

The Anime doesn't even bother to explain why Kaiba is in high school, but in the Manga, he's there because he's hunting down rare cards.

But he and Aster started fucking after that

I mean, I would just pay some highschoolers to hunt trade cards for me instead.
Imagine going to public school and having the CEO of mega-corporation as your classmate.

Imagine being Seto Kaiba and having to deal with plebs day in day out.

So like it's immune to everything that affects monsters?

chad move you mean

Did you even see the bitch Edo was with in S4?

Only you can see the pilots panic in the jet no one else, why would an hologram do that?

Nigga you have no idea how autistic Kai was.
The dub even cut out some of his autism.

He literally ran a gang at the age of fucking 12 and went after everyone he could destroying their beyblades just because of his autistic hatred of beyblades because his father chose beyblading over him/his family.

And let's not get me started over his background and how he was gonna be fucking child soldier...or that time in 2002/V-Force where he literally was responsible for a classmate's death because he kept autistically ignoring him.

It's very nice.

>Yami is prideful as fuck in the Japanese version
I really hate how shonen Kazuki made Yami after the card battle shit started happening.
To me he's not even the same character anymore.

He literally let his butler who he knew since he was a kid die in season 0 by making him battle Yugi.

>if Mammoth Graveyard is your breaking point for "bullshit"

Are you people just willfully retarded or something? I literally said that Mammoth Graveyard isn't an egregious example and that I like the duel.

This. Why is it okay for Weevil to go "um actually the Great Moth produces a magic venom that weakens your monster. Also even though you destroyed the cocoon it didn't count :^)" but Yugi plays a Poly as a Quick spell and you never hear the end of it?

The real bullshit part of that duel is Kaiba not being able to instantly attack with the revived Blue Eyes because "it's part of a fusion". Literally making up rules for the sake of the plot(and he had other monsters he could revive anyway).


>i stole your deck and snuck my card into it and activate a card specifically to summon that card from your deck, this doesnt count as rule breaking or getting disqualified

Kaiba purposefully allowed things like Shadow Games and didn't respect Jonouchi until the duel with Marik so I doubt he'd have done anything about it if he'd known and it's not like he needed to since Jonouchi won anyway.

>the jam/slifer infinite loop
This is an amazing play.

>the dark spirit of Dark Sanctuary
The ghost was treated as an equip magic, it's not hard to understand if you're not retarded.

>I placed a bomb in your monster
Isis placed the bomb in her own monster, it only transferred to Obelisk because it was stolen and then tributed.

>Plant a bomb in one monster on the field. A monster that was Summoned using that monster as a Tribute is destroyed the moment it attacks. Its ATK is dealt as damage to its player.
>Plant a bomb in one monster on the field. A monster that was Summoned using that monster as a Tribute is destroyed the moment it attacks. Its ATK is dealt as damage to its player.

It completely follows the effect as outlined by the card in both the anime and manga. The bomb was in Zolga, so tributing Obelisk means nothing.

Of course this is all moot anyway since nobody even said they dislike the Mammoth Graveyard clause and you're just upset that someone dislikes your favorite arc.

Imagine unironically preferring Duelist Kingdom to Battle City, Death-T, Millennium World, or the introduction arc.

So? Still best girl.

Attached: DVrkDcfU8AA4_gz.jpg (1000x952, 103K)

Come on now.
We all know who the real best girl is.

Attached: miho.gif (266x201, 1.45M)

Death-T was even more bullshit than DK
>I win because crit

I mean personally I don't even dislike Duelist Kingdom. I like Yu-Gi-Oh! as a whole, period. But I stand by what I said, it's the weakest of them. Most of the duels prior to the end just feel like a "heh" fest, and a lot of the big saves don't quite feel feasible, and it's obvious. It's why you still have memes to this day about Yugi being a cheater and why most of those memes come from Duelist Kingdom.

Battle City made the game feel and suffered nothing for it. I don't know what that other anons problem is.

It's not like I'm saying, "Yeah dude, Yu-Gi-Oh! would be so much cooler if the game was just like, totes, the OCG right? A real player none of this topdeck trap card bullshit, right dude? Right brah? Right bro? Right???"

Nobody wants that.

I love how not even the autistic 4kids dub could censor the word "God" when it came to these cards.

Crits are things that happen. It's a lot easier to believe something like that happened than something like >ATTACK THE MOON!

Duelist Kingdom just makes it hard to believe Duel Monsters is an actual game.

>Kaiba is great because he stays true to himself.
Not after Yami mind-crushes him he doesn't.
OG Kaiba literally punished Mokuba for losing to Yami and he was about to experience death like Yugi's grandpa did had Yami not saved him.

They weren't. I like how Yusei fought them, but their presence dude.

Niggas were losing their minds trying to figure out how to fight the God cards. On two separate occasions people thought, "I better just take that shit so he can't summon it." Their only fuck up was playing it themselves.

Yugi vs mind controlled Joey is the best duel in the series

Duelist Kingdom was basically like the rules they used in Yugi's first duel with Kaiba where you could summon any monster you want without tribute.

I liked the goofy fuck-huge machines they used in Duelist Kingdom.
Duel disks kinda got boring.

One of the biggest issues with Duelist Kingdom for me, and something that really made it seem like Kaz didn't know what he wanted from Duel Monsters yet is a small line from Pegasus about Kuriboh. Kuriboh is supposed to be considered the weakest Duel Monster in the game, but it obviously has its hidden utilities. It's actually got two really good effects. You'd think if anyone would understand this, it'd be Pegasus. But when Yugi uses Kuriboh in their duel, Pegasus says, "What? Someone actually uses that card?"

Duel Monsters has different formats just like Yu-Gi-Oh! irl. This becomes more clear in the manga, particularly when you examine the Legendary God cards. Battle City uses something called the Super Expert rules which is the first time tributes are introduced, and they scale based on monster levels. The Egyptian Gods require 3 tributes because they're level 10 monsters. Attempting to summon them without tribute is possible in a system that uses Duelist Kingdom rules. Imagine just slapping Obelisk on the board

No tributes is fine. I don't have trouble understanding Duelist Kingdom, it's just my least favorite arc. Duel Monsters doesn't feel like a real game in that arc for the majority of it. It struggles to find its footing all the way up until the finals in my opinion. Battle City makes Duel Monsters feel like an actual thing that I could believe people sit down and play, even if there was no IRL game to compare it to.

They were tables in the manga.

>They were tables in the manga.
Were they?
I don't remember, been a while since I read the manga.

>Duel Monsters has different formats just like Yu-Gi-Oh! irl.
Yeah DK came out in 1998 in the manga so people expecting it to follow irl rules are dumb.
It didn't even follow Bandai rules.

>One of the biggest issues with Duelist Kingdom for me, and something that really made it seem like Kaz didn't know what he wanted from Duel Monsters yet is a small line from Pegasus about Kuriboh. Kuriboh is supposed to be considered the weakest Duel Monster in the game, but it obviously has its hidden utilities. It's actually got two really good effects. You'd think if anyone would understand this, it'd be Pegasus. But when Yugi uses Kuriboh in their duel, Pegasus says, "What? Someone actually uses that card?"

It's true that a company like Industrial Illusions probably has a team of people designing cards after Duel Monsters hit it big. It's also very likely that not all Duel Monsters cards come from the tablets from Egypt and that some are original designs or come from some aspect of the collective unconsciousness that did not manage to take hold in ancient Egypt.

Personally, I think Pegasus' toon monsters represent not just his amiable facade, but his arrogance. I suspect they may be a jab at the occult history and mysticism that he, a modern-day white man, has no real control over.

But Kuriboh is not one of these monsters, Kuriboh is from Egypt. You'd think if anything, the monsters from Egypt would likely be Pegasus personal recreations, especially with the Millennium Eye implanted in his skull. But there's just nothing, he doesn't know what it is or why someone would use it. It's something you'd expect from someone like Kaiba but not Pegasus.

No one expects anything of Duelist Kingdom.

But what it does for the characters and what it does for the card game are done better in other sections of the manga, so...


Why didn’t Pegasus and Marik have past lives in ancient Egypt? Even the fucking Butler guy from Death T was there.

Pegasus was probably the last Millennium Eye holder; similar hairstyles.

>butler guy from Death T
no way. I remember Saggi being a criminal, but where was this dude?

Capsule Monster Chess didn't mention any sort of RNG element prior to that. Not the only bullshit in that arc anyway, you have Anzu super convenient job in Death-T, or how we're supposed to buy Kaiba betting on Yugi to win when some of the games were flat out unwinnable without outside interference he couldn't possibly see coming.

Capsule Monsters Chess didn't feel like a real game either to be honest. The idea of a chess board like game with pieces you don't start with but have to roll (it does have rng in this regard) is already skeptical enough.

>Anzu super convenient.

Nah, this is consistent in Anzu's character. It's actually a nice touch.

>Kaiba betting on Yugi to win.
1. Yugi wins fucking everything.
2. I mean Kaiba clearly had an intended result. Why else would Death-T all the way up to 5 even be a thing?

>Fired from her previously established job, and was just happened to be hired by Kaibaland, assigned to that particular attraction on that particular day and her job just happened to include carrying a non rigged gun.
It's part of the reason I scoffed whenever the abridged series complained about plot convenience in Doma as if that's unique that that filler arc. The manga isn't any better in that regard, arguably worse really.

I mean I've heard people complain about the rest of the series too and how Yami is a cheater with his "heart of the cards" bullshit and stuff but who cares.

>Butler guy from Death T
Daimon was filler in Season 0. He didn't exist in the manga.
He was better than both those shitters anyways.

>The idea of a chess board like game with pieces you don't start with but have to roll (it does have rng in this regard) is already skeptical enough.
This is what made early Yugioh so fun.
It was the "King of Games" not the "King of Sports/Competitions".

It wasn't supposed to be about autistic competitiveness and Kaiba taking shit so damn seriously illustrated that very well by being a stark contrast to the nature of the series.

Of course that is before Konami released their Duel Monsters video game which proved very popular and then Shueisha told Kazuki to change the manga and the rest is history.

Pretty sure he's talking about the creepy torture guy.

Yugi is a lucky boy

Attached: Cute.jpg (400x583, 112K)

Apparently they also called him Daimon in the Duel Monsters anime

Weird since he looks nothing like his manga counterpart.

You can see his brother going what the fuck Kaiba.

No, the epilogue image just means Kaiba can kill himself or travel to the afterlife then come back.

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The last really funny development Little Kuriboh made was making Rebecca a fan of Dungeon Dice monsters.

She's a bit of a brat, but that's to be expected given her age.

yugioh isnt just a card game in their world

Why, because it's non canon? Filler wise, he beat him, what makes you think he didn't beat him?

Imagine lying about the best girl of the entire anime

>No argument

It's pretty good. It does get a little fuckey towards the end though but so does every other duel.

I thought Aknahdin was supposed to be Marik's dad's past life?

That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

He had a love interest since day 1 user

It's abusive though

Attached: rip.jpg (480x360, 18K)

>Original anime character
>Few lot of fanarts
>Duel Links don't include her
Rebeca/Benky deserves more appreciation

That was her younger sister user.

Kingu is best rival and Yu-Gi-Oh character. He actually fucked a woman.

Attached: Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's - 154 - Light to the Future (720p) [ColdYawn] [93465D34].mkv_snapshot_01.30_[201 (1280x720, 103K)

This just is forced edgyness, which is still funny , don't get me wrong but it can't hold a candle to Kiaba's extreme autism to beat Yugi and his dragon wife
All I can really remember from Beyblade was Kai destroying a while lab full of Soviet computers with a Beyblade which was pretty funny

Kaiba is obviously the real winner here
>rich as fuck
>shota younger brother to dress up like a trap
>sexy dragon fetish
>has all the rare cards
>owns half the world
>creates a theme park centered around himself and his favorite card
>creates a school to teach people duel monsters
>will die a happy and fulfilled life with 0 regrets
>is a tall chad
Meanwhile Yugi
>lost the only thing that made him cool
>is a short midget
>has scene hair, a tight black tank top, and chains on his clothes which makes him look like some actual faggot
>is old news as soon as the pharaoh leaves
>will never get with Tea
>is poor as fuck still living in his grandpa's attic
>dies sad and alone clutching his king of games trophy

Should Yugi have been banned for midset coaching (Yami/Atem)? Also the question that never gets answered is, why the fuck did it take until the Egypt arc for the characters to even question why Yugi gains multiple feet to his height, but only when dueling?

Kaiba is so powerful he even voiced the original intro to English One Piece

>kaiba considers atem to be his rival and not yugi
Fucking goddamn that must be the biggest ego blow to Yugi ever. How fucking cucked do you have to be?

What movie is this from? The last Yugioh thing I watched was that movie where there was that time traveler guy with the Malefic deck and Yusei, Yugi, and Jaden had to duel him. I missed Kaiba so much.

Did you read the thread?

Yugi trashed Kaiba in duel. Kaiba is the cuck.


So kaiba created the singularity?

Would love to see someone using a stall deck in the anime. Gravity Bind, Level Limit Area B, Wave Motion Cannon win condition, Thunder King Rai-Oh, Fossil Dyna, Inspector Boarder, etc. Would be great.

Rebecca had a Gravity Bind Fire Princess cure/burn deck.
Bakura had his undead lock.

Requires 3 Tributes to Normal Summon (cannot be Normal Set). This card's Normal Summon cannot be negated. When Normal Summoned, cards and effects cannot be activated. Cannot be targeted by Spells, Traps, or card effects. Once per turn, during the End Phase, if this card was Special Summoned: Send it to the Graveyard. You can Tribute 2 monsters; destroy all monsters your opponent controls. This card cannot declare an attack the turn this effect is activated.

It's immune to any card that targets it, and no cards can be activated in response to it's summon. So for instance you can't destroy Obelisk with Raigeki Break, but you can use Dark Hole.

That's TCG Obelisk. Manga/Anime Obelisk has a different immunity that's never fully explained beyond "god card attacks don't trigger traps", and even that wasn't consistent.

>tfw not even kaz know how the gods work

But the evidence of absence is not the absence of evidence. Think about it

it's more like you want the god card to actually be impressive and useful and not just "lmao i activate #1234 version of card that fucks everything up" so you cant just negate/return to hand/atk to 0/banish/etc

Yugi won by banishing Ra so even the anime gods would get fucked by modern cards.

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>now that i control 2/3 of the egyptian gods...
>i summon lava golem