Sex episode later
Black Clover
Can't wait.
I just now got to the point where it shows Not-Saber has a thing for him.
EXACTLY how hard do these two screw later? Holy fuck it's actually insane how compatible they are while still being total sex symbols. You can actually see it, too. The first thing you hear him say to her is "I'm fine. The ground just loves my ass so much, it won't let go," and then you think, "...if he talks to her like that all the time, then...whup, yup, there it is."
There's a saying, treat a whore like a lady and a lady like a whore. That's because you want to bore the hookers and excite the ladies.
Is this kind of stare exclusive for tsuns?
The what?
BC has a sex scene?
Dead series dead thread
It's still doing fine with manga release though.
Sad that the only not fucking idiotic shonen is doing poorly.
I hate people.
Isn't Demon Slayer doing relatively well though?
I want to thank you guys for not being an autistic fanbase.
>I just now got to the point where it shows Not-Saber has a thing for him.
What are you doing in spoiler-filled territory then? You're in the early 30s or so.
Kek why are you still watching that garbage when the true King of Shonen has arrived
>total sex symbols.
They're epitomizes sexuality
No, dude.
The possibility that they will fuck up his return hurts my soul
Imagine only watching one show at a time
All budget into salamander.
CP next issue
Care to elaborate?
>Care to elaborate?
Spoilers soon.
>worst character
>perfect design
why tabata
Noelle is a cute tsun.
You know who else is cute? Everyone in here! All posters here are cute!
Great taste, user
Here's an even cuter tsun
>male tsun
In the garbage you go.
Seethe more, user. In the end of the day the male tsuns are the superior tsuns
Say something nice to Tabata's wife
Charla died for this.
i wouldnt mind fugging her
Good. Watch Jack die for them too
Though I want Jack alive and have a children someday
I need some mating press older Charmy porn
Clean your toilet jimmbo
Noelle x Asta ship is a false promise.
Yuno and Asta is the only logical choice.
based yami keeping his hoes in line!
The chest thing is moot because she's wearing metal armor.
I want to suck his dick. Am I gay?
Are you male?
If so than yes
found Julius in Hungry Joker
Gosh, how it is possible for a middle-aged man to be this cute?
Why are clover women so useless?
also tabata was killing it in HJ. I hope some day we will get an anime adaptation, it had so much potential.
So is using kimetsu to shitpost your new angle now?
Its funny because Maki didn't do anything of worth until almost 200 chapters in
oh fuck, wrong person I meant
He's getting bullied in a false flagging thread so he is here to shitpost. Truly a pathetic creature.
>Vivian is just a smol Charlotte
I don't understand why MHATARD still not banned
Dont reply to me filth
Why wsj thread mad for black clover = shonen ver of berserk
Here's some Noll to brighten your day
Neither of them will go to porn
True, user
>Tabata: I wanted to make a manga like Berserk, but in shonen. Whether it's for its sets, its battles or its history, this series remains an important source of inspiration for me. I wanted a manga in this spirit, but in the shonen style.
It had a lot of style
Astelle is love, Astelle is life
Isn't that a common knowledge here?
Jimmbo used it for falseflager
Jimmy is having a field day in the ToC thread
Based noll bro
The thread is now filthy. Let the Tsun Tsun Queen cleans it for us
Vanessa is just as worthless regardless
I can at least appreciate the fact that he tries emulating an actual cool fantasy manga as opposed to faggoty spiderman comics
Sure she is Fire Force bro
Also your shit is worse than Soul Eater at its lowest points
Cleaning your toilet jimmbo
>he is getting bullied in the TOC thread so now he is here shitposting
Vanessa stopped being "worthless" around 50 chapters in.
I dont know why he types "mm" it's like the biggest give away
Jimbo = MHAfag?
around episode 14 right now (the gang just went back to their hometown and all rich people are evil)
does the anime ever get past the whole only 15 minutes of actual showtime in a 24 minute episode? I know its a long running series but damn
You just got to the point were the anime was struggling at its worst being exceptionally understaffed.
Yes but it gets worse before it gets better
Expect up to 7 minutes of no content in some episodes soon
And also expect bad animation, the arc after the dungeon is the absolute lowest point in the anime in pacing and animation
Damn, she's so hot
I want a high-school au with all the captain's in highschool uniforms
Sure about that?
That picture is shit! Post something of high-quality next time!
Also mods, don’t you dare fucking delete this picture, it was left on another BC thread just fine
It's a spoiler image, so it's fine
When will she get Yami's black katana, anons?
Our beautiful Sea Goddes
Episode is starting, bros
>literally just got in bed
Sleep is for the weak, bro
>no subs
What studio was this ep again? Looks terribly outsourced from the get go
RIP elfening
Biggest pet peeve with Ufotable.
Its like they stick their characters on sticks on glide them through the scenery.
There's like Zero weight at all here.
Black Clover deserved a Bones anime adaptation more than Bnha did
>no hentai of Char fucking herself with her rose tentaclds
didn't mean to reply
>sword clash wasn't a keyframe
W-we still have devil fight, bros
Oh. Are we back to falseflag shitposting ready?
But the sword clash looked terrible
Great ep today
You are hyperboling it to much.
Ir was standard fair and alot of the episode looked better than average
The only character I care about in black clover is the devil inside asta. When do we see him?
At the end of the elf arc for like two pannels
>inside asta
We don't He get purged.
>inside asta
user, the devil is inside his grimoire, not him.
When do we see the devil inside of Yamis pants?
When he and Charlotte stopped being fucking tsun to each other.
Preview for next episode looks litty
>Elf Marx threatening to destroy Julius' body.
>That Petit Clover
Well, despite them screwing with the sword clash panel the fight was better than expected. There's still a noticeable sexual tension between Charla and Yami so that's good.
But when the elves that possessed Marx and Owen threatened Julius's body I saw red. Gas all elves!!!
Whoa, nice.
if this is true then Wevil fight would be orgasmic.
The wevil fight is like a year away
Valkyrie Dress Noll, too. And I was really looking forward to Nozel getting penetrated by Compass-chan and Solid being mindbroken. Fuck.
Male tsuns can be cute but Langris certainly isn't
But he is!!! We just need to look for the right button to push!
Nice dead thread
Based Kimetsu for killing all shonen threads
Why does anime Nozel looks older than manga Nozel?
I'm not seeing it
>Pathetic ningens
Oh yeah?
*whips dick out*
Resist this!
>stood there watching and didn't attack while her two opponents are talking and distracted
No wonder the elf race is now extinct.
>that giant thorny dildo
Sex fight! Sex fight!
They were ours to begin with REEEEEEEEEEEE
She accepted a dual.
>What is this smol and pathetic pinus!!??
>All those billions of Snk threads still shitposting with full force
It didn't do its job very well.
Don't fucking feed him (You)s
>Jump pays people to shill on Yea Forums
Hers is bigger. Now spread your ass cheeks.
>implying elves can resist a dick
It's not the size that matters, user. It's how well you perform. So what if your dick is big when you can't even satisfy your partner?
Anime only here, does Henry ever become less annoying? I got spoiled about him joining the Black Bulls weeks ago and assumed from the glimpses I'd seen of his design that he was that snowman magic kid who'd kidnapped Marie and all the other children that Asta said he wanted to befriend once he got out of jail. Was kinda disappointed when I found out it wasn't him desu. The last thing the Black Bulls need is another meme-tier character with annoying habits that take over their whole personality.
The only dick that this elf slut would take is her brother's. It doesn't matter how good you are.
>Prepare your anus, ningen!
Nah, Henry is husband tier. And if you are really worried, he never leaves the Black Bull base.
Well, that dick belongs to Magna so back off.
Why did they have to give them DBZ auras? They could at least make them whiter.
Henry is great. What you are complaining about relates to his Japanese voice actor being shit and admitted to not knowing how to do Henry's speech pattern right in an interview.
That's some serious cope.
Size and excellent preformance>just excellent preformance.
That'd just become Mystic mode and non-sayan jobber aura.
>no lubricant
But fits the elves more.
But he literally did leave it.
I mean they were kinda there in the manga too.
But they could went with different colors
He was still near it.
Charla isn't a jobber, though. And yellow is ironically the only dragon ball aura that isn't automatically associated with guaranteed jobbing.
Near small pieces of it, you meant.
He still quite literally left it nonetheless.
Feels like they took it straight from Super
Based. I wanna see heavily pregnant Charlotte.
That's all he needs
Idk, but the anime elaborated me more than the manga that Charlotte's curse wasn't completely broken after all and the curse was a fucking serious huge nerfed to her magic. How did she exactly become a captain in her nerfed state?
You needed the anime to know this?
Everyone here knew
The curse was partially lifted by her falling for Yami. It's a common guess among manga readers that for the curse to be completely broken, she would have to either confess openly and/or be loved back.
Yeah, speedreader here.
That TOC thread is awful.
They are always awful.
It's such a meaningless thread
In my guess, I think she need the mutual feelings in order to break it completely since she accepted that she has feelings for him
Not him, but I think she has to confess, since she needs to learn to be honest about her feelings. It could maybe be connected to getting a known mutual love, but I think she a confession should be required.
>I think she need the mutual feelings
That's what I think too.
True love's kiss is what I think she needs to break the curse.
Lewd. Would the WSJ peeps mind about an adult kissing?
There's been several teens kissing in WSJ history, I'm sure they wouldn't mind adults doing it
But he is like that in the manga, it's just less annoying to read than to hear it
Or they will cut it out before they kissed or just hide it with Charlotte's long hair.
Never ever seen an adults kissing in WSJ. Man, if the that happened between Yami and Charlotte, it would somehow change the genre of Shounen
Only way I could see this work is if they're surrounded by Charlotte's roses and we see them turn from blue to red, which is cliche enough to happen now that I think about it.
I'd still rather see the act itself rather than the implication, but I'll take what I'm given and who knows,maybe we're all wrong aboutit happening at all.
I think a silhouette shot from a distant is probably allowed
Nolls confession better not be off screen.
Unless Mimosa confesses first since she is more accepting of her own feelings and seems braver than Noelle about romance.
>it would somehow change the genre of Shounen
There's been an instance of adults kissing in WSJ.
I dont care about that.
Noelle being honest and accepting her feelings is a huge landmark for her character and as a tsundere.
And dere character being affectionate is nothing really game changing to them.
>yami x charla was the sacrifice
Sad but I will take it if means everything else gets good quality.
Do you even watch this anime? This episode was much better than normal.
Fuego is the sacrifice. Go rewatch 62 or 48 and remember what actual garbage looks like
They knew making Yami episode badly would cost them a head.
This episode art was fine but it was a slideshow, a shame, I was expecting good animation for this fight.
Our new standard is sakuga or nothing.
They technically are.
>new standard.
>with long runners.
Keep that mindset i guess
My man Takahashi being a CAD in this episode and he give us his lazy ass involvement in this episode. I am now conflicted to you man.
Although I like his work on episode 69
I'll take onmodel and meh animation over. What we normally get
I hope some of the scenes get fix in the BD.
I like how Takahashi manage the animation consistently great in his supervision but today is one of his first poorly worked on episode
Most of it is fine though.
I feel like your upset because the clash was meh when everything else was pretty good
>claustrophobia fetish
fucking based
Big if true, although why should I believe him?
Look at the animators involved on today's episode
He's joking.
So you're saying boruto animators were listed for this episode?
The ep was disappointing though.
Next week’s episode doesn’t look good either despite the OP looking great.
Are these fuckers joining to sabotage it?
Doesnt matter how good the animator when you still only have a week to animate it
I mean, One Piece anime looks like trash 80% of the time and that's the greatest ongoing manga in Japan. I feel like you have high expectations of weekly anime. I honestly hope there's a break between season 2 an 3.
We are still on season1
I know this is a newfag question but is the Fanzell story expanded in anime or is it in some Light Novel?
It's not expanded in the anime but it's told well enough.
Adapted in the anime but originated in an untranslated Light Novel. Confused manga readers when he, Mariella and Dominatne suddenly appeared in the manga without any context.
>Confused manga readers
That's saying it lightly. Fuck, it's not even translated?
Yeah it was definitely a shitty choice from Tabata to just drop them in with no context or explanation.
And not just for the sake of westerners,I'm sure many jap readers were befuddled by their appearance.
I can't find any official or fan translations so yeah, I don't think it's translated yet.
Not really considering the actual volume release gives you a detailed rundown and exactally what's happening. And where those characters came from
When the official english volume came out, it had a brief bio of who they were and where they came from. Japan always had access to the LNs so they weren't confused I'm sure.
It's the pirates who got mad.
I'd rather have seen it in manga though.
Hmm, I really wanted the novels to be translated since I've read somewhere that according to the LNs Nozel is a sad drunk. I wonder if he still cries remembering Acier even now?
It's not a terribly interesting story.
The LN is like 95% SoL
Yes, CHADasta fucked Mimosa and Noelle.
Yami visiting Fuego was also in the LNs, right?
That's the 2nd one probably.
I dont know much about that one
But I like my SOL
Speaking of Light Novels, I kept seeing this image and I remember once wondering why Fuegoleon wasn't here. And then I realized that he was still in coma during the events of this novel. *tears up*
Now LN 3 will come out with Charlotte in a coma.
Fuck off with that meme
Don't you dare, user
Based user.
Anons here doesn't want to acknowledge that Charlotte being in coma is the shortest way to become stronger.
That's very lazy though. And I doubt that Charlotte would choose the lazy route.
she would surely choose the route that would surely lead her towards Yami's dick while making her stronger
The witch needs to be found to save her or a kiss from her loved one.
She will confess in Lucid Dream and that's how the curse will lift.
I really dont like the majority of the cast, the character interactions (which are 99% just everybody bringing in their 1 joke) and most of the character arcs.
But damn the main plot of Black Clover is really good.
>they added more effects to the new opening
I just hate the idea of a captain going into coma right after the other one woke up.
So the anime is not ending anytime soon, r-right?
Perhaps you shouldnt watch the anime then
Dorothy is always in coma.
Eat a dick
I agree. There's really no reason for Charlotte to go into coma. Unless it will have something to do with her curse and her Sleeping Beauty theme.
Dorothy being asleep most of the time manga has a connection to her dream magic. There's really no reason for Charlotte to go i to a coma at all since Fuego has just woken up.
I was on the verge of dropping it multiple times but I am glad I didnt.
Payoff is being worth it.
Fuegoleon and Finral were both in comatose state for months so what with anons asking for a Charlotte in coma? Fucking take your meme away we're all not coma addict here.
I more so ment read the manga because those hamfisted character interactions arent in it
>Finral were both in comatose state for months
Just a few days user
Finral was only down for like a a week in BC time
i swear i dont remember yami vs charlotte this early
Should I read the manga instead of waiting for the weekly episodes?
Re read from the beginning. Then once you get to where the anime is see witch you like more.
Of course. The manga has a rapid speed, you can read all the current chapters in one sitting.
Oh shit I forgot. But my point still stands. Why put another character in coma again when we already have two supporting characters whose developments have been halted for an indefinite amount of time because of coma? I rather have Charlotte dealing with the lingering effects of her curse and develop as a character more than be put to sleep like a fucking Disney Princess.
Do it, if only to see Tabata's artstyle instead of the pale imitation the anime provides most of the time.
They are doing things in a different order.
That's actually sounds pretty nice, I will check it out then.
That got me interested, I will check it out
Thanks guys
>I rather have Charlotte dealing with the lingering effects of her curse and develop as a character more than be put to sleep like a fucking Disney Princess.
A coma would give her no chance for character development and it doesn't fit her character either, as she wants to overcome things by hard work.
so its something i didnt notice in the manga, but someone pointed out the marks on owens face, and im curious if the marks on everyone elses faces means something
Woah. Chill, dude.
Didn't expect my meme magic triggers you this much.
Dont get me wrong, I like Char too
Owains is a medical symbol I believe.
Marx had USB ports.
Theres alot like that but many are really hard to tell what they are
>some anime online are clueing in on yuno being lichts unborn baby.
Yuno is such a cunt trying to act cool that he overpowered a fetus elf soul.
I think the word you were looking for is autistic
is he gonna rape her
This might be the weakest ep so far, it misses everything, animation, quality, direction.
Only yami looked good.
No, he only wants his onee-san.
You really should watch the entire anime before you say retarded shit
Please go watch anything from the capital riot arc
Cute Noelle in the petit clover. Also, pretty amazing that we've reached the great elfening.
I'm trying to have low expectations on valkarie dress but its sooo hard
>yuno being lichts unborn baby
oh is he the elf plant chick's younger brother?
user please
Mummy Charla!
imagine the backlash of the fans when the whole anime was teasing about yamcha but it just so happens to be that yami is actually a gay bara daddy who fucks all the male leaders haha
>get it? because lightning?
Don't you have a it's time or jojo thread to let out your gay impulses?
>killing your father-chan figure and 1/3 of your closest friends
ironically i love patri but FUCK william
But making a decision was so hard, please understand.
Fuck off, Sol. Yami will impregnate Charlotte and there's nothing you can do about it.
Human Charmy is an idealized form
Stop that. The only acceptable target to gay jokes and memes is Nozel.
until he starts going after his sister or get a girlfriend though
And Patri.
I already what will happen soon because I'm updated on the last manga chapter watching Yami protecting Julius' body made me tear. He looked so angry that I'm sure if those two elves weren't possessing his friends he would've fucking Dimension Slash'ed the shit out of them. And poor Sol, what happened to her and her squad at the hands of her own captain who was possessed might have been very traumatizing.
I liked that she had to suck yamis dick
I expected this page to look better, but it was an okay episode.
Is it weird that I still don't feel bad for Sol? I enjoyed seeing her desperate and that Charlotte's body reacted to Yami, but not her.
That was one of the more serviceable scenes
This is one of my favorite moments in the entire manga. I hope Clown doesn't fuck it up
lmao wanna argue with other fags and start a thread war
Considering its after the asta and yuno v licht
It's up on the air
Need a pic like this except it's human Nero sitting on his head.
No, I wanna see asta's face.
>cute as a human and as an elf
Luck is best boy.
Good taste
Charlotte pretending to smoke just to get closer to Yami when?
Never. His dick gets hard for her already cuz she keeps surpassing the limits of her curse.
Yeah, but she doesn't know that.
She doesn't know because Yami is Japanese. Their dicks aren't noticeable.
Wrong, japan has about the same dick size as the US despite the US having tons more niggers.
Where did vanessa go?
She had to be written out because she is the ultimate deus ex power creep of the series
probably not included because her magic makes her god basically
In what the anime or manga
How many dicks does William take up the ass on a daily basis?
Why did they make Yami look ugly as shit?
>Flashy fight = good source material
Lmao no.
Read the first 2 replies to the post user.
You should already know the purpose of that post.
An issue I have with yami in the anime is that they draw his foreheadfolds waaaay to heavy.
He doesnt have them most of the time in the manga
Hmm I never noticed
His nose is also weird from time to time.
Fuck Humans
Start from chapter 1 like a normal person
150, but this ep adapted chapters 168-169
You cant because the anime is doing things in a different order now.
The anime skipped like 25 chapters in a sense
so why did Not-Licht need to go grab a new grimorie when he possessed William, but all the new Elves are able to use their hosts' magic just fine?
Yeah I remembered reading that after posting that's why I will read the whole thing instead
>only works on Black Bulls
>drains shit ton of mana
>can't be used for offense
Charlotte getting briar armor when?
Not the same type of reincarnation, Patri and William don't have similar "wave length" or whatever you to call it, and Patri didn't have one before he died.
*Want to call it
You forgot the main point
>literally just her old power on auto pilot
Notice how the elfening lights came FROM the human bodies. The souls were already inside them.
A lot fewer than he used to, ever since Yuno joined his squad. That's why what's-his-face was all jelly about all the acknowledgement Yuno was getting. Apparently Yuno's top game is plus ultra.
TFW the fucking guy that made those Anime Spongebob Opening now works at Pierrot and animated some scenes from the last episode.
Are Kimetsufags and BCfags allies?
Yeah... I guess
Gotouge was one of the assistants who got serialized.
Read Viz' translation and then migrate to mangastream's.
Alright thanks man
This ep? cause this ep was shit.
The mangakas are friends.
Assistant to who
The fuck is up with kimetsu fans and the off topic shit?
There was a WSJ thread earlier. It was a shitshow.
Jimbo mhafag falseflager
No, everyone is having an all out free for all war
>hero caca
>SnK tards (couldn’t think of something funny)
>Kimitsu fags
>hunter””””””chads””””””” most likely the main influencers
>cuck clover
>flop force
Loosely based on popularity, the latter being the ones we, er, everyone should be least worried about
You mean the whole week
But SnK isn't Jump, why are they included in the wars?
There is no wars it's just people false flagging, also take this shit somewhere else.
Spoilers soon?
I know the TOC came out, but I don't think One Piece got it's spoilers yet, so it's probably going to be a while.
Yeah here is a spoiler
Noelle sucks my cock
It has spoilers and so does Kimetsu since yesterday
That would be hot mimosa
Then when ever black cow does his shit
He already abandoned us for mangahelper BC haters.
>Yea Forums
where do you think you are
He abandoned mangahelpers for twitter
He abandoned twitter for myspace
He abandoned myspace for reddit
He abandoned myspace for Friendster
Spoiler when?
asta dead in future will change people opinion about black clover greatness
Cut ur hair
Shut the fuck up you pathetic manchild, go clean your fucking toilet already
They should've kept the red aura through the ep
> hero caca
>Kimitsu fags
more like KINOmetsufags
>cuck clover
is flop clover
is Dr. Flop
>flop force
reminder that best boy's birthday is today!
say something nice!
i tried not using flop as much because it just gets repetitive and not that funny, just annoying
I wish Tabata would continue writing the series as if he never even existed. He's a fucking useless waste of space with a personality that clashes with Asta's as "rivals" and powers nowhere near as cool as Fuego, Mereo, and Magna. Just let him fuck off to a corner somewhere, have Magna be the main fire user, and occasionally do some epic power level shit with Fuego and Mereo.
You will get your own power-up soon!
I kinda agree. Leo is really meh.
I unironically like solid more than him.
>Just let him fuck off to a corner somewhere, have Magna be the main fire user, and occasionally do some epic power level shit with Fuego and Mereo.
So how it is already?
I doubt that. And even if he tried Tabata wouldn't get away with that. Besides, I like Leo's personality and there has already been a hint that he will get his own power-up soon. What I like about Tabata's writing is that he could juggle up and give a large cast of character equal attention and detail.
I see that somebody is still assblasted with episode 19 of Kimetsu. Poor thing.
i really do believe in him, he has potential, hes my favorite fire user and his personality is really fun to watch, i just wished he had more to do and that tabata would fucking make him more than a jobber, though the elf fight has proved me wrong so i have high hopes for him.
i was talking about magna btw
This term has lost all meaning hasn't it?
Seems so. Nobody really jobbed in this series anyway and Leo's performances against his enemies and opponents were excellent. It's not his fault that his last fight was against someone who is vice-captain level and boosted with elf mana.
That user was talking about magna, but yeah seems like it.
vangeance reveal / julius's backstory and fight was handled far better than I anticipated
I genuinely am baffled at how BC started off so badly, considering how Tabata clearly had a lot of stuff well thought out and foreshadowed ahead of time. The emphasis on group battles and even having background characters like the jobbers in the Royal Knights exam shine through put it ahead of Nardo/MHA completely forgetting and shafting its enjoyable casts to jerk off over the mc's gay love affair
now that you mention it, what is the manga/anime that compares to BC and mha the most?
initially i thought BC was more like bleach but turns out mha has more in common problems with bleach than BC
Asta will die, the price of using anti magic is negative karma
Using it so much with nothing in exchange will come back to hit the user and asta not having any mana will surely die
Asta says there's nothing he can do about it but struggle on
Augustus arrives and is furious
When will we find out who Luck's father is?
The king.
Spoilers fucking when? It looks like nobody's got deets for any SJ manga at the moment
Go back here tomorrow. Spoilers usually arrived late.
Kimetsu has theirs, I'm pretty sure
Post source
Don't they usually come thursday?
Episode 19 inspired the spoilerfags
early leaks since Jump was absent last week
Fuck seeing Julius' body and Sol crying this episode is making me crave the spoilers for the next chapter more and more. I want to know what will happen to my cute shota because this episode made me really sad.
Also what the fuck happened to Sol after she hid the cocoon with Julius' body in it?
She met up with yami again I think.
Then met up with yuno later
she fucks off to save some villagers or resistence or something
Too bad neither of them will end up with the guy they like, and neither of them will ever get proper attention from hentai artists.
Noelle is already basically guaranteed to end up with that pathetic loser Klaus. I hope he dies!
Klaus is for Mimosa
You what? Noelle has more chances to end up with Sekke than Klaus.
This is some pretty meh bait
>proper attention from hentai artists.
Noelle got a lot of lewd arts
Charlotte a few but those are pretty much decent ones
Can't wait for shota Julius to meet the other Magic Knights Captains. I bet it would be very hilarious.
Dead series. At least it was a legitimate competitor before the Boku no Cuckademia golems took over the threat and ever since then they've been censoring any criticism of Israel/Cuckademia itt.
Go falseflag to ToC thread, shitposter-kun
Hello falseflagger, isnt Kimetsu supposed to be on your list right nowM
He's still mad because of Kimetsu's episode 19. Kek what a loser.
See? Jew loving Herocuck cocksucking golem.
You are literally Joe Gomez, the 56% creatura who wants to die for Israel (BnHA).
Don't worry grapefag. Those pussies don't want to admit it but HeroAca is shit especially in the writing department.
Also death to Mirio aka ISIS
>Calls hero aca shit but can't accept bc is equally shit writing
>can't accept
WRONG everything is shit even the remains of your dead mom.
The sooner you open your eyes and see the reality of the world that everything is shit the sooner you will reach enlightenment.
Then just accept writing vanessa out of the story is shit writing since she could have just prevented tons of characters being turned into elves
Mirio = Israel
Miriofag/Patreak/Redditcucks = AIPAC/mass media
Zachary Whitchurch = JIDF/good goy
Mirio x Eri = ISIS
Based words of truth! Death to Mirio and especially MiriEri
Based GrapeCHAD saving shonen threads
>Miriofag aka Patreak is literally the one responsible for keeping Black Clover down.
The Jews are behind it as usual.
Gas the elves baby
That cockroach still hasn't killed himself yet?
Here's some Noll to brighten your day!!!!
Also fuck you shitposter.
spoiler when?
Maybe tomorrow, user.
Fuck, Lang rid. What the fuck with thid little shit? I get that he has an inferiority complex towards Final because people likes Final more than him but why was he as mad a bitch when Final ran away from home? He didn't even seem to like Final at all and yet he got so furious when his older brother ran away? The hell with this little fucker?
Are you okay? Are you having a stroke?
No. Just pissed at that fucker. I'm fine now, though.
>nozel is the bitch
thanks for making my night
spoilers wheeeen?
When will he finally die so we never need to see this stupid fucking hair again?
>bitching about his hair
user you are no fun
>yfw it's Magna's dad too
This kills the shippers.
At least their dad is still alive.
Charlotte have 2 brothers then?
Luck at the very most is a half brother to char
Reading the manga for the second time after a few years. I used to shit on the anime every chance I got but I kinda like all the anime original stuff that made it in. Too bad they don't know how to do hype right.
Fair enough.
I enjoy filler too.
Theres just such a horrid stigma to it now though.
He could be a legitimate brother of hers if we compare the elfening between the spatial brothers who born from different mothers.
He could be we really dont know the rules of this.
And imo I also dont think that's the case.
Well, Ecra and Droite are siblings as well as their human counterparts, so that indicates the case.
So what?
It could only be one parent that triggers it for all we know.
In this case being langris mother and the other being lucks father.
So no what you said indicates nothing
(Also just in case you didnt know I ment. I didnt think lucks mother was the mother of both I just dont see it.)
I ask anybody to sit through Naruto fillers and not have that opinion.
I never sat through the naruto ones because they were awful.
But I genuinly enjoy alot of the bleach ones
In other circumstances we can just say Luck got kidnapped or other else
You could but like I said that doesnt really answer anything.
Like I said theres nothing decisive on the subject.
I acknowledge the possibility. Even if I personally dont think that's the case.
>hating on the godly braid
Get out of here, you absolute pleb.
We need more tonight control from our MHA masters.
Noelle will soon wear the same braid.
He's gonna commit suicide when either Fuego or Yami becomes WK
This is a tsun manga. Being a tsun gives him a plot armor more invisible than a shonen manga mc. He won't be dying anytime soon.
Asta will be crucified for having a devil
Whether it happens before or during the attacks of other kingdoms is not known
Julius says it is time to pick a new WK since he is not longer capable of serving
It is down to yami, mereoleona, fuegoleon and nozel
Fucking kek, sounds gay though
Post source, nigga
Why would julius know anything about a devil?
I'm not buying it.
Post source.
There's not even One Piece spoilers right now. We won't have them until tomorrow
but kimetsu and chainsaw are out
Dont those chapters release on different days?
Last week was double issue so this week we will get the chapter one day earlier(Thursday) right?
Does the anime get better? I read the manga but I tried to watch the anime as well, the first few episodes had decent animation but after Asta becomes a Black Bull, I've only seen mediocre to bad animation. I'm currently at the part where Noelle is protecting the villagers from that dude with the ice powers.
It's a weekly long runner user.
Only select episodes will look good are you new to this?
We only watch sasuga episodes here.
No and in fact the show will end after the 102 episode since it was renewed for another season
Boruto is a weekly long runner too and I don't remember the minor scenes and fights looking as bad as Black Clover's. Maybe I'll just continue on and see if the major fights are actually well animated.
God when noelles face is actually drawn correctly in the anime my heart flutters
Boruto has a whole lot of nothing going on most of the time.
Well they stole animators from BC so yeah.
Look at One Piece now.
Still cant believe Nero is actually a human girl!!!!!
Please for all that is good dont tell me you think bleach invented that
Who invented it then mr robotnik?
>He still assblasted with the rise of Kimetsu's popularity.
Try reading a novel some time
Same day, this time they came out first
Nice example! Here is mine
Posting best brother.
>Still replying
Fuckoff shitposter
Yep, we will get the spoilers on Thursday. See you in the next thread, guys
That's not Langris
Last for best ship