Do female mangaka just write better manga overall than male mangaka?

do female mangaka just write better manga overall than male mangaka?

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oh looks, burgers woke up and are starting their shitMA threads again

fuck off to MAL

it's that time of the month again isn't it?

just Arakawa really, although there are some good comedy manga written by women

normalfag time yes.
And people wonder why I hate this with a passion.
The shitty dub, that is why.

Can’t draw nor can they write

No, because most females write shoujo and those are even shittier than their counterparts
Now if among the population of female shounen writers there's a higher percentage of better writers than the percentage of male writers overall then yeah, I'd be willing to make that bet

Honestly, depends on the aspect
I’ve noticed that characters and character interactions are usually better written by female mangakas while male mangakas are someimes really fucking good at settings and power systems
Of course, both sexes still have bottom of the barrel shit

>while male mangakas are someimes really fucking good at settings and power systems
I agree with this for the most part, but it's interesting that FMA has one of the best power systems in a shonen despite being written by a woman

I'm not sure there exists a manga with a defined, quote, "power system" that isn't shit for middle schoolers

>demon slayer
>hitman reborn
>sailor moon
people who think female mangaka suck are literally autistic

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>just Arakawa
There are tons of good manga by women:
>dungeon meshi
>3 gatsu no lion
>houseki no kuni
>natsume yuuijinchou
>witch hat atelier
>victorian romance emma
>ran to haiiro no sekai
>rose of versailles
>kakukaku shikajika
>mahoutsukai no yome
>amaama to inazuma
>jujutsu Kaisen

Definitely not, but one did make one of the best shounen. FMA's main appeal is how polished it is. It's like going into a store and going "DAMN! Those are some polished floors!"

fma is shit and out of that list only it sucks

dont bother, fmafags only know and shill their own dead series

so if someone enjoys one of the greatest anime ever made, continuously rated positively, and on pretty much everyone's must watch anime list, they're an fmafag

Why is it that every time this already-retarded thread happens, people on both sides mainly talk about battle shounen and other entry-level shit for kids? Is it just because it's a shitposting thread and shounenshitters are naturally attracted to those, or what?

don't give the schizo (You)s, just let him seethe

>Greatest anime
Yeah no fuck off normie.

I will never watch that shit. Especially since it's
fanbase is filled with dubfags.

Fuck off victard I hope he gets jailed asap

because fmafags can only shill one literal thing. They know of nothing else.

>EVERYONE's must watch list

>it's a shitposting thread and shounenshitters are naturally attracted to those
Yes. It's the only way they know how to communicate.

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>letting strangers decide what he should or shouldn't watch

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Why the fuck should I watch something if I'd have nobody to discuss it with? I don't want to involve myself with vicshitters, and I know these are the only people who care about this.

They're probably donating to this retard right now because muhhh edward!!


That sounds like a post 13 year old me that just binged the first seven volumes would make.

>hitman reborn

That's a big yikes.

Yes, they tend to be much better at character development and relationships. Shoujo/josei has a lot of hidden gems if you can ignore the bishies.

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Some of these are great example of how female mangakas seem to be able to portray characters and their interactions in ways that most male mangakas will never be able to. I haven't seen any ongoing fantasy manga that can top Dungeon Meshi characterization and the faithful portrayal of your typical tabletop RPG(most male mangakas are busy self inserting into fantasy settings with the local race variety of the world just being there to satisfy their kinks).

They also seem to have a certain 'touch' in the art that most male mangakas lack, I can't really put my finger into it since I'm not an art enthusiast, but mangas like Dungeon Meshi, Beastars, Houseki no Kuni, Witch Hat Atelier, Mahou Tsukai no Yoru, Mushishi are all mangas that you can tell that it's either a female mangaka or assistant doing/helping the art.

you know, instead of being so fucking retarded, you can say more than
>that's a big yikes
is all of Yea Forums this stupid? literally zero reason as to why people hate fma, and now hitman reborn.
jesus christ what a bunch of mongs

World Trigger.

>I can only watch a series if I have someone to talk to about it

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>victorian romance emma
>dungeon meshi
>ran to haiiro no sekai
>natsume yuuijinchou
>3 gatsu no lion
>houseki no kuni
>kakukaku shikajika
>mahoutsukai no yome
>amaama to inazuma
>witch hat atelier
>rose of versailles
>hikaru no go
>immortal rain
I love em.

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There's just as many shitty female mangaka as there are good ones.

>ignore the bishies
I don't get why people want good-looking female characters but find good-looking male characters a negative. It's not like anyway is telling you to fap to them.

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Did you write out half of the other guy's list by hand in different order, or what?

Female shonen authors are often more passionate about making stories in that genre and so they're some of the best when they actually do make it. You can often see a distinct focus on characterisation, which sets these series apart and gives them a bit more substance.

Men are still better at cool designs and wider appeal, but you can definitely feel the female touch on series like FMA, Kimetsu No Yaiba, Birdmen, Neverland etc.

No, that was originally my list actually. From another thread. I just noticed it.

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you're just baiting that one faggot who obsessivly looks for every fma thread

Holy shit, I actually laughed. Strange things happen on Yea Forums.

>still trying this meme
you need new ones

I don't mind eyecandy, but a lot of them cross the line into making their characters look like tumblr users. I could never take a series that looked like pic related seriously.

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I mean the greatest romance manga of this current generation is Domestic Na Kanojo

>Pandora hearts

And unironically, Usagi drop

Pure trash. Every. Single. One.
But then you're either a chick or a tranny so your opinion is discarded

Cope incel


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They're less of a pussy when it comes to the taboo stuff.
...except maybe Ikuhara, but he's an anime director, not a mangaka.

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Usually experienced authors write character interactions just fine, The key is making it believable that characters live and breathe in their own whole settings. In my cases, I find the dialogues from Togashi, Gosho Aoyama and Mitsuru Adachi's series enjoyable.

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have sex

That's beyond shit.

There's not one female mangaka who has written a strong male mc. But you never see anyone call out about the sexism there in the industry. The double standard is baffling.

based ume

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At least of the main stream stuff user ain't wrong

>Comparing shit to shit

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Im more interested in female hentai artists desu

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What a retarded question, but the answer is sometimes

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>when it comes to the taboo stuff.
>...except maybe Ikuhara
You what? Do you seriously think Ikuhara is the only male in the entire industry who makes "taboo" stuff? A thousand no-name smut authors are more "taboo" than he is.

Strong Male MCs written by Female Mangaka tend to be douchebags. Good Douchebags make abusing the female lead into an artform.

They make the best loli manga or related to relationships between little girls and older men.

Kamado Tanjiro

Maybe because female mangaka don't write most shounenshit? Even then, they do produce male characters with innate talents or accomplised adults or decent guys that manage to become full adults instead of manchildren.

Is this why the Bardock Manga written by the one Female Mangaka was so good to read?

>do female mangaka just write better manga overall than male mangaka?
No. The best chinese comic authors are fight choreographers.

>the chick who writes Dungeon Meshi

Female mangaka I have mastered the art of making 7/10 manga

Sorry but I'm a heterosexual male and I don't read manga written by chicks.

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Inuyasha sucked, I felt bad for the poor guy because he kept getting dominated by a modern Japanese woman. He really should've hooked up with Sango because she would've been easy on him. That bitch Kagome has no idea how much heartbreak she caused him.

>There's not one female mangaka who has written a strong male mc.
What are you smoking? Tanjiro has more balls than all current jump MCs combined.

>Why the fuck should I watch something if I'd have nobody to discuss it with?

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Nice job.

Anime written by a woman
>Mc isn't a edgelord
>Females can help
>cool stories
>Funny characters
Anime written by a men
>Mc is a retard
>boring and predictable
>muh hot blood
>muh pride


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how's that hiatus coming along?

Men are into ideas, women are into people. Only Anime with Gangster Themes can tap into what a man's thinking.

>Men are into ideas
>oga boga sex oga boga sex oga boga sex


Of course they do. Cooking, playing sport, drawing manga, doing illegal work like overcharged surgeon, playing children card game, fighting friends/leaders/humanity/aliens, fighting in general, making cocktails, etc.

They can draw sum really cute and sexy hentai

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It's ok user I used to think I was better for watching "deep" shows as well. You'll come around some day, when you've grown up a little.

>men are into ideas
>like fighting and playing children's card games
I'm not the shitposter you're arguing argainst, but man is this silly.

Hey now the art of fighting with mundane objects is very fun once you're getting used to it, especially if you have friends or rivals that are as competitive as you. I still like playing party or board games.

>meme slayer
>Hitman reborn

Last thing I remember HxH is written by a man so you're opinion is automatically invalidated.

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>do female mangaka just write better manga overall than male mangaka?
There is no metric you've provided to really guide this idea. I can pick good stories written by women and they are great. And then I can find good stories written by men and they are also great.

Are you talking about a specific facet like character interactions and relationships? Are you talking about overall cohesion of the story? This thread is already shit but seriously, pick a reason why you think women are better mangaka for your bait threads.

unironically this

what the fuck is wrong with you and your sense of taste?

This. I wish more people here are like you, getting sick of trannies polluting Yea Forums.

oh, so that's why I dropped it so fast

it felt like the most unimaginative cliched garbage right off the bat