Machikado Mazoku Translation

Volume 2 heads to its climax starting from 23 as it crescendo to 26. We think that the anime will conclude at ch26.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Shamiko: Ancestor... I...
Shamiko: I want to see if I can make Momo open her heart
Lilith: Hoho~

Shamiko: Get close to her and have her drop her guard
Shamiko: and then get dirt on her that will even things up with her!!
Shamiko: ...although I am just taking a page from Ryo.

Lilith: Shamiko... you've given this some serious thought...!!
Lilith: so how would you like to get close to Momo?

Shamiko: ...make tasty lunch for her every day and hand it over personally...
Momo: Thank you so much Shamiko... I am weak when it comes to the pointed bone behind the elbow [olecranon]
Lilith: Let me tell you right now that this won't work

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Monitoring this thread

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The grudge from that dance

Lilith: You don't need to beat around the bush this much when you got the perfect weapon on hand!
Lilith: Did you forget that you are the descendant to your's truly, the great dream demon?

Lilith: Dive into Momo's dream and imprint your affectionate feelings into her mind!
Shamiko: affection...
Lilith: and imprint my regards to her while you're at it

Lilith: That brat never had any manner towards me.
Lilith: So high and mighty all the time and looks down on everyone...
Lilith: It's fine just get her to the point where she would genuflect upon seeing me
Shamiko: I don't like Momo being like that

Lilith: and then suggest to her that she makes three mediums for me every day~
Lilith: let's see what else I'd have her do....
(force her to dance or something with rhythm and stuff)
Shamiko: You are just thinking about yourself, ancestor!!

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You're so fast at doing these, it's quite impressive really.

I want to become a demon who wouldn't be swayed

Shamiko: But... isn't this kind of shady?
Lilith: you know that you are at war right?
Lilith: You are being rude to your opponent if you don't do your utmost and take full advantage of your power
Shamiko: but still...

Lilith: I see
Lilith: what you've said so far's just for show

Lilith: You are just sore from Momo holding onto all those secrets to herself.
Shamiko: wha...!?
Lilith: you wouldn't be saying that you want to get at what's really in in heart if otherwise
(kukuku) (kukuku...)

Shamiko: That's totally not - the case!!
Shamiko: being shady is the best-!!

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how is it possible for eastern art to be this cute while western art is completely shit?

Because "diversity" and they are taught ugly characters are good.

Apologies for letting the last thread die

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Unless you can delete lots of posts, it's not your fault.

Think he meant the last manga scanlation thread, not the last anime thread.

A good general shows her love as her might

Lilith: since your mind's made up,
Lilith: hurry up and get to sleep!!
Lilith: I can support you the moment that you fall asleep
Shamiko: ... things really turned into a mess the last time I went into Momo's dream. I wonder if it'll work out.

Lilith: You should be able to get straight in if you've already intruded the target before
Lilith: that and your magical power has actually improved
Lilith: that makes my job a little easier

Lilith: just to be on the safe side so that dialing to the right channel becomes easier, let's put some photo next to your bed
Shamiko: what's with that

Ryoko: ... Onee has her subordinate on her mind even while asleep...!?
Shamiko: stop. Don't take photos of me

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Poor sense of imagination

Shamiko: munya...
Shamiko: this is...
Lilith: Oh Shamiko-

Lilith: This is the outer edge of Momo's subconsciousness
Shamiko: the outer edge...?
Lilith: I feel that her heart is guarded, so just go and wreak havoc!!

Shamiko: wreak havoc...
Shamiko: I didn't even bring any tool with me
Lilith: Remember that you are a dream demon?
Lilith: you can create any weapon within the realm of your imagination!!

Shamiko: I see, so weapon...
Lilith: Please be more imaginative than that

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Partly cause of this badass user acting like some know it all.

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Can smbd share a link to wheathering with u movie is it possible?

Should probably translate the title of that book in the 4th frame. Seems like it's important.

Dark Clan Lifeline

Shamiko: ... I thought I'd just be on the main thread of the dream like before
Lilith: The prey's physical conditions have affected the overall difficulty to get in
Lilith: ... it could just be that Momo's condition is great.

Lilith: Call your Ancestor on the line if push comes to shove
Lilith: I want to conserve your mana, so just hang up for now
Shamiko: Ancestor telephone?
Lilith: so good luck!!

Shamiko: uu...
Shamiko: How did Momo's condition improve...
(one per person)

Shamiko: I did this!!!
Shamiko: I've been nourishing my enemy -!!

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Forgot a line in the last frame:

(Lilith's journal on what ticks me off)

We'll, it's always fun to show someone up and prove them wrong, ha. I suppose I'll get this done by tomorrow too.

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kay-let's go let's go~

what ticks her off

Muscular Feline Guard

Shamiko: Let's find an entrance for now ... then
Guard: Who goes there

Shamiko: Ehhhhhhhh!!!
Shamiko: Cat people!!

Shamiko: Eh? Looks like Metako? And there's something that looks like an entrance there
Guard: I am not the Metakonese as a whole
Guard: I am but one of 360 thousand and 5 thousand Metakonese.

Guard: We are an organization of the emissaries of light who are tasked to safeguard the pure and divine spirits of the Miko of light from being tainted by evil pests.
Shamiko: Ahh, ahh
Shamiko: My eyes are about to go blind here, and I totally don't understand a word that you've just said...

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A form that makes hightailing away just a tad bit easier

Shamiko: Metako, I want to enter Momo's heart
Shamiko: Please let me in
Guard: Deliberating

Guard: ... results are inconclusive
Guard: Although you emanate a dark aura
Guard: but you yet bear the aura of our former lord Chiyoda Sakura
Shamiko: Chiyoda... Sakura...?

Guard: Who are you why are you here
Shamiko: I am Momo's enemy!!
Shamiko: I've come to invade Momo's heart and stuff!

Guard: Remove!!
Shamiko: that's how it is~~!! Crisis Management!!

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Battling without any intel

Guard: kya-!!!
Shamiko: Eh, right, I could actually bring weapon in here!

Shamiko: Um-hmm
Shamiko: Powerful weapon
Shamiko: powerful weapon
Shamiko: Oh yea, I did see a powerful pistol at the movie...

Shamiko: ...huh?
Shamiko: How does the trigger look like?
Shamiko: Missile...
Shamiko: Just what is a missile really?
Shamiko: that and my imagination's getting distracted with the image of a daikon

Shamiko: My sense of imagination is just too lacking and I can't think of anything-!!
Shamiko: I should have really observe all those things if I have known that I'd be in this pickle!!

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Cat's instinct

Shamiko: Just whatever is fine
Shamiko: What's something that I have an impression of that's strong and I could use to fight with
Shamiko: and has a really simple shape!!

Shamiko: Come forth!!
Shamiko: New Ancestor Statue~!!
Guard: mu... that is...

Guard: a really tasty bug!!

Shamiko: Although I got out of a real pinch...
Shamiko: ... what's with that
Shamiko: I've made a surreal dream

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Begone! would probably be a better word than "Remove"

Defenses of the peach-colored door

Shamiko: Finally got close to the entrance~!!
Shamiko: .. huh?

Shamiko: Can't open it!! Why!?
Shamiko: ungu... gugugugugunu-!!

Shamiko: Oh I see, it's a number lock
Shamiko: guru~guru~nyaa~chan (56562) there
(being a thinker type of a demon)
Shamiko: ehh?

Shamiko: If that's the case, then let's just bash it with a weapon
Shamiko: gufu-!!

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Shamiko's invasion

Shamiko: What to do...
Shamiko: This is one door that no dark clan could ever force open
Shamiko: It would've been better to keep working at it in real life given how things are...

Shamiko: Let's have another go at it...
Shamiko: come forth... lunch box

Shamiko: ... Momo
Shamiko: I've bought you food, let me in
Shamiko: please

Momo: ... Shamiko?
Shamiko: Momo-!!

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Thanks shamilator.

Not how it went the last time

Momo: ... come on in
Shamiko: I got in, I got in!!
Shamiko: Momo in her dream has welcomed me in!!

Shamiko: Thank goodness... Momo... I... I was really scared!! I was so worried!!
Momo: oh
Shamiko: I was thinking to myself just what should I do if the door just wouldn't open!!
Momo: I see

Shamiko: But this bitter feeling ends here!!
Shamiko: I am going to hypnotize you now..
Momo: Nope, I am going to lecture you right now

Momo: ...This isn't some Shamiko in my dream, but rather the real deal
Momo: so just what's going on?
Shamiko: Huh? That's not how it went the last time!!

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Ancestor Telephone, disconnected

Shamiko: Ancestor, I am in a pinch, just what is...
Lilith: Shamiko... I am sorry to tell you that Momo's conscience is fully awake now

Lilith: That means Momo is having a lucid dream right now
Lilith: that and the fact that she has a tight hold on you right mean means that you can't get away from there

Shamiko: then what do I do
Lilith: Because I am totally sealed up, I can only cheer for you at the back...

Lilith: Ahh, the mana for talking is about to run dry...
(cola is tasty)
Lilith: Shamiko, I wish you luck...
Shamiko: Ancestorrrrrr!!

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Yeah, Momo DEFINITELY has a tail fetish.

Oh no someone's about to be raped

Oh yes someone's about to be raped

But then, I can't get out!!

Shamiko: ... when have you started to notice?
Momo: ... the point where I was having this nightmare where Metako was going all munchy munchy on the long legged Shamisen
Momo: was where I clued in on that this was just a dream

Shamiko: The dream ancestor was eaten...
Momo: I heard Shamiko crying out just as I was about to get out of bed, so I decided to go and take a look instead.

Shamiko: Don't... don't think that you've won...~?
(bye now!!)
Momo: I got things to ask you. Why don't you have a seat?
Momo: no hurry, let's take your time.

Shamiko: Please let me out of here!!
Momo: Shamiko, could you get me a pair of chopsticks?

Hang in there Shamiko!!
Practice on getting the things that you want to have on hand before taking on the challenge again!!

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Shamiko .. ha...
Shamiko: Huh?
Shamiko: I...
Shamiko: I got into Momo's dream...
Shamiko: where I was caught...

Shamiko: .....
Seiko: Yuko, it's morning. Is it that your body's not feeling well...?

Shamiko: Mama...
Shamiko: That magical girl is coming here right now
Seiko: ... ara, what do do
Shamiko: We only have this colorless barley tea that I've just made...

Shamiko: It's not that!!
Shamiko: She's here to deal with mama!!
Shamiko: Mama!!
Shamiko: go hide right now!!

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Barely making any use of your ability

Momo: "The ability to dive into people's dream and manipulate it..." huh
Momo: you've actually kept quiet about having this powerful skill from me
Shamiko: I've showed my trump card to Momo...
(Earlier -within Momo's dream)

Shamiko: Is that ability really that powerful....?
(Isn't it kind of lame?)
Momo: It's way strong!! You haven't any combat sense if you couldn't even see just how powerful this ability is.

Momo: I could easily think of a few hundred ways to use this for bad things!
Shamiko: You are supposed to be a magical girl!!

Shamiko: what are some ways to use this skill?
Momo: It's bad influence so I am not telling you!!

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Loomis was russian so la criatura never learned anatomy.

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No-go exist to be broken

Momo: ... Shamiko is just not cut out to to do any fighting
Momo: So why are you forcing yourself into this?
(I am not forcing it)
Shamiko: That's because...

Shamiko: My body was very weak when I was a kid so I was in the hospital most of the time...
Shamiko: Running was no-go even after being discharged from the hospital
Shamiko: My dad after my discharge has been working abroad since then...
(my eyes are no good too)
Shamiko: ... hmm?

Momo: ... Running is no-go?
Momo: ..I've made Shamiko run around quite a few times haven't I?
Shamiko: I don't need you to baby me like that
Shamiko: And I've been healthy ever since these horns have popped out

Momo: ...are you an idiot, Shamiko!?
Momo: Why didn't you tell me something this important!!
Shamiko: Momo's the one who's been keeping the important things from me!!

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damn, shamiko is stacked.

What reason is there even

Shamiko; I've heard from Mikan-san!!
Shamiko: Magical girls would disappear if they run out of magical power!!

Momo: Eh... that was... well I thought that it's no big deal if I don't mention it...
Shamiko: Do you see me as just some little shrimp!?
Momo: ... that's.... not it...

Shamiko: ... Although I want to to win against Momo
Shamiko: I don't want Momo to disappear!!

Momo: Then what reason do you even have to fight for!!
Momo: Aren't you trying to release the seal on your home!?
Shamiko: This is this and that is that!!
Shamiko: I will just think of something else to deal with the seal somehow!!

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shamiko is pure and wholesome, holy shit

Sorry, change mama to mom. I was being inconsistent.

Not coming back is no good if it's like this

Shamiko: The seal...
Shamiko: I want do undo it!
Shamiko: Although mom never said this
Shamiko: but I think that dad had to work abroad and couldn't come back home because of my medical bills...

Shamiko: that's why I need to work harder
Momo: ... dad's gone to work "abroad"?
Momo: you know where he went to work?

Shamiko: According to mom...
Shamiko: He was just out fishing for squids on board of a nuclear submarine aircraft carrier
Shamiko: He should be on board of a space battleship heading off to buy an air purifier!!

Shamiko: ... why does Momo look really exhausted?
Momo: Squid hunting cause of the fishing season... no... that's not the problem here...
Momo: I am getting a headache even if this is a dream..

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Shamiko: The seal...
Shamiko: I want do undo it!
Shamiko: The seal...
Shamiko: I want to break it!

I want to protect Shamiko

STOP! A town safe from physical assault

Momo: Shamiko... how is it that you just don't get anything
Momo: I think when it comes to you
Momo: The amount of work that those around you have put in to keep you safe and watch you grow goes further than you think...

Momo: You still remember that piece of paper that's stuck on your door?
Momo: That's a barrier which is meant to "protect the dark clan from being assaulted by magical girls".

Shamiko: Assaulted... to protect...?
Momo: Magical girls are awarded based on points.
Momo: The more dark clan that they hunt, the more reward they get
Momo: ... Although there shouldn't be that many people who's so hellbent on big game hunting nowadays.

Shamiko: ... in other words,
Shamiko: that piece of paper is about the same as those "no solicitation" stickers basically!!
Momo: they're completely different
(Do not disturb) (please)
(dark clan)

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A Scinfaxi-class lie
[yes, this is an Ace Combat 5 reference]

Momo: ... Does Shamiko know who made that barrier?
Momo: Since it's stuck onto Shamiko's home...
Momo: Then Shamiko's mom has been hiding something very big

Shamiko: Eh... mom's not a bad person
Shamiko: She's so kind... and must have really suffered because of me
Momo: Um. But several things don't add up
Momo: Sorry to say this, but Shamiko's dad working abroad is a straight up lie

Shamiko: was being a crew member to a space battleship also a lie...!?
(then the squids...)
Momo: the real question is why didn't you doubt any of this!?

Shamiko: Then the nuclear submarine aircraft carrier-
Momo: It wouldn't be used to hunt for squids even if it exists!!

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She's so dumb its adorable.

Long haired cat vomit easily

Momo: ... It looks like that "Shamiko's mom" is the key here
Shamiko: Ehh.. mom?
Mikan: Momo~~!!

Mikan: You look terrible... are you ok!?
Momo: ... Mikan!?
Momo: this is a bad time...

Momo: I am kind of busy in my dream so don't wake me up...
Mikan: but your face looks terrible and it makes me worried!?
Mikan: and Metako has spit out all sorts of strange things onto the carpet!!

Mikan: Get up get up get up~!!
(I am worried sick!!)
Momo: ku...!!
Shamiko: Mi... Mikan-san
Shamiko: nice friendly fire!!

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Nicely done Mika

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So-called helper

Shamiko: This dream world is about to collapse..!!
Momo: Shamiko...
Momo: I think that there's secrets hidden within Shamiko's home
Momo: I will come over to Shamiko's home, so...!!

Momo: In order to face all sorts of different things...!!
Momo: It's better... to ask your mom face to face on what's the big deal!!

Mikan: Ahh, Momo, you're finally awake. Are you ok...?
Mikan: want to have some Mikan manjuu?

Momo: Mikan... I know that you called me up because you meant well...
Momo: but you've achieved the opposite...
Mikan: huh!?
Mikan: Did I mess things up yet again!?

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>that slip of her camisole

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Continuing the plot

Shamiko: ...munya
Shamiko: huh...
Shamiko: what was it...
Shamiko: I...
Shamiko: I got into Momo's dream...
Shamiko: where I was caught...

Momo: your mom...
Momo: It's better... deal.
Momo: come over to Shamiko's home...
(the phantom-like Momo)

Shamiko: deal...
Shamiko: deal...
Shamiko: DEAL

Shamiko: Mom!!
Shamiko: Go hide right now!!
Seiko: Yuko...!?
(awa) (wa)

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The hard part with Japanese as a language

Momo: ... Shamiko...
Shamiko: Momo....
Shamiko: to... to to today's no good so just go home.

Momo: ... why did you transform?
Momo: ... are you an exhibitionist demon?
Shamiko: isn't it because you've set your sight on my mom!?

Shamiko: You said that you'd deal with her!!
Momo: ? I think that dealing with each other straight up is a good thing
Momo: since you're family

Shamiko: You'd deal with her even if we're family...
Momo: ... why are you freaking out?
Shamiko: How could I not be freaking out-!!

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Momo-san was planted with some really bothersome thoughts

Shamiko: ... mama is not not a bad person...
Momo: even if she's not a bad person, she's still hiding things for some reason
Shamiko: and that's the reason that you want to deal with her!?
Momo: ... it's better to deal with it. Shamiko would be off the hook pretty easy for this, so I have all the reason to get in
Shamiko: You plan to see this through till the end-!!

Lilith: ... I have been listening in on all of this for a while now.
Lilith: you are misinterpreting each other
Momo: Ahh...

Momo: There!!!
Shamiko: Ancestorrrrrrr!!!

Momo: haa...
Momo: My body acted on its own and hurled Lilith-san skyhigh.
Shamiko: The power to plant thought through dreams is showing some results in an odd way...!!

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I want to become a more demon-like demon.

Momo: Shamiko, let me through.
Shamiko: No, please don't finish off my mom!
Momo: Finish off...?
Momo: But... I am really worry about you Shamiko!!

Shamiko: ... o... okonomiyaki!!
Shamiko: The first lunch box that I've made for Momo...
Shamiko: It was mom who taught me how to make the dishes with the taste that Momo found really good

Shamiko: no matter what kind of things she's kept from me
Shamiko: No matter how many things don't add up
Shamiko: I still want to protect mom...
Shamiko: protect Ryo...
Shamiko: protect this home that dad will definitely come back to

Shamiko: Magical girl Chiyoda Momo...
Shamiko: Strike me down if you wish to pass through here!!

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Super serious shamiko is pretty cool

The pop won't snap

Seiko: I can't stand it anymore with all of this misunderstanding!!
Seiko: Just come inside and let's take it over!!
Shamiko: Mom!?

Seiko: Although we only have this Popsicle
Seiko: but split it between you two since you can snap this in two

Shamiko: Huh...
Shamiko: ... it won't snap

Momo: ... I'll do it
Shamiko: You just keep your hands off and watch me get this done!!

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Ballet of mother and child is riddled with form problems

Seiko: Yuko's body has been weak... and she has been in learning program within the hospital for the longest time.
Seiko: This is the first time that she's ever bought a friend over to our home.
Shamiko: not a friend, an enemy!!

Momo: ... I... have a few thing that I want to ask about
Seiko: ... well... how should I put it...

Seiko: Yuko is a far stronger child than I thought that she would be
Seiko: so it looks like that I will have to come open after all
Seiko: although there's several things that's hard for me to spell out...
Seiko: first of all, Yuko

Seiko: that outfit.
Seiko: It's better of if you don't change into it often when you're outside
(you can catch a cold)
Shamiko: Please that claim to our ancestor!!

Hang in there Shamiko!!
This thin barley tea is delicious and has a mild taste to it!!

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Thanks, op! Hang in there.

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Hopefully this last panel doesn't look too much like trash.

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Oy. I make error that you've somehow retained.

It's not Onions Sauce. It's Soya sauce. Yea Forums's filter screwed it up.

Onions sauce I presume? I fixed it on what I uploaded on Mangadex.

Oh I get it now... its a word filter.

Thanks for all the translations. Picked up this series recently and am really enjoying it, so happy to see the manga is being translated.

I just noticed that the opening of the anime is just the chapter title image or whatever its called...

i almost bought little weenies at the store today

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Wtf? That's fucked up

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i can relate

Thank you anons, it's great to see more chapters translated

Thanks again, shamilator.

Thanks so much shamilator we are so close to the gay climax

Thanks for the translation Shamilator.

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thanks shamilator and typsetter user

Hey, someone has to tell her, no one likes idiots that think they're smarter than they are.

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It just means she needs a loving wife, like Momo, to take care of her.


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Nigga, upload them to mangadex, I don't want to go trough the archives

they are getting uploaded to mangadex though

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> When you nuttt your magical power inside goat pussy so furiously you're limp for a week

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But 5 and 6 are missing

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I’m not normally into big boobs but this Baka short stack can have muh dick

i'm working on it

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I wonder if the number of hearts on their tail mean something

>breathing clouds around Ryoko
Even her sister ships them

Lilith is more my type, but Shamiko won my heart.

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What is Shamiko wearing in public!?

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Momo should cover Shamiko with her body

i take it Momo's hair ornament getting frazzled is an indicator of her magic power or overall health? although it looks like normal in the dream

You cant just upload raws and translation text on mangadex... and the people doing the typesetting do post them.

So if Momo gets this weak from the loss of such a small amount of blood, I guess its safe to say she is a virgin and also does not menstruate?


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The problem is not the loss of blood, it's that the blood has been absorbed together with her magic power

The problem is not the loss of blood is the fact that her magical power got succd by Lilith.

i wonder why she got sick from Shamiko's invasion tho, i can't help but feel like Shamiko fucked up real hard here

Thanks for all the chapters.

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Momo puts too much of her special protein into Shamiko's milk shakes is why she always gets sick.

From what I understand its Shamiko inviting her in, like vampires. But the barrier refuses to let her in, so it attacks her or something.

No, she got sick because of the barrier.

The token amount of blood isn't even the last straw that broke the camel's back
It's a combination of
>Momo headbutting herself against the barrier at Shamiko's that's wearing her down
>Momo training Shamiko
>Momo's emotional strain
>Lilith taking a toll on her magical power with the blood acting as a conduit
>The toll from her magical power being used to break the monthly revenue curse

yeah the barrier hurts momo i know. However this is not what i'm talking about. Momo got a fever when Shamiko invaded her dreams
so she had a fever from previous strain? did the Dream thing contribute to this? poor Momo

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Momo says she exhausted herself from bumping into the barrier while trying to find Shamiko's house, she was probably already sick when Shamiko invaded her dream

oh i see, i must've skipped that, thanks, time for a re-read

Wait, thats what it was saying? I thought it was when Shamiko invited her and the barrier triggered on that. Like the vampire thing I mentioned above, you know how vampires can only enter if invited and shit.

all the characters on this series are so precious ganbatte Momo!

Momo had been trying to find out where Shamiko's home would be, and that alone was wearing at her. The barrier's effect kicks into high gear after that, yet Momo was perfectly willing to slam herself against that brick wall to try and get herself in.

She got inside with Shamiko's invitation at the end.

>the bucket's from class 1-c, Ogura's class
>Ogura had the broom and the bucket on hand when Momo lend Shamiko her laptop
>Momo's costume in the dream shows slight damage

why was she so desperate to find Shamiko's house as to literally almost kill herself?

I like it!

Little details, man.

Unironically love

>ai yo
I thought this isn't Madoka

It's better

its meguca

>360 thousand and 5 thousand
That's quite the literal translation you got there, but shouldn't it be "36 ten-thousand and 5 thousand"?

How much is a thousand in burger units?

Or, you know, three hundred and sixty five thousand.

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tits too big

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I stand by by statement

The only thing heading to a climax is me.

Anyone else just can't get enough of Yuuko's perpetually perky breasts? I love them so much, they look so nice in her sleepwear.

Momo's concave chest.


I've done it again.

I know, their gravity resistance must be one of her demonic powers.

Shamiko and Momo are about as straight as Hibiki and Miku

How have I not heard of this series before, The anime is the perfect blend of comedy/SoL.
One of the best Kirara shows recently.

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Are there any religions that will let me marry a cute goat? I'm ready to convert.

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every strip seems to take twice as long as I expect, I wonder if i'm running out of steam or just procrastinating too much between strips.
at this rate i'm not sure i will finish chapter 5 today

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Well of course. Momo and Hibiki are the best boys of their respective shows. Why wouldn't they be straight?

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Didnt someone say that Shamiko is Momo's sunshine?

Islam lets you take goats as concubines.

Ganbatte typesetter!

Would lick.

Thank you for your hard work!

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Kill yourself.

Lilith please stop sitting so lewdly

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/fit/ made a meme about onions being super good for you, and then there was a separate meme about how soya makes you feminine and kills your gainz
then /pol/ or somebody ran away with that meme and started spamming it on all the boards and now there's a wordfilter

that chest is non-canon

why does her belt have a mikan on it?

you didn't quite make this clear in your translations, we should find the appropriate pages and redo them to get the point across

>wake up
>Still no chap 26

I dont mean to sound ungrateful but I have never been so disapointed after waking up. Thanks a lot shamilator for translating this series that most kirarafags slept on until the anime.

aren't we still waiting on chapter 25

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I am working. Won't be doing 25 till about 6pm pst.

worst timezone desu senpai

Ito doesn't spell stuff out like that. Momo understates the situation constantly for one and Shamiko isn't thw sharpest tool in the shed.


I want to see Shamidork putting a condom on Lilith's statue saying it's to protect it from the rain.

Why is Shamiko's family so adorable?
Seiko a cute
Ryoko a cute
Shamiko a cute
Lilith a cute
maybe the dad is a qt too.

it's the curse of the Dork Clan

shouldn't you be working

hopefully he returns from his nuclear sub aircraft spaceship squid hunting soon!

>maybe the dad is a qt too.
Komari is the cutest of them.

that's good
I hope we get to see him soon!

Warning: Really really lewd

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So how old is Seiko, anyone actually know?

eternally 17


if Yuuko can summon anything in a dream, could she summon a penis to fuck Momo with

I know you would imagine that for sure user. You know all about the D and you think it over all the time.

Listen up, y'all, 'cause this is it
The beat that I'm bangin' is de-li-cious
Shamilicious definition make them Momo go loco
She want my love, so she get her pleasures from my photos
You could see me, you can't squeeze me
I ain't easy, I ain't sleazy
I got reasons why I tease her
Momo just come and go like seasons
Shamilicious (so delicious)
But I ain't promiscuous
And if you was suspicious
All that shit is fictitious
I blow kisses (BOGAH)
That puts Momo on rock, rock
And she be lining down the block just to watch what I got (yon, san, nii, ichi)

i actually hate myself this is terrible why did i do this

yes I spend all day thinking about futa cock now answer the question

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She would have to know of something to conjure it, first.

i see you are also a man of culture

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Change colorless to "washed out" instead.

How does that still not have a masterbation scene yet

but she did jack off offscreen and cum into her friends miso soup

And they even have balls too. It's the most patrician manga ever made.

This is nice.
Good job

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I hope he shows up again. He's very supportive of his family.

So, the family only has 40k yen a month, subtract utilities and the little left is split between the three family members for food.

So, HOW?

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maybe Lilith could help her with that
oh nooooooooo


> subtract utilities
Power and water are very cheap when you have no electronics and recycle dish water.
Ramen and rice go a long way. In burgerville you can have a decent, if bland diet on less than $2 a day.

How big is momo’s cock?

Yuuko is the one with the penis in this relationship, user
just because Momo is more masculine everybody immediately things she has the penis but if you analyze the situation it's quite clear that it's the other way around

>the one
silly user

I get the impression that Momo is a bottom who's frustrated that she's too strong to be topped, and she's grooming Shamiko to become her top.

it's quite clear that Momo wants to be pampered and is
this user speaks my heart

momo could just inject ether straight into the womb

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Is there anything cuter than this goat right here?

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her imouto

her father, as only natural

From the days of myth and throughout the ages
Until this very day
The dark clan as an existence has been hounded by the light clan

There goes a rumor
where under the umbrella of the strongest magical girl,
there is a land that stays away from various conflicts

A unique little town where
the light clan and
the dark clan can
seamlessly coexist.
This town was said to be somewhere over the Far East.

The inhabitants,
having grown used to
all sorts of things
Have an astonishing degree of tolerance

-Miraculous Sakuragaoka
A very strange place through the eyes of others!!

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Sweet. Thanks for the tl. Been looking forward to this.

Yuuko put some clothes on

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The power to dive into dreams is great

Seiko: ...I came to this town with my husband when Yuko was still young.
Seiko: We pleaded to the magical girl who oversaw this town
Seiko: who mediated so that we can have this room with a barrier placed upon it

Seiko: The slaughter at the time was far more vicious...
Momo: ... I am aware of what had happened
Momo: The magical girl predecessor at this town had erected barriers meant to protect the dark clan

Shamiko: They totally left me out of the picture since they got talking...
Shamiko: but where have I heard of the term "magical girl predecessor?"
Shamiko: Ahh
Shamiko: are you talking about "Chiyoda Sakura"?

Momo: !? How did Shamiko know about this!?
Shamiko: I've heard that from that buffed Metako back in the dream
Momo: Buffed!?

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Momo already had her ether channel deep penetrated, and her insides scrubbed up and down so thoroughly she couldn't walk for a week. There's no going back.

I want to steal this loli and keep her as my daughter.

Time to explain! Momo's objective.

Momo: Magical girl Chiyoda Sakura is my mentor
Momo: And my adopted older sister.
Shamiko: onee-san...
(Onee... she's gone missing since 10 years ago)

Momo: I was moved to another town just before my sister had gone missing.
Momo: several incidents followed after her disappearance
Momo: By the time that I returned here, nearly every trace of those involved have vanished without trace

Momo: Plus that as a magical girl,
Momo: I can't make contact with the dark clan old-timers who are under the protection of the barrier
Momo: so I can't go after my sister.

Momo: Seiko-san... please tell me what had happened in the past.
Momo: ... Shamiko and this family may be my only lead to go on

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Ganbare momo!

Peach-flavored edible wrapper

Seiko: ...then I will tell you what I know in order
Seiko: Yuko's luck and health were poor since she was born

Seiko: It could be that Yuko had inherited a stronger share of her demonic bloodline
Seiko: which would have subjected her to even more severe curses as a result
Seiko: the truth is, the younger sister Ryoko is barely affected by the seal if at all...

Momo: It's true that Shamiko is a bit clumsier when compared to Ryo-chan...!!
Momo: Is it because the seal had suppressed her abilities...!?
(capable sister)
Shamiko: Momo!!
Shamiko: Could you just make this easier to swallow!!

Seiko: Nope. Mom here thinks that you've taken after quite a bit from me.
Seiko: I've always been a bit of a klutz even before I was a part of the clan.
Shamiko: Don't break my hopes and dreams like that, mom!!

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Time to explain! Root of the curse

Seiko: I was pregnant with Yuko when I came to this town
Seiko: Yuko's body condition was getting worse and she was checked into the same hospital that I went to.

Seiko: Honey discussed this with Sakura-san who was looking after this town...
Seiko: and Sakura-san decided to tamper with the curse that befell our whole clan.
Momo: so onee did...

Seiko: Sakura-san wrecked her brain
Seiko: to trade the "remaining financial luck of the clan" for "luck of Yuko's health".
Seiko: this barely squeezed out enough of a margin in fate so that Yuko would live.

Seiko: ... and the result of this is "the curse of living on 40 thousand yen a month"!!
Shamiko: so why suddenly use this modern currency rate here!?

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Time to explain!! The name of Shamiko's papa

Shamiko: So Momo's sister altering the curse to what it is...
Shamiko: was the reason that I was able to get healthy?
Seiko: It didn't fully work
Seiko: So you stayed at the hospital quite a good while afterwards

Momo: ...onee was very skilled in manipulating magical power
Momo: But... an ancient seal would be a very tough nut to crack
Seiko: I've heard the same before

Seiko: The cost to oppose this multifaceted ancient seal is very high.
Seiko: Sakura-san's magical power was reduced to the point that
Seiko: it became difficult for her to protect the town

Seiko: ... so my husband Joshua struck a deal with Sakura-san
Seiko: where they would work together in order to protect the town
Shamiko: Jo... Joshua!?
Shamiko: My dad's name is actually written horizontally as a foreign name!?

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>Her dad's name is Joshua

just how old is this guy

AT least 35.

Kind of an ironic name for a demon.

> Drinking without coasters

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I want to make this dry goat a wet goat.

>demon got a name that means YHWH is salvation
The big G kind of screwed your ancestor over! What a lousy name as her Lilith's descendant.

maybe Hoshea was the more common form?

Wouldn't that be Yuko's job though? She is the one with the tail that can reach into things, she just has to learn how to use her Mana.

You mixed up and used Chiyoda here a couple times.

Yes I did.

Yoshida is a pretty good surname

Seiko: Yoshua was a rather common name back in Mesopotamian period
Shamiko: I have Mesopotamian heritage in me!?

Momo: ... Shamiko, this is the first time you've heard of your father's name?
Shamiko: ... it isn't that...!!
Shamiko: ... my dad's name is "Yoshida Taro" in all the official documentation that I've seen

Seiko: Yoshida Tarou is the code name that your dad used in this town
Shamiko: codename

Seiko: Joshua sounds like Yoshida if you play with it a little
Shamiko: couldn't you have twisted it some more!?

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I want to do some nasty things to pajama Shamiko.

Momo is clearly grooming Shamiko to be a housewife though, so she must have something in mind.

The short and clumsy Thoroughbred

Seiko: Yuko, do you remember anything about your dad?
Yuko: ... not really...
Seiko: I thought so, you were asleep for the most part

Yuko: but... I do remember him patting my head
Seiko: ... your dad had an impressive pair of horns on him

Shamiko: So dad...
Shamiko: looked like this...

Shamiko: So I am short because I take after my dad...!!
Shamiko: So I wouldn't grow by much even though I broke the seal...!!
(he's way shorter than mom...!?)
Seiko: Yuko!?
Seiko: Is everything ok!?

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Jesus shamiko's dad is cute!

Jeez, Seiko.
"He's two thousand years old, so I'm not a shotacon" is something I think she said to herself at one point during this relationship.

>Hey kid, wanna /ss/?

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa he's the cutest

The irony just keep piling on and on

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I want to rape Shamiko's dad.

So now we know really why Sakura helped the Yoshidas.

It only sinks in if you repeat it three times in a row

Shamiko: Dad... he... he looks way too young?
Shamiko: He looks no older than I am
(he must be a girl)
Seiko: That guy loved to make himself look young
Seiko: on that note, mom's aging has stopped after becoming a clan member.

Seiko: ... after that
Seiko: honey
Seiko: got sealed up by Sakura-san.

Seiko: and he's been sealed into this box of Mikan till this day
Shamiko: ... um.
Seiko: your dad's been sealed into this box of Mikan till this day

Seiko: ... Your dad's been sealed into this box of Mikan till this day!!
Shamiko: Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

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deepest lore

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>her dad is a fucking box
I love this series.

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>he must be a girl

now imagine the mother fucking the box like nina fucked the table

>That guy loved to make himself look young
That's because he wants to cater to your fucked up fetish seiko. I'm glad the yoshida household doesn't have any boys.

Teflon couldn't hold a candle to this box

Shamiko: How did things turn out this way!?
Seiko: Since I was checked into the hospital as well,
Seiko: I don't know the details of what had actually happened

Seiko: When I came back to this house together with Ryoko and Yuko when you two had calmed down
Seiko: I came across this very box at the entrance with a note left on top of it
(I am sorry. While we were protecting the town, Yoshua got sealed in unfortunately)

Momo: Onee... left this box... no... left Mr. box here...
Momo: left this to Seiko-san who's taking care of two little girls and then disappeared... or something like that
Seiko: You don't need to be so reserved.

Shamiko: ...I've put hot griddle and clay plot on top of this you know?
Shamiko: I even use it as a stool to get to things up top
Seiko: This box is very sturdy since it's got a magical coating!!
Seiko: It's got great heat, oil and impact resistance!!

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That's spousal abuse!

>Seiko is pretty stacked
>Joshua is a manlet
>Shamiko as such is a shortstack

I got spoiled in earlier threads, but I still can't believe Shamiko's dad is a fucking box.


Seiko: ... and that is all that I know
Momo: ... I understand now. It doesn't matter how it came about...
Momo: My onee took away the man of this house for 10 whole years.

Momo: And this... completely slipped under my radar...
Seiko: No... Sakura-san had done her utmost to help my family who were complete strangers to her.
Momo: Please... give me some time to gather my thoughts...

Momo: I... really am Shamiko's enemy

Momo: ...I will leave for the day.
Shamiko: Momo!?

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Wait how did Ryoko get conceived then

>The real enemy was the friends we made along the way

Seiko looks so young here. I wonder how old was Seiko when she got preggo?

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she fucked the box

I think that Seiko may have been pregnant with Ryoko when this shit went down. That's the only way for Seiko and Shamiko to both be hospitalized and for the three of them to return home together.

Yuuko wasn't a baby when Joshua was sealed

Remember that What remains of Sakura-san is inside Yoko now. We still have not seen a picture of Sakura. We don't know what kind of figure she had.

excuse me

Excuse what?

I can't capture the meaning exactly. 箱入り also means "treasured" or "important".

The enshrined daddy

Shamiko: ... dad's been... sealed...
Seiko: I am sorry to have kept you in the dark... with your body being frail and all, letting you bear all of this could mean
Seiko: that you work beyond your limit and your body might give way.

Seiko: Since you have awakened and now bear this appearance as you steer into the future
Seiko: you have to become stronger in order to protect yourself-
Seiko: but... I think it's all the worse to let you do your best without knowing what had really happened

Seiko: ... you were trying to protect me when I outright lied to you
Seiko: I was the one who didn't really believe in Yuko
Shamiko: Mom...

Seiko: ... so to wrap it up, we'll be calling this box as the "daddy box" from now on!!
(we can finally give it due respect!!)
Shamiko: Ah... I really do need more time to take all of this in!!

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I want to see the chapter where this is mentioned and Momo's reaction translated one day. Will go full blown yuri

I told you that you don't even need the /u/ goggles where we're going.

The daddy box.

Daddy box it is.

We know, Momo.

did they do another japanese portmanteau?

I want to be a demon who's used to the scenes of carnage

Seiko: Since daddy box is very sturdy and that it is self-cleaning,
Seiko: just keep using it as a desk or a stool
Shamiko: Is that really ok!?
Seiko: Your dad was the type of person who would "use whatever that's on hand", so...

Seiko: Yuko, are you all right?
Shamiko: Yea... although all of this was so shocking that I was about to die
Shamiko: but then I've ran into all sorts of things ever since I've grown these horns
(all sorts)
(all sorts)

Shamiko: so I am more or less used to being shocked lately...
(just whatever is fine)
Seiko: Yuko... you are starting to act like your dad...!!

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Yes, And you can say that it's a serious case of a daddy portmanteau.

I imagine it would be like having your oneesan die and then, years later, find out that the girl you are now crushing on was a recipient of your oneesan's donated heart.

I bought and read volume 5.

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For a moment I thought it was reincarnation but "organ donor" sounds a lot more accurate.

Ahh what's in the box? What's in the fucking box?

how gay is it

I also want to know if Sakura-oneesan just Momo's oneesan by adoption or her Onee-san in the Itou Hatchi sense.

Pretty darmn gay. Momo is a lot of expressive, although most of her expressions are annoyance at the rest of the cast. She never gets annoyed at Shamiko, of course.

It can be really frustrating being a war vet and having to deal with civilians.

Nice translation. Thanks for the read.

I've become a demon with a raison d'etre

Shamiko: well... it's not as if that dad is dead
Shamiko: and I am now full of life and can freely move around because of the strength that came from so many people

Shamiko: I... I think that I finally found my reason to fight.
Shamiko: ... mom, I am going after Momo.
Shamiko: I won't allow her to be upset all by herself

Shamiko: ... Momo was my enemy the moment that we first lay eyes on each other
Shamiko: I will chase her to the ends of the world until the day that I triumph over her.

Shamiko: You should regret having helped me in making my body that much stronger!!
Shamiko: I will have my revenge today on what you did to me such as the tyre last time!!
Seiko: the tyre...?

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There are no civilians who play a big role in that volume. You get one new magical girl (which you can see if you look at the cover), and (don't read this if you're not already caught up) Ogura is pretty damn helpful for a civilian.

I've been watching over you

Shamiko: ... please tell me all about dad later on as well
Shamiko: I'm off
Seiko: ... sure

Seiko: -Yuko, although I don't think you would have remember it
Seiko: your dad did say this to you

Hang in there Yuko

Be gentler than anyone else
Be stronger than anyone else

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yfw narrator is Dad all along

Shamiko is so pure

>I will chase her to the ends of the world until the day that I triumph over her

this is getting very /u/

Lilith is so deliciously flat. God damn.

クレーム is kind of a loanword meaning customer complaint about something. I'd reword the last line to:
Please complain to our ancestor!!

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>be gentler than anyone else
>be stronger than anyone else
I love Joshua now

Yes. it is a lot better than forcing that.

I will now proceed to pleasure myself with this fish.

lesbian rape


I wonder how many girls with two moms have a "daddy box" that the sample that created them came in?

Momo: I am not a lesbian
Momo: Sure I'd like to legally molest Shamiko, but this and that are two different things

Hang in there Shamiko! Become a demon who is strong enough to withstand her friend's violent yuri rape!

Shamiko makes my peepee the BIG peepee

is it really rape, if shamiko likes momo too tho?

Holy shit, why am I laughing like a total dork. This is great.

Momo doesn't want to molest Shamiko.
She wants Shamiko to molest her.

Shamiko's tail is missing!

it's curled up in front of her

Ara ara

Why are the hairpieces black?

Whats with the expression Seiko

Synopsis of the last chapter
The ties between the magical girl and the dark clan have made clear.
Now hurry and catch the magical girl who ran away!!

Shamiko: Momo...
Shamiko: just where could she have gone
Shamiko: Should I go over to Momo's place and look for her

Lilith: Shamiko~
Lilith: Oh Shamiko~...
Shamiko: ...huh?

Shamiko: Ances..
Shamiko: Ancestorrrr!?

Shamiko: It's all my fault that you now have this odd look...
Lilith: Shamiko, that's the dog's toy
Lilith: Over here Shamiko

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Same reason they are shown as a x in recent art. The translations just have not got there yet.

What a shit tier OC, whoever made this should stick to lurking themselves.

mind = blown

Shake hands at the shrine with the Japanese dolls whose hair grow long!!

Lilith: Chiyoda Sakura who's whereabouts are unknown and Shamiko's father...
Lilith: and the barriers found in the town. I see.
Shamiko: ... ancestor, do you know anything about my dad?

Lilith: actually... I don't really know of your father's background or his actual self.
Lilith: I've been bothered about his and have wanted to ask you for more information
Lilith: But Seiko keeps blocking me from asking you

Seiko: Ancestor-sama, if you needlessly tell things to Yuko that would make her health suffer
Seiko: I will have you sent to a shrine for doll figures
Lilith: A doll figure shrine!!

Seiko: If you know when to hold your tongue, then I will prepare a fine tub of alcohol for your enjoyment~
(gulp gulp)
(alcohol... is so good...)
Lilith: ...I...
Lilith: I...
Shamiko: Ancestor, please stop crying

Attached: p-0001.png (650x1880, 561K)

Narrator is boxed in.

>Seiko: -Yuko, although I don't think you would have remember it
Seiko: -Yuko, although I don't think you would remember this...

>Lilith: A doll figure shrine!!
This was Shamiko.

Boo! That's no fun. It should be all kinked and electrical-current-y or somesuch.

Did Momo learn this kind of thought process from her Sakura-ne?
Sakura: I am not a lolicon.
Sakura: Sure I would like to legally molest Momo, but this and that are two different things.

>(he must be a girl)
Is he a girl?

Toss it! You snowman demon.

Shamiko: ... first thing is to catch Momo.
Shamiko: based on what I've heard
Shamiko: Chiyoda Sakura is my savior
Shamiko: who made me all better.

Shamiko: But... it doesn't look like Momo sees it taht way
Shamiko: If I leave Momo alone like this
Shamiko: I feel that she will simply disappear from my life altogether

Shamiko: ... that's why in order to return this debt of gratitude
Shamiko: I will have to catch Momo and help her find Sakura-san
Shamiko: ... although

Shamiko: I think that she'd just finish me off even if I tried to catch her by force
Shamiko: worst case is that she'll toss me skyhigh...
(certain kill!! Refusal out of heartbreak Parachute bye!!)
Lilith: ... you have no plan when you ran out here right?

Attached: p-0002.png (650x1880, 533K)

I want to become a demon that feels demonic

Shamiko: ... Momo must have gotten close to me in order to get those information
Shamiko: She worked this hard and only found our family, who really don't know anything
Shamiko: She should feel pretty low after everything's back to the starting point.

Shamiko: ... us fighting together will come to an end.
Lilith: ... I think the opposite, Shamiko.
Lilith: Now's your chance if Momo is feeling down and under

Lilith: You are my descendant!
Lilith: You (ought to) have the ability to manipulate people's hearts at their moment of weakness!!
Shamiko: Ought to?
Lilith: Now is time to show your power!!

Lilith: You there... go now and seduce Chiyoda Momo!!
Shamiko: Seduce...!!

Attached: p-0003.png (650x1880, 603K)

How can someone that cute possibly be a girl? It's only common sense that he's bound to be a guy.

My kanji maybe a bit rusty, but I think Seiko sais she was pregnant with Ryoko, not Shamiko.

Thank you for translating btw, these threads are the only reason I check Yea Forums daily.

Ah, so that's where this comes into play.

Silly user. That wasn't actually a question for you to answer to.

(The hill where cherry blossoms stand)

Shamiko: I found you, magical girl

Momo: ... well done in getting here
Shamiko: Mikan-san was the one who told me about it
Shamiko: This is your sister's favorite spot.

Shamiko: Momo... you didn't tell Mikan-san about how that your sister's gone missing did you?
Momo: ... I didn't.
Momo: Mikan is my sister's apprentice and she would be seriously shaken had she known.
Shamiko: I see...

Shamiko: ... that's why I was showed in her curse.
(my clothes were wiped out)
Momo: that's why you are in combat form...

Attached: p-0004.png (650x1880, 648K)

are traps gay?

Shit. You're right. No wonder I was confusing the hell out of people.

No, but you are.

no, traps are straight, as can be evidenced by Joshua impregnating Seiko not once but twice

amended. Sorry about this.
Time to explain! Root of the curse

Seiko: I was pregnant with Ryoko when I came to this town
Seiko: Yuko's body condition was getting worse and she was checked into the same hospital that I went to.

Seiko: Honey discussed this with Sakura-san who was looking after this town...
Seiko: and Sakura-san decided to tamper with the curse that befell our whole clan.
Momo: so onee did...

Seiko: Sakura-san wrecked her brain
Seiko: to trade the "remaining financial luck of the clan" for "luck of Yuko's health".
Seiko: this barely squeezed out enough of a margin in fate so that Yuko would live.

Seiko: ... and the result of this is "the curse of living on 40 thousand yen a month"!!
Shamiko: so why suddenly use this modern currency rate here!?

1st frame:
>Shamiko: Momo must have gotten close to me to get this information.
2nd frame:
>Lilith: ... I think it's just the opposite, Shamiko.
>Seduce Momo
Yeah, Goggles not necessary for this comic.

>Joshua impregnating Seiko not once but twice
Are we sure about that? Ryou is the most competent girl in the family and the dork genes come from the mother too. It is suspicious that she doesn't suffer from the curse like Shamiko does. Seiko might have been hunting shotas on the side since she's an eternally young oneesan physically.

That's suppose to be showered.

Shut the fuck up sicko

Kill yourself asshole

Sweet temptation

Momo: ... So why did you come after me?
Momo: It was none other than my onee-chan who sealed Shamiko's father within a box.
Momo: There's no reason now to get along with me is there?

Shamiko: I am Momo's enemy.
Shamiko: We can be together even if there's no reason for us to get along.
Momo: What's with that logic...
Shamiko: ... I'm here to make an offer to Momo.

Shamiko: Momo...
Shamiko: Why not just stop being a magical girl?

Shamiko: Contract with me
Shamiko: and become my dependent!

Attached: p-0005.png (650x1880, 578K)

Yes it is. thnx.

Note that Momo said onee-chan instead of just onee. That's why it's not a matter of inconsistency, but Momo being more intimate when speaking to Shamiko.

Yes. It's also a direct address, too. You might wanna change it to:
>Momo: It was none other than Onee-chan who sealed Shamiko's father inside a box.

>Uchi no onee-chan
Never mind me. I'm stupid.
I personally think it sounds better like I phrased it though >_

abbreviated as DokiDark

Momo: ... what are you getting at
Shamiko: Momo's trying to find Sakura-san more or less
Shamiko: but magical girls couldn't act freely with the barrier in place.

Shamiko: Then you can get around this if you stop being a magical girl.
Momo: stop being...

Shamiko: ... if a magical girl were to contract with a demon
Shamiko: Her magical power would turn to the dark side
Shamiko: leave the path of light and become a dependent of darkness.

Shamiko: Let's call it...
Shamiko: Magical Girl Chiyoda Momo, Doki Doki Darkness Corruption Project~!!

Attached: p-0006.png (650x1880, 615K)

Yuuko you are truly devious, you know that

Peach coordination plan

Shamiko: I've... finally found a reason to fight
Shamiko: That's why I have to have Momo with me.

Shamiko: ... I think that Momo suits a demon more than being a magical girl at any rate

Shamiko: I mean your daily diet just goes down the drain if I leave you all alone, Shamiko: you are really good at using your skills for bad things.
Shamiko: and you release this dark aura far stronger than mine!
Momo: ...that's pretty brutal of you....

Lilith: I think that your white and pink outfit doesn't match your personal color.
Lilith: you should switch your combat form to a simpler black base after you've turned to darkness.
(switch your weapon to a black sword or something like that)
Momo: You are butting in even when it comes to clothing form?

Attached: p-0007.png (650x1880, 540K)

Demons are bad at giving up

Shamiko: It's not a bad thing if you've become my dependent-
Shamiko: I can share the burden with you on what pains Momo
Shamiko: I will help with things that Momo doesn't want to do too

Shamiko: Momo right really pushing yourself too hard
Shamiko: I am worry about you
Momo: ... but Shamiko's mother had to raise her children all by herself for the last 10 years...
Momo: while telling lies to Shamiko and Ryo-chan's face...

Momo: I can't possibly give you those 10 years back.
Momo: even if you were to bargain with me.

Shamiko: are you simply going to give up just because you can't get it all back?
Shamiko: I am not giving up!

Attached: p-0008.png (650x1880, 610K)

2nd frame:
Shamiko: Momo, right now... You're really pushing yourself too hard.
Shamiko: I'm worried about you.

the engrish never gets old

The demon girl next door

Shamiko: I won't give up in breaking the seal and save my dad.
Shamiko: Nor would I give up on being together with Momo

Shamiko: ... finding the dark clansmen that lurk within this town
Shamiko: and seek leads from them to find my savior Sakura-san!!

Shamiko: To become ever stronger and being able to move so ever freely...
Shamiko: I shall take all that I want
Shamiko: however much I do want
Shamiko: however much I shall take!
Shamiko: ... to live greedily as how a dark clan would live!

Shamiko: yet... I am not likely to last long if I were to fight by myself.
Shamiko: that is why I want Momo who shares my objective to fight by my side

Attached: p-0009.png (650x1880, 712K)

worried. Fuck. I've done it again.

it's a charm point
imagine how hard this would be if we weren't here to bust your balls?

Correct the line above it, too.

Lord of darkness

Shamiko: ... Magical girl Chiyoda Momo
Shamiko: why not simply abandon this war on your own?

Shamiko: Accept your own weakness
Shamiko: fall to darkness
Shamiko: leave the path of light and fall to the path of darkness

Shamiko: Become my...
Shamiko: Shadow Mistress Yuko's minion

Shamiko: As my dependent you get plenty of bonus
Shamiko: you get three square meals a day and nap time
Shamiko: if you sign up now, your garbage and dishes are all covered as well!!
Lilith: Oh Shamiko, you will regret those terms of persuasion for sure...!!

Attached: p-0010.png (650x1880, 630K)

Don't toy with Momo

Momo: fall to darkness to get around the barrier, right...
Momo: Did Lilith-san come up with this plan?
Lilith: nope.

Lilith: Although I was the corruption adviser...
Lilith: This is all Shamiko's ideas in Shamiko's own words
Lilith: I can guarantee that falling to darkness has no effect on your personality!!

Momo: ... I see
Momo: So Shamiko's own words...
Momo: that's good

Momo: If this was a script that Lilith-san had wrote up
Momo: I would've thrown Lilith-san out like a cannonball.
Lilith: Why!?
Lilith: Why is Momo this rough when she's dealing with me!?

Attached: p-0011.png (650x1880, 556K)

A sudden change of route

Momo: Three square meals a day... I don't need something like that
Momo: ... Shamiko wouldn't just suddenly disappear on me?
Shamiko: ...nope.

Momo: No matter what I've done up till now
Momo: No matter what I'll do here on out
Momo: Will you stay all the same?
Shamiko: I promise you this in my dad's name!

Momo: I see...
Shamiko: um...

Momo: ... wait. Hold on a minute?
Momo: something seems wrong here
Momo: There's no way that something this happy can possibly happen to me!
Shamiko: Huh!?
Shamiko: It's not as planned!?

Attached: p-0012.png (733x1881, 622K)

This is... the power of yuri...
it's quite something

I legit squeal'd like a schoolgirl.

Yuuko looks so handsome in her battle outfit

is this the end of the volume? I need more holy shit.

>Title drop
Oh shit

Peach weakening project has failed

Momo: Lilith-san, after thinking about it
Momo: When I fall to darkness, my ether based body will be linked to Shamiko instead.
Momo: I will be weakened more or less?
Shamiko: ehh?

Shamiko: Ancestor... is that true?
Lilith: ...

Lilith: yes.
Lilith: ... you will be weakened

Momo: I knew it. She probably withheld that information on purpose.
Lilith: yeeeeeeeep!!
Shamiko: Ancestorrrrrrrr

Attached: p-0013.png (650x1880, 598K)

>Momo: There's no way that something this happy can possibly happen to me!
Isn't Momo saying something more along the lines of:
Nothing this good would ever happen to me!


oh well no demon girl momo then, rip

Don't worry. Something like that will happen a bit later.

Not yet.

well now thats fucking based, thanks for letting me know

Attached: shamilaugh.webm (564x720, 303K)

So, a "This is too good to be true" statement.

yeah, in a sense. It's more like. "Since it's me, I can't believe that something good will happen, since nothing good ever happens to me." type of thing.

I feel the aura of muscle training

Momo: That was too close. I was almost had back there...
Momo: But... it's true that I've been too hellbent on going at it alone.
Momo: ... thank you Shamiko

Momo: ... ahh, if I think about it
Momo: Even if I don't fall to darkness
Momo: Wouldn't it be fine if you represent me and go find the dark clan members who live in this town instead?
Shamiko: huh!?

Momo: ...In return, I will drive Shamiko's training harder
Momo: Isn't that a good deal?
Shamiko: ye... yes... maybe?

Shamiko: ... but isn't that just the status quo?
Shamiko: Or maybe that my missions are only getting harder.
Momo: No such thing. It's all in your mind.
Momo: If you sign up now, the protein shake you get will have a banana scent

Attached: p-0014.png (650x1880, 520K)

Momo: There's no way that something this good could have happened to me.

Oh, it is that. I assumed it was "What's the catch?" .

...Well yeah, that's pretty /u/ then.

Yeah, like that.
Absolutely. This manga is gay as rainbows.

>Momo: There's no way that something this happy can possibly happen to me!
Jesus christ. How much shit have you seen and done Momo?

oh yea I remember the spoiler back from the other threads

Is this from the actual manga or just fanmade?

Attached: 1537999129401.jpg (960x956, 129K)

Enough to make Shamiko do webum related

Attached: Shamiko_cry.gif (800x450, 1.29M)

That's fan made. It's just really, really good fanart

Surpass the Peach colored Heart

Shamiko: ... then what about falling into darkness...!?
Momo: leave it for now
Momo: If I am dragged down by Shamiko now, I will be weakened and that a lot of things just couldn't get done

Momo: ... that and I think I can't really stomach being Shamiko's minion for some reason
Shamiko: why?

Momo: If you want me to become your dependent....
Momo: ... you just need to beat me first!
Momo: I am waiting for that day, demon

Shamiko: ... if I win, you'll be my dependent.
Shamiko: ... Why don't I fight it out in your dream as I plant suggestions to you
Momo: that's not allowed. fight me face to face.
Shamiko: that's unreasonable!!

Attached: p-0015.png (650x1880, 603K)

disregard me I suck Shamiko's futa cock

She's just making eye juice.

I love the way Shamiko's tail is connecting with Momo's head in the last frame

>I love [...] Shamiko's tail
that's all you had to say, user

hmm... True.

And it's got bulges. The fuck?

she's pumping her suggestion juice into Momo's brain

Gazing upon this town

Momo: that wraps it up. Let's go home.
Shamiko: Wa... wait. We are totally not done yet.
Shamiko: You are trying to bail on me

Momo: I am not going to run away from Shamiko again.
Momo: Let's go back together since I am starving.
Momo: ...there'll be more training tomorrow.
Momo: Miss Shadow Mistress

Shamiko: ...gunu...

(Hang in there Shamiko-)

Shamiko: Don't think that you've won~!!

Become an exceptional lord of darkness who could defeat your enemy one day!!

Attached: p-0016.png (650x1880, 628K)

And we've finished S1.

Attached: 00122.jpg (1354x1920, 111K)

Thanks shamilator. Have a nice break for a while since you probably translated the rest of the anime material. We still have three more volumes of gay

Well, that was cute. I hope the anime ends on that note

S2 Never.

How is the anime doing, btw?

Cute as a button. JC staff did not drop the ball this time around. It's kind of amazing.

Average of a Kirara show.

Well, yeah, I know that. Sorry, I wasn't clear. How's the anime doing in sales, etc.

Momo has many great deadpan expressions too.

Attached: [Mad le Zisell] Machikado Mazoku - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.42_[2019.08.14_16.36.59].jpg (1280x720, 117K)

>deadpan face
but thats what PTSD does to you, at least Shamiko will help her heal

Attached: [Erai-raws] Machikado Mazoku - 05 [720p]_00.23.41_[2019.08.08_16.53.59].jpg (1280x720, 458K)

That's why Shamiko is Momo's sunshine

Attached: 1565756027329.jpg (2896x2896, 1.27M)

Well... that's true, but...

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Machikado Mazoku - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_17.25_[2019.08.03_17.25.21].jpg (1280x720, 116K)

Hold on, the subs here for the sticker is completely wrong.

The sticker actually says "Very well done".
たいへん has different meanings when paired with different types of descriptions.

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (1920x1080, 702K)

ah, I love Metanko

Attached: 03.jpg (800x450, 76K)

I can't believe Metanko's been possessed by Babidi

>no your dad didn’t run off with the magical girl he was “protecting the town” with
>he is, uh, a box

>Seiko got cucked by sakura
>Shamiko got cucked by mikan
It's a vicious cycle

Prequel where we see Momo brutally kill dark clan and watch her friends gob’d While her lolicon oneesan molests and grooms her to a lesbian when?

>staff is using the lower quality scans

So Sakura's into /ss/?

Attached: 02.jpg (800x450, 68K)

Attached: 01.jpg (800x450, 55K)

Attached: 04.jpg (800x450, 97K)

Who isn’t?

Did Momo steal her vibrator's batteries?

Would /u/ still deride it as not yuri enough?

I love this manga

The last thing I want is /u/ on these threads

Based Shamilator. Thanks to you, this is now my favorite show this season. Thanks for your hard work.

Attached: damn you.jpg (512x384, 48K)

so Shamiko's dad is Kaos

Attached: 1550926850073.jpg (1280x720, 312K)

too bad there is no sound for webms in Yea Forums

Attached: ababababa 10 seconds .webm (826x460, 2.9M)

is Lilith pure?

There is on

nice, thank you for everything shamilator

So lets be clear. This was a marriage proposal by Shamiko that received a conditional rejection by Momo, essentially a "lets talk again when your older" rejection.

purely made for cocks

Attached: 1564425161851.webm (638x720, 410K)

Not terrible but not great. Looking like a pretty standard 2-3k/vol show. Likely won't sell well enough for a S2 unless the manga gets a ridiculous sales boost.

That would be a big defeat for Kirara because the manga was supposed to end at ch26 according to the interview and it was extended in order to become an anime. So they have invested already in this being at least a two season anime. Not that they don't have the option to bail to prevent losing money but it would be a major defeat and some managers and editors would loose their jobs.

Another Japanese couple decides to defer marriage and children for work (Momo) and education (Yoko).

post the censored version

>the manga was supposed to end at ch26
What? But by that point there's still the matter of where Sakura went along with the hint that her spirit is in Shamiko, and why Joshua is in the box. The mangaka clearly had material planned past 26 when they got there.

>Q2. Anime planning started when Momo fell to darkness (volume 3), which is the climax of the story
>Q3. Machikado Mazoku originally was planned to run for 3 volumes and Ito was already planning for the next thing. With the anime greenlit, the serialization was slated to run further, which surprised Ito even if it made him quite happy.
user please it's okay if you remember things wrong but at least fact check before you post

What? Isn't this 5 volumes out? I doubt 26 chapters is somehow enough to even fill out 2 volumes assuming an average of 10 pages each.

They told him before he actually had to turn in Chapter 26, and of course he probably had many ideas, but his original contract with Kirara would not have run past it so he had already had editorial approval for a story that ended with the scene at the cherry tree. He kept the scene with the cherry tree even though the rest of the chapter, and possibly some or all of the previous chapter were changed. He would have been notified his contract was extended two or three months before it ran out.

So it was still planned for a two season anime. They invested money past Vol 3 for that purpose.
But the lack of merchandise worries me. I know its a hard show to merchandise compared to Yuru Camp but PriPri was just as hard to merchandise with all its fantasy elements yet that committee has done well.12-13 chapters is normal for a tank.

cute dad.

just use catbox

not exactly, it's just that the anime would boost manga sales, so knowing one will come out means you should continue serialization so there are more volumes to buy when it airs

Momo bump

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Machikado Mazoku - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_22.38_[2019.08.06_00.21.23](1).jpg (1920x1080, 179K)

This is not planned for two cours nor two seasons. I have no idea where you got that idea.

No, actually, /u/'s pretty happy with it.

Well, yeah. Momo could lick Shamiko's butthole, and the yuri still wouldn't be any more blatant than it already is.

This is very true.

All the more reason to do it


only 3 more strips

Attached: 49a.png (710x1880, 686K)

>Shamiko's actually buying the pillow in the other photo

Holy shit what a dork. Even more so than Kaos.

Attached: 00_22_00.403.jpg (1920x1080, 507K)

I need pictures of Momo, Momo wearing crocs!

Attached: 01_004.jpg (1128x1600, 441K)

oh, naturally, Ryo was correct all along

Attached: file.png (1920x1080, 2.83M)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Machikado Mazoku - 05 [1080p].gif (500x281, 249K)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Machikado Mazoku - 05 [1080p]-1.gif (500x281, 900K)


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Machikado Mazoku - 05 [1080p]-2.gif (500x281, 3.18M)

"known" in pannel 3 is misspelled.

I think it would be better to go with a different tense here, I recommend "and she seemed to know about Mom"

Attached: best imouto.webm (1280x720, 2.56M)

Cute tail

Attached: tail3.webm (1920x1080, 264K)

Does she get a girlfriend in later volumes?

I hate yurifags and shotafags so goddamn much.

I could hear her kukuku laugh. Her VA is great.

>low intelligence
>ultralow strength
>low luck, but put where it really matters
>high charisma
Perfect character.

Attached: 1564204475710.webm (1396x1080, 243K)

normally the anime would only be 12-13 episodes. Given that the pacing's been 2 chapters per episode, I don't think it will go further than 26.

That's true, "seemed to have known about mom" would imply that she doesn't know about mom in the present or near past.

So what kind of -fag are you?

Imagine always doing perfectly useless things, but together as a family.

>your whole family from the eldest to the youngest are cute girls
>you all do cute things

i'll go with that

Attached: 49b.png (650x1880, 806K)

everyone: ancestor, mother, father and both daughters are ENORMOUS DORKS

Joshua is a boy
a boy


I like this show a lot. I've had enough with all the Isekai. What a breath of fresh air.

Volume 3-4 runs from ch27 to 52. It's 13 chapters per tank.

>he must be a girl

nice, are you going to keep on trucking or take a break or just slow down?

Not today for sure. 27 maybe tomorrow.

I hope you keep going. I'm loving these threads and this manga. I'd love to see all of volume 3 get done possibly.

Thanks translation you did. I read them between studying for university exams as a little break

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Machikado Mazoku - 03 [1080p](1).webm (826x838, 122K)

Good luck user

thanks its just toxicology tomorrow and iam not as dumb as shamiko, I will make it

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Machikado Mazoku - 02 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_00.19_[2019.07.18_18.01.08].jpg (1920x1080, 204K)

if you look at Anri's bar in the OP, all of the bottles represent characters I think

Attached: [Erai-raws] Machikado Mazoku - 05 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.20_[2019.08.08_17.16.48].png (1920x1080, 3.92M)


That's a really cute cat picture.


I want Momo to hold me tight and whisper sweet nothing to me user.

Attached: 50a.png (650x1880, 708K)

oh, and here's something fun.
when you google forest fairy, aniki pops up.

Attached: the greatest fairy of all.png (1301x317, 219K)

cute fairy
also, "awkward" in the last panel

Anri a cute!

That's cute.

Where are they that a 15 year old can tend bar? That's stranger than girls with horns.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hinamatsuri - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.14.29_[2018.04.22_15.14.22]26.jpg (1280x720, 90K)

Is that Anri? I thought it was imouto.

it's a scene from the manga, it's Anri
I also thought it was Ryo

imouto has an over the shoulder ponytail.

I wouldn't be surprised if the joke was intentional. Ito made an ace combat joke too.

Maybe Ryo and Anri share the same biological father?

>pretend to be shota
>score with oneesan type

how devious.

So THATS what he meant with Momo launching a V2 rocket

>momo presenting her peach to shamiko

Ito's a housewife.

>you will never drink momo's thick "banana flavoured" protein shake.

didn't she put raw meat in it?

No. It's a blend of magically cooked chicken breast, protein powder and a bunch of pills.

No, she cooked the chicken.

someone repost the strip.

No, only dipped to add some nutritional magical milk