I really wish the original tetralogy was re-released. the G.U remake is nice, but the original is comfy as fuck.
It's extremely dated but I would absolutely pick it up again in a heartbeat if it gets an HD remaster.
Sadly that won't happen by the looks of Last Recode's sales and the interview...
CC2 is down but it's up to Bamco to greenlight it.
I'd prefer an entire remake.
Not only would that be a perfect chance to revive the series from the very beginning while also bringing in new fans with greatly updated gameplay, but there's also the chance to include more party members like from //sign. And not just the AI copies of Tsukasa, Sora and Subaru.
The gameplay in the original .Hack games at least felt a bit like an mmo. You could pause for spells but most of the combat happened in real time. In GU that kind of immersion was broken immediately and it's not like the new system was very good.
This fucking anime.
I can't believe I sat through this shit because it was a tie-in to the story I actually cared about. I mean, the concept is solid, but there's like two action scenes in the whole runtime, it's all conversations. FUCK.
god I wish I were a crippled, depressed, lonely lesbian
Yeah //Sign pissed me off.
>Make an MMORPG anime.
>The only thing that happens is people socialize.
>Nobody fights anything.
I legitimately thought it was fucking stupid until I played Ragnarok Online and just stuck to Izlude socializing all day long.
>A fellow Izludean
The town of swordsmen!
Those were the days.
>I mean, the concept is solid, but there's like two action scenes in the whole runtime, it's all conversations. FUCK.
I rewatched //Sign a few weeks ago for the first time in almost 15 years and I still loved the whole thing.
But yeah, it's all conversations.
The games could have used more conversations too.
Yeah. It would've hurt if they paced it better or had the characters chatting while grinding or going through a dungeon.
It does have a killer OST, though.
Very few images strike such a profound sense of emotional nostalgia for me like the OP
.hack//sign doesn't get the respect it fucking deserves. The OP is one of best in anime, period. So much nostalgia. It was the first major isekai. The games were great. Like, what more can you ask for.
That soundtrack was perhaps the only truly redeeming part of that shitshow. As for me, it was Subaru. God I want to lick her back
>Novel establishes that wings are a super rare item that Orca and Balmung obtained when killing the fucking hardest raid boss in the game
>Subaru just has some on her back, chillin'
Granted, she probably couldn't fly with them, right?
This was the boringest fucking thing I've ever seen on Toonami, it was nothing but dialogue about stupid bullshit no one cares about
The anime was fucking boring, but it was surprise yuri, so it's okay.
No she couldn't and it was an allegory for the fact she is paralysed in real life.
Terajima Ryoko had them too. Maybe it's a more common accessory for heavy axes.
I remember really enjoying this.
She wasn't the only one that needed it. She was the only one we got to see nipples of.
I honestly had no clue what was going on when I was watching this as a kid. I remember vividly that it was about that guy with the staff that has a blob monster killing shit. What the fuck is this show about?
>Izlude sitter
Dont tell me youre a pinkshit too?
only music was good
>be shounenshitter
>watch 26 episode anime without much action all the way through
>call it boring
AI that runs The World torments an abused child to keep another, better AI that feeds on positive emotional energy from waking up.
So most of the series is focused on the mental state of the abused kid, and it's mostly talking and scenery and fantastically upbeat/depressing music.
I enjoyed it, especially because it felt like people actually playing an MMO.
But you gotta admit for a show about an RPG, there was shockingly little action. I think it ultimately worked to it's advantage, but one could be forgiven for expecting more action from a show about a fantasy RPG
It had an odd sort of maturity about it, especially considering it was about people roleplaying really hard in a videogame.
The aesthetic was also A+, I wish we could get a modern videogame with that aesthetic.
I always liked that in general, but at 0:50 for additional reasons.
This genuinely depressed me knowing that this is over a decade and half old. I desire death quickly if im only going to get older.
>forehead symbol
how come we don't see this anymore?
Is this the version of the opening from the epilogue ova? I remember it bugged me because they slightly changed the opening. The amount of clicks the person makes at the start with the mouse changes and there was added bloom or something. It bugged the hell out of me.
I gotta check now
This ending song is always on my fav OPs/EDs list.
I double checked and I fucking knew it. The overall image is brighter in the ova, and the hands type less but double click compared to the single click of the normal episodes.
Fuck, I feel like an autistic jerk now for noticing this, but it bugged the hell out of me when I originally got the full series years ago.
Bear's skimpy outfit turned me gay
Which was the ova, intermezzo or gift?
Unison. Basically served as an epilogue to both the show and the game. Kite, Blackrose, Balmung and Orca show up, maybe a few other characters too. Blackrose and Mimiru argue about who picked their character design first. We learn where Tsukasa is after everything, and it led to this
I can't remember now if I have seen that one or if I have if the file still exists somewhere, but it sounds familiar. I really should better organize those episodes, and maybe look for the rest of the original four games I think I have somewhere.
>just stuck to Izlude socializing all day long.
Man, I was like that at first but then i started to kill everything on sight and got strong enough to solo ET.
Then i went back to sit all the day on Izlude and keep chatting with everyone.
i like this post
>Go to Kajiura concert
>They still perform .hack songs.
The music was really good.
The gameplay was fucking golden, I used to carry at least 4 pieces of equips/weapons to use all kinds of skills and always fully buff my party before charging at the bosses while commanding my party on doing either attacks, spells or heal and if I knew my enemy had an AoE attack I'd send my party to take care of it while I sat and healed from far while spamming attack spells.
My first ever TV show. I can still feel warmth from that time. Surprise yuri was magical.
>seeing this on Toonami
>discovered NGE via on-demand cable
>watched Lain on TechTV
I really miss the melancholic atmosphere that seems to be so absent in today's anime.
Still better than being a guild master I guess
The World is supposed to be a hyper-advanced MMO, way more impressive than what was actually around at the time. The graphics are supposed to be hyper-realistic to the point where players sometimes almost forget that they're playing a game. If it fools the human brain to that extent, its graphics would be even better than the most advanced video game today.
I bet the authors thought 2019 would be like that. But look what we got. Literally nothing