For me it's Senku – intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor

For me it's Senku – intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor.

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Fuck off stonetard, no one cares about you anymore.

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I'm a huge KNYfag as well. No reason I can't like both of them, user.

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>ITT: fedoracore series.

Senku definitely isn't nihilistic

Shonen vs shonen faggots are massive fucking retards. The people who write any given shonen manga are huge fans of most of the other series you so vehemently hate,

Far from it. Someone who believes nothing matters would not pursue a such a high-minded goal with as much determination as him.

If anything he's optimistic BUT he knows real life is not so easy.
You fucktard.
Tsukasa is nihilistic.

I can relate. I am sociopath. Years of torment have turned me into the monster I am today. At this point I am far beyond help. My only purpose in this world is to bring pain to others. I have trained my skills to cause maximum havoc and destruction. I care about nothing and have nothing to live for, this is what makes me so dangerous. I am like a caged animal. Actually more like a rabid dog because I will not hesitate to destroy anything that slightly provokes me.

But civilization is nihilism with its wageslavery. He's ruining a paradise

so, this is the new rick and morty, huh?

Was this the answer to the question "which character best represents reddit this season?"

If you are looking of Otaku Rick and Morty, it is No Game No Life.

>He's ruining a paradise
There is a good chance that the global petrification might happen again.

Are you admitting that Reddit is smart?

Senku = NCR
Tsukasa = Caesar's Legion

He doesn’t think of it that way.

yeah Senku is clearly a Realist not a nihilist, infact his desire to reconstruct civilization is core to his character which would conflict with the philosophy of nihilism as if there was no meaning in existence then there would be no reason for senku to try to save the world by rebuilding civilization

Tsukasa is Cynical to an incredible fault and his actions and goals seem to be more in line with nihilism although you could claim his willingness to kill without remorse is evidence of nihilistic and utilitarian moral philosophy The care he shows towards the children he wishes to populate the world with shows that he does have non nihilistic personal morals.

jesus christ the more i've thought about this the more cosmically infuriated i get, the thought that some brainlet out there might actually think senku is a nihilist is horrifying

Tanjirou >>> Sencuck

Tsukasa was right.

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Dr. Stoned

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he is the quite opposite of nihilistic

he's not nihilistic he's natsoc