Thoughts on this anime?
Bunny girl Senpai
I watched about 3 episodes didn’t finish it idk
i hated it but understand why some would like it
Rio a best
Tomoe and Kaede a second best
Mai and Nodoka a shit
Surprisingly good MC.
Fun Dynamic between the girl
Plot twist with th sister was pretty sad.
Anime itself was good. But for some reason any mention of it makes most of the people on Yea Forums batshit insane
you have the rarest mentality on this entire site, dont let this board ruin you
Its a good anime, don't let the contrarian fags be the biggest voice because I was there when it was airing and the threads were comfy.
And nobody a shit except you.
monogatari lite
Fucking based and respectpilled.
She looks like a good gf but she never gives her holes to her boyfriend play so she's a cunt.
>Plot twist with th sister
It is really sad that unlike certain other panda she did not make it
This but I still liked it.
This. Maicucks will seethe.
Not enough actual bunny girl
It's trash.
Mai is 100% Senjougahara-lite but unlike with Crab I don't hate her relationship with Discount-Araragi - though I do like Tomoe better. Of course, I didn't hate Crab as the gf in Bake or Nise so we'll see what happens.
I want to bully big butt kouhai for having a big butt.
It was derivative as fuck, but still pretty fun.
my only problem with it is the lack of Tomoe.
Based tomoebros
>literally posts slutty pics online while pretending to be the nerdy girl
Can't get more 3DPD than this
AOTY 2018. Best ongoing LN. Movie was also God-tier. Just waiting for the S2 announcement to solidify itself as a AOTD contender.
It was decent. Nothing groundbreaking or anything. MC being semi-chad and Mai being a Yukino clone pretty much carried the show themselves, to say the least.
>But for some reason any mention of it makes most of the people on Yea Forums batshit insane
Threads about this anime hardly get replies even this one I am sure will die without many.
THK and his insecure clockwork shit-taste+upvote never misses a beat.
Your butthurt is showing.
Not too long ago these threads used to get a few hundred at least. I don't know if I prefer mostly empty threads or the infested waters of shitposting and riofags from back then.
They're not all gone though. We get it, you can't process any attractive traits beyond tits.
I rolled my eyes every time I see a topic asking what people think about this anime or manga. It's like, do you seriously need to to know people's opinions before you watch or read something? Best way to know is to find out for yourself and form your own thoughts.
Irony, THK.
I liked it, though I don't think it was anything extraordinary. Solid seasonal material.
>Threads about this anime hardly get replies
I see. Well it looks like situation got better with time. Not so long ago those threads were full of "literally me" or "discount monogatari/Haruhi" shitposts
I'm chill tho. It's funny how you sperg at the sole mention of futaba tho.
>unironically backwards ranking
It was great, i loved how it was separated into different arcs with the girls. The sister arc was the saddest shit ever.
Never got the hate for this anime, guess people were really upset about the show not being about CGDCT in bunny outfits.
Mai a fucking shit
>nervous, anxious, apprehensive, trigger-happy because he's butthurt Mai is by far more popular
Sure thing.
Just like Nino. Or Ginko. Or any other best girl from her respective series
You sound insecure.
>Movie was also God-tier
I did not follow it but is it available on torrents?
A very terrible mix of Haruhi,Bakemonogatari and Oregairu. MC is also peak cringe. Someone post that webm.
Boring shitty version of monogatari
>implying 90% of monogatari isn’t insanely fucking boring
> replying to braindead autists trapped in shitposting limbo
It's not a masterpiece like some fans say but it's not shit some haters say. If you look past the trolling and bait, the show is above average to pretty good. It is character-driven with some blended elements of Yahari and Bakemonogatari
T he strongest selling point lies in MC's interactions with the girls and how he helps solved their (supernatural/ quantum) problems aka puberty syndrome. The main girl (bunny senpai obviously) and MC's sweet & spicy chemistry-filled interactions in particular is exceptionally a cut above the rest.
Imouto arc made me cry.
It honestly looks like compelete shit
no, it was incredibly shit, go back to r/anime
Then don't watch it retard
Ah yes, the classic "reddit" meme. Considering they like half the shows Yea Forums likes, I guess we are bound for "reddit," amirite?
I didn’t say I disliked it, overall it’s really great. But it has serious flaws, one of which happens to be that it’s arcs can be extremely drawn out and boring.
Yeah, I'm thinking he based
It's a distillation of the monogatari formula.
Yea Forums figured out early on that this was garbage. r/anime on the other hand circlejerked it. considering how you're jerking off to it, you're probably from r/anime, which is why you need to go back
Pretty much the only reason to watch Monogatari is to see Watanabe Akio's designs being animated and to hear voices of some great VA. Other than that it is really boring
Based Futabachad.
Extremely overhyped, I mean, its not bad but its a fucking 13 episode anime and its pretty forgettable outside of its quirky name.
Poor man Clannad
Your 'reddit" meme didn't take flight to become trollbait until around the 8/9 week. Nice try, though.
Characters in Clannad look like freaking aliens. I do not know how anybody was even able to force himself watching it
It was one of the best shows last year and I really liked it. The ending was kind of ill-fitting though, it didn't feel like an ending at all and raised more questions than it answered, but I guess this is the fate of LN adaptations. Looking forward to the movie BDs.
the first three episodes were great, they hooked me in. it went downwards after that, not that much, but it did. too much characters and not a lot of developent after each ones arcs.
mai best girl btw
agreed, even though theres people who shit on too hard
Decent anime, god tier ED
>It's Clannad!
>No, it's monogatari!
>No, it's Haruhi!
>No, it's Yahari!
Lmao. More like it's a bit of all of those, alongisde with some new elements, LIKE EVERY FUCKING PIECE OF CREATIVE WORK EVER CREATED. Originality doesn't exist.
Bunny Senpai > Imouto = Idol > Fit in > Thieving Cat > Camwhore
Mai is perfect. Fat ass kouhai was great too
Are kouhai allowed to have such fat asses?
That is a crime that requires severe punishment
Asking same question. I want to watch the movie too.
>that hand
user, pay more attention
I don't think the BDs are out yet.
What kind of punishment does that big, round crime need?
a hell of a kick
>MC is also peak cringe. Someone post that webm.
This one? Yeah the MC was very bad, I only watched 3 episodes before I dropped it because of him.
Imagine waifuing a casting couch whore
Prone bone, every night.
i enjoyed it
At least Panda Kaede was able to visit Everest before her death
That is one smug looking cat.
Garbage derivative writing with waifubait
lol shopped
How does a scientist keep so fit?
By having sex for money every day.
By masturbating every hour
How can F*taba even compete?
Is masturbating a good way to keep fit?
Depends on how you do it.
Low-tier knock-off of Oregairu, Haruhi, and Monogatari. Author has ideas but no comprehension of the elements he borrows. Could've been much better
I didn't expect much from it, only picked it up on a friend's insistence, but I ended up really enjoying it. Hope the movie isn't trash.
Monogatari ok, but Haruhi has nothing to do with it and Oregairu is utter trash.
>Surprisingly good MC.
Especially this, one of the rare cases of a perspective character that is not faceless and blank to function as some kind of viewer standin through which the latter might achieve some power phantasy but actually an interesting character that makes the show.
>Fun Dynamic between the girl.
Also agreed — I like that they went not with the trite formula of "oblivious to love m.c.'s" where everyone but the main characters can see they're falling in love and they pretty much just flirt around both being aware that they obviously are having growing feelings for each other.
>Plot twist with th sister was pretty sad.
A crime against siscon to take siscon Kaede away from us.
>2 right hands
I want to marry Tomoe and grope her big fat butt
i like it
Extremely mediocre anime. Not terrible but literally just a mishmash of ideas stolen from stuff like Clannad, Haruhi, Monogatari among others. The critical acclaim it got was not earned and you can clearly tell with how it fell off the radar immediately.
There is some user who would call this a time flop, but I don't know if he's around anymore. And anybody who can take something like this scene seriously is retarded.
The amount of booty-blasting caused by this show being influenced by other popular series is kind of astonishing.
MC can't be literally me because if he was he would have immediately tapped that.
Mai a shit
Show would have been a lot better if it just focused on Mai x Sakuta.
Prove me wrong.
You're probably right, their dynamic is the highlight of the show. An actual developing and progressing relationship between two people that bounce off each other interestingly is an exceptionally rare thing in anime. And most media.
Futaba a shit.
I can respect you guys if you like it knowing it's literally Monogatari-lite so I won't sperg out but Jesus Christ, why would a publisher not just laugh the author out of the building when he presents this?
Futaba a best
>This number of IPs
>This number of near identical posts about things the show is influenced by
Really makes you think.
I know what you're saying user but writing a quasi-harem LN about supernatural forces bothering some girls and the smart-ass MC guy that saves the girls from them is more than just "influence" you know?
I don't, because you could describe nearly half of all TV anime this side of Haruhi like that and be in the ballpark.
a shit.
>butthurt Maishitter
Futaba a fucking best
Objectively correct taste
>dat ass crack
I didn't like the MC. His interactions with the other characters got pretty boring fast once i noticed his conversation patterns with the other characters excluding his sister,male friend and dad.
His pattern was to me:
>girl says something either snarky or uppity
>he says something lewd or makes a lewd comment
>girl gets embarrassed
Honestly, I just don't like the way the writer of the series does things, I really hated how he wrote the sakurasou MC with a passion.
It was good and the MC was literally me.
Kaede a best
Woah, she's truly the best girl
normie monogatari
This. Like every other show, they try to push it as a Monogatari-killer but it never is.
Yep and i couldn't finish it because of it, I love the monogatari series way too much to watch this derivative shit
Pics from the new artbook have made their way to Baidu Tieba. No scans yet, though.
look again retard
Complaining about anime being derivitave is like complaining about getting wet while swimming.
I'm pretty sure the shitposting is one or two Monogatari fans who have a really, really hard time accepting that Monogatari itself is the result of other influences and not entirely unique, created in a creative vacuum in which no other media exists. So rather than accept that two shows could have similar influences, clearly the other similar show has to be a ripoff.
MC and Mai's dynamic was really good. If the show had actually been about that it would have been great, but it wasn't, so it was merely okay. Peaked at episode three.
People say it's like Monogatari, but I dunno. Couldn't even get through an episode of that, but wasn't getting similar vibes at all past the most superficial boy-meets-girl level.
>So rather than accept that two shows could have similar influences, clearly the other similar show has to be a ripoff.
Well yeah, least amount of assumptions made. What is more likely? NisiOisin and Kamoshida both had the same influences when we know NisiO has a large variety of influences for even the most arbitrary shit or that Kamoshida was influenced by NisiO's work that started a decade earlier and has shown great results?
Yeah I guess you're right. Mai being a long hair beauty just like 'gahara, having an animal-themed motif (bunny/crab), a hard-to-read-kanji supernatural affliction (physics problems/aberration) being a tsundere, and being saved by the also-aberration-afflicted off-beat smart-ass monologue-reliant MC guy with the also-aberration-afflicted sibling was just cause the author of Bunny Senpai read the same shit Nisio was reading 10+ years ago.
Nisio was just ripping off other shit too like uh...
like uh...
>Animal-themed motif
You mean wearing a bunny suit for part of one episode? Like Haruhi, a show it's also clearly heavily influenced by?
You're right user I forgot the show is called Rascal Does Not Dream of Mai Only Wore The Bunny Suit For Part Of One Episode Senpai.
fuck I hate this so much and it hurts when people praise it but to each his own I guess
Because the whole thing's named after the first LN, which itself kind of has a misleading title as to how much of a bunny girl Mai is.
Not him, but the original pic had two right hands.
Everyone knows that. But they fixed it later
If you like this show you're Reddit, and you need to leave immeditely.
How do you even know what leddit likes without frequently visiting it?
Haven't you heard? The only way to not be leddit is to obsess over what they like and make sure your taste never lines up with it, ideally it'll be the exact opposite. Because that's how you avoid being leddit, letting it dictate your taste to you.
Kouhais should NOT have fat asses like those.
>shurodingersu neko
I want to kick it
Can Futaba make my dick disappear?
She can make you both cum and not cum in the same time. And you will not be able to tell for sure if you came or not without looking inside your pants.
Generic Trash but the main girl is cute though.
A poor man's monogatari with a really good ED.
I Love you