Choose one

Choose one

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Blue Ai’s mouth, Red Ai’s cunny, Ginko’s butthole

i'm torn between left/right. who's more precocious?

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Blue Ai > Red Ai >>> shit >>> Ginko

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Ginko won.

the winner, of course

it really ended?


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Lickky licky

I will take both Ais.

cute ass

The best girl who won.

JC loli is the best. THE BEST.

Imagine having Ginko watch you make love with a girl half her age

A-a girl half my age would be older than Ginko.

Half HER age, not yours, retard.

So...Char, then?

Did someone say Ginko?


Yeah we all love ginko here

Sounds perfect to me.

So much love for Ginko here on Yea Forums


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Such a cute Ginko

Hello, one hag please

I wanna impregnate both Ais

One cute Ginko please*

>twy turned 25 literally today
>B-b-but half my age is still 14 r-right?

This but also Ginko

How that would even work?

>He doesn't have three dicks
Sucks to be you I guess.

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Is truly over?


Gee Bill

The one that doesn't have a terminal illness please

Red > White > Blue


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Stinko will die, Blue Ai will remain alive, healthy, supreme and become Yaichi's wife

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The good ol red white and blue.

I choose Ginko, the canon and patrician choice.


Like Ryou. I pick Ginko as my wife.

We HATE Ginko here

We adore Ginko here.

I only hate the fact that she isn't real and radiating our lives at this very moment.

Ginko a shit

I'll take the 2 lolis while Yaichi can get his wife, Ginko.

you pedos make me sick

Ginko a lovely

Hag lover mad

I choose the Red Eyes Black Dragon in attack mode!

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We need Loli yu-gi-oh

Didn't Mizuryu kei make a yu-gi-oh clone but instead of monsters it's sluts.

I said with Lolis

Close enough

They,re to young for me. Guess I will pick the women who said she would marry the me if she couldn't become a pro.

We love Ginko here!

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Everyone loves level 9 Ginko. The problem is after she evolves.

Imagine her bald spot

I like that version of Ginko very much

JC prime loli. No contest.

OP's mom

Imagine having sex with JS ginko

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Why ginko couldn't be like this in the series?

Because she's shit

Man can't bear such perfection

Why not? She's better as a JC.

If Ginko looked like this or at most 12 (older so the dynamic with blue Ai still works) , would the shitposters still hate her?

She'd still have her shitty personality so no

But ginkoposters love g*nko. And Ai has always been advertised as the main heroine so fuck her and the sellout writer.

>sellout writer.
Wait what?

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I would've liked her if she wasn't such a cunt all the time. What's the point of a tsundere if there is no dere

According to vol.5 afterword LN sales weren't great at first so he wanted to end it on volume 5 which is pretty much an Ai ending but then ginkonormalfags started to buy it, so he gave her more and more focus until we've come to this.

The only real choice

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No brainer.

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Are you blind or did you not actually watch the show?

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He's a shitposter. It's not a requirement to know the material as long as you can shitpost with half truth and half bullshit bait.

Not everyone disliking a character is a shitposter you know
From what I remember all her dere moments sooner or later ended up with her being a cunt yet again. And while you could say it's partially mc's fault for being dense it gets boring knowing that it will just end up with her getting angry yet again for no reason. Red Ai did the tsundere act better imo


Ginko a shit and worst girl

I have no earthly idea what anyone sees in Ginko.

First, Ginko is never a cunt. She is stubborn in dealing with her feelings, so she hides it behind an icy exterior that make use of light verbal and physical abuses, but all the way her affection is transparent. Second, dere is showing a cute side or lovestruck. It doesn't mean change into a different person overnight. It's a process for a tsundere. Third, MC was the one who, in his flailing and hot-headed outbursts, roughly pushed her away. An angry response and being standoffish again is normal.


We did it, boys.

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Imagine the 2 Ais hearing your sex noise with Ginko

I guess you could see it that way but you can't blame others for seeing it in a completely different manner. You know kinda like how even the mc perceives how she treats him. 'Light verbal and physical abuse' is really an understatement here.

Prejudice is the only logical reason to see all of that in a completely different manner. Like those who outright don't like tsundere because they don't understand the archetype and simply hate what they normally represent.
>mc perceives
What? MC sometimes complains at the punishment he is given, but he doesn't dislike her and always respects her as his anedeshi. The punishment she dishes out is light, tame even. She's a little girl. Stepping on him or punching, neither can really harm him when she's weak.

Blue > Red > White

>those who outright don't like tsundere because they don't understand the archetype and simply hate what they normally represent.
I don't dislike the trope, ginko is jut way too far towards the tsun side. She's known mc for years and still acts this way towards him and her every scene basically ends the same way with her getting angry over some trivial thing and their relationship getting no development because of that.
>he doesn't dislike her and always respects her as his anedeshi
Where did I say that wasn't the case? I said that he doesn't really like the abuse but it's been going for so long that he got used to her just doing that. The abuse might be light because of her physique or whatever but considering that it's almost all that she does whenever she's on screen with mc it really adds up.

Red Ai for hardmode. I am a veteran of the tsundere era.

>no development

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If you think she's too far on the tsun spectrum, then I'd hate to see how you react to seeing a tsundere like Emi, Erina, Taiga, Louise, Kyou, Anna.
>angry over some trivial thing
That's called being tsun and the way it's done is kawaii. That's just basic, come on now. Unless you are dense as the average harem MC, you should be able to pick up on jealously, hidden feelings, or embarrassment that leads to covering it up affection or perceived weakness with verbal/physical abusive reactions to come it up. In Japanese culture, fighting and getting along are two sides of the same coin. It's a sign of being close and sharing good times. All that adds up and contributes to development, which should eventually lead to a major climax, a climax like where Yaichi actually confesses to Ginko.
>he doesn't really like it
You're taking it too seriously and at facevalue. It's like taking his insistence and upset rejection of being called a lolicon.

Anyone but Ginko

No one but Ginko

I see two fresh fruits ready for the taking and one rotten that belongs in the garbage.
Not hard choice desu.

All of them.

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Most of the tsundere you brought up are pretty abusive too but they aren't like that all the time and actually have normal conversations that don't end with them getting mad again and again. I'd almost agree with what you said about the fighting and caring but there is almost no getting along from ginko from what we see. All the time she looks at mc with disdain or contempts his actions to the point where him chimping out at her in the anime is almost justifiable. There aren't really good times to share when all possible good times are met with the other person getting mad just because. I for example like Taiga a lot and feel like her abuse and opening up to Ryuuji felt a lot more believable and riveting than Ginko just throwing insults and occasionally blushing together with it.

Red Ai

for me it would be Ginko!

Red Ai and Ginko.

calm down, Yaichi

You're grossly exaggerating. There were about 6, maybe 7 scenes where she is tsun to your description. The anime rushed and compressed a number of things. Rest of the time she is normal as the cold, serious, and compartmentalized anedeshi with an odd case of porcupine effect MC has knows for years. That includes teasing, insulting, or punishing him as the older martial sibling in their family.

The LN does a much better job since it have scenes that flesh out Ginko a lot more, in addition to more cute scenes. Plus, it has inner thoughts shown and narration that describes or attributes meaning behind characters' actions and motives. Thing with Ginko is, she already likes MC. Different from Taiga who disliked MC at first and had to warm up. Ginko defrosts rather than warms up. She's serious about shogi and tries her best to compartmentalizes because to her, being chummy and friendly will make her weak and be incline to go easy.

Red Ai is tsundere done right
Ginko is a mistake

I choose Char!

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Do you mean Ginko?

Char really is the best

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Best for what?

Absolutely lewd things like cuddling and head pats and holding hands and keeping happy and healthy. I know, I'm a sick freak.

Good ginko doujins this comiket?

Best onahole.

She is condensed dere-dere. At least in the books

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Red Ai of course

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So only one volumen left ?

For me, I either like the main girl and then I keep reading/watching for her regardless of how tsun or not she is, or I don't so I drop it. Ginko is fucking shit and if she was advertised as the main heroine from the start I wouldn't even bother with this trash.

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>tfw this will be a modern day dream of the red chamber

red ai

how do her buttholes smell like?


Red Ai.

imagine how soft she must.

Ginko a shit

i would ginko shit

We love Ginko here.

Stinkoshits piss off

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Ginko is so beautiful.

>They thought a middle schooler was going to win
Kek, Blue Ai is autistic and shit. Ginko for the win.

The thing is that Ai Blanco is a large part of what makes the series unique, and Ginko and every scene with her lends to it being generic.

Thus yes, you're right, Ginko's victory was sealed from the start.


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Volume 11 illustrations because I can.

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I want more toddler Ginko.

CUTE. Where's the rest?

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For what ?


For you.

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>Grandmaster Ryou face cut
Every tiem

>The anime rushed and compressed a number of things
Did it make her seem less shit when she decided to try and ruin Ai's entrance exam? She just seemed to barge in without actually being assigned to face her purely out of spite. It was incredibly hard to like her after that and if the LN did it better I assume other people could've glossed over that.
At least most tsundere are only a cunt towards one character instead of everyone, and I honestly can't remember a single nice scene between her and anyone, although I could've forgotten over time.

Precious Ginko.

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Extremely cute.

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I wanna kiss Ginko

Ginko a shit

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That is not funny anymore, THK.

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Somebody needs to shop a dick there

so cute and funny

!!!No ginko!!