Blandest anime you can remember?

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I remember subscribing to NewType Magazine for the first time and getting hyped for this with all the concept art they featured.
Then then feeling extremely disappointed when it aired.
But I suppose they learned their lesson because Fairy Tale was successful.

I really liked this series back then, ended up getting one of the games

hunter ex hunter

FMA, watched 1 episode and dropped it. MC was shit and I hope someone gave him a nice beating later on at least for being unlikable retard.

Something from early '00 for sure. It had a lot of forgettable series.
Maybe Green Green, since I know I watched it but I don't have the slightest recollection of it

could barely differentiate personalities between girls

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blend s

I used to love this shit when I was a kid. That opening was dope too


Most of it was a fucking snorefest and a real disappointment.

On a side note, I watched some of Rave Master when I was a pre-teen and thought it was okay but until the "Big Butt Bandits" part. Also since I was a pre-teen, I kept wondering when that guy was going to bone the girl.

Does it have to be strictly anime? Because I remember getting all hyped for episodes of Code Lyoko when I was younger, but now that I look back, I realized that the script for almost every episode was copy+paste, with a sprinkling of "Yeah, just change it a little so it isn't obvious".
If it is strictly anime, MSG Seed. HOLY FUCK I just wanted to get it done and over with. Then my stupid ass decided to watch Seed Destiny, thinking it might get better. NOPE, with a capital NOPE.
IS just made me want to strangle the mc for being so goddamn thick in the head. Stupid git could have been eating international five days a week (Charlotte is best gril) but the dumb fuck just couldn't get the hint.

Holy cringe, batman

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The Pleiades anime. It only had the astronomy porn going for it.

Serial experiments Lain

Anything KyoAni has made in the last 5 years

"Blandest anime you can remember" is almost an oxymoron. I remember watching plenty of bland anime in the early to mid 2000s, but I don't remember anything about them. Not even the titles.

>caring about romance of fictional characters

I'm glad I never ruined my enjoyment of a series with that shit

Bland harem, bland MC but with some special snow flake trait that makes all the girls the girls literally want his seed, bland girls: childhood friend, ohoho and samura girl.
The only reason I remember this one is because it was one of the first anime I've watched.

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Unironically Vinland Saga, is like asking for a plate of crackers.

That show Trigger made about the chuunibyou dude with a shit superpower.

anything by bee train except phantom. Its crazy that there are people on this board who wont even know who bee train are