Start ranma

>start ranma
>it's all LEGS LEGS LEGS
fuck me why have i never watched this before

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Other urls found in this thread:

She's a dude my dude.

not in girl form lad.

Attached: [Cleo]Ranma_½_-_03_(Dual Audio_10bit_BD1080p_x265).mkv_snapshot_09.07_[2019.08.12_21.49.34].jpg (1920x1080, 165K)

I dont care if she's a girl in shape, in brain and behavior she's still a dude. So sex with her would be gay, and i'm not gay.

>benis in bagina = gay

Attached: [Cleo]Ranma_½_-_03_(Dual Audio_10bit_BD1080p_x265).mkv_snapshot_09.23_[2019.08.12_21.50.25].jpg (1920x1080, 163K)

I'm currently at episode 39 and I dropped it, it just became so stale. No progression at all. I'm not going to watch 150 episodes of this shit. Recommend me the best ones.

I recommend you eat dicks nigger

Are you 12?

>No progression at all
Well no.
It's all just episodic goofs.

so stacked. i bet she gives really good zuri.

Attached: [Cleo]Ranma_½_-_04_(Dual Audio_10bit_BD1080p_x265).mkv_snapshot_02.51_[2019.08.12_22.35.46].jpg (1920x1080, 113K)

>Progression in a Rumiko series
Read the manga

also the backgrounds in this are really nice.

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Wtf girls have legs??

I sure hope this thread doesn't awaken something in me.

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How does Rumiko Takahashi consistently draw the best looking girls?

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even this one is cute

Attached: [Cleo]Ranma_½_-_03_(Dual Audio_10bit_BD1080p_x265).mkv_snapshot_18.38_[2019.08.12_22.18.57].jpg (1920x1080, 167K)

nabiki best

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Stumpy legs.

>why have i never watched this before
If I had to guess, I'd say that's probably because you were born either in the very late 90s or the 2000s.

I'm convinced she's a closeted lesbian.
The closet is pretty fucking thin, but she's way in there.

user, I started watching this show when I was 5 in the start of the early 2000's .

Probably, I wonder what she thinks of burgers complaining about suggestive themes?

You goddamn plebs you can recognize a female author by the way they draw fanservice of girls. They high key focus on thighs rather than boobs

More focus on boobs = male artists

It's gets better. Nudity! eau mai!

>show about genderbending main character
>eventually sidelines the genderbending for unfunny love triangle antics
What did Rumiko mean by this?

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>Akane is her self insert
>Male and female fans find both forms of Ranma hot and popular
>Akane has a few fans but isn't that well received
>Get jealous of Ranma
>Make every male and female character praise, like, or fall for Akane

>not wanting to dominate girl ranma to assert your masculine dominance

You sound gay af. Fucking her would be the straightest thing you can do.

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Ranma desperately needed more Nabiki episodes

28 episodes in and its still fun as hell, but does the budget ever return?

thighs are justice

Plus, Ranma pretty easy to get along with and get in good favor with if you play your cards right. Sure he can be blunt, sneaky, and rude but he's shown he can be nice if you show him respect and kindness.

*especially that one is cute

It's a fucking slapstick comedy. What did you expect?


Is it really?
I mean this episode was, but until Kodachi i don't remember any prominent legs...


Don't forget the tits

It depends on whether she is theoretically able to produce children. Was that stated in anime/manga?

Because you're a faggot. Did you finish Sailor Moon already?

It returns for the OAVs and movies, never again for the tv series.

I don't think the manga ever brings it up, but it was explained at some point. But yes, he can get pregnant in female form (I think he's even forced into that form until birth).

In theory, yes, but it requires juggling Chinese curses to make it work. See: Musk Dynasty arc.

Girls like cocks so if you stick your dick in them that's gay get over it.

Requires the ladle and bucket of locking. Would Ranma's offspring come out more masculine? Or a bit more blurred gender-wise?

Goddamn why is she sexual? Honest to god if girl Ranma got seperated she would be the best girl.

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There's about two arcs where she does. Actually three if Im correct. One where it's the vampire energy in your pic. Another where a girl clone is made who cant change back to a male, and keeps trying to have sex with male Ranma. And the third one where ranma gets hypnotized by an item into liking the first person he sees, aka it ends up being Ryoga and shenanigans of trying to sex him ensues.

Oh yeah and the time where he gets amnesia and really thinks he's a girl.

There isn't any reason why his offspring wouldn't just come out looking normal.


This is the one anime that unintentionally made all the trans anime fans realize they were trans.

>Ranko with her hair down...

Still makes me harder than diamonds even after all these years.

gender bender fetishism!=gender dysphoria
Your dick getting big because a dude becomes a girl doesn't make you a tranny.

any anons have the blu-rays? how are they? i've only got 1 and 3 (still 46 episodes) but I've been wanting to start it, I'll probably put yatsura on hold for a while and switch over soon. man 80s slapstick is so fucking comfy. just found out about tokimeki tonight, how does that compare to this and yatsura?

That and they tend to be a little better at the suggestive portrayal of regular clothing and more realistic figures. Male artists tend to have their focus on more explicitly sexual fanservice by contrast.

The author said that Ranma would beat up anyone who tried it, and why are you thinking about it?

maybe I want to get beat up by Ranma

lots of legs and sex-change lesbian shenanigans but it's not worth it to be dick teased 400 episodes just for literally nothing to happen.
just watch TLR:Darkness instead.

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It is one of the best thing that bitch can draw, my leg fetish is probably her fault

Right, the only straight thing to do is to suck the dick of a girl who’s been turned into a man

You’re pretty bad at reading comprehension eh

Lmao why doesn't Ranma just move to a desert so he never turns into a girl again

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She is my amoral merchantfu

Kodachi > Ranma > Shampoo > Nabiki > Kasumi > Ukyo >>>>>>> panda shit >>>>>> akane

trash taste, even reversed it'd be much better

Why should this be a problem?

>best girl is a guy

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Not when girl~

Women do draw some delicious women.

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because she writes manga/draws anime that goes on for literally 100's of episodes/chapters with nothing ever going anywhere or getting resolved.
same shit in Ranma 1/2 as fucking Urusei whateverthefuckthatgayshitis and fucking Inuyasha.

I've never seen leg anatomy that fucked

>because she writes manga/draws anime that goes on for literally 100's of episodes/chapters with nothing ever going anywhere or getting resolved.
Because times she did resolve things there were riots

>Goddamn why is she sexual?
Because she still has a boy's sexuality

Well, animal waifus give animal powers, so I was curious if Ranma's curse and being originally a man would give any weird powers.

More like he'll pass out from the heat, get splashed awake when the bedouins come to rescue him, only to then get taken prisoner as harem member #478

Ukyo isn't a guy user

>Nabiki that high
>Ukyo and Kasumi that low
Akane is the only thing right about that list.
Checked and truth. Except for the Akane part.

>no girls hit by nannichuan ever turned up
She could easily have squeezed an extra volume or three just resolving the shenanigans from that alone.

switch nabiki and kodachi and you are correct

Theoretically, he can get pregnant as a girl, but you need to lock him in that form with the Ladle of Locking, or else a splash of hot water will restore him to normal and magically disintegrate it. Mind you, he'll kill you for trying, but facts are facts.

...I was going to say that they'd probably be gender-blurred towards the feminine, but that's not right; the Musk inherited things like the wolf's speed, the tiger's strength, the dragon's magic. So, yes, girl!Ranma's offspring would probably be very macho looking.

Wrong. The Musk Dynasty was literally founded on the premise that animals turned into women will create human kids with animal attributes. And it worked. You have a super-fast guy who had a wolf for a mom, a super-strong guy who had a tiger for a mom, and a super-magical guy who had a dragon for a mom.

ah kuso here we go again

kodachi is canonically the ugliest, even worse than the trap

plotfags will never understand

To be fair to the Musks, I'm not certain the animal was necessarily their most recent ancestor, but at the same time, they probably had several generations of "purifying" the animal bloodlines down to a fine art.

>Downloading DNRed blurry release

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>but does the budget ever return?

The first show (the high budget one) tanked so hard they cancelled it after 18 episode and replaced it by Ranma Nettohen.

Urusei Yatsura's manga is getting this fancy new English release, is this a good starting point for getting into Rumiko Takahashi's works?


Keep trying to convince yourself, Shitbasa.

Oi, that pigtailed chick kicked my ass.

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based and romanpilled

Oh thank god, I was thinking I'm never going to watch Ranma if the BDs look as terrible as the screenshots earlier in the thread.

If it has a vagina, it talks like a vagina, even smells like a vagina. I'm all good.

She is hot

Was Big trouble in Nekonron China even a good movie? "It's Love" is a banger.

Wait, it is?! When? Where?

He's a sexy girl

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>stick benis into bagina and make a baby
I think you're the homosexual one user.

female mangaka always write/draw the best girls

>Hidamari Sketch

Mori doesn't count. Girls more of a horn dog then most men.

Shampoo > *

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Mori is hella gay though and draws with her bageen, so it's not a wonder. Otoyomegatari is very blatant at times.

its already out

Azusa is the best and I wish she had stuck around as a supporting character and not someone who had like 5 total appearances.

Ranma is hilarious but in some ways UY is funnier. It's fun to see just how many ideas Takahashi ended up recycling to Ranma from UY.
Maison Ikkoku is still her best though

Nah, fuck that noise. Literally. Her autism only really works in very small doses.

But she has the most delicious legs in the whole cast and big fluffy hair.

Fuck off to Tumblr tranny apologist.
What matter is the body. Your doesn't make your sex.

Your mind*

>those digits
Fuck, I want to disagree with you, but all those heads and tails will win you a mahjong hand.

Now you see the true power of Azutism.

>Urusei whateverthefuckthatgayshitis

You need to go back.

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Ranma anime is bad. Read the manga and watch some separate episodes that are based on the manga, movie 2 and OVA. That or go watch UY and MI that are consistently good.

This. It's fucking exhausting to see people go on about how relationships never go anywhere. Even in other series. I think the only time it bothered me was Inuyasha when there was a clear set goal where they kept taking one step forward and backfliped immediately after.

Posting best ed

I like this one better

To be fair, it gets a bit nuts in maison ikkoku too, though I guess by the end of the series its a part of the plot.

when she transforms into a girl, her brain is a girl's brain

It's literally the point of Maison Ikkoku though so it's not at all the same. UY and Ranma do not need to go anywhere with the relationships because they don't matter beyond them being a vehicle for the comedy. There is no plot. They could have, but at the same they would have just been a different set up for hijinks.
Maison Ikkoku's whole plot however revolves around the fact that Kyoko and Godai are both stalling for their own reasons.

>She's a dude my dude.
Eh, like your mom

ranma gets progressively worse as it goes on.
by factors of 10 each new season.
the more you want to love ranma, the worse it gets.
stick to the best episodes then trash and ignore the rest. i'm serious.

also the animation quality drops and the quality sexy also seriously drops. then it gets gayer and gayer as ranma uses his body to fuck other dudes.

you are 100% right the series goes nowhere and just gets worse and worse dont listen to these faggots.

also akane is one of the most annoying shits in history.

Fucking this

>ranma uses his body to fuck other dudes.
I haven't watched this show in years, when did this happen

>no good Hinako lewds

>Uchi no Tendou Doujou
cute CUTE!

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best couple

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if you watch one episode, you've watched them all

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Only if you're an idiot. Mikado was literally the most shameless womanizing pervert in the series. Even Kuno would be disgusted by Mikado's love 'em and leave 'em attitude.

ranma-chan is for one night stands

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