Maybe the reflection we see is real. Ever thought of that? Isn't that just freaking you out? I mean, seriously...

Maybe the reflection we see is real. Ever thought of that? Isn't that just freaking you out? I mean, seriously, isn't that just whack crap? I'm playin' with your mind, man. And you know what the weird part is? I'm not even high! Not a bit. Totally sober.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ghost stories is forgotten by Yea Forums, don't even bother

Look out, Ted!

What a gifted seamstress!

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Just fill the hole, hole-filler.

>Momoko is voiced by Ciel in JP
>Protagonist is a brown haired girl named Satsuki
Is this the Satsuki's route that we have been ignoring for a long time ?

>Oh sorry, all you little yellow people look the same to me and so do African Americans, but not the Mexicans. Why do you think that is? I mean don't you think that's the weirdest thing?
Really made me think

Fortunately, I speak barricade

Ghost stories makes me sad because it reminds me that you used to be able to speak more freely.

None of the Jew or lesbian jokes would've flied today

don't post things like these please

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This dub was reddit as fuck

Imagine a big black man is chasing you!

>The offhand Anderson Cooper joke was right

>falls on knees
at least he is not racist

Nice ass

IKR even before reddit was a fucking thing!

Go home you sillies.


Touch me
Touch me HARDER


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And to think now the VA for Momoko is now a massive SJW

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Sure jackass

>"Hey man!"
>She was right, you really are retarded
Most of Yea Forums doesn't get the brilliance of the dub and how funny it was but hey neo Yea Forums is all about non funny gay shit.

Has anyone actually dug this up and pointed this out yet?

They are always hypocrites. That is why living by holier than thou dogma is a bad idea.

>That abortion clinic bombing joke
>That rant about how the internet was stolen by pedophiles, Jews, and Muslims

>secretly redpilled
>must pretend otherwise to keep job

It's the public's fault for not telling those whiners to shut up before they got powerful. We get the media we deserve.

am i the only one who enjoyed Ghost Stories with the original script ?

That one scene in the ghost biker episode where the MC was moaning awakened things in me.

How fuck did muslims steal the internet and from whom?

Momoko's rant goes something like
>The Lord blessed humanity with the internet so that Our Savior Jesus' words could spread, but pedophiles and Muslims stole it and used it to tempt children into lives of sin

how, its so bad i dropped it at ep2

Just like Christian Slater’s career!

I do too, but I like everything from the late 90s and early 00s just because they make me feel a comfortable nostalgia.


For me, its the scene where they were trying to look at her panties and she reveals she was wearing spats under her skirt.

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>yfw they stopped bleeping "fuck"

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Fuck me Satan! Fuck me Satan! Fuck me Satan! Heil Hitler.

They're so full of warmth. Most modern anime, even ones I like, have a sort of sterile feeling to them. Last time a show made me feel stupidly happy was probably Rurumo. There was also a recent 9 minute/episode anime, about three friends where one was a bullied and sick girl the other two befriended, that really got my nostalgia boner going. Fucked up I can't even remember the name.

Still waiting for my metaphorical blowjob here!

How recent was it?

Ah crap its writen in japanese! Hing chang chong


I really liked the dub and made me sad when it ended, actually, I liked dub satsuki a million times better than og satsuki, I even fell in love with her

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It's called Clione no Akari. I looked up an old chart because I remembered it aired during the same season as 18if and that show about konbini, shit romance, and two straight gay best friends.
It's been two fucking years already.

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The best panty shot was the one in the ghost bitch episode, prove me wrong

Wait hold up is it true this was all animated by 1 fucking guy?

As far as I know.

>Maybe the reflection we see is real.
How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real?

Picked the fuck up

There were some nice legs in this show

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I don't even think the black ones would of aired either because all the characters are white.

>TFW I'm the hole filler

How would a Tsukihime rewrite in the style of Ghost Stories dub be ?


Ourgirl Momoko still have her Ciel voice

I used to have a crush on JP Momoko when I was elementary school

>That Momoko ladder scene in the final episode

more like it has never had a proper thread because of dubfags

The dub subbed is apparently more popular than the original in Japan these days.

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I'd like a source because that sounds hilarious

It makes me a little sad to remember that the cat is actually the ugly knob goblin from the first episode, because ignoring that I'd obliterate him so hard sexually that it'd look like he was drowned in cum by the time I'm done with him

Why were early 00s animu so comfy? I don't know why, but something about that style just does it for me. I could watch boring, harmless shit like the original Ghost Stories and be perfectly content. It's like floating on a cloud.

>tfw actually quite fond of the original Ghost Stories
>tfw no Ghost stories sequel in their highschool year





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Meta as fuck

How did this dub even happen? It is essentially an abridged dub.

YES, I remember this show legs with purr love

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The original show was a generic timeslot filler that nobody really cared about (though it had a small following among artists for porn purposes). It didn't get licensed to the west until years after THAT, so the licensers said they could do whatever they wanted with it as long as they kept the gist of it all the same (i.e. the overall plot and ghost stories have to remain the same, everything else could change). The people who bought the license realized it was generic and half of every episode was filler, so they decided to have fun with it. It seems to be a success because the show gets reissued more in the west than in Japan.