I've been saying this for months. AOTY and anyone who says otherwise can suck my dick

I've been saying this for months. AOTY and anyone who says otherwise can suck my dick


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Writing issues aside, the direction is totally unmatched by anything this year, even Mob. I don't think I'd consider it better than Mob overall, but I'll give credit where it's due. Pseuds can call it shallow if they want, but that's a reductive take given the importance of presentation in a visual medium. Nothing in the writing itself is jarring, there's enough prior information to make the moment feel earned, and ufo even adjusted a scene to make it flow better. That bodes pretty well for the current manga arc which is way too flashback heavy.

No you haven't you reddit tourist

I bet you also though veg was aoty.


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this is only the second ever anime ive dropped
what it takes for someone to enjoy this mindless drivel is a mistery to me

State of this board.

i've dropped it in the first episode after some character made one of the most generic speeches i've ever seen in my entire life not even mha and one piece had something this generic

>admitting you prefer style over substance

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Style is substance. There are many things to appreciate in any medium.

It isn't when you can just watch full fight clips on youtube and get the same experience as someone wasting their time watching every episode. It's all style and zero substance, the story and themes aren't worth exploring at all.

I dropped the manga years ago because it's was too generic. But the animation seems great, I guess I will try the anime now

There's merit mentioning when something is up to par when the standard of animation in Japan is "there isn't any"


How many do we need?

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kek, no wonder a shitco fan thinks this trash is good

it's just Yea Forums crossboarders report and move on

>when you can just watch full fight clips on youtube
I think you're misinterpreying what style is. The whole show is stylistic from the scenery to the character design special effects,personality, music, sound effects which are all thematic reflect that period of Japan and makes the watcher have a grasp what living there might have been like. It's not a hyperbole to say every frame of this show is stylistic. Which is all impossible to give in a 5 minute youtube cut.
>It's all style and zero substance, the story and themes aren't worth exploring at all.
I feel like you say that as if it's a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with focusing on style. As an artist of any kind, your purpose is to express feeling through a choosen medium/s. So why can't that medium be visual. Why can't the visual themes be explored? Is this period of japanese history not interesting. Or the consistant visual design of the demons are they not worthy of artistic merit? The story is only there as a way to deliver this themes and so far I think it does a good job.

Not to mention there are people who've admitted to getting emotional upon hearing Nezuko speak, and experience you'd only have if you had sat through the whole show. Not something you can glean from clips. So much of the negative rhetoric surrounding this just centers around the masses being plebs, but the irony of dismissive mentalities is that they themselves should be entirely ignored.

more like worst anime of the year

When this show gets praise, it's almost always about how good the fights look. The story just gets ignored or people talk about its elements like they're on a list to check off. That's what I'm getting at about style, scenery really has nothing to do with it. It seems like the best parts and the only reason to watch are the fights. I'm better off just watching clips of those moments on Youtube. It's the same problem I have with Black Clover, people just seem to talk about how awesome that power-up was or how epic that fight was. There's no substance, it's people getting hyped over dumb shit that looks good.

this. The show is generic as hell and you could skip everything and just watch the fight scenes and get the same out of it as someone who watched every part of it. It's shounenshit that for some reason gets a pass on this awful board

This moment wouldn't have nearly as much buzz around it without the emotional weight behind it. If the writing was nonsense, if the moment felt unearned, you would not be seeing the reactions you have. That is not to say the writing is complex, but Black Clover in nearly 100 episodes has not come close to kicking up the kind of dust Yaiba did in its last few minutes here.

The weight of Tanjirou's entire history as we've seen it is carried through this moment. The audience has continuously watched him suffer and struggle, they've seen that he's more than just a caricature of hot bloodedness and hard work, and they've seen how his bond with Nezuko grounds the whole show. These elements supplement the audio and visuals for a pretty resounding success.

>the irony of dismissive mentalities is that they themselves should be entirely ignored.
Can we turn this into a fucking banner?

But you can't just watch the fight clip separate of the context and get the same result, not even close. Otherwise I'd just be sending the clip of the fight instead of recommending the whole show, even with the faults in the middle, just to enjoy ep 19 to the fullest. It is A LOT of style and SOME substance.

What show this season has the substance that is lacking from Kimetsu no Yaiba?

I posted this before and I will do it again. The first four episodes were decent and this last one was a freak accident. The rest of the series is pretty bad, specially after the boar and yellow guy were introduced. Notice how the quality skyrockets as soon as those two leave the scene.

How did he not get damaged by Nezuko's explosions?

This isn't Shingeki no Kyojin

The yellow guy has had a few good moments and while the boar guy annoyed me at first he's starting to grow on me a lot.

Yellow guy needs some character development really fucking soon.

get some taste normalfag

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>It's bad because it's shonen

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This just seems like some stereotypical shonenshit to be honest and most shonenshit has animation of this calibur or even beyond (naruto and hxh)

Is this that gay ass show with the girl who has a log in her mouth? lol

Because a season and a half in and even with only a handful of recurring characters Tanjiro is still the only decent one.
>convenient plot device demon sister is convenient
>yellow shrieking autist is only tolerable for the 10 seconds every few episodes he's unconscious
>pig shrieking autist is at least starting to learn to be less autistic
>shrieking autist crow was never funny
Everyone else is either a bland stoic, one-off NPC, or monster of the week (they do have some personality, at least). The fight scenes are gorgeous and Tanjiro is goodest boi but there's not really any other reason to watch it over other battle shonen, hell Fire Force is just getting started and it's already better. At least I got a chuckle last episode when Tanjiro said Nezuko is a person with her own feelings and desires.

For me to actually enjoy a series, I need to be immersed by it
I can’t be immersed in a setting that directly ignores contradictions when you think about its realism based on the established rules
Think about it: heroes outnumber villains 12:1, they even have an entire fucking school for it that splurges out an entire group of heroes every fucking year they graduate. Most of them go become a private hero, yet SOMEHOW it’s still fucking profitable despite the oversaturated market
That’s not even mentioning the lack of a growing source for villains. When you have a few dozen A-class heroes being made every year + the hundreds of heroes prior that exist to hold an iron fist when punishing crime, it’s pretty fucking suicidal to go “hey, I’ll go commit a crime. What could go wrong?”
That’s not even mentioning the chracter writing. All this bullshit comes from the premise alone. You could show me all the sakuga clips all you want, but the immersiveness of the story is of a quality even fucking lower than something as “””comfy””” as some mediocre SoL

It's completely possible to fit the emotional context and weight of the scene within a clip because the writer loves to use flashbacks and narrate the fuck out of everything for the ADHD viewers. I've slogged through 9 eps while hating on the storytelling but a clip I saw of ep 19 gave me chills when I forgot for a moment how bad everything else was.

FUCK you see how EPIC that is

The EPIC slowdown as he has an EPIC sad flashback scene in the middle of the fight and then EPIC music plays in the background and then the protagonist EPICLY screams about fighting for his friends or whatever as he hits the bad guy EPICLY and the episode ends.