Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai

While we wait for spoilers, can we stop shitting on each other's waifus and agree that the show's music is pretty good? And who do you think is the best member of Study?

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>can we stop shitting on each other's waifus and agree that the show's music is pretty good?
Alright just because you asked nicely.

I really liked the upbeat OP and while the ED could have been better, it's ok enough.
Can't wait for the second season.

I love Uruka!

spoilers soon™

>They mention the word "taishi" in the OP
what did they mean by this

How soon?

This thread is blessed by our goddesses Mafuyu and Yotsuba.

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lynn and haruka shiraishi best girls
no contest

Why are they doing the hittler's salute?


Remember to discuss in a civilized and polite manner.

And please don't bully toubunbros. What is happening to their threads can happen to ours. We are all together in this ride.

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Because they want to secure a future for the moe race.

Seishun Seminar >>>>> Never Give It Up!

88 the anime

Sensei a cute

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Say something nice to this tsundere sensei

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I want a private lesson too.

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Asumi and Nino best girls
Uruka and Miku a shit

How common are tsundere teachers in anime?

Mafuyu and Yotsuba best girls.

Itsuki and Fumino will win though.

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Asumi and Ichika best girls
Nino and Raiha a shit


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Mafuyu is not a tsundere. She is just a reserved person.

I only know the one on the left

Asumi and Ichika were wasted from the beginning. Poor girls.

>Itsuki and Fumino will win though.
You finally showing your true colors, uh foomfag?

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I love this pudgy girl

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La Ikeda verde...

A best.

Even if it's a special, it's just hilarious 22i went and did it.

every moment with mafuyu is special

>You finally showing your true colors
Have you been living under a rock? I've been saying this for a long time.



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When will we learn Fumino's birthday?

From the official handbook.

But it doesn't exist yet. When will we get one?

>Fucking GREEN hair

I don't mind Itsuki winning at all, but I'd be incredibily disappointed if Fumino won

if you have a problem with green hair this ain't the site for you

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Lads, I think I'm in love with Kirisu Mafuyu

> a good thread until now

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Is it me or have Mafuyufags become more annoying lately.

We know Tsutsui, Nariyuki and most manga readers

I'll be ok whit either an Uruka or a Sensei win. Maybe a Rizu win. In that order

are all known Yotsubas retarded?

Probably just you, especially if you're one of those Fuminofags who have been seething since the second poll.


This. I don't get the manga """rivalry""". I like both mangas. We can like more than one. Be excellent to each other.

So have you been skimming over ever post made by a Fuminofag or are you just biased?

I like Mafuyu because she has a car and is therefore able to run me over

What with the go toboun posting? Has the manga finally gone to shit?


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I love deadpan quipster and the five sluts, it's my favorite manga

I love Rizu

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What manga page do you want to see colored?

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Top girls. Top bodies

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The one with Ikeda crying for being a useless jobber

Interesting choice but lining and coloring the same character in similar positions and expressions thrice is a bit boring.
I'll do this if I have time.

What about this page then?

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Too few Asumi too much Nariyuki

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Why are they doing nazi salute?

That was in the anime already
This was already colored by someone I recall


Is this the lowest selling shounen manga anime romcom adaptation ever?

I'unno. I'd like Uruka to be bottom, y'know?




Who is?

I love the main girl moments in this manga

Based. Thanks for being a bro coloranon

It's been five month and counting and we still don't hear anything from collageAnon. I hope he's well.

wasn't he in college? maybe he's busy with that

I guess he's collegeAnon now

Are you even trying user?

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>nearly 6 hours
>no spoilers

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So if S1's BDs couldn't even sell a thousand copies, how much worse could S2 sell?

They'll make it all Mafuyu with token appearances from the other girls to ensure sales.


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Why does Asumi like showing off her pits?

>draw a teenager
>call it an adult teacher

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God tier athlete genes

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>the clothes she used at age 17 still fit her like a glove
>she canonically has the body of a prime teenager athlete
I'm not even memeing, how can the other girls even compete with that

They literally can't.

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Anyone got the Rizu version of this

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I'd say their best hope is to be their concubines, but I doubt Mizuki and Miharu would allow it.


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post the goose edit

Thank you, now I just need Asumi's

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Athletes can remain fit even in their 20's if they maintain good routine

I knew the one I had in the archives was whack, thank you user

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You have an old render. Here's the newer one.

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>Mikudera is more real than anything else

I love rizu

I love Asumi

Today I will remind them.

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Fuminofags are still scratching their heads trying to understand how she lost so many votes instead of overtaking sensei.

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Spoilers when?


It's not even the same, we have seen comparisions that she has "grown"

Don't use that one that was posted, it looks like Rizu's head is squashed. Use this instead.

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This means what? It took over 100 chapter for Rizu and Mafuyu to develop. Uruka still hasn't developed yet either. If Fumino is the girl 22i planned to win, then it makes sense to put Fumino's development last.



sensei a shit

>It took over 100 chapter for Rizu and Mafuyu to develop
Retard, how about you actually read the series?

>This means what?
Pic related should make it easier to understand.
> It took over 100 chapter for Rizu and Mafuyu to develop
You should start reading the manga.

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>Mafuyu arc - chapter 100
>Rizu arc - chapter 114
How am I wrong? Mafuyu and Rizu didn't finalized their development until it was shown in their respective arcs.

I see no difference. Again, how am I wrong?

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>It took over 100 chapter for Rizu and Mafuyu to develop. Uruka still hasn't developed yet either.
How is it possible to write something this retarded without realizing it? Disregarding Rizu and Uruka now, but claiming Sensei developed "only after" 100 chapters is pretty retarded when it's been at a consistent pace over those chapters.
>If Fumino is the girl 22i planned to win, then it makes sense to put Fumino's development last
>it's okay if Fumino hasn't developed "at all" over the course of this series because she will develop at the end to win.
Apply yourself

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>senseifags are triggered
Here we go again.

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>If Fumino is the girl 22i planned to win, then it makes sense to put Fumino's development last

I guess that explains why 22i kept uruka's arc for last.

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>Fumino gets the first arc, that means she'll win!
>Fumino doesnt develop at all after her arc
>Idiots, her actual development is being saved for last, that means she'll win!
There's no pleasing these "people"

Do you know what the word, "character development" means? So you claim their development finalized at their arcs, but does that exclude them from developing before it? No, it doesn't. And in Mafuyu's case that development in clear when you compare her first introduction chapter (16) to either chapter 41 or 49. All you're doing is showing how artistic you are. Also
>Mafuyu and Rizu didn't finalized their development
You were just shown in the latest chapter that Mafuyu is still developing. Could you stop being retarded?

>claiming Sensei developed "only after" 100 chapters is pretty retarded when it's been at a consistent pace over those chapters.
How so? Mafuyu changed thanks to what Nariyuki and her sister did for her. Everything before was leading up to it.
>Apply yourse
Why are you getting mad for? Bokuben has a ton of plotless chapter. The pacing is terrible and far and in-between story chapters that flesh out the girls. It's not a race Rizu and Mafuyu took a long time until they developed too. What's wrong with Fumino being last if she's the winner?

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>>Mafuyu arc - chapter 100
>>Rizu arc - chapter 114
>Characters can only develop during their arcs
Based retard

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Good ending for Australia.

With Isabela Moner in the role of Uruka for the hollywood adaptation.

How does it feel knowing that this series will always live in 5toubun's shadow?

>How so? Mafuyu changed thanks to what Nariyuki and her sister did for her. Everything before was leading up to it.
You are implying she developed only at her arc and that's plainly false just by comparing her early chapters to later ones. You can literally compare chapters way before her arc and see a clear difference in behaviour.
So again, apply yourself
>What's wrong with Fumino being last if she's the winner?
Could you be any more retarded? What is this shit I am reading here. First you go off and claim Rizu and Sensei only developed at their arc while that's just false and then you think it's okay to skip any development for a character till the very ending of the series. What is wrong with you?

See . I know what development means and I know what I said. Why do you assume I mean they stopped developing when it should be obvious we are talking about their respective development that the story laid out that was focused in their arcs. For Rizu, it's understanding emotions and to stop hating herself. For Mafuyu, it's essentially stop being tsundere about skating and being open to the ideas students deciding on dreams they like, even if it's unrealistic at glance, is alright. Mafuyu's romantic feelings is an entirely different development than the one her arc focused on.

Not him, but how exactly did Rizu and Sensei develop before their arc?

>What's wrong with Fumino being last if she's the winner?
>look rizu and mafuyu took more than 100 chapter to develop! (headcanon)
>oh it's fine for fumino to develop at the last minute if she's the winner

The amount of fallacy at work is off the charts.

It's almost like you shouldn't reply to them at all

See>So you claim their development finalized at their arcs, but does that exclude them from developing before it?
This is what you said brainlet
>It took over 100 chapter for Rizu and Mafuyu to develop
And that's simply being a liar just by reading the series. They didn't just "develop" at their arc, they developed before that and it build-up and finalized at their arcs. I don't give a shit about any of the other retarded shit you wrote about, what you are saying is simply false.

Yes, developed. That means a noteworthy change in a characters' core personality. Yes, I know there are some foreshadowed stuff and the little debates Mafuyu and MC had together, but that didn't change Mafuyu. The change happened in her arc. We see it at the end of her arc and onward. This is purely logic, why are you being difficult and asinine about it?
>you think it's okay to skip any development for a character till the very ending of the series.
You're putting words in my mouth. Read my posts again.

>asking to be spoonfed
Yeah no, read it yourself.

>Sensei's seiyuu is the cutest one of the Bokuben voice actors

This should tell you the state this series is in. Sensei's popularity runs deep.

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Seriously? You're going through the trouble to disagree and are determined. Supporting claims shouldn't be spoonfeeding.

>Senseiniggers shitting up the thread again

Why are you retards still replying to him? You can easily tell from the way he talks that he's just baiting.

It's not headcanon though. Bokuben clearly has a rotation and if Fumino is the winner, then it makes sense her finalized development is saved for last.

Yes, to develop. TO. I mentioned Uruka didn't developed either to clarify it further. I see no falsehood in my words. I just laid out how they developed in their respective arcs. Rizu's exploring her feelings but still being autistic and Mafuyu arguing with Nariyuki but didn't change her views = didn't developed because they didn't change. Simple. Surely you can't disagree there. So what's your problem here exactly?

This chapter was peak Bokuben. Sensei has the most kino moments.

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>Yes, developed. That means a noteworthy change in a characters' core personality.
Character development
>Character development can refer to either the task of sitting down and creating a character (working out their appearance, history, mannerisms, and so on), or it can refer to the change a character undergoes during the course of a story.
So, Sensei bluntly admitting that she has been relying on Nariyuki in chapter 49 is not development? Are you actually a complete fucking idiot?
>Yes, I know there are some foreshadowed stuff and the little debates Mafuyu and MC had together, but that didn't change Mafuyu.
>The change happened in her arc
Claiming Sensei didn't change from chapter 16 to the beginning of her arc is bottom barrel retardation.
>This is purely logic, why are you being difficult and asinine about it?
It isn't. You're being retarded and I am correcting you.

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Senseifags are tilted. You didn't go along with 's meme. Instead, you pointed out a 100 chapters but didn't develop yet isn't a cause for concern by comparing how long it took for Sensei and Rizu. You killed their meme and now they're mad.

stop replying to bait. everyone know the bait is stupid. Let him bask in his stupidity

>Rizu's exploring her feelings but still being autistic
For starters, we didn't even have a Rizu solo-chapter for you to make such a claim inbred.
>Mafuyu arguing with Nariyuki but didn't change her views = didn't developed because they didn't change.
Aaah, I see moving goalposts now from your original claim
>It took over 100 chapter for Rizu and Mafuyu to develop
You claimed they didn't develop at all before their arcs and that's simply false. Just that. And now you're specifically referring to their build-up development at their arcs. Nice back paddling user, I like that.

>Instead, you pointed out a 100 chapters but didn't develop yet isn't a cause for concern by comparing how long it took for Sensei and Rizu
>say something completely false and retarded
>get called out for saying retarded shit
>You killed their meme and now they're mad.

You win a dump.

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A glimmer smile from Sensei isn't character development, you know. She was still a ice queen sensei to everyone, Nariyuki wasn't an exception. That's like taking Fumino's deep contemplation and sincere apology to Rizu and Uruka in ch.73 and saying she was developing because there wasn't any slapstick gags at the time.

You're right based user. Let's ignore the bait.

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Even her introduction chapter is 10/10 material.

>doing parallels even better than Negi

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>A glimmer smile from Sensei isn't character development, you know
bluntly ignoring this line from me
>Sensei bluntly admitting that she has been relying on Nariyuki in chapter 49 is not development? Are you actually a complete fucking idiot?

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>Muh sensei have a chance to winnnn
My sides

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Uruka best waifu

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>s-sensei did develop
>still a teacher
Yeah, no.

quality bait my fellow user

You need to read this manga instead of just shitposting.

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Yeah. A key point that I've already underlined and conveyed to you.
>admitting that she has been relying
That's characterization and fleshing out. Not a change in a core personality. To begin with, the reason why Mafuyu changed in her arc was because an underlying issue was resolved. An issue she carried for years which made her into a cold, strict, and sorta mean in a no-nonsense kind of teacher.
>didn't change from chapter 16 to the beginning of her arc is bottom barrel retardation.
You're being a waifufag who is frusrated because I didn't shill and praise your waifu. Fleshing her character is not same as going through a character arc that changed a something important and defining to said character's personality. Why do you think there's a major change in the way Mafuyu acts and behaves after her arc? Completely different from the few serious moments she shared with Nariyuki that acted as foreshadowing and parallelism, that is, the difference between Nariyuki's beliefs and Mafuyu's beliefs. A belief that changed after her arc.

Maybe you should calm down and be objective about this.

he was in threads last week


see>back paddling
Nobody is buying your bait idiot, you already displayed blatant back paddling in your claims, so that's enough to simply disregard anything you're saying.

what did he say?

>A glimmer smile from Sensei isn't character development, you know
Yes its is, because it's not just a smile, it's a subtle way to tell that she's not the same as she was before and that regular interactions with moeyuki has slowly managed to change her.

1 - she has changed
2 - it's because of him

>that's like taking Fumino's deep contemplation and sincere apology to Rizu and Uruka in ch.73 and saying she was developing because there wasn't any slapstick gags at the time
Nothing ever changes with fumino using Rizu and Uruka to deny her own feelings and still shamelessly frolicking in moments spend with moeyuki. She's been like that since forever, Fumino is the most static heroine of the bunch if you don't count rewrites.

>That's characterization and fleshing out.
>early sensei would just blatantly admit she has been relying on anything, much less a student
>that's not developing

>didn't even have a Rizu solo-chapter for you to make such a claim
You sure you read the manga? Rizu acted on feelings she didn't understood at the time. Acts like trying to get close to outright kissing him by surprise.
>moving goalposts
>Yes, to develop. TO. I mentioned Uruka didn't developed either to clarify it further.
Where? I literally clarified it for you. Every girl has an issue to overcome or conflict that needs resolving that is tied to their overarching development 22i. I already explained Rizu and Mafuyu's issues/conflict here , and their arc dealt with it ergo they developed. On that note, Fumino is her feelings for Nariyuki and coming to terms are her overarching developmentt. She is given serious introspection from time to time, a couple of times where it looked like she was about to move forward, but that didn't happen, so we can't say she developed until we see a change there.
>didn't develop
Read the entire chain again and the definition you stated for character development. Actually, you should refer back to your edit that is using Fumino's overarching development first. Since it's clear you are comparing overarching development, me pointing out Rizu and Mafuyu didn't develop in regards to their respective overarching development is completely and entirely sound and valid. If you are still going to be stubborn to the contrary, then show me prior scenes where they developed on that front. It wouldn't make sense because then their arcs would be redundant.

fuck sake user, the more (you) the shitposter get the more happy he is because what else does he have except shitposting? His favorite girl isn't even in the bowl


You know, I am so sick and tired of this routine with you. I am not in the mood to write a wall of text, so I'll keep it simple. You are backpaddling. This is your original claim
>This means what? It took over 100 chapter for Rizu and Mafuyu to develop. Uruka still hasn't developed yet either.
And that's false. So here, (you), Take it.

Didn't happen. See . if you aren't going to bother to be real and drop the (You) and b-bait because I'm not down to follow in mindless shilling and waifufag headcanon, then that sounds like a person problem.

>being coy
Mafuyu is a person, not a stoic and heartless bitch or whatever. She gives praises where credit is due and is caring despite a frigid exterior that tries to show no weaknesses. That's fleshing her out, not actually showing a real change to her personality. You might as well claim Fumino developed then by drawing attention to blatant jealously in later chapters compared to early Fumino that lacked it and didn't make scary faces or troubled expressions.

Bottom line, her core personality didn't change until the overarching development that 22 laid out since the start didn't happen until 100 chapters later. That's the truth.

It's backpedaling you ESL fucks

What routine? Are you telling me you had this exact same argument with me before? Pretty sure that's impossible since this a first time for me.
You can quote my words as many times as you want, but it won't change what I meant and what my whole point is. Seems to me implying backpedal and putting words in my mouth while twisting my point is your way to weasel your way out of this. I addressed all relevant points and explicitly argued how and why Rizu and Mafuyu developed. So far, you haven't refuted or disagreed with it, and yet, you're still acting like I'm wrong.

>can't win?
>call it backpedaling
Tsk tsk.

Fumino a best.

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>That's fleshing her out, not actually showing a real change to her personality.
It is, cause we have seen that it's within her character to not rely on other people. Yet, she, a teacher, admitted that she has been relying on him. That's something which she'd never do in her core, and yet she didn't only do that, she "admitted" it was the case. You can cut it short however you want, but it is developing. Mafuyu in chapter 93 is not the same Mafuyu as in chapter 16.
These are facts. The reason why I am saying you were backpedaling is that you first claimed she didn't develop at all before her arc and then specified it to her development tied to her arc. But she developed outside of her character arc too and outside of the development you are referring to, that's not my waifufag goggles at play, that's just blatant observation.

so yeah, (you)

Is that supposed to look good?

Fumidditors eat anything up as long as it has their plank

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Development != developed. Senseifags are being kinda retarded. Revealing unseen qualities that you don't know about yet isn't the same as showing a change on a fundamental level.


Cute, is there anything coming in c96?

>Revealing unseen qualities that you don't know about yet isn't the same as showing a change on a fundamental level.

>shitpost with reddit meme
Just when you thought this thread couldn't get worse.

This looks ever worse.


>Sensei is a character who doesn't rely on other people at the time during chapter 49. That's what we knew of her character.
>She not only starts relying on Nariyuki through the course of the story but also admits that it is indeed the case.
That's developing user.


I'm certain Yea Forums I have lurked Yea Forums as my only main board for a lot longer than you, but okay.

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tl;dr: holy shit, you're being dumb

Dislikes relying you mean. MC helped her quite a bit and she normally goes with the flow, complaints notwithstanding. She was always a tsundere. Either way, that's adding to your character. A modern tsundere can show certain new sides to them but won't actually be developed until they go full dere. Not a big difference.

>She was always a tsundere. Either way, that's adding to your character. A modern tsundere can show certain new sides to them but won't actually be developed until they go full dere. Not a big difference.
Of course user

>Dislikes relying on you mean.
That really doesn't change anything. No matter if she doesn't rely on other people or dislikes relying on other people, we knew that it's not part of her character. The reason for it is irrelevant here. Fact is, she started relying on him even though we knew that's not the type of person she is and she even admitted it by your own fucking definition. So, suck it?

see>by your own fucking definition. So, suck it?
That's developing a character by your own fucking definition*

Nigga, you read too much into it. Nariyuki was teasing so he was laying it pretty thick. Sensei acknowledged him and took his teasing in jest. Obviously it wasn't literal. The support he provided up to that point was helpful and convenience, but it is not as though she is a child who would be lost and hopeless. She was being tsundere in chapter 16 big time, and several other times too because she actually cares. She smiled too, but it was unseen at the time. In other words, it's a tsundere behavior that is revealed and established. Warming up to MC is par for the course, but she was STILL tsundere. Can't call that an actual and fundamental change, so no, not really.

ok user, whatever.

You're glossing up Mafuyu's character and injecting narratives to suit your argument that claims she developed simply because you argue there is a significant change that contradicts how she used to be. Using the same glossed up argument, you may as well claim Fumino developed before in the lipstick chapter, Fumino was ready and willing to dive into a kiss despite initial consideration and apology to Ricchan and Uruka seconds before she decided to go through with a kiss. Fumino from early chapters wouldn't do that.

We're talking about real changes that doesn't just happen casually and isn't simply elements used to simply flesh out characters. It took Rizu and Mafuyu a long time, over 100 chapters to develop, you know, developed past their respective issues/conflict that I so clearly defined and elaborated on already. That's a fact. Uruka hasn't developed either, obviously not yet even though she had plenty of intimate scenes that fleshed out her character and established her feelings and attempts to win his heart, but all of that didn't go anywhere serious. And clearly, it makes sense why Fumino hasn't gotten hers yet either if 22i planned to make her last in the rotation. That's it. Plain and simple.

>tsundere turning from tsuntsun to deredere is not a development!
Sure, user

He meant that color sucks

But Fumino was first not last.

It's literally routine for a tsundere. If you want to add the word development, fine, but remember development != developed. The latter is the destination, not the journey which the former is.

That wasn't an arc that dealt with her feelings for Nariyuki. You don't need to be a Sherlock to foresee 22i will do another arc to address that.

Holy shit

By the same logic Sensei arc didn't deal with her feeling towards Nariyuki. You don't need to be a Sherlock to foresee 22i will do another arc to address that. Not to mention Sensei parents arc.

>fine, but remember development != developent
Ok? Like, the fuck are you trying to do? What's the point here? I said it's development and I explained why it is. The discussion literally end at that point. I don't think it's you but one shitposter is trying to sell that there isn't any development prior to their character arcs and that's false.

Don't be retarded. Typical displays of dere from a tsundere who is still overall tsuntsun is at most development. Becoming deredere is entirely different and would be the final stage where you can safely say a tsundere has developed.
Dere is development

user, are you for real right now? Tell me this is just a shitpost.

Mafuyu isn't tsundere

>O I'm awake.
>proceeds to muh ri-chan muh uruka-chan denial mode next chapter.
No wonder why she has become less popular

user, just ignore, let the retard by a retard.

Ok, but Mafuyu and Rizu went through development before their respective arcs. End of story

Well at this point neither did any arc and let's just give everybody 2 arcs.

>isn't any development prior to their character arcs
Nobody said that, you dolt. I already corrected your assumption and slandering. You can't read or refuse to admit you were wrong, so you play the backpedal card to save face. This all started from you comparing Fumino's overarching development and saying she didn't develop yet for over 100 chapters. Fumino has development oer her own, but hasn't gotten past the barrier that prevents her from going all the way. Rizu and Mafuyu a long time until they finally developed their overarching development. So all you're doing is nitpicking. I could nitpick an early chapter of Sensei being in disagreement to Nariyuki's view of career/dream, then nitpick another similar scene in a much later chapter where she is still in disagreement. If Mafuyu didn't get an arc yet, she wouldn't have changed and there wouldn't be any difference between Mafuyu and Fumino using that logic. In the end, what you're doing is a moot point.

This image just makes me wonder what if Shaft had animated Bokuben's anime.

>She was obviously always like this, she just revealed more of herself
The shit people say...

Biggest tsundere in the manga.

Attached: Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - c016 (v02) - p180 [mag] [Jaimini's Box].png (888x1300, 455K)

>2 arcs
Makes sense. I always figured this manga could go for another year or two.

Everyone will get 2 arcs except Uruka.

>By the same logic Sensei arc didn't deal with her feeling towards Nariyuki.
You're right. It wasn't. Sensei is still tsundere post-arc and pushes down inappropriate thoughts about MC. She'll need another arc to go all dere.

Senseifag btfo?

Senseifags once again absolutely annihilated on every front

Why is this manwhore so good at reading sensei?

Doubt it

I don't know which poster you are, but my opening reprimand is . I simply dislike seeing idiots that don't know the techincal difference between has development and has developed.

> tsundere
The term you're searching for is Kuudere.
Ice shell, warm core.

Attached: blunderwonderland.png (299x1084, 353K)

Well, we shall see. Uruka arc is up next and if she didn't remove herself out of the race, then play, she will probably get another arc.

Historically, when an heroine goes abroad she always comes back.


Attached: Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - c016 (v02) - p181 [mag] [Jaimini's Box].png (888x1300, 288K)

Just ignore the shitposters

user, are you stupid?


What if Tsutsui put an Ichigo 100% ending with Uruka

She is not a tsundere

That's basically my only hope, albeit a pretty slim one

Attached: Bamboozled Uruka.png (363x230, 123K)

I wanna dance raggaeton with Sensei on the beach

Attached: 1562491632153.png (400x1120, 425K)

You must be new to tsundere. Protip: Kuudere occupies cool, teasing, snarky, nonchalant, composed, etc. They don't do i-i didn't do it because I like/care or anything acts.

Godspeed hoping, Urukafag.

Will do

Attached: 1563892930128.png (204x403, 77K)


Attached: blocksyourpath.png (834x983, 509K)

No matter how many polls you top, no mater how many votes you get, no matter how hard you try to prove you are best girl, because you are a sensei,

Attached: upsetPlnarff.jpg (854x480, 58K)

Let's all take a break from shitflinging and waifu wars and appreciate moeman, I know that girls are always the focus of romcoms but I think he deserve to be recognised more
>Became smart from hard work and not talent
>Works multiple part-time jobs to the point of exhaustion so he can support his family
>Takes over his mother work when she gets too tired
>Exploit every opportunity to get toys for his younger siblings and always put them first
>Never gave up on the girls no matter how hopeless teaching them looked and wants everyone to successed
>Dosen't complain when faced with their bullshit
>Helps them with their problems
He's the one of the view harem MCs that deserve respect and I think it's excused that he dosen't look to any of the girls romantically. My only problem with him is how he gave up on the VIP nomination and his reasoning.

Attached: Moeman.png (400x400, 170K)

Worked pretty well for Shitoge.

Generic nice guy MC.

>fuminigger BTFO
every time

I dont really feel any particular way about Nariyuki. None of what he does or did particularly broke new ground. It's practically par for the course.

He's evolving.

Attached: teasingyuki.png (784x1145, 388K)

sensei a shit
a shit

>still no spoilers
So much for early leaks this week.

*fumino a shit

I get early leaks when I see sensei if you know what I mean

She's kuudere with a bit of tsun.

Attached: best girl, best cover.jpg (763x1200, 728K)

I want to see Asumi's Volume cover

Attached: 20190707_104331.png (346x414, 176K)


Attached: c111_00.jpg (784x1145, 232K)

>Ugly goblina cover
that's a no from me

I just started reading, is delicious brown gonna win or should I drop this?

She most likely won't but keep reading

Attached: 1565043523526.png (421x692, 280K)

>no new IP
uh huh

>ToC on tuesday, spoilers will be out soon
>also CP, spoilers will be out sooner

Attached: Dq1m3gIVYAASxf92.png (495x664, 460K)

she'll win something
Kobayashi probably knows someone decent.

Sorry to hear it, maybe you should consider a catheter?

maybe he's subconsciously always looking at her?


Five minutes

No chapter this week. The shrine group chapter inevitably turned into a Mafuyu one, so editor in chief stopped it.

Attached: kf73gcQ.png (248x380, 43K)

user promised a Rizu fake spoiler. What a hack.

there had better be blessed Sawako goodness

He said it would have been a pet joke chapter

We already had that with the foomer chapter,

Good one

Attached: 1564908561177.png (368x311, 81K)

Threesome end best end

Attached: 1541179302293.jpg (635x903, 134K)

good think that bokuben threads are dead, cancerous plebbit seneifags ruined the threads


Attached: 20190814_181820.jpg (634x902, 206K)

Actually what happened was that they caught 22i publishing an "official" doujin at comiket and they weren't happy that he was using material meant for the endgame.

Yuiga & the Kirisus polygamous life and Rizu as the family pet.

Attached: 1564876599817.png (888x1000, 531K)

nope, buttblasted and retarded fuminigges such as yourself ruined them.


Attached: threesome.jpg (440x568, 150K)

>>Sensei is a character who doesn't rely on other people
Mafuyufags always in denial about their shitty character

where the fuck are the spoilers?

Attached: 1529820871575.png (328x364, 97K)

Replace Fumino with Miharu.

Can you go back to be cancer to some place where people actually give a damn about Fumino or something?

sister sandwhich


Turns out the whole spoiler early thing was bullshit and we're still getting them tomorrow

It should be legal if it's with sisters.

Some series got some hilarious twitter video spoilers.

~>Senseifags who try hard to convince themselves every week!! is funny and cute

Nariyuki is a lucky bastard.

Attached: 14.png (932x1300, 448K)

well see you fags tomorrow

Attached: 1529640337413.png (584x376, 118K)

>Mafuyufags always in denial about their shitty character
Your entire sentence doesn't make any sense? Are you trying to say it's wrong? Cause as far as I am aware she doesn't naturally rely on others, she is incredibily anti-social by nature thanks to her upbringing.

Also, she's far from being a shitty character in this series at least.

I want mafuyu to step on me

oh, it was just the subhuman chink

Kill yourself subhuman


>Not a washboard in true bokuben tradition

> dat softness
> dat preciousness

Attached: moemanfeels.png (301x434, 79K)

>I have better quality

Attached: betterquality.jpg (320x320, 104K)

Are we just not getting spoilers this week?

I don't really see this as an improvement

>shittier resolution
>leaves inferior girl and duplicates her

Ruined it

What is the problem with you anons?

Attached: kumi.png (199x199, 59K)

>two Fuminos
>can't make up for one sensei
Truly a shit girl

Blame Miharu fir the shimadon imagery

Literal faggot pls.

>I want LESS fictional girls on my dick!
I dunno user

I'm sorry user, you're going to need at least 4 Fuminos to come even close to filling the gap left by sensei

>foomers still shitposting the only reason they get to see their waifu every month
I understand that the foom is not good enough to pull her weight and keep fans interested which is why she loses popularity the hardest, but don't take it out on the superior girl and savior of this manga.

Attached: the absolute state of fumino.jpg (457x124, 34K)

It's incredibly fucking hot

Why did we get stuck with the annoying Kumicuck?

Nariyuki is for
Studying with him
Preparing for tests with him
Sharing studying tips with him
Watching public-access television with him because cable is too expensive
Teasing him and laughing when he gets mad
Letting him headpat you so you can feel his hand rustling your hair
Patting his head to make sure his hairstyle is neatly kempt
Helping him on his studying even though you know he can handle himself
Walking home with him at sunset after a long day of studying around
Cheering him on and always supporting him, no matter the grades
Throwing him a victory hotpot with his favorite cuts of meat and vegetables
Massaging his neck and back after a hard day of studying
Holding him close and telling him you love him
Reminding him that he is the moest boy in the world
Accepting all of his studying sensibilities, no matter how much he hates you finding out about them
Getting caught in the rain while returning from the library and having to huddle together with him under an abandoned bus stop because he can't afford to get his clothes wet
Holding his hand in public
Going to see cute clothes he can replicate for his family, even though he doesn't look for clothes for himself
Buying him a simple pc to help with his studies, only for him to panic because he doesn't understand gentoo
Tracing your finger over the callouses and cuts on his fingers from all his studying
Jump into his arms and giving him an eskimo kiss after spending time apart over vacation
Meeting and befriending his family
Calculating the most cost-efficient way to get married
Moving into a comfy and affordable apartment which is in a nice location
Sharing a twin size bed with him
Whispering into his ear how much he means to you while caressing his surprisingly fit body
Spending an entire night passionately studying each other
Tutoring the new generation of Yuigas with him
Loving unconditionally as you grow old together
These are the things that Nariyuki is for.

couldn't take the heat in kyoani threads, decided to avatarfag here instead

I am actually upset that only one girl will "win", this never happens to me with harem series.

It's always same
>God gives them a little power and it's over for their dignity..
Tsutui gives them the light They become worst than Urukafags when..
Mafuyufags=Maidofags >Keifags

user please. Polygamy is tolerated as long as it is consensual. But fictional characters cannot give their consent so we assume by default that they would be satisfied with a monogamous relationship.

Attached: minori_.jpg (310x310, 58K)

Mafuyu only grew in the area that matters

Attached: 1562978289634.jpg (1117x543, 369K)

It's Tsutsui's fault.

Attached: 1564362522583.jpg (512x512, 103K)

go back to your toubun thread chink

Not even TLR had the cajones for a true harem ending (or an ending at all, get fucked), we are sure as hell not getting one out of this.

Oppai loli is going to lose, or childhood friend or matchmaker, and 90% of the fanbase is going to be unhappy until we latch onto another series that does the same thing after 50-400 chapters. The whole harem genre is a perpetual misery factory, even when the series' do manage to get a proper ending.

I love you too anons.

Attached: ku.jpg (500x500, 61K)

>Hating polygamy

Attached: Abe_tells_you_to_die.png (179x210, 61K)

polygamy produces fewer and less well raised children in total than monogamy so Abe is probably against it


Why do you bother replying? Just ignore the chucklefuck.


What is wrong with (you)?

Attached: 3161.png (1920x1080, 2.4M)

Not everyone is a degenerate, user.

Next you're going to say that you hate the purest form of love.

Attached: 2099.png (1920x1080, 1.81M)

Spoilers out: It's a secret Mizuki chapter

>Yfags changed the topic due to being BTFO
An uncommon sight. Interesting.

>polygamy produces fewer and less well raised children
Less well raised maybe but how the hell it produces less children? Besides, Abe will take anything to increase that declining birth rate.

Attached: Abe_words_are_law.png (762x766, 476K)

How many erections per class does sensei provoke

Attached: sensei ass.jpg (295x210, 26K)

Whether it's with your teacher, your classmates, your childhood friend, your senpai, your teacher, or your cute green haired kouhai, you should marry and have children for a stronger Japan.

You forgot sister.

Attached: class with mafuyu.jpg (560x805, 92K)

Sister, too.

Attached: Miharu.png (226x274, 121K)


Attached: 1557515977289.png (704x528, 309K)

Attached: keikaku.jpg (996x1106, 415K)

Where are the spoilers?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Bokutachi wa Benkyou ga Dekinai - 13 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.12_[2019.07.30_16.37.35]. (1280x720, 377K)

Leakers are too busy leaking over C96.

New cover

Attached: EBc4qYAU8AAZazL.jpg (858x1199, 204K)

Same place you put your boobs.

Fumino fixed?

Attached: EBul94fUwAAmkgW.jpg large.jpg (1536x2048, 632K)

Why is this a thing.
Sensei+Senpai or Sensei+Uruka make more sense and are hotter pairs for threesomes

Attached: 10.png (925x1300, 355K)

Remove those pads!

>more sense
Based on what?

urukafag logic

Both are athletes that have prime bodies

Sensei+Ikeda is the true path forward

Attached: 19.png (907x1300, 366K)

Uruka admires sensei's body.

Attached: D1DxUP4VYAAfu8Q.jpg large.jpg (1450x2048, 678K)

Probably just the crack aspect of it

Attached: 1559937208075.jpg (635x903, 147K)

that's not Fumino, who is this impostor and can she replace the original?

>the original
Blackmino you say?

So much untapped potential here. Too bad they made her a lesbian.

Attached: 74074107_p0.jpg (1240x1748, 996K)

Based Uruka

Attached: 1549218435066.jpg (764x1200, 239K)

>hide the face
I don't get it.

Attached: EBqzzLPU0AAtFmK.jpg (1200x798, 143K)

Evidently also hid the tits.

Highkey second best compatibility with mc behind Uruka.

IMAGINE putting tits on a flatgirl to make her relevant.

Attached: 75714904_p0.png (5976x3363, 1.42M)

Fumino is still a growing girl you fools.

growing increasingly irrelevant each chapter

it's the male to female ratio, you get more children per man but less on average per woman so in total you get less kids and since the man's resources are stretched more thinly they don't get the same opportunities or protection

did sawako get any love from c96?

That's not true at all, polygomy produces more children. The more eggs that are able to be fertilized the more children that can be born, especially if the male impregnates one while the others are in the middle of pregnancy That's why some animal species use it despite the fact that it splits resources

OP spoilers just came out, check the usual sources that bokuben's might be coming soon.

No if you actually look at the numbers you only get more per man but less per woman

She has a 100% ratio. Especially with that Yuiga boy

Can you really not see the appeal of fucking a cute flatty and her thicc teacher?


Not popularity wise.

>Source: My ass

Attached: ass warp.png (662x617, 265K)

why would that guy need to cope

Spoilers out: Uruka drowns

you're a retard

did no one warn her that toilets flush the other way in australia?

Only hormone injection can save her at this point

WTH. Remove useless bags of sand.

Attached: 1532590265782.jpg (1187x671, 125K)

No way

Attached: 1551592133276.png (618x537, 176K)

Uruka BTFO soon

How ironic for a swimmer.

I accept your concession

Sadly that's the only way to make her appealing and attractive for people at this point
Even Tsutsui agrees

Attached: fixed fumino.jpg (963x1536, 212K)

Could Uruka achieve self-propelled flight if she spun her ahoge fast enough?

Lies and slander. Tsutsui said one of Fumino's main appeals is her flat chest. Most fanart do draw her flat, anyways.

Artist is probably a Fuminofag and wants more attention for Fumino with Sensei

Attached: 1534052003147.jpg (814x1280, 489K)

Interesting theory. I should look into this.

Attached: Studytsuki.png (469x305, 240K)

Sadly no, she deserves some lewds

Attached: 1558193162159.jpg (1280x1586, 267K)

Mafuyu + Miharu is objectively the patrician threesome.
I hope Miharu's introduction in S2 will encourage doujin artists to draw about them.

Attached: 1564959108585.png (811x375, 265K)

Spoilers soon.



Did the incapable trio learn/improve anything of academic relevance so far?
Did Asumi already get rid of her """""test anxiety"""""?
Is Mafuyu still prowling on High school kids?

Supposedly but it's only stated and shown in test results. Probably going to be a min-arc for her. Only for about 2 more months.

how soon?

5 more minutes.

Soon enough

>Is Mafuyu still prowling on High school kids?
She's in the
>at least wait until graudation Yuiga-kun

Only Uruka will come out alive in their respective Uni's.
>Fumino will die of Physics. Not even based Reiji can save her.
>Rizu might accidentally kill herself from the lit readings dealing with death/ Psychology thought experiments
And that's assuming they miraculously pass their Uni entrance tests.

remember that time shizuru ntr'd reiji with nariyuki's dad so reiji got rid of both of them and made it look like an illness

>Too bad they made her a lesbian.
That's actually is the trait that helps her character. If she wasn't and started gushing after Nariyuki then you wouldn't have scenes were she lowers her guard around him just because he's a guy or her objectively stating he is a good guy after all. There would even be a possibility of her becoming the next Fumino.

Mafuyu will have a big bag ready to capture Nariyuki after graduation

I thought the next chapter is a festival group one?

Attached: 1545004458414.jpg (1781x1300, 332K)

And now best mom is free.
Reiji is truly a genius.

Attached: Hanae a best.png (415x819, 239K)

>Fumino attractive
I would have preferred her to be that dumb moe blob that excelled at literature back in the chapter one. Whatever the fuck happened to that Fumino?

Has it even be proven she's a lesbian? Or that she just really wants to be friends with big tits and she doesn't like skinny bitch mcs who wear glasses..

Bluemino killed her

Attached: 1536314134840.png (306x332, 106K)

Reminder if Reiji and Nariyuki's mom became a couple, Nariyuki and Fumino can still be together because they aren't related by blood.

Attached: 1532810250660.png (1554x788, 531K)

look at her not giving a shit when she takes a shower while Nariyuki is glued to her.

Yeah, they'd make cute step siblings.

she'll just stuff him in the trunk and drive off
later, he'll stuff her trunk if you catch my drift

Attached: car.png (336x373, 108K)

Spoilers never.

Attached: vxr6iskzt8g31.png (1450x2051, 3.3M)

Well she’s pretty much Rizu-sexual. She shows obsession and attraction to her only.

She has bde. That's never been in doubt. If I had a dick as big as hers I would flaunt it like the biggest engagement ring ever.

>The day abs user died inside
Atleast this season has a bunch of /fit/ girls with abs

still not here

want some udon?

Attached: frendship_udon.png (265x285, 91K)

Sawako is hotter like this desu

Attached: 08.png (902x1300, 360K)

That's some bullshit tits
She's small during the sleepover chapter

No, I want spoilers.

Attached: 1524864293459.png (322x805, 62K)

Is she wrapping her chest area on purpose?

5 more minutes user, be patient

It's the way she's leaning forward, user. They hang and appear to be bigger than they actually are.
I'd suggest Fumino to try it, but there's nothing to hang other than herself.

Attached: fuminyan.png (633x562, 253K)

Why did they change Fumino's hair color?

if nariyuki looked back with sawako leaning forward like that, would he see it?

Small tits who leans like that would look shriveled, not still bulging
She grew tits fast

she already had a decent chest in 62 and 81

lots of hair and something in need of bleaching

It looks like preggy tits here though

if Rizu wouldn't cover his eyes, probably

Attached: big hair.jpg (150x459, 40K)

See, if this version of Sawako leans like this , it will look like shit.
For reference, see some pornstars with small tits doing doggy.
Lexi Belle for EN, Rio/ Aino Kishi for JP

sensei is so juicy

Attached: tats.png (357x1197, 333K)

Kind of surprised this chapter didn't have a piss scene.

Minorin a best.
Fuck Taiga.

Udon makes your tits grow?
Shit, that makes sense.

What is it with 22i and his ribs fetish?

he has good taste

It's a consolation for eating shit more than 10 times I guess.

I'm confused by her tit size
Sometimes she looks almost as big as Rizu but other times she looks Asumi-tier

Attached: 1563403187488.png (399x958, 140K)

did asumi see it

Attached: exposure.jpg (928x925, 241K)

Tsutsui isn't always consistent with chest sizes. Sometimes Fumino looks flat, sometimes she has A cup. Rizu too sometimes is given huge chest, other times it's reduced to B-C cup when she's portrayed as a little girl.

that's reserved for senpai


Haha imagine if Sensei stopped shaving her pubes cause she doesn't need to wear a leotard anymore haha

I will not imagine it now get out of my head

Attached: smooth.jpg (197x215, 7K)

I hope you people don't do this. It's uncomfortable once it starts growing back and iy you don't do it right, you risk ingrow hairs that can lead to infection in worst case scenarios.
Wax or bust.

>Where is Mafuyu?

Attached: 1565795705732.jpg (1424x2048, 1.09M)


Calm down user. All girls deserve respect.

Attached: minori2.jpg (416x416, 29K)

Except for Taiga.

She's more of a main girl than the poster girls, sorry

Attached: 19.png (923x1300, 309K)

Sensei is an ephebophile at worst.

>Fuck best girl

Attached: 50089275_p0.png (640x560, 82K)

He probably is 18 yo already or 17, the bigger problem at the moment is her being his teacher.

Taiga a shit

Worst thing that can happen is she'll just get fired if discovered.

>All those insecure anons saying: that girl a shit or fuck that girl
You feel very proud of yourselves, don't you?

Attached: kumiko.jpg (480x480, 55K)

>manga is called We Can't Study
>everybody ends up studying

Asuka is better.
Even the two autist leads from Liz is better.

silly user, female manga characters don't have pubes unless stated otherwise

I had my doubts about Nariyuki, but there was the chapter he shown his improved scores, so I guess this one is True

There was that chapter that shown that Rizu is already reading ahead and preparing for that.
In Fumino's case it can be worse, but we seen her determination, question being how much of it she can change into results.

Expectations: subverted.

Do you want anime colors for the hair or something else?

Attached: bok.png (1899x982, 278K)

Go with the manga colours, please.
Based user.

Attached: 03-04.jpg (1763x1300, 1.75M)

Uruka is so cute and sexy

Attached: 1558907801799.jpg (700x700, 54K)

Uruka is really shit tho.

? Manga and anime have same hair color.

Attached: 1561279266846.png (768x938, 1.05M)

>some are pretending black is still alive

Attached: 1564531152029.png (137x138, 18K)

Uruka was a mistake.

A mistake to make so cute, it's too much.

Attached: 1568203172539.png (706x584, 373K)

So was Hitler and he won WWII

The colors are much more pastel in the anime.


Black was the best Fumino. Blue is too generic and unattractive.

fumino is probably the 3rd best furuhashi

>Uruka = Hitler
>Hitler won WWII

Attached: 1407437138169.png (250x250, 46K)

hitler was right though...sadly

His composition was shit and his colour palette was bland at best.

Well, your options are going to be limited if you're not willing to do some color mixing.

Attached: 298.jpg (500x367, 20K)

where are these damned spoilers?

right here

It was a hoax. The come tomorrow as per usual.

You want spoilers? Sensei spoiled the manga because now every non-sensei chapter is a waste of time

It's already been told by scanlators that there won't be spoilers until next week.

another historical hoax...

Fumino Fixed!

Attached: fumino fixed v2.jpg (1920x1080, 160K)

Before I spend 2 hours and my data tell me if she's the winner or not so I know it's worth the download.

>every non-sensei chapter is a waste of time

Not only a waste of time but a straight up waste of space, and yes I'm talking about these two.

Attached: 74502414_p0.png (2480x3507, 3.1M)

It's not even out yet user

5 more minutes.

Seethe some more

Attached: best wedding.jpg (421x397, 69K)

>uruka gets mentioned in a non positive light
>rent free

She's not even in the competition
Pic related wins

Attached: 100% sunshine girl.png (1920x1080, 1.21M)

That user spams that every thread. Of course he's rent free and seething at Uruka's existence.

Attached: 1568932710237.png (159x136, 24K)

Last for Urucute

Attached: 1559411938904.jpg (1273x1237, 230K)