With KyoAni and Shaft dead; along with Trigger ever more irrelevant. Allow me to introduce you all to the "new" hottie studios.
Saying something nice about them.
With KyoAni and Shaft dead; along with Trigger ever more irrelevant. Allow me to introduce you all to the "new" hottie studios.
Saying something nice about them.
Other urls found in this thread:
Kyoani will come back stronger than ever before
was going to insult kyoani but I'm afraid of repercussions in rddit
More like Kino studio.
T r I p s
>giga molo
if you are so obsessed with reddit go there
Nigger I don't like them but it's painfully obvious they will survive.
About be soulless, yes.
*To be
The fire did a great damage to them, but they'll recover.
They're pretty much a Monogatari machine, and Monogatari is still a very successful series. We all know that the Madoka mobage anime is also going to sell like hotcakes.
GRIDMAN was a recent success from Trigger. Their movie Promare is also doing extremely well.
All of those studios are better than ufoshit and Wit.
The new Madoka is about to come out and Monogatari is still around. How is SHAFT dead?
So that's how they were able to make the last episode of kimetsu no yaiba look so good.
Based. Only peasant ass studios pay taxes. Rockstar Games is worth $14 billion and they avoid taxes as well.
>SHAFT dead
If it ever got to that point they could make Rebellion part two and they’d be top of the food chain again. It was already slightly confirmed.
Nah all those studios are peasant tier poor man trash compared to UFO and WIT user. Sorry.
ufo is ufo but I'd take Bones or MAPPA over Wit any day.
>forced studio wars
of course you would
Studio wars are important.
Their work on Dororo was fucking atrocious. UFO and WIT are more consistent
>Madoka and Mono after a decade
Yeah they're dead and soulless. Lack creativity.
MAPPA is the kind of the studio that has at least one show every season, sometimes two, so I'd take that quality/quantity ratio over having to wait a season or two to be disappointed by shitty CG Titans. I know that Wit's highs are higher than MAPPA's but MAPPA is the better studio overall, they also made one of the best movies, if the not the best, ever made in all anime.
That's not how you spell Doga Kobo
>if the not the best, ever made in all anime.
Nah that'd be Akria, GitS or Jin-Roh pleb
No one gives a fuck about "muh dis area of the world" movie
No they aren't only retarded gaijin like you care about this shit, capitalist slave obsessed for corporations going to bat for them and shit.
When in reality studio "wars" isn't a thing at all, they don't dominate some market and take sales from others, they share an audience, anime isn't a huge investment for most people, simply watching it on tv is enough dumb retard.
Isn't ufotable in huge doodoo debt though
Nah they evaded taxes like any based studio would.
That sure worked out well for Gainax.
What the heck Sunrise is doing nowadays? I think I haven’t watched any shows from them for a couple of years now.
Which ever Studio Abe pays
Love Live and Gundam rehashes.
ufotable is old as fuck, but they're stuck animating fateshit since nothing else was a huge hit for them
Anime is fucking dead.
Stuck in the LL/Gundam rut they got themselves into. Gundam's been long dead and LL bars that sector of Sunrise from doing anything else but due to the moolah it brings in (give me my fucking Accel World season 2 dammit).
Kimetsu no Yaiba has been a hit for them
>They're pretty much a Monogatari machine
I think that's the thing. SHAFT only relies on the same IP, they haven't had a new interesting work in years. How can you be considered a studio of the "greats" when you're just making new installments of the same thing over and over. David Production isn't just doing Jojo over and over
Imagine being new to the point of thinking a single cent goes to the studio.
They are readapting Akira and making a movie directed by Otomo.
>Studio wars are important.
To fucking who!?
They're just another thing to fight over like shounen jump except you're not even fighting over the works of an individual person against person but shows that don't even have the same animation teams half the time. If anything, you're comparing money agains tmoney
Granbelm is visually more stunning than Boringland Saga and what the fuck does Ufotable do besides Fatecrap, Ufotable is basically money laundering 101.
>Nothing ufotable makes is a hit except Fate
>But what about this thing?
>That money doesn't go the studio
What were you even trying to say here?
You have no idea how anime production works
It's not their hit newfag.
SHAFT killed themselves by becoming slaves of the same IPs and the same producer (aniplex), and by forcing their "house style" on every project and director regardless of their nature. It's no surprise that people there got fucking sick of always doing the same shit and started leaving.
They were paid upfront for the adaption dip shit. The adaption has paid dividends and tripled the popularity of the franchise. They will be paid more for the inevitable sequel unless UFO has to busy of a schedule and can't fit it in.
they tried something different with salami san and you guys hated it
Granbelm looks like generic trash, are you serious? Show me one good shot from that.
00s was the age of anime studios when most studios had their own identity and what you can expect from them. by 10s that was no longer the case anymore. Gainax and Gonzo died, Shaft became the Gatari studio, Madhouse fell in quality, and Bones got even more boring, ufotable and white fox are good studios but don't really stand out that much. The last studio with an identity was literally burned to the ground. The age is over.
I was happy that they announced they were going to adapt their first shounen with Kimetsu no Yaiba. I just desperately want them to move on from Fate and Tales of series, it’s not fair those franchises monopolized ufotable talent for nearly a decade now.
Not so fast
If only Shaft could come up with something original again
I, for one, welcome our new studio overlord.
i like brainsbase/shuka.
But that was just Haruhi with a Shaft coat of paint. Not that bad, though.
You're so new it hurts.
i personally would like them to do zaregoto or katte ni kaizo in full instead of just OVAs.
I just want a new high budget mainstream Gundam from them, tried Gundam IBO but it was meh.
They gonna make the sequel to Kimetsu no Yaiba and ruin everything?
Hi newfag
a mutt of the anime industry
It's not really a matter of budget. Studio 3 are either bleeding talented animators or the staff are just absolutely sick of doing Gundam. The fact that they're the same Sunrise studio that output 00 and IBO is just astounding. 00 still looks leaps and bounds ahead of practically every other TV Gundam bar G-Reco in the decade and a bit since it aired.
They should try giving some of the other internal studios a stab at TV Gundam. We'll see how Beyond does with the new Build Fighters stuff
Salami was in 2012, it's been 7 years since then
>Saying something nice
Ufotable should be allowed to create original Fate content, so they can save the series from Nasu and his Gachashit
We all became oji-sans before we know it
I can only imagine all the ghosting, chromatic aberrations and ps1 cgi.
Bracing for Shinji Aoba's followers' possible attempt to burn the studio down.
What the heck are the whacko studio behind Valvrave and Cross Ange even up to these days
In terms of popularity, Davidpro is the new Pierrot, and as sad as it sounds, prepare for more cringe threads to come.
Here's your season 2 bro
delete this
Fucking Based
Wit is actually good when they let passion take over and don't cut corners. Ufotable is still shit though. Fate merchants with a single acceptable shounen anime isn't worthy of any respect, everything they do is soulless and if I wanted to watch flashy cliche fight scenes then I'll stick with A-1, thank you very much.
They consistently produce one hit after another. How can one anime studio be so based?
Ufotable is cute, CUTE!
wtf I love Ufotable now
Did you anons forgot about Shaft doing Sangatsu no Lion???
You mean David Production. Since there is were Shaft went.
Not actually that much in the grand scheme of things
It's still their hit
regardless of how they get paid for it. shit like a massive influx of twitter followers means a lot to any studio, growing your social media can be capitalized on in many ways.
This tweet is super cute since they weren't expecting all the foreign attention lol
ufotable has been top tier for a long time. shaft has been dead for even longer. studio wit has been great for a while now too, especially with works like koutetsu no kabeneri. i'd add kinema citrus to that list (but they're not quit at the same tier as ufotable or even stuidio wit).
Bones and Sunrise are better.
Is that UFO's studio?
I've only watch one ufotable anime, because fate is like dbz tier, only literal retarded people watch that crap still.
but WIT does excellent with everything they've produced, I've only ever had an issue with when they cut content from a manga their adapting but even then that's more the story boarders fault not the animators.
pic related is the single best manga to anime adaptation i think i've ever seen.
SnK Season 3, Vinland and Kimetsu have been the 3 best anime this year so I'd agree.
I was gonna make an ironic falseflagging post but I didn't care enough to write it out.
>Saying something nice about them.
They're fine if you like Shounen or other mostly action focused shows.
But they are nothing compared to KyoAni or Shaft, and if they were to die it would only leave a hole in the industry.
No that is just Heaven's Feel Bluray Poster
WIT and UFO have made bigger and better anime this decade user. This year especially they have widened the gap away from Shaft and KyoAni
Kimetsu has better animation quality than any 2 cour KyoAni show. Prove me wrong
WIT should be the go to studio for anything gritty and really violent
Nothing either studio has made is even close to anime like Haruhi, Monogatari, 3-gatsu, Hoyuka, K-on or Euphonium.
And sure neither studio is as good as they used to be, but other studios haven't been able to fill the gap either.
Their last 2 cour show was Hoyuka from 2012.
And I only watched the first 8 episodes of Kimetsu but I remember Hyouka looking a lot better, and Nichijou is definitely better animated.
Half of their shows are flops.
Both terrible
Fate and SnK or 10x bigger than anything you just listed
Found the Bones fag
>but I remember Hyouka looking a lot better
Might wanna get your eyes checked and actually watch up to episode 19 of Kimetsu before talking then
shut up Yea Forumsermint
Continue what best for them doing more Gundam. LoveLive is dead and now Sunrise is bringing back old IP's expand their brand IF Gundam Live-Action movie fails big time then it will hurt in the long run. They are frantically bringing back old anime from City Hunter, Mai Hime and GaoGaiGar.
Fate is definitely bigger, but that has nothing to do with Ufotable, and everything to do with Fate itself.
And SnK is definitely currently bigger but it is hard to compare with bigness compared to past things. But there was a time when Haruhi and K-on was the big thing in anime.
And I do not know how SnK compares to Monogatari overall, but Bakemonogatari is still the best selling anime of the 2000 apart from like Kemono Friends.
But all the shows I listed are still far better anime than both Fate and SnK.
Love Live is dead.
Gundam is a walking corpse of a franchise.
For me? Of course it's Bones
user UFO and WIT are bigger than Shaft and KyoAni. These facts need to be deal with
Having one good episode is all well and good but Hyouka looks consistently great.
You wouldn't say that a show like Fate/Apocrypha looks better than something from Kyoani just because of episode 22.
>Having one good episode i
Every episode has had major consistency.
Bigger how?
And if you only mean popularity than maybe, but that doesn't change the fact that KyoAni and Shaft has still made far better anime than either of UFO and WIT.
This. Melodramatic zoomers need to think in timeframes bigger than 5 minutes.
Then it should be fine if I only watched 8 episodes since that should be a indicative of the overall quality and watching up to episode 19 would be redundant.
And if that is the case then I would definitely say that both Hyouka and Nichijou have better animation.
If I wanted something handled correctly/adapted with quality and faith I'd go with them. I wanna see them tackle some original anime in the future to see if they have some talented in house directors and writers
WIT's got one more season left of SnK and then that will be over. What's their and Araki's next big plan?
He'll figure something out
Biggest mistake Madhouse ever made was letting this man go. I.G banked off their failure
>SHAFT only relies on the same IP
>in a ufotable thread
>They are frantically bringing back old anime from City Hunter, Mai Hime and GaoGaiGar.
>Mai Hime
Is this true?
UFO has made bank off game adoptions and now Kimetsu. They're more diverse
Obviously Kabaneri second season. Best original IP in years.
Not gonna lie David Pro + Shaft combo is the best this season, the animation in the last ep of FF was amazing
Wit and Production IG will made This
Is WIT pretty much his studio now?
>along with Trigger ever more irrelevant
Yeah sorry you have mental defecation
He will probably continue Kabaneri or I.G will give him some of their manga IPs to adapt
What manga IP's does I.G have?
Aw look at you. Not only you've restricted it to 2 cour just so VEG isn't brought up but you've also never bothered watching Nichijou and Hyouka.
Fucking embarrassing if I'm honest. Even Kyoukai no Kanata had better animated fire and fights.
It doesn't matter how hard I try, you shounen Juanitos are impossible to take seriously.
Is that actually doing well?
Idk, haven't read much of manga they published. MahoYome is theirs and WIT is currently making Totsukuni no Shoujo OVA, which is also their IP.
>Mai Hime coming back
Why they are bringing back a franchise that has the worse ending in all of anime history?
KyoAni fags are so insufferable and insecure. WIT and UFO are better sweety. Deal with it
They are running out of popular IPs.
Hyouka is one of the best consistently great animated shows ever.
Flashy sakuga like KnY ep19 is impressive to look at but character movement and acting sakuga is just as incredible and Hyouka is full of that
WIT might not be doing season 4 actually
...these really aren't all that impressive
Post something that's impressive then
t. hasn't seen 3 gatsu, therefore opinon is irrelevent.
>even knowing what 3-gatsu is
Mai Hime has somewhat a following fanbase in Japan and western fanbase is still active.
>Sangatsu no Lion
The anime is carried entirely by the strength of the source material. All Shaft could do was shove all their unnecessary gimmicks into it, and make the direction ridiculously heavy handed. I wish it was adapted by the Honey & Clover team instead, but that JC Staff is dead now.
Vinland Saga backgrounds are done by the studio Bamboo, not WIT. I'm sure WIT staff gave them input about what they wanted the backgrounds to look like though.
Looks much better than backgrounds of other shows.
They're doing a stellar job with KnY but their Fate and Tales of shows look like they have way too many digital effects on them.
Deen Chad's rise up
Nah, they will survive, but you cannot replace the talent that went up in flames.
>Fate and Tales of shows look like they have way too many digital effects on them.
Jesus Christ! so much THIS!
In recent times, the more budget and time they have to deliver, the more digital shit and CG they smear across every frame.
The Emiya cooking show had a better aesthetic because it was low-fi and didn't have out-of focus 3D CG backgrounds smeared with a million layers of instagram tier filters like all their other work after KnK have.
Not gonna disagree. Both studios animation works and production qualities this year have impressed me way more than anything KyoAni, shaft or trigger has done in years
>Nah, they will survive,
It's gonna take five/ten years to get themselves back in track running again. Overall I feel like the damage has already been done.
Fireworks was shit.
Fatefaggots have been trying to push ufotable as relevant for ages and they'll never succeed because ufo just isn't good. The situation for a Shaft vs Kyoani style fanbase war just isn't there right now
>t. EOP repeating a statement about something else from a man he doesn't know
Never success ?
Fate Zero Bd sell over 50,000
Fate Ubw BD sell Over 40,000
Fate Heaven's Feel sell Over 100,000
Kimetsu 12k
90% of the retards in here don't even understand how anime is funded and created, who does what and what is outsourced where
>They consistently produce one hit after another. How can one anime studio be so based?
What are you talking about? Out of their recent shows, only Wataten did okay, and even then it only sold ~2000 copies on average. Dumbbell is ranking high in stalker charts right now, but it won't do any better than Wataten. As for Senko-san, Uzamaid, Anima Yell, and Tada-kun, they're complete flops.
Isn't KnY finishing soon?
>ufotable has been top tier for a long time
>but WIT does excellent with everything they've produced
>but their Fate and Tales of shows look like they have way too many digital effects on them
KnY is nothing but digital effects. At least Fate doesn't have their character models rendered in CG most of the time.
Didn't pedo maid sell well?
Having a single well done episode in a show that hasn't been good since episode 6 does not make you a top studio user.
cool cherrypicking
Id like to see some better backgrounds from some recent series.
Kyoani finds a way
>only I kinda like GoHands
I dunno... those backgrounds look good on their own but kinda feel out of place in the show.
I much more prefer the Grimgar backgrounds.
He doesn't pay specific studios but projects.
Kyoani is currently finding their biggest way yet.
Shaft being dead is a complete fucking meme.
Leave anime to us.
They already killed Takagi-san. How are they saving anime?
Yeah, their way out of a lawsuit for negligence and manslaughter.
>Allow me to introduce you all to the "new" hottie studios.
The best ones are the chinese-owned ones. They have the anime with the most detail and their 2D CGI video looks great. They always have detailed backgrounds and good variety of shaded colors.
>They already killed Takagi-san
Only for dumb westerners who can't speak Japanese. Takagi-san is one of the highest-selling shows this season.
Which ones are owned by chinks?
Isn't bones the tranny studio now?
What about J.C. Staff? They blessed us with OPM S2 after all, which had the most amazing production value out of all anime this year.
koi no amaegari is a perfectly example of you being wrong,
It's also better then anything produce by kyoani this decade
The ending felt very rushed, ruined an otherwise great show.
enough to make the mini series that did relatively well at the box-office. momentum and SNK bucks will hopefully yield another season. like the other poster mentioned it is one of the best original IPs in years
Excellent taste.
>cuck fetish crap
shit taste
No, that's still Kyoani.
Kyoani produced Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya this decade so that is impossible.
>team mediocre JCS
>masterminds behind the bland and underbudget like Index 3
>comparable to Kyoani, ufotable, and studio wit
oh blessed summer child
Oh really? I didn't know KyoAni was doing C&L on netflix. God they're so progressive don't you think?!
>MAPPA is not QUALITY fest
Sure they didnt use CGI Bahamut for Shingeki no Bahamut right?
Fucking cope harder retard.
MAPPA always shitting the bed post episode 3.
Hell, I couldnt even watch UshioTora, Dororo, Altair because of how bad the animation were.
Not to mention all the homo shit they've been making lately. They sucks dick.
Latest Garo had its best episode at like episode 8 or something, though it wasn't very impressive after that.
Why no Euphonium?
Kyoani is by far the most beloved studio in the tranny community, Hibike especially. You don't really want to go there, especially after mentioning Carole "transexualisim is literally an illness that make you vioent and deranged" & Tuesday.
>If we talk about the facts and numbers you're right but in terms of subjective opinion my studios have made better anime
This is all you're saying.
I also said maybe, I am not convinced Ufo or Wit are more popular than Kyoani.
Kyoani at least is one of the most respected anime studio, especially within the industry. They are what every other studio aspires to be.
Everytime I start to feel bad about Kyoani then I remember they're always pulling something like these out of their fucking asses.
I hate them for forcing Yuri into everything just to pander to their insufferable degenerate fanbase.
it's from the novels.
VEG is not targeted at otaku like Hibike. The lesbian tones brought by the megane girl are not taken lightly and are not turned into jokes or shitty bait like Hibike's "this is a confession teehee". Moreover the lesbian is not a lesbian simply for the sake of being one in order to attract a specific crowd, there's a tragic story behind it and like I said it is never taken lightly.
There are no cute characters tickling each other while bathing together here, no retarded fake confessions and no uninvited physical contact between characters. In fact this can hardly be considered yuri given how hard the protagonist tells the lesbian to fuck off with that shit.
Now please fuck off to whatever niggerish braindead thread you came from.
I know, but why the hell are they highlight it so much?
PV & Poster are literally all about them.
>Red string (ribbon) connecting Violet & another girl
Not this shit again.
See >Red string (ribbon) connecting Violet & another girl
Not this shit again.
VE series main story is about 14yo girl chasing old man's dick. There. I remind you.
While it is indeed an allusion to the red string of fate one must note that only megane girl is doing something with it. There's also the way the characters are placed on the poster - one working normally and the other is on top of the table, barefooted, legs open and with arms slightly behind the torso as to bring attention to herself even further showing no real care for the work that needs to be done.
Then there's the window behind them only being open on the side that wants to push the boundaries but closed on the side that doesn't. Anyone can tell how this aspect of their relationship is going to play out by simply paying attention to the poster.
This is what happens when somebody has consumed far too much trash, the person loses all critical thinking capabilities and becomes a zombie like you.
I haven't watch a single shaft show since I got bored with monogatari and dropped it during the second season.
Adaptations in the vein of like Arakawa feel like they happened 30 years ago. Shaft's really become a one trick animal.
David Pro absorbed a portion of Shaft, so I'd say they're more likely to become one of the big players in the coming years. What happens with KyoAni is a coin toss. They might crumble and close shop or they could come back stronger. I think the former is more likely to happen. Ufotable isn't new and have been a fan favorite since they started doing fateshit. In my opinion the strongest player right now is Bones. They're pumping out solid shows left and right, and their quality is consistent.
In hindsight madhouse was terminally ill for well over a decade, it was just a long sickness
Man it blows my mind people like Itagaki left for shitheaps like millepensee but I guess when things are dead enough you'll do anything to get off the sinking ship.
Hibike isn't targeted at otaku either. They hate kyoani as much as Yea Forums.
>David Pro
they've been around for a long time already and haven't made anything noteworthy since Ben-To.
how will nu/a/ react when Gilbert btfo's that raging lesbian
>t. Kyoani lawyer mad to the core
Truth hurts doesn't it.
Not even you believe the shit you just said.
Who are these David Pro shills?
Jojofags? Shaftfags?
David isn't even THAT Good. Seriously.
>how will nu/a/ react when Gilbert btfo's that raging lesbian
Gilbert will support Violet's lesbian relationship in the original movie.
Most of those stories you read about working condition at kyoani are straight out of 2ch. They do in fact not like them, at least not since they became a near independent kingdom in the late 00's compared to the highly integrated rest of the industry.
So you spend alot of time posting on tranny community forums user?
Then go look around 2ch or yaraon, dumb newfag.
Jojo has improved over the years but it's still far from being a truly good adaption, Fire Force this season has interesting production elements taken individually but the show as a whole just doesn't work, due to the director being a hack. Also, the source material is shit.
>a bunch of butthurt faggots on 2ch and 5ch are now the greater otaku hivemind
>Yea Forums
>hate Kyoani
Nice joke, m8.
I like them when they do cgdct
>a bunch
It's been over a decade. They don't like them. Trying to hand waive it with NOT ALL OTAKU #prayforkyoani is specious.
If they don't like them then how come Free and Hibike sold so well? Idiot.
But do you know what's funny? VEG BD, a show available for a few hundred yen on Netflix, is at 9.4k average at oricon right now, KyoAni doesn't need otaku anymore. Maybe now the butthurt loud minority at those sites have a reason to get pissy.
>2ch and 5ch
Yikes. You clearly don't know what you're talking about, so why bother? What are you trying to prove on an anonymous image board and to whom?
>how dare you forget 2ch became 5ch
You asked "bigger how?"
Popularity and pure viewer numbers are exactly what makes a "bigger" anime
SilverLink is still alive.
There is also sales. Or impact on the industry.
Or simply bigger in the sense they make greater art.
Still making QUALITY anime?
>the eyes on the last 2013
what the fuck
Why have studio wars when all studios make shit?
The era of PA Works begins now
>along with Trigger
pfft hahahahaha yeah right
Just a reminder that Ezola is the only studio full of 10/10 shows, hence the best current studio.
I would add Bones and David Productions to this bracket and we are good to go
pffff hah
>Progressive Animation
>Generic slice of life series
Yeah no.
it's funny becasue they were never alive to begin with lol
Trigger always got a strangely good reputation yet I never watched a decent show made by them, anything you guys would recommend?
Through pity donation that is.
Nah, nothing they've made I would recommend honestly. KLK is okay at best. Everything plays out like you expect with no real surprises and the animation isn't even that good.
you'll finish both shows and feel like you wasted your time desu
fuck off both are masterworks
They're boring with no meaningful progression. The people at trigger peaked in 07 with TTGL. Deal with the reality of things
LWA look nice and all but it doesn't keep my attention for some reason
KLK looks dumb af and doesn't even try to even it out with anything
>some reason
It's same as shipping, console wars and different soccer teams. People are stupid. Meanwhile I just like all... actually most of the studios because some of them are purely shit like newly established isekai anime studios. My fav studios are WIT, BONES, Cloverworks (just because of the volume of shows I watch from them and Neverland), David Prod and IG though
Ufotable will go defunct after tax dodging
Wit is just too inconsistent
>umaru was 4 years ago
What the fuck happened
Horribly overdesigned backgrounds.
So the ex-Shaft crew are now freelancers working on that fire anime or they actually joined DP for real?
>After the Rain
Based, truly isn't talked about enough. It was absolutely gorgeous and oozed with passion from the director.
WIT's done an excellent job with all the anime adaptations they've worked on so far too, in terms of excelling what the source material is good at. It's just that their anime original content tends to be bad.
At least it won't go to a gamer computer like with Trigger
It's not talked about because it's not memorable.
I want Rolling Girls S2
Wanna know how I know you're a retarded Yea Forums shounenteen?
It was to me faggot
Nigga, he was just a drop in the bucket of talented braintrust that fled MADHOUSE.
I get why wit is the best right now, but ufotable?
nigga please... they have had soo many productions with huge budgets that just turned into huge pieces of dogshit
zestiria sucked ass, god eater sucked ass, blade works sucked ass unless you haven't seen a fate series before because it's literally just them remaking zero and re-arranging some details
the only great thing they've done is KnY and it's barely started, just like zestiria there is plenty of time for them to shit the bed and make it trash tier
they are investing in it and it's our only shot at a legit 2d run at berserk being made that isn't a censored cgi piece of shit
Aren't there like a dozen more Monogatari books left?
>Shaft is dead
What did I miss?
Ufotable is old as fuck
Knk was massive and kny was eye candy
These are from a filler episode a recent one how is that cherry picking?
Forced Drama: the Studio
Ten gallons weren't enough.
Nice cope.
>Berserk with Black guts and blonde and pale Casca.
>It's just that their anime original content tends to be bad
No one makes good originals
Nah he's directed and produced the 2 most popular anime of this century so far.
They truly are the best at what they do.
It's alot when it comes into what they're funnelling that tax money into. See latest episode of Kimetsu no Yaiba.
This might shock you but production wise that episode was not impressive. Undeniably above average but in no way great.
The average studio simply does not have the schedule and talent required to make something that really stands out.
Hyouka's pacing is also godtier and that's one department where Kimetsu fails hard.
Nobody mentioned blessed, Studio NUT?
No, it's not talked about because of the meltdown for the shitty manga ending lmao, I've tried to erase the series from my mind after that shit.
Why would you do that, it could never possibly be as good as the original film.
That rivals VEG's backgrounds.
Lux and Edward OAV when?