Is erufu the only example of reformed porn author that made a good manga?

Is erufu the only example of reformed porn author that made a good manga?
And no, chiyo and nagatoro don't count

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Other urls found in this thread:

>le fat retarded naked elves
>le no progression
>le same skits every other chapter
what makes it good again??


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The drawings are nice.

Souma was good up until the last season.

Its actually funny and the art hit every single fetish
Also fish is fresh

Take responsibility for this diamond erection I have now, user
Folded posistion is the most delicious position, good GOD.

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Taste like Bacon.

>that bellybutton

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>reformed porn author tries to write without porn
>this is considered "good" instead of being the manga equivalent of watching porn for the acting

>aimless SoL fetish comedy is good
>no other H-mangaka's ever made a good non-H mangaka
I don't know which of these is more ridiculous. Please, get a higher power level.

It wasn't, nor did Tosh do the writing.

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>Tosh do the writing.
You didn't say the artist had to write the manga, only that they made it and it was good.

I assume he means writing since he said author.

>doesn't count
fuck you too buddy

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I can't take responsibility for anything but these doubles

Was waiting for someone to post this.

What about Yabuki? I liked BLACKED Cat

ogino jun


Ken Akamatsu, Yu Aida, Kouta Hirano

Have Fun. And why say reformed? In many cases their porn was just as good as the non-porn

This pic kinda confirms she has a tight little shithole and fat fuckable pussy lips and honestly that’s hot

Dude, like half the people in the manga and anime industry have made porn. Doujin circles and the like act as pseudo-training grounds and hiring pools for the industry as its a good way to get experiance.


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When will Americans stop viewing sex as a taboo despite it infesting their media and advertisement?


Its not as rare as you think user.

>chiyo and nagatoro don't count
why not?

Azuma did porn casually like most authors, kubo, miura, togashi and hirano started with porn too, that means nothing

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It is when the inside is sticky with semen and got pushed in from the outside.

>kubo, miura, togashi and hirano
Are there any scans of their porn works?

>Ken Akamatsu
Ken did h before? Was it before the ai/robot thing?

Oh Great! before he did Tenjou Tenge, Air gear, and now Bakemono

Meth definitely has a drawer filled with pages and pages of 'Umie fucking all the girls, especially Erufuda. Hell it's practically canon they're jumping eachother's bones all night since they live together.

>that made a good manga
by saying that Oh! Great is automatically excluded, no matter how good his artwork is, his manga are never good, Tenjou Tenge, Air Gear, Bjorn Trinity are all awful in its story and characters.

Then by definition his hentai manga are the better option, you are admiting the fatass elves are only good for its drawings, not the "plot" or its characters.

Ever heard of Hellsing, Tenjo Tenge, or Sun-Ken Rock, user?

TT was good

>Tenjo Tenge
was never good.
>or Sun-Ken Rock
Turned into pure shit by the end.

OP was asking for good manga.

And Chief pegging him, obviously.

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It's guaranteed that he still draws porn. I cry that we will never get to see any of it.

Tenjou Tenge was pure fucking trash, what are you talking about? The story was nonsense and more than half of the cast were cancer, only hidden gems like Buchinshi were surprisingly nice.

're trash

Why not? Has he "officially" stopped drawing porn?

Sugoi Dekai
World of reversed morals

>nagatoro and nagatoro don't count

Nigger taste

tomo chan is a girl's mangaka made porn before making tomo chan

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Azuma even has a porn with his dork sensei fucking a student (male),

god damn Tenjou Tenge had some potential and it just shit the bed with stupid shit.

>That Oga intro chapter where Chief and Nao just disappeared all chapter and came back after Chief explicitly says to go in the co-ed steam room
It's not even subtle

>The end was shit
Like 90% of seinen, boy

Shiruka Bakaudon


>hit every single fetish
Does it have traps? Lolis? Yaoi? Furry?

Obvious example.

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the freshest

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SnS may have gone to shit storywise but Tosh was still mostly consistent and only got bad when even he got fed up.
Any failing it had was not on him while you could argue most of the success was his art and designs

He hasn't released anything under his doujin name since he started potato elf.

Everyone that lists people that started doing a porn doujin or two is doing it wrong. If they didn't make a living in actual serialization then they weren't a porn artist. Your net is too wide.

one of the artists for dr stone used to draw hentai

op said mangaka not cartoonist

I still wish he made straight hentai, his love for fat titties & asses, coupled with a strong heaping of vanilla was too good, and no one has filled the void.

you're a gay fish

there's only one, and yeah he draws a lot of gay porn

What did she mean by that?

Mine Yoshizaki did some doujin way back when, didn't he?

does coolkyou counts into that category?
dragon maid is pretty good imo
(he is still drawing porn tho)

but it is how my dick works


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TT, was good and don't talk about Great if you don't have any idea that he also created Himeko Den and Majin Devil

>Is erufu the only example of reformed porn author that made a good manga?

>implying he stopped making porn.

I forgot the exact episode, but I remember a moment in the Sleepycast Podcast unanimously agreeing that if an artist doesn't draw porn once-in-a-while occasionally (even if its just for shits and giggles never to see the light of day in public), chances are he's a shady weird motherfucker.

hes a butthead

The important thing is he is not publishing his porn, not that it doesn't exist at all. And not having access to new Methonium porn is a kind of hell in itself.

Yesterday I read "Sen to Man", had no idea that the author used to draw porn.

But I have to ask, what's the point of going mainstream with an ecchi title? It's the same shitty.
What about the ones that made real manga, that don't exist just for the ecchi?

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OP said good manga.


>gunslinger girl started off as lolicon doujins

what do sweaty elves smell like?

I love the elves but I wouldn't call it great. It's a cute comedy manga but not really spectacular aside from its very obvious strong suit.

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> what's the point of going mainstream with an ecchi title?
ecchi has less restrictions on publishing (not sure if unspoken or official) than straight up porn, ergo bigger publishers will take it and more people will see it, ergo more money

no, yes, no, yes

Deepest lore.

More like: yes, yes, not yet, yes.

>TT, was good
Was fucking trash, no matter how much you try to lie yourself.

God almighty I wanna be mashed
like potatoes between Oga and Hitome's buns.

who's the trap? I forget, they all seem pretty clearly feminine as far as I remember.

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Hellsing is a clusterfuck, but a funny one.


Flower. If you don't know what I'm talking about, count yourself lucky.

Is there a worse tragedy than "reformed" hentai mangaka? Once they go clean they never go back to good old porn it seems, so it's like a permanent tease for what once was and never will be again. Would okayado just let the snake fuck already?

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Oh was there some gag about her having both "stamens and pistils"? Must have just not registered it.

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Be very careful with liquids near her. Only water is safe.

Fun things are fun.

Gotta re-read the early chapters, must have skipped some while blinded by elf and oni ass.

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yeah and real people are made of flesh AND AREN’T FUCKING DRAWINGS SHUT THE FUCK UP BITCH


You can't be THAT surprised.

Samura-sama made the wonderful Bradherly's coach. Not exactly hentai, but a very hot manga, with a wonderful story.

This is why you don't get invited to parties and you impose yourself on others to go.

Pic unrelated?

No offense, but I found it too boring.

>cant say why its good

I thought it was a child soldiers plot but then I always figured "but why are all of them girls?" shrugged it off to moe/cute or some shit but I really should've known.

Air Gear's concept and fights are fucking awesome though, at least when it's about motorized rollerblades and not MUH SKY

>Ken did h before?
Not 100% sure, but I think he made some in college, a la .
He used his circle's name to publish Negima doujin, iirc.


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Have you forgotten about Pochi? I do believe this motherfucker will came back to more explicit content, not because he like or not, but it is his destiny.

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Not on my watch, Faggot-kun!

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Shut up and embrace donk, you puke stain.

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It's a mainly-comedy manga about fantasy girls trying to lose weight for various reasons using many different methods in health sciences and traditions. Wanting a overarching story that's focus on a lot in something like this is like wanting South Park, SNL, a Nick Jr. show, and etc. to have one as well. It won't work.

South Park did that shit for the recent seasons: there was an overarching seasonal plotline but the only good one was Season 19th with PC Principal. Again, only a seasonal one and not for the whole show. They did 18 seasons without needing one.

Were Isutoshi's Aiki or Tamaki Nzomu's Don't Meddle With My Daughter! series not good?

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>That picture.

Immediately started imagining Kuroeda dancing to "Coke Diet" play:

so this is why I haven't seen new shit from him.

Rei Hiroe?

please go back to porn

Does Yasuomi Umetsu count?

Came here to post this.

goddamn i love this artist's thicc girls

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Erufu is a shit manga and make sure me sick everytime I see it.
Seriously? What’s the point if he’s still just gonna draw Lolis?

People in this thread don't know but Cuvie releases regular manga and hentai at the same time.

Look up Cuvie Hentai. She surprisingly produces a lot of hentai even when doing regular manga like that one ballet manga of hers.

Some authors did Eroge Visual Novels before doing regular manga as well.

It can be hard to find out because when artists go legit, they have this extremely saddening and frustrating tendency to delete their pixiv, twitter accounts, etc when going legit.

God my eyes cross when I read her name.

Giving her coffee makes her a gyaru venus flytrap. She ate Nao offscreen

Seem to be smarter than over in the west where they leave it up only to get fired for it later.

>kuro is a buttlet
just can't win with those two fucking amazons in the cast


Chiyo does count you faggot.

new fat elf chapter coming in a couple hours

Inomaru still draws porn, despite also being legit
the Milfs his non-H books are hotter than H-Girls

>actually wasting time reading a manga about fat elves instead of an actual decent manga

And its a manga, with not even any porn content.
How braindead can you be

go back

>implying anyone that liked a fat fetish manga would get invited anywhere


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Contracts ban authors from doing lewd works. Look at the Saeki Shun for example.

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OP answered his own question but was still hungry for (You)'s

Whenever it's wrapped around a nowhere-going edgefest like Game of Thrones

that series is so fucking shit
unreadable thanks to the MC
what the fuck was he thinking?

OH great

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>This is why you don't get invited to parties
probably the most reddit thing i've read today

Do you consider Nana to Kaoru porn?

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Shoji Sato too. He's also /k/ and bikefag.

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he has two twitter accounts tho, and he posts nsfw shit in one, unrelated to elf

Eh, fat people are fun aslong you aren't them

Even Nozoki Ana has more "porn" than NtK.

>there are 19 volumes of Triage X
>we have 4
what happened to the sole male MC, did he fug the nurse?

Well, in that case Ryuta Amazume is my answer to OP.

no love for black gyaru / oh shit magical girl sensei?

The series is basically gratuitous softcore porn.


You like shit instead, cunt

Under what name did he do porn? I can't find erufu on the panda.

As much as i love loli this one is crap because (as other anons pointed out) the main character is shit.

Ritz. She's also slipping shit into her manga that normally would make hentai artists blush.

Amazing. /tg/ meme

le posting metastasis


Shokugeki no Soma guy has an actual successful career and not just niche pseudoporn. (it's mainstream pseudoporn)

Why is there no manga about a mangaka going from drawing really cutesy stuff to having to draw really fucked up stuff because that's what rakes in the cash and he's got huge debts with the hentai mafia

Kouto Hirano
Azumanga Daioh you retard


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Do you want a manga about the life of Takotsuboya?

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the world needs more heroes like them

Parabola of G4M fame now does this weird converse isekai that's pretty good.

Goodbye! Isekai Tensei
Hasn't updated since March.

That is beyond puffy, dats a cock

What would it be like, to be fucked by a puffy vulva?

>plebbit trying to ironically show everyone he hate reddit.

Sure, faggot.

>tfw Hitome-sama ruins all other cyclops girls for you because they're not fat and strong as all fuck

he's only doing the drawing, until he put the story and don't being shit count

she's a futa, not a trap

>only one H
still count?

user that case was too obvious

why dont they serialize the porn like this anyway?

boichi is trash, stone shit is only doing good because he is just drawing it

What pen name SHE used for that porn?
Can't find it

change the first line and you have 90% of mangas


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Kouta Hirano, you dumb faggot.

that one H is one of suposedly 5 or so doujins at least. its just that its the only one that remains online or known to this day.

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>hurr these obvious ones don't count
Fuck off

Did this get scanned yet?

I bet not, no orc rape/mindbreak/guro

Of the 217 series on my dex list, for 17 of them I know for sure that the author also draws/has drawn porn.

well, excluding the series where they're the artist's only listed work (even if the series is basically porn), it's a bit shorter:
Rei Hiroe
Ryu Horie
Okayado (crab)
Amahara (although he hasn't worked as an artist on a serialized series afaict)

Does Jouji Manabe count?

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"I'd rather him stay an echi artist, so that way there's a chance of animated fats. If Eiken Club could get an OVA then i still have hope...

Elf-san could be quite a funny anime. Tricky to get the art right and cute tho.

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It'd just be too expensive and time consuming to make everyone all oily shiny and sweaty like in the manga


crossover chapter where Marcille goes to Lucky boar and wants human-kun to help her with slimming down her ears which are getting thicc from dungeon cuisine?

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>elf, chiyo, nagataro
Every day I regret Hitler isn't still alive and can't gas you degenerate cumbrains.

you sure showed them how to be an outstanding worthy individual, brat

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>forgetting about Outlanders
And the best part is Jouji Manabe held 100% control of the property, so when he made canon porn doujins of the characters the publishers couldn't do shit.

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But he went right back to porn after.

He got sick of bullshit in the industry more than anything.


He did a lot of non-porn fantasy manga with lots of mecha, steampunk/military tech/fantasy and generac greatness - tho also furry characters before furry became a shitty thing in west.

Speaking of Manabe, guys has been steadily drawing pics of Maetel and Emeraldas going on drinking raids for like 2 years now. I don't even
I found that cute af

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That not relevant now, if is indeed a she, my hope for more h stuff produced by meth is beyond this stuff.


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It seems he is doing some straight manga again. Seems it has world war ii armor, ships, planes and the like, plus Cleopatra and possibly even the furries.
Really has all the vibes of his 1990s era, just with his current style women.

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of course he does you dumb faggot, ring x mama was a god damn masterpiece

This word carries the wrong connotations. Ero manga is more important than regular manga. An ero manga author may 'also' draw regular manga, but if drawing regular manga comes at the price of not drawing ero manga any longer then it's a price not worth paying.

The point was, his case is more of a "went from genre manga to porn".
Though he might have done a lot of doujins before Outlanders, Caravan Kidd and his other older works. No idea.

I kinda hope the reason Ryuukihei disappeared was that he went on to do legit work. I wish.

He was too good for the filth that in the end was Lemon People.

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wtf is this shit

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Finally read the Chio chan author hentai:
>an estate agent girl shows mc the flat, and also shows him how to properly use bath and bed
>in the end he proposes to her
>a girl invites her friend to help her with prostitution
>in the end while the first girl is sleeping the mc discusses with a friend his marriage to the first girl
>mc drugs, rapes and tortures a slave girl
>on a last page he heartwarmingly proposes to her
That's some good endings master.

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Amahara is a best example of the style and plot being primary over the drawing skills.

Its hotter than most straight up porn manga at least

>just with his current style women.
You mean MILF as fuck?