Wait a minute this map looks familiar

Wait a minute this map looks familiar...

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Eaglin Straits

it looks like Hunter x Hunter's world with the continents rotated around
hacksayama strikes again


Wait a minute, that map.

Attached: mithcmap.png (3048x1477, 497K)

Looks like what?

>Hitler planned to move all the Jews to Madagascar and create Israel there
What did Isayama mean by this?


No, it doesn't.

>York New
It still makes me laugh, I dont know of any other world building thats lazier

I read a book called "Atlas" once, the world building was a total ripoff.

I mean there's using our world and then there's trying to create something different with the most minimal of effort like changing one or two letters or copy pasting a random continent upside down

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I just realized what's off about this map, he doesn't draw mountain ranges or show climate or anything


A couple days ago I've seen the worst "fictional" map so far. It was some warhammer shit that I'm not interested in. it was basically eart with TINY changes and some of the most retarded names. For example Japan's equivalent was called nippon, wich all of us here know what it means, England's was called "Albion" wich is just an old name for england. The americas wich were pretty much unchanged were called "the new world". It was fucking embarassing that something that well know whould have a map like that

It would actually be lazy if each location wasn't given it's own identity however loosely tied to the real world analogue, as well as completely fictional places that exist within the story as well. I really don't see the problem with just shifting landmasses around if the author is willing to put in more work beyond that.

Warhammer fantasy has been the neglected child of games workshop ever since they found out 40K sold more.
It's pretty sad desu.

I agree, the worst part is that alternate fiction can be some of the more fun literature, but it's frequently even more shittily written than fantasy.

If Tolkien did it its okay

i dont get it why not just call it japan that fuck is the point calling it jappon
same with ochima and azia

There's something familiar about it, I just can't place it...

Attached: upside_down_2.png (1665x1181, 1.63M)

It's not right if you consider the geopolitics of the SnK world.

America looks like a duck

>winning ww2
lol'd desu

Pale in the face of creativity, mortals, Cathay is coming

Attached: Warhammer_olde_world_map.jpg (1434x975, 1.14M)


I see it

Attached: duck america.png (1665x1181, 1.28M)

Japanese people suck ass at world building.

Thanks, now I'll laugh everytime I see the American continent on the world map.

For some dumb reason I can't put my finger on, I find this extremely hilarious.

user stop, fantasy is dead fo all it matters except Yea Forumsermintide, but alas is an small dot in the end times fuckery

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cathay was another old name too

>fictional empire
>its just called "the Empire"
why does anyone like this series again? Is it for gay le heresy memes or what

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It's all for papa Nurgle


Because pike and shotte, chivalrae, ghouls, ubermenschen elves, green lads, grudging dwarfs, xenophobic tree fuckers, surtha ek's meme stacks, rat kill-kill, khemri.tv, lizard rocket pyramids, pterodactyl rocks, mommy's chosen slave trader, ogre khans, tsarina's cursed city, OG cathay nippon and ind, metal vikings and some angry gods
It's got a whole lot of lore and better characterization end times doesnt count than most generic fantasy settings by turning it up to 11 and enjoying the ham

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WHF is pretty gud, 40k and AoS can suck my dick though

because it based in the long ass named empire in the same geographical zone, also all names was picked with minimum effort