Are there anime/manga you're hoping to get axed or flop?

Are there anime/manga you're hoping to get axed or flop?

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Yes, eery season
Your pic is already a guaranteed flop

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Your favorite.

Full Crap Alchemist

Why? Genuinely curious.

No way fag

It's possible. Nasu has talked about ending the game after this next big story arc.

Act-age. Please just die already.

Well. also anything I'm not personally enjoying, if it doesn't benefit me in some way or another then it's bloat in the universe that shouldn't exist.

I kind of want Isekai as a trend to end. But at the same time, I'm not such a child that I want shows other people like to end just because it's not for me.

He's going to be leaving the writing team after the next big story. I doubt that means the game is ending. Or even that he's never coming back.

As long as he's free to do something else like Tsukihime or something new that's not mobageshit, I'm fine with.

He's probably thinking FGO will sink without him. When he sees it's still popular, he'll come back with another singularity that sucks the dick of either Camelot or Rome.
FGO is bigger than Type Moon now.

This.It's very very very very cliche holy shit.

They should its misery.

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SnK. I'm still hoping that the author will make a mistake so grievous that even their cocksuckers will have to face reality.
Also DBS, if only because I want the spics to fuck off.

It's not isekai that's the problem, if you look back, battle schools and other action fantasy LNs weren't so different. They focused too much on making the MC a wish fulfillment for losers who want girls to like them and look awesome while achieving everything with no struggle. 99% of LNs are just cancerous but the industry decided adapting them is a good way to profit since that's what Haruhi showed them.

Congrats on making the most pathetic thread on the board.

DBS is a massive success. Stay mad, FMAshitter.

Good point user. I was the guy who posted Black Clover thinking it's the worst but seeing this, I might reconsider.

The Tsukihime remake is never happening, user.

At least FMA ended. DBS is just dragging Goku's corpse.

I guess that's true. I have a bit of a personal grudge against Isekai, but pretty much every kind of wish fulfillment light novel adaptation trend is bad.

Dr Rick and morty is infinitely better than naruto 2.0, retard

I miss the pre-2006 era before Haruhi killed anime.

>Haruhi killed anime
Implying it wasnt the crippling blow. K-On put the last nail in that coffin nigga. Its one of the few reasons I'm grateful for the fire hikkimori doin what he did

Calling Black Clover "Naruto 2.0" is giving it too much credit.

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fuck yes, I wish shows I hate get AXED AND FLOPPED. Fuck anime and manga.

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It was Haruhi. Without the mindblowing succes, LN adaptations would still be a very strict minority reserved for decent writers. Haruhi was the reason the gates opened to talentless hacks who realized they didn't even need to know how to draw if you made a snarky literally me self insert and vaguely described the girls as attractive and in love with you for no fucking reason.
Without Haruhi, SAO and IS wouldn't have gotten past any sort of screening.

>thread about wishing other people's fun to end
>attracts nothing but shounenshitters

If a moeshit series you like ends, you can just rewatch any previous clones in the same genre and you'd have the exact same experience. Problem solved.

>if you criticize shounen, you like moe!
Every time.

Isn't that kind of like blaming Shrek for Western Animation declining? Like, don't blame the original. Just the shitty imitators.

Why do people hate Act-Age?

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>don't blame the original. Just the shitty imitators.
This. It's as if everyone ITT doesn't realize there's a cycle to every trend, and any major success always spawns a wave of copycats until something new and original comes along.

EAT SHIT nigger. SnK is better than your fave manga

Aruburu Kisetsu no Otomodomo yo
Impure anime girls are unacceptable and should not be tolerated.

The show is fun OP, what's your issue? Not a fan of original mecha shows? Or yuribait?