Say something nice about her

Say something nice about her

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Maybe her series will get translations again soon

Most of the people she kills are bastards who got what they deserved.

I'd rather have no translations than that trash by that attentionwhore who literally just makes shit up we previously had.

The threads were fun

Next chapter when gurrl?!

>t. mangastream

The series is definitively horror shlock, the translations we had captured that perfectly with some kind weird modern twists, but it was fine, this is the type of thing that's just made better by an interesting translation where a direct one would suck the fun and humour out because there's no chance the japanese original is as goofy dialogue wise in any directly translatable way

Nice teeth, would cum on them.
Would also fund her skin treatment by an elite japanese doctor team.

>This bobber

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She has extremely sexy legs

If this ever gets an anime, we need to make sure it gets the shittiest english dub possible to add to schlock enjoyability of it.

Well, it's not the absolute worst horror manga I've ever read.

She’s a girl.

>Well, it's not the absolute worst horror manga I've ever read.

No. That would be Ingoshima.

Is it an actual horror manga or just some gore/revenge fantasy manga?

>muh horror needs to be scary

>Is it an actual horror manga or just some gore/revenge fantasy manga?

It's like Friday The 13th Or Nightmare On Elm Street. It exists purely for the gore , boobies, and schadenfreude.

nice teeth

It does, retard.

Good ol slasher flicks.

>replies immediately about the "memesubs"

Is this one really bent out of shape faggot or what, do you lurk constantly for the chance to complain about the just a prank line or what?

Do you consider jason horror? if you do then this is horror too.


Fuck off, I bet you hate Ghost Stories too.

Shit got canceled

Call Steven Foster, he's the only man for the job.


I'm dying for a conclusion.

Would mating press, she has nice legs and ass

>it's just one line you nerds
Literally you, fuck off retard.

The only people who find this acceptable are ironic weeaboos.

what's so special about that series? it's a shameless copy of some western slashers but dude she's a girl lmao

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>it's a shameless copy of some western slashers
this is exactly the appeal you dingleberry

the art is great but i wish it was put to a more original slasher story

She looka like that girl from aqours

Face to face, no mask, with her babytalking, I think I'd still be hard enough to creampie her.

I'd be even harder than normal

She's great and did everything right.

I like her bloody spermtail eyelashes...

New chapter soon, trust me

Like anything Chillock ""translates"", it's just meme garbage

Better than nothing desu, I was really happy when someone decided to translate Kichikujima

>Better than nothing desu
No, that's actually not true in this case.

I know his translations are memey and sometimes shit but without it I wouldn't get my dose of edgy mangas

I'm going to read the first chapter, what am I in for?

Fun shit and gore

>and sometimes shit
Sometimes? It's always shit, I wouldn't be surprised if the retard doesn't even know japanese, runs his shit on google translate and then make up his favorite meme lines on the go.

Imagine actually defending the retardation incarnate that is Chillock's "translations", the damn thing is pretty much Rewrite tier, mangadex should have a goddamn filter like the Panda with "Rewrite" tags for these abominations.

In all fairness, Ghost Stories Dub isn't really passing itself off as a translation. If you wanted a Ghost Stories translation you could just go watch the Sub version. This shit is just a straight up Abridged Manga passing itself off a translation. Saying "this manga is shit so it's ok" is a retarded as fuck statement and a horror standard to set, I mean I dig Vagabond, if it ever came back i'd want Chillock and his youtube memery as far away as possible but there's still people who would say "Vagabond is shit so it's ok".

>If you wanted a Ghost Stories translation you could just go watch the Sub version
There's also a dub faithful to the japanese script, so the famous gag dub is just a matter of choice really, it isn't imposed on you.

At the very least, Ghost Stories shows it does HAVE the translated script, somewhere. I genuinely don't believe he knows a word of Japanese.

Batoto and Mangadex did good on the scanlator community in that it made easier for people interested in working on something to just start with as few people as possible, not even an IRC or website is needed, but it also opened to floodgates for retarded shit like DWANG and Chillock "translations" to exist, when the scanlation community was more reserved and basically limited to mangahelpers and mangaupdates this kind of "translation" would never receive any support.

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The memscans were the only good thing about this series.

You need to go back.